#aric jorgan x female republic trooper
jb-nonsense · 1 year
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"For the Cathar, picking a mate...It's...A lifelong commitment. Big decision, as you can imagine. Never really gave it much thought before. Then I met you."
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commander-krios · 2 years
world building wednesday
Despina Sloane
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full name: Despina Sloane
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Randolph Sloane (father), Beatrice Sloane (mother), Jocasta Sloane (sister)
birthplace: Dantooine
job: Republic Trooper, Leader of Havoc Squad, Alliance Military Specialist
phobias: Storms, bugs
guilty pleasures: Despina isn’t the type to have ‘guilty pleasures’ but she does enjoy alcohol, tattoos, and no strings attached sex.
morality alignment?: Chaotic Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Despina is the poster child for extroverts. She’s outgoing, social, action oriented, and overall very friendly.
organized/disorganized: She is both. Organized when it comes to work and her missions. In her personal life, she’s extremely disorganized and she likes it that way.
close minded/open-minded: She’s generally open minded about ideas and people, unless they go against her moral code, which is very loose on the best of days.
calm/anxious: Despina is a calm person, but she does have bouts of anxiety at times, especially once she becomes the leader of Havoc.
disagreeable/agreeable: Her superiors (and Jorgan especially) find her to be disagreeable to a lot of their orders. She has her own thoughts on how resources should be used and how missions should be done and that causes a lot of clashing.
cautious/reckless: When it comes to her own life and safety, she’s a risk taker. It helps that she wears heavy armor so her mortality is never something she’s worried about. When it comes to her squad, however, she doesn’t put them in any unnecessary danger.
patient/impatient: Impatient most of the time. She likes immediate gratification. 
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken to the point that it gets her in frequent trouble with command.
leader/follower: She’s a leader, but not a willing one. She doesn’t like having people to worry about and she doesn’t like answering to authorities that demand too much of them.
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic to a fault at times.
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic to the point that it sometimes irritates Aric.
traditional/modern: While her sister is a traditionalist, Despina enjoys the modern parts of life and prefers it over anything else.
hard-working/lazy: Despite her loose moral code and her disorganized personality, she is very hard working.
otp: Despina x Theron
ot3: Despina x Theron x Jonas
brotp: Despina & Jorgan, Despina & Elara, Despina & Jonas, Despina & Jaxo
notp: Despina x Jorgan
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keirangoldenwatch · 3 years
OC List Masterpost
While this isn't an RP or ask blog, I love getting questions about (or "for") my OCs, so feel free to send them if you'd like!
Exalted OCs:
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Seren Witt
Faction: Infernal (Scourge Caste) / Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Age: 23 / Female / Has four eyes, very sensitive ears, and zero filter In a Relationship with: Theron Ruinseeker (Dating, Bondmates) Associated Tags: Seren Witt, Theron Ruinseeker, Implied Shovel
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Qiu Yue Jin
Faction: Lunar (Changing Moon Caste) / Alignment: Lawful Evil Age: 32 / Female / The Steward of the Demon Prince Associated Tags: Qiu Yue Jin (and a fucking ton of trigger warnings)
Your Boyfriend YNsona:
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Age: Late 20's / Genderfluid / Has several folders of pictures... In a Relationship with: Peter Dunbar ("Their Boyfriend", naturally) Associated Tags: Yen, ynsona (as well as MANY yandere tw) Yen's Ask/RP Blog: [HERE!]
