#are we gonna resolve that or is this game just about how the assassin brotherhood still kinda sucks? yes? ok
especiallyhaytham · 1 year
It's so funny to me that the moment Arno got kicked out of the Brotherhood I was like "Oh this is going to be a big symbolic Rogue thing where Arno has to grapple with his anger and finally put it away, whereas Shay succumbed to it etc etc" no actually he just loses all his clothes and starts stealing liquor. Élise had to go get him.
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climate-bison · 4 years
Rating the Assassin’s Creed games
I often to rank the assassin’s creed series in my head but I thought it would be fun to write it down for a change. I’ll start with the games I like the least and move towards my favorite games in the series. Please note that if you disagree that’s totally cool, I’m not judging! We all have different opinions. I haven’t played all the games so I list them first. Some spoilers but I try to be as vague as possible!
Games that I won’t be including: all AC on the Nintendo DS, AC Unity (on my list to play), AC Origins (also want to play), AC Vahalla (I’m currently playing but I’m not far enough along to rate it, although I like it a lot so far), AC liberation, and any non main series games
9th place: Assassin’s creed 1. I disliked this game a lot. The gameplay was repetitive, the stealth was annoying, the combat was clunky, and it crashed often. I only made it through about 80% of the main story before the game crashed and destroyed my saves, and I didn’t want to replay the rest of it. Altair wasn’t a character I connected to very much, which isn’t a huge negative, not all characters will work for all people, but it is why this game is at the bottom of the list. 2/10
8th place:  Assassin’s creed Revelations. This game is leaps and bounds better than AC 1, but it still falls short for me. I disliked the environment because I found it difficult to see things and the minimap was nearly useless. Combat was okay, not great but it was faster. I also disliked the random people who would try to murder you. The story wasn’t very interesting to me, I was really sick of Ezio by then. I did enjoy the conflict that Desmond had with his past lives and the conclusion with Lucy. 5/10
7th place: Assassin’s creed Rogue. This game is difficult for me. I love the location, I’m Canadian so I’m kinda a sucker for Atlantic Canada. But god I hate the story. It is so lazy and short. Also sometimes they will play story mission dialoge when you are trying to explore the world and it gets really annoying hearing the same shit over and over again. I hated killing some of characters we had grown to love in the previous game. The sailing is fun, just like Blackflag. I enjoyed seeing Haytham again. I didn’t like Shay, his stubbornness drove me insane. 5/10
6th place: Assassin’s creed 2: This was the game that started me in the series. I had played a little blackflag, but I just sailed around while playing on my cousin’s save so no missions or anything. This game though was the first one I played through. The downsides of the game were that it gets pretty repetitive as you go along. Everyone is gonna disagree with me here but I didn’t really relate to Ezio. I liked him more than Altair, and way more than Shay, but I still found him kind of dull. I can appreciate his character growth/change throughout the series, he def. becomes more likable over time. 6/10 (prob because of nostalgia) 
5th place: AC Brotherhood. This game def improves on the last. The map is very interesting to explore and I enjoyed taking “outposts” (not sure if they are called that). I’m glad that they addressed one of the issues I had with AC2 in this one, being the ending *spoilers* where Ezio doesn’t kill the big bad for no reason, like you’ll kill a bunch of grunts who haven’t really done anything wrong, but the guy orchastraing it all you won’t kill like why??? *end spoilers* This game is my sister’s favorite and I can see why. Lots of missions and the addition of optional objectives make even more content to explore. 7/10
4th place: AC 4 Blackflag. Now we are getting into the top tier games (in my opinion). I loved this game. I like Edward a lot, he was a really strong character with heavy moral greyness that I enjoyed. He also got a lot of development, going from a money hungry pirate to a respectable and true assassin. This game improved on the sailing from AC 3 by huge strides. The environment was very pretty. Upgrading and customizing the ship was cool as well. I didn’t enjoy the underwater sections though, that being one of the downsides. Sleep and beserk darts were very entertaining and useful for stealth. 8.5/10
3rd place: AC Syndicate. Great game. I loved being able to play as a woman for once, even if the majority of story missions are for Jacob. Customization of weapons and outfits was cool, along with the perk upgrade system. Combat became far more interesting in this game, and less of mashing x until everyone is dead. I loved the environment, industrial London was super cool to look at and explore. I enjoyed the child liberation missions and gang outpost missions.  Going forward in time to WW2 was pretty cool as well, and makes me hopeful that they will make a game in a more near history, though I doubt it with the most recent games seeming to stay in the more distant past. Being able to crouch on command was great, I like playing stealthy so not having to find a bush to crouch was helpful. The final assassination/boss battle was a little weird but I didn’t hate it. Evie and Jacob were both really interesting characters, though I related more to Evie with her more cautious and thoughtful approach to things. I was also kind of a sucker for the romance between her and Henry Green. Their romance through the flower collecting quest was super sweet. 9/10
2nd place: AC Odyssey. I loved this game. I’ve played this game now three times and each time I’ve fallen more in love. I played as Kassandra both because I’m a woman and I like to play as a woman, but also because I find Alexios’ character model terrifying. The environment was beautiful. The finding her family story was great and compelling. Having mult. endings was a good touch with being able to decide what to say and do, it made the choices feel meaning full. Character customization was great, I was able to make the stealthy rogue/archer character of my dreams, all while carrying around a trident for when stealth fails and enemies close the gap. Also love the romance options, I’m gay so being able to date woman in a game while playing as a woman allows me to live vicariously through the character. Loved the number of sidequests, ie countless. I also enjoyed the overpowered god feeling that character had for 90% of the game. 10/10
And in first place on the list and in my heart: AC 3. This game is a masterpiece. The location and differing weather effects were cool. It was actually difficult to move through the thick snow. The twist with the character swap a quarter of the way through the game was crazy. Connor was and continues to be my favorite character in the franchise. He goes through so much, but continues on, continues to fight for his people because no one else will. If not him then who? Haytham was an interesting character and replaying it you can see some of the dark sides in his personality from the start and the twist remains believable but still surprising. Some people say that it glorifies the American side of the revolutionary war, but I disagree. We see multiple times that neither side of the war is truly good or bad, because nothing is true. At the end of game the Americans are celebrating the victory (the first 4th of July actually) and we see Connor looking over to a stage where some Black people are being sold as slaves. Shaun has some interesting commentary about how people use the founding fathers as sort of divine figures but that they were nothing but men. Men who did bad things, like owning slaves. The parallels with Connor and Haytham and Desmond and his father were also interesting. It was good to see Desmond resolve his differences with his dad before the ending of the game. I enjoyed the homestead part of the game (something I am also enjoying in AC Valhalla) because it allows for character growth. We get to see Connor enjoying his life and making friends. I was really glad to read that he ended up getting married and having children in his later life, contrary to what was being said about him dying young, sad, and alone. The game isn’t perfect (CONNOR GET BACK ON THE HORSE) but its a game that I will love for the rest of my life. 11/10
So that’s my rankings. Super long post I know. If you got this far, thanks for reading! I leave you with a quote from my favorite assassin, Connor.
“Sometimes standing against evil is more important that defeating it. The heroes stand because it right to do so, not because they believe they will walk away with their lives.”
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