#artificial angel gadiel
uiosprojectkingdom · 2 years
Angels... full of mysteries, miseries, duties.
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machine-fights-back · 4 years
The Confrontation
The alleyway smells like stale alcohol and piss. Putrid puddles reflect the slim glimmers of neon lights from the street. 
Why do we always have to meet in places like this?
I sigh, tapping my foot impatiently, leaning against the brick wall and trying to all but disappear. 
I understand being late, but fuck. It’s been thirty minutes.
I push off from the wall and turn towards the street, as if the action of my leaving would summon her. There is a brief gust of wind at my back.
“E, dear, if you’re going to leave me waiting in an ally all night at least-” I stop myself mid-sentence. 
That’s not E.
The figure in front of me stands seven feet tall hunched over. It’s body is existent in a loose sense: defined but not quite material. What one might call it’s “skin” is replaced with celestial light which glows softly on this dark night. It’s eyes, hundreds of them, cover the entirety of it’s being, staring intently at me. It has four wings that flutter lightly but are not the reason this being is floating above the ground. It hovers with a serene idleness, bouncing gently and slowly about a foot off of the ground. A ring of light hovers behind it’s head, the light of which is difficult to look at, although the compulsion is immense. It opens its mouth, a jagged crack filled with endless darkness, and the voice I hear is deep and chilling, completely inhuman, and it is projected right into my head.
“b̸̡̫̱͍́̾ë̷̗́̽́͠ ̵̟̳̰̥̩͋͌̕͝n̷̘̖̭̏͆̀ǫ̴͈̫̫̈̍ţ̴̧̳̈́̽̒ ̸̪̝̙̾̅͑̕͝a̶̠̥̲̐f̷̖̤̮̉̽r̵̙̿̒̏̇ã̶̜̱̭̩̄i̷̧͍̐̏d̶͇̊,” it says calmly as it lowers itself to the ground. As it touches the ground, it’s being is consumed by an artificial skin, the transformation resulting in an androgynous looking human before me. Their hair is stark white, eyes purple, with a coy smile playing across their face. They speak again, this time in a warm human voice that comes from the puppet body in front of me.
“Hello alchemist,” they say smiling, but something much more sinister flashes in their eyes, “are you waiting for someone?” 
“Gadiel,” I huff. “I actually am waiting for someone so if we can make this quick, that would be wonderful,” I say in the most fake-nice way possible. I re-cross my arms and lean back against the wall, “what do you want?”  
Gadiel smiles wider. Teeth. Pointed, needle-like teeth stare back at me menacingly.
“Harlow dear, I assume you are aware of the current problems in the city,” Gadriel takes a step towards me, hands clasped in front of their chest, “and, from what I understand, you and your little...group,” their smile fades into a grimace as they spit the word “group.”
“Your little group of vigilantes are planning on cleaning up the place, is that right?” The question sounds innocent, but any facade of politeness or kindness has entirely gone. Before I could interject, they continue, “because if that were the case, you lot would be in violation of celestial law,” they state coldly, “as demon raids are within angelic purview and are none of your concern.” Their stature shifts from stoic recitation to threatening accusation with a swiftness.
I clear my throat, acknowledging the weight of the accusation and start, “although I would never call you a liar,” my eyes dart warily towards Gariel, gauging their reaction, “but my friends and I are doing nothing of the sort. Gadriel’s face twists into a grimace, seemingly not buying my obvious lie. I smile gingerly and continue, “we were simply meeting in an alley because you know that non-humans are unwelcome in the public eye. This is a frequent meeting place for us to discuss things in haste when we cannot meet each other in a safe place.” I look up at Gadriel, a sparkle of mischief in my eye knowing that there is no proof that they could use to levy celestial law against me. They step towards me until they are practically pressing me against the wall. The fake skin feels cold, almost dead. 
Gadriel puts their face up to mine, “if I catch even a hint of you and your band of freaks trying to do my job, you will be punished to the full extent of the law,” they whisperer harshly, stopping only to let the word “freaks” hang in the air, “maybe more.” They step back from me, their wings unfolding behind the now-fading human facade. With a flash of light and a small gust of wind, Gadirel is gone. I am alone again in the dark alley, still pressed against the brick wall, my heart racing.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see an empty space in the back of the alley shift. A tall human steps out of seemingly nowhere and runs towards me. She picks me up and spins me around, wrapped in her arms, as I clutch to her tightly. She lets me down and steps back.
Before me is a stringbean of a woman, tall, lithe, and topped off with a bright blue pixie cut. She is wearing her usual style of a vest, no shirt, with striped slacks and a cape. She calls it an ‘ironic and sexy’ take on a magician’s costume. Never have I been so happy to see her and her ridiculous getup. 
“Were you here the whole time?” I say, half excitedly, half upset. “Most of it,” she chuckles, “fuckin’ angels man, always in our shit.” 
Eloquent as always.
I let out a small laugh, still reeling from the confrontation. She moves next to me against the wall and squeezes my shoulders, “at least angels are dumb as shit.” Although she maintains a joking air, I know that she understands the danger we would have been in had that exchange gone less favorably. 
Trying to calm me down like always.
She pats my shoulder, “well this spot is most certainly compromised now,” she slips her arm away from my shoulders and steps further into the alley. “Looks like we need to head somewhere more secure. Fancy a drink?” she asks coyly. She holds out her hand expectantly. I sigh with a smile, preparing myself mentally and physically for the journey. “Always,” I say and take her hand. 
With that, the alleyway is empty again, neon lights reflecting from the putrid puddles.
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