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Umeko Takenaka
Faction: Illuminatus Inc. / Alignment: Lawful Evil Age: 19 / Female / The Plum Tree's Serpentine Daughter In a [Platonic] Relationship with: Lawrence Lisko (FwB), Felicity Foxworth (FwB) Associated Tags: Umeko Takenaka
The Dresden Files OCs:
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Annette Wagner
Faction: Thorne Industries / Alignment: True Neutral Age: 29 / Female / Sweetest little alchemist this side of Chicago Associated Tags: Annette Wagner, David Wagner, Dresden Files: Edge Town (RP)
Star Wars: The Old Republic OCs:
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Faction: Imperial[?] (Agent, Operative) / Alignment: Light Side V Age: 24 - 39* (*Class Story to Onslaught) / Female / Perpetually Exhausted™ In a Relationship with: Vector Hyllus (Married), Kaliyo Djanis (On/Off Girlfriends) Family: Darth Nox (Adoptive Daughter, Adored) Associated Tags: Tenku'lohi, Press F for the Imperial Agent
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Rezhek Iaseed
Faction: Republic (Trooper, Commando) / Alignment: Light IV Age: 27 - 42* / Female / The Republic's most tolerant babysitter trooper In a Relationship with:  Aric Jorgan (Married, Life Mates) Associated Tags:  Rezhek Iaseed
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Darth Nox (Seran)
Faction: Sith (Inquisitor, Assassin) / Alignment: Dark V Age: 16 - 31* / Female / Happiest little murderer you'll ever (hope not to) meet In a Relationship with: Theron Shan (Married), Andronikos Revel (Ex-Husband, FwB) Family: Tenku'lohi (Adopted Mother, Idolizes), Lord Kallig (Great x ?? Grandfather) Associated Tags: Seran / Nox, Darth Nox
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theniveanlegacy · 4 years
OC Masterlist
oc tag
(Color= color crystal)
Nivean Legacy: Primary Universe
Jedi Knights
Mayyen Nivean (x) (x)
Species: Twi’lek
Age at class story start: 17
Gender: female
Love Interest: Theron Shan
Jedi Consulars
Khellel Junhai (x) (x)
Species: Cathar
Age at class story start: 19
Gender: female
Love Interest: Rass Ordo, Torian Cadera, Zenith, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Koth Vortena, Felix Iresso
Clabreo Aldin (x) (x)
Species: Human
Age at class story start: 21
Gender: female
Love Interest: Corso Riggs, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, Koth Vortena, Darmas Pollaran, Skavak
Iastia Jorgan (x)
Species: Mirialan
Age at class story start: 27
Gender: female
Love Interest: Aric Jorgan
Sith Warriors
Romiyya Ri’ka (x) (x)
Species: Togruta
Age at class story start: 22
Gender: female
Love Interest: Malavai Quinn
Sith Inquisitors
Bria Mor (x)
Species: Twi’lek
Age at class story start: 23
Gender: female
Love Interest: Andronikos Revel
Nazeara Ani’Bril (x)
Species: Twi’lek
Age at class story start: 20
Gender: female
Love Interest:
Bounty Hunters
Astoria Nexi (x) (x)
Species: Human
Age at class story start: 18
Gender: female
Love Interest: Torian Cadera
Imperial Agents
Fehnn (x)
Species: Chiss
Age at class story start: 22
Gender: female
Love Interest: Vector Hyllus
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jeswii · 3 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aric Jorgan/Female Republic Trooper Characters: Female Republic Trooper, Aric Jorgan, Elara Dorne Additional Tags: Not Beta Read, Made up Star Wars planet, Slow Burn Summary:
Random snips from my brain for the Trooper story about a trooper who grew up on a planet that in the last war was a constant battle ground between the Republic and Empire. She's been fighting the Empire since as soon as she could walk. Semi slow burn for F!trooper x Aric.
Chapter 3 is up
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aly-the-writer · 7 years
Aly’s Fic Masterlist
My AO3 || My Askbox (I accept random prompts!)
Most links will direct to Archive of Our Own rather than Tumblr.
I have not included links to projects that I have currently abandoned but they may still be found on my Ao3 Account
If you’re looking for stories with a specific character of mine they can be found by checking the respective “OC: Their Name” tag in the search function of my blog.
Dragon Age
Frost Flowers (Rated Mature; Will (probably) become Explicit)
66268 Words to Date
28/74 Chapters Complete
Falcon Surana/Zevran Arainai centric
Inspired by @khirsahle‘s Fire, Walk     with Me and Voice-Verse
Series: Two Wardens & a Lady
11 Works
27861 Words to Date
Fen Mahariel/Morrigan, Alistair/Eveline Cousland, Zevran Arainai/Falcon Surana
Name of a Friend
782 Words
Dog & Wardens (various)
The Early Impressions
3918 Words
Alistair/Eveline Cousland, Zevran/Falcon Surana, Fen     Mahariel/Morrigan
Dragon Age II
366 Words
Fenris/Marian Hawke
·       654 Words
·       Fenris/Marian Hawke
Cold Without You
·       503 Words
·       Anders/Garrett Hawke
In a Pique
183 Words
Cullen/Lark Trevelyan and an appearance by a Purple!Garrett Hawke
686 Words
Cullen/Lark Trevelyan
Mark of a Mage
463 Words
Cullen/Lark Trevelyan
Quiet Morning
519 Words
Dorian Pavus/Taralyn Lavellan
The Dragon’s Heart
·       Dorian Pavus/Taralyn Lavellan
·       Chapter 1 (Tumblr)
·       3366 Words (to date)
·       4/10 Chapters complete
The Long Hours (written for @latefortevinter)
·       On Tumblr
·       2793 Words
·       Dorian Pavus/Vaxus Trevelyan
Haleir’s Inquisition
·       Various Ficlets (located on Tumblr)
·       Iron Bull/Haleir Lavellan
Lark’s Inquisition
·       Various ficlets (located on Tumblr)
·       Cullen Rutherford/Lark Trevelyan
 Mass Effect
A Moment Stolen
·       Kaidan Alenko/John Shepherd
·       274 Words
A Good Look
·       Kaidan Alenko/John Shepherd, John Shepherd & Jack
·       179 Words
Old Friendships & New
·       Gen-fic - Reyes Vidal, EDI, SAM
·       917 Words
·       Jaal Amra Darav/Sara Ryder (Background Reyes Vidal/Scott Ryder)
·       308 Words
The Sweater
·       Reyes Vidal/Scott Ryder
·       512 Words
Sweet Potatoes
·       Reyes Vidal/Scott Ryder
·       481 Words
Star Wars
 The Old Republic
Of Ghosts
5503 Words
Theron Shan/Sith Inquisitor (Tusin Shade)
Starbound (Rated Mature for potential future content)
Currently on Hiatus while I figure out how “Plots”     function
2570 Words to Date
2 Chapters of ?? Complete
Theron Shan/Sith Inquisitor (Tusin Shade)
The Stars May Burn (One-Shot Collection) !NSFW Works Included!
