#artw spica
gemlighter · 9 months
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woe more gliese posting i will make a full ref eventually. but not today.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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SFW Alphabet | SPICA x gn!Reader 0.7k words | SFW | Fluff & Humor A/N: This is for a request from my ask box, but I'm going to consolidate any additional letter prompts on this post. 💚
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AFFECTION (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He's not used to being physically affectionate in public - he's worried about his responsibilities and being professional due to his leadership role at Contell Academy.
When he is affectionate with you in front of the others, he gets a little flustered when Arcturus or Pollux tease you about it.
(They're surprised you're able to bring out that side of him - it's just so weird!)
He stands closer to you than socially appropriate, and he keeps a hand on your shoulder, or your waist - not too low, but his touch is firm enough that it's comforting to you.
When you're next to him, he instinctively angles his body towards you - either to be closer to you, or to be able to protect you at a moment's notice if needed.
It's not a coincidence that he seems more patient and less uptight. He's a bit more relaxed and smiles more than he used to.
CUDDLES (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to cuddle when he's alone with you.
He prefers to be the big spoon, curling his body along your back so he can wrap his arm around your waist and hold you close.
He also loves waking up on his back and nudging you to lay against his chest. He'd lay there with you all day if he could.
He might not cuddle in public, but he will lean against you if you're eating side-by-side at the table, or he might rest his arm across the back of your chair if you're in a meeting or seeing a show.
DOMESTIC (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He doesn't pursue relationships casually, so when you start dating, you know he's serious about your potential future together.
He often thinks about what life might be like beyond Contell Academy with you by his side: would you like to share a home with him? What might quiet mornings of domestic bliss feel like?
The more he thinks about it, the more he craves it.
Many of the domestic responsibilities at Contell are handled by staff, but he likes cleanliness - he keeps his work and private dorm space tidy and presentable.
He wouldn't consider himself a fantastic cook either, but he has mastered some of the local dishes he grew up eating at his family's ancestral home. He doesn't visit the school kitchens to cook himself, but he looks forward to the day when you have a home of your own, and he can finally cook for you.
KISSES (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are warm and soft, he coaxes your lips to move gently against his without being too forceful.
(Only in the heights of passion do his kisses become desperate and sloppy.)
In public, he limits himself to kissing your forehead or temple. He can't stand the way certain immature brats pretend to gag whenever he kisses your cheeks or pecks a kiss against your lips.
He likes to kiss your neck, shoulders, and chest - he enjoys the way your fingers thread through his hair when you cradle his head against you, and it's still comfortable to lay beside you or on top of you while he does it.
He gets the most flustered if you kiss his cheeks or his hands - they're so intimate and sweet.
His belly is ticklish, and he playfully protests if you pepper the sensitive skin with featherlight kisses interspersed with blowing raspberries.
TRY (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
There's nothing this man won't do for you.
He approaches every task and responsibility with authority and dedication, and he works as efficiently as possible to make sure he gets the outcome he wants - and that includes things he does or plans for you.
His gifts are a mix of practical, new gifts inspired by things you've mentioned to him in passing, or vintage antiques that belong to his family. He tries to pick items that hold sentimental value to him but that you would also appreciate.
He doesn't take many personal vacations, but that changes when you remind him more than once that he's allowed to take a break. He makes it a priority that you have uninterrupted time together to celebrate important dates or milestones in your relationship.
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Arcana Twilight - Hair headcanon
his hair is basically soft fluff like a duckling’s coat
he would probably like to let it grow longer so he could look less boyish and more mature but it just… doesn’t work for his hair
not that the wouldn’t look good in long wavy hair, but that requires the hair to be stronger – his is just too delicate to look proper, without getting messy, dry, tearing out at even lightest pull and ends splitting hardcore
individual hairs are so thin and fragile it just wouldn’t work at all
styling is technically easy but even a bit of it might cause damage so better not try
he has pretty messy bed hair but that can be fixed very easily
in humid weather his hair is so miserable, it just can’t hold its own weight and just hangs around his face, barely holding the remains of the curl it normally has
but it’s just sooo soft, it feels like touching a warm cloud
his hair looks delicate but it’s actually pretty resilient
smooth and glossy – in sunlight it looks almost like if it’s shining on its own
and oh boy, just how it glows!
