usalatestwebstories · 2 months
Katie Ledecky wins 13th medal, most ever for female Olympian
NANTERRE, France — American women took silver in the 4×200-meter freestyle relay Thursday, putting an all-time record 13th medal around the neck of Katie Ledecky. The team of swimmers Ledecky, Claire Weinstein, Paige Madden and Erin Gemmell placed second behind Australia — Mollie O’Callaghan, Lani Pallister, Brianna Throssell and Arianre Titmus — who turned in an Olympic record time of…
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Katie Ledecky ganha 13ª medalha, maior número de medalhas para uma atleta olímpica #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News NANTERRE, França — As mulheres americanas conquistaram a prata no revezamento 4×200 metros livre na quinta-feira, colocando a 13ª medalha, um recorde histórico, no pescoço de Katie Ledecky. A equipe de nadadores Ledecky, Claire Weinstein, Paige Madden e Erin Gemmell ficou em segundo lugar, atrás da Austrália — Mollie O’Callaghan, Lani Pallister, Brianna Throssell e Arianre Titmus — que…
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recentlyheardcom · 2 months
Katie Ledecky wins 13th medal, most ever for female Olympian
NANTERRE, France — American women took silver in the 4×200-meter freestyle relay Thursday, putting an all-time record 13th medal around the neck of Katie Ledecky. The team of swimmers Ledecky, Claire Weinstein, Paige Madden and Erin Gemmell placed second behind Australia — Mollie O’Callaghan, Lani Pallister, Brianna Throssell and Arianre Titmus — who turned in an Olympic record time of…
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italianeincam · 5 months
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Modelle/Modelli online: Arianr
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🖊🖊🖊 for whoever you want!
Thank you so much for the ask! Not sure if the three pens is just for fun or actually means three questions, so I’m gonna take it as three questions because I’m always looking for an excuse to ramble about my OCs hehe. This ended up being longer than I meant it to be but I hope you all enjoy! I certainly enjoyed writing it :D
Fact #1: In light of my sylvari headcanon post, I’ll talk about Noire’s thorns! In my headcanon post I mentioned thorns as something an angry sylvari can get, but that’s not quite the case for Noire. Noire’s thorns are more of a defensive thing. He was “raised” in the Nightmare Court, so he learned that he always has to be on the defensive to survive. His body translated this need to always feel like he’s prepared for danger into protective thorns. While he’s no longer in the Court and is much happier, he still has thorns since traumatic lessons like those don’t go away easily. His lifestyle doesn’t exactly help either since he often gets into danger.
Fact #2: For this one, I’ll talk about Arianr and Arawn’s color change! Originally, Arianr was more of a blue color and Arawn was red. That changed however after they died and came back (still working on the details of that, but basically it’s gotta do with the White Mantle, Margonites, and Dragon Scions). While in the Mists, Arianr encountered a mysterious dragon scion who referred to themselves simply as “The Voice of The Mists”. The Voice told Arianr her story does not end here and that they wish to help her on her Wyld Hunt (which is to stop a powerful evil sylvari, aka corrupted!Arawn but at this point she doesn’t know that’s who that is). It takes a bit of convincing until Arianr accepts since she believes her dearheart Arawn is dead and doesn’t want to live without him, but she finally does when she realizes it is her duty to see her Wyld Hunt through. The Voice then guides Arianr through the trials to resurrection. At the end when they finally reach the portal back to Tyria, the Voice blesses Arianr with their powers and forms a connection with her. It... wasn’t a fun process though. The Voice engulfed Arianr in a wave of magical water. Boiling magical water. This process is what stripped Arianr of most of her color as the water “boiled away her impurities”, as the Voice put it. When it was all over and the Voice’s power flowed through her, her glow color became a bright light blue and so did her eyes.
As for Arawn, his color comes from the corruption of the bloodstone and his own resurrection. When he died, he met a margonite named Azaroth who desired to become his Patron(what I call the legendary figures that the revenants summon). Like Arianr, Arawn refused since he didn’t want to live without his dearheart. Unfortunately, Azaroth wasn’t giving him a say in the matter. In the physical realm, the margonite’s White Mantle minions were busy imbuing Arawn’s body with bloodstone and readying a resurrection ritual. The combination of the bloodstone and the ritual turned his color to a dark purplish red akin to a rotting apple and changed his glow and eye colors to a bright red as the bloodstone’s power flowed through him.
