#plus ondine!!
heatherfield · 6 months
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And me too!!! Redcricket selkie au please and thank you 😊
I knew you'd see that.
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Like, doesn't this just scream Red Cricket?!?!!?
Definitely a little treasure to tuck away and see what I could do with later...
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majestativa · 10 months
Woman with eyes full of tears, Ondine, my muse, my hero, the demon of my art, I adore you for your magic…
The clarity of your ambiguous nature… Its power rushes into me with an insane passion.
— Margarita Karapanou, Rien ne va plus, transl by Karen Emmerich, (2009)
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maspers · 10 months
Ranking the Miracucast by how good of a Doctor Who Companion they'd be.
Marinette: She'd be great at it, but she would also hate it and just want it to be over. She's tired and has no time for this shenaniganry. Please give her this chance to not be involved. 5/10
Alya: Would have SO MANY QUESTIONS. Could do very well, but I can see her veering dangerously close to Adam Mitchell territory. Careful there, Alya. 7/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: I think he'd be a decent TARDIS passenger, but he's the type that'd be part of an ensemble. Wouldn't work as well as a solo companion. 4/10
Chloe: Sorry Chloe fans, but no. The Doctor can pull a redemption arc out of anyone, but they also have no patience for bullcrap. It's just not happening no matter how much I want it to. 1/10
Sabrina: I think she would be great, but the fandom would not like her as a companion. 6/10
Mylene: Yeah, she would not like it. 0/10
Ivan: If Mylene isn't going, then neither is he. 0/10
Rose: Would be absolutely hilarious due to her name alone. Accompanying a Classic Doctor might be better for her. 7/10
Juleka: I don't care what you say she would be excellent and the fandom would love her. Ironically would probably fit better with a NuWho Doctor. 10/10
Kim: The Doctor does not want Kim in the TARDIS. Kim has been in the TARDIS at least once, and the Doctor has vowed that it will be the last time. They're wrong. 4/10
Max: The Doctor would ADORE Markov. Max would be Markov's plus one. 7/10 by proxy
Alix: Pretty sure she already is a companion. Like. In canon. We haven't seen it but it's definitely happened, fight me. Alix/10
Nathaniel: I want to say he'd be great but in my heart I know he would be Very Stressed. Definitely would not want to travel with the Doctor, but would keep getting dragged along by his friends. The fandom would love him though. 5/10
Lila: As she is now? Absolutely not. The Doctor would despise her. -10/10, BUUUUUUT if she was picked up before Volpina (or pre-Chameleon at the latest) I think she could be redeemed like in the Scarlet Lady AU. She would be hilarious. She gives me Turlough vibes. If the Doctor can deal with Turlough and Missy then he can deal with Lila. She has the potential to be unique and have an interesting character arc compared to other companions, and let's be honest NuWho needs something unique and interesting. 8/10
Luka: Like Nino, he works better as part of ensemble. Would be an excellent supporting character for Marinette or Juleka if they were companions, or maybe be a very cool Oneshot Companion like Wilf. 3/10
Kagami: The Doctor would have their work cut out for them, because Kagami is a "stab first ask questions later" person and the Doctor doesn't vibe with that normally. Neither The Doctor nor Kagami would be happy with this arrangement. So naturally Kagami's sole season would be one of the best in the entire show. 9/10
Marc: He would travel with either the Second or Thirteenth Doctors. He would do wonderfully, but his seasons would definitely be more focused on the Doctor than Marc himself. Sorry Marc. 7/10
Ondine: Is too busy keeping Kim out of trouble. And as stated previously, the Doctor does not want Kim in the TARDIS. 2/10
Felix: I just don't think it would work. Felix could definitely be a major recurring character, but somehow I can't really see him actually being a companion proper. He does get bonus points for being British. Perhaps instead of being a companion he spends his free time annoying Torchwood. 3/10
Zoe: She'd be great. But the universe would be Very Cruel to her. People will die, and she will not be happy about it. 8/10
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celestiall0tus · 7 months
The Seven Deadly Kwami Sins
I kinda just said "What if I did this" one night and here we are. This is more an excuse to make kwamis that aren't based off animals, and in this case, demons.
