taylorannaw · 8 years
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4th of July celebrations, Disney style.
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taylorannaw · 8 years
Sorry America, I’m not ready to leave just yet. 
Important life update - happy to announce that I was accepted to extend my Disney Cultural Exchange Program! Instead of leaving in June, I’m still going to be working for Disney for another seven months. I’m extending in to my same role/same location - merchandise at Disney Springs
While I miss NZ and everything and everyone back home, I’m very grateful that I get to spend a few more months in the US. Time has flown by so fast since I’ve been here, and there’s still so much to do and explore, so I couldn’t say no to what is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. More irregular blog updates to come xx 
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taylorannaw · 8 years
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taylorannaw · 8 years
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taylorannaw · 8 years
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taylorannaw · 8 years
What up?! Well, I’m glad that you asked. April was a bloody awesome month for me as my parents and brother came to visit. They first hit up New York, and I spent five days with them up in the big apple, staying in the cutest apartment in Brooklyn. We went full tourist mode exploring Times Square, Central Park, Rockefeller Centre, Empire State, The Met, MoMA, and we wouldn’t be true tourists without doing a couple of hop-on/hop-off bus tours. I utterly loved NY, and I solemnly swear that that will not be my last trip to the city that never sleeps. I then flew down with the fam to Orlando! It was ten days full of outlet shopping and theme park fun. We spent two days at Universal Studios, and I was hit with all the feels as I experienced the magic of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. On to Disney, and everyone got to visit where I work, and I showed them around the Disney parks. It was such a magical holiday, and I feel super lucky they were able to visit me here in the States. 
A few holiday snaps to come! 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
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Spaceship Earth @ Epcot looking grand
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taylorannaw · 9 years
work work work
It’s official. I am terrible at regular blog updates. Props to all the DCP vloggers though who can regularly upload videos when I can’t find the time to string a few sentences together. 
So I am no longer ‘earning my ears’. My work training is over, and I am a merchandise floater at Disney Springs’ Westside zone! I can be scheduled to work in any one of the four merchandise stores - Star Wars Galactic Outpost, Super Hero Headquarters, Candy Cauldron, and Disney Quest. 
The hours can be long, and I’m usually on closing shifts that end at 12:30am or 1:30am, but it really is the guest interactions and my fellow cast members that make work fun! I get to work with some great American and South American CPs at the moment, and in just 3 weeks I’ve had some very interesting conversations with guests about my accent and New Zealand, and put my Spanglish to very good use. 
All work and no play? No way! In my downtime I’ve managed to visit Magic Kingdom and Epcot a few times each with my roomies. Just Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom to cross off the list next! 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
Long time no blog! Since my last post, I’ve spent a couple of weeks in San Jose, travelled to Yosemite, Vegas, Grand Canyon, Laughlin, and Los Angeles. Phew. To top that all off, I’ve officially started my Disney adventure! 
I spent two nights before my check-in day at Art of Animation Resort. Boy, was that place magical! 
This week I actually moved in to my apartment complex for the next 5 months! I’m living in Chatham Square with 7 other girls in a 4 bedroom apartment. Living with 8 people in total was not my first choice, but I’m grateful I’m with all the roomies I chose to link with :) The other three girls (who are also from NZ) seem lovely, so looking forward to getting to know them better. 
Big shopping hauls have taken place already at Walmart and Whole Foods. Looking forward to my next Whole Foods shop, and for Traditions in a couple of days time! 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
I arrived safe and sound in America yesterday after close to 20 hours of flying in total! 
I’ve already had brief flings with In-N-Out Burger, Walmart, and Target. Loving it here (despite the drizzly weather), and it’s been so good to spend time with my family! Still freaking out over driving on the other side of the road, and how massive food and drink is 😂
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taylorannaw · 9 years
Bags are packed. Alarm set for 3:30am tomorrow. Bring on the three flights ahead of me 😱
America, here I come! 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
We’re getting closer.
I fly out of Auckland in 6 days - USA and Disney World bound. The hot question everyone has been asking me this week is, “have you started packing yet?!” My answer is still no. Procrastinators unite. 
But as my departure date has quickly crept up on me, I have to say I’m experiencing a few moments of anxiety. Not cold feet as such, because there is no way in hell I’m backing out of this, but just typical me stressing over little things. 