19029 Words to Date
22 Stories
Pairings Included Are: Malavai Quinn/Female Sith     Warrior (Kassandey Videti), Female Smuggler (Claribel Fyre)/Male Bounty     Hunter (Izar Nuncio), Theron Shan/Male Sith Inquisitor (Tusin Shade), Aric     Jorgan/Female Trooper (Juvel Korrei), Male Imperial Agent (Aydin     Olasee)/Male Jedi Knight (Dak Izma)
Stray Dogs Squad
Imperial Intelligence Themed One-Shot Collection
1402 Words to Date
2 Stories to Date
What Reflects in Ripples
1630 Words
Arcann/Male Jedi Consular (Valirek Silver)
Perhaps, a Chance
1389 Words
Male Imperial Agent (Aydin Olasee)/Male Jedi Knight     (Dak Izma)
With Friends Like These
483 Words
Male Imperial Agent (Aydin Olasee) Generic
I Have Your Back (Adult Content)
·       638 Words
·       Male Smuggler (Locke Dalsa) & Female Smuggler (Claribel Fyre)
The Color Gold (NSFW! – Rated E)
·       3398 Words
·       Arcann/Male Jedi Consular (Valirek Silver)
·       434 Words
·       Arcann/Male Jedi Consular (Valirek Silver)
Others (Mostly Anime)
Dark Eciture: Heritage
Fairy Tail
772 Words
Ever is the Thunder Legion’s Baby Sis
Fairy Tail
1100 Words
Evergreen/Elfman Strauss (Laxus Dreyer/Freed Justine     pairing in background)
Very Lame
Attack on Titan
286 Words
Krista Lenz/Ymir
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keliandra-blog1 · 8 years
A first kiss..
Pairing: Aric Jorgan x Female Trooper Prompt: “Shut up and kiss me.”
This is a drabble reposting so some may have read it before. If I'm right I am pretty sure it was requested by @jediserenity82
Tashian Nizri and Aric Jorgan - one of my first drabbles for these two. Enjoy :)
The heat of the sun was biting into her skin as she stood to one side watching him work. The ground vehicle had come to a sudden halt in the middle of the scorching Tatooine desert. It forced a delay to their journey when they were so close to locating Fuse, her only hope was that the delay wouldn’t give him a chance to escape their grasp. Tashian knew how hard Aric had taken the Havoc defection, not just because of his own extremely unfair demotion but, because he had trusted the team he had worked with. Although he kept most of his feelings to himself and never spoke of it, she just knew. Over the months she’d needed to work twice as hard to have him trust again, to have him trust in her as his Commanding officer. To believe that she too wouldn’t destroy the work that they were doing for the good of the republic.
“The injector is clogged with sand,” Aric explained. “We should be moving again shortly.”
“Good. Too much longer in this sun is going to melt me into a pile of goo,” she grumbled. Heat had never been a strong point of hers. She couldn’t stand feeling as if her armor was glued to her body indefinitely.
“There is water in the sake, make sure you stay hydrated,” Aric offered.
“Is that concern I can hear in your voice Jorgan?” she asked with a teasing tone. In more recent times their interactions had taken a somewhat surprising turn. It was one she found herself enjoying, perhaps even a little too much. They had gone from tense, to something resembling friendship and then the light flirting had started. Fraternisation between officers was generally discouraged, although it did happen at times and wasn’t forbidden. In a position of command she knew it was her duty to be even more cautious. They were placed in situations of extreme danger on a regular basis, it would be far too easy for her or any commanding officer to take advantage of the heightened emotions such situations could create. Flings were certainly out. To take a step past friendship, it had to be for something real. The problem was, the more time they spent with each other the more her mind traveled in directions it probably shouldn’t. It scared her, more than a little but, it was also becoming more difficult to deny the increasing attraction. Impossibly so if she was honest with herself.
