#as bad as the holocaust deniers and japanese apologists
PLEASE DO NOT interact if you fit, are related to, are linked to, or identify as ANY of the descriptors below. Thanks.
If you do interact and I find that you do fit ANY of these descriptors, I reserve the right to block you and/or report you, depending on the severity of the tag you fit (I won’t report most kink blogs, for instance, but children deserve to feel safe so I will report any blog that is run by a pedophile or openly identifies as anything related to them).
Anyone who is a “bad faith actor” is not welcome. Generally this applies to concepts like politics, feminism, equality, etc. (If you are a “good faith actor” for any of these groups or others, then you are welcome! It’s the ones that aren’t being legitimate that I take issue with here.)
Extremism of any kind will not be tolerated. Most groups - with some exceptions below - are not extreme in nature. It’s the extremists that I find issue with. As an arbitrary example, if you belong to an Abrahamic religion (Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc.) you are welcome here... unless you fall into the category of extremist (for example, if you think that EVERYONE MUST convert to your religion and if they don’t they deserve to be murdered). Another example is feminism. You can be a feminist, and I don’t care how you identify - but if you are a radical feminist who claims that men deserve to be put to death simply for being men when they are doing nothing to you or other women to oppress them, then we have an issue.
As mentioned already, though, some groups just will not be tolerated or accepted here due to them being morally corrupt and unsafe by nature. Are there people who belong to these groups who are safe? Perhaps... in extremely rare cases. But most that I have seen and come into contact with are most certainly NOT safe and will not be welcomed to this blog.
Here is the short version:
- DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl
- MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy
- DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy
- MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl
- CGL/Care Giver Little
- ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover
- Ageplay
- ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW
- Kink or kink-related
- Petplay
- Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime - such as rape or murder)
- Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being)
- Transgender Pee Kink
- ANY kink revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements
- Rabiosexuality
- Anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum
- Necrophilia
- Trad-wife
- Trad-fem
- RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
- Project Truth
- René Guyon Society
- Pedophile
- Pederast
- P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression)
- Pedophile/Pedarest Apologists and Sympathizers
- ANY other glorification of attraction to children
- The aesthetics of Nymphet (also called nymphette, jailbait, doelette, coquette) and Faunlet
- Ero Kawaii (Japanese subculture that combines Western notions of sexiness and Japanese cuteness)
- Hospitalcore/Medcore
- Itami Kawaii (subgenre of kawaii that focuses on depressing and sad topics and imagery)
- Pukecore
- Yanderecore
- Body Horror
- Rape/Rapists
- Rape/Rapist Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incest
- Incest Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incels
- Incel Apologists and Sympathizers
- MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way
- Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality”
- People who claim to be “red-pilled”
- If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline”
- Pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise)
- If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay
- If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide
- Beastiality
- Zoophilia
- Pro-animal abuse of any kind
- Pro-hunting-for-sport or pro-fishing-for-sport
- Extreme vegans or extreme vegetarians who believe humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or are against hunting for necessary reasons
- Anti-feminism or anti-feminist
- Anti-egalitarianism
- Holocaust Deniers
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers’ Party apologists and sympathizers
- Nazis
- Neonazis
- Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Einsatzgruppen
- Schutzstaffel
- SS-Totenkopfverbände
- “Good Germans”
- Anything to do with the right-facing Swastika
- Bigotry of any kind (particularly against legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders)
- Otherkin
- Otherkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- Fictionkin
- Fictionkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults
- Support Autism Speaks
- Support PETA
- Support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro
- Belligerent antivaxxers
- Anyone who believes vaccines cause autism
- Anyone who is an extremist when it comes to abortion (pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts)
- Exclusionists
- Racists
- Sexisists
- Porn blogs - hardcore or softcore
- Any undue bigotry towards sex workers
- Any people or blogs that glorify eating disorders
- Fatphobia
- Thinphobia
- Ableism/being mean to or oppressing Disabled people
- Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights
- Anyone who unironically uses the terms “hearing loss” and “hearing impaired,” unless the d/Deaf person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way
- Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture
- People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. (Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid.)
Here is the long version with specifics and clarification for anyone who needs them:
DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl, MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy, DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy, MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl, CGL/Care Giver Little, ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Ageplay, or ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW. Yes, this does include anyone who calls someone Daddy or Mommy in a NSFW or sexual way. (SFW Littlespace or people who need Age Regression due to extreme trauma or other underlying issues are welcome and accepted here!) If you claim to be a SFW Littlespace or Age Regressor but are actually NSFW, I will immediately report and block you. Children and those who need these safe spaces deserve to be safe.
