#archimedes water screw
How to worldbuild:
1: Don't try to do everything at once. Better define a setting by what cannot happen in it rather than what can. A world without tech more advanced than an Archimedes screw water pump is already more defined than a world where all animals can be hybridized.
2: Make things internally realistic, not externally. Unicorns and fairies don't exist in real life, but in your setting? They better be credible.
3: Continuity and consistency. If you put "but" into statements too many times, the picture of the world will be full of exceptions and broken rules, which raises the question - why are they (the rules) there in the first place if they are broken in the next sentence? Put things simply, even the most complex concepts can be explained through metaphors.
4: Reference yourself. Once you've wrote something, attach it to something you wrote previously. Relationships between kingdoms, the effect of this specific material on the economy and technology, why don't mages just hypnotize the monarchs and bind their will and so on.
5: Have fun :D
And lastly, remember that one and the same world will look different from different narratives. A farmer from Ancient Greece will see the world one way, a modern Twitch streamer - in an other way, a shrimp or pillbug will have a completely different worldview too but they all live on the same planet. So narrative matters.
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alienducky · 5 months
Having thoughts about hygiene in Fodlan again, and screw it I'm gonna share my over thinking about things that probably shouldn't have been thought about to begin with
Does Fodlan have running water and flushing toilets? Or rather, do the nobles and fancier merchants and possibly the church have running water and flushing toilets?
I'm going to assume that the smaller towns and villages are probably stuck with town wells, then outhouses and chamber pots, because of the in game maps and the faux-medieval vibes of the games, but with the bigger towns and cities, it's possible?
I don't really care if the running water is provided by mundane utility magic, or if the windmills we see behind the greenhouse in Houses is acting as an Archimedes screw and bringing water up from somewhere to put in the aqua duct for the fishpond and there's another that fills the bath house, it's more a "do they have running water for taps to wash their hands after using the toilet/privy/whatever, or wash before they prepare food" sort of thing.
(side note of I've considered the baths and have made a poll about them before, and head canon that there are a mix of large communal baths and smaller individual ones, and while the individual ones would get filled and emptied each use the communal ones would probably be like Roman baths or onsen, which I haven't looked into because distractions) (the baths also point me towards them being more "wash every day so we're clean" sort of society, rather than having a "drown ourselves in perfume so we can't smell that none haven't washed in weeks" vibe that I've read about in Horrible History books, which also point towards hand washing, but I have no evidence either way)
But it's the toilets and resulting sewage I'm wondering at the most. Because if, say, the monastery had sewage pipes built in because toilets are A Thing, then that sewage needs to go somewhere.
(Which if I remember right is something of a plot point with Cornelia because she implemented a sewage system in Fhirdiad to help with the plague? So they have at least some knowledge of this stuff... Though why Rhea hadn't tried to install one at any point before that if she knew about them is very hmm)
And it makes me question and side eye the open waterways in Abyss a whole lot more than I had when I assumed they are simply channeling the water from some underground spring at the top of a mountain (that may or may not be where Sothis "landed" but that's a whole other tangent and headcanon) into that great chasm so that the space under Garreg Mach doesn't fill with water and crumble/erode away
Because if that water is in fact old bath water and etc, then that's going to make Abyss rather fragrant
Of course, if we go with no they don't have flushing toilets then Abyss gets infinitely better, but I then have questions about their toilet situation, because the little bit of research I managed to do about medieval Europe toiletry habits wasn't exactly helpful?
Lead to some interesting sidetracks about people's bladders bursting because it was impolite to excuse yourself mid meal, but I digress
The biggest thing I took away from it all was don't drink water from downstream of a town. And. Well. With the monastery being at the top of a mountain and that being where a lot of waterways start, it's very, ya know
Anyway. Lots of thoughts. No answers. Please discuss with me if you got this far?
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I’m a civil engineer and I loved your wastewater treatment post! I don’t work in that field but I always love seeing fellow enthusiasts of all aspects of our built environment :) I got to tour a very large municipal WWTP in school and it was awesome
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I got to tour a medium-sized municipal plant shortly before I switched fields and it was so fun. My favorite parts were the Archimedes Screw they were using to help aerate the wastewater and the gravel bed they were using as part of their finishing process. Since it was part of finishing, there were fewer nutrients in the water, but still enough to nurture a nice hardy weed. We asked the manager giving us the tour if she ever had trouble with roots clogging the filter. She explained that they did have pesticides they could use if they wanted, but their preferred method of weed control was to periodically send an operator out with a blow torch and have him fry any offending weeds into oblivion. "They just have a grand old time out here," she said.
That mental image of a man in steel-toes, grubby jeans, and hi-vis, frolicking across a gravel bed, busting weeds with his little flamethrower, has brought me much joy over the years. ✨
A civil engineer! Thank you for your service! The built environment is endlessly fascinating to me, particularly after I got overly invested in stormwater management. You have the ability to do so much cool stuff! Thanks for stopping by!
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energyevolutionexpo · 25 days
Hydropower Trends in 2025: Detailed Exploration of Innovations
In 2025, the hydropower industry is at the cusp of transformative innovations that promise to enhance efficiency, environmental sustainability, and flexibility. Below is a detailed exploration of each trend, highlighting the cutting-edge technologies and the companies pioneering these advancements.
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1. Hydropower Technology Upgrades
Technological advancements in hydropower are primarily focused on increasing system efficiency and adaptability. For instance, Voith Hydro, a leading player in the field, is developing technologies that enable turbines to operate efficiently across a wide range of hydraulic conditions. This innovation enhances the turbines' ability to integrate with other renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, by adapting to varying input conditions and grid demands.
One notable startup in this space is Hydrosyst, based in the UK. They specialize in Permanent Magnet Generators (PMGs) for hydropower applications. Their product line includes low-speed, medium-speed, and steam turbine (cogenerator) models, available in both horizontal and vertical axis configurations. These generators are compact yet powerful, delivering high performance even at low speeds, making them well-suited for electricity production. Hydrosyst supplies these advanced generators to both new and existing hydroelectric power plants.
