newschool17k · 9 months
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newschool17k · 10 months
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newschool17k · 10 months
Sustainability is one of the pillars of our curriculum. We teach our students, especially those in the design and architecture, and masters in construction management online, that everything they design, from clothing to furniture to buildings, as well as how those buildings are constructed, must make efficient use of resources. Sustainability is a fundamental and essential aspect of practice, another pillar of our curriculum.
Great designers are acutely aware of resources. It affects every aspect of their lives: It’s the coffee cup they use, the car they drive, the structures they design, and how they respect the environment and the people who live and work and worship there. I often tell students that design isn’t something you stop and start in your life. Design is your life. Sustainability has to join that circle of who you are. When you think about where we live and the resources we have, we are at a moment in time when we have to learn to use these resources in a much better way.
Our new School “Green. By Design.” initiative challenges us to be sustainable across the board. It reminds us to ask ourselves, Do I really need to print this out? Is this the best way to commute to campus? Can someone else in the Materials Lab use the scrap from my project? Should the structure I’m designing have a building envelope that will require less energy?
“Green. By Design.” is also a reminder that great things happen when we partner with our students. The idea and the drive behind it come from the collaboration between our Student Life office and our Student Council. They identified this way to connect our mission to our daily campus routines. One of our first actions will be to eliminate disposable cups by giving students bottles and mugs they can reuse. This may seem like a small effort, but we use 60,000 cups a year—enough to encircle our building 19 times!
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newschool17k · 10 months
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newschool17k · 10 months
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newschool17k · 10 months
Discovering the Fusion of Interior Decoration and Graphic Design
When you think about interior decoration or search for an "interior decorator near me" online, your mind probably conjures up images of beautiful living spaces, plush furniture, and intricate details that make a home feel inviting. On the other hand, the words "graphic design" might transport you to a world of digital media, advertisements, and creative branding. But what if we told you that the realms of interior decoration and graphic design are interwoven more intricately than you imagined? Let's dive into this fascinating crossover.
1. The Unified World of Design
Before delving deep into how graphic design and interior decoration intersect, it's essential to appreciate that all design forms share a foundational purpose: to communicate. Be it through the arrangement of furniture in a room or the choice of typography on a website, design tells a story and evokes emotion.
2. Translating Themes Across Mediums
Imagine walking into a coffee shop where the interiors breathe the 80s retro vibe. Now, picture the menu card, loyalty cards, or even the staff's aprons continuing that theme with apt graphic design. The interior decorator and the graphic designer have come together to craft an immersive experience that is consistent and enjoyable.
3. Color Palette Synergy
When you're searching for an "interior decorator near me," one of the key aspects you're probably concerned about is the color palette. Colors evoke moods and set the ambiance of a space. In a similar vein, graphic design utilizes color to capture attention and convey messages. A harmonized color palette between interiors and graphics ensures brand consistency and a seamless flow from physical to digital touchpoints.
4. Geometric Patterns: From Walls to Websites
Geometric patterns are all the rage today. An interior decorator might use them in wallpapers, upholstery, or floor designs. In the same breath, a graphic designer can incorporate these patterns into web design, business cards, and other branding materials. There's an inherent unity in the use of patterns, making the crossover between these two disciplines incredibly natural.
5. Textures and Materials Speak
Beyond color and pattern, the choice of materials and textures in interior decoration speaks volumes. The tactile feeling of leather, the smoothness of marble, or the rustic appeal of wood - all tell stories. Graphic designers often incorporate these textures digitally to give depth and dimension to their designs. So, a website or a brochure can echo the interior design choices of a physical space.
6. Typography: The Invisible Decorator
Ever thought about how typography affects our perception? Just as fonts play a pivotal role in graphic design, typography is making its way into interiors too. Wall art, custom-made furniture with text, and even floor designs are utilizing typography. It bridges the gap between the visual treat provided by interior decorators and the communicative function of graphic design.
7. The Importance of Collaboration
One cannot stress enough the magic that can be created when an interior decorator and a graphic designer collaborate. The synchronization of their ideas can give birth to brand identities that stand out and offer a unique experience to visitors, both in digital and physical spaces.
In Conclusion: An Interwoven Dance of Disciplines
The next time you're looking up "interior decorator near me" or pondering over a graphic design project, consider how these two worlds can come together. There's an immense opportunity in merging these disciplines, and the results, as we've seen, can be truly mesmerizing.
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newschool17k · 10 months
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newschool17k · 10 months
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newschool17k · 11 months
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newschool17k · 11 months
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newschool17k · 11 months
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newschool17k · 11 months
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newschool17k · 11 months
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newschool17k · 11 months
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