#are yall happy leave me alone u_u
cola-fucking-losers · 4 years
okay fuckers here u go
Edd scrolled through his phone. His other hand was on Ringo, scratching her as she purrs on his lap. It was a Saturday morning, and there was nothing to do.
Like, there was literally nothing to do. Usually there would be a movie or show that day he would like to catch up on, or would have plans with Matt or Tom. Or like- he would even be up to ask Eduardo or Mark something. Even Jon sometimes make plans with him, even if it was sudden, at least there was still something to do.
There weren't even commissions waiting in his list at the moment. And there wasn't any interesting online for him.
Except for some weird drama in a community he's in, he's not in the mood for that yet.
The Brit sighed as he shuts his phone down, and places it in his pockets. He glanced at his roommate, who was busy making breakfast. For a moment, he wasn't bothered by his boredom. The sun was peeking inside their kitchen, bathing Eduardo's tan skin. All while he quietly flipped a pancake, with a focused, yet soft look on his face.
When the pancake landed perfectly back on the pan, He heard the faint thud and soft sizzle, followed by an audible exhale. Eduardo wears a small smile.
Edd shakes his head, finding it ridiculous that it was probably him stroking his ego again, over a small pancake flip. He places Ringo down, and walks to the kitchen. He goes to the corner where they kept containers for coffee and where their tiny coffee maker stood. It was cheap but, Edd owned it and he loves it. He's pretty sure he called the coffee maker Gary.
He pats Gary, before filling it up with water and start to let it heat up. Pale hands move around, grabbing spoons and cups.
It wasn't hard to notice what kind of stuff Eduardo liked, they did live together. There was just something odd about it. Edd liked his coffee brown... - light brown. Balanced, but a little creamier. Meanwhile, Eduardo was that type of person who likes his coffee black, but with honey.
He's pretty sure he read people like those in stories. He doesn't understand why people like black coffee though. It was too bitter for him.
He stirs the two mugs before he carried both back to the table. And he returned again to grab plates. Eduardo was finishing up, gently setting up the stack of pancakes.
The Brit would never admit it, but Eduardo's cooking was really good. There's just something about it that catches the charm of homemade cooking. It was probably the reason why he's up earlier when it's a Saturday morning.
That and it's more peaceful those days. Neither were up to start a fight so early, which made the apartment quiet, but in a good way.
" 'stad mine?" Eduardo asks, his voice groggy. He points at the other mug, the one he wasn't holding. Edd nods.
They both sat together, that was a recent change. Usually, they sat from opposite sides of the table.
Not that Edd is actually complaining. He bonks his head carefully on Eduardo's shoulder, and let it rest there.
Eduardo stiffened for a few seconds, before he continues to drink his coffee. The Brit made low efforts to feed himself, lazily moving his arm to move the spoon to grab a piece of pancake and slowly returning to his mouth.
This felt...really nice. Huh.
There was sudden urge to cuddle closer, so he did. Eduardo didn't really complain, but he was avoiding eye contact. It was cute.
The urge to hold his hand was there too. He wants to say a pun, make Eduardo groan or laugh about it. A normal thing to do, yet he starts to feel like moments like those have a lot of value.
He also wants to hug Eduardo closer from behind, maybe even ki-
Whoah there Edd slow down-
Edd finally sits up straight again and eats his breakfast. He's once again reminded that he's not even sure what they are now. They've been so intimate lately that it's hard to tell if they're just being really nice to each other or doing something more.
He's scared to let his thoughts linger on it for long, for some reason.
But Eduardo starts to return the same gesture. His head reluctantly leaning on his shoulder. Then Edd fights the urge to wrap his arms around the man, to pull him closer.
He wants Eduardo closer to him, and never let go. But he fears that if he holds too tight, or too loose, The Hispanic will leave with a force that pains him too. Did that make sense? It kinda did to him.
"You okay?" Eduardo Asks, moving his head away to look at the Brit. Edd forces and a smile and nods.
"I'm just really bored." "Of course you are." Eduardo rolls his eyes. "Try to enjoy relaxing, not everyone gets to go on weird adventures. You just almost angered an underwater species yesterday, and apparently that wasn't the first time you've done that." "Okay but- It was intentional the second time. The first? No." There it is again, that darn scowl. "Just don't try to drag Mark next time, He wouldn't stop complaining." Chances are, He can't even bring Eduardo to start something stupid. Even if Edd could manage to stir up his anger to it's boiling point, Edd's pretty sure he can't make him go on a rampage again with his powers, even if it's intentional this time. Should he proud of that? believing that Eduardo could control his anger now? He's sure that the man has upgraded, and he's somewhat happy that the Hispanic is slowly turning his life around for the best. Edd stuck his tongue out, he'd rather not be dealing with those. breakfast didn't help get rid of the thoughts. To hell with doing nothing though, He'll just have to find whatever entertains him inside his home and indulge in it.
Before Eduardo could stand up to move his empty plate, Edd moves to lie on the man's lap.  Immediately startled, The Hispanic tensed up, unsure what's going on and what was the Brit's goal here. Edd could tell Eduardo was blushing, I mean, he was sure this was kind of awkward. But until Eduardo starts asking him to move, Edd doesn't leave. He could whiff up Eduardo's clothes, the very faint scent of their fabric softener, and well...Eduardo's smell. The guy was smelly, Edd would often joke about it, but really, Eduardo wasn't stinky. No, he smelled...well, like him. Like the forest in a sunny day. Dried herbs and the earth. Like a cozy cottage and a small farm surrounded by trees. "Hey-! What the fuck are you doing?" Edd could only nuzzle his nose close to Eduardo's hip as he wraps his arms around the man.
"This is...Really gay-" Eduardo comments, letting his hand reluctantly pet Edd's tuff of hair. "Oh? And us almost kissing isn't?" The man sinks back to the silence again. The clock ticks, The sunlight is seeping through the windows is moving in an achingly slow pace. Ringo is done with her meal and is playing with Bingo somewhere. Edd STILL isn't doing anything. But then with Eduardo, He guessed he didn't really mind doing nothing with the man. "Hey," He starts, sitting up again, and stared straight at this Hispanic's eyes. "Let's get on my bed." Surprisingly, Eduardo doesn't start shouting, but he does slowly turn red again. "Or maybe your bed, whichever you prefer." "I- are you fucking stupid? Someone still has to wash the dishes." Edd is shocked at the fact the guy is more concerned at the dishes. Edd's more concerned at the fact he's really doing this. "We can wash those later, come on, we have the whole day for ourselves." "That sounds wrong." "Can't we just like? nap? You have to go to work and we won't have any more chances to sleep together." "You were implying something else aside from sleeping."
Edd pouts, but he lifts Eduardo over his shoulder and starts moving. Eduardo starts shouting, almost like an angry dog. "HEY! DROP ME! IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Unphased, Edd just continues to move past his own room and into Eduardo's. Said room pretty much screamed his name. Edd’s probably gonna have a lot of fun in here. 
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koujakuzure · 7 years
ayyy got tagged by @teddyhammy !! thank you son 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💦✨ im always a slut for these ngl 
Zodiac Sign: gemini (fuk yall)