Another innovative company, Littoral Power Systems from the US, designs and installs modular turbines and systems for small-scale hydropower projects. Their turbine models, such as Reakt, TorrStrom, and FlexStream Crossflow, are engineered to improve the efficiency of small hydropower systems. Littoral Power Systems uses a modular construction approach known as the h-modulor system, which facilitates the upgrade of existing sites and the activation of non-powered dams. They also provide a remote management system called k-IOT, which integrates data on water availability, weather conditions, operational performance, and current energy prices to optimize hydro plant operations.
Technological advancements in hydropower are primarily focused on increasing system efficiency and adaptability. For instance, Voith Hydro, a leading player in the field, is developing technologies that enable turbines to operate efficiently across a wide range of hydraulic conditions. This innovation enhances the turbines' ability to integrate with other renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, by adapting to varying input conditions and grid demands.
2. Modular Power
Modular power generation systems offer an efficient solution for deploying and scaling hydropower plants by utilizing innovative technologies. These systems incorporate elements like gravity hydraulic machines, water wheels, and Archimedes screws to enhance energy production while reducing operational expenses. Turbines, such as very low-head, hydrokinetic turbines, and pumps as turbines (PATs), are also integral, providing improved power output and minimizing costs. Advanced technologies, including current-controlled rotors and double-fed induction machines, enable turbines to quickly adjust to load changes, ensuring stable energy generation and maintaining constant frequency. Modular systems are designed for scalability and cost-effectiveness, utilizing prefabricated units that can be assembled on-site to significantly cut down on construction time and expenses.
In the modular hydropower sector, companies like NuSTREEM, AdaptVerticalMills, and Matel exemplify the innovations driving this field. NuSTREEM's NuCONTAINER system, AdaptVerticalMills’ autonomous modular wind turbines, and Matel’s frameless permanent magnet generators showcase how startups are contributing to the advancement of modular energy solutions by making them more accessible, sustainable, and efficient.
3. Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology
Marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) technology is emerging as a valuable addition to the portfolio of renewable energy sources, particularly in coastal regions where wave and tidal power offer a reliable and clean energy alternative. This technology captures energy from the natural movement of ocean currents, tides, and waves to produce electricity, without the need for large dams. Advances in MHK technology include barrage systems, tidal stream generators, and instream hydrokinetic devices, which efficiently harness the power of moving water.
MHK systems are designed to operate in various aquatic environments, providing renewable energy solutions where traditional hydropower may not be viable. These technologies are often modular, allowing for easy deployment and scalability, while also minimizing environmental impact. 
Companies like Fish Friendly Hydro, Zoex, and Energyminer are at the forefront of this innovation. Fish Friendly Hydro’s Picostream turbine, Zoex’s ActiveFender technology, and Energyminer’s Energyfish hydrokinetic plants exemplify how startups are leveraging MHK technology to create sustainable and efficient energy solutions for different aquatic environments.
4. Novel Turbines
Hydropower plants are adopting novel turbine designs to improve efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. Innovations like very-low-head turbines, vortex turbines, Alden turbines, and minimum gap runner turbines allow power plants to generate more electricity without altering the natural water flow. Very-low-head turbines are particularly effective in low-water head environments, making them ideal for locations with limited water resources. Alden turbines are designed to minimize fish injuries while enhancing efficiency, and vortex turbines are suited for low-speed water flows. Additionally, minimum gap runner turbines utilize variable gap technology to boost efficiency and reduce material costs.
These new turbine designs are transforming the hydropower industry by enhancing energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact. For instance, Gaia Turbine SA is advancing the micro-hydropower sector with turbines optimized for low-flow conditions that are also fish-friendly, making them ideal for retrofitting existing hydropower installations. Meanwhile, Finnrunner, a Finnish startup, offers 3D-printed turbines made from composite materials, including Pelton, Francis, Kaplan, and Crossflow turbines. These resource-efficient solutions are available for both existing and new small to medium-scale hydropower plants. BluPower, an Indian startup, is also innovating with its Vortex Turbine, a plug-and-play solution designed for decentralized micro-hydro systems that ensures low maintenance, environmental safety, and is well-suited for rural communities.
5. Power Injectors
Water pressure and flow are essential factors that influence turbine capacity in hydropower plants. When water levels are low, the limited flow can reduce turbine performance. Power injectors, such as axial water injection, tangential water injection, and two-phase air-water injection, address this issue by introducing high-pressure water jets into the turbine's intake, creating a venturi effect that increases water intake. These injectors are employed in both low-head and high-head hydropower systems to boost overall power output. Additionally, power injectors enhance the flexibility of hydropower plants by improving control over water flow and energy output. This allows for better response to grid demands and contributes to grid stability by storing excess energy during low-demand periods and releasing it during peak demand.
In this field, XFLEX Hydro is integrating power injectors with battery energy storage systems to create hybrid plants capable of quickly responding to grid fluctuations. Meanwhile, Powerturbines, a Spanish startup, manufactures hydraulic turbines that work alongside pressure-reducing valves (PRVs) to optimize energy generation. Their turbines, including nano turbines and grid-tied turbines, are ideal for applications in river dams, irrigation facilities, and rural homes, supporting small-scale power generation and enhancing grid integration.
6. Performance Analytics
Hydropower plants utilize performance analytics to assess their efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. By employing technologies such as hydro efficiency analysis and combination curve optimization, these plants can evaluate performance outputs and capacity utilization. These tools also allow for the analysis of water flow rates, head, and turbine efficiency to accurately determine the plant's power output. Additionally, numerical cloning enables the creation of digital replicas of hydropower plants, allowing operators to study their behavior under various operating conditions and identify potential design issues, ultimately optimizing overall performance.