Let's crack into this with the first of them:
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We start with the greatest of sins, Superbia, Kwami of Pride. The only one of the sins to have wings. Oh, and all their names are going to be the latin of their sins (I hope. I tried to do my research, so I'm fairly (not really) confident they're right)
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The second sin we have is Libidine, Kwami of Lust.
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The third is Ira, Kwami of Wrath. This is also an exception to the rule I have with kwami names and holder names. I know Ira is used for Absolution!Ondine, but like, themes.
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The fourth is Desidia, Kwami of Sloth.
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The fifth is Invidia, Kwami of Envy
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The sixth is Gula, Kwami of Gluttony
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Lastly, the seventh is Avaritia, Kwami of Greed.
This is probably the closest to a miracle box you'll get from me, which I'm calling (as of now) Heavenly Light, Hellish Shadow. It's a box meant for the seven sins and the seven virtues, direct contrasts. I figured it'd work well with the kwami system I have, plus, why the fuck not?
Anyway, I might get around to making the seven virtues. We'll see
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Le plus important, ce sont les petits soleils de chaque jour. Un sourire, un mot d'encouragement, un échange, un petit plaisir ou un grand, tout ce qui nous rend heureux, joyeux, vivants. Tous les petits soleils qui illuminent nos journées, à côté desquels, il ne faut surtout pas passer.
Ondine khayat
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gamerknight7310 · 26 days
Miraculous Ship Names
I hate when people just mush characters's names together to have it as their ship name, so I, and two friends of mine, have come up with a couple unique names we think fit all the canon and semi-canon ships of miraculous. I'll also give my brief opinion on what I think of the ship, so be nice as my tastes might be different from yours, but with that out of the way, let's get started.
Name: Catastrophe Ship: Adrinette (Adrien x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: I kind of only see them as just friends
Name: Betrothed Ship: Adrigami Type: Het Opinion: I wished these two got together over what we got in canon
Name: Regal Lily Ship: Alirose (Prince Ali x Rose) Type: Het Opinion: I think it's really cute, but it probably wouldn't last too long
Name: Legally Blonde Ship: Chlodrien (Chloe x Adrien) Type: Het Opinion: I wished these two had a sibling dynamic towards the end of the show, but we can't have nice things
Name: Shining Armor Ship: Chlokim (Chloe x Kim) Type: Het Opinion: I can kind of see the vision with them, definitely toxic for sure
Name: Insecurities Ship: DjWifi (Alya x Nino) Type: Het Opinion: It felt rushed in the episode that introduced them as a couple and I don't know just never felt anything with them
Name: Stockholm Syndrome Ship: Feligami (Felix x Kagami) Type: Het Opinion: It was rushed and Kagami wouldn't realistically hook up with someone that looks like her ex especially their cousin
Name: Toxic Love Ship: Gabenath (Gabriel x Nathalie) Type: Het Opinion: I love how toxic this ship is and wished it continued for the entirety of the Agreste arc
Name: Princess & The Tailor Ship: Gabmilie (Gabriel x Emilie) Type: Het Opinion: I mean… it's alright for what we got in canon, but that's pretty much it
Name: Goths & Roses Ship: Julerose Type: Femslash Opinion: I think these two are absolute cuties and I absolutely love them
Name: Sinking Ship Ship: Kimdine (Kim x Ondine) Type: Het Opinion: I don't like this ship as both people are at fault in the relationship
Name: Just Business Ship: Liladrien (Lila x Adrien) Type: Het Opinion: Eh don't really see it
Name: What Could've Been Ship: Lukanette (Luka x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: This should've been endgame over Adrinette
Name: Infatuated Ship: Marcaniel (Marc x Nathaniel) Type: Slash Opinion: I don't like Nathaniel he's a bitch and Marc deserved better
Name: Delusion Ship: Marikim (Marinette x Kim) Type: Het Opinion: I didn't like how the writers made Kim look evil when he's just a himbo
