#aren't y'all so glad when i create content
andromedaexists · 9 months
Chrysalis & Requiem || Quinton Li
Good News: We are starting off the year with a 5 star read! Bad News: I am going to be sick
I'm trying so hard to explain the absolute roller coaster that this book took me on, but I don't think I can. I think the closest imma get is:
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I guess, I should start from the beginning. This is an ARC!! I am on Quinn's ARC team (and hopefully eventually street team if I can spare the time) and I got this review copy in exchange for an honest review!
Because the book doesn't release until March, I will be keeping this spoiler free. Sad for me, as you guys know I love giving the full run down on the book.
When I started this book, I was a wee small child (i started it yesterday). I didn't know what the universe would hold for me, I didn't know the emotional turmoil I would be put through.
The beginning was a bit hard to get into, as most books are for me these days. I'm incredibly sick at the moment and I just graduated from college last month, any story where I have to learn new things is hard. And you do have to learn new things for this book, I mean it is a fantasy novel.
But once I hit like 20% I was hooked. I stopped reading for the night at 24% and thought that I would be able to meter out my consumption (wrong) only to wake up this morning and blast all the way through to the end.
I am a huge murder mystery person, and when I started this book I thought that might be a detriment. But I can assure you, it isn't. You think that because you saw the murder that you know what's going on. You don't. At all.
I had my theories, about halfway through I had my theories. The group chat will probably never forgive me for reciting the "I've connected two dots" scene from Unsolved but I mean, I'm not the only person reading the book in that chat so I couldn't tell them what my theory actually was because they aren't to that point yet!
Then I hit 60%. And I really started to struggle. This is my fault, the content warnings at the beginning of the book say "This book contains references and themes to alcohol/drug use" and I guess I just didn't realize that meant we would see the POV character being out of her mind drunk for an extended period of time. As someone who really struggles to be around alcohol due to my past, this was nearly enough for me to put the book down. But I'm glad I didn't
Because then, at 72% in:
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And again, not too long after:
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Until finally:
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And honestly, I don't think I can explain anything better than this. I highly recommend this book for y'all, but please please please be mindful of the content warnings. Actually, imma put them here too
This book contains references and themes to alcohol/drug use, blood, confrontation to abuse, death, emotional abuse, escalating violence, gaslighting/manipulation, gore, lifechanging injury, murder, corpses, visions about traumatic events, panic attacks, paranormal/occult content, self-harm, sexual references, suicide ideation, and trauma.
now for the part some of you are waiting for: some of my favorite quotes!
Thorns falling away, petals outstretched, bleeding red onto white roses—revelation would be hers and hers only.
We leave behind love when we die.
Beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful. They would be beautiful together.
Girls like you have secrets. I'm going to peel you apart and reveal every part of you. I will consume you.
To create is to be alive.
and then this one, an epigraph for part four of the book:
Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again. — Homer, The Iliad
Y'all know I'm a sucker for a good Iliad reference and this one. This one wrecked me. I sure wrote a lot for someone at a loss of words, so I'm going to end this here and go curl in a ball and cry and try not to throw up. I am sick and this book is to blame.
Thank you Quinn, truly. I'm so fucking disgusted I love this book so much
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Oh god it's been a year already??? April 8??? Wasn't it just March yesterday?
Oh, uh, s h i t
Happy 1 Year Anniversary! (Holy crap)
Man, time sure is f a s t. One year of being here with you guys and just vibing. Zamn. That's crazy.
I know I keep saying this, but I really do appreciate all of you guys for sticking around for so long. I never expected the silly little stories with my silly little characters 13 year old me was writing and creating would come to this in the end. It's honestly just so mind boggling, and I want to say thank you. Thank you for showing your support, for being so patient with me, for those that send such fun asks and prompts to answer, and just being so cool in general. Don't say that you aren't. I'll fight ye on that. I also thank the lurkers in my followers, I know you and I don't tango too much with interactions but your likes, reblogs or just generally looking through is enough for me.
I'd also like to thank the mutuals and friends I made in the IF community and in the Write Club Discord server for being so cool and helpful. I never expected to make any mutuals here, and I'm honestly glad I did.
I'm kissing you all platonically on the cheek because you deserve it for being the best. 💙💙💙
Now, for the Anniversary Special content...... I don't have one written. I already have a short one for 1k Followers and is just waiting to be posted, but I forgot to prep one for the Anniversary. 🥲😭😭
I was planning to make a small IF to commomerate it, but college finals reared its ugly head like a disease so I didn't have enough time. So, instead, I'll just give y'all some Beta and BtS facts about this IF before it came to be as it is now. Hope that'll suffice, and I promise I'll make it up to y'all next year. 😭😭
Back in the earliest drafts for this IF, the prologue was supposed to start with a student Magus summoning an eldritch being from the underside of Reflection and it backfiring completely. The genre was supposed to fully embrace supernatural, but I ended up scrapping it instead for what we have now.
Beta Zephyrine was a mean girl diva; supposedly Fleur's opposite and bully. I changed it after deciding that Zeph's better off being Fleur's opposite in a more positive way (the version Zeph currently is) and genuinely being Fleur's friend, than whatever toxic mess the former was.
Eliseo was originally gonna be the big bad because of well… look at him. I ended up not doing that, because… look at him. He's simpable material, unfortunately.
Emery wasn't supposed to exist. I didn't originally intend for MC to learn nor have magic in the original drafts, thus no Familiar needed either, and let them be a non-magic character in the story. I changed my mind when I thought about how unfair that'll be, since that'll just make MC more of a damsel than a person with autonomy.
The 1586 Accident and the Willowsberg family as a whole was originally supposed to stay as a "myth" and unexplored as a whole. They were supposed to be mentioned only in passing and not talked about again.
In the early drafts, Fleur's parents were already dead/gone and she was working as her family bank's CEO at the start of the story. She was an outside figure that you'll meet through either Zephyrine or Weylyn.
Cooper was originally more of a loveable asshole back in his early characterization stages; smug know-it-all that loves to be a mischief maker. I have no idea what change happened to make him the hyper golden retriever he is now, but I don't regret it and I don't wanna know.
The choice of setting the IF in a rural city and in Lumintoile Academia specifically was based on old oneshots I wrote about Weylyn and Fleur 2-3 years ago. If you want to know what those oneshots are about, both of them are confessions scenes with Weylyn being the confessor.
Before Ophelia came to be as the 6th RO, she was originally supposed to be an antagonist, mostly due to a oneshot I wrote about her as a concept character 2 years ago. There were scenes planned where she would fight the cast and drama would ensue, but knowing what I know, I ended up scrapping the idea.
Weylyn's characterization didn't change much from his beta, surprisingly, and I think he's the only one who has retained his beta traits (besides some mild redesigning). I always intended him to be, well, him. The only things that did change are in spoiler territory, but very important to his characterization.
There were supposed to be 2 more side characters that you'll be introduced to in the early chapters with Fleur being a young CEO idea in mind, which were her two younger estranged cousins from her mother's side. I scrapped the idea for now, but they might make an appearance soon.
I had ideas to implement variables that show preferrences and proficiency in what magic MC uses, intending for them (MC) to be a jack-of-all trades instead of focusing solely on one magic. But then I thought about the long list of already existing variables I've written down, and went nope.
Eliseo & Fleur had the most rewrites and rehauls on their characterization. From what I can count and remember until recently, it's 10.
When I was making Emery, and basing him off of the Familiar Poll results, he was intented to be younger, 3 years old to be exact. I decided to age him up to 5 years old, because a) he would be too powerful, b) baby, c) "sir, that is a toddler and fresh out of infancy", and d) he would be too powerful.
