#are you deep in the one piece wiki dear should be my partners go to phrase at this point
totalspiffage · 1 year
i shared a gif of gear 5 luffy w/my partner like “idk what’s going on in the one piece fandom but it looks spicy.” then shared a different gif and they were like “i think that’s a different person.” “he’s got the hat tho. hang on let me google it” i find the wiki page for gear 5 and share it with them. we agree that they’re both gear 5 luffy. i go about my business. 45 minutes later i glance at partner’s screen. “are you deep in the one piece wiki, dear?” “THERE’S A LOT HAPPENING IN THIS SHOW”
That is the funniest thing oh my god. YEAH he looks different in a lot of his forms but uh. GEAR 5 IS SOMETHIN ELSE. We're all worked up cause the Big Reveal is premiering in the anime next week. I love this dumb campy pirate magic show. It's really a lot of fun to explain to other people.
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Wallace Cup Tag Team Appeal
> Margaret Mitchell ( @a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses) > Yukihiro Kamiya ( @cafeshiawase)
Music:  Safe and Sound – Roselia https://soundcloud.com/user-912541148/safe-and-sound-roselia
Lyrics: https://bandori.fandom.com/wiki/Safe_and_Sound#English
Margaret’s: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/585979229091397643/597083950892187649/Fantastic-Ball-Gown-Off-The-Shoulder-Light-Blue-Tulle-Floral-Beaded-Wedding-Dress.png
Kamiya’s: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596542567395360773/597095445541683230/image0.jpg (Minus snowflakes)
Field used: Ice Flows
Pokemon and Movesets:
Margaret’s Team:
Swanna (Charlotte) Moves used:  Rain Dance, Feather Dance
Liligant (Lily) Moves used: Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard,
Altaria (Sofia) Moves used:  Dragon Pulse, Moonblast, Mist, Dazzling Gleam, Ice Beam
Kamiya’s Team:
Eevee Moveset:  Baby Doll Eyes, Round, Charm, Swift
Stoutland Moveset:  Leer, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Protect
Comfrey Moveset:  Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Sunny Day, Floral Healing
Wordcount: 1,819
Note: This was copy pasted from discord chats!
 As Margaret took her place atop one of the ice flows, she took a deep breath and clutched her parasol tightly. Perhaps being on ice with heels wasn't the smartest move, but it would provide an extra challenge that, if she pulled it off, would work well in her favour. Furthermore, the stage they chose seemed to work best for what they had planned, and since this was a challenge meant to push them to their limits, why not choose one of the more challenging arenas for their performance.
In her pocket rested three pokeballs; they would be the stars for her side of the performance, and were the three she felt best suited to represent her in this competition. She would use all of her pokemon should she make it to the next round, but for now these three would do.
Right now she had to focus on getting through this with her partner, and hope that their theme of friendship and bonds being a form of greatness would be conveyed in their performance.
She took a moment to look over to Kamiya, giving him a nod along with a small smile as the music began to start.
His experience on the stage had prepared Yukihiro for this moment. And yet he could still feel his hands shaking as he stepped out onto the ice floes on which he and Margaret would show the world the culmination of so much practice and planning.
Yukihiro steadied himself with a deep breath when he noticed his partner’s subtle nod; it was time. The music started, and his hands found the Pokéballs clipped to his costume’s belt. In an instant, his Pokémon were on the field, taking their respective places with grace.
Stoutland did its job as soon as it was in position, a shimmering barrier unfurling itself around Margaret as Protect was cast, exactly as planned; a physical wall between the both of them, stopping Yukihiro from making a move towards friendship.
Quite reminiscent of their first meeting; he hoped the symbolism got itself across to the audience.
The distant skyscraper at the top of my dream
I aim at it’s too far away, with no end
As I weight the importance of reality and ideals
I bite my lips and go on            
As the music began, Margaret took out three pokeballs, tossing them into the air to release her own pokemon. Swanna immediately took to the water surrounding the ice flow, while Lilligant stood to Margaret's left side, while Altaria settled on her right.
Swanna followed Stoutland's move with a Rain Dance, creating an overcast sky that made the night sky darker. The rain was quick to follow, the drops shimmering as they came into contact with the shield.
Margaret was not exempt from the rain; even though she had taken out her usual parasol, the drops traveled down her face, giving the appearance of tears despite the brave expression she put on. She kept her gaze out towards the open water, not once looking at her partner.
Wipe the bitter tears falling on your cheeks, don’t be
Swallowed by shadows and wave your hand, let there be light
The facsimile of tears on Margaret’s fave was remarkably effective; Swanna’s Rain Dance was worthy of praise in Yukihiro’s opinion, setting up the perfect gloomy atmosphere for their performance. But, for now it was his time to shine. Perhaps literally, as Comfey let out a cheerful chime and cast Sunny Day, dissolving the rain and letting warmth shine down onto the field.
As planned, Stoutland rose up on its back paws and slammed its front down on the ice, raising a number of icy boulders into the air in a forceful show of Rock Tomb, just as Eevee leapt up onto Yukihiro’s shoulder and released Swift.
The boulders were thrown into the water, sending a considerable amount of water into the air. Yukihiro procured a teacup from his coat, stepping closer to Margaret and watching as Swift’s bright stars flew through the air, guiding the water into the teacup effortlessly, the stars landing as well and making the liquid inside glow softly—a cup of happiness, of warmth and friendship, to be offered to Margaret to help ease her woes.
