#arl grimes series
fandomnsfw · 1 year
Not The Same Little Kid PT.5 -Carl Grimes x Reader
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Pairing: Carl Grimes x Reader
Prompt: I re-read the first four chapters and was inspired.
Warnings: violence, threats, Daryl being a dad and fluff.
Previously on Not the same little kid...
“You seriously wanna air our bedroom shit right now?” He muttered threateningly and you remembered how you two had experimented with a few sexual fantasies when you’d first started dating.
“Back off William.” Carl growled as his arm dropped from around you as he shook off your hold, getting ready for a fight.
“Hell, with how close you two look I’m sure you know what a freak in the bedroom she can be, huh Grimes?” Carl was on Will in seconds and you couldn’t do anything.
This was gonna be bad.
“Shit! William get off him!” Will had managed to wrangle Carl onto the ground, punching him twice but the second Carl heard your voice he threw him off and landed hit after hit on your ex, as if he was trying to prove something.
“Carl he’s had enough!” You screamed as you saw Daryl and Rick running over to the scene.
“What the hell is goin’ on here?!” Rick screamed making the two men jump apart as they adjusted their clothes and wiped the blood from there mouths.
“Keep your boy on a leash!” Will screamed angrily and Carl went to launch at him again but Daryl grabbed him quickly.
“I think ya’ made ya’ point Carl…let it go.” Daryl grumbled with mild humour in his voice.
“Do ya’self a favour Will. Don’t talk about her, don’t look at her, in fact ya’ know what don’t even think about her! Or you’ll find out where my son gets his temper…understood!?” Rick screamed in Will’s face and he looked deathly afraid, his head nodding in agreement before he scurried off with his tail between his legs.
“Boy if I have to break another fight up after this…” Rick warns his son and Carl just rolls his eyes.
“He was chatting shit about her inappropriately you’d of done worse.” Carl argued and Rick shot you a look as if asking if it was true so you nodded with a blush on your face as you realised how many people were actually watching.
“One more strike he’s out.” Rick informs Darl who nods in agreement. You turned to Carl with a glare before spinning round and walking back towards the house making Carl sigh loudly before chasing after you quickly.
“Darlin’ I’m sorry but would you of stood there and listened to that? If the roles were reversed?” Carl asked gently and he lightly jogged to keep up with your angry speed walking.
“So you’re asking if Enid started chatting shit about you and her in bedroom in public would I beat her ass?” You scoffed softly making him nod like he was possibly going to win this debate.
“No I wouldn’t because I know I can please you better than she could and that’s good enough for me.” You argued seriously and his face dropped.
“Aww come on! You’re telling me you wouldn’t even slap her?” Carl exclaimed with raised brows.
“No but I might slap you if you continue trying convince me what you did was right.” You challenged with one raised brow daring him to test you.
“Yes Ma’am. Shutting up.” Carl stated as he contained walking next to you.
You were almost at the house when you heard a voice across the street shout you name. You looked over and saw Rosita jogging over towards you and Carl. Her two french braids fluttering behind her as she did.
“Hey I heard there was a fight…Are you okay?” Rosita asked softly and you let out an exasperated sigh.
“We’re barely home how the hell did you hear that so fast! Jesus Christ this is why I never liked shows with small towns. Too much gossip.” You rolled your eyes earning a laugh from both Rosita and Carl.
“You best wipe that smile right off your face Grimes. You’re still in the dog house.” You grumbled as Rosita started laughing more when Carl’s face went from humour or horror in seconds.
“We’re having girls night tonight if you want in. Think we’re having at your place anyway so…” Rosita muttered with a small smile.
“Sounds good.” You chuckled and Carl pouted next to you, your smile almost breaking through at how cute he was but you managed to keep a straight face.
“Guess my father and I will be banished to our rooms.” Carl huffed sassily and you shot him a smirk before wiggling your brows at Rosita who just chuckled claiming she had alcohol to hunt down as she jogged away.
“So how is it going with Carl?” Maggie whispered softly as Michonne exited the room to grab another drink from the kitchen.
“Really good…he’s…sweet, smart and weirdly for someone younger than me he really looks after me.” You muttered shyly making Rosita and Maggie giggle at your flushed cheeks.
“I heard Michonne found him in your room after your first date.” Rosita teased earning a laugh from the other women.
“Oh my god…we didn’t hav-we only got to second base okay?” You stuttered quietly before looking up to see Michonne enter the room.
“Let me guess you were talking about Carl?” Michonne snorted as she saw how quiet everyone had gotten.
“I’m happy for you guys just so you know I think you’re good for each other.” She added before lifting her glass in a toast making everyone laugh in relief.
The rest of the girls night went smoothly allowing you to unwind and release the stress that had pent up for the past few days. It was exactly what you needed you thought happily as you stumbled upstairs with a smile as your eyes flickered between your room and Carl’s.
