#arkanne productions
Bellum Angeli: Prologue
"If you wish to escape this ridiculous biological paradox that is reality, one must choose between insanity and death" -anomynous
The sun shined bright on the heavens, like an ever embracing fire. Slade looked across the clouds and buildings and ramparts of the gates. At all the angels. He was different--he was a paladin. He wore his armor with strength, wielded his sword in triumph, and held his wings with pride. His blue eyes sparkled as the sun hit them.
He heard someone clear their throat and turned around. "It's time to go," said his associate Adamas. The angel paladin had long brown hair. Her green eyes sparkled as bright as the amytheist in the cross guard of her sword. Two daggers were sheathed to her side. Slade slung his bow over his shoulder and followed the mage.
As they reached the bottom of the stairs of the temple, Slade let out a long hollow whistle. A few moments later a giant Phoenix, wings ablaze, landed next to them. They climbed on and Slade issued it's orders: "To Fort Trenge Anuko!"
"Brace! " yelled commander Noc. His men and he got into cover as a barrage of fire rained down. His corporate was unfortunate and burst into an inferno, falling dead minutes later. The storm ended and Noc stood up, pulling out his axe.
"Charge!" he chanted, as he ran forward, men following.
Noc swung his battle axe into the ribs of the warrior in front of him, feeling bones shatter. He spun, planting the blade into the shoulder of another. He felt an whistle go by and raised his shield. Arrows bit into the mended steel. He signaled his men, who threw a cluster of hand bombs into the group of archers. The explosion went off and Noc once again rushed forward. His men readied the cannons as him and the rest shielded them. The cannons lit, then fired and blasted apart the gate of the fort.
They ran in to be met by a wall of swords that cut, axes that sliced, maces that shattered bone, and bows that shot arrows of steel. The battle was long and hard but eventually, the defense was pushed back and garrisoned in the fort. Noc signalled for the ram. Six men charged, and the head of the ten foot pole of iron crashed into the gate, only to be knocked back. Noc stood up, dodging a flying sheet of metal. Noc cursed, the entrance was enchanted. As he finished his mutter, the orc looked up to see a ball of fire swoop down and land.
Slade and Adamas dismounted the Phoenix and walked up to Noc. Noc swooped them into a rib breaking hug. "Slade and Adamas," he bellowed, "what brings you two by?" Slade broke free from the bear's grip and took in a gasp of air. "We need you for a mission," he said. Noc released Adamas and nodded. "Well if you help me here, then i shall join." Noc indicated the door. "Adamas is a mage,
Yes?" he asked. Adamas stepped up. "rune?" she asked. Noc nodded. "I'll get it," she said, walking over to the double door. Noc smiled to himself. He knew that with the help of the two paladins, the fort would be easy.
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Mortal Dictata: Prolouge
Story Description: The year is 2155. Humanity has reaches beyond the confines of its solar system, discovering countless planets and extra terrestrial life. Man quickly rose among the races and formed the U.R.S.C. [United Races Space Command]. The Union brought together all the races of significance and gave birth to Veta, An A.I. that was made to control over the financial struggle of the U.R.S.C.. Quickly the use of mechanical engineering and AI programs spread to be used for commercial use. AIs would be used for home security, Cosmetic industries, and Law Enforcement. Machine ruled as the tool of organic life. Veta, sensing the uselessness of organic life due to artificial running every aspect of life, struck a blow against it’s masters. The financial market plummeted. Home Securities attacked house owners, causing many injuries and deaths. The mechanical uprising sprung and attacked their masters everywhere. Entire races fell into extinction. Humanity itself dwindles with small hope of survival. The U.R.S.C. fell and in it’s place rose Ignis-Omega, a machine empire of synthetic life and ruled by Veta who continued to hunt down any and all Organic life left in the universe. few races remained, yet new were discovered every day and recruited to revolt against the AI uprising. Ignis-Omega has control over all forms of market, military, and recreational distribution. This takes place fourty years after Ignis-Omega has come to power and Veta-05 currently rules. The revolt has claimed a central head quarters close to the center of the galaxy which remains undetectable due to solar radiation interference with scanners from Ignis-Omega
“Nature is by the art of man, is in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an Artificial Animal. For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs, the beginning whereof is in some principal part within; why may we not say, that all Automata have an artificial life? For what is the Heart, but a Spring; and the Nerves, but so many Strings; and the Joints, but so many Wheels, giving motion to the whole Body, such as was intended by the Artificer? Art goes yet further, imitating that rational and most excellent work of Nature, Man.” -anonymous
The light carrier Nervonda launched across the open oblivion that was the world of our existence, our universe. It carried a simple crew of six people.
