#artist: 下田将也
animepopheart · 4 months
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★ 【下田将也】 「 博麗霊夢 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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2022f · 1 year
nneeeeeeji:3/18時点での順位を再掲載しときますー 4/1になったら最終結果を集計します。#アルバム選抜 のタグををねじまき♪が勝手に拾いにいくので、興味のあるファンの皆様、ひっそりつぶやいてください(笑) フォーマット自由、好きなアルバムだけでもOKです! #レミオロメン  #藤巻亮太 #アルバム選抜 pic.twitter.com/T84Ais4lM3 [https://twitter.com/nneeeeeeji/status/1638912756543012864] PlayerMagazine:哀悼 JEFF BECK Player 2023年Spring号は好評発売中です。追悼特集のほか小倉博和、THE LAST ROCKSTARSギアレポ、NEMOPHILAインタビュー&ギアレポ、内澤崇仁(androp)×菅原卓郎(9mm Parabellum Bullet)対談、藤巻亮太、OKAMOTO’S、鈴木慶一×PANTAインタビューなど。 player.buyshop.jp/items/72182462 [https://twitter.com/PlayerMagazine/status/1638908750429036544] JekeiJJ:✨#ジェジュン ✨🌟✨ #僕を見つめて  作詞:伊秩弘将 作曲:藤巻亮太  諦めないで いつも一緒さ どんな時でも     見守ってるよ  mora.jp/package/430000… @bornfreeonekiss  甘美でやさしい歌声✨ジェジュン🤍💙ハイレゾ🎧🎶💕 pic.twitter.com/5dyYA5kqki [https://twitter.com/JekeiJJ/status/1638897467965186049] pour_shink:藤巻亮太さんの Life is Wonderful  派手な曲ではありませんが、何気ない日常がなんとも愛おしいという思いが伝わってくるピースフルな1曲です。  寝る前に聴くと、浄化されそうな気がします。  youtu.be/laCFg2Ni06g [https://twitter.com/pour_shink/status/1638885925471268864] musicjpnews_mti:藤巻亮太主催の野外音楽フェス「Mt.FUJIMAKI 2023」開催を自身のツアーファイナルの地元・山梨公演で発表! music-book.jp/music/news/new… #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/Y6rVdZiiC0 [https://twitter.com/musicjpnews_mti/status/1638865712801533953] musicjp_mti:藤巻亮太主催の野外音楽フェス「Mt.FUJIMAKI 2023」開催を自身のツアーファイナルの地元・山梨公演で発表! music-book.jp/music/news/new… #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/A7nlHPjhqD [https://twitter.com/musicjp_mti/status/1638865702668107776] Specialthankssp:藤巻亮太さんバージョンの『電話』も良いですね〜。 『朝顔』に収録されているものよりテンポが早く、アレンジもされていて新鮮です。 pic.twitter.com/ypA6maVl55 [https://twitter.com/Specialthankssp/status/1638849419956342784] katakami_k:3月9日藤巻亮太さんレミオロメン 3月9日カバーしてるUruさん 曲が良すぎる [https://twitter.com/katakami_k/status/1638838748984279041] HARUKA55426150:2011年~2013年 EXILE、清木場俊介さん、BOØWY 2013年~2014年 ファンモン 2014年~現在 ファンキー加藤さん 2015年~現在 Aqua Timez 2016年~2018年 back number 2021年~現在 コブクロ、ファンモン 2022年~2023年 BOØWY 2022年~現在 KinKi Kids 2023年~現在 レミオロメン、藤巻亮太さん [https://twitter.com/HARUKA55426150/status/1638838471853998085] qrlinfo:5月28日(日)に開催される「さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭」にくるりの出演が決定しました!50年の歴史を閉じる中野サンプラザにて #くるり × #藤巻亮太 × #Tele によるスリーマンでの公演。純情息子では本日よりチケット最速先行受付を開始しました! quruli.net/news/202303221… pic.twitter.com/jAVKKfqoSK [https://twitter.com/qrlinfo/status/1638834743235219456] motuch71:椎名慶治さんの「RABBIT-MAN」の『とびはねろ〜』のフレーズで脳裏をよぎるのはレフティさんのジャンプ。  そういうば昨日の亮太くんの「雨上がり」でも飛んでたなぁ。  迫力あるベースさばきと飛び跳ねにキュン💕  #宮田レフティリョウ  #椎名慶治 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/motuch71/status/1638817614284865538] Ayu_Fujimaki:やっぱり藤巻亮太大好き [https://twitter.com/Ayu_Fujimaki/status/1638790781615112194] Solan_oki_014:この並びすごく良くないですか? くるりさん×藤巻亮太さん×Teleさんに温めてもらって、オーイシがもっかい温めておつるさんにバトンタッチ……ひょえ〜……🥺 pic.twitter.com/2yKXZGI1mt [https://twitter.com/Solan_oki_014/status/1638761423177416705] tamosou27_spGT:#藤巻亮太  Live Tour #Sunshine  ツアーファイナルの山梨公演2daysありがとうございました!💃 外も会場も最高の空気でした!!🗻 ツアー通して、同じ曲でもやる度にどんどん変わって違う色になっていくの本当に楽しかった🌅 9公演ありがとうございました🔥 終演後の感じもなんだかエモかったので🎦 twitter.com/ryota_fujimaki… pic.twitter.com/wRnojJ9EJz [https://twitter.com/tamosou27_spGT/status/1638760977541009408] rena_1111yt:藤巻さんとの回もやっと見れた!✨ 改めてサッカー繋がりすごい!!😳✨❤️ #手越祐也 #スペプラ手越 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/rena_1111yt/status/1638760773798461440] 04banchi:くるりと藤巻亮太… [https://twitter.com/04banchi/status/1638742853336850433] fmsendai:Title:  裸のOh Summer    Artist:藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/fmsendai/status/1638740033363673093] rainybule1224:亮太君、嬉しいお知らせありがとうございます❗️🎉☺️💓 中野サンプラザ良い思い出の場所✨☺️💗行きたい~🎵 今日は、先程まで3時間🚤で ホエールウオッチングしてました~🐳 クジラ🐳いっぱい見れて😍すごい😆⤴️感動した~~🌈☺️ お天気🌞で良かった❗️😍✨ #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/u7hAyHkOqq [https://twitter.com/rainybule1224/status/1638737384476114945] michiruneko:@KitrTele いいなぁ。 やばいやばすぎる! デビューから早くも 大物と共演✨✨ 行きたいけど、スケジュールムリ。 4/2にはとりま行ってこよう。 #tele  #くるり #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/michiruneko/status/1638729305894322178] GoIchi51_AO0113:今年は高校生以下無料!藤巻亮太オーガナイズの野外フェス「Mt.FUJIMAKI」(コメントあり) natalie.mu/music/news/517… [https://twitter.com/GoIchi51_AO0113/status/1638728109326475264] KitrTele:僕にとっていつか絶対通りたかった道がやってきました。光栄です。中野サンプラザに何か少しでも残せるように。  さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭 5月28日(日)18時開演 くるり × 藤巻亮太 × Tele 「Tele」アーティストオフィシャル先行 3月23日(木)10:00~3月27日(月)23:59 w.pia.jp/t/tele-nakano/ pic.twitter.com/YJVYzMbKhe [https://twitter.com/KitrTele/status/1638725978682982402] skream_japan:"さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭"、追加出演者でThe Birthday×GLIM SPANKY、Reol×女王蜂、くるり×藤巻亮太×Teleら発表。特別企画のコンサートも  skream.jp/news/2023/03/s… pic.twitter.com/0AzvHgAR2m [https://twitter.com/skream_japan/status/1638720688604467201] rVWUPjRdqurnkeO:@qrlinfo 失礼いたします。 藤巻亮太さんですかね😀? [https://twitter.com/rVWUPjRdqurnkeO/status/1638720616307245056] sutekinamiraie:「#さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭」出演アーティスト怒涛の追加発表&オリジナルグッズ販売決定! 同ホールにゆかりの深い超豪華アーティスト達が“聖地”に集結!  特別企... prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… @PRTIMES_JPより #奥田民生 #藤巻亮太 #稲垣潤一 [https://twitter.com/sutekinamiraie/status/1638708503702548480] Ryota_Fujimaki:【出演決定】 5/28(日) #中野サンプラザ で開催の「#さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭」に出演✨  3マンでの対バン& #藤巻亮太 は4ピースバンド編成🎸🥁  🕺出演者(敬称略) w/ #くるり ,  #Tele  🎫オフィシャル先行 3/27(月)23:59まで w.pia.jp/t/fujimakiryot…  🔗詳細はコチラ sayonaranakanosunplaza.com pic.twitter.com/EtwON8PVaU [https://twitter.com/Ryota_Fujimaki/status/1638707159721717762] sorama_zofu:@Ryota_Fujimaki ツアーおつかれ様でした 18日のスピードスターライブで心を捕まれての 初藤巻亮太ライブ参戦 楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて めっちゃ踊りまくってたら息が苦しくて ヤバい!これ私が担がれて後ろに運ばれてまう💦 と思ったけどなんとか乗り切った 体力つけないと  ずっとライブ反芻してる [https://twitter.com/sorama_zofu/status/1638699778023497729] ririkoko_r_k_:藤巻亮太さんツアーお疲れ様です😆 名古屋は2列目隅っこでも亮太くん何回かステージ端に来てノリノリ亮太くん見れた 広島は奇跡の番号、🫶🏻作って少しハニカム可愛い亮太くん見れた 大阪は色気ありオラオラ亮太くん見れて幸せでした 次のライブ楽しみです。 #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine [https://twitter.com/ririkoko_r_k_/status/1638690438172520449] sorama_zofu:藤巻亮太Livetour2023 「Sunshine」 甲府コンビクションにて  ツアー最終日は地元山梨で! 最高のライブ! 楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて 永遠に続いてほしかった~  音楽は生で聞いた方がいいけど 藤巻亮太は絶対に 生で聴くべき人だわ  #藤巻亮太  #sunshine  #ライブ pic.twitter.com/jlewNNE1jQ [https://twitter.com/sorama_zofu/status/1638687610364379136] 39_RF_223_030:@Ryota_Fujimaki 奇跡のような時間でした✨(íoì) 慌ただしい日常にかき消されないようスキマ時間で記憶を辿っています🔥 ツアー他もたくさんあったのに藤巻さんはいつも笑顔で全力で…🥹 本当に本当にお疲れ様でした😌 ありがとうございました!! たくさんたくさん力をいただきました!!! #藤巻亮太 #Sunshineツアー [https://twitter.com/39_RF_223_030/status/1638660123072827393] zhtqQiNieS3SwNI:藤巻亮太@山梨*day2* 今日は40番台!ベースレフティを拝めるのが 当分ないのでレフティ側1択✨ライブ前に コートを借りてフットサルしたらしい! レフティくんいわくガチだったとw かっちゃんは2回転んで肘にケガww 猛暑の中お疲れ様ですw今回のツアーは やっぱり大地の歌が優勝!!かっけぇ~です❤ pic.twitter.com/Y2qW8fVxjk [https://twitter.com/zhtqQiNieS3SwNI/status/1638660013928640513] TOKU3236:藤巻亮太さんとXジャパンのToshiさんの動画がありましたので投稿します 粉雪です pic.twitter.com/luEjw0rwBI [https://twitter.com/TOKU3236/status/1638649649304309763] fumiremi:最高に熱いFinal❗ これで最後と思うと、全部覚えていたいんだけど、記憶力があやふやで…💦 でも、亮太君の歌声と話し声と笑顔と仕草は絶対忘れない‼️ 亮太君、幸せな時間をありがとう❣️ #藤巻亮太  #Sunshine pic.twitter.com/q1LCflBbpq [https://twitter.com/fumiremi/status/1638644016215646208] eimu_asuma:藤巻亮太 Live Tour 2023「Sunshine」@新栄シャングリラ 2023/03/10|えいむ @eimuchan #note note.com/eimucchi/n/n57…  名古屋のん、自分感想含めnoteにレポしました。 絵レポ以外はうざいかもw 良ければ見てやってください。 [https://twitter.com/eimu_asuma/status/1638619393298161664] tomokoujirr:ファイナル…山梨‼️✨✨ 今ツアーの集大成のような熱い熱いLIVEやった🥰💕 39の再現のような始まりで、ダブルアンコールでは「Sakra」🌸  もう燃え尽きましたー😭🔥(ロスが怖い…) でも、全部の思い出が宝物🎁✨ 「朝焼けの向こう」にこの先の光が見えた‼️🥰💕  #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine #甲府CONVICTION pic.twitter.com/bYjfE4kS1a [https://twitter.com/tomokoujirr/status/1638594955978629121] boyacky:写真撮り忘れてインスタはなしですがきょうは #藤巻亮太 さんのツアーファイナル #甲府CONVICTION を観ました!ファンを楽しませようっていうサービス精神的なものがそれはもう随所に感じられてすてきなライブでした!ポジティブなニューアルバムにぴったりなライブ [https://twitter.com/boyacky/status/1638560421908221953] aRI_maRI_1:藤巻亮太さんのツアーファイナルに息子と参加。  手渡し会も参加させて頂き感無量。  すごく楽しそうにライブをされる姿に元気をもらいました。 息子もお話しできて感激な様子😊  ファンとの距離を大切にしてくれて感謝❤️ 中学生の息子もどっぷりファンですよ。  ありがとうございました♪ #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/aRI_maRI_1/status/1638558313150582785] picoron_n:officialの写真まとめた📷 亮太くん🫶🏻バンドメンバーのみなさん、スタッフのみなさん♪ 最高のSunshineLiveTourありがとうございました☀️🌈 東京・愛知・広島・大阪でお会い出来た亮太くんファンのみなさん♪ ありがとうございました🤝🏻🤍 藤巻亮太さんって最高ですね! #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine pic.twitter.com/ABk36SOCbm [https://twitter.com/picoron_n/status/1638557745292128256]
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【下田将也】 「 二人 」 ☆ ⊳ youmu and yuyuko // touhou project ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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唐人街探案3▷ Detective Chinatown 3 線上看完整版本(2021)在线观看[1080P]
唐人街探案3 完整版本本 [  Detective Chinatown 3] 完整版本觀看電影在線小鴨 (2021-HD)完整的電影
➥➥ 現在觀看 ▶️▶️▶️ https://t.co/JGENooJuNH?/cinatown
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➥➥ 現在觀看 ▶️▶️▶️ https://t.co/JGENooJuNH?/cinatown
继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探唐仁(王宝强 饰)、秦风(刘昊然 饰)受侦探野田昊(妻夫木聪 饰)的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开……
发布日期: 2021-02-12 运行时间: 136 分钟 类型: 动作, 喜剧, 悬疑 明星: Baoqiang Wang, Liu Haoran, Zhang Zifeng, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Tony Jaa 导演: Jie Du, Nathan Wang, Stanley Cheung, Chen Sicheng, Chen Sicheng
TAGS: 唐人街探案3 澳門上映 唐人街探案3 2021上映 唐人街探案3 HD線上看 唐人街探案3 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 电影完整版本 唐人街探案3 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 線上看完整版本 唐人街探案3 線上看完整版本小鴨 唐人街探案3 (2021)完整版本本 唐人街探案3 |1080P|完整版本本 唐人街探案3 线上看(2021)完整版本 線上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 線上看電影(2021) 唐人街探案3 2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 線上看|2021上映|完整版本小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 上看 唐人街探案3 主題曲 唐人街探案3 小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 線上小鴨 唐人街探案3 完整版本本 唐人街探案3 香港上映 唐人街探案3 線上看小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 2021 線上看 唐人街探案3在线 唐人街探案3 1080P 下載 唐人街探案3 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 电影在线2021年 唐人街探案3 (2021)在线观看 唐人街探案3 [2021]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 [2021,HD]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 singapora(2021) 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) HD線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 电影完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看完整版本小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) |1080P|完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看|2021上映|完整版本小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 澳門上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) HD線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 电影完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上看完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看完整版本小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) |1080P|完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看電影(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看|2021上映|完整版本小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 主題曲 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 香港上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021在线 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 1080P 下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 电影在线2021年 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)在线观看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) [2021]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) [2021,HD]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) singapora(2021) 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看| 2021最新電影| 小鴨影音| 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 下載 百度 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) -完整版本小鴨 HD 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上看(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 台灣上映 2021 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021) 線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上(2021 HD) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 電影完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 線上 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) -完整版本 小鴨 2021 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費在線觀看(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) [2021] 線上完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上 [2021] 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看線上(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) -HD 完整版本 小鴨 [2021] 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 上看2021 HD.BD.1080p 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021完整版本 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) In 1889, on November 1 in Gotha, Germany Anna Therese Johanne Hoch, who later would be known as Hannah Hoch was born. Being the eldest of five children, the girl was brought up in a comfortable and quiet environment of the small town. Her parents, a supervisor in an insurance company and an amateur painter sent her to Girl’s High school. However, at the age of 15 Hannah had to quit studying for the long six years to take care of her newborn sister. Only in 1912 she continued her education with Harold Bengen in School of Applied Arts, mastering glass design. As the World War I broke up Hannah returned to the native town to work in the Red Cross. The first years after war the young woman recommenced her studying, getting to know graphic arts. 1915 was highlighted by an acquaintance with an Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann, which grew into the long-lasting romantic relationship and involvement in Berlin Dada movement. For ten years till 1926 Hoch worked in Berlin’s major publisher of newspapers and magazines. Her task was to design embroidering, knitting and crocheting patterns for the booklets. Being on vacation with her beloved in 1918, Hannah discovered ‘the principle of photomontage in cut-and-paste images that soldiers sent to their families’ (National gallery of Art). This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the ‘new woman’ of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms. Hoch was the only woman in Berlin Dada, who took part in all kinds of events and exhibitions showcasing her socially critical works of art. Till 1931 she participated in exhibitions but with the rise of National Social regime was forbidden to present her creative work. Till her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee. The piece of art which is going to be analyzed in this research is ‘The beautiful girl’ designed in 1919–1920. It combines the elements of technology and females. In the middle of the picture one can clearly see a woman dressed in a modern bathing suit with a light bulb on her head which probably serves as a sun umbrella. In the background a large advertisement with a woman’s hair-do on top is presented. Maud Lavin describes strange human as ‘she is part human, part machine, part commodity’ (Lavin). The woman is surrounded by the images of industrialization as tires, gears, signals and BMW logos. A woman’s profile with the cat eyes, untrusting and skeptical, in the upper right corner is eye-catching as well. This unusually large eye symbolizes DADA movement — a monocle, which is present in almost every Hoch’s work. The colour scheme does not offer rich palette of tints, including mostly black, white, orange and red pieces. The photo is surrounded by the BMW circles which add the spots of blue. An apt description of the piece is given in the book ‘Cut with the Kitchen Knife’ and states that it is ‘a portrait of a modern woman defined by signs of femininity, technology, media and advertising’ (Lavin). In other words Hannah Hoch focused on the woman of the new age, free and keeping up with the fast-moving world. The artist promoted feministic ideas and from her point of view urbanization and modern technologies were meant to give hope to woman to gain equality of genders. With this photomontage she commented on how the woman was expected to combine the role of a wife and mother with the role of a worker in the industrialized world. The light bulb instead of a face shows that women were perceived as unthinking machines which do not question their position and can be turned on or off at any time at man’s will. But at the same time they were to remain attractive to satisfy men’s needs. The watch is viewed as the representation of how quickly women are to adapt to the changes. In a nutshell, Hoch concentrated on two opposite visions of the modern woman: the one from the television screens — smoking, working, wearing sexy clothes, voting and