The inspiration for the IF's whole vibes are from Kiersten White's 'The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein', V.C. Andrew's 'My Sweet Audrina', Laurie Anderson's 'Speak', Kyoukai no Kanata, Wonder Egg Priority, and the Dark Academia aesthetic itself.
This was originally supposed to be a self-contained story, more of a moment in the cast's life than something that will affect them in the long run or be actively going through with time, until I decided to add it into a growing timeline of events alongside other IF's.
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khoicesbyk · 2 years
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The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Explicit (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 13K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Decided to give @choicesficwriterscreations Naught or Nice Prompt a go! Today's prompt is a NAUGHTY ONE 😏 Today's prompt is: “I can't move. That's the idea.” It'll be in bold in black.
TW: mention of murder. Reader Discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED!
This is part 2 of chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed part one. And I hope you'll enjoy part two. Again I had to break the chapter into two parts. So no you’re not seeing double.
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @txemrn @peonierose @twinkleallnight
Trust Fall. Pt. 2.
The next morning they were up bright and early, and exploring the nearby town of Helias. They had breakfast that morning at a local patisserie. 
“This chocolate croissant is not real. It can't be. It's delicious!”
“I’m glad you like it. It’s one of my favorites. The owner’s grandparents came over from France and brought the recipe with them. The only other ones I've had that even compare to these come from a small cafe outside of Paris.” he said as the rest of their breakfast was served.
“What else did you order?”
“A potato, spinach, and pancetta frittata for two, more chocolate croissants since you seem to be obsessed with them, strawberry Pain Perdu, blueberry scones, sliced French bread with cinnamon maple butter, and espresso for two.”
“I feel like you’re calling me fat.”
“You are looking a little portly, love.”
She threw a strawberry at him as he snickered.
“You’re just mad that I beat you to the punch.”
She rolled her eyes with a smirk.
“This place feels like I stepped back in time.”
“Indeed. This part of Cordonia borders France so many of the residents bring that old world Provençal style with them.”
“I take it that you like France.”
“Oh I love it. From the wine country to Paris to the Alps to Monaco. France is a beautiful country. With a beautiful language. French is my favorite language to speak.”
“I feel like Belle is gonna come walking down the road singing with a book in her hands.”
Marquise snorted.
“There is an old library in the town square so that is entirely possible.”
“Oh God! You dragged me into a Disney movie.”
The two shared a laugh as they finished their breakfast.
“Oh my God! That was amazing. I loved everything!”
“You love me?! Finally!”
She rolled her eyes.
“You did say everything.”
Shanelle groaned. 
“I'm not that bad. You’re here, aren't you?”
“Yeah, yeah. So now that we've eaten, where to next?”
“Belle’s favorite place. The grand library in the town center. We will be engrossed in rows and rows of books, old tomes, and dust.”
Shanelle shook her head before they made their way to the library. After finding a quiet corner with an amazing view the two settled into books and had a pleasant conversation. 
“Wow, this place is huge!”
“Yeah. It was one of my mother's favorite places to be. Whenever she felt the walls closing in, she would grab me and my older brother and escape here. We'd spend hours here. Reading and running around.”
“I didn't know that you had an older brother.”
“Yeah, he was the original Crown Prince.”
“Original Crown Prince? What do you mean?”
“He was first in line for the throne. But, he abdicated. He didn't want to be responsible for Cordonia and all of her people. He wasn't ready. Not that I blame him. So when he abdicated, the Crown went to me. Because I'm next in line.”
“Do you two stay in touch?”
“Oh yeah. I texted him earlier. He's ziplining in Thailand right now.”
“I learn more and more about you every day.”
“You learn what I tell you.”
She arched an eyebrow at him.
“Okay then. Tell me something about you that I don't know.”
“I went to school in Boston much like you did.”
Shanelle’s jaw dropped.
“Shut. Up. No, you didn't.”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Where'd you go to school? UMass?”
He looked at her like she had lost her mind.
“It's just a question.”
“No, I didn't go to UMass. I'm not a commoner.”
“Then where'd you go?”
“Y'know that makes a lot of sense.”
“What do you mean?”
“Harvard kids are normally stuck up, entitled, spoiled rich brats who have sticks shoved way up their asses and they don't understand the word no. Like you.”
He sucked his teeth.
“I rest my case.”
“Why Harvard?”
“It was at the top of my top 15 universities list.”
“What were your top 15?”
“Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Brown, Princeton, UPenn, Dartmouth, Columbia, MIT, Duke, Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford, NYU, and Carnegie Mellon.”
“Half of those schools are impossible to get into.”
“Thank God I'm the son of a high-ranking foreign diplomat.”
“So what did you study at the oldest institution in America for higher education?”
“Double Major. Political Science with a concentration in World History and Psychology.”
“Thank you.”
“Did you stay on campus?”
“What part of I'm not a commoner did you not hear?”
“Okay fine. Where'd you stay?”
“In my brownstone near campus, where else?”
“You have a brownstone?”
“5 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths. I've been meaning to visit since I had it renovated a year ago.”
“Isn't there a university here?”
“Yes. Cordonia University.”
“How come you didn't go there?”
He shrugged.
“Both of my parents went to Oxford. I figured if they could go to school anywhere in the world that they wanted to then I could do the same.”
“Fair enough. I can't believe you lived in Boston for 4 years.”
“6 years actually. It's where I learned how to drive. And cook.”
“You know how to cook?”
“Yes. Quite well actually. Cooking was something my mother used to do with my brother and I when we were kids. And after she died, I stopped. I picked it back up when I moved to Boston. I had to eat somehow y'know.” 
“I never thought a Crown Prince would be so self-sufficient.”
“Again, there's a lot about me that you don't know. But you’re smart. You'll learn all there is to know about me soon enough.”
“I'm sure that I will.”
Later that day they went to a local wine and cheese shop.
“Oh my God! This Cabernet is to die for!”
“Wait until you try the white.”
“There's a white?!”
“You’re in a French-inspired town. What do you think?”
They picked a few bottles to drink and cook with before sampling some of the local cheeses. Before they left town they made one last stop at a local butcher shop.
“Welcome to Boucherie Geaneaux. The best butcher shop in Cordonia.” 
The cases were neatly filled with various cuts of meat and poultry. 
“Jean-Pierre?” He called out. After a few seconds of silence, an older black man came out from the back. 
“Bonjour Votre Altesse! C'est bon de vous revoir!”
“C'est bon de vous voir aussi. Cela fait beaucoup trop longtemps.”
“Comment allez-vous, Votre Altesse? Comment va ma sœur? Est-ce qu'elle vous donne encore du temps?”
“Je vais bien. J'ai été en Amérique ces dernières semaines et je suis revenu hier. Je ne suis donc pas encore allé au palais pour la voir.”
“Elle aura votre peau si elle découvre votre maison et ne lui a pas dit.”
Marquise snorted. 
“When does she not?”
“Very true. Now, who is this beauty on your arm?”
“Jean-Pierre, I'd like you to meet Princess Shanelle Miller.” he said before turning to Shanelle, “love, I’d like you to meet Jean-Pierre Rousseau, the owner.”
“Hello, Jean-Pierre. It's nice to meet you.”
“Hello, my dear! Welcome to the finest butcher shop in all of Cordonia.”
“He just said the same thing.”
“Of course he did! I trained him to say it. It's also why he always comes back.”
Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
“This is a lovely butcher shop you have.”
“Thank you, my dear. You can thank my father-in-law. He started it and I took over when he died a few years ago.” he said as he turned to Marquise, “now, what shall I get you, Your Majesty? The usual?”
“Yes. Plus whatever the lady wants.”
Jean-Pierre nodded before turning back to Shanelle with a smile.
“My shop is yours. What shall I get you?”
“Do you have any goat meat?” she asked. 
“Unfortunately, no. But we have fresh lamb.”
“I'll take it.” 
After getting what they needed from the butcher shop, they stopped by the farm stand next door before heading back to the guest cottage with their groceries and wine. The cottage was quaint with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a massive wood-burning fireplace. And updated on the inside. 
“Time for food!” he said to her. 
“What's on the menu?” she asked.
“Chicken Piccata,” he replies. 
She sat back and watched him work in the kitchen. He was fluid. And he was a lot more relaxed than she had ever seen him. Dinner didn’t take him long to prepare and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, it was delicious. 
“Okay. Okay. You can cook.”
“A genuine compliment? I just might faint.”
She rolled her eyes and smirked over her wine glass.
“So what’s on the itinerary for tomorrow?” She asked
“Have you ever been to Paris, Princess?” He replied. 
She squealed. 
“That’s what I thought. We leave tomorrow morning. It's a 6 hour drive.”
“We’re driving?” She asks. 
“No. I’m driving and you’re riding. End of story.” He replied. 
“So bossy.”
“Crown Prince, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
The next day couldn't come fast enough for Shanelle. They left before dawn and drove to Paris in his fully restored cherry red 1968 Chevy Camaro. She couldn't believe her luck. They went to the Louvre, walked along the Seine, visited the cologne shop he told her about, and had dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower. He even took her out on the observation deck, so she could see the city lit up at night.
“Oh my God! I'm at the top of the Eiffel Tower! I'm at the top of the Eiffel Tower! Holy shit! I'm at the top of the Eiffel Tower!” she squealed with him standing behind her.
He snickered.
“Don't look down Princess.”
“Huh?” she asked as she looked straight down, yelped, and jumped back.
“Didn't I just tell you NOT to look down?” he asked as she clung to him.
“You know black people don't listen!”
He held her close to his chest.
“At least you got to enjoy most of the view.”
“Until you ruined it for me…” she muttered.
“You'll be okay. It's getting late, we’d better start heading back.”
She nodded before they headed back down to the bottom. They stayed in Paris that night and the next day before they began the journey back to Cordonia. A few days later Shanelle woke up to an empty bed. She walked out to the great room to see breakfast laid out on the small dining room table and Marquise sitting there shirtless with a cup of espresso.
“Good morning, Princess. Breakfast is served.”
“Good morning. Did you make all of this?”
“Yes. Now come eat.”
Breakfast was just as good as the dinner he made her.
“I'm being seduced by food.”
“The best way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach.”
“So where are gallivanting off to today?”
“We aren't. I'm going to chop some firewood for the fireplace. And you can hang out here if you like or head up to the main house.”
“Okay, I have to call my friends anyway.”
“These friends wouldn't happen to be the famous FabBabes I've heard so much about would they?”
“Yup. I haven't talked to them in days. They probably think you've got me locked up in a tower like Rapunzel.”
“There's still plenty of time for that, my pretty.”
She rolled her eyes at him good-naturedly before he cleared the table of their dishes.
“So you can drive, cook, clean, and chop firewood?” she asks.
“Yes to all the above,” he replies.
“Yup. You are an alien.”
“I do believe in doing otherworldly things. Especially when in bed," he says while wagging his eyebrows.
She snorted. 
“Made you laugh.”
“Hurry up and go chop your firewood.”
After cleaning up the dishes from breakfast, Marquise went outside to chop firewood while Shanelle called her friends on FaceTime. Nina was the first to answer.
“Heyyyyy bestie!”
“Oh my God! She's alive!” Nina said to her.
“Awwww my bestie missed me!”
“Bestie?!” Nina scoffed, “I'm about to trade you in for a new model. You left me for a so-called Crown Prince.” 
“You encouraged me to do so!”
“Since when do you listen to me?”
“I always listen to you! Remember the midnight trip to Martha's Vineyard with the girls that we got into trouble for when we were 16? That trip YOUR idea! And I listened!”
Nina rolled her eyes.
“You will never let that go will you?”
“In case you forgot, I got my license snatched for 6 months because I took the fall for you. So no, I will not.”
Nina shook her head and smirked.
“And yet you still love me, Princess.”
The two laughed.
“Where are the rest of the girls?” Shanelle asked.
“Be patient. You’re such a brat, Nelle.” Nina replied.
“It's your fault!”
“I know. I created the monster that sits before me.”
Shanelle snickered.
“You look good, baby. How are you?” Shanelle asks.
“I'm doing good. One day at a time.” Nina replied.
“How’s rehab going?” 
Nina took a deep breath.
“It's going.”
“Good. Have you told anyone?”
“No. Have you?”
“Nope. I told you. I will take it to my grave.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“I'll be home soon and we'll have a girl's night.”
“As long as you're buying the food, Nelle.”
“Yeah yeah.”
Bronwyn soon joined the call.
“It's my babyyyyy! Hey love!”
“Hey, Nelle! How is it?”
“I'll tell you when the rest of the girls get their butts on the call.”
Robin joined the call next.
“Jackieeeeee!” Shanelle said to Robin,
“Hankkkkkk!” Robin replied.
The two laughed as Desha got on the call.
“There's my future New York’s Best Selling Pulitzer Prize Winning Novelist!”
Dee giggled.
“My forever hype woman. I love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
The last to join the call was Aly and Chutney.
“And now that the Newlywed and the Hollywood Darling have joined the gang’s all here. So strap in ladies! Have I got a story to tell y'all!”
Shanelle told the girls everything she and the Prince had done for the past week, including her two-day trip to Paris.
“I'm not jealous!” Aly pouted.
“Yes, you are.”
“I can't believe he took you to Paris,” Dee quipped.
“Believe it, beautiful. I was there. It was amazing.”
“Did you eat at all the famous restaurants?" Bron asked.
“Nope. Other than the restaurant at the top of the Eiffel Tower, we stuck to the small cafes and patisseries.” Shanelle replied.
“So where are you now? At his palace?” Chut asked.
“Nope. Haven't even seen it.”
“WHAT?!” the girls exclaimed.
“We're at his duchy. It used to be his mom’s but he got it after she died.”
 “Oh damn.” Aly piped up.
“Yeah. And get this. He went to school in Boston.”
“He did?” Nina asks.
“Yup. He went to Harvard.”
The girls each gave Shanelle a side-eye.
“I can't believe that he got into Harvard.” Robin says.
“Money can get you anywhere, apparently.” Dee quipped.
“Did he say why he went to Harvard?” Bron asks.
“It was at the top of his top schools list according to him," Shanelle replied.
“Really?” Chut asks.
“Yep. Lived there for 6 six years. He even has a brownstone in Boston.”
“That's not weird at all.” Nina muttered.
“What do you mean Nina?” Aly asks.
“Think about it. He just happens to go to school in the same town that Nelle went to school in. And lived there for six years? It's way too damn weird.” Nina replies.
“Nina has a point. It does set off alarm bells in my head.” Dee added.
“See?!” Nina says.
“True but at best it's coincidental and circumstantial,'' Bron said.
“See? This is why I love y'all. Y'all don't trust no damn body.”
The girls laughed.