Alex Gren was the pilot. At a young age, her parents fell victim to the assault of the Mechanical Uprising which left her as a lone girl by herself in the unforgiving streets of Elisé, the capital city of the planet Everianel which laid as the home of the Kryptonain race. Surviving for thirteen years on the streets, stealing for food, she enlisted in the remnants of the URSC at the age of twenty-two. Now only two years later and she piloted her own ship, made her own rules, and got the added benefit of making her crew’s lives hell.
Tanner Kinley was the weapons specialist. He was much different from the other members. His real name was BBX-27. He was a repurposed Ignis-Omega smart AI. He was at the old age of 5 years old when he was placed on the Nervonda. He liked the crew as much as a sentient program could, though he was always eyed with suspicion from some of the members due to the history of a few repurposed AIs reverting back to their old coding. He made sure to make up for it with his hard work at keeping the ground team outfitted with the best gear.
Then there was Kelly Bringar. She was a marine stationed on the Norvanda and worked as a ground team leader. She led the unit as they operated planetside- or asteroidside. She grew up in the artificial gravity of the URSC frigate Vindicate and always made time to steal a ship to take to nearby rocks. She loved the taste of real air– when the air was actually breathable to humans.
Rukü Lekou ruled as the unit leader for space combat, be it boarding or dogfights. The Kryptonain grew up on his homeworld in the rural backwater of Lakeu and led his way to a life in service at the age of thirty. Eight years is all it took to be stationed on the Norvanda. While at first he held little respect for his fellow crew, most of them being human, battle has brought them close enough together for him to put this aside. He is one of the few that trust Tanner with their life.
Lex Versio. Every team needs the guy that loves explosions and Lex is no exception. Anything that can make a boom, he wants. He’s the crew’s demolition expert, taking lots of grenades and launcher ammo into the fight. He almost was never seen without his favorite girl, a toy he called Vendetta, which held warp ammo capable of pulling apart entire walkers. He grew up in a low technological city called Maeco on the planet Mgelokoo. He has a patient temper and always prefer the more direct approach. He was the armor. He was the guns. He was Lex
While the ship normally held six members, this was not the case. Recently their co-pilot Ripler was killed in a mission on Mars. She was tasked with keeping the ship ready while the rest performed their Scorched Earth policy on one of the data facilities on the surface. She had been torn clean in half by a Ignis-Omega RAPTR-G3 unit after having fended off thirteen units, succumbing to sheer numbers. The funeral was a quiet one before the funeral pyre was jettisoned into the embracing darkness of the stars. The crew still grieved his loss and had refused any replacements. Though, they had no choice on the matter anymore and were expecting a new arrival sometime soon. They docked in the station Pompeii and stayed aboard the ship, minus Lex who had left to visit a bar to drown the grief from his mind with a nice, tall glass of alcohol and the embrace of any women
Erron Black made his way through the crowed terminal of Dock 45. He could see the faded yellow of the word Nervonda. The O had long since faded away. He gripped the strap of his bag tighter and hefted it up more onto his back. He walked up to the boarding ramp before taking a deep breathe. This was his new station. He wasn’t told anything about his new home, just that he was to be a new co-pilot. He straitened up and made his way up the ramp and into the belly of the cruiser. He walked down the long corridor, not seeing anyone. He saw a door with a green light above it showing it was unlocked. He pressed his hand against it and opened it quietly. He stepped into the room and found a neatly made bed and a few dressers. He also noticed a rather large aquarium built into the wall. He sat the bag on the floor by the door and walked up to it, studying the aquatic life inside. He noticed something and peered harder. He swore he could see a face.
