bulletproofarcology · 6 months
Week 1: Jungkook
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Jungkook poked his head out of the bathroom at your entrance, eager eyes meeting yours breifly before lowering respectively. How sweet, he was already somewhat trained.
According to his paperwork, he’d had one owner previous to yourself and she was rather gentle with him. No scars or bruises to be found, but he was a little malnourished. He wasn’t with her for long, and rumor has it that he was only really there to fill in the cracks of clean up duty. His old master preferred feminine slaves, so you assume he wasn’t used much, if at all.
“Hello, Jungkook. You can speak, by the way.”
Jungkook perked up like a puppy. “I can?” His voice rang out like bells. He had a light accent, not obvious enough to know what his first language was, but enough to know it wasn’t English. “Thank you…”
“Call me Mistress, hun.” Oh shit. “Oh yeah, and you are allowed to make relationships with the other slaves here. I’m not sure if your past owner allowed that. I try to say that as soon as possible, because the allowance kinda sets up the mood for the rest of the conversation.”
Jungkook has stars in his eyes. “Really?! I mean- really? I always wanted a slave friend! It gets so lonely when my owner is busy.”
“Well no worries there, buddy. All I have right now is you seven and Strawberry. I’ll have plenty of time to take care of you.” You wink.
Jungkook blushes a bit. “Thank you…”
“But for now, lets get some clothes on you. You could do much better than being just naked.”
Jungkook, wow he was so open with his expressions, seemed to wilt. The half chub he was operating with downstairs wilted with him.
Oh yeah, he was into humiliation. Lets see if you could work with that.
The closet answered your prayers, thankfully, as you pull out a single item of clothing.
A black, lacy, spaghetti strap training bra. His practically non-existent breasts would look cute in it, while the rest of his naughty body hung loose.
The slave’s eyes popped open at the humiliating get up and his hard on became, well, a hard on again.
“J-Just that? Are you sure, Mistress?” His face was red.
“Yup, is that going to be a problem for my new little slut?” You snap back, wanting a reaction out of him.
“Nope!” He squeaked out, grabing the offered bra and rushing to put it on.
And failing.
“Let me help you there.” You walk around to the back of him and take the bra out of his hands. Of course he wouldn’t know how to put on a bra, dummy.
Hooking it on, you explain the rest of the rules to him rather quickly. Okay so, no sex or getting off unless its with me, Strawberry or its for a job. Orgasms are rewards. This room is yours to decorate to your liking. I can get you some paints if you’d prefer to customize the walls. I’ll be getting maids soon, so don’t worry about messes.”
You could see the back of Jungkook's head nod, his dark brown, almost black, hair clean and shiny. “Yes, Mistress.”
You blow on the nape of his neck causing the little hairs to stand up straight.
“You’re all done, baby.”
Jungkook spins around to face you and runs his hands over his covered breasts. “How do I look?”
“Like you’re about to get on your knees and beg for cock.” He gulps at the words. “But really, you look great. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure the other slaves will love looking at you too…”
Your wristband vibrated against your skin. Shit, looks like it’s time you got back to your emails and paperwork. Acquiring seven different slaves legally actually took quite a few steps. Steps you had not quite finished taking. Yoongi and Hoseok would have to wait another day before you could see them in person. Stupid paperwork, stupid emails.
“Sorry to run so soon, Jungkook, but I’ve got some work to do.” You patted his broad tan shoulder, hmm meaty, and turned to leave. You’ll have to remember to send out a message before the end of the day with any information you forgot to tell the slaves in person.
“See you later, Mistress!” Behind you, Jungkook looked on with half lidded, love stuck eyes.
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bulletproofarcology · 6 months
Jeon Jungkook: Intake
Jeon Jungkook. Prestigious painter and artist, falsely accused of plagiarism by a wealthy and jealous rival. By the time the courts proved him innocent, he was already in the system and no one would bail him out of slavery. You were his second owner, the first having written many notes on his preferences and skill sets. Confident, a switch and a real tease, he loves being humiliated. Skimpy outfits, butt plugs with bunny tails, you wonder how he’d like walking around with a jiggling belly full of slave food… Regardless, he seemed to be fine at the very least with the concept of slavery. You could totally work with this.
OOC Destiny – Jungkook grows to love being humiliated over his time at the Arcology. Skimpy, slutty clothing. Compromising positions. Day to day degradation. Every scrap of it pumps blood to his large cock, but nothing gets him off quite like strangers watching his big, fat belly hang over his favorite cum stained pair of panties.
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