the real one who remained being a housewife. The beautiful girl’ is an example of the art within the DADA movement. An artistic and literal current began in 1916 as the reaction to World War I and spread throughout Northern America and Europe. Every single convention was challenged and bourgeois society was scandalized. The Dadaists stated that over-valuing conformity, classism and nationalism among modern cultures led to horrors of the World War I. In other words, they rejected logic and reason and turned to irrationality, chaos and nonsense. The first DADA international Fair was organized in Berlin in 1920 exposing a shocking discontentment with military and German nationalism (Dada. A five minute history). Hannah Hoch was introduced to the world of DADA by Raoul Hausman who together with Kurt Schwitters, Piet Mondrian and Hans Richter was one of the influential artists in the movement. Hoch became the only German woman who referred to DADA. She managed to follow the general Dadaist aesthetic, but at the same time she surely and steadily incorporated a feminist philosophy. Her aim was to submit female equality within the canvass of other DADA’s conceptions. Though Hannah Hoch officially was a member of the movement, she never became the true one, because men saw her only as ‘a charming and gifted amateur artist’ (Lavin). Hans Richter, an unofficial spokesperson shared his opinion about the only woman in their community in the following words: ‘the girl who produced sandwiches, beer and coffee on a limited budget’ forgetting that she was among the few members with stable income. In spite of the gender oppressions, Hannah’s desire to convey her idea was never weakened. Difficulties only strengthened her and made her an outstanding artist. A note with these return words was found among her possessions: ‘None of these men were satisfied with just an ordinary woman. But neither were they included to abandon the (conventional) male/masculine morality toward the woman. Enlightened by Freud, in protest against the older generation. . . they all desired this ‘New Woman’ and her groundbreaking will to freedom. But — they more or less brutally rejected the notion that they, too, had to adopt new attitudes. . . This led to these truly Strinbergian dramas that typified the private lives of these men’ (Maloney). Hoch’s technique was characterized by fusing male and female parts of the body or bodies of females from different epochs — a ‘traditional’ woman and ‘modern’, liberated and free of sexual stereotypes one. What’s more, combining male and female parts, the female ones were always more distinctive and vibrant, while the male ones took their place in the background. Hannah created unique works of art experimenting with paintings, collages, graphic and photography. Her women were made from bits and pieces from dolls, mannequins of brides or children as these members of the society were not considered as valuable. Today Hannah Hoch is most associated with her famous photomontage ‘Cut with the kitchen knife DADA through the last Weimer Beer-Belly Cultural epoch of Germany’ (1919–1920). This piece of art highlights social confusion during the era of Weimar Republic, oppositionists and government radicals (Grabner). In spite of never being truly accepted by the rest of her society, this woman with a quiet voice managed to speak out loud her feministic message. Looking at Hannah Hoch’s art for the first time I found it confusing, because couldn’t comprehend the meaning. It was quite obvious that every single piece and structure is a symbol of the era, its ideas and beliefs. However, after having learned about her life and constant endeavors to declare about female’s right, little by little I started to realize what’s what. As an object for research I chose ‘The beautiful girl’ as, to my mind, its theme and message intersects with the modern tendency: a successful, clever, beautiful and free woman has to become one in no time, cause the world is moving faster and faster. I enjoyed working with this artist as her example is inspiring and is worth following.
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santikarina805 · 3 years
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导演: 陈思诚 编剧: 陈思诚 / 张淳 / 刘吾驷 / 莲舟 / 严以宁 主演: 王宝强 / 刘昊然 / 妻夫木聪 / 托尼·贾 / 长泽雅美 / 更多… 类型: 喜剧 / 悬疑 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2021–02–12(中国大陆) 片长: 136分钟 又名: 唐探3 / Detective Chinatown 3 IMDb链接:
唐人街探案3的剧情简介 · · · · · · 继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探唐仁(王宝强 饰)、秦风(刘昊然 饰)受侦探野田昊(妻夫木聪 饰)的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开……
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TAG: 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021上映 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) HD線上看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 电影完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看完整版小鴨 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) (2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) |1080P|完整版本 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看(2021)完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3)(2021) 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3)2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看|2021上映|完整版小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 澳門上映 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021上映 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) HD線上看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 电影完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3)上看完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看完整版小鴨 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) (2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) |1080P|完整版本 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看(2021)完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看電影(2021) 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看|2021上映|完整版小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 上看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 主題曲 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上小鴨 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 完整版本 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 香港上映 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021 線上看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021在线 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 1080P 下載 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 电影在线2021年 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) (2021)在线观看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) [2021]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) [2021,HD]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) singapora(2021) 完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看| 2021最新電影| 小鴨影音| 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 免費下載 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 下載 百度 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021上看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) -完整版小鴨 HD 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3)上看(2021) 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 台灣上映 2021 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) (2021) 線上看 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3)上(2021 HD) 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021 電影完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021 線上 完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) -完整版 小鴨 2021 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 免費在線觀看(2021) 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) [2021] 線上完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3)上 [2021] 完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) (2021)免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 線上看線上(2021)完整版 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) -HD 完整版 小鴨 [2021] 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 上看2021 HD.BD.1080p 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 唐人街探案3 (Detective — Chinatown 3) 2021完整版 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) In 1889, on November 1 in Gotha, Germany Anna Therese Johanne Hoch, who later would be known as Hannah Hoch was born. Being the eldest of five children, the girl was brought up in a comfortable and quiet environment of the small town. Her parents, a supervisor in an insurance company and an amateur painter sent her to Girl’s High school. However, at the age of 15 Hannah had to quit studying for the long six years to take care of her newborn sister. Only in 1912 she continued her education with Harold Bengen in School of Applied Arts, mastering glass design. As the World War I broke up Hannah returned to the native town to work in the Red Cross. The first years after war the young woman recommenced her studying, getting to know graphic arts. 1915 was highlighted by an acquaintance with an Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann, which grew into the long-lasting romantic relationship and involvement in Berlin Dada movement. For ten years till 1926 Hoch worked in Berlin’s major publisher of newspapers and magazines. Her task was to design embroidering, knitting and crocheting patterns for the booklets. Being on vacation with her beloved in 1918, Hannah discovered ‘the principle of photomontage in cut-and-paste images that soldiers sent to their families’ (National gallery of Art). This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the ‘new woman’ of the Weimar Republic with new social role and The Owners freedoms. Hoch was the only woman in Berlin Dada, who took part in all kinds of events and exhibitions showcasing her socially critical works of art. Till 1931 she participated in exhibitions but with the rise of National Social regime was forbidden to present her creative work. Till her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee. The piece of art which is going to be analyzed in this research is ‘The beautiful girl’ designed in 1919–1920. It combines the elements of technology and females. In the middle of the picture one can clearly see a woman dressed in a modern bathing suit with a light bulb on her head which probably serves as a sun umbrella. In the background a large advertisement with a woman’s hair-do on top is presented. Maud Lavin describes strange human as ‘she is part human, part machine, part commodity’ (Lavin). The woman is surrounded by the images of industrialization as tires, gears, signals and BMW logos. A woman’s profile with the cat eyes, untrusting and skeptical, in the upper right corner is eye-catching as well. This unusually large eye symbolizes DADA movement — a monocle, which is present in almost every Hoch’s work. The colour scheme does not offer rich palette of tints, including mostly black, white, orange and red pieces. The photo is surrounded by the BMW circles which add the spots of blue. An apt description of the piece is The Owners in the book ‘Cut with the Kitchen Knife’ and states that it is ‘a portrait of a modern woman defined by signs of femininity, technology, media and advertising’ (Lavin). In other words Hannah Hoch focused on the woman of the new age, free and keeping up with the fast-moving world. The artist promoted feministic ideas and from her point of view urbanization and modern technologies were meant to give hope to woman to gain equality of genders. With this photomontage she commented on how the woman was expected to combine the role of a wife and mother with the role of a worker in the industrialized world. The light bulb instead of a face shows that women were perceived as unthinking machines which do not question their position and can be turned on or off at any time at man’s will. But at the same time they were to remain attractive to satisfy men’s needs. The watch is viewed as the representation of how quickly women are to adapt to the changes. In a nutshell, Hoch concentrated on two opposite visions of the modern woman: the one from the television screens — smoking, working, wearing sexy clothes, voting and the real one who remained being a housewife. The beautiful girl’ is an example of the art within the DADA movement. An artistic and literal current began in 1916 as the reaction to World War I and spread throughout Northern America and Europe. Every single convention was challenged and bourgeois society was scandalized. The Dadaists stated that over-valuing conformity, classism and nationalism among modern cultures led to horrors of the World War I. In other words, they rejected logic and reason and turned to irrationality, chaos and nonsense. The first DADA international Fair was organized in Berlin in 1920 exposing a shocking discontentment with military and German nationalism (Dada. A five minute history). Hannah Hoch was introduced to the world of DADA by Raoul Hausman who together with Kurt Schwitters, Piet Mondrian and Hans Richter was one of the influential artists in the movement. Hoch became the only German woman who referred to DADA. She managed to follow the general Dadaist aesthetic, but at the same time she surely and steadily incorporated a feminist philosophy. Her aim was to submit female equality within the canvass of other DADA’s conceptions. Though Hannah Hoch officially was a member of the movement, she never became the true one, because men saw her only as ‘a charming and gifted amateur artist’ (Lavin). Hans Richter, an unofficial spokesperson shared his opinion about the only woman in their community in the following words: ‘the girl who produced sandwiches, beer and coffee on a limited budget’ forgetting that she was among the few members with stable income. In spite of the gender oppressions, Hannah’s desire to convey her idea was never weakened. Difficulties only strengthened her and made her an outstanding artist. A note with these return words was found among her possessions: ‘None of these men were satisfied with just an ordinary woman. But neither were they included to abandon the (conventional) male/masculine morality toward the woman. Enlightened by Freud, in protest against the older generation. . . they all desired this ‘New Woman’ and her groundbreaking will to freedom. But — they more or less brutally rejected the notion that they, too, had to adopt new attitudes. . . This led to these truly Strinbergian dramas that typified the private lives of these men’ (Maloney). Hoch’s technique was characterized by fusing male and female parts of the body or bodies of females from different epochs — a ‘traditional’ woman and ‘modern’, liberated and free of sexual stereotypes one. What’s more, combining male and female parts, the female ones were always more distinctive and vibrant, while the male ones took their place in the background. Hannah created unique works of art experimenting with paintings, collages, graphic and photography. Her women were made from bits and pieces from dolls, mannequins of brides or children as these members of the society were not considered as valuable. Today Hannah Hoch is most associated with her famous photomontage ‘Cut with the kitchen knife DADA through the last Weimer Beer-Belly Cultural epoch of Germany’ (1919–1920). This piece of art highlights social confusion during the era of Weimar Republic, oppositionists and government radicals (Grabner). In spite of never being truly accepted by the rest of her society, this woman with a quiet voice managed to speak out loud her feministic message. Looking at Hannah Hoch’s art for the first time I found it confusing, because couldn’t comprehend the meaning. It was quite obvious that every single piece and structure is a symbol of the era, its ideas and beliefs. However, after having learned about her life and constant endeavors to declare about female’s right, little by little I started to realize what’s what. As an object for research I chose ‘The beautiful girl’ as, to my mind, its theme and message intersects with the modern tendency: a successful, clever, beautiful and free woman has to become one in no time, cause the world is moving faster and faster. I enjoyed working with this artist as her example is inspiring and is worth following
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【下田将也】 「 サン 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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co-iki · 3 years
Talk Session : “Physicality” in the Time of Remote Communication Vol.1- On the frontlines of Buddhism,Butoh/Dance,Art&Tech -
トークセッション : リモート時代の「身体性」Vol.1
--- 前半トーク&後半ディスカッション ---
*English Follows, translation(Japanese/English) for the session available.