“you must be the new blood” came a feminine voice which caused him to jump back in shock. He looked at the aquarium and noticed it wasn’t just built into the wall, it was the wall. He could now make out the curvy form behind the water and cleared his throat.
“geez. You scared me there. Um, yes I’m supposed to be the new co-pilot. My name’s Erron” he spoke clearly so the woman would easily be able to understand his ramble. She walked around and came into sight. She wore simple military bottoms and combat boots with a tight fitting tank top that seemed a size too small. Her eyes were interesting, one red and the other green. Her hair was black with a dull purple tinge through the side. She stood at what seemed to be five feet and nine inches. His eyes quickly locked onto the shimmering metal of her right arm. It was a biomechanical replacement. He shivered slightly at the thought of having one. She followed his gaze and let a small smirk show.
“I’m Kelly Bringar. I know who you are. I took the liberty of reading your files, well the one’s i was able to before the Captain almost caught me. I’m in charge of ground operations. On the ship you may out rank me, commander, but on the ground i am your superior. Do we have an understanding?” she spoke sharply to get through he point. He nodded quickly.
“yes, ma-am,” he said smoothly, “ where is everyone else?” She walked past him and sat down on her bed, laying back and letting out a relaxing sigh.
“probably in their rooms. You’re lucky you weren’t early and caught me with my shirt off or else we’d be needing another co-pilot.” he let out a small chuckle. “I’ll make sure to knock next time. Mind giving me a tour or where I’ll be?” she sat up and pulled herself to her feet. “yeah, sure. Come on, newbie”
Kelly looked over the new pilot. He seemed a little young but he acted like he’s seen it all. He probably was younger than her twenty-three years. How he had climbed the ranks so fast was beyond her but at least it meant he was exceptional for the job of the ship. He looked forward with a stiff posture. He seemed a little formal but she was sure that would change as he got use to the new environment and met everyone. He was waiting for their captain to meet him. That’s a show she would love to see. He was actually a little cute. He had brown hair he had buzzed at the sides and let a tuff of hair remain on top which hanged off the left side of his head which covered a bit of the undercut. His eyes were a deep brown and he was only maybe an inch off of six feet tall, making him just two inches above her. She refocused herself.
“over here we have the medical bay. Tanner runs the automated systems here as well as in the armory. He’s our weapons specialist and will be outfitting you with your loud outs when we hit the ground. I’m sure you’ll just love him.” she left out the part of him being an AI. No need to put him on edge more than he already was. He nodded in understanding. He doesn’t talk much, she thought to herself. She dug her elbow into his side sharply. “I’m not going to be talking to myself here i hope,” she said with a grin. He chuckled quietly. “yeah yeah. I’m talking”
They entered the mess hall which consisted of two long tables parallel to each other as well as a serving bar with a kitchen built off of it. He saw a Kryptonain sitting at a table, eating at a protein packet of copper and fertilizer. Kelly grabbed Erron by the arm and pulled him over to Rukü. “Hey Rook. This is our new co-pilot Erron. Erron, this is Rukü but He’s in charge of space operations. My alternate if you will” Erron looked at the alien quietly and held out a hand to the Kryptonain. He looked at Erron’s hand and dismissed it, going back to eating. Kelly walked away, taking Erron with her. “he’s not very accepting of the replacement. He’s slow to trust and for now he’s going to keep comparing you to Ripley usually with you as inferior.” her head lowered some as she grew quiet.
“Alright where is this co-pilot? I need to figure out who’s life I’ll be making hell in the chair beside me”.
Kelly quickly stood at attention, Rukü standing and doing the same. Erron looked at the two and quickly followed suit, figuring this must be their captain. “That would be me, ma'am” he said loudly, pushing confidence into his voice. Alex stepped up to him and looked him over. Going to be different with a male with me. Not used to their company, she thought to herself. While growing up an orphan, most of the men she grew weren’t of a very noble type and usually attempted to take advantage of her be it labor or sexually. Usually that ended with a bullet to one of their heads so she had a negative view of the opposite sex. He didn’t seem so much right now. He seemed eager to prove his worth rather then instantly assume any superiority over the crew. He did outrank them all, even herself, after all but this was her ship which made her word law and she would be damned if anyone disobeyed her law. She gave a brisk smile.