“So how is Cordonia, Princess?” Robin asks.
“It's beautiful here. This part of the country we're in now is a bunch of farmland and vineyards. Very French countryside. Especially the place we’re staying in. Here lemme give y’all a quick tour.” Shanelle replied.
Shanelle turned her camera around and showed the girls everything in and around the apartment. 
“Not bad but I expected that place to be bigger.”, Aly said.
“Yeah. I mean it’s quaint and cozy but it looks small.” Dee agreed.
“That's because this is his apartment and not the main house.”
“Why are you two at his apartment? Also, why does he even have an apartment?” Chut asked.
Shanelle just shrugged.
“He said he prefers it to the main house. Says it's a lot more intimate.”
“Ooh!” the girls say collectively. 
“Intimate huh?” Robin teased.
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“His words, not mine.”
“Suuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeeeee!” Nina said.
“Uh-huh. I regret ever calling y'all.”
The girls giggled.
“So where is the real-life Prince Charming?” Bron asked.
“Outside.” Shanelle replied.
The girls cackled.
“Shanelle! You put that man out of his apartment?” Dee asked.
“No, I didn't put him out. He's outside chopping firewood.” Shanelle replied.
“Chopping firewood? Is he a Prince or a lumberjack?” Robin asks.
“Both apparently," Shanelle replied with a shrug.
“I bet he's not even there," Nina said.
Shanelle groaned.
“If you wanna see what he looks like Nina just say that.”
“Okay fine. I wanna see what he looks like. I need to know that he's real.”
“All these years later and you still get on my nerves.”
“I love you too, Princess.”
Shanelle heaved a sigh.
“Ladies, what about y'all?” Shanelle asked. The rest of the girls all replied yes.
Shanelle got up off the couch and walked outside and showed the girls the man himself. He had an axe in his hands and his back turned to her.
“See? He's real. Y'all happy now?”
The girls were impressed.
“How tall is he?” Dee asked.
“6’5,” Shanelle replied.
“Sheesh! He's not a Prince. He's the Jolly Green Giant.” Robin said.
Shanelle snorted. Her laugh caught his attention.
“If you're going to talk about me, Princess. The least you could do is introduce me to your friends,” he called out over his shoulder. 
“Yeah, Nelle. Introduce us to Prince Charming.” Nina agreed.
Shanelle rolled her eyes at Nina as he walked over. 
“So you’re not going to introduce me?” he asks. 
“Fine then. Since you won't introduce me to your lovely friends, I'll just do it myself.” he said as he snatched Shanelle’s phone out of her hand. “Well hello, ladies! How are you?”
“Heyyyyy!” the girls say to him.
As Shanelle went to grab her phone, Marquise grabbed her arm and pulled her close to his chest.
“Here’s a picture for you girls,” he said before he kissed her. “Enjoy it.”
The girls squealed.
“Gimme that!” she hissed before she snatched her phone from him. 
“It's good to finally meet you girls. Hopefully, I'll get to see you all more, isn't that right my love?” He said over her shoulder as he smugly walked away.
The girls were dying of laughter.
“Daaammmmmnnnnnnn Princess!” Robin teased.
“Ooh! She had her hands all over him!” Bronwyn said while fanning her face. 
“Suddenly it's hot in here!” Chut quipped.
“Had her shook!” Dee added.
“Goodness gracious Shan!” Aly said.
“Just say you enjoyed it, Princess. We won't tease! Much.” Nina said with a cackle.
“Ugh! Y'all are horrible. You are the worst group of friends ever!” she said to the girls who were still laughing. 
“Whatever. You love us.” Nina said to her.
Once inside Shanelle took a deep breath. 
“Well now that y'all have seen him, so you can stop being so worried.”
“That will never happen. We'll always worry about each other.” Bron said.
“True dat.” She said as she plopped down on the couch. 
The girls launched into a full-on gossip session until it started to get late in Cordonia. Later after he had chopped more than enough firewood, he had gotten in the shower while she was sitting on the couch scrolling her phone, there was a knock at the door.
“Now who could that be?” Shanelle thought out loud as she went to the door. When she opened the door, there was an elderly black woman on the other side.
“Oh! Hi.” Shanelle said to her.
“Hello, dear. You must be Shanelle.” 
“That's me. Are you from the main house?” she asked the woman.
“No. I'm Margo Geaneaux. I'm the Prince’s lead attendant.” Margo replied.
“Geaneaux? Like the butcher shop?” Shanelle asked.
“The very same. It's nice to meet you, and finally, be able to put a face to the woman His Highness has been yapping my ear off about.”
Shanelle snickered.
“May I?” Margo asks.
“Yeah sure. Come on in.”
“Thank you, dear.”
Once inside Margo and Shanelle sat down on the couch.
“So how long have you known our beloved pig…I mean Prince?” Shanelle asked.
“Hah! You’re good, I like you. I've known His Highness since before he was born. I've worked for his family most of my life.” Margo replied.
“Have you always been his attendant?”
“Yes, I have. I was his mother's attendant before she died and I stayed on for him.”
“He told me she was poisoned.”
“Yes, she was. It was a sad day for us all.”
“Were you close to his mom?”
“Ellie? Of course. I remember when she found out she was pregnant with him.”
“Her name was Ellie?”
“Her name was Eleanor, but those who knew her called her Ellie.”
“She sounds really sweet.”
“She was. To this day her death still makes no sense to me.”
“How was she poisoned?”
“That's the thing. No one knows. One minute she was attending a ball, and the next she was dead. And no one has been able to figure out how or why.”
Shanelle let out a breath.
“I didn't mean to scare you, dear.”
“I know. It's just a lot to think about.”
“Indeed. It's hard to be a Monarch without making or having a few enemies.”
Shanelle nodded slowly.
“How about we change the subject? How are you liking Cordonia?”
“It's beautiful. At least what I've seen so far. Now you said your last name is Geaneaux right?”
“How are you related to the butcher shop?”
“My older brother Jean-Pierre and I married into the same family. He married his best friend's little sister, and his best friend married his little sister.”
Shanelle winced. 
“Bet that was awkward.”
“Not really. Jean-Pierre, myself, and our younger brother Abhi who lives in France, grew up in an orphanage not too far from here. We all went to school together.”
“Gotcha. So I take it you have stories about beloved Prince?”
Margo smirked.
“Novellas darling. Which volume would you like to start with?”
“Margo, you and I are gonna get along just fine.”
Just then Marquise came out of the main bedroom.
“Hello, son.”
“Mom?” Shanelle asks.
“It's what he calls me. Because I'm the one who was stuck raising this overgrown baboon after his mother died.”
Shanelle cackled while he groaned.
“What are you doing here?”
“You haven't been answering your phone, son. And the only time you do that is when you come here. Also, when were you going to tell me you came home?”
“You would've seen me eventually.”
Margo gave him a look that scared him and Shanelle.
“I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.”
Margo shook her head with a smile.
“You’re lucky that I love you as much as I do.”
Marquise smiled before he hugged her.
“I know. Are you staying with your brother?”
“Yes. He's how I knew you were here.”
“Well since you're here and you've met Shanelle, stay for dinner?”
“I'd be delighted. Jean-Pierre said you got lamb chops.”
Marquise shook his head.
“Only because they're your favorite.”
While Marquise cooked dinner while Shanelle and Margo chatted about life at the palace, her marriage and children, and even a few embarrassing stories about the Prince.
“Mom! Will you stop giving her ammo?”
“Don't you dare talk to my new best friend like that!” Shanelle snapped at him.