In this context, Wegaw, a Swiss startup, offers hydropower data monitoring solutions that optimize energy generation and trading through the analysis of snow and water data. The startup uses earth observation, remote sensing, and machine learning to provide both historical and real-time insights, helping energy companies reduce imbalances and improve trade efficiencies. Meanwhile, Anvil Labs, a US-based startup, specializes in drone-based turbine monitoring. Their platform captures and analyzes high-resolution 3D models and detailed data, enabling wind turbine operators to enhance safety, shorten inspection times, and plan maintenance more effectively through the use of digital twins and advanced analytics.
7. Aquatic Life Preservation
Hydropower development has significant economic, environmental, and social impacts, making the preservation of aquatic life a crucial focus in both existing and new projects. To address these concerns, advancements in turbine designs—such as hydrokinetic turbines, very low head turbines, and minimum gap runner turbines—are being developed to enable safe aquatic life migration through hydropower plants. The growing adoption of pumps as turbines and fish ladders further supports the generation of electricity while maintaining ecological balance.
The impact of hydropower on aquatic ecosystems has long been a concern, leading to the development of innovations that protect aquatic life. Technologies like fish-friendly turbines and bypass systems allow fish to safely navigate around turbines, significantly reducing mortality rates. These innovations are essential for gaining regulatory approvals and maintaining ecological balance in rivers and other water bodies.
In this context, Fish Friendly Hydro has developed turbines specifically designed to minimize fish mortality. Alongside, Australian startup Kinetic NRG has introduced an environmentally friendly Micro Hydropower Kit, optimized for low-velocity water flow. Additionally, US-based GenH focuses on clean energy technologies that ensure safe fish migration through modular hydropower systems, contributing to the ecological sustainability of hydropower projects.
8. Simulations
Startups are leveraging advanced technologies like real-time simulations, digital twins, and smart modeling to reduce the operational costs of hydropower plants. These innovations enable real-time predictive maintenance, using data analytics to provide operators with immediate insights into the condition of assets, which improves maintenance planning. By allowing for targeted, proactive maintenance, these technologies help reduce maintenance costs, increase plant uptime, and extend the lifespan of equipment.
In the design and optimization phase, advanced simulation tools play a crucial role. They allow engineers to model different operational scenarios, anticipate potential challenges, and fine-tune designs to enhance efficiency and minimize costs. This approach ensures that new hydropower projects are economically viable and environmentally sustainable, reducing the risks associated with large-scale investments and leading to more reliable outcomes.
Among the companies at the forefront of these innovations, Annea, a UK-based startup, has developed a digital twin platform that uses IoT for condition-based predictive and prescriptive maintenance of hydropower machinery. Meanwhile, Austrian startup Hydrogrid offers real-time simulations through its Hydrogrid Insight platform, which utilizes self-learning and machine learning algorithms to optimize plant operations, providing detailed insights and forecasts to both modern and older hydropower facilities.
9. Dynamic Pumped Hydropower
Dynamic pumped hydropower is an advanced form of hydroelectric energy storage that leverages the elevation difference between two water reservoirs to generate electricity. This system operates by pumping water to a higher reservoir when energy demand is low and releasing it to generate power during peak periods. The latest advancements in this field, such as variable-speed turbines and hybrid systems, are enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of energy storage and distribution. Innovations in pump design and materials further reduce the energy required for water movement, while SCADA systems provide real-time monitoring and control, optimizing overall system performance. These advancements are increasingly being integrated into existing hydropower plants, improving their capability to support variable renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
In the realm of dynamic pumped hydropower, RheEnergise, a UK-based startup, has introduced high-density hydro solutions that utilize a specialized fluid to enable operations on lower elevation sites, reducing both construction costs and environmental impact. Additionally, the Swedish startup Mine Storage offers grid-scale energy storage solutions by utilizing the gravitational potential of water in underground mines, providing a flexible and efficient energy storage method to support zero-carbon grids.
10. Artificial Channeling
Artificial channeling involves the construction of engineered waterways like canals or tunnels to enhance the flow of water for energy production, while reducing environmental impacts. This method is increasingly being used as an alternative to traditional dam-based hydropower, particularly in ecologically sensitive areas. By directing water through controlled channels, it is possible to optimize energy generation and lessen the negative effects on local ecosystems, such as wildlife and water quality. This approach is particularly beneficial in remote areas, allowing for the generation and distribution of electricity without significant disruption to natural water bodies.
In this context, innovative startups are making strides. For instance, GedCo from Iran has developed a Floating Drum Turbine for run-of-river hydropower, which uses microturbines to generate electricity from water streams. Meanwhile, Bluenergy Solutions from Singapore offers hydrokinetic turbines designed for both off-grid and grid-connected markets, providing versatile solutions for renewable energy generation.
The hydropower industry in 2025 is characterized by a wave of innovations that not only enhance the efficiency and flexibility of energy production but also prioritize environmental sustainability. Companies like Voith Hydro, Fish Friendly Hydro, and Gaia Turbine SA are leading the charge with groundbreaking technologies that promise to keep hydropower a key player in the global shift towards renewable energy. As these trends continue to evolve, hydropower will remain an indispensable component of the energy mix, offering reliable, sustainable, and increasingly eco-friendly power generation options. We need to keep up with all recent innovations to reap maximum benefits and to facilitate a better understanding of the latest developments and trends in the Renewable energy Industry, various Conferences and Expos, which bring Industry leaders together, serve as an all-inclusive platform. The Energy Evolution Awards, Conference, and Expo organized by Next Business Media is making its debut in Spain in 2025. It will be a leading forum dedicated to honoring excellence in Energy Technology, showcasing innovations, and fostering collaborations. The events unite industry leaders, and visionaries to explore the latest advancements, tackle key challenges, and shape the future of Energy. The Energy Evolution Awards, Conference, and Expo will celebrate outstanding achievements, promote sustainable practices, and drive the Energy Industry forward into a technologically advanced sustainable era.  Energy Evolution Awards, Conference, and Expo will be a platform for cultivating innovation and shaping a brighter, more efficient energy landscape.