Fact #3: Last fact! This time I’ll talk a bit about Morag’s past! People often think she will one day fall to the Nightmare because of her personality, but another big part of that is because she use to be very close with a couple of sylvari who ended up joining the Court. These sylvari were Eimear, Aoife, and Scathach. They were essentially a group of bullies who roamed around the Grove harassing people. At this time, Morag was still a sapling and Aoife(the ringleader) had been around longer than she had(not by much though) so she looked up to her and eagerly copied what she did to get her and her little gang’s approval. Over time, Morag ended up growing closer to Scathach rather than Aoife and began thinking of her as an older sister. One night, the two were hanging out when Scathach mentioned she had signed up to join the Order of Whispers and said she wanted Morag to join too. Scathach then confessed she hates Aoife and Eimear and only follows them around because Aoife is her twin and that she wishes better for Morag. At first Morag is hesitant to agree to join because she’s afraid of what Aoife and Eimear will do to her, but eventually she agrees and together the two become Order of Whispers initiates. Things go well until one day Aoife and Eimear show up and declare they’re going to join the Nightmare Court and they want Morag and Scathach to join too. To Morag’s horror, Scathach agrees and joins them. Outnumbered 3 to 1, Morag is about to give in when Scathach gives her a small shake of her head, silently telling her “don’t give in.” It’s around that same time when two other Whispers initiates come over to offer help, having noticed the distressed look on Morag’s face. Aoife tells them to buzz off, but they don’t and stand beside Morag, ready to defend her if necessary. Feeling braver, Morag declares she will not join them. Aoife is furious and is about ready to knock some “sense” into her, but Eimear cuts in and says not to waste her time on Morag, making Aoife reluctantly back off. The three courtiers-to-be leave, and as they do so, Scathach subtly looks back at Morag and gives her an apologetic look. When they’re gone, the two Initiates who stood up for Morag introduce themselves as Sila and Lorraine and invite her to hang out with them. Morag hesitates at first before accepting and the three become friends.
(For those curious about Scathach, it’s later revealed she joined the Nightmare Court to serve as an undercover agent for the Order of Whispers to help take down one of their larger camps)
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“can’t you listen to me?” For the writing prompt 👀
Thanks for the ask bruh ❤️👀 I’m gonna do this one with Arianr and Arawn!
(warning: this includes eye trauma)
“Can’t you listen to me?!” Arianr shouted, grabbing her former lover by his shoulders. He scoffed and swatted her hands away.
“Can’t you listen to me?” Arawn argued, “You’re not getting it. The bloodstone can help us. With it’s power, we will never have to fear for our safety again! We will be on top. People will fear us!” He waved his hand around, gesturing to the bloodstone growing on the walls of the long-abandoned Inquest lab.
“That’s exactly the problem! I don’t want to be feared! You don’t want to be feared! I know you, Arawn. This isn’t you! Can’t you see the bloodstone is corrupting you?” She cried, tears welling up in her eyes.
“You are the one who is corrupted.” He said, shaking his head, “Look at you. Look at what your precious dragon has done to you. You have been made into their servant and you refuse to see that.” Arianr furrowed her brow, glaring at the dark sylvari before her. He sighed and softened slightly, reaching out and brushing a few of Arianr’s tears away. “I love you, dearheart. I want you with me. Please. Join me.” Arawn murmured sweetly, tracing her jawline with his thumb. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes as she desperately held onto each tender moment. He slowly leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips, softly whispering “please” once more. It broke her heart. She wanted so desperately to be with him, but she knew she couldn’t be. Not when he's like this.
“I’m sorry, dearheart. I won’t.” She whispered sorrowfully against his lips, “I won’t join you.” Arawn’s crimson eyes narrowed and he leaned back, looking down at his former lover with a hurt, bitter expression.
“Don’t you love me anymore?” He asked, his brow furrowed.
“Yes! Of course I do. I will always love you. That’s exactly why I won’t join you.” Arianr said desperately, “I will not let you do this to yourself.” He sighed heavily and shook his head.