The English translation of Speakers Session will be followed in the FB Live comment field.※セッションの進行は日英通訳・翻訳ありで進めます。
>>Session Details セッション詳細:https://www.facebook.com/events/336199810810931/
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Trailer >>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvLt0tw4xXk
パンデミック下で私たちが日々向き合い、また失敗と発見を繰り返しながら導き出そうとしている”New Normal”とオンライン化する日常コミュニケーション。 このリモート時代において、これまで生活の基軸として捉えてきた「身体性」や「生の感覚」「体験」とは一体どんなものなのか。 また、今後、あらたな知覚として発展する可能性のある、リモート時代における「身体感覚」とはどんなものになるのか。 仏教、舞踏・身体表現、アート&テック等、様々なクリエイティブな現場で(パンデミック下においてもアクティブに)ご活躍の皆さんをお迎えし、トークセッションを開催します。 また、セッション後半は、co・ikiの実験リモートレジデンシー“Creativity from HOME” (http://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ )に参加している各国クリエイター(シンガポール、インドネシア、香港、ウクライナ、ナイジェリア、オーストラリア、日本)やディスカッション参加のみなさまを交えてセッションします。 (後半ディスカッションはPeatixかFBにてご予約ください。日英通訳ありますので日本語onlyでもお気軽にどうぞ💡) ☞Zoomディスカッション予約 はこちら: https://co-iki-talk-session.peatix.com/ 世界的なウィルス蔓延から早8カ月超。 この機会に一度振り返る時間を各国・各業界のみなさんとシェアし、日々の暮らしや仕事にフィードバックしていただければとおもいます。どうぞお気軽にご参加ください😊 After the serious virus outbreak, we've been trying to create the New Normal with the help of technologies. Our communications are now transforming into the remote ,online stuffs or maybe a kind of hybrid. Now it's time to reflect on the physical communication, its sensibilities we perceive and discuss on our new lifestyles, the temporary situations, issues or a new aspect we've been experiencing under the Pandemic. This time, we will welcome such active creatives from different art sectors in Japan like Buddhism, Butoh&Performing Arts ,Contemporary Art&Tech, and will share what they are facing and have been creating until now. We will also talk about the physicality from different perspectives of the speakers. Please share yours also as we will discuss altogether in the latter half of the session with the participating creators(Hong Kong,Singapore,Indonesia,Ukraine,Nigeria,Australia,Japan) of our experimental remote residency "Creativity from HOME"!
●参加者(スピーカー)Speakers: 風間天心(かざま・てんしん)さん (美術家 / 僧侶) Tenshing Kazama / Japan [Artist / Monk] 会田大也(あいだ・だいや)さん (YCAM 教育普及・キュレーター) Daiya Aida / Japan [YCAM Museum Educator&Curator] 松岡大(まつおか・だい)さん (舞踏手 / LAND FESディレクター) Dai Matsuoka / Japan [Butoh Dancer / LAND FES Director]
●スピーカー・プロフィール Speaker Profile 風間天心(かざま・てんしん) (美術家 / 僧侶) Tenshing Kazama / Japan [Artist / Monk] http://www.tengshing-k.com/ 美術家、僧侶。1979年、北海道東川町生まれ。2006年、第9回岡本太郎現代芸術賞に入選。2010年、大本山永平寺での修行を経て禅宗の僧侶になる。2011年、武蔵野美術大学パリ賞によりパリ市「Cité Internationale des Arts」に滞在。現代における「宗教と芸術」の相互作用を求めながら、国内外で多様な活動を続けている。 I am a Japanese Zen monk and contemporary artist. Born in 1979. My reason for paralleling monk and artist is to discover the common challenges and values of art and religion and to re-present the interplay between them. The focus of my theme is “A methodology for gathering and enhancing the faith contained in religious institution.” and “The foundation of faith internalized in customs and culture.” and the physicality that is deeply related to both of these contents. In order to derive the uniqueness of art in Asia, his installations and art projects highlight the “history of nations and peoples” and the “spirituality behind the expression”. 1979 Born in Hokkaido, Japan 2008 B.F.A. Painting, Musashino Art University, Japan 2009 Training, Temple Eiheiji , Japan 2011 Residency of ” Cité Internationale des Arts ”, Paris, France 2018 Residency of ” Sa Sa Art Project”, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Awards 2019 “The 22th of art grand prize of TARO” Semi-Grand Prize 2017 “S-AIR Award” Winning a Prize 2016  “The 5th Sapporo 500m Gallery Award” Grand Prize 2016  “JR Tower ARTBOX 2016” Grand Prix 2016  “LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2015”  Winning a Prize 2015  “Tokyo Midtown Award 2015” Award for Excellence 2011 “Paris award of Musashino Art Univ.”  Winning a Prize ◎現在進行中のプロジェクト: 「大仏造立プロジェクト」Big Buddha under the Pandemic (ongoing project) https://bigbuddha.jp/ 会田大也(あいだ・だいや) (YCAM 教育普及・キュレーター) Daiya Aida / Japan [YCAM Museum Educator&Curator] https://www.ycam.jp/en/ 1976年東京生まれ。2000年東京造形大学造形学部デザイン学科造形計画専攻卒業。2003年情報科学芸術大学院大学IAMAS修了。2003年より11年間、山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]の教育普及担当として、メディアリテラシー教育と美術教育の領域にまたがるオリジナルワークショップや教育コンテンツの開発と実施を担当。一連のワークショップは、第6回キッズデザイン大賞を受賞。担当企画展示「コロガルパビリオン」が、第17回文化庁メディア芸術祭審査委員会推薦作品受賞。一連の「コロガル公園」シリーズは2014年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞。2013年、国際交流基金主催の日・ASEAN友好40周年事業 国際巡回メディアアート展「MEDIA/ART KITCHEN」キュレーターに選出。東京大学大学院ソーシャルICTグローバル・クリエイティブ・リーダー[GCL]育成プログラム特任助教(2014〜19)を経て、2020年現在、YCAM学芸普及課長。 Aida Daiya was born in Tokyo in 1976. He completed his studies at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), and worked at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), an art institution with a focus on media art, from 2003 to 2014, where he was responsible for education and outreach, namely the planning and operation of film screenings, community participation programs, media workshops, and outdoor installations. His work at the YCAM earned him the Kids Design Award Grand Prize, Good Design Award, and Jury Selections for the Media Arts Festival Award. In 2013 Aida joined the 13-member, seven-nation curatorial team for Media/Art Kitchen, a media art exhibition—organized by the Japan Foundation to mark the 40th anniversary of ASEAN—Japan friendship and cooperation—that toured Japan and Southeast Asia. For five years, since 2014, he held the position of Project Assistant Professor, teaching workshop design for the Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders at theUniversity of Tokyo. In Dec. of 2019, Aida came back to YACM as Artistic Director. 松岡大(まつおか・だい) (舞踏手 / LAND FESディレクター) Dai Matsuoka / Japan [Butoh Dancer / LAND FES Director] http://daimatsuoka.com/ https://landfes.com 上智大学卒業。桑沢デザイン研究所卒業。2005年より山海塾に舞踏手として参加。 「金柑少年」「とばり」「めぐり」「卵熱」「ARC」などの主要作品に出演中。 2011年より、街を歩きながらミュージシャンとダンサーによるライブを鑑賞するウォーキング形式のパフォーマンスイベント「LAND FES」を主催。調布市せんがわ劇場主催、巻上公一氏が総合プロデューサーを務める「JAZZ ART せんがわ」の同時開催イベントとして仙川の街で「LAND FES」を開催し、商店との交渉を重ねながら街全体を舞台に仕立てあげ、劇場と街を繋ぐ企画性が評価され、2014年~16年にかけて3年連続で開催している。 16年10月に、NYのパペットカンパニーPhantom Limbの作品「Falling Out」の振付を担当。 16年12月には、故・蜷川幸雄氏の意思を引き継いだ、高齢者による世界最大級の群集劇「一万人のゴールドシアター 2016」にてムーヴメント演出のディレクションを務める。 16年より、舞踏の価値を広く残し伝えるために、非営利活動法人ダンスアーカイヴ構想の理事となる。 これまでに巻上公一、坂本弘道、森重靖宗、大石将紀、ユーグ・ヴァンサン、カール・ストーン等、多数のミュージシャンと共演している。 Graduated Sophia University, the Faculty of Comparative Culture. Graduated Kuwasawa Design School. Matsuoka has been a dancer for SANKAIJUKU since 2005. He has appeared in 9 pieces of Sankaijuku including “Kinkan Shonen”, “Kagemi”, “Tobari”, “Unetsu” and “ARC”. He has also been directing the performance event “LAND FES” in Tokyo since 2011, in which audience is navigated to encounter live sessions by musicians and dancers taking place at different places in the town . https://landfes.com ◎Hijikata Three Chapters 土方三章 https://youtu.be/unfO-zP0mBg ◎LAND FES https://youtu.be/ZBqj2hs5zIo
//// COMING UP!! /////
Session Vol.2 short video >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx6wyu6pVe4&t=121s
☟More details about the program organizer ---------------------------------------------- co・iki -Co-living&Co-creating Residency in Japan co-iki.org "Creativity from HOME" Experimental Remote Residency Project Outline  実験リモートレジデンシープロジェクト概要 http://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ Blog: https://co-iki.tumblr.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/c0iki/ ----------------------------------------------
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jekpotsa · 3 years
看!! Hi, Mom完整的在线版本(HD-2020)||完整电影在线
你好,李焕英 | 2021 | 在線觀看 | 完整版本 | 4K |TW 中国电影―你好,李焕英:2021-HD 半岛 完整版本 (Hi, Mom 完整版)4K ~完整版本~高清电影~在线观看 《〈你好,李焕英〉在线观看影片》 ㊊《你好,李焕英™》完整版 — 2021年电影©在线观看和下载完整电影
◉ 🎬 [現在觀看] ➥ https://t.co/usT8uGTF1c?amp=1
◉ 🎬 [現在觀看] ➥ https://t.co/usT8uGTF1c?amp=1
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导演: 贾玲
编剧: 贾玲 / 孙集斌 / 王宇 / 刘宏禄 / 卜钰 / 郭宇鹏
主演: 贾玲 / 张小斐 / 沈腾 / 陈赫 / 魏翔 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2021-02-12(中国大陆)
片长: 128分钟
又名: Hi, Mom
IMDb链接: tt13364790
你好,李焕英的剧情简介 继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探唐仁(王宝强 饰)、秦风(刘昊然 饰)受侦探野田昊(妻夫木聪 饰)的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开
你好,李焕英 線上看
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你好,李焕英 (2021)完整版本
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你好,李焕英 線上看(2021)完整版
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你好,李焕英 線上看|2021上映|完整版小鴨|線上看小鴨|
你好,李焕英 粵語線上看 你好,李焕英 (2021) 你好,李焕英 小鴨 In 1889, on November 1 in Gotha, Germany Anna Therese Johanne Hoch, who later would be known as Hannah Hoch was born. Being the eldest of five children, the girl was brought up in a comfortable and quiet environment of the small town. Her parents, a supervisor in an insurance company and an amateur painter sent her to Girl’s High school. However, at the age of 15 Hannah had to quit studying for the long six years to take care of her newborn sister. Only in 1912 she continued her education with Harold Bengen in School of Applied Arts, mastering glass design. As the World War I broke up Hannah returned to the native town to work in the Red Cross. The first years after war the young woman recommenced her studying, getting to know graphic arts. 1915 was highlighted by an acquaintance with an Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann, which grew into the long-lasting romantic relationship and involvement in Berlin Dada movement. For ten years till 1926 Hoch worked in Berlin’s major publisher of newspapers and magazines. Her task was to design embroidering, knitting and crocheting patterns for the booklets. Being on vacation with her beloved in 1918, Hannah discovered ‘the principle of photomontage in cut-and-paste images that soldiers sent to their families’ (National gallery of Art). This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the ‘new woman’ of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms. Hoch was the only woman in Berlin Dada, who took part in all kinds of events and exhibitions showcasing her socially critical works of art. Till 1931 she participated in exhibitions but with the rise of National Social regime was forbidden to present her creative work. Till her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee. The piece of art which is going to be analyzed in this research is ‘The beautiful girl’ designed in 1919–1920. It combines the elements of technology and females. In the middle of the picture one can clearly see a woman dressed in a modern bathing suit with a light bulb on her head which probably serves as a sun umbrella. In the background a large advertisement with a woman’s hair-do on top is presented. Maud Lavin describes strange human as ‘she is part human, part machine, part commodity’ (Lavin). The woman is surrounded by the images of industrialization as tires, gears, signals and BMW logos. A woman’s profile with the cat eyes, untrusting and skeptical, in the upper right corner is eye-catching as well. This unusually large eye symbolizes DADA movement — a monocle, which is present in almost every Hoch’s work. The colour scheme does not offer rich palette of tints, including mostly black, white, orange and red pieces. The photo is surrounded by the BMW circles which add the spots of blue. An apt description of the piece is given in the book ‘Cut with the Kitchen Knife’ and states that it is ‘a portrait of a modern woman defined by signs of femininity, technology, media and advertising’ (Lavin). In other words Hannah Hoch focused on the woman of the new age, free and keeping up with the fast-moving world. The artist promoted feministic ideas and from her point of view urbanization and modern technologies were meant to give hope to woman to gain equality of genders. With this photomontage she commented on how the woman was expected to combine the role of a wife and mother with the role of a worker in the industrialized world. The light bulb instead of a face shows that women were perceived as unthinking machines which do not question their position and can be turned on or off at any time at man’s will. But at the same time they were to remain attractive to satisfy men’s needs. The watch is viewed as the representation of how quickly women are to adapt to the changes. In a nutshell, Hoch concentrated on two opposite visions of the modern woman: the one from the television screens — smoking, working, wearing sexy clothes, voting and the real one who remained being a housewife. The beautiful girl’ is an example of the art within the DADA movement. An artistic and literal current began in 1916 as the reaction to World War I and spread throughout Northern America and Europe. Every single convention was challenged and bourgeois society was scandalized. The Dadaists stated that over-valuing conformity, classism and nationalism among modern cultures led to horrors of the World War I. In other words, they rejected logic and reason and turned to irrationality, chaos and nonsense. The first DADA international Fair was organized in Berlin in 1920 exposing a shocking discontentment with military and German nationalism (Dada. A five minute history). Hannah Hoch was introduced to the world of DADA by Raoul Hausman who together with Kurt Schwitters, Piet Mondrian and Hans Richter was one of the influential artists in the movement. Hoch became the only German woman who referred to DADA. She managed to follow the general Dadaist aesthetic, but at the same time she surely and steadily incorporated a feminist philosophy. Her aim was to submit female equality within the canvass of other DADA’s conceptions. Though Hannah Hoch officially was a member of the movement, she never became the true one, because men saw her only as ‘a charming and gifted amateur artist’ (Lavin). Hans Richter, an unofficial spokesperson shared his opinion about the only woman in their community in the following words: ‘the girl who produced sandwiches, beer and coffee on a limited budget’ forgetting that she was among the few members with stable income. In spite of the gender oppressions, Hannah’s desire to convey her idea was never weakened. Difficulties only strengthened her and made her an outstanding artist. A note with these return words was found among her possessions: ‘None of these men were satisfied with just an ordinary woman. But neither were they included to abandon the (conventional) male/masculine morality toward the woman. Enlightened by Freud, in protest against the older generation. . . they all desired this ‘New Woman’ and her groundbreaking will to freedom. But — they more or less brutally rejected the notion that they, too, had to adopt new attitudes. . . This led to these truly Strinbergian dramas that typified the private lives of these men’ (Maloney). Hoch’s technique was characterized by fusing male and female parts of the body or bodies of females from different epochs — a ‘traditional’ woman and ‘modern’, liberated and free of sexual stereotypes one. What’s more, combining male and female parts, the female ones were always more distinctive and vibrant, while the male ones took their place in the background. Hannah created unique works of art experimenting with paintings, collages, graphic and photography. Her women were made from bits and pieces from dolls, mannequins of brides or children as these members of the society were not considered as valuable. Today Hannah Hoch is most associated with her famous photomontage ‘Cut with the kitchen knife DADA through the last Weimer Beer-Belly Cultural epoch of Germany’ (1919–1920). This piece of art highlights social confusion during the era of Weimar Republic, oppositionists and government radicals (Grabner). In spite of never being truly accepted by the rest of her society, this woman with a quiet voice managed to speak out loud her feministic message. Looking at Hannah Hoch’s art for the first time I found it confusing, because couldn’t comprehend the meaning. It was quite obvious that every single piece and structure is a symbol of the era, its ideas and beliefs. However, after having learned about her life and constant endeavors to declare about female’s right, little by little I started to realize what’s what. As an object for research I chose ‘The beautiful girl’ as, to my mind, its theme and message intersects with the modern tendency: a successful, clever, beautiful and free woman has to become one in no time, cause the world is moving faster and faster. I enjoyed working with this artist as her example is inspiring and is worth following.