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laurazukerman-blog · 1 month
Archimedean Screws and Turbines
Archimedean screws, also known as Archimedes’ screws, are ancient hydraulic machines that remain relevant in modern engineering. Here’s an overview of this ingenious device: Design and Function The Archimedes screw consists of a helical surface wrapped around a central cylindrical shaft, enclosed within a hollow pipe or open trough[1]. As the screw rotates, it scoops up water at the lower end…
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writer59january13 · 2 months
After drenching biblical rainfall...
verdant green acres covered the planet of the apes like a petticoat junction donning barrel of skinny dipping monkeys. Once drought stricken vast landscape far as the eye could see suddenly flush with promise of budding new shoots and ladders for vine companions harkened prelapsarian Edenic prominence, when mother nature resplendent videre licet morning glory of primeval Earth pregnant with multitudinous color pallette regaled bipedal forerunners
of humankind with panoramic pristine kingdom, where legendary tropical verdure availed countless plant and animal species teeming with flora and fauna offering veritable Smörgåsbord to plethora of herbivores and omnivores, where expansive webbed wide world subtly hinted, negotiated and suggested horn and hardart of good and plenty. Lush vegetation adrip with downpour aftermath tempted all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful to emerge from their respective hideaway courtesy the palpable pulsation of Gaia exuding potential power to proliferate gifting superlatives linkedin to survival of the fittest blessing natural advantageous propensities to buzzfeed capital one reproductive traits redeeming symbiotic qualities with generations of beneficial mutations at evolutionarily optimal junctures though devoid of thinking beings to witness or record phenomenal events. Nasty short beasts proliferated refining technique to do the wild thing stir (fried) crazy as concupiscent bison teen in estrus while shuffling off to Buffalo, (or where that city in the United State of America would take shape) hashtagging where x marks the spot made within man/woman caves
that did be hoof anthropologists even nearly a bajillion years later.
Imagine dragons galumphing during flintstone age culture club wielding proto humans impossible mission their mental acuity to gauge
of Homo neanderthalensis
very intelligent and accomplished humans, Whereby current evidence from both fossils and DNA suggests that Neanderthal and modern human lineages separated at least 500,000 years ago. Some genetic calibrations place their divergence at about 650,000 years ago,
nevertheless amongst the scattered clans there probably lurked an anonymous sage smart enough to induce quantum leap did jump/kick start scattered population with wits about them to sustain their existence.
Appearance of super duper wiseacre invariably punctuated Homo sapiens progenitors as an unknown mover and shaker,
who helped fledgling forebears of contemporary people to discover trappings to weasel out from being between a rock and a hard place and squirrel away linens and things for anticipated future creature comfort or necessity.
Imponderable and inscrutable poetic philosophical meanderings of mine (expounded upon while I nourished myself on a snicky snack prepared by the missus – graham cracker with Almond butter plus Rhubarb jam) found me most unexpectedly tangentially linkedin with the invaluable scientific knowledged bequeathed to civilization courtesy the greatest thinker for Grecian formula(s).
Noah (way) did Archimedes
(born c. 287 BCE, Syracuse, Sicily
[Italy]—died 212/211 BCE, Syracuse)
discover flood insurance nor prevention, but hands down he ranked as the most famous mathematician and inventor in ancient Greece. He is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder. He is known for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle (known as Archimedes’ principle) and a device for raising water, still used, known as the Archimedes screw. There are nine extant treatises by Archimedes in Greek.The principal results in On the Sphere and Cylinder (in two books) are that the surface area of any sphere of radius r is four times that of its greatest circle (in modern notation, S = 4πr2) and that the volume of a sphere is two-thirds that of the cylinder in which it is inscribed (leading immediately to the formula for the volume, V = 4/3πr3). Archimedes was proud enough of the latter discovery to leave instructions for his tomb to be marked with a sphere inscribed in a cylinder.
Measurement of the Circle is a fragment of a longer work in which π (pi), the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, is shown to lie between the limits of 3 10/71 and 3 1/7. Archimedes’ approach to determining π, which consists of inscribing and circumscribing regular polygons with a large number of sides, was followed by everyone until the development of infinite series expansions in India during the 15th century and in Europe during the 17th century.
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floresjostyn · 11 months
Modern history: The ingenious evolution of water pumps
Although today's water pumps are very advanced compared to their older counterparts, a glimpse into the past allows us to better appreciate how this grandiose project evolved. Ever since 2000 BC, when the Egyptians invented a rudimentary device to draw water from wells, pumps have been an indispensable part of our lives. It is true that the pumps of that time are very simple by today's standards, but we must keep in mind that the first water pumps date back to about a thousand years of existence.
But… ¿What is a water pump?
Is a device that increases water pressure and distributes water from one point to another. It can be used to move water from one place to another for use as drinking or irrigation water, or to remove water from an area to prevent damage. The main function of Water pumps is to get rid of excess water or transfer water between two points.
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The history of the water pump dates back to 2000 BC. Egyptians invented the shadoof to raise water. It uses a long suspended rod with a bucket at one end and a weight at the other. As we have said before, the Egyptians were the precursors of this ingenious device, however, it looked very different from modern water pumps. It does not exactly describe the operation of a pump, but this is the first proof from history that states that man has always been looking for gadgets to make it easy to transport water. As expected, this invention evolved progressively. In the year 200 BC Greek inventor and mathematician Ctesibius invented the water organ, an air pump with valves on the bottom, a tank of water in between them and a row of pipes on top. This is the main design that is now known as the reciprocating pump. After the fall of the Roman Empire, progress on these bombs was halted for almost a millennium and a half. Only until the period of enlightenment where emphasis was again placed on hydraulic science.