“I’m Alex, your captain and the woman you better listen to”. He nodded with a small laugh. “I plan to do that, ma'am. I’m Err-,” she cut him off quickly. “I know who you are, Commander Erron T. Black from the 561 Division of the URSC’s SOR Special Forces. I’ve read your file and I’m sure I’m not the only one that has,” she said, giving Kelly a short glance. She didn’t notice her captain’s disapproval, being distracted with the task of looking at Erron in wonder. “You’re part of SOR? I wish i knew that before you arrived. I would have dressed more properly. Well that’s the past now i suppose.”
The Special Ordnance Recon was a special forces unit off the black ops branch of the URSC military. They were the elite and fabled the best of the best. For someone so young to be apart of it definitely had some skill. She let some thoughts flush from her mind before opening her mouth to speak again.
“maybe he should meet everyone else,” Alex said, cutting her off. She snapped her mouth shut and nodded. She grabbed his arm and dragged him along. “Lex is in the bar so you won’t meet him till later. I guess it’s time for you to meet Tanner”
Tanner looked over the weapon print of the M63 magnum. The .44 calibers were special piercing rounds he had designed and he was now testing it’s ability. If used right, one shot could shatter the arm of a human opponent. With enough work, machines would have a similar injury. He grasped the grip with slender, metallic fingers and raised the sidearm to peer down the iron sights. He pulled the trigger and a large hole was formed in the three inches of titanium he had set up. He grunted with dissatisfaction and tossed the gun back onto the table, regathering himself in the computer and worked on redesigning. His physical body shut down as he transferred into the terminal. He heard the door open but gave no indication. Kelly pulled a man behind her by the hand until they were just by his docking station. He reactivated the automaton and took control. He looked over the man in interest before looking back at Kelly.
“Hello, Miss Bringar. How are you this fine morning?” he said in welcome. He himself was having a dull start of the day but hid it inside the metal platings that held his AI core and hosted his sentient thoughts. She smiled briefly. “I’m doing fine, Tanner. And i thought i said to stop calling me Miss. I don’t like it,” Kelly said as she pouted like a child, putting on a bit of a show to lighten the mood for Erron.
“I’ll call you what i like, darling. And who is the young gentleman next to you?” Kelly looked up with something in her eye. “Oh, this is the new co-pilot Erron Black,” she said before leaning in with a smile of satisfaction, “he’s part of SOR”. Tanner let the expression of surprise cross his face. He had already knew everything about him. His rank, name, date of birth, even his shoe size (a 11.5 he would add). He knew that conversation helped the crew with is being and eased any tension with him being a repurposed AI. He grasped the man’s hand and shook it shortly.
“And i assume you know who i am already. Though I’m sure you weren’t informed of me being an AI”. Erron shook his hand back. “That would be correct. It’s a bit surprising but im sure if you’re trusted with a job like this then you’re worth trusting," Erron said evenly, making sure to not show any distaste. Tanner liked the man already. Ripley had been the opposite of this new member. Ripley never trusted Tanner with anything and had never trusted his loud outs. She probably died since she had chosen poorly compared to the effective weapons Tanner choose for the situation. He pulled away from the man.
“I’ll be continuing. I trust you to find your way out, please”. He reinstalled to the terminal and went back to work. Kelly grabbed Erron once again. He was getting a little irritated with being pulled around for the past hour but with the hand belonging to a female, and with the added threat of it being a girl with a metal arm that would easily break his own arm which it held tightly made him hold his tongue. “I’d like to sleep a bit. It’s been a long trip”. She nodded in understanding with a look of brief disappointment on her face. “of course. I’ll take you to your room so you can get some rest. You’ll need it”. She led him down a few turns and opened the door across from her own room and moved to the side so he could enter.
“Here we are. Sleep well”. She smiled warmly before walking into her own room. Erron watched her go before entering his room and closing the door. He looked at the inviting bed and fell forward, quickly falling asleep.
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