Name: Gentle Hearts Ship: Myvan (Mylene x Ivan) Type: Het Opinion: I wish we got more of them as I do think they're cute together
Name: Sketches Ship: Nathanette (Nathaniel x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: Eh I don't really see it at all plus this came out on the second episode of the first season so yeah no
Name: Just Friends Ship: Ninette (Nino x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: Honestly this came out of nowhere as it was meant to put Alya and Nino together by the end of the episode
Name: Tell Me Why Ship: Zoenette (Zoe x Marinette) Type: Femslash Opinion: There weren't that many moments with Zoe and all of a sudden she's in love with Marinette yeah fucking right
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crimson-veil-rpg · 3 months
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Bestiaux qui rôdent, se tapissent derrière les masques. Peut-être serez-vous l'un d'entre eux ? Ferez-vous partie des hostiles ou des protecteurs inoffensifs ? Vous ne trouverez ici qu'un aperçu, chaque créature fera l'objet d'une annexe plus détaillée sur le forum, cette liste est non exhaustive et pourrait être amenée à évoluer et grandir au fil du jeu. (tw : meurtres, sang, violence, consommation de sang ou de chair, manipulation) ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. ☾ .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. ☾ .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨
Hostilité envers l'humain * Hostilité envers les autres espèces * Rareté **** Activité : principalement de nuit Regroupement : solitaires
Entités fantomatiques hurlant mélopées funèbres, elles sont les individus qui ont un jour été frappés accidentellement par la faucheuse, alors que cela ne faisait guère partie de leur destin, revenant ainsi à la vie après une expérience de mort imminente. Ces êtres en ont conservé un lien particulièrement fort avec l’au-delà. Simili sorciers protecteurs de clans humains ancestraux, les Banshees perçoivent la mort, la sentent venir. ---------------------------
Hostilité envers l'humain * Hostilité envers les autres espèces * Rareté ** Activité : jour et nuit Regroupement : solitaires ou cercles de trois à dix Dryades
Nymphes des forêts et des landes. Êtres de nature aussi curieux que doux, les Dryades sont pourtant en déclin constant depuis l’aube de l’urbanisation qui dévore chaque jour un peu plus leur habitat naturel. Leurs épidermes se fardent de fleurs et autres feuillages, faisant de ces êtres de véritables écosystèmes vivaces qui ne sont guère de chair et de sang.
Hostilité envers l'humain **** Hostilité envers les autres espèces *** Rareté ** Activité : jour et nuit Regroupement : nids de trois à douze Harpies
Rapaces avisés à la réputation belliqueuse. Mi-oiseau, mi-humanoïde, leurs ailes puissantes se déploient afin de traquer les proies qu’elles saisissent de leurs serres affutées qui semblent pouvoir tout transpercer. Jadis nommées Sirènes, Érinyes voire Sirin Bird, l’évolution leur a donné une seconde apparence, celle d'humanoïdes dissimulant la bête. L’instinct de chasse et le goût sanglant les borde, avides de violence et d’observer la souffrance dont elles se délectent.
Hostilité envers l'humain **** Hostilité envers les autres espèces **** Rareté *** Activité : les nuits de pleine lune Regroupement : solitaires et meutes de deux à vingt Lycans
Malédiction des pupilles de la lune. L’âcre venin d’une monstruosité les a frappés une nuit, gangrenant leurs chairs jusqu’à la lune ronde suivante. Bêtes aux instincts bestiaux qui prédominent sous les effets de l’astre, ils perdent toute conscience de leurs actes lors de leurs transformations en monstruosités mi-hommes mi-loups. Leurs sens demeurent cependant constamment affutés.
Hostilité envers l'humain **** Hostilité envers les autres espèces *** Rareté * Activité : jour et nuit Regroupement : clans de deux à trente sirènes
Aussi surnommées Merrows, Ondines ou Vampires des eaux, elles errent dans l'onde à la recherche d'âmes pour en aspirer la jouvence et ainsi dé-sécher leurs proies sans vergogne. Créatures vicieuses et manipulatrices, elles ont évoluées avec le monde, arpentant en partie les terres afin de mieux saisir leurs proies, qu'elles capturent via de leur charisme. Omniprésentes, il se murmure qu'elles sont plus nombreuses sous l'écume qu'il y a d'êtres humains sur terre.