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But we will move on to what has been one of the greatest inventions made by Archimedes, which was the screw pump and which is still used today. Simple but ingenious invention that is still seen today in various parts of the world. Rural areas that don’t have electricity use the screw pumps to raise water for irrigation. Another significant contribution during this era was made by Ctesibus from Alexandria in Egypt. He was the inventor of the force pump, which is a type of hand-operated pump. It consists of a cylinder along with a top-mounted plunger, which was used to draw water via valves.
Thanks to the fact that the invention of this invention was reborn during the period of enlightenment and over the next couple of centuries, new ideas and inventions began to flood the market, all of which led to the design of modern day pumps.
As clear examples we can highlight the inventors of the following generations of water pumps:
-Gear Pump: In the year 1593, a Frenchman named Nicolas Grollier de Serviere charted the early designs for a gear pump. Later in 1636, a German engineer named Pappenheim invented the double, deep-toothed rotary gear pump that is still used for lubricating engines even today.
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-Centrifugal Pump: Invented in the 17th century by Denis Papin.
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-Savery pump:  In the year 1698, an inventor Thomas Avery created a pump that used steam for operation.
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As we have seen before, the first model of what would become a "water pump" was something so simple with a structure of a lever that served to raise water from a river, canal, reservoir to a well, for purposes of irrigation or domestic and animal use. That is why it shares an important connection with the basic needs of current civilizations. Regardless of the application, all pumps have one common purpose – to dispatch liquids. These devices progressed until modern times, fulfilling almost the same functions and needs compared to people in ancient times.
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jimenezbianca · 11 months
Archimedes screw
The Archimedean screw was an invention for the harvest and its waste of water for the crop, Archimedes upon seeing this decided to try to invent something to help.
It was invented in the 3rd century BC, he designed it on his trip to Egypt, since they used similar but more primitive machines. In Egypt they were being invaded from all sides, and there was no guaranteed source of water either.
Archimedes was a Greek physicist and mathematician, who with his inventions helped with great progress, known as the father of hydrostatics. Walking through the sea, measuring surfaces, and because of this he arrived in Egypt to invent the Archimedes screw.
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His invention has been a help so that the world can cultivate and not damage its crops, since the system created controls enough water to extract and irrigate its crops.
Lately there have been many problems with water and crops due to the change in climate and knowing that through the system created by Aquimedes they can overcome a little, they have managed to collect subsoil water to continue with their crops.
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To conclude, the Archimedes screw was a spontaneous invention that helps not to waste water from reserves but rather to find their own water to cultivate and thus have more water sources.
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shriankenterprise · 1 year
Understanding Different Types of Hydraulic Pumps
Understanding Different Types of Hydraulic Pumps – Hydraulic pumps are essential tools widely utilized across different sectors. These devices find applications in various industrial and mobile hydraulic machinery, ranging from cranes and tractors to loaders and vacuum trucks. Given their versatility, hydraulic pumps are a mainstay in mining, vehicle manufacturing, oil and gas, forestry, marine, agriculture, and construction. It’s no wonder that according to Technavio, the global hydraulic pump market is projected to witness a considerable growth of $3.53 billion (£2.82 billion) between 2021 and 2026.
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One can say that hydraulic pumps are the beating heart of hydraulic systems. The primary role of a hydraulic pump is to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, characterized by a blend of flow and pressure. Essentially, any device that can be manipulated to create force and generate pressure, resulting in flow, qualifies as a hydraulic pump.
Different Types of Hydraulic Pumps
The world of hydraulic pumps encompasses three fundamental types: 
Vane pumps. 
These pump classifications further branch into distinct subcategories, such as fixed and variable displacement pump types.
Powered by Electricity
Electrically driven hydraulic pumps are powered by electric motors, serving as vital energy sources for hydraulic systems. Modern electric pumps are particularly effective for smaller to medium-sized hydraulic tools, making them ideal for applications necessitating convenient pump mobility.
Manual Operation with Hydraulic Hand Pumps
Hydraulic hand pumps operate through manual force exerted on an actuator, propelling the fluid. This actuator can be a handle, lever, or toggle. Hydraulic hand pumps find utility in various applications, including water pumping and hydraulic fluid distribution.
Air-Driven Hydraulic Pumps
Air hydraulic or pneumatic hydraulic pumps utilize compressed air to initiate pump action, converting pressurized liquids into energy. These pumps play a vital role across multiple industries, facilitating the lifting of heavy loads and transporting materials with reduced initial force.
Portable Cordless Battery-Powered
Hydraulic Pumps High-pressure cordless battery-powered hydraulic pumps are prized for their safety, speed, and portability. They prove invaluable in remote settings lacking power sources, ensuring efficiency and convenience. These cordless pumps find application indoors, especially when prioritizing size, minimizing trip hazards, and optimizing’s ergonomics.
Constant Output Pumps
A constant-output pump belongs to the positive displacement category, exhibiting an unalterable displacement volume due to the absence of control mechanisms. This type maintains a steady flow rate, ensuring that each motor stroke propels the same quantity of fluid. Constant output pumps boast straightforward maintenance, cost-effectiveness, and simplicity, making them a preferred choice. These pumps find application in hydraulic systems with an open Centre. Among them, the gear pump stands as the most uncomplicated fixed-displacement pump. Rotating gears drive the hydraulic gears in this pump, with the gears interlocking for enhanced efficiency. Another notable variation is the screw pump, leveraging the renowned Archimedes screw to mobilise the fluid. Fixed displacement pumps are renowned for their capacity to deliver a high flow rate at relatively low pressure.
Adaptable Output Pumps
Adaptable output pumps effectively transform mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, and their hydraulic flow needs can vary depending on the operational circumstances. Unlike fixed displacement pumps, the swashplate of an adaptable output pump is adjustable, allowing for alteration based on pressure cues. Modifying the swashplate angle enables the pump to accommodate increased flow demands, resulting in an elongated piston stroke that augments pump displacement. These pumps find application in closed-Centre systems, functioning differently from their fixed displacement counterparts. In a closed Centre system, the swashplate angle of the adaptable output pump diminishes when the demand for flow decreases, preventing surplus flow or loss of hydraulic power.