Soon dinner was ready and demolished by the trio. And soon, it was time to say goodnight to Margo.
“Thank you for coming mom," he said as he hugged her.
“You’re welcome, my darling. It was good to have you cook for me for once," she said before turning to Shanelle, “it was wonderful to meet you, Princess.”
“Likewise Margo.”
“Hopefully you and I will be spending a lot more time together.”
“Hopefully not.” Marquise quipped.
Shanelle snickered.
“I'll see you soon mom.”
“You'd better,” she said with a wink.
Once she was gone it was just Shanelle and Marquise.
“She was fun.”
“She always is. Even if she is mean to me.”
“She told me about your mother.”
“I figured she would. They were the best of friends. I look at her like a Godmother. I'd do anything for her.”
“She said the same thing. She even called you and your brother the sons she didn't give birth to but is so blessed to have.”
“That's Margo for you.”
“She didn't mention your father much.”
“Not surprised. They never really got along, even when my mother was alive.”
“Is your father really that bad?”
“Let's just say Margo isn't the only one that he doesn't get along with.”
Shanelle simply nodded. 
Early the next evening she was standing at the sliding glass door, watching dark storm clouds roll in as he was coming out of the bedroom. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear him, walking up behind her.
“Well, those clouds don't look friendly.” he quipped.
“Geez! Don't do that! You scared the hell outta me.”
“My bad. I forgot how jumpy you are.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Are we gonna be safe here or do we need to move to the main house?” 
“Nope. We're fine here.”
“It's tranquil. Don't you agree?” he asked her.
“Yup. Almost makes you want to go running through the rain.”
“No, it doesn't.”
“Don't tell me the Crown Prince is scared of thunderstorms?” Shanelle teased. 
“Scared of thunderstorms? Not at all. Scared of being a human lightning rod? Absolutely.”
Shanelle snickered.
“I didn't know you liked thunderstorms, Princess.”
“I do now. Thanks to headphones. But I didn't like them as a kid. Every time a storm came through when I was little, I'd go run and hide in my parent's bed with the lights off.”
“I bet you being all curled up in their bed was adorable.”
Shanelle smirked.
“That's what my dad used to say to me.”
As she watched the storm, she felt his arms wrap around her waist, felt the stubble of his chin on her left shoulder, his bare chest against her back, and his warm breath in her ear.
“We need to stop doing this.”
“Why?” he asks.
“Because I'm starting to like it.”
His warm embrace around her waist tightened.
“Stop it.” she tried to warn him.
“Make me," he said before nuzzling the crook of her neck.
She leaned into him as his lips softly ghosted her shoulder. 
“You’re evil.” she moaned softly.
“You like it," he whispered as his right hand slipped under her crop top cupping her bra and his left drew abstract shapes on the lower part of her stomach.
“Just because I like it doesn't mean it has to happen.”
“If I stop now, you'll start pouting.”
He pressed the front of his body into her back, causing her to brace herself against the glass, trapping her between his solid chest wall and the sliding glass door. 
“Marquise, I can't move.”
“That's the idea.”
He tangled his left hand in her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her neck. He placed a suckling bite at the junction where her shoulder meets her neck. She shivered and moaned softly as he nursed on her neck.
“Mine," he growled against the skin of her neck.
“Marquise…” she breathed out.
“Don't…move,” he whispered as his right hand slipped into her bra. 
She bit her bottom lip as he started to massage her right breast through her bra. Her moans like the storm outside started to get progressively louder. He spun her around and picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, pinned her wrists above her head, and kissed her hard and rough. Letting their tongues 
battle for control. He wanted her. He was obsessed with her. And he had her all to himself. He tightened the grip he had on the backs of her thighs as he deepened the kiss between them. When the kiss ended they were both breathless. He pulled at the bottom of her crop top impatiently.
“Your clothes are in my way.”
“Then do something about it.”
He kissed her again before taking her clothes off piece by piece until she was fully bared before him 
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he said in between leaving heated kisses along her exposed neck and chest area. 
He spun her around so that the front of her body was pressed against the glass. The thunder rumbling outside shook the glass door, but the only thing she could feel was his hands covering hers and his bulge rubbing against her ass. She shivered as she felt his teeth graze the back of her right shoulder. Her body trembled as the pads of his fingers traced the curves of her hips. If it wasn't for his chest being against her back she would've dropped to the floor because his touch turned her knees to jelly. 
“I told myself I'd take my time. But it's hard for me to hold back when you look like this.” His voice was rough but firm. 
He was slowly driving her crazy. Teasing her, frustrating her. But that's how he wanted it. He wanted her on the edge. Ready to unravel. Nothing would be able to stop what he did to her. Well, no one except Mother Nature. Just as he got ready to have some wicked fun with her, the power went out.
“Did the power just?” she asked 
Just then his phone buzzed in his pocket.
“Yes? I know. It just went out here as well. Yes, we're fine.” he says as he glances at her while on the phone. “You all stay safe and let me know the minute, power is restored.” 
“Everything okay?” she asks. 
“Yeah. They just wanted to be sure that we were okay.”
Shanelle chuckled.
“What's so funny?” 
“Nothing besides the fact that the Crown Prince of Cordonia just got cockblocked by Mother Nature.”
“No, I didn't.”
“We're literally in the dark here.”
“My dear. Where there's a will, there's a fireplace.”
She sat on the couch and watched him start a fire as the rain pelted the roof. 
“I knew your lumberjack skills would come in handy somehow. Next, you'll be paving driveways and putting up sheetrock.”
He snorted.
“My talents are better suited for other things.”
“Like what?”
He grabbed her chin and made her look at him.
“Like finishing what I started with you.”
With a wicked smile, he grabbed her by the chin and planted her with a searing kiss. The force, the passion, and the heat behind the kiss were enough to make her lightheaded. Thank goodness for the strength of his arms. As he kissed her, he brought her down to the floor in front of the fireplace. He went from kissing her to kissing along her jaw to her neck. 
“This is where you belong. With me,” he whispered in her ear.
His left hand pinned her wrists above her head to the hard floor as his mouth explored her breasts. He watched her eyes flutter and then close as he nursed her left nipple while toying with and teasing her right one. Then switched. His reward was her soft moans, mewls, and whimpers. His left hand went from her wrists to the heat in between her thighs. He ran his fingers along her wet a lot before dipping inside them. Her eyes flew open and her back arched when he brushed his thumb against her clit in tight slow circles. 
Hearing her cry out when he pulled his hand from between her legs was all the satisfaction he needed. He watched her chest rise and fall as she struggled to breathe. Her skin was covered in a cold sweat that painted her in a soft glow in the firelight. 
He loved seeing her like this. Vulnerable, desperate, frustrated, and falling apart. Just as she got her breathing regulated, he kissed her hard. Stealing the breath from her again. Pressing the front of his body into hers as the thunder crashed above them and the fire blazed in front of them. 
“You look so beautiful like this,” he said as his fingers traced the contours of her breasts. “But I think you've had enough of me touching and teasing you. Don't you?”
“Yes.” she managed to breathe out.
“Good. Turn over on your stomach then.”
She arched an eyebrow at him but did what she was told. She was face down, ass up. He laid his palms flat against her back and slowly slid them to her shoulder blades and raked them back down to her ass. Causing her to shudder. She didn't know what he was gonna do. Just the way he wanted it. After discarding his sweatpants, he leaned forward pressing his chest to her back. He wanted to make sure that she felt his hard dick. 
“Oh! Somebody's happy to see me!” she blurted out
She felt his smile against her ear.