You let out a tipsy giggle as you knocked on his door which immediately opened revealing a half dressed Carl Grimes, the sight causing your heart to flutter and your thighs to clench. He looked you up and down with a smirk before letting you into his bedroom.
“Hi darlin’.” He muttered huskily as he pulled you into his arms.
“You’re so beautiful and sexy.” You whispered playfully as your hand skimmed down his bare chest.
“Why thank you. I could say the same sweetheart.” He snorted happily as he pulled your towards his bed but not before helping you take off your playsuit leaving you in your undies.
“Are you seducing me Mr Grimes?” You gasped dramatically.
“No I’m getting you ready for bed baby. You’re drunk and I’m not going to touch you while you’re like this.” He informed you softly as he threw one of his t-shirts over your bra covered torso before exiting his room to his private bathroom.
“Aww such a gentlemen.” You giggle with a pout gracing your face which was literally wiped away as Carl came back into the room with a bowl of water and a cloth.
However before you could ask what he needed that for he started wiping off your makeup with surprising amount of gentleness for his large hands. You looked at him in shock as he finally pulled away from your now clean lips.
“Close your eyes darlin’.” He whispered absently as he rinsed the cloth in the bowl of warm water. You closed your eyes as he instructed but not before a single tear fell down your face making him gasp in shock.
“Woah…was I too rough baby? I’m sorry.” He choked out making you open your eyes to really look at him.
“No…you Carl Grimes are the most amazing, beautiful, gentle and kind man I’ve ever met…I’m just wondering what I did to deserve you.” You chuckled softly making his eyes widen in shock.
“I don’t know about all that but I know how perfect you are in my eyes. I’ve had the biggest crush on you since I got here but you were way too old for me so I never showed it. Then well on my 18th birthday I figured I’d stop hiding it. I find it just as amazing that you even like me.” He answered happily as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“I really really like you.” You added with as much seriousness as you could muster his eye instantly widening again as he took in your words before smiling softly.
“I really really like you too.” He replied instantly before pulling you in for the sweetest little kissed you’d ever experienced.
As you opened your eyes you were met with the angelic sleeping face of your boyfriend, bringing an instant smile to your face. You’d not felt like this for anyone in a long time, if you ever had at all. His freckles shone under the suns orange glow, your hand reaching up to tuck his hair behind his ear revealing his eye socket.
You had never seen it before but instead of shock you felt relief that he had survived such odds. You smiled to yourself as you traced around his scarring with your index finger, before kissing around it but the second his other eye flicked open Carl jolted back in shock.
“Don’t do that, it’s disgusting.” He whispered with a frown covering it with his hair once again.
“No it’s not. It shows you’re a survivor, that you beat the odds and it makes me happy you did or I wouldn’t have you now.” You told him sternly before pulling him back to you.
“Don’t ever hide from me.” You added before bringing him in for a kiss making him relax instantly.
“You’re something else Y/N Y/L/N.” He chuckled as you pulled away.
“I’ll take that as a compliment Mr Grimes.” You giggled playfully as you hopped out of bed.
“Mhmm don’t forget we’ve got a run today.” Carl shouted as you ran out his room with your clothes in hand.
You stopped in front of the pharmacy with a raised brow silently wondering if anything would even be left after all this time. However instead of Carl answering your silent question he snipped open the door with bolt cutters before banging on the door a few times.
When no walkers appeared you both wandered into the small drug store with weapons raised on the off chance anything went wrong. It wasn’t just walkers people had to be careful of anymore, it was people too.
“You get the stuff on the list I’m gonna look around for other stuff that might be helpful. Be careful.” Carl whispered softly, his hand coming down to casually stroke the back of your hair, instantly bringing a smile to your face.
“You too handsome.” You giggled shooting him a smile before wandering off to get everything Denise needed.
As you grabbed the last item on the list you lowered your gun and turned around to shout to Carl but before you could make a sound a hard object came down across your head.
When you came to, the sight of your boyfriend and his worried face was the first thing you saw. You had no idea what was happening but seeing his face made you calm down knowing he was safe for now.
“Glad you could finally join us gorgeous.” A deep voice whispered in your ear making you freeze.
“She is pretty maybe the boss will make her another wife?” Someone asked next to Carl making his struggle against them.
“Calm down kid we’re not gonna hurt your friend.” The guy behind you stated with a evil chuckled.
“Girlfriend.” You huffed through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry I thought I heard you say you were this kids girlfriend. I must need my ears cleaning.” The guy behind me laughed his thick accent making you frown.
“Baby don’t talk to them. There just trying to antagonise you.” Carl muttered softly before his eye scanned you over checking you were okay.
“Ain’t that sweet Dwight.” The guy holding Carl chuckled.
“Yeah so fucki-”
Before the asshole behind you could finish his sentence Carls head swung back and smacked his capturer straight in his nose. You instantly ducked down slipping out of the man called Dwight’s hold before running straight to Carl as a shot rang out around you.
“Well well well. If it ain’t back stabbing lil’ Dwighty boy.” Daryl huffed with a glare on his face as you checked on Carl making sure he wasn’t hurt.