Hostilité envers l'humain ** Hostilité envers les autres espèces ** Rareté *** Activité : la nuit Regroupement : solitaires ou nid de deux à vingt Stryges
Goules dévoreuses de macchabées. Gargouilles trônant dans les cimetières et reluquant du haut des églises. Elles se figent une fois l'aube levée en malédiction terrible qui les tourmente. Fardeau qui leur donne un aspect monstrueux aux antipodes des êtres humains qu'elles ont un jour été. La nuit les libère, ôte leurs traits de statue. Peu hostiles, elles se font gardiennes, veillent sur l'humanité.
--------------------------- VAMPIRES
Hostilité envers l'humain **** Hostilité envers les autres espèces ** Rareté *** Activité : la nuit Regroupement : solitaires et clans de deux à douze Vampires
Maîtres des nuits brumeuses. Créatures non mortes et non vivantes arpentant les terres sans jamais trouver repos éternel. La faucheuse est omnisciente dans leurs sillages, en ombre qu'ils laissent en relâchant leurs proies. Buveurs de sang, ils glanent l'ichor encore chaud aux gargues de leurs proies. Rigueur cadavérique qui fascine pourtant l'humain depuis toujours.
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baenyth · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-14: The Monkey Miraculous: What the Hell, Kim?
Alright, I've heard a lot about this episode. Apparently it explains the reason why Marinette is such a stalker is because she was traumatized last year from a prank by Chloe when she was confessing to Kim, which makes sense for Kim. He was the third member of Team Chloe in season 1 until Dark Cupid. But apparently he regresses back to his season 1 personality because this is Season 5 and the characterization has gone to hell. Kagami's going to date Adrien's evil twin later in this season. No matter. What's important is Girlsquad Lore.
The eepy sleepy
I know PTSD works in irrational ways, but I have to wonder why it's flaring up now and didn't during Mr. Pigeon 72. They had pretty similar scenarios. Did Kim want to confess to Marinette as well?
Babe, wake up! New outfit models! Model! Hehehe, Adrien was a model. Or was that used in season 4?
Alright, he's just being a himbo at the moment...
Straight to the Akuma!
Water physics!
Welp, in my canon it's two years in a row and every year except for one. The Marc year. Also I like how Marinette has a different hairstyle because the pigtails are to honor Soqueline!
Wow, why did Chloe stop pranking Marinette like that during the next school year? At most she did a gum prank.
This is too much even for Ms. Mendeleiev.
1. Where's Alix?
2. Accidental roast
3. To be fair, Mylene, your mother isn't a hyper-famous person that could easily become a role model for you and your father isn't rich enough to spoil you because of how fucked-up you most likely were that your mother left you.
Yes! Soqueline!
The spy
Yeah, this feels kinda OOC.
I mean, people will probably just think you're a jackass, Chloe.
Now that isn't even realistic writing. That's just an attempt as an excuse.
And now he's back to pre-Dark Cupid. >:(
Looking at Ondine's body and why is her abdomen so damn thin?
Also in general the animation feels more robotic this episode.
Laugh track
Chat Noir's fucking PISSED
Technically, Ladybug's the one at fault there. By stopping Chat like that he was an easy target for Dark Humor. Good name btw
Terlet shard
Oh. Another scene to show how eeeeeevil Chloe is.
The flashback half of this episode would've been good if it was set up back in season 1. Other than that I was right on all counts, plus Chloe's evil feels OOC as well. Disrespectful. Either way, I can start doing my Girlsquad lore next!
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chicinsilk · 1 month
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US Vogue August 15, 1963
On the left, a model wears an evening dress with an Empire neckline, narrow like an Ondine; all black, with a velvet ribbon at the waist under the chest, from the sleeves to the wrists. Worn with hair up under a scarf paved with sequins. By Mademoiselle Ricci, in Celanese acetate and Avisco rayon (Martin fabric). Scarf by Echo. On the right, model in a navy blue velvet dress encrusted with the blackest shimmering jet beads. By Nat Kaplan, with his own velvet stole. In Du Pont nylon (Martin fabric).