“I am going to fuck you so hard that you'll forget your name. The only thing I want you to do is to disappear into the feeling of how hard I take you,” he growled in her ear as he squeezed her breasts simultaneously.
“Yes…” she moaned.
He loved how her body responded to his touch. Seeing the goosebumps along her skin was addictive to him. He could feel her shaking. She was ready and so was he. He massaged her hips as he put on a condom and spread her legs apart.
“I am about to thoroughly enjoy this.”
She bit her bottom lip as his head rubbed her clit. He closed his eyes and gripped her hips tightly as he entered her. Hearing her gasp was all the motivation he needed to sink further inside her. 
“Fuck!” he hissed low. She instantly stretched around him. Fitting around him like a glove. “This is what heaven feels like.”
He pulled his hips backward, nearly pulling out then surged forward. Filling her up again. And repeating the process. Their combined moans filled the room. The grip his hands had on her hips tightened as he started to up his tempo. She bit down on her bottom lip as she took him deep.
“Don't fight it, love. Don't fight met,” he whispered in her ear. Feeling him was driving her crazy. He felt good. So good.
“Does it feel good, love?”
“Yes! Please! Don't stop!”
“Yes! Be vocal, love! Tell me that you want it.”
He began to time his thrusts into her with each thunder roll outside. He was thankful for the wood floor not having any type of give. He could feel her body tense up as her orgasm rose higher and higher. 
“This is how I want you. At my mercy. Begging for it. Needing me.” he said as he fucked her. 
Her loud moans turned into strangled shouts as she took him. Her body buzzed with pleasure. His fucking her sent shockwaves traveling throughout her body. The way he circled his hips sent her soaring higher into sweet oblivion.
“You like that?”
“Show me, love. Use me. Use my dick.”
He watched her as she threw her ass back. He was in heaven watching her slide back and forth on him.
“Fuck yes! Give it to me! You feel so fucking amazing!” he moaned. 
Her nails clawed at the hard floor below her. She had nowhere to go. She couldn't run from him or his ministrations. He shifted his hips and she nearly lost her mind. He covered her hands with his own. Her orgasm began to crest along with his. He dug his nails into the skin of her hips and gave one final thrust of his hips. Feeling him swell and surge inside caused her vision to go white, her body to seize, and her orgasm to shatter into a million pieces. And he wasn't far behind her.
When it was all said and done they were breathless, sweaty, and completely satisfied. He pulled out of her and pulled her close to his chest as they both came down from the high. 
“You are amazing,” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.
“You're not so bad yourself cowboy.”
He held her close as the fire started to dip below the fireplace hearth.
“Time for a few more logs,” he said before going and throwing a few logs on the fire.
“Any idea when the power will be back on?” she asks as he sat down next to her.
“Nope. But we're safe, satisfied and we have wine,” he replied.
“True,” she said with a yawn.
“Someone's sleepy,” he teased.
“Your fault.”
“Lock me up and throw away the key.”
“Don't you own a dungeon?”
Shanelle shook her head as she snuggled in his arms.
“Go to sleep Princess. Hopefully, the power will be back on later.”
“If you insist.” 
He wrapped her in a blanket and watched her fall asleep slowly. 
Marquise waited until the last possible second to return to the palace. On the ride to the palace, he was silently staring out the window looking lost in thought. The only thing that broke his concentration was her left hand sliding into his right hand. He looked at her, smiled softly, and kissed the back of her hand. She laid her head on his shoulder as they rode into the city center. The companionable silence is what kept him centered. 
He rolled down his window to show her the palace.
“Welcome to the palace, Princess.”
“It's beautiful.” 
He scoffed. 
“And shallow.” 
When she looked at him, his expression had changed. It had hardened and set. Like he was disgusted and didn’t want to be there. When Marquise got out of the car, he was greeted by Alex.
“Good morning Your Highness. Welcome home.”
“Alex.” Marquise replied flatly before helping Shanelle out of the car. 
“It's huge up close!” she said as she looked up.
“And hollow,” he replied.
“I trust you and Princess Miller’s ride was pleasant.”
Marquise ignored and walked past him with Shanelle behind him.
“Your father wishes to see you immediately, Your Highness.”
That stopped him dead in his tracks.
“You know Alex, loyalty used to mean something to you,” he said over his shoulder.
Shanelle looked back to see the look of shock on Alex’s face.
“It does, Marquise. You know this.”
“Oh really? Then explain to me how in the hell my father got a key to my apartment.” Marquise told him.
“I had no choice. You are one of my closest friends and I would never betray you or the trust you put in me, but I can't ignore a direct order.”
Marquise leveled a glare at him.
“A direct order from who Alex?” Marquise asks
“From his superior. Who else?” a man’s voice replied.
Marquise scoffed before turning around. 
“Good morning, Your Highness. It's good to see you.”
“I wish I could say the same to you,” he said to the man before turning to Shanelle. “Princess, I'm sure you've met my father’s favorite lap dog Bastien Lykel.”
Shanelle nodded.
“He's Raydan’s older brother.”
“It's good to see you again, Princess Miller.”
“Raydan was obviously the smart one in the family. He got out before his brother could suck him in.”
“Your father is expecting you. We shouldn't keep him waiting.”
“Of course. Lead the way.” Marquise replied dryly.
Bastien led them inside the palace and two a dressing room. 
“Once you’re ready my Prince, I will escort you to your father.”
Marquise rolled his eyes and slammed the door in his face. 
“Oops. How terrible.” he replied mockingly.
That’s when Shanelle had seen enough. 
“Okay. You’ve been acting really weird since we got here. What's wrong? Why are you being so rude to people?” she asks.
“I'm not being rude to people. I'm being to people I don't trust,” he replies. 
“What did Bastien do to you?” she asked.
“Long complicated family dynamic,” he replied.
“If you don't want to tell me, fine.” she snapped at him.
He stopped and took a deep breath.
“Come here.” he said as he led her to a bench in the room, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be that way.” 
“Look, I don’t know what is going on but you know you can trust me right?” she said to him.
He kissed her softly.
“I know. The short version is this. My father and I don't get along very well and haven't gotten along since my mother died. So I do whatever it is I have to, to distance myself from him as much as possible.”
“Is he really that bad?” she asks.
“You saw for yourself love.”
“Does he know who I am?”
“When he dropped in on us unceremoniously a couple of days ago, I'm going to assume the answer is no. But now? It's more than likely that he does.”
“Should I be scared?”
“No. He'll take his anger out on me like he always does. You don't need to worry.”
Just then there was a knock at the door.
“Son, it's me.” It was Margo.
He got up and opened the door.
“Hey, mom.”
“Hello, my darling. Are you alright?” 
“I will be. Are you here to help get me dressed?” he replied with a shrug.
“Yes, I am,” she said as she entered the room. When she saw Shanelle she smiled. “Hello, Princess. I see we meet again.”
“Hi, Margo.” 
“Whatever it is you two are thinking, don't.”
“You needn't worry, my son. There will be plenty of time for that later. Right now, I have a job to do.”
Margo ushered him into the wardrobe and within minutes he emerged in his official Royal regalia. 
“Damn. You look good, Your Highness.”
He smirked as he put on his gloves.
“Thank you, love,” he replied to Shanelle before turning to Margo. “And thank you. I couldn't do this without you mom.”
“You're welcome, my darling.”
She looked guiltily at Marquise.
“What is it, mom? What's wrong?” he asked Margo.