His lip was bleeding and he had a small cut above his brow but apart from that he seemed okay. You immediately slapped his arm repeatedly as tears built in your eyes.
“I’m fine darlin’.” Carl whispered as he took you into his arms.
“I-Idiot!” You sobbed into his flannel shirt, his fingers running through your hair in a soothing manner.
“I really really like you too.” Carl whispered in your ear his words making you look up at him.
His stunning blue eye looked straight into your Y/E/C ones, the seriousness of his expression made you realise you didn’t just like him. In the few days you’d been together you now understood you were falling hard and fast for this man and the thought scared you, especially in a world like this.
Nothing was ever certain especially not survival but that could never stop someone’s feelings. Maybe the end of the world was actually the reason everyone should give in to their feelings.
“I-I really really like you…” You muttered to the tall perfect man in front of you. He stared at you for a moment before realising you meant something else and to say Carl was shocked was an understatement but instead of allowing him to respond you turned away and focused on Daryl and his next words.
“I’m gonna give you three seconds to give me my cross bow and apologise to my kid.” He muttered as his gun pressed against Dwight’s skull.
“Sorry kid.” He said towards Carl making you smirk realising instantly he didn’t mean Carl.
“Actually that’s my boy.” Rick smirked at the man that had been holding Carl back.
“The girl?! Seriously? There’s no way that a red neck like yo-”
“You shut your filthy trailer trash mouth before I beat you!” You screamed as you tried to launch at Dwight, only to be held back by familiar long fingers.
“Never mind I see where she gets her mouth.” Dwight sniggers sarcastically making you squirm in Carl’s hold.
“I can let her go if you want but it’s your funeral.” Carl snarled as his arms loosened around your waist.
“Fine I’m sorry. And you can have your cross bow.” Dwight huffed angrily making Daryl growl at the poor excuse of an apology.
“He said his boss would make Y/N his wife. I ain’t letting him go, he needs to die.” Carls voice rang out making your eyes widen.
“I won’t even tell my boss about this jesus kid! Though he’d like you.” Dwight snorted at Carl making Rick’s face drop.
“You’re really not helping yourself right now Dwighty boy.” Daryl huffed impatiently, his gun pressing Ito the back of his head more harshly.
“I say we let them go but I want the cigarettes.” You smirked as Dwight looked at you with disdain.
“Fine you heard the lady.” Rick sighed with an eye roll as he gave you a small amused smile before shoving the bloody nosed guy at Dwight.
As Daryl pulled up to the gates you hoped off his bike with and quick thanks before scurrying off to the Grime house ahead of both Rick and Carl. You gave a few nods to the other members of Alexandria avoiding any conversation that would stop you.
Once inside the house you ran upstairs to your designated room and slammed the door shut. Why the holy hell did you say it like that!? You thought to yourself angrily. He obviously knew you didn’t just mean like!
You were pacing your room as thought about a way you could avoid this next conversation, wishing you hadn’t said it like that.
Yes you were falling for him but it was too soon and Carl was still so young, he had his whole life ahead of him and yes it wasn’t like you were holding him back from college or anything but there are plenty of others fish especially ones more his age.
You expected a knock maybe even for him to not even bother with you however you had not expected him to just walk straight into your bedroom.
“Ya’ know it’s rude to walk into a lady’s roo-”
“Did I misunderstand what was between the lines?” Carl interrupted as he slammed your bedroom door shut.
“I-I don’t know what you mean…”
“Don’t do that.” His voice interrupted once again, his eye looking you up and down.
“No you didn’t misinterpret it. Carl Grimes in the space of 4 days you have been there for me more than Will was in the space of 3 years. I don’t think I could bear to lose you now…my heart would-”
Before you could finish your sentence he launched at you his hand cupping your cheeks, his lips melting into yours as his eye closed.
You whimpered into the kiss, the pure shock at not only your own words but his forceful yet passionate actions. You melted into the kiss, your hands clutching the flannel shirt with enough force you thought it would rip. After a few minutes of getting lost in his kisses he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“God you are so beautiful.” Carl whispered in amazement as he smiled softly.
“I can’t believe you I get to have you…” You whispered in pure shock.
“I can’t believe someone as beautiful and strong is falling for me. I thought I’d be waiting years for you to like me this much, if you ever did.” Carl chuckled as he pulled you into his embrace.
“I think you solely underestimate yourself Mr Grimes. You’re handsome, charming, romantic, unafraid to show you affection outside of the house and not to mention how amazing your R rated skills are.” You whispered the last part with a flirty smile.
“Oh is that so Miss Y/L/N? Maybe I should try out a few new things I’ve been wanting to.” He growled playfully making you smirk at the insinuation.
“By all means Mr Grimes play with me all you want.” You giggled as you escaped his arms and ran toward your bed.
“You’re a little minx.” Carl chuckled darkly before making sure the door was locked before making his way over to you.
Part 4 <- -> Part 6
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