due to its pale silver, almost white colour, it’s reflective – so that shine is often tinted with the colours of the surroundings
could be styled with some effort, but convenience takes priority over looks – for him there isn’t any reason to try
he doesn’t care about appearances and all he expects from his hair is to look decent
his hair though is a bit more ambitious, it exceeds those expectations a lot
in general he’s blessed with very low maintenance hair – it just stays in shape without much hair care
...save for the bed hair. It’s disastrous and for this reason he washes his hair always in the morning – otherwise it’s just too difficult to subdue it
in humid weather the ends of his hair might curl slightly inwards, but it’s barely noticeable
also soft, but not cloud-like soft, it has nice substance to it
his hair isn’t difficult to maintain and he probably could have worn it longer, but he just doesn’t want to
it would be pretty inconvenient and time-consuming to care for it and he’s not the most patient person in the world
his hair is quite rebellious already, no telling what kind of revolutions would it try if it was longer
quite soft for such a spirited mane, and smooth, so it’s very nice to the touch
definitely taken care of well, he keeps it in good shape
it takes some effort though – if he doesn’t have time for proper hair care, it gets dry and ends might start splitting
it does happen sometimes – but it’s easy to get it back in shape, fortunately
as long as it’s in a good shape, it doesn’t cause trouble in the morning, all he needs is just a comb and it’s good to go
humid weather does make the ends of his hair curl, but since it’s already quite messy, sticking out in all directions, it barely makes any difference
he’s very self-conscious about it though
for hair this long, it’s surprisingly flawless – to the point to be considered a superpower
hairdressers hate him, there is nothing for them to do, not even trim split ends because he’s just not getting split ends
this hair cannot be defeated by anything, no matter the calamities the world (or Sirius) might send Spica’s way
his hair certainly doesn’t feel this sturdy in the touch, quite the opposite actually, it’s rather soft
and smooth, because how else could it be
what is even bed hair, he has never ever experienced it
well, he does maintain his hair properly – he knows how to brush them, what comb to use for what, and what type of haircare products to use, he just doesn’t make a big deal out of it
what would be even the point of having long hair if he didn’t keep it presentable
that being said, it doesn’t mean he didn’t win the gene lottery – he did, actually, and that’s the reason he can maintain his hair well
couldn’t possibly wear his hair long and doesn’t want too – too much work, too little help from the hair itself
it’s a really thick mane
his hair feels definitely sturdy to the touch, it just doesn’t stay if styled either
but you might also sense a slightly hoarse texture – not unpleasant, by no means, but it’s clear it prone to getting dry
this plus the thickness means it really takes form of a bird’s nest in the morning, but fortunately a few strokes with a wet comb and it’s getting better
does he seem like he’s putting effort into anything? Clearly no, and extensive hair care is one of the things he doesn’t put effort in
he does just enough to make sure his hair is okay, but not trying to fight it in any way to make it look better
actually, it’s not bad at all, with minimal effort it’s actually pretty presentable
doesn’t seem bothered by humid weather – neither him, nor his hair
another one with hair superpowers, it seems
his hair might stick out in some places and cannot be subdued by anything but it’s smooth
so smooth and shiny
since it’s black it’s also quite reflective – it reflects colours of the surroundings, so it can shine thousands of colours!
but well, since his eyes are even more colourful, his hair doesn’t ever get the spotlight… it’s doing its best though to look the part
however, if you expected it to be soft as well… you might be surprised, it’s actually pretty strong and very sturdy
that’s to be expected though, considering it has strength to stick out despite the length
speaking of sticking out, yeah, his bed hair is horrendous, especially considering how long is his hair – even if he ties it up, it’s so smooth, a part of it always slips out
it needs so much combing in the morning that you can see that he got bored halfway and left the cowlicks to their own devices
he does comb it enough to keep it in shape, but he has more… interesting things to do in his time than tackling a few rebellious hairs
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Really wanted to draw his hair. Though I admit, I messed up the length so couldn't fit them exactly. Coloured pencils on black paper.
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
You seems like you really love angst. How about making artw men baby trap Summoner
I love angst but no way I'm making tha—
Warning: non-con, force pregnancy, manipulation, gatekeep, gaslight, Arcturus being the delusion yandere, Sirius is actually helpful.
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You desperately wanted to go home. That's all what you wanted which confused Arcturus.
Are you not happy with him? He did everything for you and yet you wanted to leave him?
He won't let that happen.
He spiked your drink, letting you get drunk. Of course he doesn't want to do it but can you blame him? It's your fault for wanting to leave.
Arcturus did not hesitate to accused you for forcing him to sleep with you. Letting you completely helpless... He forgives you, after all he is Arcturus.
He convinced the guide committee members to let you stay because you're carrying his child after all.
