#artist: luckypressure
westlife · 4 years
Yaa I mean I joined tumblr roughly around the end of 2010 and like, glee was probably my first show that i followed people on here for. Like who was it, luckypressure or something was that artist? and maybe because back then we all waited every week to watch the episodes inseated of binge watching seasons at a time, that era just felt different
i think we all followed the same blogs haha, and yeah i hate waiting a whole week for an episode, but i love all the excitement we have talking about what’s coming next week, idk it’s just different indeed. what was your “glee” url back then? if you had one haha
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poetzproblem · 5 years
I found an artist named Systemflaw that I'm pretty sure is Luckypressure. And I think someone confirmed that. I'm not sure why they disappeared as Luckypressure, but their art was fantastic.
Their style is definitely similar, so I can believe that. At least with disappearing artists, some of the art survives in reblogs--unlike the authors who delete. 
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every other odd 8)
40 Questions - Meme for Shippers
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had.
oh man. i had ships growing up and all, but i always feel like my first Ship was faberry, which i’ve shipped from the glee pilot. more so bc it helped introduce me to the idea of fandoms and what ships Mean in a way - next to kurtofsky, but that came later. And I think faberry really defined me as a shipper, bc it taught me to look deeper into canon analyze it and look for meaning cause ya know, it was never Really canon, but it was There, everything was There and it made sense and it motivated me to go look for more so yeah.
5. Do you have any poly ships?
a few yeah. tm/root/shaw, fuinnchel, angel/fred/faith, even barbara/tabitha/butch to an extent. they’re not usually the ships i’m most invested on, but they’re definitely valid and they should be more present on both canon and fanon. i feel like if fandoms started cooling down on ship wars and promoted poly ships more often, it’d encourage writers to try it, but ya know. that’s never gonna happen.
9. Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
13. Has a ship ever broken your heart?
i was going to just write lmao again, but i think that’s a good opportunity to discuss something. conflict is essential to storytelling. i dont mind breakups, i dont mind characters not being endgame, i dont mind deaths, if they serve a purpose to the story. has a ship ever broken my heart? absolutely. I was heartbroken when the doctor and rose couldn’t be together, i was heartbroken when faberry wasn’t canon, i was heartbroken when root “”””died”””” and i was heartbroken when angie didnt come back to agent carter season 2, but these are all different. some were valid and enriched the story, some were disappointment @ shows that only used me. it’s important to know the difference, or else you’ll never be really happy with any ship because conflict will Always exist, or else there arent any stories to tell.
17. Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.
i shipped spuffy when i first watched buffy. it was a mistake. i feel better now.
21. Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?
i can’t think of any right now, but I’m sure there is. people ship everything, and i wont get most of it, it’s not a big deal.
25. Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?
im not saying i already ship blink/polaris on the gifted im just saying they better get married soon. but honestly, yeah, happens all the time. i mean, i hate sg as a show, but i love all the supercorp stuff, so whatever. it happens.
29. Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?
not really, but it helps. a ship for me is usually a byproduct of my love for a character. shipping a character i care deeply about with another just means i’m invested on a show, ya know. but there were shows i loved with characters i loved that never really gave me a ship to be invested on and that’s fine. bsg, for instance.
33. Name your favorite fanartist(s).
luckypressure, but mostly for the rachel/bench thing. i dont know many artists tbh.
37. Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?
ehhhhhh i don’t think i have one? i dont think i have an otp anymore, in the original meaning of the world, and my favorites aus vary with the ships i guess.
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brittanafanart · 9 years
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brittanafanart · 9 years
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brittanafanart · 9 years
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brittanafanart · 9 years
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brittanafanart · 9 years
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