“I think they knew you were at your duchy because of me. I really only went to check on Jean-Pierre and Anna. And I think they followed me and then reported back to your father. I'm sure they figured that if I was there, you were there. I'm sorry.”
He hugged Margo tightly.
“Mom, it's not your fault. You have every right to visit your brother whenever you want. I don't hold you responsible for this. You’re not the one who gave him a key.”
“Oh, son I'm so sorry.”
He kissed her forehead.
“Don't be. Now I'm sure that His Majesty is going to be on a warpath. So go find George and hide. Alright?”
Margo nodded with a smile.
“You always look out for me.” 
“And I always will, mom. I will always protect you.”
She smiled tearily at him before turning to Shanelle.
“It was good to see you again, dear.” 
“Likewise Margo. Be safe.”
Margo smiled softly before leaving. 
“You really love her.”
“With every fiber of my soul. She's been like a mother to me. I will do anything for her.”
“Such a knight.”
“Indeed. Now, are you ready?”
Suddenly unsure, Shanelle nervously bit her bottom lip.
“Marquise, are you positive that I shouldn't be worried?” she asks.
“Yes. I don't want you to say anything. Is that clear?” he replied.
“But what if tries to speak to–” she started to ask before he put a finger to her lips.
“You. Don't. Say. A. Word. Do you understand?” he asked in a tone that scared her.
“Yes. I understand,” she replied quietly.
“Good. Now let's go,” he said to her.
Once out in the hallway, he summoned Bastien. “Bastien!” 
Bastien appeared beside them.
“Yes, My Prince?” 
“Let's get this over with.”
Bastien led them down a series of halls to the main doors of the throne room. Before entering he slid his left hand into her right and squeezed gently. 
“Are you ready?” she whispered.
“As I'll ever be,” he replied to her before motioning to Bastien to open the doors. 
Once the doors opened, Marquise squared his shoulders, donned a stoic mask on his face, and walked firmly to the thrones with Shanelle behind him. Sitting on those thrones were Constantine and his wife Queen Regina.
“I see you finally deigned to join us, my son. It only took you until the last possible second.” Constantine sneered. 
“Glad to be of service. Now, what do you want?” Marquise replied.
Connie threw a folder at his son’s feet.
“That is this year's budget for the monarchy. It's missing a few tax incentives that I know I told you to write in. Y’know with you, of all people being the Keeper of the Royal Treasury.”
Marquise shrugged. 
“Must've slipped my mind,” he said to his father.
“Yes, well, as slippery as your mind gets, you have a job to do and I expect you to do it correctly.”
“You mean you expect me to be like you and continue to raise taxes on the people to fund your drinking habits, right?”
Constantine was not impressed with his son’s tone.
“You know. You’re starting to sound like your mother.”
That set the Prince off.
“Don't you EVER in your sorry goddamn life dare mention my mother!” he growled.
“Why not? After all, she was my wife.”
Marquise seethed.
“Not that you would know anything about being faithful…father.”
Connie’s face soured.
“You watch your tone boy!”
“Or what? You'll ground me?” Marquise mockingly asked.
“Worse. I'll fire that obstinate wench you've always been so protective of.”
“If you dare!” Marquise sneered.
“You forget my son,” Connie said as he leaned forward with a smug grin. “I am King!”
“…for now.” 
Connie leaned back and regained his composure.
“Fix the budget, Marquise.”
“Is that Connie the father talking or Connie the King?” Marquise asks.
“Both in your case,” Connie replied.
Connie turned his attention to Shanelle.
“Well hello again, young lady. My don't you look like a treat?”
Shanelle stood frozen in place. Connie chuckled darkly and shook his head.
“Let me guess, my so-called son, told you not to speak to me?” he asked Shanelle who remained silent. 
“Predictable. Wouldn't you agree my love?” he turned and asked Regina.
“Quite,” she replied. 
“Ahh yes. The ‘happy’ couple.” Marquise said before turning to Shanelle, “Shanelle. Meet Regina Amaranth-Rys. The current Queen Of Cordonia and my father’s doormat…I mean wife.”
Connie’s nostrils flared.
“So tell me, Regina, how many women did your whore of a husband sleep with this week hmm? 5? 6 or maybe it was his lucky number of 7?” he asked Regina. That caused Connie to rise up out of his seat.
“That is enough! I've had just about enough of your insolence and insubordination!” Connie spat at Marquise.
“Welcome to my life as your son. It's not all sunshine and rainbows is it?” 
“Don't think for one moment that I can't have you hanged!” Connie warned his son who was unfazed.
“You could but you won't.”
“And why is that son?” Connie asked.
“Because of the marriage treaty. It's legal, ironclad, non-negotiable, and final. Whether you like it or not and whether you agree with it or not, you are the one who made sure that I am the next King of Cordonia.”
That's when Connie smirked as he sat back down on his throne.
“Speaking of which, I have news. For both of you.”
“What are you talking about?” Marquise asked.
“I know who she is. After all, she's the reason you'll be King,” he said to Marquise before turning his wicked glare to Shanelle. “My news to you is very simple. I have someone here who is very excited to meet you, Princess.”
Shanelle shared a look with Marquise as a side door to the left opened. And a man walked in. When Shanelle got a real good look at him, her blood ran cold. Because he looked exactly like her father. 
“Princess Shanelle. I'd like to introduce you to your uncle and one of the architects of the treaty, King Edward Miller.”
He bowed to her with a wicked smile.
“Hello, my niece. It's nice to finally meet you after all these years.” 
0 notes
becasbelt · 3 years
the bellas as @chloebeale's wildest anons
Beca: ever wondered if you might have some narcissism? serious question, i sometimes wonder if i have some.
Chloe: some people have sex injuries, and some people, let’s call them me, have a fapping injury which flares up from time to time.
Aubrey: Remember, it’s better to walk in on both of your parents doing it than just one of them.
Emily: You ever wonder how long it took Adam and Eve to figure out what went where? Like what was that process like, did he put it in her nose, or her ear, or under her arm, before finally figuring it goes in the vag? These are the things I think about…
Fat Amy: 69’ing is overrated. The 96 is where it’s at. That’s an upside down 69, where y’all’s arses lay on the back of your partner’s head. Farting is optional.
Stacie: help! stuck in horny jail and need to raise money for bail!
Cynthia-Rose: If they started making donuts that taste like vajay, would you try one?
Flo: Did you know that when men are captured by cannibal tribes, just before they boil them, the tribal leaders show the men pornographic images so that they get an erection and there’s more meat on them?
Lilly: would you ever have sex in the woods? or a graveyard?