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Spica always wanted you to stay, he even said it he want you to rely on him only. Still you want to go back home?
Oh dear... At least this man is not worse than Arcturus but still... ...
He trick you on sleeping with him, let you believe you wanted this.
Your relationship is just full of lie and toxicity, damn you can't catch a break.
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕩 idea by @chaoticwriting
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Pollux will be very very very very.... Complicated.
He want you to stay, he really do but what should he do? You want to go back to your world and you already figured out way home.
That's when he realized something, he's going to guilt trip you to have a baby with him.
His cuteness is the key, can you really refuse him? No... Not really- even if you did, he'll still force himself on you.
Then lie he didn't mean to and it was just an accident but he is ready to take full responsibility.
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I honestly can't image this guy baby trapping you.
Maybe when he realized he was your past life lover, maybe he want you and him to be together again?
But you insist wanting to go home and ignore your history with him...
You made this by yourself, you leave him no choice. If only you agree on staying.
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Naur but Sirius brain cells suddenly coming back and he was speechless in 69 languages like wtf the sorcerers are doing.
He definitely will not baby trapping you, he did everything just for you to have freedom and the guide sorcerers are trying to take that away from you?
Nu-uh more homicide for him.
He probably had to kidnapped you but for good reasons okay, he have to keep you safe from them especially Arcturus until the rift is open again.
Don't be surprised when he treat you nicely- he just want you to feel safe.
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Vega just got you back but yet you wanted to leave already? Oh you... Always the reason why he's heartbroken.
He don't want you to leave him again but what possibly he can do to make you stay...?
Then he remembers something from mid eartheim, he remembers seeing news. That's his plan now.
Please don't blame him, it's your fault like always. You're the one to blame... You did this to yourself and face the consequences.
Vega honestly will take you to his home, at least you can have sorceress Gianna for your emotional support.
If you think sorceress Gianna will support his actions, nah she slapped Vega for doing this to you.
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ciicicee · 3 months
if none of you are going to do it, I will
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Template from @ithseem
(I just realized I should've placed sirius on the mentally ill part as well.. oh fuck it, just pretend he's there)
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mainsumper · 6 months
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l-mint-l · 4 months
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grand-zodiac · 5 months
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finally finished that spica jeez
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marisssa1248 · 3 months
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"I will protect them"
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"Touch them you die"
(Although the canon Sirius might just be "i will kill them" instead 😭)
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ena341polaris · 3 months
Why the Artw boys would suck as a roommate
Arcturus loves cooking and everything hes makes tastes great! But that also means he would make your apartment an ingredients household... want a bag of chips? None! Make it from scratch! Just wat a simple meal that doesnt require cooking? Too bad! All you have is a frozen slab of steak and bell peppers. Also dishes would pile up so quickly and ants would be a huge problem.
Arcturus would definitely bring in lots of stray animals (not that helping strays is a bad thing!) But every weekend, you would be on the couch doing whatever and suddenly arcturus comes barreling through the door with 100 squirrels that have rabies. And Arcturus would be like "No it's okay! I've only gotten bitten 40000 times!" And you'd be like "Arcturus we need to go to the ER now".
Also Arcturus is the type of guy to sleep next to you without you knowing (as proven in his card Spring curve) at first it would be adorable. Until it's the middle of the summer, it's hot and this fluffy ginger boy is sleeping on top of you like a weighted and heated blanket. Which basically means you will get cooked alive from being snuggled up to Arcky. (But tbh I would love to go out like that)
Spica is probably the boy equivalent of a beige mom. Everything is white, carpet, walls, tiles maybe a little tan or grey but mostly a sleek white. Which is aesthetic until you start feeling the effects of white room torture kick in.
Spica has suuuupppeeeerrrr long hair as we know and he would probably leave hair everywhere! Not that it would be intentional but also since his hair is so long it would get on everything he also probably has like 100 hair products taking up most of the shower. Also your house would smell like strong black coffee grounds 24/7 not matter what you did. Febreeze? Nope, didnt work. Opening the windows? Still smells like coffee.
Speaking of coffee, he doesnt sleep much. Which means when your getting you beauty rest Spica is up in the kitchen making his 725th coffee of today. Hes also very busy, hes always on a computer writing and there are files cabinets everywhere, Like absolutely everywhere. You find paperclips in the fridge and pens and pencils between the couch cushions. He would also probably be very bossy, forgot your homework? Spica lives in your household just waiting to scold you for it 😅.
