brain-bompyr · 7 months
Hello, person that made the question list here. I hope you don't mind me making another list. Again, you're free to skip any of the following.
Are you afraid of Golem? Asking since you specifically stated you wouldn't get your gloves dirty on him.
Could you elaborate on why you hate Plasma so much, if that's the correct word?
How would you react if you were to find every other member of the team... Gone?
Has anyone in the team ever made you lose your temper?
Would you ever brainwash anyone in the team, and for what reason?
Also, to the artist: I hope you don't mind these long lists, I purposely try to discourage the making of art for them so it isn't as time and energy consuming for you. Also, if you'd rather have me stop or space them out a little more, do tell.
"ah, its you again. welcome back." the cloaked bomber leaned back in his seat, "i wouldn't worry about the artist if i were you. you're doing it a favour. i assure you...." "that aside, allow me to get to your questions. i know you've been waiting a while."
"I'm not afraid of Golem, the dope is gentle. wouldn't hurt a fly. But it'd be unwise to pick a fight with someone twice my size in any case, let alone an ally i somewhat value."
"plasma... hm." he shifted his position, placing a hand under his chin. his elbow resting on his desk halfway between annoyed and amused. "a list of things with him, his infuriating tendency to benefit from his Daddy's position." the word 'daddy' dripped with mockery, venom and salt. "...That aside he can be infuriatingly just. merciful. unfitting of a title i think I'd better fill."
returning to a more relaxed position, he sighed "the others disappearing is far from a desirable scenario, even if the peace would be welcome. ultimately, I'd be at square one."
"not frequently they know to tread lightly when I'm in a sour mood. but it definitely happens. there may have been times someone was sent to get minor repairs." he closed his eyes with a shrug "but who's to say that was my fault."
"Besides the obvious answer, not really. the others are compliant. heed my words to satisfactory results." he paused to tap his chin, considering "although leadership through puppetry doesn't sound so bad... hm.."
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brain-bompyr · 7 months
Do you and Anti Bravoman hang out??
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brain-bompyr · 7 months
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brain-bompyr · 7 months
"Happy Valentine's day to you lowly creatures... I hope this relevation doesnt break too many of your fragile hearts."
Happy Valentine's day
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romance explode now.
I might not be arospec myself... but brain is! and i thought itd be funny to draw him for Valentine's day. so like shoutout to the aros and happy early aromantic awareness week
Heres the little drawings separately <3
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brain-bompyr · 10 months
Is the blog still alive? If so, I'd like to ask the following:
In a scale of 1 to 10 how [See list below] are you?
Morally questionable
Likely to experiment on someone
Close to Max (1= Havent met, 10= Actually know each other a bit.)
Knowledgeable on bombers
Likely to throw hands with another Dastardly
Willing to help another Dastardly
You can answer whichever you feel like.
"Ah, what a straightforward list of questions," Brain flashed an amused smile through his eyes, as he read through the list. " Although, a simple 1-10 scale may not cut it for some questions, ill be sure to let such special cases known. Just dont be surprised if i score a high median."
"I dont think any of the others would dispute me saying 10 here."
"read the rest of this list, you tell me. No rating."
"Assuming you dont mean the traits of NPD, and mean the more... Common usage of self-centeredness. If i am wrong, correct me. i am going to awnser 7, being generous to myself."
"8. At least an 8, i enjoy playing with the minds of others, for no reason sometimes. This whole list could be lies, and a lowly lifeform such as.. a human wouldnt know~."
"it depends on the person... It ranges from a 5 to a 9.5, granted thats if i had the opportunity."
"1. I have no idea who you are talking about."
"About... 9.5. Chances are, if i dont know something... Ill learn one way or another, i assure you."
"I'll go for a median of 5 for the whole team. The data on who i am the most willing to actually get my gloves dirty over is quite skewed. Plasma mostly, everyone besides golem at least once."
"most definitely i help most for my own gain... And theres a minimum to keep my title as a team member, i rarely ever help without a deeper motive. put that one down as a 6."
"mm.. what an interesting final question... Im not vanilla by any stretch, but its difficult to quantify that on a simple scaling system... As kink is quite relative from one individual to another. So dont mind ne playing coy with the numbers on this one. No rating."
"Hopefully that curiousity has been sated for now, hmm? Bear in mind this is simply how id rate myself, the artist may have other opinions."