Jessica and Ashley: vanilla sex is the best sex 🥰
61 notes · View notes
fushic0re · 3 years
fuck, i related to your post so so much. i left the marvel writing scene because the interaction is just....bad. no matter how many times i begged for reblogs or even comments i got absolutely nothing. all my writing blog gets is likes so i've basically just abandoned it and it's back to being a fic library.
i write on this blog now because the witcher fandom is nicer but even then my notes are just---bad. i'm to a point where i write solely because i want to and it's entirely self-indulgent now because i have fought too hard to let my talent go to hell again. i write for the few reblogs i get with sweet tags, for the mutual who reblogs all my works and screams in my comments, and i--obviously--write for me.
but i also know that not everyone can do that because the 'hitting like and running' culture is killing every website. instead of sharing media and loving it people are coming to the dinner table, looking at the food, and leaving. thus leaving writers feeling like we amount to nothing, hell leaving all creatures feeling like we amount to nothing. then when we have the nerve to go "hey, please reblog my content!" we're called stuck up and terrible for it and i just???? if you want content you HAVE to show us that you want content from us.
comment on every fic you love, send the writer's asks about your favorite fic, REBLOG CONTENT. the number of people who follow me currently who just like every single thing i post is infuriating. we wouldn't be begging for interaction if y'all would just interact.
i just...ugh. it's exhausting because writing is the one thing i can do well and often times it's just ignored. i'm still bitter about the bucky story i wrote a year ago, worked my ass off on, and the notes are absolute garbage. it was the largest indication that i clearly was not welcome so i quietly let and am just writing content on my main blog because at least there i feel like my writings go somewhere...sometimes.
by the way, ilysm and i'm sorry that the low engagement is fucking you up too. i'm sorry it's such a struggle to create content because we're just shoved down. i'm sorry that every time anyone talks about a wip we're all ignored, it fucking sucks. this is the one website where i feel safe but it also drives me up the fuckin walls.
the "write for yourself" mentality is 1000% valid and i'm so glad it works for you bc it takes a lot of mental and emotional work to get to that place.
however for me personally, it's a mentality that collapses on itself for a couple of reasons. firstly, we post our work to share it. in doing so, we naturally expect some form of interaction and even validation. which leads me to my next point, it's normal and natural for us to expect validation. we're proud of our writing. we invest a lot of time, effort, planning, researching, heart, and passion into our works. it's normal for us to put out our works like a mother dog would her newborn pup to her owner and be like "look what i made! aren't you proud of me?".
i know you don't mean it like that at all, but whenever i've been people reblog my posts about engagement/interaction being low and how it's hurting the writing community, there have been people who were borderline condescending in the reblogs being like "see this is why i write for myself now" and it almost makes writers feel like they shouldn't want some pay off for their hard work when the truth of the matter is that they do.
i always say this whenever this subject comes up; you wouldn't clock into your 9-5 and work a whole shift if you knew you were getting absolutely nothing out of it. things that require effort should be rewarded.
apparently that's too hard of a concept for consumers to understand. if i'm stuck up for depending the fruits of my labor, then so be it.
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rainbowoftamaran · 3 years
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Check out my rainbow of friends!
"So, yes, I made all these awesome friends, and I realized that I have a full rainbow! Obviously, that's really amazing and perfect and I just have to show it to anyone who cares!
Nisha - @chainxdancer - is just really cool! She's strong and can fight and she's... I forgot what exactly she is but she's not human and has a tail and horns and she doesn't mind sharing her money or food with me, and if things go as planned I might be able to join her on her adventures soon to earn my own money!
Moonshot - @warriorfortamaran - uh... look. I needed to fill the orange slot, and I do know him. He's a meanie though, typical tamaranean with a side of extra-grumpy. Best you avoid him.
Yuko - @rosecoloredmuses - was so very nice to me! Despite having quite clearly caught me attempting to steal from her, she offered me some of her candies, and oh are those great! Definitely worth our encounter! We didn't have that much time together, since she had to go soon enough, but, it was really cool to meet her and I do consider us friends after this - I mean, you don't give non-friends just free food, right? - and just, I love her sweets and am absolutely convinced that she's a great person to meet!
Sirise - @siriseen - and I met on some other planet. It was really nice to have company during that exploration, and she knows so much! She's also really good at medicine and these things, so like, definitely someone that I'm glad to know! Still not quite sure what that Starfleet is that she belongs to, but, yeah, it's been really fun with her and I do hope that we'll meet again!
Minato - @dxfiedfxte - actually is not dyeing his hair, as he told me! I never thought humans had such a variety in hair-color! It does seem to be a unique thing for him, too, so I probably thought right. It's very awesome to know someone else who has a rather unique hair-color of their species! He's also been really nice to me so far and it's fun to hang out with him!
Perrine - @flusenimkopf - has helped me before with giving that karrn'k Moonshot a bit of what he deserves, even before we got to know one another! She's also not human either, and I think she doesn't know all about where she's from just like how I don't! It's just really cool to hang out with her, and I'm glad we're having some things in common! I'm also very happy to have someone that I can complain about Moonshot to and do stuff to him together with, that's really something I needed.
So yeah, they are all really amazing and awesome to know, so I absolutely suggest that you consider enriching your life by knowing them, too!"
[[This all has been presented to you by Starlight, found on this blog, @rainbowoftamaran . Below the cut you can find some OOC-stuff like credits and the likes.]]
Hello! If you do reach the cut, thank you for checking the OOC blabber behind the post, too! I've been working on this thing for a little bit now. I'm not entirely happy with it, but content enough to post it, as some sort of promo I guess. Please feel no obligation to reblog this, whether you are in this or not, I just had to do something "for Starlight" upon realizing she had the full rainbow together. (Obviously, not saying that friends are something to collect, or anything ridiculous like that, but I'm hopeful that no one of you will understand this wrongly!)
Moonshot is my own blog, as is Starlight, you can find a link to my mainblog and to my other blogs on each of these blogs' pages.
I sorta-copied the rainbow-waterfall-thingie from a copyrighted picture on some of these websites. I didn't use and just erase the watermark, I only took it as example and created my own thing based on it. I do hope that I don't need to credit for that, then - though during my search I found on these pages also pics with watermarks of others so they probably are in no place to call me out for using their pic as base.
In the next paragraph you find info of the pictures, and a little message to each mun in smaller in brackets behind the stuff.
Nisha's pic is taken from here, which was a commission as you can read in the post I linked. (-- I would've liked to not cut her body off quite as early, but these pics were the first I found on your blog outside of that one in your about and liked for this thing, and since they weren't going any further than this I had to cut it there! I do hope you like my choice of picture here and aren't disappointed or something that I didn't show more of Nisha!) Moonshot's pic is an edit, like the 2 other pictures I have of him, of a picture from Touda from Shounen Onmyouji. Yuko's pic is taken from an official picture, as far as I know, simply made transparent. (-- I do hope the picture is one that you like to see of her!) Sirise's pic is an edit of a screenshot showing Poison Ivy from that recent Harley Quinn show. (-- I gotta add that I was like so lucky that you actually mentioned a FC for Sirise of all your muses when I asked you that "random" question! I really wanted to include her but kinda didn't really want to add one actor among anime/cartoon/drawn characters, and when you then mentioned Ivy and I found a fitting appearance, I was so happy to have found a way to include her without mixing RL and animated characters! This thing here is also the reason I made this edit in the first place, but it was cool that I could kinda ask for your opinion on it beforehand through our talks xD) Minato's pic is, as far as I know, from an official source, and again just made transparent so it worked for my thing. (-- I really really tried to find the pic you're having as background in your theme, it looks pretty cool and I was intending to use that, but I couldn't locate it anywhere! So I kept searching, I first had a different pic chosen where he's like, very light blue all over - not in skin or the likes but I mean hair and suit - but that was a little too one-color for me in the end so I chose this one even though I prefer a bit more color! I do hope it's a 'normal' outfit of his and that you like my choice!) Perrine's pic is from here, which is art of the mun of the blog. I wish I could draw so well! (-- Your art is amazing and I'm glad you were alright with someone using it for a thing as long as you still are mentioned!)
Starlight's pic too is an edit, of an official art thingie of Rika Jougasaki from iDOLM@STER (I hope I wrote that right). And yes, she's supposed to be sitting on that cloud.
So, yes, I think this is all I have to say to it! I'm very glad that y'all are interacting with my little rainbow here (and perhaps my other blogs too), you're very awesome and it's an honor and delight to be your mutual and interaction-partner! Thank you!
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