Before my adventure starts, I already know it will be life-changing for me. Be that for better or (financially) worse. This will be my first time flying overseas alone. I’m going to experience unknown cities with unfamiliar people. At 20 years old I’m actually moving out of home and will have to fend for myself. Can I survive solely on mince-based dinners? Oh, I can also whip up a mean spaghetti mixed with pesto. What if I can’t afford pesto on my lowly Disney wage?! What if I can’t figure out how to use the washing machines over there? Should I just hand wash my things like it’s 1850?! Someone teach me how to be an adult, real quick. 
With an upcoming departure, I have already had a few teary goodbyes with friends, grandparents, aunties, cousins, and work mates. I cry a lot, so goodbyes are never easy for me, but this time round has been particularly hard. I’m leaving my job of more than 2 years. I won’t get to see my grandparents for months.  
It has been a weird week filled with mixed emotions. Like the joy of Christmas and spending time with family, but then the realisation that I might not be home next Christmas; and my general lacklustre for New Years, combated with my excitement for what’s ahead in 2016. 
I’m not really sure what the point of this blog post was meant to be. Feelings? Real talk? Whatever you want to call it. Excuse me while I worry about how many packets of Whittakers chocolate and Tim Tams I need to pack in my suitcase. 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
West coast road trip
Before I knuckle down at Disney World, I’m visiting the west coast of America for about three weeks (5-23 January). To fulfil some of this time, I’ve booked myself on to the Western BLT, a 7 day tour with Trek America. Trek are well-known for their small group and camping tours - I like camping in small doses, but I’ve opted to splash out a little more for one of their Budget Lodging Tours where I’ll be staying in hotels and hostels. Hot showers and an actual roof over your head at the end of the day? Yes, please.
My trip itinerary is jam-packed, and it looks a little something like this:
Day 1-2: San Francisco and Yosemite National Park
Day 3-4: Las Vegas, baby. 
Day 5: Grand Canyon National Park. Oh my lord, you have no idea how pumped I am to see the Grand Canyon. I will be an emotional wreck on this day.  
Day 6: Colorado River
Day 7: Los Angeles 
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I’ve been saving to do a trip like this for SO long, and I can’t believe it’s actually going to happen! I’ve also booked on this tour alone, so I’m very excited to get out there and step out of my comfort zone, meet new people, and experience the best of what the west coast has to offer! 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
And voila! I’ve uploaded all my documents and input all the information that’s needed for DOCs. Here’s what a completed screen looks like so far.
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DOC stands for Disney Onboarding Central. Once you’ve been accepted, you’ll be required to make a DOC account. 
Pro tip: make sure you write down all your usernames and passwords for everything Disney related! Keep that info somewhere safe, obviously. If you’re like me and have the memory of a goldfish, you can thank me later. You will log in to DOC quite frequently, but along with this, there’s your original Disney IP account, the candidate portal, and DORMS (Disney Onsite Resident Management System). 
Pro tip #2: keep logging back in to DOC frequently, especially after you’ve uploaded your proof of student status form. My first upload of this was rejected,  but you do not get an email notification when this happens. Ensuring all your docs are up to date means Disney can process your visa paperwork and any other relevant documentation faster. 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
T-minus 1 month
Um, excuse me... how is it December already?! So crazy that in one month I’ll have packed my entire life into two suitcases, ready to take on the US for at least five months. Work has been keeping me very busy since I finished uni, so while it’s been great to earn all this extra moolah, it still hasn't fully hit me that in 30 days I’m moving out of home and flying overseas by myself for the first time! 
A couple of weeks ago I met up with some fellow Aucklanders who are also doing the Disney Cultural Exchange! I had met a few of them before, way back when we had our interviews, so it was nice to see them again and meet some new faces! Everyone was super awesome, and it was a fun day filled with my favourite things: brunch, good chats, and ice cream from Giapo. I got super sunburnt on my right shoulder though because we talked for ages sitting outside at the cafe, so unfortunately I will probably be taking bad tan lines with me to Orlando. Stay sun smart, kiddies. 
I also Skyped with the roommates I’m going to link with! They are all super lovely, and I’m very excited at the thought of flatting with them. 
That’s all the Disney news I have to report on! Hopefully the next blog post I put out will be about my Trek America tour. Get excited x 
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taylorannaw · 9 years
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Disney Hero-Villain Faceswaps
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taylorannaw · 9 years
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