Hes sleeping all of the time. Like all of the time. He probably doesn't do many chores himself but that probably wouldn't matter because he would hire a maid to do it all. He would also 100% fall asleep on top of you keeping you trapped for god only knows how long. He would also never cook, he would. A: Get fast food B: Beg you to do it or C: hire a chef.
But honestly I feel like Alpheratz would be a good roommate otherwise.
You see Pollux could be a good roommate. He seriously could be... if it wasnt for his luck. He could be cleaning dishes and the house would catch on fire. Speaking of houses catching on fire, Pollux doesn't know how to cook and he would probably light the house on fire. Multiple times. Pollux could be looking out the window and suddenly all the power goes out. Hes also a lil broke boy, so he definitely would not be paying a lot of bills. He would also probably blast anime music in his room for multiple hours at a time.
And Castor would probably break into your apartment every now in then to bother you or Pollux. I also feel like Pollux would start accidentally calling you mom and embarrassing you when people come over. He also would ask you for lots of money.
Honestly, I feel like Vega would be a very clean, quiet and calm roommate. He would cook, pay bills, do whatever you expect a good roomate to do. But I feel like Vega, if he moved in with you, would start being very affectionate. Not like a "hi... your pretty" I feel like he would become much more possessive and get mad whenever your brought Sirius over or another guy. He also literally states in his lines that he wants to monopolize you. So for him, you being his roomate essentially means he gets to hang out with you whenever, even when your busy doing something like dishes. He would walk up to you and start talking to you a lot.
We can all agree by default that Sirius is a very creepy and flirty roomate. He would break into your bedroom in the middle of the night to scare you or just bother you. He would steal your soaps in the bathroom, he would basically do all these little things to get you a little upset with him. Despite that, he would pay the bills after you begged him to enough. He would cook (not as good as Arcky but still, he would)
He would definitely turn into random animals or into the household pet if you had one just to get your attention. Also say goodbye to privacy because now that you live with him he wants to know everything about you, what your doing and where your going. All of that. Also he probably runs a mafia so theres probably going to be lots of random scary looking people appearing without warning. Hes also going to be very flirty, I'll let you decide if that's a pro or a con.
He would also try to get you to do some sort of rituals with him or something like that.
Note: I made this at 11 at night so if theres spelling mistakes tell me in the comments
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gloriaglorheart · 23 days
Summoner Pageant?
CALLING ALL SUMMONERS I had this idea Draw your Summoner all fancy and decked out for like a pageant (so ballgowns, evening gowns, tuxes and suits, fancy jumpsuits, etc! Anything that fits the Summoner's style) Then we'll all agree on titles for each Summoner (Like Best hair, Best smile, Best eyes, Best Personality, Most likely to [insert anything], etc)
This is meant to be an appreciation thing for all the Summoners we have here Also, no one will be left out, If we all agree on more than one Summoner having the same title (Example, Let's say we all want Casper and Amber to get the title of "Most Cutest/wholesome Summoner", well they both can have that!) Titles are allowed to be shared by more than one Summoner (heck I feel like everyone will have a title in common! Which is fine!)
This is to come together and all together point out the best things of the Summoners we see, and maybe even some funnies too (Like Amber can get "Most likely to start a riot against Sirius" if we all agree on that XD)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! ^^ Since IDK if I explained this good enough
also, those who have Summoners but can't draw, but would like to do this, you are allowed to get someone else to draw them for you (heck, I am open to doing it since my Summoner is not going to participate in this, she's more going to host it) (when you made yours, you could put it in the "#artw summoner pageant" tag) (spaces in that are apart of the tag) (using Gacha instead of drawing IS ALLOWED for those who want to use that but dont wanna ask someone to draw their character)
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A very respectable tradition indeed
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Headpats for Spica!
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
Basically Sirius:
Sirius: Summoner don't love me.
Pollux: they confessed their feelings to you..-
Sirius: They're just confused.
Arcturus: They kissed you-
Sirius: it was just a joke.
Spica: They protected you.
Sirius: it was an accident.
Vega: They forgave your actions.
Sirius: Summoner just did it out of pity.
Alpheratz: Summoner legit slept with you.
Sirius: the feeling is mutual.
Sirius: Platonic relationship is the finest
Seriously this man... *cry*
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ciicicee · 4 months
I mean.. a TON of fandoms have been doing this little trend, I've seen it on my fyp at least 20 times so might as well let the ARTW fandom join in yk??
I worked my ass off on this, you guys better like it.. 😓
(Sorry for the amount of screenshot movement)
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