#as a kid losing in those ghost minigames was nightmare fuel
ace-angelprincess · 1 year
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A spoopy-themed commission done last year by @sonocomics
Running of the Bulb has been my favorite Mario Party (series) minigame for its uniqueness of teamwork, yet individual players can still lose. (It's not like Key-pa-Way where everyone either wins OR loses.)
RotB is one of three ghost-minigames in MP (the other two being Pedal Power and Ghost Guess), and the only one that little-Jay (my OC as a kid) could win in; she couldn't comprehend the rules of the other two, so she would always lose.
Desperate to not be lost in the dark, little-Jay runs as fast as her little feet can take her. Don't look back, or else she might trip and break the bulb - or worse, get possessed!
Years later as she grew, Joslyn learns to fight her fears - sometimes literally! She has enough confidence in herself to put up a good battle, not backing down.
Whereas little-Jay was trying to preserve the light, Joslyn IS the light.
As for Big Boo and King Boo, I headcanon them as the same Boo character. (King Boo was Big Boo before he became known as King Boo.)
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