#as always i'd love to hear feedback! esp crit
my-lover · 6 years
Coffee Cups and Superheroes : Chapter 2
hello! this is so late, because i haven’t been able to access my laptop since monday, which is where all of my writing is stored. sorry about that. anyway, here’s chapter 2!
tagging everyone who asked to be! (let me know if you don’t want to be tagged anymore/would like to be tagged!) : @the-enemy-of-wonkru @ehmori @bellamytheblake @jordanjaspergreen-griffin-blake @dancing-like-satan @buckthebarnes @bellamystannie @bisexualstarrr @jordanjaspermcgreen @katersann @clarkegriffintitties @anaklusmosnojutsu @the-griffin-green-blakes @belllandclarke @el-corazon-y-la-cabeza @bellamyblvkes @mrsizzy135 @adancergirl @optimistic-contingency @amesandjake @saryiia @madigriffin-thetraitorsdaughter @bellarkes-hope
Clarke’s an ex-army medic working in a coffee shop with a whole lot of emotional baggage. Bellamy, a law student and avid Marvel fanatic, is on track to follow in his father’s footsteps and be everything he thought he was born to be. But what happens when he starts to fall for the apathetic and sarcastic barista at his favourite coffee place? What if his fate wasn’t as black and white as it seemed?
Chapter One here!
Clarke could never quite manage to keep "Peter" out of her mind. Even doing the most mundane tasks, there he was. She had never felt this way before about anyone, neither her ex boyfriend or deceased girlfriend. Her cynical self knew that it was childish to have a crush on someone after talking to them for less than two minutes, yet she still yearned to see him again.
A week after they'd met, she'd almost given up hope.
It was 12pm and CLarke was already mind-numbingly bored. She was at work, and she hadn't seen a single customer. It was pouring with rain, thunder clapping intermittently, and even their regulars ceased to show up. Clarke leaned against the counter, daydreaming. Without her noticing, a tall man in a dripping suit with a Pokémon backpack came through the door. His deep voice brought her down to earth. 
"One medium caramel frappé, please."
Shock registered on her face as Clarke processed what just happened. She opened her mouth to speak, but then shook her head, as if reminding herself of her cynicism.
"Name?" Her voice was the one she always used for customer service : bland, empty and filled with annoyingly fake cheer.
"Tony Stark." The man looked disappointed at Clarke's lack of enthusiam. The bright grin he wore as he walked in looked like it had been wiped off of his face with the dirty mop sitting neglected in the corner of the café.
"Here you go, Mr. Stark." Clarke passed him his coffee with a fake smile. In her head, she cursed herself as he left.
Clarke didn't used to be like this. As a child, she was that one kid who was always frustratingly happy. Even into her teens, she smiled at everyone and just wanted the people she cared about to be happy. She was a huge believer in fate, and that the universe had a plan for everyone, and that everything happened for a reason. And then Finn started to take his anger out on her. Often, Clarke would leave dates covered in bruises and with a head full of insults. Still, she persevered. 
Until Finn started to get worse. He dropped out of their prestigious high school in favour of sinking pint after pint in a seedy bar and waste all of his father's money on gambling. Every time he lost, that was it for Clarke. Eventually, she knew she had to leave. As soon as she graduated high school, she shipped herself off into the army to become a medic. She never told anyone the real reason. Her mother was proud of her, because that's exactly what her father did. She'd lost most of her friends from dating Finn. And Finn? He didn't notice until he realized his punching bag had left. The day she left, something inside Clarke broke. She had become an empty shell of the smiling kid she once was. And she'd only get emptier.
*Bellamy's POV*
Bellamy didn't know what it was about the cute girl who worked at his local coffee shop, but he was smitten with a capital S. Pretty blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, a soft smile that he could tell didn't appear often, and her eyes were the brightest blue he'd ever seen. They looked like the sky on a beautiful summer's day. 
He was intrigued by her, the way she carried herself. She looked.. not broken, but not completely whole either. Bellamy wished he could help, but he didn't even know her. All he'd even said to her was some childish garbage about being Spiderman and IronMan. In his head, he wrestled with the thought that she wasn't interested. She'd seemed so apathetic the last time he was in there. Bellamy didn't give up that easily, though. If anything, he was tenacious. He /was/ a law student after all. He made a pact with himself to talk to her /properly/ the next time he was in there.
*Clarke's POV*
The next day, at the exact same time, Bellamy walked in again. This time, Clarke smiled slightly at him, earning her a full grin back.
"One medium caramel frappé, please."