“I can do concern, sometimes. Just don’t tell the others. Can’t have them thinking I am going soft.” He was watching her as he spoke and she could see those large, handsome blue eyes of his softening with each word he said.
She had seen that look before, more than once and only ever directed at her. In fact she had even purposely tried to coax it out of him and now that it was there she wanted it to stay. “So, it’s just me who turns you to mush then?” she asked with that same teasing tone as she held his gaze.
Aric stood up slowly and took a step forward. “Maybe,” he responded in a low, husky tone.
She held his gaze with hers as he stepped closer, the less distance between them, the faster her heart beat in her chest. It was thrumming so quickly that she almost couldn’t breathe. Tash was fairly certain that not all of the heat she felt at that moment was caused by the suns in the sky above. “Your eyes-,” she started to say, her breath catching as the remaining gap between them was barely visible.
“My eyes?” he asked quickly. “What’s wrong with my eyes?”
“Oh! Nothing. There is nothing wrong with them, they are perfect.” The words just tumbled out of her mouth without thought or warning. “I just-,” she started, positive that her cheeks must have been going redder by the second. “Damnit,” she mumbled under her breath. “Just shut up and kiss me.”
“But you were the one-,” he started before she cut him off.
“Aric,” she almost growled.
A grin tugged at the corner of his lips and he reached for her, his hands resting on her hips. Their suits of armor clanged together as he pulled her in close. Tash tilted her head upwards, meeting his lips as he brushed them lightly against hers. It started as a chaste kiss, a dry, tender brushing of lips and deepened as her hands slid up to the back of his neck. Her lips parted and his tongue found it’s way between them, slick and warm as it connected with hers.
Reluctantly she pulled back slowly, her hand guiding him to press their foreheads together. “We really do have to get that beast of a machine moving. So, we are just going to have to hold on to these thoughts and pick it up from here again later.”
“I can live with that,” he replied, kissing her lips softly once more before stepping back.
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fancyfade · 8 years
swtor for the fandom ask thing
TY for the ask! :3
all right SWTOR fandom ask
Favourite Female: Vaylin (of course :P) but so many of them are good.
Favourite Male: Aric Jorgan
3 Other Favourite Characters: too many to list :P but i guess 3 good 1ns are Elara Dorne, Vector Hyllus, Kaliyo Djannis
3 OTPs: Republic trooper X Aric, Imperial Agent X Vector, SW X Lana
Notp: Dark Side Jaesa X SW
Funniest character: Kaliyo, Vette, or Kira (They all have good lines)
Prettiest character: Akaavi Spar
Most Annoying Character: either Corso, Doc, or Valkorion. each one of them instigates an “omigod shut uuuuup” reaction in me whenever they open their mouths
Most badass character: too many to list. Akaavi, Senya, Lana all come to mind
Character I’d like as my BFF: Vette
Female Character I’d Marry: Elara Dorne
Male Character I’d Marry:�� Aric Jorgan (evidently I’m super Bi for the Republic Trooper romanceable companions)
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Valkorion
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
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"Well that was...Productive. Very relaxing. I'll have to schedule more R&R time for the squad. A lot more."
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
Writing prompt for whoever you want: I'm not afraid of you.
&. 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
I'm sure you were expecting soft and sweet but uh. I did something slightly different.
 It was a good thing Jorgan was back on his feet. She’d been worried and she damn well hoped he wouldn’t push himself just yet. But knowing him, he would. And she didn’t know why that frustrated her so much. She still remembered running to escape and seeing him lying on the ground, seeing him lying in the medbay, not responsive…
               She slammed her fist into the palm of her mechanical hand. She needed to get some of this out and the best way to do that was in the training area. She could just punch the bag until she was too tired to think about that stuff and feel that stuff and be…Weird. Putting a jacket on as she left her quarters, she made her way to the training area when not in use, focused on her goal. Just a quick training session and then get back to work.
               She stopped, though, as she entered the area, finding it already preoccupied. It seemed Aric made no time working to get himself back up to par. He was having a go with the punching bag and Solvi couldn’t help as her gaze wandered. From the wraps on his hands, to the way his muscles moved along his arm as he prepared for a strike. Her eyes traveled down his exposed torso; refined structure clear beneath his fur. And the pants he wore left little to the imagination. Usually good so they wouldn’t snag when working out but…It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen a shirtless man—let alone Jorgan with how long they’d been forced to work together—before, yet there was something different as she watched him.
               He seemed to realize eyes were on him and he stopped, turning to look at her. They didn’t say anything for a moment or so, the only sound being his slightly labored breathing. Solvi recovered, a sly smirk coming on her features paired with a lifted brow. She walked into the room, headed to the bench to set her jacket on.
               “You wanna keep going with that thing or are you scared of a real challenge?”
               That was met with a dry, disbelieving chuckle from him. “I’m not afraid of you.”
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