#arven is kinda more like the past (full of childhood resentment; wanting to get something back)
goldensunset · 1 year
tbh i think the overall theme of scarlet and violet is about simply living in the moment and making the most of it, treasuring that which you have in the present as opposed to endlessly dwelling on the past or anxiously staring towards the future
you’ve got sada obsessed with the past and turo obsessed with the future both of whom are trying to do insane things to create their ideal world, then there’s arven their son who can actually live in the present. he’s capable of interacting with the world around him and enjoying simple things like sandwiches and nice big doggy and friends. at the end even though he understandably feels gutted by it all he resolves to look at what’s good and present in his life as opposed to what’s missing
if sada and turo had just chilled out and tried to spend time with their son in the present, if they hadn’t taken their family and own lives for granted, if they hadn’t gone insane with obsession, maybe things could’ve turned out so much better for them. maybe if that which they treasured most was something a little more wholesome…
it’s often emphasized in this game how you ought to chase your dreams and find your own greatest treasure, but then at the end they take that uplifting bit of encouragement and turn it on its head. sada and turo chased their dreams and it led them to their deaths. they almost destroyed the world to bring about that which they desired and treasured most. the message here is that there are some things that you just can’t change, some things that you just can’t do. not every dream can come true.
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