"Bruce Banner." His eyes shone brighter than the stars at Clarke's small chuckle after he said it.
Much like the previous day, he paid and left with no further words between them. Though, she did notice that his expression looked almost scared or pained as he turned to leave.
In her head, Clarke planned to talk to him tomorrow. She told herself it was just to ask his name and his name only, because it was getting annoying not knowing his actual* name. Deep down, though, she craved something more. A real talk, his phone number...
But he never came the next day. Nor the day after. Clarke waited from the start of her shift until Eric closed up at 8pm - hours after her shift ended - but he never showed. Her mind flashed back to the day she left for the army, the overwhelming feeling of emptiness she felt, the realization that fate was garbage and that life wasn't kind. She felt the same way when her ex-girlfriend passed. Maybe it was overdramatic, but she felt that way now, too. She'd only known "Peter" for a week and didn't even know his real name, but he was almost like a beacon of hope for her, a sign of things to come, the first thing that had really made her smile for the first time in years. And now he was gone. To Clarke, this was just more proof of life's cruelty.
i know this chapter is extremely short, but i’ve already written three and four, both of which are a lot longer! that aside, i hope you liked it!
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
Hello! It’s been a long while since I have sent in an ask, but I thought I’d stop by and say hi again! I hope you all are doing well and that all your exams didn’t cause too much stress.
I figured, rather than dropping a large Raiden analysis on you guys (though I am writing one lol), I thought I’d ask if you could review my characters and their team comps, again. I hope you don’t mind. I’ve added quite a few new characters and I changed up Kaeya to be both physical and cryo balanced, so I thought it’d be nice and helpful to hear some feedback.
The order on my setup isn’t accurate for the teams I use, so I thought I’d mention who I use in what team. Team 1: Eula (main dps), Raiden (sub burst dps/support), Zhongli (burst dps/shield), Traveler (Geo (resonance support)). Team 2: Diluc (sub dps), Childe (main dps/burst dps), Kaeya (cryo support (though can be used as main dps), Bennett (support/heal).
For Raiden, Zhongli, and Bennett not too much has changed besides weapons/talents and for Bennett I need to level up his new weapon, but otherwise I’d love to hear what you have to say.
UID: 625978310
-Raiden Anon :)
raiden anon!!! we missed you!!!! hope life hasn't been toooo mean to you :D and take your time with the raiden analysis HAHAHA
i think the main things that i have to say are that 1. crit rate up! and 2. i think you could consider levelling her normal attack above her burst? granted, i'm not sure how eula plays, so i could be totally wrong about that LOL
(keep in mind that idk what raiden's constellations do, but) i think you have enough ER from weapon and artifact set bonus that you could totally switch out her sands to smth like atk! also, even if raiden is only a support, her E still counts as her dmg, so i think upping crit rate is still a good idea.
hmmm so i don't focus on zhong's shield quite as much, but same as above, i think you could consider switching his sands to atk. but again i don't main him as shield LOL so if his primary purpose is shielder, then ofc stack up that hp!
that said, if you do also use him as a burst dps, i always suggest getting that 1:2 crit rate/dmg ratio.
i haven't played with geo traveller in a while LOL but i think if he's not meant to do dmg, then he should be fine? his crit rate/dmg ratio is the most even so far but if he IS meant to do dmg i'd up his crit rate juuuust a little bit more.
i think he's good (maybe other than the crit ratio)! from what i can see he's meant to be used as a pyro person (i think) and i don't think there's anything that i can suggest mostly because i don't have diluc so idk how to play him HAHAHA
so as both a main dps AND a burst dps, i think he would benefit a LOT with having an atk sands. i've personally never had an issue with childe's ER and i don't think you should worry about it too much as long as you're using his melee attacks regularly! and ofc his crit rate is a little bit low but i can't talk LOL
ooooooh see i was going to say 'i take it back, kaeya's crit rate is the most even!' but actually, i see that you have both c1 AND the blizzard strayer 4pc, so actually i think you could go ham on his crit dmg more! granted, that's only under the assumption that you'll be mostly using him as cryo LOL.
i've also never really had an issue with kaeya's ER but that's also because i tend to spam his E. i think i might still recommend an atk sands tho, esp since you did say he can be used as a main dps.
i think you're fine LOL i've never known how to build my own benny but since you're not using him to do actual dmg the crit ratio doesn't matter that much.
but the main point is, play how it works for you! as long as it works and you're satisfied with it, our opinions are only ever going to be our own hehe
- katheryne from liyue
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