#as another aside... i just went and read a simi fic for the first time in like a year and :3 i still like simi very much
andthebubbles · 6 months
i actually kinda miss rpf fandoms haha like... i don't miss f1 itself, but i miss rpf fandoms where everyone knows what they're doing and what's up, like how nobody really believes that their otp is actually together (and even if they actually are (?? haha), it has no bearing on what you write/create). and just. i miss that there are no canon ships, so everyone just ships whatever they like (or whore their fave out like i do) and well, i didn't really catch any ship wars during the time i was in the f1 fandom (twice) but maybe i just managed to stay away from all of that. and (at least in my experience) there wasn't any weird comments on fic of how the plot should've been like that, or you shouldn't have done this with this character; i also really liked how there wasn't just smut fic (although there was plenty of that too heheh), but also wonderful, wildly creative AUs of any sort, like it just became so easy to take these characters (because by the time you write about rl people in fic, they DO become characters) and put them in any situation/scenario that you liked--like it just became so easy to know them on a fic/writing level because people before you did the research and put it in their fic, and then you'd read their fic and you'd learn that this guy has blah number of brothers and sisters and these are their names and these are their parents' names--
anyway. i miss the chillness of rpf fandoms. or at least, the ones i've been in anyway.
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brieannakeogh · 5 years
Ambition, Butter, and Wine- Chapter 3
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Ambition, Butter, and Wine- Kylo Ren x plus sized reader. Crack! Fic. You’re a new First Order recruit. Trained in the culinary arts at the top schools and they dare make you serve the common folk. What happens when you have the opportunity to serve Lord Ren?
Master List / Previous Chapter
Warnings: Some light accidental torture
Chapter 3
Kylo was in bed two more days. On the second day your mouth went tight as he declined your offer to call the medbay. You were fully aware he was a “grown adult, who could call if he needed it.” but he wasn’t doing that. He was stubborn. You felt more pressure in the back of your head again. It had been happening with more and more frequency and you just knew it was him, poking at your thoughts. You had simi given him permission to and now it was like he was in your head all the time when you were around.
Everything had gone back to normal except for that. It was starting to give you a headache how frequently he was in there. You tried very hard to school your thoughts. Going over recipes in your head, measurements, the gossip of the day, anything except the two small things you wanted to keep from him. One, the fact that you had started making enough during his meals for you to have a portion, and two that you had a crush on him. It was ridiculous and it was easy enough to ignore when he was stalking around the halls in the dramatic cape and stupid helmet with his saber in easy reach, but in the morning he was so soft looking. His hair tousled and sleep still in the corners of his eyes, it just wasn’t fair that his man could go from soft cozy Kylo to Lord I’ll-kill-you-if-you-look-at-me-funny Ren. Not that you really cared as long as it wasn’t you he was killing.
The first secrete was spilled one day when he decided to be ‘nice’, and drop the tray off himself since he “had to pass by anyway.” and found you eating a not as nice version of the same meal you dropped off at lunch. The pressure was back and you could hear what you thought was a snort come from the metal helmet. You couldn’t clamp down your thoughts in time to something mundane like “I messed up the first batch and didn’t want it to go to waste.” No he had to read the whole alarm bells going off on a repeat of, I’m a thief! He’s definitely going to kill me now!
“Stop panicking. It’s a perk, not stealing.” You swear you could hear the smirk in his voice. He sat the tray down next to you and walked out. Well if that didn’t sound like permission to keep doing it, you don’t know what did. So that’s exactly what you did.
The second came out one night a few weeks later. By this point you had been solely cooking him meals for 4-5 months at this time. You’re not sure what he told the other chef or officers, although you expect he had come up with some special force secret dietary bullshit excuse. Especially after what one of your coworkers...that wasn’t right….people who work near you...asked what restrictions you had. You had pointedly ignored them, but when they continued you growled out menacingly that it wasn’t any of their business and to leave you the hell alone. You made sure to run that scene on repeat in your head when you dropped off Lord Ren’s food. His lip twitched, which was the equivalent of a full grin from anyone else.
Tonight wasn’t going as good as that night. In fact this went even more poorly than the first night when you walked in and he was in all of his comfortable night clothes, which he was in again. However you had gotten use to it, at least at night. You went about your business, setting the tray at the table while you waited for him to sit, have his obligatory bite, and either lip twitch or finger twitch in dismissal, depending on how happy he was with the meal.
It all came to a grinding halt when you turned and saw him reach for something. You had no clue what, and it could have been a stretch for all the good your observational skills did you, because your entire focus was on the small strip of skin that had been exposed on his belly. It was pale and smooth, and you really wanted to touch it to see if it’s as velvety as it looks. Your hand even raised up a little subconsciously. That’s when you felt it, the pressure at the back of your head. At the realization that he was in your head and had seen all of the thirst, a cold shiver ran down your spine and you started stumbling back towards the exit.
“Oh calm down!” He half shouts exasperated. “If I cut the head off of everyone that found me attractive, I really would have to wear the helmet all the time and Hux wouldn’t be here anymore.”
“Oh.” Well thank fuck for that! Wait...did he say…
“Yes, now get your head out of the gutter, I’m trying to eat here.”