IPCE, NAMBLA, CSC, Project Truth, René Guyon Society, MAP, NoMAP/NMAP, SoMAP, Pedophile, Pederast, P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression), or ANY other glorification of attraction to children. Children cannot consent in ANY situation. Children/Underage individuals - 0-17 years - deserve to be safe. Monsters who would compromise their safety aren’t EVER welcomed here.
If you are interested in or a part of the following aesthetics, stay away from me and my blog: Nymphet and/or Faunlet, Ero Kawaii, Hospitalcore, Itami Kawaii, Pukecore, Yanderecore, and Body Horror.
Rape or Incest blogs... or people who find no issues with these things. Also, rape apologists and sympathizers and incest apologists and sympathizers. Y’all are morally deprived and will NEVER be welcome here.
Incels, as well as Incel apologists and sympathizers will NEVER be welcome here. You know where the door is and can show yourself out.
MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way - While this started off as a great idea to teach men that it is okay to be single and still enjoy life without a girlfriend or boyfriend, it quickly spun out of control when incels got involved. For that reason, please don’t interact with me if you are a part of this group.
Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality” please don’t ever interact with me. Any man who claims to belong to these labels generally only wants to control women and not respect them. There’s the door, morons.
People who claim to be “red-pilled” but instead just use the label to excuse bad behavior towards women and other marginalized groups.
If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline” you are NOT welcome here and you NEVER will be. Child abuse includes emotional, psychological, mental, financial, physical, and sexual abuse. It also includes spanking. If you are pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise), DO NOT INTERACT with this blog or with me.
If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay, GFY.
If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide, do not interact.
Bestiality or Zoophilia. Animals cannot offer or accept consent, so y’all ain’t welcome here.
People who are pro-animal abuse are not welcome. NOTE: I am not vegan or vegetarian. I am, however, staunchly against animal abuse. I am also against hunting and fishing unless it absolutely must be done - say, for example, if you are stranded somewhere and you are freezing cold and you kill an animal and skin it so you won’t freeze to death, and you then use the animal as food as well, and try to use every part of it for some purpose. That is okay in my book! But if you go out and just kill an animal because you can, or because you want some trophy on your wall? That is awful. If you are an extreme vegan or extreme vegetarian who believes humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or you are against hunting for necessary reasons, do not interact with me.
Kink or Kink-related people or blogs. Some specific kinks that are DEFINITELY NOT welcome are Petplay, Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime—such as rape or murder), Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being), Transgender Pee Fetish, ANY fetish revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements, Rabiosexuality, anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum, and Necrophilia.
Trad-Wife or Trad-Fem. (These individuals may have some good ones among them who are good faith actors and are not claiming moral superiority over anyone, or those who legitimately enjoy the fashion around this type of behavior, but most will not be welcome due to their extremism, anti-feminism, and anti-egalitarianism.)
RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
Anyone who is anti-feminism, anti-feminist, or anti-egalitarianism.
Holocaust Deniers, NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members or apologists or sympathizers, Nazis, Neonazis, Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Einsatzgruppen, Schutzstaffel, SS-Totenkopfverbände, and “Good Germans.” Also, anything to do with the right-facing Swastika - the one used by the Nazis as a symbol that was stolen and changed from the original one that was used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. (As someone with German heritage myself, I find extreme offense to anyone who adheres to these ideologies. Don’t ever interact with me.)
Bigotry of any kind, but particularly against certain legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders. (Notice I said LEGITIMATE. There are some identities that I do not accept, like Fictionkin, Animekin, Otherkin, etc. If you are a LEGIT identity, like Genderfluid or Asexual, for example, then you are welcome here and this is a safe space for you. Additionally, I will use any pronouns you want, so long as they are legitimate. I won’t call anyone dog/dogself or tree/treeself but I will call people they/themselves or ey/emself, for example.)
If you are otherkin or are pro-otherkin, especially if you are fictionkin or are pro-fictionkin.
If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults.
If you support Autism Speaks. They are a terrible organization that is not at all for Autistic people’s rights.
If you support PETA. PETA is a nasty organization that steals, tortures, and kills animals. It also spreads misinformation about real animal rights.
If you support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro. He is a despicable human being and should never be supported.
