uptownphillytea · 7 years
Working for the KKK Dylann Storm Roof is not a victim, he was raised and trained for that very day it would seem, rather by nature or nurture, Storm was taught to hate blacks. On June 17, 2015, Roof walked into a historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina, took a sit, allowed his plan to marinate and Roof may have even prayed with the group, while the churchgoers listened to their pastor,  Sen. Rev. Clementa Pinckney speak. The world wants to know  what was going through Dylann Roof's mind the hour he sat there in the Charleston church? Why would this 21 year old man bear such a grudge? This was a hate crime targeted towards blacks, but why did he choose this church or pastor? For the next few months the media will walk us through the life of Dylann Roof to try and find those answers and why they believe Roof murdered 9 people. Six were women and 3 men. Roof hatefully took away those lives and ruined the lives of many. Pastor Clementa Pinckney was indeed the intended target, a survivor from the church shooting recalls Roof asking for the pastor by name before being welcomed by the pastor and then taking his sit. Pinckney had been in the church his entire life and became a pastor when he was only 18 years old. He wholeheartedly gave his life to serving the lives of others. The late pastor was elected to the South Carolina General Assembly in 1996 at the ripe age of 23, becoming the youngest African American elected as a South Carolina state legislator. Pinckney was not just shot that day, he was assassinate. America wants us to act as if this all means something else, when clearly this was a well thought through hatch. As survivors rehash on this ungodly day, they say Roof yelled out racial slurs like, " I have to do it, they are raping our women and taking over our country" it was as if he was sort of programmed dummy as Roof reloaded his 45 caliber handgun, which Dylann purchased with birthday money he received from his father, says his grandfather, the members of the church tried to stop Roof, but Roof just continued to say he had to do it, they must go. #LenoraH_Written #writers #articlesGoogle4more
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uptownphillytea · 9 years
Working for the KKK Dylann Storm Roof is not a victim, he was raised and trained for that very day it would seem, rather by nature or nurture, Storm was taught to hate blacks. On June 17, 2015, Roof walked into a historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina, took a sit, allowed his plan to marinate and Roof may have even prayed with the group, while the churchgoers listened to their pastor,  Sen. Rev. Clementa Pinckney speak.  The world wants to know  what was going through Dylann Roof's mind the hour he sat there in the Charleston church? Why would this 21 year old man bear such a grudge? This was a hate crime targeted towards blacks, but why did he choose this church or pastor? For the next few months the media will walk us through the life of Dylann Roof to try and find those answers and why they believe Roof murdered 9 people. Six were women and 3 men. Roof hatefully took away those lives and ruined the lives of many. Pastor Clementa Pinckney was indeed the intended target, a survivor from the church shooting recalls Roof asking for the pastor by name before being welcomed by the pastor and then taking his sit. Pinckney had been in the church his entire life and became a pastor when he was only 18 years old. He wholeheartedly gave his life to serving the lives of others. The late pastor was elected to the South Carolina General Assembly in 1996 at the ripe age of 23, becoming the youngest African American elected as a South Carolina state legislator. Pinckney was not just shot that day, he was assassinate. America wants us to act as if this all means something else, when clearly this was a well thought through hatch. As survivors rehash on this ungodly day, they say Roof yelled out racial slurs like, " I have to do it, they are raping our women and taking over our country" it was as if he was sort of programmed dummy as Roof reloaded his 45 caliber handgun, which Dylann purchased with birthday money he received from his father, says his grandfather, the members of the church tried to stop Roof, but Roof just continued to say he had to do it, they must go. #LenoraH_Written #writers #articlesGoogle4more
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