#are mickey and sarah jane related omg
holdthegirlboss · 9 months
watching doccy who for the first time
2x03 — school reunion
we’re BACK girls sorry for the absence it’s deadline season university is running me over with a steamroller and then throwing my steamrolled body in a ditch but 3 more days to go and i’m free for christmas so back to doccy who xxx also i didn’t realise anyone actually cared about this i was just talking into the void but thanks a lot girlypops (gender neutral) love u all ANYWAY onto the episode
• if i was capable of travelling through all of time and space being a teacher would not be what i’d pick as a side hustle icl but good for the doctor xx
• milo is a NERD sorry milo
• SARAH JANE i used to watch the sarah jane adventures all the time when i was a kid omg
• omg sarah jane and rose going AT IT it makes me kinda sad tbh i want them to be friends :((
• K9 💘💘 gonna watch sarah jane adventures after this
• oh rose babe u are EXACTLY like other girls im sorry u had to realise like this — love her for that tho we need more girlies in tv shows who are just completely ordinary xx
• very interesting that the doctor acc was tempted by the offer of taking over the world lol think everyone would be icl xx LOVEEE a bit of hubris my fav fav thing
• hope mickey don’t get arrested for lit smashing a car into a school bless him
• i can’t remember if it explained why that one kid is like immune to the whole thing hope it does if it hasn’t already
• aw im emotional xx would’ve been nice if sarah jane stayed
• this is dedicated to sarah jane my surrogate mother thank u for all u are and all u do 🫶
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