functionaladdict · 12 years
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functionaladdict · 13 years
WTG on your sobriety, my husband has 40 days today and I have 37 today! Life is getting sweeter, things are getting clearer, and meeting other people in recovery is awesome! Keep on keepin' on!
Indeed... Congrats to you and your husband
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functionaladdict · 13 years
Job interview today!
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functionaladdict · 13 years
What does it take to stay clean?
it takes what it takes...
just don't use
go to meetings
What does it take for you to stay clean?
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functionaladdict · 13 years
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functionaladdict · 13 years
zebra among thorough breds
That is how I feel
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functionaladdict · 13 years
Hey, I was very into rx amphetamines too before I got sober. Congratulations for getting through a month :)
thanks for the encouragement!
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functionaladdict · 13 years
I'm so Hardcore...
When I drink and drug, I am compelled to take it farther than anyone else possibly could. I started taking painkillers in high school and was up to 20 Norcos a day at the apex. I couldn't wait to start using cocaine when i got to college. it was everything i hoped for and more. I remember I would stay up until it was gone and then start working on a handle of whiskey. 
 Maybe a year later, I found my true drug of choice; pharmaceutical amphetamines. It was love at first high. the suggested dosage didn't last very long at all. it got to the point where i was taking 4 or 5 at a time sometimes several times a day. then came the xanax which really took the edge of all the amphetamines. my tolerance got so high that the last time I took xanax, I ate 33 2mg bars within a few minutes time. the only reason I remember that is because that was the last of my stash.
back to my love affair with amphetamines, I stayed spun for 8 years. got into meth briefly but I preferred pharmaceutical grade. I was so afraid to quit. opiate withdrawal pales in comparison to how psychologically obsessed I became. 
now it's been over a month (one hour at a time) since I've taken painkillers or amphetamines. come to find out, the people I've met in meetings and IOP were just as hardcore as me. knowing i'm not alone makes all the difference in the world. 
now, i'm getting hardcore about my recovery...
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functionaladdict · 13 years
Congrats on your sobriety! I cannot wait until I can claim 40 Days free of SubOx.. on Day 6 myself. Keep posting, it does motivate others. -subsux
thank you very much... this is 41! I felt very depressed until day 12 or so but then, I felt a little satisfaction that for once, withdrawals didn't make me "their" bitch. Everyone I know concurs that it's all down hill from there! 
i'm so relieved to have given even a little motivation to someone other than myself. message me anytime if I can help
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functionaladdict · 13 years
Lead me, follow me or get out of my way
George Smith Patton, Jr.
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functionaladdict · 13 years
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40 days clean what
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functionaladdict · 13 years
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functionaladdict · 13 years
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functionaladdict · 13 years
30 Days!
it's been 30 days since I had my last sliver of suboxone...
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functionaladdict · 13 years
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functionaladdict · 13 years
article from spiritualriver.com, warning this article is very long but informative. there”s actually a pdf file you can find here.
Overcoming drug addiction and alcoholism is not easy for anyone. We can think of recovery from addiction in two separate stages:
1) Early recovery, and 2)...
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functionaladdict · 13 years
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