“You’re not making any sense, my love. The dragon... it’s messing with your thoughts. It’s trying to turn us against one another.” The corrupted sylvari said, “Why don’t you see that?”
“The Voice of The Mists has nothing to do with this.” Arianr huffed in frustration, “It’s the bloodstone! How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“The Voice wants you to think it’s the bloodstone. It’s afraid that by embracing the bloodstone, you’ll become stronger than it!” Arawn argued, “Open your eyes, dearheart. You’re being used.”
“You’re wrong.” She growled, “You’re the one being used. You’ve seen what the bloodstone does to other people. It makes them go mad.” The dark sylvari scoffed.
“Those people were weak. I am not.” He sneered, “The bloodstone bends to my will. Not the other way around.”
“You’re a fool to think that. Perhaps you haven’t gone completely mad like the others, but the bloodstone still controls you.” The light colored sylvari hissed, “Look at what you’ve done, Arawn! You’ve killed people! That isn’t you! You would never kill anyone!” She cupped his face and pulled him in close. “I remember when you would cry after accidentally stepping on a bug. You use to grow gardens and raise every lost baby animal you came across.” She said softly, “Where has your kindness gone?”
“People change. I’ve become what I had to be to survive.” Arawn said coldly as he once again pushed her away, but for a moment there was the faintest look of shame and regret on his face.
“Arawn... I believe there’s still good in you somewhere.” She said sadly, “You’re scared. I understand. The... incident... with the White Mantle was traumatic for both of us... But you aren’t alone. We have each other. Please. Let me help you.” She took his hands in hers and squeezed them as she looked desperately into his crimson eyes, pleading and hoping for him to listen to her. He hesitated for a moment, his resolve wavering. Deep inside, some part of him wanted to believe Arianr. It wanted to jump into her arms, to let her take care of him and tend to all the broken parts of his soul. Arawn’s brow furrowed and he crushed the feeling deep, deep down.
“I don’t need help.” He said, glaring down at her, “You need help, and I will help you whether you like it or not.” Suddenly, he twisted her arms behind her back, making her yelp in pain. “If you will not willingly embrace the bloodstone, then I will make you. It’s for your own good.” The corrupted sylvari snarled, starting to drag her to the lab with the largest concentration of bloodstone.
“No! Arawn! Stop!” She shouted, struggling to break out of his grip.
“Stop fighting me! I’m doing this for you! For us!” He growled.
“You’re doing this for yourself!” She snapped back. The light colored sylvari elbowed him in his side and stomped on his foot, making his grip on her arms loosen as he hissed in pain. She then twisted around and slammed her body into his, sending them both hurtling into a glass pane. Shards of glass flew everywhere as they tumbled to the ground. Arianr quickly rolled off to the side, ignoring the glass digging into her skin as she tried to get away. She wasn’t fast enough, however, and Arawn grabbed her leg, pulling her back towards him. Her heart pounded in fear, her mind flashing back to long ago when the White Mantle surrounded her. Acting purely on instinct, she grabbed a large shard of glass and whirled around, plunging it into her attacker’s eye. She realized her mistake too late.
Arawn howled in pain, recoiling back and letting go of Arianr as he clutched his injured eye. He staggered to his feet, corrupted black sap pouring down the side of his face as he ripped the shard of glass out. Arianr could only stare in horror at what she’s done.
“A... Arawn... I...” She stammered, but the words caught in her throat as her former lover looked at with her with such anger and hurt in his now only eye.
“Arianr... How could you?” He hissed out through gritted teeth as he leaned on a lab console, his voice filled with grief.
“I didn’t mean to.” She choked out, tearing welling in her eyes, “It was an accident, I-I swear!”
“Get out.” He said. She didn’t move. “GET OUT!” The corrupted sylvari roared, slamming his fist on the lab console, breaking it. The light color sylvari moved this time, quickly scrambling to her feet and stepping back.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered sorrowfully before conjuring a portal to the Mists and disappearing into it. Slowly, Arawn slumped to his knees, shaking from the pain and the storm of emotions inside him.
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Some screenshots I got from @charrbys​ ‘s meetup! It was a lot of fun, I’m so glad I could join and see everyone :D
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