Cogwheel Pumps
Cogwheel pumps are one of the most straightforward and prevalent hydraulic pump varieties today. They fall under the positive displacement pumps category, specifically fixed displacement pumps. Within this pump, fluid is propelled by containing a set fluid volume using intermeshed gears and then transferring it as the gears revolve. Typically, a gear pump comprises two gears: the driving gear, connected to a mechanical power source or prime movers, and the driven gear, which remains idle. The output of a gear pump yields a steady flow directly proportionate to the rotational speed of the gears. This pump type is predominantly deployed for generating high pressure.
These pumps find application in hydraulic systems with an open-Centre configuration. They confine oil in the spaces amid the pump’s body and the teeth of its two gears, circulating it around the gear cavity’s periphery and propelling it through the exit port upon gear meshing. A minute quantity of pressurized oil behind the wear plates pushes it firmly against the ends of the gear, enhancing pump efficiency. Gear pumps are commonly assessed based on the pump’s maximum input speed restriction, highest pressure tolerance, and cubic inch displacement. Moreover, the swept volume for hydraulic gear pumps typically ranges between 1 to 200 millimetres. An intriguing detail about gear pumps is that their volumetric efficiency ranks lower than the other primary pump types.
Benefits of Gear Pump
Simplicity and compactness with minimal moving components
Cost-effective solution
Low maintenance expenses
Capable of generating high pressures (up to 3000 psi)
Effective for pumping viscous liquids like oils with minimal leakage risk
Operate in both directions, suitable for loading and unloading
Resilient to contamination
Challenges with Gear Pumps
Known for producing noticeable noise during operation.
Limited range of sizes, rendering them unsuitable for substantial bulk flow rates.
Not compatible with abrasive fluids due to the use of meshing gears.
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The Archimedes Screw: A Potential Renewable Energy Source for the Future
The Archimedes screw is a machine that has been used for centuries to lift water. It is a simple device, consisting of a spiral blade that rotates inside a trough. When the screw is turned, the water is lifted up the trough and out the top. The Archimedes screw was invented by Archimedes of Syracuse, a Greek mathematician and engineer, around 280 BC. It was originally used to lift water from…
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fuzzysparrow · 1 year
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In what century was the mathematician Archimedes born?
Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and inventor, was born in 287 BCE in the city of Syracuse, Sicily. Archimedes made groundbreaking contributions to various fields, including mathematics, physics, and engineering. One of his most famous achievements was his work on the principle of buoyancy, which he discovered while taking a bath. According to legend, he noticed that the water level rose as he entered the bathtub, leading him to realize that the upward force exerted on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This principle, known as Archimedes' principle, laid the foundation for the science of hydrostatics.
Archimedes' contributions to mathematics were equally remarkable. He developed a method for approximating the value of pi, the mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
Archimedes was also an accomplished engineer and inventor. He designed various machines and devices, including the Archimedes screw, a device used to lift water from lower levels to higher levels. Additionally, Archimedes designed war machines, such as the famous "Claw of Archimedes," which was used to defend Syracuse against Roman invaders.
Despite his remarkable achievements, Archimedes' work was not widely recognized during his lifetime. It was only after his death in 212 BCE during the Roman siege of Syracuse that his contributions began to gain recognition.
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fmpy2 · 2 years
Technological Advancement throughout the ages
Stone Age: 3.3 million to 5,000 years ago
The initial evaluation of humans saw having to learn to survive naturally and for as long as possible so very simple multitude of stone and flint tools were made so they could kill, prepare animals and plants. These tools included:
Axes and Spear points for hunting large game like mammoth, and boar
Scrapers and Blades for preparing animals hides for clothing that would be sewn together with shredded plant fibres using -
Awls - A short pointy tool (usually the length of todays basic screwdriver) used for puncturing holes in hide and fabrics to be able to sew pieces together to craft different clothing.
Bronze Age: 5,000 to 1,400 years ago (1,200 BC)
The bronze was when civilisation and "Society" really began with massive cities like Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Athens (Greece) began popping up mostly around the Mediterranean as it was a large cross section between a lot of coastal nations providing that opportunity for trade.
There was some massive achievements and progress made in this era of technology them being:
Bronze - Bronze was an amazing discovery as it provided for a lot of the other pieces of technology to develop because it was a robust mental that comparable could last a lot longer than anything else at the time. It was made by melting tin and copper together and then pouring that into a mould of the thing you want make, which most of the time would be sword and shields.
Irrigation and farming separation - Irrigation is the redirection and control of water to provide for plants, usually used for smaller scale farms but around 3100 BCE King Menes of Egypt ordered the first large irrigation project around the Nile
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Plow - Also called an Ard the plow was A farming tool that is attached to horse, cows etc with a large downward facing blade that turns over the soil and cuts furrows to prepare for planting seeds.
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Writing System As society started to form they knew they needed to communicate on mass and also spread information, so they formed writing systems and alphabets, the first one, made around 3400 BC, was the Sumerian script from around the Persian gulf (Around Present day Iraq and Saudi Arabia). The use of it evolved further than itself as it became "Cuneiform" being the scripture for many more ancient middle eastern nations than just Sumer.
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Cuneiform was a logo-syllabic script that got its name from the wedge shaped impressions within its signs and characters.
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Iron Age: 1,200 BC to 500 BC
The iron age thrusted the means of civilisation further towards that of future with many more inventions that drastically improved the means of living with newer inventions that started the explosion of basic economics.
Cast Iron and Steel Supposedly discovered and first used in China around the 8th century bc, the process of the cast iron included mixing iron with carbon and other alloys to create a more brittle but harder metal. The use of cast iron was pretty standard, being for technology that was previously bronze like Ards, armour and tools however not weapons as they had existed throughout the bronze age. It was not the discovery creating iron weapons that transformed the period even further but that quenching could be used as a process to create steels. Quenching is the process of rapidly cooling the metals to change their mechanical properties e.g dunking them in water repeatedly.