If you are an outlandish and rude antivaxxer or someone who believes vaccines cause autism. (An allergy to mercury and various metals which are often found in vaccines can cause what seems to be autistic tendencies, but that is an allergic reaction and is not really autism. Additionally, being against vaccines for legitimate medical reasons is fine - for example, if someone is allergic to eggs or chicken and thusly cannot get vaccinated due to most vaccines containing chicken embryonic DNA, that is fine. Also, if you are against vaccines for ethical and moral reasons, that is also okay. Animals like chickens, mice, monkeys, cows, and pigs are often inhumanely tested on for vaccinations and also are often hurt in the process of removing the necessary components from them to make the vaccines. Being against vaccinations for this reason is also fine. Being an anti-vaxxer while ignoring science and putting others down who are pro-vaccination is NOT okay and will not be tolerated.)
If you are an extremist when it comes to abortion. I don’t care which side of the argument you are on - I will not accept pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts. I understand “pro-birther” to mean those who claim that people must absolutely NEVER have an abortion, even when it is a case of life and death for the mother and child. It also refers to those who are against the general medical procedure of ectopic pregnancy abortions. I understand “extreme pro-aborts” to mean those who would abort in every circumstance and never want women to have children. It also applies to those who would force or coerce a woman into getting an abortion against her will. It also applies to those who support aborting a perfectly healthy baby due to only its biological sex or some other underlying condition (ex. “I wanted a baby boy and I am pregnant with a baby girl. Well, guess I gotta abort her and try again for a boy!” or “I wanted a NORMAL baby, not one with autism/down syndrome/disabilities/handicaps/etc.”).
If you consider yourself to be an exclusionist and are rude or loud about it. Respectful exclusionists may or may not be welcomed here - that is up to the blog owner to decide upon.
Racism and sexism are not tolerated here under any circumstances.
Porn blogs - hard or soft - and SWERFs, as well as any undue bigotry towards sex workers. (I don’t accept softcore or hardcore pornographic blogs interacting with me and my blog, but I also do not shame people in the industry unless they are taking unsafe measures and not keeping themselves healthy, regardless of gender or biological sex. Don’t shame people if they have willingly chosen such a job. If they were coerced or forced into such a job or are underage, then that is a massive issue that I do not tolerate. But if the person has chosen this work willingly, I won’t shame them for it... so long as they are being safe.)
THINSPO or any other people or blogs that glorify eating disorders. Also, anyone who is fatphobic or thinphobic. NOTE: If you object to being so overweight that you have severe medical problems or no longer have an average human shape (see “My 600 Pound Life” for references), then that is fine. What I mean by “fatphobia” is the idea that society shames, blames, and piles guilt upon those who are overweight or fat. If you willingly call people “porker” or “heifer” or any other nasty terms because of their higher weight numbers, you are NOT welcome here. As for thinphobia, objecting to legitimate medical issues like bulimia and/or anorexia is fine. Calling people “chicken legs” or saying that they “need to fatten up” or “get some meat on those bones” is NOT acceptable. Calling anyone any nasty names because of their lower weight numbers is NOT welcome here. (If you have an eating disorder then you are welcome, so long as you don’t think the disorder is a good thing, that everyone would benefit from having an eating disorder, or if you are refusing any type of help - professional or otherwise - with your eating disorder... may that help be planned for the future or current.)
Ableism. As someone who has PTSD and is disabled, ANY type of ableism - be it for physical reasons or mental/psychological reasons - will not be welcomed here. If you are mean, cruel, or oppressive towards anyone on the Disabled spectrum, please leave my blog alone and do not ever interact with me.
Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights. Please also do not use the terms “hearing loss” or “hearing impaired” when referring to a d/Deaf person unless that person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way.
Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture are not welcome here. (Meme blogs are fine, so long as they don’t make fun of inoffensive interests of people.)
People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid. They are dealing with trauma as well as they can.
14 notes · View notes
PLEASE DO NOT interact if you fit, are related to, are linked to, or identify as ANY of the descriptors below. Thanks.
If you do interact and I find that you do fit ANY of these descriptors, I reserve the right to block you and/or report you, depending on the severity of the tag you fit (I won’t report most kink blogs, for instance, but children deserve to feel safe so I will report any blog that is run by a pedophile or openly identifies as anything related to them).
Anyone who is a “bad faith actor” is not welcome. Generally this applies to concepts like politics, feminism, equality, etc. (If you are a “good faith actor” for any of these groups or others, then you are welcome! It’s the ones that aren’t being legitimate that I take issue with here.)