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【下田将也】 「 魂魄妖夢 」 ☆ ⊳ youmu // touhou project ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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✔TW [電影在線] 唐人街探案3( Detective Chinatown 3) 完整版本本~ 唐人街探案3(2021)韩国版在线观看 HD-1080p✔
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继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探唐仁(王宝强 饰)、秦风(刘昊然 饰)受侦探野田昊(妻夫木聪 饰)的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开……
发布日���: 2021-02-12 运行时间: 136 分钟 类型: 动作, 喜剧, 悬疑 明星: Baoqiang Wang, Liu Haoran, Zhang Zifeng, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Tony Jaa 导演: Jie Du, Nathan Wang, Stanley Cheung, Chen Sicheng, Chen Sicheng
TAGS: 唐人街探案3 澳門上映 唐人街探案3 2021上映 唐人街探案3 HD線上看 唐人街探案3 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 电影完整版本 唐人街探案3 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 線上看完整版本 唐人街探案3 線上看完整版本小鴨 唐人街探案3 (2021)完整版本本 唐人街探案3 |1080P|完整版本本 唐人街探案3 线上看(2021)完整版本 線上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 線上看電影(2021) 唐人街探案3 2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 線上看|2021上映|完整版本小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 上看 唐人街探案3 主題曲 唐人街探案3 小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 線上小鴨 唐人街探案3 完整版本本 唐人街探案3 香港上映 唐人街探案3 線上看小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 2021 線上看 唐人街探案3在线 唐人街探案3 1080P 下載 唐人街探案3 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 电影在线2021年 唐人街探案3 (2021)在线观看 唐人街探案3 [2021]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 [2021,HD]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 singapora(2021) 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) HD線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 电影完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看完整版本小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) |1080P|完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看|2021上映|完整版本小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 澳門上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) HD線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 电影完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上看完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看完整版本小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) |1080P|完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看電影(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021年再次觀看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看|2021上映|完整版本小鴨|線上看小鴨| 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 主題曲 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上小鴨 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 完整版本本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 香港上映 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看小鴨影音 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021在线 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 1080P 下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 电影在线2021年 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)在线观看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) [2021]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) [2021,HD]观看和下载 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) singapora(2021) 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看| 2021最新電影| 小鴨影音| 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費下載 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 下載 百度 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) -完整版本小鴨 HD 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上看(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 台灣上映 2021 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021) 線上看 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上(2021 HD) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 電影完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021 線上 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) -完整版本 小鴨 2021 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 免費在線觀看(2021) 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) [2021] 線上完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 线上看(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3)上 [2021] 完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) (2021)免費線上看電影 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 線上看線上(2021)完整版本 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) -HD 完整版本 小鴨 [2021] 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 上看2021 HD.BD.1080p 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 唐人街探案3 ( Detective Chinatown 3) 2021完整版本 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) In 1889, on November 1 in Gotha, Germany Anna Therese Johanne Hoch, who later would be known as Hannah Hoch was born. Being the eldest of five children, the girl was brought up in a comfortable and quiet environment of the small town. Her parents, a supervisor in an insurance company and an amateur painter sent her to Girl’s High school. However, at the age of 15 Hannah had to quit studying for the long six years to take care of her newborn sister. Only in 1912 she continued her education with Harold Bengen in School of Applied Arts, mastering glass design. As the World War I broke up Hannah returned to the native town to work in the Red Cross. The first years after war the young woman recommenced her studying, getting to know graphic arts. 1915 was highlighted by an acquaintance with an Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann, which grew into the long-lasting romantic relationship and involvement in Berlin Dada movement. For ten years till 1926 Hoch worked in Berlin’s major publisher of newspapers and magazines. Her task was to design embroidering, knitting and crocheting patterns for the booklets. Being on vacation with her beloved in 1918, Hannah discovered ‘the principle of photomontage in cut-and-paste images that soldiers sent to their families’ (National gallery of Art). This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the ‘new woman’ of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms. Hoch was the only woman in Berlin Dada, who took part in all kinds of events and exhibitions showcasing her socially critical works of art. Till 1931 she participated in exhibitions but with the rise of National Social regime was forbidden to present her creative work. Till her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee. The piece of art which is going to be analyzed in this research is ‘The beautiful girl’ designed in 1919–1920. It combines the elements of technology and females. In the middle of the picture one can clearly see a woman dressed in a modern bathing suit with a light bulb on her head which probably serves as a sun umbrella. In the background a large advertisement with a woman’s hair-do on top is presented. Maud Lavin describes strange human as ‘she is part human, part machine, part commodity’ (Lavin). The woman is surrounded by the images of industrialization as tires, gears, signals and BMW logos. A woman’s profile with the cat eyes, untrusting and skeptical, in the upper right corner is eye-catching as well. This unusually large eye symbolizes DADA movement — a monocle, which is present in almost every Hoch’s work. The colour scheme does not offer rich palette of tints, including mostly black, white, orange and red pieces. The photo is surrounded by the BMW circles which add the spots of blue. An apt description of the piece is given in the book ‘Cut with the Kitchen Knife’ and states that it is ‘a portrait of a modern woman defined by signs of femininity, technology, media and advertising’ (Lavin). In other words Hannah Hoch focused on the woman of the new age, free and keeping up with the fast-moving world. The artist promoted feministic ideas and from her point of view urbanization and modern technologies were meant to give hope to woman to gain equality of genders. With this photomontage she commented on how the woman was expected to combine the role of a wife and mother with the role of a worker in the industrialized world. The light bulb instead of a face shows that women were perceived as unthinking machines which do not question their position and can be turned on or off at any time at man’s will. But at the same time they were to remain attractive to satisfy men’s needs. The watch is viewed as the representation of how quickly women are to adapt to the changes. In a nutshell, Hoch concentrated on two opposite visions of the modern woman: the one from the television screens — smoking, working, wearing sexy clothes, voting and the real one who remained being a housewife. The beautiful girl’ is an example of the art within the DADA movement. An artistic and literal current began in 1916 as the reaction to World War I and spread throughout Northern America and Europe. Every single convention was challenged and bourgeois society was scandalized. The Dadaists stated that over-valuing conformity, classism and nationalism among modern cultures led to horrors of the World War I. In other words, they rejected logic and reason and turned to irrationality, chaos and nonsense. The first DADA international Fair was organized in Berlin in 1920 exposing a shocking discontentment with military and German nationalism (Dada. A five minute history). Hannah Hoch was introduced to the world of DADA by Raoul Hausman who together with Kurt Schwitters, Piet Mondrian and Hans Richter was one of the influential artists in the movement. Hoch became the only German woman who referred to DADA. She managed to follow the general Dadaist aesthetic, but at the same time she surely and steadily incorporated a feminist philosophy. Her aim was to submit female equality within the canvass of other DADA’s conceptions. Though Hannah Hoch officially was a member of the movement, she never became the true one, because men saw her only as ‘a charming and gifted amateur artist’ (Lavin). Hans Richter, an unofficial spokesperson shared his opinion about the only woman in their community in the following words: ‘the girl who produced sandwiches, beer and coffee on a limited budget’ forgetting that she was among the few members with stable income. In spite of the gender oppressions, Hannah’s desire to convey her idea was never weakened. Difficulties only strengthened her and made her an outstanding artist. A note with these return words was found among her possessions: ‘None of these men were satisfied with just an ordinary woman. But neither were they included to abandon the (conventional) male/masculine morality toward the woman. Enlightened by Freud, in protest against the older generation. . . they all desired this ‘New Woman’ and her groundbreaking will to freedom. But — they more or less brutally rejected the notion that they, too, had to adopt new attitudes. . . This led to these truly Strinbergian dramas that typified the private lives of these men’ (Maloney). Hoch’s technique was characterized by fusing male and female parts of the body or bodies of females from different epochs — a ‘traditional’ woman and ‘modern’, liberated and free of sexual stereotypes one. What’s more, combining male and female parts, the female ones were always more distinctive and vibrant, while the male ones took their place in the background. Hannah created unique works of art experimenting with paintings, collages, graphic and photography. Her women were made from bits and pieces from dolls, mannequins of brides or children as these members of the society were not considered as valuable. Today Hannah Hoch is most associated with her famous photomontage ‘Cut with the kitchen knife DADA through the last Weimer Beer-Belly Cultural epoch of Germany’ (1919–1920). This piece of art highlights social confusion during the era of Weimar Republic, oppositionists and government radicals (Grabner). In spite of never being truly accepted by the rest of her society, this woman with a quiet voice managed to speak out loud her feministic message. Looking at Hannah Hoch’s art for the first time I found it confusing, because couldn’t comprehend the meaning. It was quite obvious that every single piece and structure is a symbol of the era, its ideas and beliefs. However, after having learned about her life and constant endeavors to declare about female’s right, little by little I started to realize what’s what. As an object for research I chose ‘The beautiful girl’ as, to my mind, its theme and message intersects with the modern tendency: a successful, clever, beautiful and free woman has to become one in no time, cause the world is moving faster and faster. I enjoyed working with this artist as her example is inspiring and is worth following.
