#artbasel bewhoiamnomatterwhat
craftyroserabbit · 9 months
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Last week at Miami Art Basel. This day was enlightening for me, observing the work of all the talented, brave people made me realize I have been a coward. I have always wanted to share my artsy/crafty creations, display them, share them, sale them…. but I’m too afraid of harsh judgement. But why? Art is an expression of ourselves, if people love it, great! It they hate it, good too. We should make art because we love art, because we enjoy the process, arts or crafts or the act of being creative makes us happy, despite of what others may think of feel. So I’m done being a coward!
(This pic also made me realize I need to start eating better and exercising. Well, lies, I already knew that! But this his pic proved it bc for the first time in my life I can see very obvious “love handles” Lol)
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