Would she accept the offering of friendship? That was for them to know and for the audience to find out.
Even though the tea was made and the rain was replaced with sunlight, the barrier separating Margaret and Yukihiro remained.  Noticing this, Altaria took it upon herself to fly over to Yukihiro, landing at his side while staring at him intently. She was giving him permission to command her in order to set her trainer free, and she hoped that he would use the right move, a Dragon Pulse to break the barrier. Once he commanded her to do this, Lilligant would step in with a Petal Blizzard, resulting in both moves to swirl together to break down the barrier.
Of course, it would only work should Yukihiro give the right command. Margaret had told him the move sets of her pokemon, so it was on him to get it right.
This...wasn’t part of their plan. Yukihiro blinked as Altaria made her way over to him, somewhat confused for a moment but not letting it show on his face, fearing the audience’s reaction if he did. But he knew what it was doing; it wanted to help.
He smiled, nodding at the dragon and throwing his arm out, a gesture indicating for her to make her move.
A clear, passionate sound seeks the whereabouts of dreams
When you think you’re about to lose something
Always remember that in all the hearts you’ve saved
All these days that have no color nor shape to us
Will became important, irreplaceable bonds
At the gesture, Altaria released a Dragon Pulse, which was followed quickly by a Petal Blizzard from Lilligant. Both moves combined into a massive swirl of energy which slammed into the barrier, shattering it to pieces. This allowed the warmth from Sunny Day to reach Margaret, and provided a way for Yukihiro to reach her.
The shattered remains of the barrier shimmered as they fell to the ground; Yukihiro basked in his small victory with a deep breath, stepping closer to Margaret and offering her a gloved hand.
Unfortunately, though, Sunny Day began to fade away, a familiar gloominess returning to the arena...
With the turning points changing and sadness growing
My resolution is slowly becoming numb
Even if your words are confused and trembling in my inexperience
I know I must let go what I obtained
Within this bittersweet place where I am
I wish that I can finally be myself
Margaret looked to his outstretched hand, pausing for a moment before slowly reaching out. As soon as she did, Altaria covered the arena in a Mist, allowing a gloomy air to permeate the arena. This was soon followed by another Petal Blizzard from Lilligant, though this time the petals created a wall that caused Margaret to retract her hand.
After what seemed like a moment of internal debate, Margaret looked to Yukihiro and Altaria, who remained at his side. This look was the signal for Altaria to use Ice Beam, which froze the petals in place.
The songs you sing with me color my whole heart
With your clumsy yet honest words
Always remember you’ve gathered in all these hearts
Days you hold dear but have no voice nor smell to us
That will become important, irreplaceable bonds
The Petal Blizzard made Yukihiro recoil; the barrier had reappeared, though...weaker than before. They just needed to find their way through it again. He shared a look with Altaria before she utilised Ice Beam; the petals stilled, creating a frozen wall between them...a fragile, easily shattered wall.
Eevee, still seated on Yukihiro’s shoulder, chirped happily, releasing a very powerful Round. The notes careened into the barrier, once again sending shining shards through the air as Comfey used Sunny Day to warm the arena once more.
Yukihiro grinned widely at Margaret, confident that he had successfully gotten through to her this time. With more conviction than before, he offered his hand again.
As if trying to tempt her into taking the outstretched hand, Eevee used Charm. Yukihiro didn’t remember that being in their plans, but he supposed it was encouraging for Margaret.
The scenery where all the people are
Connected can even be this beautiful
Happiness is blooming gently in the depths of my heart
As the frozen petal shards fell around her ad the effects of Charm reached her,  Margaret used this as her chance to finally reach for, and take Yukihiro's outstretched hand. As she did so, Lilligant used Petal Dance; the petals forming the shape of small flowers in bloom, which fell around Margaret. This was the signal for the rest of her pokemon, as well as his to circle around them, almost as if forming a protective barrier to ensure that nothing could come between them again.
A clear, passionate sound seeks the whereabouts of dreams
When you think you’re about to lose something
Always remember that in all the hearts you’ve saved
All these days that have no color nor shape to us
Will became important, irreplaceable bonds
At the same moment Lilligant used Petal Dance, Comfey span in a circle as it moved into its planned space, using Floral Healing to cover the field in beautiful flowers and further enhance the Petal Dance.
Everything was going to plan; Margaret had allowed herself to open up to him, and their Pokémon surrounded the two of them to further secure the bond. He let out a warm chuckle, smiling warmly at Margaret, at their Pokémon, at the audience.
Eevee, enjoying the wonderful atmosphere, let out another Round, the music notes joyfully dancing around the group.
As the notes made their way around the group, a few tried to come between Margaret and Yukihiro. However, their grip remained firm, and the notes bounced off and towards their pokemon.
Just as Eevee used Round, Altaria followed up quickly with Dazzling Gleam; when the attack collided with the musical notes, it added and extra, brilliant shine before the notes shattered in an array of colours before slowly fading away.
The music then began to wind down, and with it Swanna used a Feather Dance. The feathers fell gracefully around them, covering the arena in pure white as if to erase the signs of struggle that comprised the entire performance in favour of restoring things to how they should be.
As the final feathers floated down, Margaret allowed herself to be spun around by Yukihiro just as the last note of the song played. Both gave a bow to the audience as the performance came to a close.
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