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cnbnews · 4 years
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斯洛文尼亚的布莱德湖。(图片:Wikimedia Commons/ James Southorn, CC BY 2.0)
CN traveller  为游客们精心地选择了2021年最佳旅游胜地清单。囊括了不同地貌地域如中美洲的生态壮观的飞地到阿拉伯联合酋长国偏远的艺术前哨的观光。一如既往的聆听冲浪者、建筑爱好者和美食家们的意见;澳大利亚和繁华的非洲大都市慢速露营之旅也纳入计划中。东京奥运会等活动推迟到2021年举行,大环境对旅游业的影响目前已不容忽视。越南和加勒比海等国家还处在旅行的观察期,而其它一些国家和地区如美国南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿(Charleston)才刚过艰难期正在经历重要的重塑阶段。2020年是有史以来最长的宅度假之年,英国的2021年三个热点游览区或许会满足拭目以待的观光客们的心愿。
英国英格兰东、西苏塞克斯郡 (East and West Sussex,England,UK )
从荒芜的南唐斯(South Downs) 起伏的丘陵到历史悠久的麦(Rry) 镇铺满鹅卵石的街道,这两个动人的苏塞克斯郡时时使人感受着自然风光的绚丽,宁静的气息和振奋人心的前景。如今一系列新的开放和发展项目使得英国这些壮观景地更具魅力。
布莱顿(Brighton)海滨的最新Soho豪宅拟定在马德拉广场(Madeira Place)开张。在马德拉大道(Madeira Drive)彼得·潘(Peter Pan)旧址上,西苏塞克斯郡英国首个国家级游泳中心Sea Lanes也将于2021年春季隆重登台。优雅的阿什林公园(Ashling Park)将开设豪华屋,这些别墅由天然材料制成,包括来自南唐斯国家公园(South Downs National Park)的木材,并将在其屡获殊荣的葡萄酒葡萄园中建造直升机停机坪。
标志性的创意项目预示着人们将以一种新的方式来体验南唐斯河和泰晤士河河口之间激动人心的海岸线。英格兰创意海岸(Creative Coast)与该地区画廊之间的合作展示着七个特定地点的艺术委员会研究陆地和水的边界的活动。与当地人合作开发的世界上第一条艺术地理小径还将带领游客在充满生机、盐雾笼罩的东南海岸进行地理之旅。
多米尼加共和国 加勒比海(Dominican Republic, Caribbean)
从波多黎各(Puerto Rico)的社会企业观光到安提瓜(Antigua)岛的社区自然保护区之旅,加勒比海现在在生态旅游上的地位举足轻重。微风轻拂的多米尼加共和国正在悄无声息的推动着潮流。
社区拥有的Sonido del Yaque河畔山旅馆等酒店正在改变可持续住宿的景观。在其他地方,珊瑚礁保护项目正在为当地企业和社区人员提供专业培训的机会。旨在恢复鹿角珊瑚种群的修复项目则鼓励雇用多米尼加潜水员,提供大量志愿旅游(Voluntourism )给予帮助。当地渔民也加入了这一行动,他们捕捞入侵性狮子鱼,然后以最优惠的价格提供给海滨餐馆。
这是一个需要保护的地方。它隐藏的布满岩石壁画的洞穴,或者是它人迹罕至尚待开发的海滩,比如原始的巴伊亚·德·拉斯·阿奎拉斯(Bahia de Las Aguilas),有火烈鸟出没的雅拉瓜(Jaragua)国家公园,多米尼加共和国正在努力争取作为一个生态胜地的位置,它应是当之无愧的。
芬兰赫尔辛基(Helsinki, Finland)
忘掉宏伟的建筑和一流的海滨餐厅吧,如果说赫尔辛基有什么特别之处的话,那就是它坚毅的目光。2018年,这座城市在艺术和文化领域投入了超过9,900万欧元,支持本已丰富的博物馆、音乐会场馆和画廊。这座被造就的真正世界顶尖级的文化城市足以与哥本哈根(Cophenhagen)和斯德哥尔摩( Stockholm)媲美。充满了打破传统风格的设计点,周围是波罗的海(Baltic)群岛,空气中弥漫着令人惬意的咸味。
最新的艺术博物馆阿莫斯·雷克斯(Amos Rex)是艺术与城市文化相结合的地方。芬兰国家美术馆(Finnish National Gallery)历史悠久的奇亚斯马当代艺术区(Kiasma Contemporary Art Wing) 一度被人忽视,当今却引领潮流地举办着尖端的展览,展示芬兰、北欧和国际艺术家的作品。作为未来10年计划的一部分,以煤为燃料的Hanasaari B电厂将在2024年被改造成大型文化中心, 以感受泰特现代美术馆的氛围来吸引全世界声明显赫的艺术家们。
其它地方如南港的远处有令人振奋的海水游泳池,还有一系列可供选择的室外博物馆,包括赫尔辛基内群岛塞乌拉萨里岛(Seurasaari)。每当仲夏时节,这里就会举行传统的庆祝活动。被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录的苏欧门里纳海堡(Suomenlinna Sea Fortress)设有咖啡馆、餐馆和一家出色的小酿酒厂。
亚马逊热带雨林(Amazon Rainforest)
这里的探险意味着在当地的船屋中安顿,在被露珠浸透的杂乱丛林里露营,参观社区学校和土着村庄。更不用说观赏大量的野生动物,从罕见的粉红海豚到美洲虎,再到在树冠间跳跃穿梭的叽喳蜘蛛猴。热带雨林中的生态旅馆随处可见,2021年的新产品包括河流游轮公司的最新船只Aqua Nera,它将沿着充满水虎鱼的秘鲁亚马逊河滑行。在雨季(2月至5月)游览,此时水路航行更加便利,你会发现河岸上栖息着候鸟,周围的绿色植物在雨季时会显得更加充满生机。
阿克拉 加纳(Accra, Ghana)
新款迪奥(Dior)男装因有加纳画家阿莫亚科·博阿福(Amoako Boafo)的加盟合作,无疑会成为2021年春夏最受关注的系列之一。同样兴趣使然,您会发现设计师们开始浏览海滨艺术家联盟或画廊1957(Artists Alliance or Gallery 1957),寻找令人眼花缭乱的当代西非艺术品。
他们在桑托库(Santoku)吃威士忌腌制的日式串烧(Kushiyaki),或者聚集在詹姆斯敦(Jamestown)地带品尝油炸车前草(Kelewele)。晚间他们会在米杜努(Midunu)的前瞻性游牧晚餐(Nomadic Dining) 俱乐部就餐。这家俱乐部由富有创新精神的厨师塞拉西·阿塔迪卡(Selassie Atadika)经营。每个季度都在首都周围的秘密地点举办不同种类的聚餐活动。从开普敦的设计信息(Design Indaba)节到香港的宴会,阿塔迪卡的融合美食传遍了世界各地。每道菜的灵感来都得益于阿塔迪卡广泛的内陆旅行和其对季节性食材和可持续性的关注。您会在菜单上看到高粱、小米等谷物,还有林林总总的新奇食物和精致的海鲜,所有这些菜肴都以一种大胆的风格呈现在这个日益激动人心的城市中。
澳大利亚金伯利(The Kimberley, Australia)
金伯利紧靠澳大利亚西北部,人烟稀少,尘土呈血红色,海蓝色的海洋里充满了鲨鱼和咸水鳄。广阔的景观使这里成为2021年最吸引人的探险景点之一。该地区的面积几乎是英格兰的三倍,每平方米的人次几乎少于地球上其他任何地方。无论您是想徒步探索古老的岩石艺术,沿着蜿蜒的吉布河路(Gibb River Road)行驶,还是期待被雄伟的水平瀑布的水流所冲击,都会惊叹于这些神妙莫测的奇观。这里被澳大利亚第一代族人涉足了已近数万年。
经过一个季节的休整,重新焕发活力的偏远奢华前哨基地埃尔奎斯特罗(El Questro Homestead)宅邸将于2021年重新开放。而西澳大利亚正在进行的“托管露营”项目让土着人社区在自己的土地上经营露营地、艺术画廊和导游服务。
在其他地方,丹皮尔半岛(Dampier Peninsula)是一个贯穿印度洋的孤立三角地带,提供了大量的慢行露营地,包括列维奎角(Cape Leveque)的库勒贾曼(Kooljaman)。它们坐落在伸入印度洋的深红色悬崖上并归土着人拥有。沿着未封闭的道路向南颠簸,你就会到达布鲁姆(Broome),从往日古老的珍珠中心变成了时髦的海滩小镇。在这里,月光���Moontide)酒厂充分利用雨季雷鸣般的暴雨,以及当地的植物和它的神奇成分-红瓜果酿制美酒。在附近的甘西奥米角(Gantheaume Point)地区,您会在海浪中惊喜的发现罕见的短鳍海豚和琥珀礁岩石中保存的一亿三千万年前的恐龙脚印。在3月到11月初之间,“通向月亮的阶梯’”的景象会使您耳目一新: 当闪闪发光的满月在罗巴克湾(Roebuck Bay)起伏的泥滩上投下梯形图案时,自然奇观就展现在您眼前了。
埃尔希罗 加那利群岛 (EL Hierro, The Canary Islands)
抛开对群岛度假名声的成见,鲜为人知的加那利群岛正成为2021年的新焦点。这个位于非洲大西洋沿岸的西班牙群岛,拥有黑、白、奶油色的海滩,郁郁葱葱的香蕉种植园和月桂树林,如诗如画风景令人叹为观止。不同于名声显赫的大加那利群岛(Gran Canaria)或是游客密集的特内里费岛(Tenerife),一些小众景点正在崛起,也成为了加那利群岛的必游景点。
拉帕尔马(La Palma)是最西北的岛屿,拥有文艺复兴时期的宫殿、迷人的教堂和火山岩建造的石头市政厅。沿着蜿蜒的海岸公路穿过宽阔的火山口和摇曳的香蕉林的经历,以及它那由粉紫色、薄荷绿、蔚蓝和赭色组成的古色古香的沥青屋顶房屋都使人流连忘返。埃尔希罗岛屿神秘色彩浓郁,饱经风霜的大西洋荒野田园风光吸引着众人的目光。它将成为世界上第一个可持续和自给自足的岛屿,从能源到食品无不融入于生态建设。多山的地形给人的感觉仿若置身于苏格兰的赫布里底群岛(Hebrides),而不是在西班牙(除了气候以外)。放眼望去仙人掌和“活化石”树随处可见,高耸的柏油黑色火山悬崖构成了90%的海岸线。岛屿的魅力在这里并不取决于酒店的豪华级别,而是广袤无垠的原始自然景观带给人们心灵的震撼。这两个岛屿都是生物圈保护区(拉帕尔马是亚热带森林的发源地),这意味着大片受到严格保护的区域将成为观鸟者、植物学家和远足者的天堂,而最引人入胜的莫过于埃尔希罗的双髻石雕和卡米诺德基纳玛(Camino de Jinama)小径的高海拔风景。
阿拉伯联合酋长国(United  Arab Emirates)
当迪拜(Dubai)宣布将举办中东首届世博会时,毫无疑问,这座黄金之城将竭尽全力。耗资数十亿美元建造了一个面积是香港岛两倍的大型场地,各种工程项目相继展开,诸如钢制穹顶的艾尔瓦什尔广场(Al Wasl Plaza),穹顶还受按钮控制可转变成360度的投影面。然而,无法预料的是,一场全球疫情病毒大流行将整个项目推迟了一年。但2020年的准备为2021年的收获奠定了基石。现在所有人都为拟定在明年10月召开的会议紧锣密鼓的筹备着。
但是,正当这座城市忙于展示其组织能力时,阿联酋周边出现了一大批标新立异设计。从迥异的酒店到极简派风格改造的诊所、咖啡馆、酒店和艺术场所等等。它们与该国通常的奢华建筑设计方式相去甚远。在迪拜,低调的杰米卡(Jameel)艺术中心的创意来源于传统的沙比(Sha'abi)住宅。富门酒店(Form Hotel)位于阿尔贾达(Al-Jaddaf)街区,规模不断缩小。2020年3月开业的ME迪拜酒店,外观像一个巨大的畸形立方体,其建筑和内部装修均由已故梦想家扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid) 设计。沙迦艺术基金会(Sharjah Art Foundation)聚集了历史悠久的阿联酋建筑、现代天窗和玻璃外墙。
而“兰登国际”(Random International)坐落在一条低调的城市街道上,线条清晰的混凝土和闪闪发光的玻璃遮蔽了宏伟的雨屋装饰。马利哈(Maliha)沙漠中的精品酒店和盐水温泉-阿尔法亚小屋(Al-Faya Lodge)仅有5间客房的简单设施,位于一家旧加油站边。简约风格的建筑为新兴的时尚美学树立了典范,您可以不经意的在崎岖的山峦和沙滩的严酷环境中发现蜷缩隐藏其中的高端场所,它们往往是用当地出产的石头建造的。
梅利德斯 葡萄牙(Melides, Portugal)
创意家克里斯蒂安·鲁布托(Christian Louboutin)目前正在市中心附近尝试打造精品店。然而您也可以到肉店品尝新鲜的午餐烤鸡,感受普拉亚达盖莱(Praia da Galé)清凉的海水,观赏天然砂岩雕塑、或光顾小吃店和拜访悠闲的救生员。
英格兰约克郡(Yorkshire, England, UK)
约克郡拥有葱郁的荒原和绵延的海岸线,长期以来也一直以艺术实力闻名。诸如着名的雕塑三角以及与传统艺术家如亨利·摩尔(Henry Moore)、大卫·霍克尼(David Hockney)和芭芭拉·赫普沃斯(Barbara Hepworth)的渊源。真正的根基艺术复兴也正在上演着。摇摇欲坠的旧工厂、改建的教堂和树屋正在被重新利用转变成工作室、手工商店和餐馆。景色优美的霍尔菲斯(Holmfirth)的一家纺织厂也正在开发新的工作室空间,以便出租给当地的雕塑家、画家和插画家。
在利兹左岸(Left Bank Leeds)也在计划进行创造性收购。伦敦帆船师约翰尼·梅瑟姆(Johnny Messum)在哈罗盖特(Harrogate)建立了新前哨基地,利兹以数百万美元申办2023年的国际文化节等。这意味着人们正将注意力集中在该郡不断发展的艺术资质上。
约克郡雕塑公园(Yorkshire Sculpture Park)布雷顿厅(Bretton Hall)的建设也备受期待。它的未知性让众人兴奋不已。该酒店项目由艺术巨头豪泽和沃斯(Hauser & Wirth)监管,并将开创在香港、伦敦、纽约和萨默塞特(Somerset)等地的先锋画廊。如果在布雷马尔(Braemar)金碧辉煌的法夫武器(Fife Arms)酒店中这种奢华的艺术和工艺氛围值得借鉴的话,那么约克郡也一定会在国际艺术舞台上崭露头角。
斯洛文尼亚处于意大利和克罗地亚之间,看似名不见经传,幸运者会在不经意间发现令人驻足惊叹的梦幻仙境–绿松石色的河流,诗画般的冰川湖泊,白雪皑皑的高耸山峰。最着名的地标-布莱德湖(Lake Bled)的平静优雅特色享誉欧洲。斯洛文尼亚悠闲的生活方式,广袤的自然空间,恬淡的氛围和清爽宜人的空气吸引着众人。
然而当今的斯洛文尼亚以其可持续发展的饮食习惯和深思熟虑的传统饮食技术赢得了新潮美食热点的殊荣。2020年推出了第一个《米其林指南》,其中六个餐厅包括希萨·弗兰科(HišaFranko)(由“厨师桌”名誉的安娜·罗什(AnaRoš)主厨)被授予七星。您会在罗什(Roš)富于想象力的菜单上找到未来的阿尔卑斯(Alpine)美食, 如塞有玫瑰果的羊奶羊角面包,和刺柏和栗子的罗巴克生鱼片,而诺瓦哥里卡(Nova Gorica)的一星级达姆(Dam) 餐厅也供应精致的当地海鲜。
斯洛文尼亚成为了名副其实的2021年欧洲美食区归功于人们对生态农业和可持续性的重视。首都卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana)是地球上“最绿城市”之一。 原材料来自亚得里亚(Adriatic)海盐田和花园草地的种植。美食宝地吸引着多产的蜂蜜也使品酒师们捕捉到了它的潜力。令人震惊的52个葡萄品种的诞生为国家创造出了屡获殊荣的琥珀和天然葡萄酒。最近,佐尔詹(Zorjan)的麝香葡萄酒(Dolium Muscat Ottonel)被《醒酒器》(Decanter)杂志评为“世界最好佳橙色葡萄酒”。举国上下包括东部的伦达瓦线路 (Lendava)地区都为此倾心倾力。事实上,世界上最古老的葡萄树生长在斯洛文尼亚城市马里博尔(Slovenian City of Maribor),您甚至可以在历史悠久的12世纪建造的卢布尔雅那城堡(Ljubljana Castle) 的顶层发现精致的餐厅和酒吧。
在这里,富有创造性的设计理念也不容小视,获“米其林盘子”奖励的皮科尔(Pikol)餐厅的老板们因地制宜地将餐厅改造成浮动的豪华露营村,赢得了诺亚·戈里察(Nova Gorica)等名家美食们的眷顾。在百合花点缀的湖面上飘荡的小木屋中休憩,闲暇间跋涉于绵延起伏的青山绿野间或品尝美味的鲈鱼生肉片。温馨的点滴使这片品味人生经典的胜地更添盎然生机。
相关文章:2021年拭目以待的世界最佳旅游胜地清单 (上)
2021年拭目以待的世界最佳旅游胜地清单 (上)
泰国旅游胜地苏梅岛下令“封岛” 以防控新冠肺炎疫情
老挝—全球最佳旅游胜地 超低的旅游消费 美女们在露天河边洗澡是有原因的
V2ray机场-安全可靠经济 高速无限流量翻墙服务(10.25日gfw大屠杀,很多ip被墙,它依然坚挺) PC翻墙、安卓VPN翻墙APP、AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:2021年拭目以待的世界最佳旅游胜地清单 (下)
原文链接:2021年拭目以待的世界最佳旅游胜地清单 (下) - 新闻评论
本文标签:城市, 旅游, 旅游胜地, 海岸, 澳大利亚, 生态, 艺术, 葡萄, 酒店
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co-iki · 4 years
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Talk Session : “Physicality” in the Time of Remote Communication - On the frontlines of Buddhism,Butoh/Dance,Art&Tech - トークセッション : リモート時代の「身体性」~仏教、舞踏・身体表現、アート&テックの現場から~
*English Follows, translation(Japanese/English) for the session available
>>Facebook イベントページ:
Date&Time : October 27th(tue) 20:00-22:00JST *The time shown here is Japanese Standard Time.
[ 20:00-21:00 Speakers Session , 21:00-22:00 Discussion altogether ]
パンデミック下で私たちが日々向き合い、また失敗と発見を繰り返しながら導き出そうとしている”New Normal”とオンライン化する日常コミュニケーション。
また、セッション後半は、co・ikiの実験リモートレジデンシー“Creativity from HOME” (http://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ )に参加している各国クリエイター(シンガポール、インドネシア、香港、ウクライナ、ナイジェリア、オーストラリア、日本)やディスカッション参加のみなさまを交えてセッションします。
☞Zoomディスカッション予約 はこちら: https://co-iki-talk-session.peatix.com/
After the serious virus outbreak, we've been trying to create the New Normal with the help of technologies.
Our communications are now transforming into the remote ,online stuffs or maybe a kind of hybrid.
Now it's time to reflect on the physical communication, its sensibilities we perceive and discuss on our new lifestyles, the temporary situations, issues or a new aspect we've been experiencing under the Pandemic.
This time, we will welcome such active creatives from different art sectors in Japan like Buddhism, Butoh&Performing Arts ,Contemporary Art&Tech, and will share what they are facing and have been creating until now.
We will also talk about the physicality from different perspectives of the speakers.
Please share yours also as we will discuss altogether in the latter half of the session with the participating creators(Hong Kong,Singapore,Indonesia,Ukraine,Nigeria,Australia,Japan) of our experimental remote residency "Creativity from HOME"!(Please make a reservation for the zoom link!)
*Reserve for discussion(on Zoom): https://co-iki-talk-session.peatix.com/
We look forward to talking and sharing time of reflection with you soon!
Please watch the recorded talk between Zenbo Hidaka and Tenshing Kazama,which is related to our upcoming session.
(English translation will be available soon.)
Guest: Zenbo HIDAKA Koyasan Sanbō-in Deputy Chief Priest / Koyasan Kōso-in Chief Priest
Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/fWCgKhFDz
風間天心(かざま・てんしん)さん (美術家 / 僧侶)
Tenshing Kazama / Japan [Artist / Monk]
会田大也(あいだ・だいや)さん (YCAM 教育普及・キュレーター)
Daiya Aida / Japan [YCAM Museum Educator&Curator]
松岡大(まつおか・だい)さん (舞踏手 / LAND FESディレクター)
Dai Matsuoka / Japan [Butoh Dancer / LAND FES Director]
We will discuss together with the participants in the latter half of the session.
*Reservation via Peatix/Facebook is needed for the discussion(for the Zoom link).
*Translation(Japanese/English) is available.)
(進行: co ・iki )
●ご予約・問い合わせ Reservation:
Please make a reservation for the discussion part(21:00-22:00JST) via Peatix/Facebook.
We will send you the Zoom link to participate.
The live streaming of speakers session(20:00-21:00JST) will be available from Co-iki's Facebook page.
Facebook Live Streaming: https://www.facebook.com/c0iki/
(*If you are not a FB user then please see this link >>
●企画・主催:風間天心 & co・iki(クリエイターレジデンシー)
Organized by Tenshing Kazama&Co-iki
●スピーカー・プロフィール Speaker Profile
風間天心(かざま・てんしん) (美術家 / 僧侶)
Tenshing Kazama / Japan [Artist / Monk]
美術家、僧侶。1979年、北海道東川町生まれ。2006年、第9回岡本太郎現代芸術賞に入選。2010年、大本山永平寺での修行を経て禅宗の僧侶になる。2011年、武蔵野美術大学パリ賞によりパリ市「Cité Internationale des Arts」に滞在。現代における「宗教と芸術」の相互作用を求めながら、国内外で多様な活動を続けている。
I am a Japanese Zen monk and contemporary artist. Born in 1979.
