#armatization  /  claude von riegan.
mercyburned · 8 months
@armatization // claude
There was something about waking up in a tent. The hard earth beneath her back, the birds overhead, the chill that clung to the air around her just outside the slight humidity and warmth of her sleeping roll - maybe the word was nostalgic. After all, she had only been sleeping on the same bed for what was, comparatively, a few months out of her life so far. But as soon as she had begun to think about it, her body and mind had woken up too much to return to sleep, so she pushed herself up and yawned, stretched, made herself stand up.
Byleth dressed with a disciplined efficiency and then gathered the necessary items to make some coffee over the fire. One more night of sleeping outside and then they would be back at the Monastery. More importantly though, this was one more fight that everyone on her side had walked away from.
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She poured a cup for herself and a cup for Claude, since she knew he'd be awake already anyway, and cleared her throat at the entrance to what she called his 'office tent' to let him know it was her about to step inside. Quietly, she placed his cup of coffee down beside him and took a seat across from him.
“We'll be back home tomorrow,” she said. “but if you ask me, that still feels very far away.”
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
@armatization / claude von riegan
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Rays of orange light coated the forest, letting Olivia know that dusk had arrived and that nightfall would soon follow. She was tired, she was hungry, and all she had was this dagger to defend herself.
Late last evening, Olivia had been with her troupe preparing for their next show. Even amidst this war, or because of it, people were seeking out entertainment. Soldiers marched, politics became discussed in whispers, but life went on. Olivia had to dig into her savings more often these days, but life wasn't bad, the war hadn't reached them, and she had never imagined that in a day's time she would be running for her life.
One of the nobles she had entertained with dance and song had grown increasingly fond of her, to the point of following the troupe to their next location. One of his attendants asked her to meet him and while Olivia was nervous at the idea, she had agreed. A mistake on her part. She should have known better.
Olivia remembered little else after that because she had been knocked out and didn't wake until hours later. Surprisingly, escaping was the easy part, but only because bandits had set upon the noble and his entourage. Her 'protectors' quickly became preoccupied and Olivia slipped away, fleecing a dagger off a corpse and only having one scuffle on her way out, leaving her blade bloody and her clothes disheveled.
Though she had little idea of where or how far they had taken her, if she was even still within the Leicester Alliance, Olivia's first order of business was losing their trail. She took into the woods but didn't count on how fast she would get lost herself. Once night fell, it would only get worse. What was she to do?
Then she heard it. The underbrush rustling; movement. It sounded like only one. A scout? Her outfit did little to camouflage her so she would either have to run...or get the jump on him. Given her state, running seemed a poor choice, which only left the other option.
Quiet and nimble, Olivia scaled a nearby tree, picking the shadowed side to conceal herself for as long as possible. The dagger's hilt she carried in her mouth so that she could dig into the bark with both hands.
Her pursuer grew closer...closer...just a little more...
Olivia shifted the dagger to her hand and wondered if he would pass her by. There was a chance, but she didn't want to take it, because if she lost her element of surprise then she wouldn't be able to take him in a one-on-one match.
He came within reach...and Olivia jumped, dagger raised to strike him down, and she toppled him to the ground with combination of momentum and her weight. She found her blade blocked by his...bow? Olivia raised to strike again. She had to! She wasn't going back! "You won't take me!" The cry came dry and strangled from her throat, but carried all of the passion that fueled her bid for survival, because what the noble had planned was worse than death.
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mercysinned · 2 years
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@armatization​  :  ❛ don’t you know what you’re doing to me? ❜
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     Hilda’s grin was perfectly sweet as she curled her finger beneath his chin, lightly grazing her manicured nail through the scruff of his beard.  She really,  really liked the beard.  She half-leaned over him in his seat,  close enough to boop the tip of her nose against his,  but not quiiiite close enough for a kiss.  “I do,”  she sing-songed.  A playfulness flickering into her eyes.
For years they’d danced around each other,  always dodging the wyvern in the room,  the tension always tight enough that many times she weighed making the first move and risking it,  just so she’d know.  But she liked the game,  too,  even though she’d also once worried about what would happen once the chase was over.  Turns out,  she didn’t have to worry about that at all. 