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
Brain was dressed as king boo just as he claimed... With an annoyed plasma in tow, the luigi to his king boo.
"we're a hauntingly gorgeous pair, arent we plasma?" Brain was floating, much more freely then he tended to, more gleeful too.
"Yeah youre definitely haunting someone," Plasma retorted crossing his arms, "you couldnt just leave me out?"
"of course not, youre an important part of my costume... We're a set" brain held out a hand to him, a smile on his eyes.
But plasma ignored his hand with an eye roll "...your costume. Of course. im not being your arm candy, i can walk by myself." And yet despite his words he stayed close, not drifting too far from his... companion.
flirting or fighting... Who knows? but this is how their night went on, at a halloween party with the rest of Bagura's forces, they were stuck together for the whole night
couples costume
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He did end up being able to convince him, happy halloween everybody!
S t a y t u n e d . . .
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
"Hmm... I would like to know how good your accuracy is... With that laser pistol of yours..."
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Brain grumbled a threat of "i'll deal with you later..." ... Just loud enough plasma could hear...
"i-" and when He went to protest, brain gave him a look you couldnt quite see behind his cloak with an equally obscured gesture, but you could see plasma's eyes widen.. it startled him into silence for now it seems.
He turned back to the mastermind with an annoyed expression "my apologies. As i was saying My enhancement aids in aim, among other things." He returned to his usual demeanour, with an ominous laugh "everyone else who has crossed me got a brand new hole in them."
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
((Hi hi! Are you going to dress up for Halloween? If so,, what are you going to dress up as..?? 👀))
"King boo is a good bet... I liked the regal look last year, even if it needed... Work."
The bomber tapped his screen with a mischievous gleam of his eye..
"Maybe i can even persuade plasma to be luigi this time..."
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
Well good thing I have been saving up on G!!!
brain looked pleasantly surprised, wrapping himself partially
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once he accepts your payment he leans down "go on, reap. before i change my mind..."
(the artist doesn't have a designated anon/insert design yet! no drawn kiss.)
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
Any rules to rping?
Long ass Ooc response imminent
Its on a case by case basis! Inter-blog type of mingling is fine by me as there isnt a particular plot nor aim for this little ask blog, it can get silly and fun methinks... i will warn that im just a liiiiittle rusty when it comes to full on RP, especially with brain...
But! To be concise... Theres like two main rules here if i do engage
Dont fucking kill him. Obviously. Excessive goring and maiming also discouraged.
Shipping isnt guaranteed. Again, obvious. I need character details for safety reasons and for approval.
and if i dont think they'd hit it off or i find a relationship too toxic or fucking creepy for either character its a flat out no.
Everything else is up to my own discretion.
im More likely to rp with mutuals or people i know because i am quite picky... And i have the right to cancel an Rp at any time for any reason... As i dont owe anyone my time nor energy, the same goes for any potential rp partners. If you want out you are free to leave the cage.
follow the rules in the pinned post and keep in mind these little caveats
-sincerely, the artist
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
A little bomber wishes to give Brain a kiss!
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Brain then tapped the sign condescendingly, hammering his point home "you understand, don't you? im not kissing a stranger for free..."
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
I think you misspelled the blog title. Pretty sure its "Smarter than you"
BTW can I give Brain a paper crown that says "Smort" in it
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(Bonus, for the extra question: i didnt want to draw it all out.)
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"I dont want to wear it... Also you misspelled on."
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brain-bompyr · 11 months
Brain's Rules and disclaimers
"Rules first, i'll keep them simple for a creature like you."
♢ this is based on @mutedeclipse 's violet jewel brain bomber, vai for short. This entails heavy headcanon and made up shit usage.
♢ Keep all asks sfw. Suggestive asks welcome, thirst is also fine, but anything explicit will result in a block, we dont do that here.
♢ ...magic. Be reasonable with it. Anything deemed too invasive by the blog runner will be discarded from my ask box
♢ spamming will result in a block
"and now.. a few disclaimers from mutedeclipse."
♢ this is my first rp blog! Im not the most versed in this sort of deal.. god have mercy on me
♢ Brain is a bit of a manipulative prick, i tend write him as such. Please keep this in mind!
♢ i may bring in others from his universe if asks are relevant to them. Otherwise its just vai :}
♢ art imminent. Not on every ask tho god i learned my lesson
Character ref sheet
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