#artist note 2: the events of the games havent happened yet. brain has met neither bomberman/white bomber NOR max
brain-bompyr · 10 months
Is the blog still alive? If so, I'd like to ask the following:
In a scale of 1 to 10 how [See list below] are you?
Morally questionable
Likely to experiment on someone
Close to Max (1= Havent met, 10= Actually know each other a bit.)
Knowledgeable on bombers
Likely to throw hands with another Dastardly
Willing to help another Dastardly
You can answer whichever you feel like.
"Ah, what a straightforward list of questions," Brain flashed an amused smile through his eyes, as he read through the list. " Although, a simple 1-10 scale may not cut it for some questions, ill be sure to let such special cases known. Just dont be surprised if i score a high median."
"I dont think any of the others would dispute me saying 10 here."
"read the rest of this list, you tell me. No rating."
"Assuming you dont mean the traits of NPD, and mean the more... Common usage of self-centeredness. If i am wrong, correct me. i am going to awnser 7, being generous to myself."
"8. At least an 8, i enjoy playing with the minds of others, for no reason sometimes. This whole list could be lies, and a lowly lifeform such as.. a human wouldnt know~."
"it depends on the person... It ranges from a 5 to a 9.5, granted thats if i had the opportunity."
"1. I have no idea who you are talking about."
"About... 9.5. Chances are, if i dont know something... Ill learn one way or another, i assure you."
"I'll go for a median of 5 for the whole team. The data on who i am the most willing to actually get my gloves dirty over is quite skewed. Plasma mostly, everyone besides golem at least once."
"most definitely i help most for my own gain... And theres a minimum to keep my title as a team member, i rarely ever help without a deeper motive. put that one down as a 6."
"mm.. what an interesting final question... Im not vanilla by any stretch, but its difficult to quantify that on a simple scaling system... As kink is quite relative from one individual to another. So dont mind ne playing coy with the numbers on this one. No rating."
"Hopefully that curiousity has been sated for now, hmm? Bear in mind this is simply how id rate myself, the artist may have other opinions."
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