À gauche, un modèle porte une robe de soirée au décoletté Empire, étroit comme une Ondine ; tout noir, avec la taille un ruban de velours sous la poitrine, des manches jusqu'aux poignets. Porté avec les cheveux relevés sous une écharpe pavée de paillettes. Par Mademoiselle Ricci, en acétate Celanese et rayonne Avisco (tissu de Martin). Écharpe par Echo. À droite, un modèle en robe en velours bleu marine incrustée de perles de jais scintillantes les plus noires. Par Nat Kaplan, avec sa propre étole en velours. En nylon Du Pont (tissu de Martin).
Photo Horst P. Horst vogue archive
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Random thought: In the "Vox's kids are around for RAM" AU, people are probably curious why Valentino and Velvette keep Vox's children around/alive even though he's "gone." It seems out of character for the big, bad Vees, especially when they've so thoroughly scrubbed the rest of Vox from their branding. Fineas and Ondine aren't public figures, so only people who keep up with overlord affairs even notice they're still around, but regardless, it's a peculiar loose end.
Velvette spreads a rumor (far more effective than a public statement, in her opinion) that Vox made the other Vees sign a contract agreeing to protect/house his kids in the event of his death, and that's why they didn't chuck them out on the streets the second he "died." That's usually enough for whoever the rumor gets back to, but there are some further-removed groups that speculate it might be for some other reason, usually having to do with Valentino.
There's a rumor that the Vees' most important investors/allies have exclusive access to porn of their old leader's adult children. Val and Vel do nothing to try and dispel that type of rumor; it fits with their image, it's better than having people think they keep them around for sentimental reasons, and they don't care enough about Tom and Sarah to put effort into protecting their barely-existent reputations.
Ondine is only vaguely aware of the rumors; she's too socially isolated and focused on caring for her dad to pay them any mind. Fineas is aware of them; he hates them and will try to dispel them whenever he's around someone who seems to believe them, but there's not much he can do. Plus, he can't help but agree with Val and Vel that it’s a preferable explanation to one that might make the Vees seem vulnerable to their enemies.
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msweebyness · 2 months
Tallest to shortest in akuma class, plus extras?
@artzychic27 @imsparky2002
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Actor au: how do they feel about the kiss scenes and are they awkward
Adrien: … There were some moments back when Marinette and I were Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Marinette: Yeah, it was awkward as hell. And, don’t get me wrong, he’s a great kisser, but there were just zero sparks.
Adrien: Kagami called our kiss, “so-so.”
Marinette: Oh, and Luka? Awesome girl, but same as Adrien. No sparks. I-I just wasn’t feeling anything there.
Adrien: But, when we heard I’d be dating Luka and XY, and Mari would kiss Reshma in one scene, we were pretty happy.
Marinette: And no one get any ideas, it’s just a casual kiss to see if there’s anything there. I think Reshma’s supposed to end up with Kagami or Lacey. That’d be pretty cute, a goth and a prep or a crazy girl and a shy girl.
Jean: So… *Giggles* I’m kissing Austin T on screen, and uh… We’re both pretty excited!
Austin T: During the first show, back when we were background characters, I noticed Jean would always be giving me these bedroom eyes, and… *Chuckles* How could I say no?
Jean: Between takes, we’d sneak into the storage closet so no one would hear all the make out noises.
Kim: Don’t get me wrong, Ondine is amazing, gorgeous-
Ondine: Same for Kim, but when we were together… Long-story short, I’m a raging disaster lesbian.
Kim: And I’m proud of her for figuring it out.
Ondine: Enough of that, cuz I’m kissing a girl!
Nathaniel: I’m not sure Marc and I were ever going to kiss in the original show. W-we had all those moments, yet nothing.
Marc: Plus, we were at our fake heights, so we could kiss each other easily. Now I’m all six feet and need to either bend down or pick Nath up.
Nathaniel: When we’re off screen and want to kiss, I’ll put on my Monarch heels so I’m like two or three inches taller.