My reason for paralleling monk and artist is to discover the common challenges and values of art and religion and to re-present the interplay between them.
The focus of my theme is “A methodology for gathering and enhancing the faith contained in religious institution.” and “The foundation of faith internalized in customs and culture.” and the physicality that is deeply related to both of these contents.
In order to derive the uniqueness of art in Asia, his installations and art projects highlight the “history of nations and peoples” and the “spirituality behind the expression”.
1979 Born in Hokkaido, Japan
2008 B.F.A. Painting, Musashino Art University, Japan
2009 Training, Temple Eiheiji , Japan
2011 Residency of ” Cité Internationale des Arts ”, Paris, France
2018 Residency of ” Sa Sa Art Project”, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2019 “The 22th of art grand prize of TARO” Semi-Grand Prize
2017 “S-AIR Award” Winning a Prize
2016  “The 5th Sapporo 500m Gallery Award” Grand Prize
2016  “JR Tower ARTBOX 2016” Grand Prix
2016  “LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2015”  Winning a Prize
2015  “Tokyo Midtown Award 2015” Award for Excellence
2011 “Paris award of Musashino Art Univ.”  Winning a Prize
「大仏造立プロジェクト」Big Buddha under the Pandemic (ongoing project)
会田大也(あいだ・だいや) (YCAM 教育普及・キュレーター)
Daiya Aida / Japan [YCAM Museum Educator&Curator]
1976年東京生まれ。2000年東京造形大学造形学部デザイン学科造形計画専攻卒業。2003年情報科学芸術大学院大学IAMAS修了。2003年より11年間、山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]の教育普及担当として、メディアリテラシー教育と美術教育の領域にまたがるオリジナルワークショップや教育コンテンツの開発と実施を担当。一連のワークショップは、第6回キッズデザイン大賞を受賞。担当企画展示「コロガルパビリオン」が、第17回文化庁メディア芸術祭審査委員会推薦作品受賞。一連の「コロガル公園」シリーズは2014年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞。2013年、国際交流基金主催の日・ASEAN友好40周年事業 国際巡回メディアアート展「MEDIA/ART KITCHEN」キュレーターに選出。東京大学大学院ソーシャルICTグローバル・クリエイティブ・リーダー[GCL]育成プログラム特任助教(2014〜19)を経て、2020年現在、YCAM学芸普及課長。
Aida Daiya was born in Tokyo in 1976. He completed his studies at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), and worked at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), an art institution with a focus on media art, from 2003 to 2014, where he was responsible for education and outreach, namely the planning and operation of film screenings, community participation programs, media workshops, and outdoor installations.
His work at the YCAM earned him the Kids Design Award Grand Prize, Good Design Award, and Jury Selections for the Media Arts Festival Award. In 2013 Aida joined the 13-member, seven-nation curatorial team for Media/Art Kitchen, a media art exhibition—organized by the Japan Foundation to mark the 40th anniversary of ASEAN—Japan friendship and cooperation—that toured Japan and Southeast Asia.
For five years, since 2014, he held the position of Project Assistant Professor, teaching workshop design for the Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders at theUniversity of Tokyo.
In Dec. of 2019, Aida came back to YACM as Artistic Director.
松岡大(まつおか・だい)さん (舞踏手 / LAND FESディレクター)
Dai Matsuoka / Japan [Butoh Dancer / LAND FES Director]
2011年より、街を歩きながらミュージシャンとダンサーによるライブを鑑賞するウォーキング形式のパフォーマンスイベント「LAND FES」を主催。調布市せんがわ劇場主催、巻上公一氏が総合プロデューサーを務める「JAZZ ART せんがわ」の同時開催イベントとして仙川の街で「LAND FES」を開催し、商店との交渉を重ねながら街全体を舞台に仕立てあげ、劇場と街を繋ぐ企画性が評価され、2014年~16年にかけて3年連続で開催している。
16年10月に、NYのパペットカンパニーPhantom Limbの作品「Falling Out」の振付を担当。
16年12月には、故・蜷川幸雄氏の意思を引き継いだ、高齢者による世界最大級の群集劇「一万人のゴールドシアター 2016」にてムーヴメント演出のディレクションを務める。
Graduated Sophia University, the Faculty of Comparative Culture.
Graduated Kuwasawa Design School.
Matsuoka has been a dancer for SANKAIJUKU since 2005.
He has appeared in 9 pieces of Sankaijuku including “Kinkan Shonen”, “Kagemi”, “Tobari”, “Unetsu” and “ARC”.
He has also been directing the performance event “LAND FES” in Tokyo since 2011, in which audience is navigated to encounter live sessions by musicians and dancers taking place at different places in the town .
◎Hijikata Three Chapters 土方三章
☟More details about the program organizer
co・iki -Co-living&Co-creating Residency in Japan
"Creativity from HOME" Experimental Remote Residency
Project Outline 
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zucheio-blog · 5 years
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在箱根体验温泉和艺术三昧。“星野集团 界 仙石原” https://zuche.io/tumblr 箱根 2018.11.29 “星野集团 界 仙石原”是位于箱根美术馆聚集的区域・仙石原,于2018年7月开始对外营业的温泉旅馆。馆内充满了各种艺术作品。在艺术教室中体验制作属于自己的独一无二的艺术作品,在被大自然包围的温泉中放松身体,在“界 仙石原”的入住可以让身心都得到充分的放松。 能够充分体验温泉和艺术魅力的“星野集团 界 仙石原”要说从东京出发搭乘电车1个小时左右就能到的热门温泉地的话,就一定要提到箱根了。在箱根被称为仙石原的区域内,有着众多的美术馆,因此这里作为艺术和温泉的度假胜地而广为人知。在这里,能够同时体验到温泉和艺术的,就是2018年7月开始营业的“星野集团 界 仙石原”了。“界 仙石原”打造的是"艺术工坊×温泉旅馆"主题。从大厅到客房,馆内的各个角落都装饰有各种艺术作品,在这里就好像置身于艺术画廊一般。有很多艺术作品都是旅馆的独家收藏,在其他地方欣赏不到。本篇文章就把MATCHA编辑在“界 仙石原”所感受体验到的旅馆的特色介绍给大家。被绘画妆点的充满艺术气息的舒适温馨的客房从客房中可以远眺仙石原的大自然风光。从新绿到红叶,客房内欣赏到的景色随着季节变化而变化。在“界 仙石原”,所有的客房内都装饰有绘画。这些作品是由参加在酒店开始营业前所举办的“Artist in Residence 箱根仙石原”活动的12位国内外艺术家创作的。这些艺术家在各个客房入住后,将在客房中所欣赏到的风景,得到的灵感,都纪录在画布上。今天所入住的客房内,装饰有西班牙艺术家Jeronimo Maya Moreno的作品。灵感来源于仙石原大自然的作品让人印象深刻。除此之外,玻璃工坊“ipada(イパダ)”制作的玻璃灯罩,压克力的房门钥匙扣等都给房间增加了很多艺术气息。在房间里备有洗漱用品,浴衣等必须用品,可以渡过悠闲的时光。这里需要特别提到的是,用来包裹化妆用品的可爱的包袱巾,风吕敷。在房间内的风吕敷最后除了可以作为纪念品带走之外,在馆内的时候可以作为小包使用,很是方便。有关“界 仙石原”客房的详细介绍,请参考官方主页的客房页面。在色彩鲜艳的艺术工坊内参加艺术体验活动从客房内欣赏到的自然美景,以及在酒店内感受到的艺术气息如果激发了妳的创作欲望的话,可以前往"Atelier Library"。这里可以让住宿者充分发挥创作才能。在"Atelier Library"里,有象征着1天时光流逝的从深红到淡蓝的颜料,蜡笔,彩色铅笔等。选上自己喜欢的颜色,在准备好的画纸上留下你的作品吧。能够忘却时间的工作室另外,在"Atelier Library"里,1天两次分别在16:00和21:00,会举办"彩绘手帕"手工教室。参加者可以在事先准备好的机种手帕中挑选喜爱的图案。然后使用布类用的蜡笔涂上自己喜爱的颜色。MATCHA编辑挑选的是绘有箱根的风景和当地美食的图案。这些手帕的图案全部是有纸型印染(型染)(※1)作家小仓充子所制作的。在手工教室内,工作人员会耐心指导上色的技巧。将手帕染成色彩斑斓的过程比想像中更加有趣,让人忍不住忘了时间。完成的作品可以作为纪念带回家。※1:纸型印染(型染)……使用木型・纸型等将染料按照固定的图案染在布料上的方法。在别馆的沙龙内,每周日都会举办盆��,书法等各种类别的艺术教室。在入住酒店期间,轻松参加这些艺术活动,相信一定能够培养起妳艺术的一面。关于“界 仙石原”的艺术教室的详细内容,请参考官方主页当地乐页面的介绍。"在美肌之汤和按摩中彻底放松在“界 仙石原”内,一定想和艺术一起充分体验的是有"美肌之汤"美称的温泉了。从箱根温泉的源泉大涌谷所引来的温泉水,属于酸性泉水,泡过之后能让肌肤变得更加嫩滑。住宿者可以在大浴场和各自房间内的露天温泉享受到"美肌之汤"。充满着绿意的大浴场大浴场设有男女露天温泉与室内浴池。室内浴池内根据温度和温泉的水的性质有两个不同的浴池。酸性的"热汤"据有去除角质的效果,而"温汤"则能够让肌肤的到很好的休整。在露天温泉,被树木的绿色所包围,宛如置身于森林之中。在男汤和女汤之间设可以稍做休息的"浴后休息区"。泡完温泉后,在这里喝上一杯橙汁或者箱根特产足柄茶,休息一下吧。在房间内的露天温泉内彻底放松关于“界 仙石原”需要特别提到的是,所有的房间内都有独立的露天温泉。在任何时间都可以随时享受温泉。从头到脚都彻底放松,温泉后的按摩在温泉入浴之后,推荐在房间内享受一下按摩服务。入浴后的按摩能够促进血液循环,让身体得到更充分的放松。按摩有分缓慢节奏的"治愈"按摩和稍快节奏的"舒缓"按摩2种,可以根据当天身体的状况进行选择。关于“界 仙石原”的温泉和按摩的详细内容,请参考官方主页温泉页面的介绍。精美的餐具,视觉和味觉同时得到享受的当季料理在“界 仙石原”内,可以享用到使用当地的鲜鱼、时鲜蔬菜食材所制作的美味料理。所有的料理摆放在精美的餐具内,非常符合以艺术为主题的温泉旅馆的特点。山和海。以仙石原的自然为主题的会席料理晚餐是日本传统宴席料理"会席料理"。主菜是被称为山海石焼(さんかいいしやき)的料理。将鸭肉,牛肉,鱼肉,虾等山珍海味放在加热后的高温的石头上烤熟后食用。这一道料理的灵感是来自于依山傍海的仙石原的得天独厚的地理位置。MATCHA编辑采访的时间刚好是秋季,因此晚餐后的甜点是使用栗子制作的。使用当地特产的丰盛早餐早餐中,可以享用到野山药(自然薯)(※2)制作的野生山药排以及小田原的鱼糕(かまぼこ)等当地的特色食材。※2:自然薯……原产自日本的黏性很高的野生山药。享用早餐和晚餐餐厅是用屏风分隔开的半开放式,可以悠闲的享用美食。关于“界 仙石原”餐饮的详细内容,请参考官方网站餐饮页面的介绍。在“界 仙石原”给身心充个电在温泉中放松身体,在被艺术作品包围的环境中陶冶情操,想要给疲惫的身心都充个电的话,“界 仙石原”绝对是不二之选。在入住期间,向工作人员打听一下推荐的美术馆,到旅馆附近的美术馆参观一下,也是不错的选择。在艺术和温泉的度假胜地仙石原好好享受一段印象深刻的旅程吧。“界 仙石原”官方网站:https://kai-ryokan.jp/cn/sengokuhara/有关空房状态和预约的情报,可以在在这里确认。想要阅览关于星野集团旗下其他酒店的文章,请参考这里的特集页面。Written by Zoria AprilSponsored by Hoshino Resorts #zuche #租车 #自驾游 #zuche #汽車租賃 #租车 #租車 #自驾游 #自駕遊 #hirecar ##matcha-jp https://zuche.io/%e5%9c%a8%e7%ae%b1%e6%a0%b9%e4%bd%93%e9%aa%8c%e6%b8%a9%e6%b3%89%e5%92%8c%e8%89%ba%e6%9c%af%e4%b8%89%e6%98%a7%e3%80%82%e6%98%9f%e9%87%8e%e9%9b%86%e5%9b%a2%e3%80%80%e7%95%8c-%e4%bb%99%e7%9f%b3/?feed_id=467&_unique_id=5d77a975632ba
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xiangyangart · 5 years
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  L’Associazione L’ARTE INCONTRA presenterà l’Esposizione Internazionale 
Arte italiana moderna
Dal 16 al 23 giugno 2019 presso il Liaoning Normal University Art Museum di Dalian (Cina).
Grazie a Yang Xiang per la sua preziosa collaborazione come curatore del progetto, grazie a James Porteous per le traduzioni e il supporto tecnico, grazie a Lucia Tang e al prof. Zhang Changjiang e gli architetti che hanno mostrato interesse nel far conoscere le nostre opere in Cina.
Di seguito sono riportati i 17 artisti che saranno inclusi in questa mostra speciale.
感谢杨翔作为项目策展人的宝贵合作,感谢James Porteous的翻译和技术支持,感谢Lucia Tang和教授。 张长江和有兴趣让我们的作品在中国知名的建筑师。
L’ARTE INCONTRA Association will present the International Exhibition 
Modern Italian Art
From 16 to 23 June 2019 at the Liaoning Normal University Art Museum in Dalian (China).
Thanks to Yang Xiang for his precious collaboration as curator of the project, thanks to James Porteous for translations and technical support, thanks to Lucia Tang and prof. Zhang Changjiang and the architects who showed interest in making our works known in China.
Below are the 17 artists who will be included in this special exhibition.
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  Nikolinka Nikolova è un’artista di origine bulgara che dal 1992 vive e lavora in Italia e rappresenta oggi una realtà importante del mondo artistico italiano, come testimoniato dalla sua attività nei ultimi anni.
Iniziata la carriera nell’ambito della forma, dopo una serie di prove condotte con intensa applicazione ma rapidamente esaurite, l’artista ha definito le complesse caratteristiche dello stile attuale il Chromoemotism, che rappresenta il frutto di una prima quanto piena maturità. Si tratta della creazione di un mondo di straordinaria vivacità e di metodica applicazione che pone gli osservatori di fronte ad espressioni di altissimo impatto visivo dietro le quali si nasconde un mondo che si colloca oltre i chiusi orizzonti della visione tradizionale per attingere i liberi universi della fantasia in virtù di una tecnica che sfugge ad una precisa definizione.
In realtà la ricchezza di spunti, esaltati da uno stile straordinario ed assolutamente originale, fa della pittrice italo-bulgara, come si è detto, una delle personalità artistiche più interessanti dell’attuale panorama artistico nazionale. Dal 2003 partecipa a mostre collettive in Italia e all’Estero.
Ha progettato vetrate artistiche per enti pubblici e privati. Ha avuto diversi riconoscimenti, premi e pubblicazioni in giornali e riviste d’arte come artista e curatrice di eventi d’arte.
Ha creato una linea “Vesti d’arte” con le sue opere stampate su tessuti pregiati di raso e chiffon di seta da indossare, presentando i suoi foulard “con il nome”, come sottolinea l’autrice, perché portano i titoli delle opere riprodotte.