“But I think the real question is,  what are you going to do about it,  Claude?”  
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-- freya was always someone who was never much for chatter. even in classes she leaned more on the quiet side, always writing who-knows what in something only she seemed to be able to decipher. to her, it was more of a getaway from the stresses of her education, but hey! it wasn’t that bad either, given it gets her back on her feet for a while... even if it’s only for a year.
and writing is exactly what she’s doing. 
the golden deer house member hid herself away in the greenhouse; seeing as how almost nobody was around, scribbling any remaining notes their professor pointed out before an upcoming written exam. she could’ve really used some quiet to collect her thoughts. however she knew she wasn’t alone- another student or two and the keeper of the greenhouse- and looking up she sees her house leader being one of the students that’d dropped by. for a split moment they spot one another, in which freya stops her writing to give a little wave of silent greeting before resuming.
@armatization​ // starter call! (for claude!)
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macuilsung · 3 years
The Ol’ Switcheroo
for @armatization​!
The Golden Deer were an interesting bunch. Albeit still very much an Ashen Wolf, it felt nice for Forwin to come back up to his old classroom on occasion, be it in simply coming up for fresh air again after over a year spent underground, mingling with the new year of deer, or learning from the Blade Breaker’s very own son in the process. As for most of the class, he found them tolerable at worst! Byleth sure seemed to have a good selection of students at his disposal.
But then there was Lorenz, a prim and proper braggart who embodied many things the lutist loathed about the nobility. The inflation of his ego, the frequent flaunting of his status, the failed attempts at courting other noblewomen at the Academy... Goddess above, these grated on his nerves like sandpaper.
All of that would have been fine if the Gloucester scion was kept at a distance, and the bard would remain content.
But then Forwin struck up a friendship with one Claude von Riegan, and apparently? That was a mistake, as Lorenz’s relentless scrutiny towards the future leader of the Leicester Alliance was then extended towards himself. Even while Byleth’s back was turned, when the musician had the misfortune of sitting next to the rose-totting aristocrat, unreturned whispers and unanswered questions over a supposed scheme were all he could listen to during the lecture.
He could not have returned to Abyss with the other Wolves any faster, grabbing his notebooks and scrambling to get out of there quick. Did that look suspicious? Whatever, let Lorenz drive himself deeper into paranoia on his own terms, for all he cared.
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“Thought he’d never leave me alone,” he grumbled within the catacombs to find himself a spot to practice in peace. Forwin had naught but his lute, his lectern, and the songbook he brought into the classroom earlier that day, with a basic Fire spell from his other palm lighting his path.
If only he took a moment to closely inspect the book he thought he brought back down with him in the first place...
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goldenschemes · 3 years
List your fav characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
Tagged: I was told to steal it so I did
Tagging: @sothisbound, @armatization, @crystalmelodies, and you know what if you’re a non-RP account reading this, you’re tagged now, go nuts
In no particular order:
Claude von Riegan, Fire Emblem Three Houses
Joey Wheeler, Yu-Gi-Oh
Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Peter 🅱️ Parker, Spiderverse
Gamora, Guardians of the Galaxy
Cinderella, just about any retelling but in particular, from the 1950 Disney movie, and Danielle from Ever After
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
Ratchet and Clank, from their eponymous video game series
Nick Valentine, Fallout 4
Doctor Emmett Brown, Back to the Future
Special mentions:
Niles Crane, Frasier
Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon
Lucy Ricardo, I Love Lucy
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mercyburned · 8 months
random muse interaction generator // @armatization
Ignatz Victor - Hilda // they're housemates and artsy, i can see them being friends!
Byleth - Byleth // this one might be harder lmao
Ignatz Victor - Byleth // i liked their interactions in canon! my byleth never got as close with him as she did with some others *coughs* claude *coughs* but she definitely liked ignatz
Claude von Riegan - Hilda // ohhh nooo what will we EVER do with these two --
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