Rotary quernstone As early as 400 BC these were used, they were a stone with a concaved divot with a small middle protrusion used for grinding grain into flour.
Coins A early form of trade used in place of bartering items.
Classical Era: 500 BC to 500 AD
This period of time saw a huge explosion in technology that we still use to this day with a lot of the inventions originating from Greece. Some of the technological advancements were
Archimedes screw A screw that threads a flat plane around a long rod that when twisted gives the visual illusion that it the screw is moving upwards. It is one of the world first hydraulic machines and was used as a form of water pump to transport liquids however today it is more used for grain.
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Water Wheel The function of waterwheels were historically water-lifting for irrigation purposes and milling, particularly of grain. Today they can also be used for power.
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Analog Computers In the early 1900's the Antikythera mechanism was found, it was a 3rd Century BC oddities that was thought to be an analogue computer that calculated astronomical positions and to predict eclipses based on Babylonian arithmetic-progression cycles.
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I couldn't find a definition that made total sense to me so on Britannica they describe it as "...analog computer, any of a class of devices in which continuously variable physical quantities, such as electrical potential, fluid pressure, or mechanical motion, are represented in a way analogous to the corresponding quantities in the problem to be solved."
Paper Paper was invented in China around the 2nd century and was made the same way our paper is now by processing cellulose mulch.
Seismoscope As early as 132 ad. people had developed technology that could tell you that an earthquake was occurring giving people time to escape or get to safety however this is not the device we have now as it does not record them.
Medieval Era: 500 AD to 1500 AD
Charkha The Charkha or a tabletop/floor wheel is one of the oldest know types of spinning wheel and is a lot more personal and easier to manage than other models of wheel like the great wheel. The Charkha is way of spinning cotton and other fabric but would in the future be very important symbolism for the Indian independence movement.
Early Firearms In the 9th century gunpowder was invented in China's tang dynasty by alchemists looking for the elixir of life but the first recorded recipes would only be found from the 11th. The Discovery of gunpowder absolutely blew the innovation for weapons out of the water with bombs, land mines and hand cannons being used in warfare by the 13 century. 100 years after the cannon and naval mine was created by the Ming dynasty which quickly devolved into the rifle which was first made in 1400's Europe.
Printing press The printing press made in Mainz Germany by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439 it is said by historians to be the most important invention in human history as its mass release to a no longer multitude church oppressed research bodies made way for the renaissance in technology, medicine, literature and art. It could print written word/books on mass really quick for the time wear everything was written.
Motte & Bailey A motte and bailey castle of one of the most common you could find over medieval Brittan which were usually a motte (keep) on top of a hill looking down onto the bailey with were people lived encased in a large wall with a moat surrounding said wall. There was usually two drawbridges included in these make of castle fortifications, with one separating the bailey and the outside wall and one separating motte and bailey, this was most likely done to add an extra layer of defence for people as they would flee to the motte then it would be raised giving the enemy an uphill climb to get to the motte.
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Battlement Less of a type of castle more a type of castle and more the type of the wall. They are a large segments of wall that are cut out of the top of the wall at torso height to allow archers to fire arrows down on their enemies with quick cover for those firing either side of them.
Stone Keep The stone keep was just a massive keep in the centre surrounded by a bailey and 3 meter thick stone walls the advantages of this was that it couldn't be effected by fire and that the usually square keep was very easy to build.
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Concentric A Concentric castle is self explanatory really as concentric meaning concentrated or common centre had multiple thick stone walls around the bailey in the middle making attackers work a long time to get with in the castle grounds.
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Early Modern Era: 1500 AD to 1800 AD
The early modern era or "Renaissance" was one of the largest and most important period of time for technological advancements with knowledge and research being less restricted by the church and government.
Piano Piano was adapted off the Harpsichord a medieval instalment that would pluck strings after you pressed the key however these would often be limited to a small amount of octaves. The piano, invented in 1709 by Bartolomeo Cristofori, in contrast the more octaves and could resonate more sound as the large strings are built to be struck making it a chordophone instrument.
Steam Engine and Its improved Version A lot of inventions surrounding steam and industry was made during this period and within this period various steam pumps, piston and engines were made that would soon lead up things like trains and components used in factories. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen built the first commercial use of the steam engines that would be used to pump water out of mines however a this was an iteration or improvement made on a engine created 14 years prior by Thomas Savery whose model used a piston. However the innovation of the engine didn't stop for this period as James Wyatt would make a improved version using a chamber that would condense the wate separately allowing the engines collider to remain hot and efficient. The way the engine works was hard to research so Wikipedia describes it simply as "A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. The steam engine uses the force produced by steam pressure to push a piston back and forth inside a cylinder. This pushing force can be transformed, by a connecting rod and crank, into rotational force for work." [Newcomen's Model]
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Boring Machine In 1774 John Wilkinson would invent a machine many would call the first machine tool, boring machine. The boring machine or a TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) is a machine that excavates tunnels using a circular cross section. These machine have been crucial to infrastructure that human rely on like sewars, train tunnels, inter country lines.
Industrial Era: 1800 AD - 1945 AD The industrial era was one the most explosive times in technology and production means and which some say have been the most detrimental to human exitance increasing the imbalance in society and beginning the whole mass pollution of the earth and the begin of rapid war expansion. The scary but large expansion in technology
Automatic weapons Toward the end of the 19th century while the scramble for Africa occurred an inventor named Hiram Maxim who would make a recoil operated maxim gun fully ushering in a new wave of semi and automatic weapon innovation that would ultimately lead to World War 1 and 2. Recoil operation which operated these guns is an operating mechanism used to autoloaded firearms. Recoil operated firearms use the energy of recoil from the shot to cycle the action, instead of gas operation or blowback operation using the pressure of the propellant gas.