Height: 5′3″, but 5′9″ at heart u_u
Sexual Orientation: pan. i love shoving kitchenware up my ass, afterall.
Ethnicity: bich im so white, light reflects off my ghostass skin. german/polish on my mom’s side, italian/irish on my dad’s side.
Favorite Fruit: banans
Favorite Season: fall cuz i aint sweatin my balls off but it aint snowin yet. plus, i can finally wear all my sweatshirts and not have ppl questioning why i wear jeans all the time hell yeah normalcy 
Favorite Book Series: uhh does this count manga cuz im p sure the last book series i read was twilight. but jojo and opm are pretty good reads imo so yeah, those.
Favorite Flower: what are “flowers” do they exist outside bcuz if so im
Favorite Scent: PETRICHOR. yeah, i know words. see, when it rains too much, it just smells like mud and worms, so PETRICHOR. also the smell of coffee shops. usually. also cucumbers??
Favorite Color: i like the color schemes in most of frederick judd waugh’s paintings soo yeah those. the blue/greens of the ocean and the soft purples/pinks/indigos of a cool morning sky.
Coffee, tea, or cocoa: coffee leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth and i rlly only life frappucinos (ya kno, the real sugary stuff that’s diabetes in a cup but who fuggin cares). not a big tea fan either, i only ever drink earl grey in the morning sometimes, but it’s enjoyable. and i havent drank hot cocoa in years now so... abjfbdjsb water (im a boring old man, leave me alone)
Cat or dog person: cats bcuz i can relate. dogs are too Good and happy and nice, jumpin all over me tryna gimme their love and affection, like i deserve that shit c’mon now. cats 4 life.
Favorite fictional characters: Jotaro, hands fuckin’ down, my absolute favorite of All Time. eat my ass, Joseph stans. 3taro, 4taro, 5taro (the underdog. still luv u, b), and 6taro. maybe even 7taro, wherever he be. all ‘taros. fuckin all of ‘em. my favorites. 
also Deadpool from Marvel, Catwoman from DC (not the fuckin Anne Hathaway version tho tf), Castiel from Spn, Lon’qu and Owain from FE13, Zero, Ashura, and Ryouma from FE14, Metal Bat from OPM, Tenya Iida from BNHA, Tenga Onigawara from MP100......... yes.

Number of blankets you sleep with: got my sheets, comforter, and this fluffyass blue blanket that’s cozy af. i sleep overtop of my comforter and sheets tho so i aint too hot lol

Dream Trip: somewhere in europe prolly. poland, germany, italy, france, spain- would also love to visit japan (too bad the jojo attraction at universal studios ends this fall :/ )
Blog Created: this blog specifically, late July 2014. the very first blog i ever had (which is long gone, thank god lmao) was made in May 2013, I think?? I was a freshman in high school lol
Number of Followers: i’ll just round it to about 2,200+ atm
Thanks for the tag! I tag: no one bcuz i never kno who to tag agdjfhjd if u wanna do this, just say i tagged u 👈🏻👀👈🏻✨
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