Extremism of any kind will not be tolerated. Most groups - with some exceptions below - are not extreme in nature. It’s the extremists that I find issue with. As an arbitrary example, if you belong to an Abrahamic religion (Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc.) you are welcome here... unless you fall into the category of extremist (for example, if you think that EVERYONE MUST convert to your religion and if they don’t they deserve to be murdered). Another example is feminism. You can be a feminist, and I don’t care how you identify - but if you are a radical feminist who claims that men deserve to be put to death simply for being men when they are doing nothing to you or other women to oppress them, then we have an issue.
As mentioned already, though, some groups just will not be tolerated or accepted here due to them being morally corrupt and unsafe by nature. Are there people who belong to these groups who are safe? Perhaps... in extremely rare cases. But most that I have seen and come into contact with are most certainly NOT safe and will not be welcomed to this blog.
Here is the short version:
- DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl
- MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy
- DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy
- MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl
- CGL/Care Giver Little
- ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover
- Ageplay
- ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW
- Kink or kink-related
- Petplay
- Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime - such as rape or murder)
- Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being)
- Transgender Pee Kink
- ANY kink revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements
- Rabiosexuality
- Anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum
- Necrophilia
- Trad-wife
- Trad-fem
- RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
- Project Truth
- René Guyon Society
- Pedophile
- Pederast
- P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression)
- Pedophile/Pedarest Apologists and Sympathizers
- ANY other glorification of attraction to children
- The aesthetics of Nymphet (also called nymphette, jailbait, doelette, coquette) and Faunlet
- Ero Kawaii (Japanese subculture that combines Western notions of sexiness and Japanese cuteness)
- Hospitalcore/Medcore
- Itami Kawaii (subgenre of kawaii that focuses on depressing and sad topics and imagery)
- Pukecore
- Yanderecore
- Body Horror
- Rape/Rapists
- Rape/Rapist Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incest
- Incest Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incels
- Incel Apologists and Sympathizers
- MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way
- Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality”
- People who claim to be “red-pilled”
- If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline”
- Pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise)
- If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay
- If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide
- Beastiality
- Zoophilia
- Pro-animal abuse of any kind
- Pro-hunting-for-sport or pro-fishing-for-sport
- Extreme vegans or extreme vegetarians who believe humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or are against hunting for necessary reasons
- Anti-feminism or anti-feminist
- Anti-egalitarianism
- Holocaust Deniers
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers’ Party apologists and sympathizers
- Nazis
- Neonazis
- Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Einsatzgruppen
- Schutzstaffel
- SS-Totenkopfverbände
- “Good Germans”
- Anything to do with the right-facing Swastika
- Bigotry of any kind (particularly against legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders)
- Otherkin
- Otherkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- Fictionkin
- Fictionkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults
- Support Autism Speaks
- Support PETA
- Support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro
- Belligerent antivaxxers
- Anyone who believes vaccines cause autism
- Anyone who is an extremist when it comes to abortion (pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts)
- Exclusionists
- Racists
- Sexisists
- Porn blogs - hardcore or softcore
- Any undue bigotry towards sex workers
- Any people or blogs that glorify eating disorders
- Fatphobia
- Thinphobia
- Ableism/being mean to or oppressing Disabled people
- Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights
- Anyone who unironically uses the terms “hearing loss” and “hearing impaired,” unless the d/Deaf person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way
- Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture
- People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. (Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid.)
Here is the long version with specifics and clarification for anyone who needs them:
DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl, MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy, DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy, MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl, CGL/Care Giver Little, ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Ageplay, or ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW. Yes, this does include anyone who calls someone Daddy or Mommy in a NSFW or sexual way. (SFW Littlespace or people who need Age Regression due to extreme trauma or other underlying issues are welcome and accepted here!) If you claim to be a SFW Littlespace or Age Regressor but are actually NSFW, I will immediately report and block you. Children and those who need these safe spaces deserve to be safe.
IPCE, NAMBLA, CSC, Project Truth, René Guyon Society, MAP, NoMAP/NMAP, SoMAP, Pedophile, Pederast, P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression), or ANY other glorification of attraction to children. Children cannot consent in ANY situation. Children/Underage individuals - 0-17 years - deserve to be safe. Monsters who would compromise their safety aren’t EVER welcomed here.
If you are interested in or a part of the following aesthetics, stay away from me and my blog: Nymphet and/or Faunlet, Ero Kawaii, Hospitalcore, Itami Kawaii, Pukecore, Yanderecore, and Body Horror.
Rape or Incest blogs... or people who find no issues with these things. Also, rape apologists and sympathizers and incest apologists and sympathizers. Y’all are morally deprived and will NEVER be welcome here.