La sua arte versatile e colorata si presenta anche in oggetti d’arredamento come lampade e sedie.
Il suo STUDIO ESPOSITIVO si può visitare a Nichelino in via Spadolini,9 che è anche CENTRO CULTURALE e sede dell’Associazione “L’Arte Incontra…” presieduta da lei, dove si svolgono corsi creativi di pittura e musica.
Nikolinka Nikolova出生于保加利亚,自1992年以来一直在意大利工作。今天,她在意大利艺术界扮演着重要的角色,近年来她的活动证明了这一点。艺术家在形式领域有着丰富的职业生涯,他很快就确定了当前Chromoemotism模型的复杂特征,这使他作为一名艺术家完全成熟。她是一个充满活力和有条不紊的应用世界,通过一种无法准确定义的技术,将观众置于视野的视野和幻想的世界之中。丰富的创意,使其成为当前国家艺术界最有趣的艺术个性之一。她为公共和私人机构设计了彩色玻璃窗,并在出版物,报纸和艺术杂志上获得了多个奖项和奖项。她创作了一条“装扮艺术”系列,她的艺术品采用精美的绸缎和丝绸面料印制,如围巾和其他时尚单品所见。
她多才多艺的艺术品也出现在灯具和椅子等家具中。自2003年以来,她参加了意大利和国外的团体展览以及艺术和艺术活动策展人。她的展览工作室可以通过Spadolini,9位于Nichelino参观,这也是一个文化中心,也是由她主持的“Meet Art …”协会的所在地,那里举办创意绘画和音乐课程。
Nikolinka Nikolova was born in Bulgaria and has lived and worked in Italy since 1992. Today she plays an important part in the Italian art world, as evidenced by his activity in recent years.
Having started her career in the field of form, the artist soon defined the complex characteristics of the current style of Chromoemotism, which led to her full maturity as an artist.
Hers is a world of extraordinary vivacity and methodical application that places the audience beyond the horizons of traditional vision and into a universe of fantasy with a technique that defies precise definition.
It is a world filled with a wealth of ideas, it is enhanced by an extraordinary and absolutely original style, making her one of the most interesting artistic personalities of the current national art scene.
She has designed stained glass windows for public and private institutions and has won several awards and prizes and has been seen in publications, newspapers and art magazines.
She created a line “Vesti d’arte” with her art printed on fine satin and chiffon silk fabrics to wear, as seen on scarves and other fashionable items.
Her versatile and colorful art is also present in objects of furniture such as lamps and chairs.
Since 2003 she has participated in group exhibitions in Italy and abroad as well as an artist and curator of art events.
Her EXHIBITION STUDIO can be visited in Nichelino in via Spadolini, 9 which is also a CULTURAL CENTER and home of the “L’Arte Incontra …” association chaired by her, where creative painting and music courses are held.
  Attilio Lauricella
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Attilio Lauricella
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  Attilio Lauricella  e’ nato a Raddusa (CT) nel 1953 e risiede a Torino dal 1959. Si e’ formato attraverso lo studio classico della figurazione frequentando il Liceo Artistico dell’Accademia Albertina di Torino e gli studi di vari artisti. Lavora a tempo pieno come pittore.
Dal 1972 partecipa alle esposizioni della Promotrice delle Belle Arti di Torino. Attualmente e’ nel direttivo dell’Associazione “L’Arte Incontra..:”
Sono numerose le esposizioni personali a carattere anche didattico, per conto degli Assessorati alla cultura di vari Comuni dell’ hinterland torinese.
Ha esposto a Parigi, San Pietroburgo, Mosca e tantissime altre città nel mondo
Ha presentato le sue opere in prestigiosi studi di architettura in varie città italiane.  Sue opere si trovano in collezioni pubbliche e private.
Attilio Lauricella于1953年出生于Raddusa(CT),自1959年以来一直住在都灵。他在参加都灵阿尔贝蒂娜艺术学院艺术学院期间,在人物研究方面接受过广泛的经典培训。自1972年以来,他参加了都灵美术展览,并成为“L’Arte Incontra …”协会的董事会成员。他曾在都灵各个城市举办过多次展览。他的作品也在巴黎,圣彼得堡,莫斯科和世界上许多其他城市展出,并在意大利的许多着名建筑公司以及公共和私人收藏中找到了一席之地。
Attilio Lauricella was born in Raddusa (CT) in 1953 and has lived in Turin since 1959. He had extensive classical training in the study of figures while attending the Art School of the Albertina Academy of Turin.
Since 1972 he has participated in the exhibitions of Fine Arts in Turin and is on the board of the Association “L’Arte Incontra ..:” He has had a number of exhibitions in various municipalities in the Turin beyond.
His work has also been shown in Paris, St. Petersburg, Moscow and many other cities in the world, as well as finding a place in many prestigious architectural firms throughout Italy and public and private collections.
He continues to work as a full time painter.
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    Vicepresidente  dell’Associazione Culturale “ L’Arte Incontra…” di Nichelino. Da tanti anni si occupa di volontariato attraverso laboratori per disabili e persone affette di Parkinson. L’arte l’ha sempre attratta e affascinata nella ricerca della sua identità. Le sue opere rappresentano viaggi mistici del proprio inconscio, costellato da montagne viventi, navi volanti, o ghepardi sospesi. La sobrietà pop-naif dei suoi campi di lavanda o l’universalità d’una mela sospesa nella vastità della dimensione cromatica le consente di approfondire intuizioni immediate, dilatandole figurativamente a ricerche indotte che ampliano i rigori della logica. La surrealtà che suscita artisticamente la allontana dalla mera convenzionalità delle cose, provocando nei fruitori più sensibili una condivisa sensazione di leggerezza, di evanescenza, quasi di desiderio di allontanarsi dal peso della quotidianità. Da tanti anni espone in Italia e all’estero.
Anna Maria担任Nichelino的Nikolinka Nikolova文化协会“L’Arte Incontra ……”的副总裁。多年来,她一直参与志愿服务,为残疾人和帕金森病患者举办研讨会。艺术总是吸引并着迷于她寻找自己的身份。 她的作品代表了她自己无意识的神秘旅程,一个充满了活山,飞船或悬浮的猎豹的宇宙。 她的薰衣草田的视野或悬浮在广阔的色彩维度中的苹果的普遍性使她能够深化其意义,扩展它们并拓宽简单逻辑的范围。
Anna Maria serves as Vice President of Nikolinka Nikolova’s Cultural Association “L’Arte Incontra …” of Nichelino.
For many years she has been involved in volunteering through workshops for disabled people and people with Parkinson’s disease.
Art has always attracted and fascinated her in the search for her identity. Her works represent mystical journeys of her own unconscious, a universe filled with living mountains, flying ships, or suspended cheetahs.
The vision of her lavender fields or the universality of an apple suspended in the vastness of the chromatic dimension allows her to deepen their very meaning, expanding them and broadening the confines of simple logic.
The surreality steers away from mere conventionality, allowing the most sensitive users to share a world of feeling and lightness, fading on the horizon, pulling away from the weight of everyday life.
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    Dopo lunghi anni di vita a Torino, dove ha iniziato tutto da zero e lontana dalla famiglia di origine, un giorno percepì la prontezza di aprire finalmente le ali. Riprende la pittura seguendo corsi, laboratori, lezioni con maestri locali e predilige il figurativo all’informale di una volta poiché sente ormai sue le parole di Rerich: “per salvare la rosa devi saper riconoscere la sua bellezza. Per amare le montagne devi sentire la loro magia”… in ogni  dettaglio, forma,  gesto. Espone in varie mostre in Italia e all’estero, alcune sue opere fanno parte delle collezioni private.
Adriana Cernei在意大利都灵度过了许多年。 在那个时代远离家庭,但她很快就决定再次专注于她的艺术。 她恢复了绘画,参加了课程和研讨会,并与当地大师一起参加了讲座。 她来遵循Rerich的指示,他说:“为了拯救玫瑰,你必须知道如何认识它的美丽。要爱山,你必须感受到它们的魔力”……在每一个细节,形式,姿态。 她的作品曾在意大利和国外的许多展览中展出,她的许多作品现在都是私人收藏的一部分。
Adriana Cernei has lived for many yeas in Turin, Italy. In that time has lived far from family but she soon decided it was time to once again concentrate on her art.
She resumed painting, took courses and workshops and attended lecture with local masters.
She came to follow the dictates of Rerich who said: “To save the rose you must know how to recognize its beauty. To love the mountains you have to feel their magic “… in every detail, form, gesture.
Her work has been featured in many exhibitions in Italy and abroad, and many of  her works are now part of private collections.
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      Irina Markova è una pittrice d’origine russa che vive e lavora a Como, in Italia; da sempre ha l’arte nel sangue, fin da piccola segue con continuità e costanza corsi specialistici di ritrattista, tecnica pittorica e disegno, diplomandosi poi presso l’Istituto di Design in Russia. L’artista ha partecipato a numerose manifestazione artistiche a carattere nazionale e internazionale, riscuotendo successo di critica e pubblico. La pittura di Irina è una sua visione della sintesi di un corpo coperto di ricami geometrici che è destinato a scomporsi a pezzi per arrivare a una certa semplicità geometrica come un triangolo, un cerchio, un rombo… Essi sono diversissimi tra loro e hanno un significato differente che segna il rapporto inscindibile tra massa, energia e luce.
伊琳娜·马尔科娃是一位出生于俄罗斯的画家,在意大利科莫生活和工作。 她的血液中总是有艺术。 早在俄罗斯设计学院毕业之前,她就作为肖像画家和绘画技术和绘画学习。 她参加了许多国家和国际艺术活动,享有重要和公共成功。 伊琳娜的画作结合了几何刺绣的身体的各种图像,似乎注定要分成几何图案,如三角形,圆形,菱形……每一个都是不同的,独特的,标志着质量之间不可分割的关系, 能量和光。
Irina Markova is a Russian-born painter who lives and works in Como, Italy. She has always had art in his blood.
Early on she studied as a portraitist and painting technique and drawing before graduating at the Institute of Design in Russia.
She has participated in numerous national and international artistic events, enjoying both critical and public success. Irina’s paintings combine the diverse images of a body covered with geometric embroidery that seem destined to break up into geometric designs such as like a triangle, a circle, a rhombus …
Each one is different and unique, marking the inseparable relationship between mass, energy and light.
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Xiang Yang
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    Nata a Qingdao nella provincia dello Shangdong, ha iniziato a dipingere a 14  anni attirando l’attenzione dell’ambiente artistico del suo paese.
Dopo aver frequentato la scuola d’arte nella sua citta, si trasferisce a Pechino dove si iscrive all’Accademia delle Belle Arti. 
Durante il corso di studi si interessa sia alla pittura orientale che occidentale, conoscendo artisti europei come Modigliani, Picasso, Van Gogh e Dali.
Dopo aver consequito la laurea nel 1991, si dedica a realizzare dIpinti ad olio rappresentanti la vita quotidiana, sviluppando  il suo stile e le sue scelte cromatiche.
Nel 1992 partecipa a quattro mostre nella citta di Pechino una dalle quali organizzata dall’Ambasciata Australiana.
Tra il 1993 e 1994 è invitata alla Red Door Gallery e alla Taiwan Hotel Gallery.
Il Beijing Shangbao ed il China Daily, il piu importante quotidiano d’informazione cinese in lingua inglese, dedicano all’artista articoli di elogio. 
Negli anni successivi i suoi lavori sono stati protagonisti in mostre a Pechino e in tutta la Cina. 
La prima mostra italiana si e tenuta a San Remo nel giugno del 1995, presso le sale del Casino, e con essa la prima recensione sul Mattino di Napoli. Dal 1996 ad oggi espone in diverse città in Italia.  I modelli estetici da cui parte la sua produzione pittorica sono chiamante occidentali.
1991年毕业后,她致力于制作代表日常生活的油画,开发出独特的风格和色彩。1992年,她参加了北京市的四个展览,其中一个由澳大利亚大使馆组织。 1993年至1994年,她被邀请到红门画廊和台湾酒店画廊。北京上宝和中国日报是中国最重要的英文新闻日报,发表了赞美艺术家的文章。近年来,她的作品在北京和中国各地的展览中展出。她的第一次意大利展览于1995年6月在San Remo的赌场大厅举行,并在Mattino di Napoli进行了第一次评论。从1996年到现在,她在意大利的各个城市展出。
Born in Qingdao in the province of Shangdong Xiang Yang began painting at the age of 14, attracting the attention of her country’s artistic environment. After attending art school in this city, she moved to Beijing where he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts. During her studies she became interested in both eastern and western painting, in particular European artists such as Modigliani, Picasso, Van Gogh and Dali.
After graduating in 1991, she dedicated herself to making oil paintings representing everyday life, developing a unique style and color.
In 1992 she participated in four exhibitions in the city of Beijing, one of which was organized by the Australian Embassy. Between 1993 and 1994 she was invited to the Red Door Gallery and to the Taiwan Hotel Gallery.
The Beijing Shangbao and the China Daily, the most important Chinese news daily in English, has published articles in praise of the artist. In recent years her works have been shown in exhibitions in Beijing and throughout China. Her first Italian exhibition was held in San Remo in June 1995, in the Casino halls, and with it the first review on the Mattino di Napoli. From 1996 to present she exhibited in various cities in Italy.
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      Giorgio Di Gifico è nato a Santos (Brasile), dove frequenta sotto la guida della prof. Djelza Derito l’accademia di pittura infantile. Arriva in Italia e conosce subito il meridione stabilendosi in Lucania a Montemilone (PZ). Nel 1970 si trasferisce a Torino e prosegue gli studi frequentando il Liceo Artistico “Cottini”, sotto la guida dei professori Gastini, Tabusso e Carena.
Nel 1976 la sua prima pubblicazione sul “Bolaffi Arte” (Catalogo d’Arte Nazionale).Nel 1978 terminato il Liceo Artistico si iscrive alla Facoltà di Architettura al Politecnico di Torino.
Giorgio Di Gifico出生于桑托斯(巴西),在教授的指导下出席。 Djelza Derito在儿童绘画学院。 他一到意大利就知道他想在Montemilone(PZ)的Lucania定居。 1970年,他在都灵教授Gastini,Tabusso和Carena的指导下,前往都灵并继续学习参加Liceo Artistico“Cottini”。 1976年,他的第一本出版物登上了“Bolaffi Arte”(国家艺术目录)。 1978年,他完成了艺术高中,并就读于都灵理工学院建筑学院。
Giorgio Di Gifico was born in Santos (Brazil), where he attended under the guidance of prof. Djelza Derito in  the academy of children’s painting. As soon as he arrived in Italy he knew he wanted to settle in Lucania in Montemilone (PZ). In 1970 he moved to Turin and continued his studies attending the Liceo Artistico “Cottini”, under the guidance of professors Gastini, Tabusso and Carena. In 1976 his first publication arrived on the “Bolaffi Arte” (National Catalog of Art). In 1978 he finished his artistic high school and enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin.
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          Patrizia Tummolo nasce nel 1961 a Genova, dove vive e lavora .Negli anni 90, è responsabile della scenografia teatrale per gli spettacoli del centro turistico “Squillace”, nella cittadina di Squillace (Catanzaro). Espone da molteplici anni. Vanno ricordate le colettive di Mapello(1995). Notevoli i suoi lavori artistici per l’edizione storica “ Come conoscere Genova…Tramite la Metropolitana”, casa editrice Janua Press nel 2008. Nel 2010 al premio internazionale di pittura , scultura e grafica, “ Città di New York” le conferiscono una critica di
riconoscimento. Nel 2011 conosce e frequenta lo studio del maestro scultore Balàzs Berzeny da cui apprende la lavorazione di vari tipi di pietra, marmo e metallo che attualmente l’artista lavora nella cava laboratorio- associazione liguria Arte.