Marc: It took a lot of convincing the artists to make it so I won’t have on heels as Prince Paon because the last thing I need is to be seven feet. *Mutters* Stupid long legs.
Nathaniel: This is what you get for drinking milk.
Marc: Hey! I like milk.
Juleka/Rose: *Casually making out*
Ivan/Myléne: *Casually making out*
Juleka/Ivan: *Reach over and fist bump each other*
Ismael: I’m sure you already know Alix, Lila, and I aren’t ending up with anyone.
Lila: And I’m totally fine with that.
Alix: Exactly! We don’t need to be in relationships to have fun. In fact, Ismael and I are showing Lila how to skateboard later.
Lila: And I’m nervous as hell.
Ismael: Hey, hey, trust us. We got you.
Lila: I’m not sure I can trust one of the cast gremlins.
Cosette/Zoé: *Casually making out*
Director: Observe the lesbian and bisexual making out after reading the synopsis for the New York Special.
Nino: Hey, it’s no different than when we were dating on the original show.
Alya: Except now this guy can’t keep his hands off my hair.
Nino: Because it’s so long and pretty now!
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celestiall0tus · 20 days
May I request Alix for the ask game?
Oh, fun! Alix, let's crack into this!
I like her aesthetic overall.
Nothing to hate.
Timetagger. We got to see the baddie Alix grew up to be. Plus Bunnyx!
Uh, whatever season Bunnyx is in I suppose.
Something, something about Marinette being crazy
Adult Alix's fit was fucking beautiful.
OTP is a tough one. I don't really see her with anyone from the show based on canon.
Brotp is her and Kim. Maybe with Ondine thrown in there. But definitely her and Kim.
She is that rebel tough girl.
For more Alix in the show.
Please don't write her out again.
Cool, no nonsense, skater, rebel
No nickname for her.
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«  Dans ma poitrine, il y a un cœur pour ranger tous les gens que j’aime. Des fois, je pose la main sur mon cœur, et je tends l’oreille. Les battements de nos cœurs, c’est rien d’autre que les murmures de tous ceux qui habitent dedans. Quand il n’y a plus personne, il s’arrête de battre. Il faut un grand cœur pour y mettre tous les gens qu’on aime, et laisser de la place à tous ceux qu’on va aimer, mais qu’on ne connaît pas encore. Un grand cœur en forme de loft, même si on doit abattre des tas de cloisons. Un cœur avec des fenêtres pour voir le ciel, et dessiner dessus des beaux nuages en barbe à papa. « 
Ondine Khayat
📸Stefen Caroll
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clyde-wy · 2 years
Quick PSA that if you don't hear about Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD during pokemon debates or else, it's because it is publically and canonically acknowledged that both of these games are absolutely uncategorizable. They were ahead of their times and offered so many cool concepts that it would shatter to pieces anybody's argument against that idea. This is the one time where it's not about taste, but objectivity.
In Pokemon Colosseum:
There are obscure pokemons. Ondine (Misty in eng), can see their aura, and so you need to catch and purify them. You can use an enchanted flute or make them fight to empty their darkness. When they go into hypermode, call them and they will lose a larger quantity of obscurity.
Sacha (i guess Ash in eng), is a mafia member, not a 10 year old. He doesn't want to be the best he wants to be a criminal who fights for what's right. The game starts, and you see Sacha EXPLODING THE FUCKING MAFIA HQ with the Snatch system that allows him to snatch (steal), other ppl's pokemons. In the middle of the fucking desert you already betray everyone and you leave with a Mentali and Noctali. In a fucking Tron-Akira-like motorbike.
There are Colosseums, which basically are tournaments, that's four fights plus one boss.
You can exchange pokemons with gameboy advance versions, meaning my team on Colosseum ended being Groudon and Rayquaza going in first.
Because yes, that's two pokemons each fight. It makes the whole thing way more tactical and engaging.
There's an underground network of kids doing illegal things and you join them in order to go further into the story.
Plot twists.
Pokemon XD has:
I forgot most of it, but the idea is kind of the same, you basically purify obscure pokemons and save them.
I remember the ending, where the final boss only has obscure pokemons so you can't beat them, you have to capture them all. It's really tactical.
