Christ Church Lutheran Film Team
Lucas and I had a great time filming Christ Church Lutheran. It was great to capture the Saarinen’s Masterpiece through film.
This past catalyst week was awesome. This was my first experience with it, Lucas’ second. We both ad a great time. The week was very dynamic and fast paced however all of the groups presented great work in the end. Ian should feel proud knowing that he thought us all a brand new skill and showed us that its possible to create amazing looking films with just your cellphone!
The week started of with a brief introduction to the course and some short film examples. Next we learned about the equipment as well as had a great lecture from Ian showing how film making in architecture is extremely applicable to today’s times. After practicing and reviewing what we had learned thus far it was time to visit our sites and start filming shots we had previously envisioned. The next day we reviewed those shots and started to storyboard our film. Allowing us to figure out what shots we needed to fill in the gaps and create a cohesive piece of art. Once we gathered all the film that time would allow Ian introduced us to the editing software and guided us through that process.
The catalyst unveiling was very exciting for all and we had a great display to present our work. Four screens simultaneously displayed our work, allowing interested parties to come up to the screens, put on some headphones, and enjoy the full effect of our work.
I believe that this class will stick with us for a long time and our skills will continue to develop as we continue to produce films for our projects and about our design processes.
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