“Yes sir.” But you couldn’t. Your brain conjuring up all sorts of things without your control.
“I said…”
“I know sir,” You interrupted, “and I’m trying. Maybe just stay out of my head for tonight. I’ll work on it so it doesn’t happen tomorrow.”
He narrows his eyes at you as he stands by the table. “Noted.” He concedes.
Well if he was going to stay out maybe you could just...yep that sweater makes his arms look good. It doesn’t hurt to look while he’s locked himself out, right? And oh stars you did look. Only for a minute until he twitched his hand and dismissed you.
You paused after you started to walk out, turning to face him again. “Just out of curiosity...when?” You felt another poke when he couldn’t sus out what you were asking.
The smirk spread on his face had you worried. “Dinner, day one.” Was all he said and turned back to his meal.
Well bantha tits, he’s known from the beginning! Than what’s the point of you hiding it all along? “Because I don’t want to hear about your sexual depravity towards my person. Your food isn’t that good.”
“Yes, sir.” You acknowledged as your body crawled back into it’s skin from which it jumped, scared. As you walked out, you broadcasted ‘Yes it is.’ and sort of hoped he was still listening in. It was getting harder and harder to tell.
He smirked as he bit into another mouthful. “You’re right, it is.” He said to himself.
Kylo knew he couldn’t keep you as a secret forever. With all the gossip on the base it was only a matter of time before someone became suspicious. He expected Phasma would find out first, which he wasn’t oppose so much about you making extra for her, but Hux on the other hand, he wasn’t going to let that happen. The others had been dumb enough to be fooled or weren’t so foolish to question about the special dietary restriction of a force user. That had been a good idea he picked from your brain. However, the other two commanders wouldn’t be persuaded so easily.
It happened! It finally happened! Hux had learned about you and asked for you to make his food as well. Kylo thought he was having such a good morning too, but he had seen the poorly constructed barrier in your head to try and keep him out. That wasn’t like you so of course he tore it down easily and watched as Hux cornered you in the kitchen. Of course you couldn’t turn down his request, but he could. He would march right in there and demand that Hux go back to the generic officer swill. As he watched you set the table like normal, a little bit of tremble in your hands, he uttered out a low “Mine.” that you surely couldn’t hear.
He pushed in further to your mind and saw you wince in pain at the pressure. He wanted to see the whole interaction in detail, usually he only skimmed your thoughts and emotions, most of the time you didn’t even notice. This he went a lot deeper.
Watching as Hux barged into the kitchen, hands behind his back and not a hair out of place. You were momentarily startled, but then ignored him in favor of the omelette you were plating up. It didn’t come out as nice as you wanted so you had set it aside to work on the second one for himself. He thought it looked fine, but learned early on you were a perfectionist. Hux grabbed the plate and started eating as he grilled you about your duties. You gave short, polite responses, but vague enough that Kylo could work with. He watched as Hux moaned around the fork in his mouth and told you to have his lunch ready too, “Whatever you were already fixing was fine.” Kylo also felt your jolt of response at the General’s moan, which made him growl out another “Mine” that you did hear.
Your head was pounding so hard that you had to stop what you were doing and press your palms to your temples. It felt like your skull would explode if you didn’t keep it in place. Flashbacks of this morning assaulted you and when the same pang of lust you had at hearing the General moan hit you this time, it brought you to your knees. Lord Ren had said something after that, but you couldn’t think straight. Finally you couldn’t contain it anymore and a whimper of pain left you.
Kylo’s refocused on the here and now when he heard the sad noise you made, shocked to see you almost curled in the fetal position at his feet. He scrambled back into his own head after seeing enough, leaving both of you panting with the effort. Tearing into the closet after composing himself, he sees you sit up out the corner of his eye. He handled your mind too roughly. Honestly if you had less semblance of self, it could have broken you, but you seemed fine. Anger and hurt rolled from you, but that was to be expected.
By the time your head clears and you can sit up properly to know you are still on the floor, you see Kylo with his pants changed and pulling his shirt off, his armor in hand. The food left untouched on the table. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to talk to Hux, straighten out this mess.”
“Don’t. Just sit and eat. I’ll handle it.” You groan as you stand.
“Did you just order me?” He whips around to you, armor thrown to the bed as he stands before you. Pride is what you are giving off, along with a heavy dose of ambition. If he wasn’t worried about breaking you he would be digging into your mind again to see exactly what you were thinking.
“No sir. Sorry sir. I just like to fight my own battles and…” You lick your lips, trying to decide if you should say what you were thinking. Oh fuck it, you only live once right? “It also won’t hurt my career any to provide specialized meals to both you and the General.”
His eyes had started to soften, he could understand wanting to fight for yourself, but then you went and fucked it up. Sharing wasn’t in his nature and your ambition was too great. He grabbed you by the upper arm, squeezing just a bit too tight and pulled you to the table.
“Sit, eat. Hux ate yours and I’m going to go deal with him now. There are pain meds in the bathroom for the headache that will be on you soon.”  He went and grabbed his armor off the bed, throwing it on as he exited his quarters, leaving you utterly confused.
Next Chapter
Didn’t finish Ch 11 of Dog Days in time, sorry. Hopefully this is a good substitute. 
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