The true final boss is the Legendary Obscure Lugia called XD0001. This shit fucking slaps.
Pretty much everything in these games slap hard af. They are the absolute summit of what Pokemon has to offer in terms of music, animations, characters, character devloppment, enemies, area designs and really fun concepts. I truly will never be able to tell you in proper words what those two games brought me and my brother. Especially to me. Pokemon XD was borrowed so i didn't get to play it as much as Colosseum, but both gave me a lot. And that's a lot i want other people to experience. Whatever tf is coming out these days holds no candles to the two masterpieces, and gamefreaks employees are clearly exploited at this point. But i would say, if you ever have the opportunity to play either of these two and especially Colosseum, do not hesitate one second. It changed my life for the best.
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mysadecstasy · 2 years
A dos de murène je fends les airs comme un glaive d’or La fougue cuirassée des premiers instants est intacte Par-delà les mers j’avale les horizons Je dévore le temps perdu Je cours vers tes bras chauds comme du sang Vers tes bras doux comme des roses Vers ton cœur en camisole Extasié sur nos heures dévorées Avant le déluge Avant le massacre Le recommencement me tend ses bras miséricordieux A travers les brumes je sens poindre une nouvelle aube Un nouveau soleil craché au son déchiré Déchiré comme des violons rances Dans la beauté de la violence d’une apparition Avec la grâce d’un dévoilement sublime Au loin se tisse la toile des rêves à accomplir Dévêtir son âme Enduire son cœur Entre les mascarades Nu sous le ciel lourd comme mille pyramides je cours vers mon espérance Tu es là quelque part Sans doute entre mes mains ou entre mes rêves dansants Peut-être au-delà des doutes épais Dans les gorges escarpées des désirs insatisfaits Je t’imagine Enlacée à l’attente Suave de détachement Oublieuse des premiers désirs Exaltée comme une ondine dans des eaux limpides Unique et diaphane devant l’éternel Ton aura dévore les nuits sauvages de tes incertitudes J’arrive ma jolie Ma reine J’arrive en ton sein mielleux Me blottir et panser mes douleurs J’arrive à dos de murène par-delà les mers déchaînées Noires comme l’ébène Sauvages comme des hommes Ecumeuses comme tes saccades de plaisir Dormante que tu étais en ce jour de juin Quelque part entre la félicité et une rivière gracile Les herbes hautes caressant ton visage Bouche entrouverte Soleil planté J’admirais l’éternité Et plus tard à la fête du village nous jouions à attraper des peluches Le mauvais alcool embrumait nos yeux étourdis d’amour Cinq mille deux cent quarante-sept pas jusque la maison nichée dans la colline La douce odeur du pin et du thym La couche défaite de la veille Sous le drap blanc Un dernier verre Grand égarement de nos plaisirs dans l’immense pièce chaude Grand égarement de nos envies entre nos bras coulants de plaisir Elle était belle la nuit Étirée comme la traîne d’une étoile filante Enivrée comme les bouteilles vides sur la table en bois C’est partout la famine Et nous dévorons comme des gloutons Jusqu’à la perdition de la satiété avide Mes mains dans les tiennes Drapées de pureté Excitées de désirs fou La nuit s’étirait vers sa belle mort Et c’est mars à l’horizon qui brillait encore dans la lumière cuivrée de l’horizon L’aube sublime Lumière d’empyrée Dévasté le noir gluant pointillé d’argent Lumière Lumière sur notre amour Mais alors Quand avons-nous quitté la route Quel jour sonna le grand fracas Un mercredi peut-être… Qu’importe Un jour funeste certainement La nuit La longue traversée Sans repère ni promesse Suffoquant la peine Suffoquant comme un crucifié jusqu’à apercevoir la lumière Un point Plus petit que ton sein Mais un point d’or et de feu Dans mon immuable certitude Sur le dos de ma murène je viens à toi Je viens à toi reconstruire notre pyramide Les mains en sang peut-être La soir terrible sous le travail harassant Mais par amour tout devient juteux Tout devient juste et grand même l’impossible
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