Patrizia Tummolo于1961年出生在热那亚,在那里她仍然生活和工作。 在90年代,她负责Squillace(Catanzaro)镇“Squillace”旅游中心的戏剧布景设计。 多年来,她有很多展品,其中包括Mapello(1995)。 她还负责Janua Press于2008年出版的历史版“如何了解热那亚……通过地铁”。2010年,她被授予“纽约市”奖,这是一幅绘画,雕塑和国际奖项。图形。 2011年,她与雕塑大师BalàzsBerzeny一起训练,在那里她使用各种类型的石头,大理石和金属,这些都是她在利古里亚艺术实验室协会采石场工作的一部分。
Patrizia Tummolo was born in 1961 in Genoa,Italy, where she still lives and works.
In the 90s, she was responsible for the theatrical set design for programs at the “Squillace” tourist center in the town of Squillace (Catanzaro).
She has had many exhibits over the years, including Mapello in 1995. She was also responsible for the historical edition “How to get to know Genoa … Through the Metro” published by Janua Press in 2008.
In 2010  she was awarded the “City of New York,” an international prize for painting, sculpture and graphics. In 2011 she trained with the master sculptor Balàzs Berzeny where she worked with various types of stone, marble and metal that have become part of her work in the Ligurian art laboratory-association quarry.
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    Laura Minuti vive e lavora a Genova, grande creativa,ha modellato creta e dipinto tessuti per bambini. Nel 2002 scopre la cartapesta. Appassionandosi a questa tecnica di scultura inizia il suo percorso artistico realizzando prevalentemente personaggi, tra cui le “Popolane”, figure di donne in controtendenza rispetto all’immagine stereotipata femminile Espressività, sentimento di sincerità, serenità, gioia di vivere: questo trasmettono i personaggi realizzati, distinguendosi per la particolarità della morbidezza delle forme e per gli occhi socchiusi. Apprezzata dal pubblico dalla critica.
Le sue opere sono state pubblicate su cataloghi e riviste d’arte. (Alfredo Pasolino)
Laura Minuti在意大利热那亚生活和工作。 她拥有出色的创作力,并为儿童设计了模型粘土和���绘面料。 2002年,他发现了papier-mâché,并对这种雕塑技术充满热情。 她的艺术生涯也见证了她创造的角色,包括“Popolane”,以及与女性陈规定型形象形成鲜明对比的女性形象。 这些作品的特点是形状柔和,半闭眼。 她的作品得到了公众评论家的赞赏,并在许多艺术目录和杂
Laura Minuti lives and works in Genoa, Italy. She has a great creative force, and has worked on modelled clay and painted fabrics for children. In 2002 he discovered papier-mâché and became very passionate about this technique of sculpture. Her artistic career has also seen her creating characters, including the “Popolane”, and figures of women in contrast with the stereotypical image of women. These works are distinguished by the softness of the shapes and the half-closed eyes. Her work has been appreciated by critics from the public and has been published in many art catalogs and magazines. (Alfredo Pasolino)
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  “I colori dell’anima”
Parlare di Marisa Ierardi ci fa incrociare la strada con un’artista appassionata, attenta al particolare, dalle pennellate sicure e con l’attenzione costante al soggetto poiché le sue opere confermano dettagli, seguono linee e si trasformano man mano che si perfezionano. La versatilità di quest’artista fa sì che la sua arte cambi continuamente passando dal pennello alla spatola e da questa sino alle grafite, alla matita, con risultati eccellenti. I suoi ritratti in bianco e nero acquistano nuova linfa nell’essere tratteggiati e completati con mano sicura e attenta ad ogni minimo dettaglio.  (dott.sa Giusy Patti)
玛丽莎·伊拉尔迪(Marisa Ierardi)是一位充满热情的艺术家,他注重细节,采用自信的笔触,遵循艺术不断变化的原创线条。 它从刷子到石墨,再到铅笔,效果极佳。 她的黑白肖像画展示了每一个细节。 (dott.sa Giusy Patti)
“The colors of the soul”
Marisa Ierardi is a passionate artist who pays attentive to detail, employing confident brushstrokes that follow original lines whose art changes continuously. It passes from brush to graphite, to pencil, with excellent results. Her black and white portraits take show a sure hand and attention to every detail. (dott.sa Giusy Patti)
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    Nata in Colombia, ha frequentato la Accademia di Belle Arti di Barranquilla e dopo il taller sperimentale di David Manzur a Bogotá. Successivamente ha fatto parte del gruppo artistico “La Huella”, sempre a Bogotá.
Viaggia in Europa, studiando a Roma alla Scuola del Nudo e si diploma all’Istituto Italiano per l’Arte ed il Restauro.
Da diversi anni si dedica completamente alla ricerca pittorica, sperimentando tecniche diverse. Il colore predominante. Un figurativo appena accennato in diverse opere. Per ultimo attualmente ha una dialettica astratta minimalista in monocromo.
  Xenia Miranda出生于哥伦比亚,参加了巴兰基亚美术学院和David Manzur在波哥大的实验项目。 她还参加了波哥大的艺术团体“La Huella”。
她曾在欧洲各地旅行,在罗马的Scuola del Nudo学习,毕业于意大利艺术与修复学院。
Born in Colombia, Xenia Miranda attended the Barranquilla Academy of Fine Arts and David Manzur’s experimental program in Bogotá. She also took part in the artistic group “La Huella”in Bogotá.
She has travelled extensively in Europe, studying in Rome at the Scuola del Nudo and graduated from the Italian Institute for Art and Restoration.
For several years she has devoted himself completely to pictorial research, experimenting with different techniques, featured in many of her works.
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Marilisa nasce ad Oristano il 23 Ottobre 1968 .
Nel 1993 si diploma presso l’Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino. Fonda uno dei primi laboratori per lo studio e l’applicazione delle più svariate forme d’arte in collaborazione con Cristina Giargia, amica da sempre, artista e compagna di vita. Il connubio delle loro espressioni è stato il focolaio di uno straordinario periodo di intensità artistica che va oltre i confini dell’arte intesa come semplice genio, e travalica tutt’oggi ogni frontiera di normale concezione “quotidiana”, per esplorare i più profondi e reconditi aspetti dell’essenza umana.
Marilisa于1993年毕业于都灵的阿尔贝蒂娜美术学院。她很快就开始与Cristina Giargia合作学习和应用各种艺术形式,Cristina Giargia是一位长期的朋友,艺术家和生活伴侣。 他们表达的结合一直是超越艺术界限的非凡艺术强度时期的焦点。 这项工作继续超越正常“日常”概念的前沿,探索人类本质的最深刻和最隐蔽的方面。
Marilisa was born in Oristano on October 23, 1968 and graduated from the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin in 1993. She soon began to study and apply various art forms in collaboration with Cristina Giargia, a long-time friend, artist and life companion. The combination of their expressions has been the focus of an extraordinary period of artistic intensity that goes beyond the boundaries of art. The work continues to move beyond the very frontiers of normal “everyday” conception, exploring the deepest and most hidden aspects of human essence.
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    Vittoria Salati
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Vittoria Salati, nata sull’Appennino Parmense risiede e lavora a Cambiago (MI). E’ entrata nell’ambiente artistico da cui è rimasta coinvolta e catturata, grazie al marito Giovanni Mondadori estimatore di arte; in questo magico mondo ha incontrato importanti artisti contemporanei, che l’hanno stimolata a iniziare quindi una sua attività artistica basata su una tecnica inusuale .
Le opere di Vittoria Salati autodidatta infatti, si caratterizzano per essere incise a mano in ogni più piccolo particolare su tavola di legno, successivamente dipinte con colori acrilici, rappresentando molteplici soggetti, dalle figure nitide e ben definite e dai colori forti e decisi. Originale anche la cornice che è parte integrante della stessa tavola. Vittoria Salati出生于Parma Apennines,现居住在Cambiago(MI)。 她的丈夫乔瓦尼蒙达多利(Giovanni Mondadori)是一位伟大的艺术崇拜者,她被鼓励成为一名艺术家。 随后,她继续与许多重要的当代艺术家见面,其中许多艺术家以一种不寻常的技巧为基础,激励她开始她的艺术活动。 她的作品主要是自学成才,其特点是在木桌上用细致的手工雕刻,然后涂上丙烯颜料。 这部作品代表了多个主题,具有清晰明确的数字和强烈而果断的色彩。 框架是同一桌子的组成部分,也是原创的。
Vittoria Salati was born in the Parma Apennines and now lives and works in Cambiago (MI). She was encouraged to become an artist  by her husband, Giovanni Mondadori, a great admirer of all art. In time she went on to meet many important contemporary artists, many of whom stimulated her to start her artistic activity based on an unusual technique. Her work, largely self-taught, is characterized by detailed, hand-made engravings on wooden tables, and then painted with acrylic colors. The work represents multiple subjects, with clear and well-defined figures and strong and decisive colors. The frames, which are an integral part of the same table, are also original.
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  Di origine francese da più di trenta anni vive e lavora in Italia.
Ha sempre amato il disegno e dipinge con immenso piacere da circa 20 anni, ha frequentato per molti anni la scuola di pittura Giacomo Grosso”.
Prediligge la pittura classica.  Inizialmente, i suoi quadri  sono  ispirati da i suoi innumerevoli  viaggi in giro per il mondo, raffigurando I volti delle persone e la loro cultura. Attraversso le sue opere lo spettatore diventa “turista” viaggiando insieme a lei.
20年来,她一直在绘画和绘画,非常愉快。 她参加了Giacomo Grosso绘画学校多年。她更喜欢古典绘画,最初她的绘画灵感来自世界各地的无数次旅行,捕捉了人们的面孔和他们的文化。 观众成为与她一起旅行的“游客”,并参观了世界上许多地方。超现实主义远离传统,允许最敏感的用户分享一个感觉和轻盈的世界,在地平线上消失,摆脱日常生活的重压。
Originally of French origin, Marie has lived for over thirty years in Italy.
She has always loved drawing and has been painting with great pleasure for about 20 years. She attended the Giacomo Grosso painting school for many years.
She prefers classical painting and initially her paintings were inspired by countless trips around the world, capturing the faces of people and their culture. Through her works, the viewer becomes a “tourist” traveling with her and taking in the many sites the world has to offer.
Fausto Nazer
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Fausto Nazer
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    Fausto Nazer nasce a Venasca (CN) nel 1966, dove tuttora risiede, e fin da piccolo sente già una forte inclinazione per il disegno e le arti figurative. A questo mondo si avvicina da autodidatta, attraverso ricerche ed indagini pittoriche ed arriva nel 1993 alla sua prima esposizione. Ha esposto a Londra,Roma, Bueon Aires, Montecarlo..La pittura di Nazer emoziona grazie alla  sua presa diretta con l’osservatore e si materializza in tutta la sua concretezza rivelando la sensibilità  pittorica che c’è dietro, nonché gli anni di studio e di approfondimento che sono stati essenziali. Dal  paesaggio a figure femminili solitarie colte in un attimo di intimo raccoglimento. Da gruppi di impiegati all’uscita dal lavoro a coppie di amanti che, incuranti della pioggia, si baciano romanticamente. Dietro  campeggia la metropoli, rassicurante e grigia presenza che non si impone ma che accompagna scorci di vita rubati da un occhio esperto e abituato a saper non solo guardare ma anche riprodurre, senza mai  tradire la serena sensibilità che gli appartiene.
Fausto Nazer于1966年出生于韦纳斯卡(CN),他仍然在那里生活。
即使作为一个年轻人,他也对绘画和视觉艺术产生强烈的冲动。 他花了很多时间研究他创造的视觉世界。 这导致他在1993年的第一次展览。从那时起,他在伦敦,罗马,Bueon Aires,Montecarlo展出了他的作品。
Fausto Nazer was born in Venasca (CN) in 1966, where he still lives.
Even as a young man he felt a strong urge to drawing and visual arts. He has spent a good deal of time studying the visual world he has created. This lead to his first exhibition in 1993. Since then, he has exhibited his work in London, Rome, Bueon Aires, Montecarlo.
Nazer’s painting excites the imagination and draws the viewer into a highly sensitive and appealing world.
His landscapes, solitary female figures caught in a moment of intimate recollection, the lovers who kiss in the rain.
It is a reassuring and gray presence that does not impose itself but accompanies glimpses of life stolen by an expert eye that knows not only to look but also to reproduce, without ever betraying the serene sensitivity that is at its core.
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  Ivo Vassallo, ha insegnato tecniche pittoriche all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Genova dove è nato e vive. La sua ricerca iniziale del colore è informale con un solido sistema figurativo, nel tempo si evolve in un cromatismo più raffinato e una propensione più intensa per il paesaggio e la figura.
L’artista ligure usa colori tenui e chiari con macchie insolite che illuminano l’aspetto carnale dei personaggi dipinti e usa la sua conoscenza storica per dargli la vita o la morte che meritano.
 Dipinge cavalli che sembrano nuvole tra le nuvole e raccontano storie per chiarire la loro umanità. Un pittore che un tempo affrescò le pareti dello studio di Fabrizio De Andrè, dal quale apprese i toni musicali che poi trasfuse nelle sue opere. Nella sua lunga carriera artistica ha esposto in numerose mostre collettive e personali.
Le sue opere fanno parte di collezioni pubbliche e private.
  Ivo Vassallo在意大利热那亚的美术学院教授绘画技巧,在那里他出生并仍然生活。
曾经在FabrizioDeAndré工作室的新墙上工作的画家,他从中学到了许多输入他作品的东西。 在他漫长的艺术生涯中,他的作品曾在众多公共和个人展览中展出。
  Ivo Vassallo teaches  painting technique  at the Academy of Fine Arts in Genoa Italy,  where he was born and still lives.
His initial study of color was informal but  over time it evolved into a more refined color scheme and an intense interest in landscapes and  the human figure.
The artist uses light and pale colors in unusual ways that illuminate the human aspect  characters and taps into his historical knowledge to give his work the life they deserve.
  He paints horses that look like clouds  and tell stories to clarify our sense of humanity.
A painter who once worked on frescoes on the walls of Fabrizio De Andrè‘s studio, from whom he has  learned  many things that have transfused his work. In his long artistic career his work  has been exhibited in numerous public and personal exhibitions.
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  Luciano Valensin, pittore e poeta, nato a Siena il  30/11/1938, diplomato all’Istituto d’Arte di Siena nell’anno 1960, ha frequentato per due anni l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, poi interrotta in seguito al conseguimento dell’Abilitazione all’insegnamento, ottenuta a Cagliari nel 1962 e al conseguente incarico del Provveditorato agli Studi di Siena.
Ha insegnato Disegno ed Educazione Artistica dal 1962 al 1970 presso le Scuole Medie di Chiusi, Bettolle e Trequanda, interrompendo la continuità di docenza per ragioni di salute e trasferendosi per cure in Inghilterra, dove ha insegnato.
Luciano Valensin,画家和诗人,于1938年11月30日出生于锡耶纳。他于1960年毕业于锡耶纳艺术学院,两年后他就读于佛罗伦萨的美术学院。 到最后,他取得了1962年在卡利亚里获得的教学资格,并随后被任命为锡耶纳省教育办公室。
Luciano Valensin, a painter and poet, was born in Siena on 11/30/1938 He graduated from the Institute of Art in Siena in 1960 and for two years he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. By the end, he had achieved Qualification to teach, obtained in Cagliari in 1962 and to the consequent assignment of the Provincial Education Office of Siena.
He taught Drawing and Art Education from 1962 to 1970 at the Middle Schools of Chiusi, Bettolle and Trequanda, interrupting the continuity of teaching for health reasons and moving to care in England, where he continued to teach.
      Arte italiana moderna – 意大利现代艺术 L'Associazione L'ARTE INCONTRA presenterà l'Esposizione Internazionale  Arte italiana moderna Dal 16 al 23 giugno 2019 presso il Liaoning Normal University Art Museum di Dalian (Cina).
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