Nuclear Weapons Developed and Created by Robert Oppenheimer and the team surrounding the Manhattan project in 1945 the nuclear bomb is a form of bomb dropped from a plane that harnesses the energy created from splitting an atoms nucleus to create a mass of energy so large it can devastate absolutely massive areas. With only 2 being ever practically used in history on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Light Bulb During the 1700's Founding Father Benjamin Franklin is credited with the discovery of electricity with his lighting rod experiment, proving that metals could conduct and attract electricity. (Some Sources Contradict this) Despite this after a large amount of experimenting with Incandescent lighting and electricity and Joseph Swans 16 years of effort in 1876 both Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison patent the light bulb.
Cans In 1810 Nicolas Appart would create a process for canning food which would be massive progress in preservation of food efforts as canned food could last for a long time without tainting.
Phone In 1849 Italian innovator Antonio Meucci made the first basic telephone but in separate Frenchman and Americans Charles Bourseul and Alexander Graham Bell both made verisons in 1854 and 1876
Space Era: 1945 AD - Present
In the modern era has probably seen the most innovation of technology as we reached space and created some of the most advanced communications systems. A lot of innovation during the era was influenced by the space race and cold war as America and the USSR battled for technological superiority.
Crewed Spaceflight In 1961 the first Spaceflight named Vostok 1 was launched by the USSR on April 11th inhabiting cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The flight was a orbital skim of the lowest point of space that lasted 108 minutes launch to landing.
Space station 10 Years after the manned 1st manned space flight we had reached the moon with Apollo 11 and had invented Salyut 1 which would be the first space station ever to orbit. It was intended for research and inhabitants and it did as a crew called Soyuz 11 docked and stayed their for 23 days a new record for time spent in space however the success didn't last long as the crew died on earth re entry after a pressure-equalization valve prematurely opened asphyxiating them all, to this day they are the only people to die in space.
PC In 1971 The Personal computer was the result of intel's invention of the microprocessors which was a small compact version of large units that would usually process things. The PC itself was marketed for home and work use of mass as a new way of getting admin and other type based work done from your own home quicker.
Internet IP or Internetwork Protocol was a computer protocol that allowed computers to communicate with each other was formally born on January 1 1983.
The evolution of technology mainly comes through 2 incentives unfortunately war and money as they have been the most beneficial to large governing bodies over the years in increasing they're power and grasp over a world they are slowly destroying.
Despite researching the castles mainly for my first idea about tower defence it did inspire the some more ideas for the 1v1 superhero ideas as they can be settings for arenas for these fights.
Also from the research i took that despite even if you are creating or inventing something it can become something used in some sort of weapon or destruction, for example the gunpowder discovery was ultimately intended for finding the elixir of immortality.
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freedomfromwar-pigs · 2 years
This is a pro-meth account now. My parents did meth in school and so did I. Without meth I wouldn’t be able to build the archimedes screw I’m using to pump water to the top of my water slide.
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matheore1 · 2 years
Who is the father of mathematics? Who founded mathematics? Who introduced mathematics as a subject?
Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer who is widely considered to be the father of mathematics. He is known for his contributions to the field of mathematics, physics, and engineering, as well as for his invention of several machines and devices that were ahead of their time.
Archimedes was born in the city of Syracuse on the island of Sicily in 287 BC. He is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, and his contributions to the field of mathematics have had a lasting impact on the development of science and technology.
One of Archimedes' most famous mathematical discoveries is his method for determining the volume of an irregularly shaped object, known as the "Archimedes' Principle." This principle states that the buoyancy force on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the object. Archimedes used this principle to determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object, such as a crown, by comparing its weight to the weight of an equal volume of water.
Archimedes also made significant contributions to the field of geometry. He is known for his work on the measurement of geometric shapes, including the calculation of the area of a circle and the volume of a sphere. He also developed the concept of the spiral, which is now known as the Archimedean Spiral.
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In physics, Archimedes is famous for his work on levers and pulleys. He is credited with the invention of several machines and devices, including the Archimedes' Screw, which is still used today to pump water from low-lying areas. He also made important contributions to the field of hydrostatics, the study of fluids at rest. He formulated the principle that the buoyancy of an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the object, which is known as Archimedes' principle.
Archimedes also made important contributions to the field of engineering. He is credited with the invention of several machines and devices, including the Archimedes' Claw, which was used as a weapon during sieges, and the Archimedes' Heat Ray, which was used to set enemy ships on fire.
In addition to his contributions to mathematics, physics, and engineering, Archimedes also made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. He is known for his work on the measurement of the Earth's circumference and for his calculations of the movements of the planets and stars.
Archimedes died in 212 BC during the Roman siege of Syracuse. His contributions to mathematics, physics, and engineering have had a lasting impact on the development of science and technology, and he is remembered as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.
In conclusion, Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer who is widely considered to be the father of mathematics. He is known for his contributions to the field of mathematics, physics, and engineering, as well as for his invention of several machines and devices that were ahead of their time. His work on buoyancy, levers, pulleys, and many other areas of science and engineering continue to influence the modern world, and he is remembered as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.
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Slightly designed more for possibly children with its quirky asides, but still showcases some siege weapons. Some were pretty fairly in the right direction, like portable bridges. Some were just silly, which - no judgment to him, sometimes you just have to design something fun. It’s good sometimes to just draw a multi-cannon for funsies Full respect to his commitment to keep weaponry designs from being used for ill, though the video does make a point that a patron system of submitting weapons to a single rich elite isn’t the most ethical way to go about things nowadays.
But, some of these can be rehashed for fantasy, like water shoes but more magic based instead of inflatable bladders at the feet. Anyone who’s tried to walk in diving flippers can tell you that this isn’t the most stable option. All the same, plenty of these rely on people walking, which likely isn’t the most stable option in war if you’re going to have multiple people reasonably stationary in line for long-distance shots and with limited stamina.
If nothing else, they’re very fun inspirational points for stories.
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adityasharmaacademy · 4 years
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