Incels, as well as Incel apologists and sympathizers will NEVER be welcome here. You know where the door is and can show yourself out.
MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way - While this started off as a great idea to teach men that it is okay to be single and still enjoy life without a girlfriend or boyfriend, it quickly spun out of control when incels got involved. For that reason, please don’t interact with me if you are a part of this group.
Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality” please don’t ever interact with me. Any man who claims to belong to these labels generally only wants to control women and not respect them. There’s the door, morons.
People who claim to be “red-pilled” but instead just use the label to excuse bad behavior towards women and other marginalized groups.
If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline” you are NOT welcome here and you NEVER will be. Child abuse includes emotional, psychological, mental, financial, physical, and sexual abuse. It also includes spanking. If you are pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise), DO NOT INTERACT with this blog or with me.
If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay, GFY.
If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide, do not interact.
Bestiality or Zoophilia. Animals cannot offer or accept consent, so y’all ain’t welcome here.
People who are pro-animal abuse are not welcome. NOTE: I am not vegan or vegetarian. I am, however, staunchly against animal abuse. I am also against hunting and fishing unless it absolutely must be done - say, for example, if you are stranded somewhere and you are freezing cold and you kill an animal and skin it so you won’t freeze to death, and you then use the animal as food as well, and try to use every part of it for some purpose. That is okay in my book! But if you go out and just kill an animal because you can, or because you want some trophy on your wall? That is awful. If you are an extreme vegan or extreme vegetarian who believes humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or you are against hunting for necessary reasons, do not interact with me.
Kink or Kink-related people or blogs. Some specific kinks that are DEFINITELY NOT welcome are Petplay, Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime—such as rape or murder), Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being), Transgender Pee Fetish, ANY fetish revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements, Rabiosexuality, anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum, and Necrophilia.
Trad-Wife or Trad-Fem. (These individuals may have some good ones among them who are good faith actors and are not claiming moral superiority over anyone, or those who legitimately enjoy the fashion around this type of behavior, but most will not be welcome due to their extremism, anti-feminism, and anti-egalitarianism.)
RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
Anyone who is anti-feminism, anti-feminist, or anti-egalitarianism.
Holocaust Deniers, NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members or apologists or sympathizers, Nazis, Neonazis, Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Einsatzgruppen, Schutzstaffel, SS-Totenkopfverbände, and “Good Germans.” Also, anything to do with the right-facing Swastika - the one used by the Nazis as a symbol that was stolen and changed from the original one that was used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. (As someone with German heritage myself, I find extreme offense to anyone who adheres to these ideologies. Don’t ever interact with me.)
Bigotry of any kind, but particularly against certain legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders. (Notice I said LEGITIMATE. There are some identities that I do not accept, like Fictionkin, Animekin, Otherkin, etc. If you are a LEGIT identity, like Genderfluid or Asexual, for example, then you are welcome here and this is a safe space for you. Additionally, I will use any pronouns you want, so long as they are legitimate. I won’t call anyone dog/dogself or tree/treeself but I will call people they/themselves or ey/emself, for example.)
If you are otherkin or are pro-otherkin, especially if you are fictionkin or are pro-fictionkin.
If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults.
If you support Autism Speaks. They are a terrible organization that is not at all for Autistic people’s rights.
If you support PETA. PETA is a nasty organization that steals, tortures, and kills animals. It also spreads misinformation about real animal rights.
If you support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro. He is a despicable human being and should never be supported.
If you are an outlandish and rude antivaxxer or someone who believes vaccines cause autism. (An allergy to mercury and various metals which are often found in vaccines can cause what seems to be autistic tendencies, but that is an allergic reaction and is not really autism. Additionally, being against vaccines for legitimate medical reasons is fine - for example, if someone is allergic to eggs or chicken and thusly cannot get vaccinated due to most vaccines containing chicken embryonic DNA, that is fine. Also, if you are against vaccines for ethical and moral reasons, that is also okay. Animals like chickens, mice, monkeys, cows, and pigs are often inhumanely tested on for vaccinations and also are often hurt in the process of removing the necessary components from them to make the vaccines. Being against vaccinations for this reason is also fine. Being an anti-vaxxer while ignoring science and putting others down who are pro-vaccination is NOT okay and will not be tolerated.)
If you are an extremist when it comes to abortion. I don’t care which side of the argument you are on - I will not accept pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts. I understand “pro-birther” to mean those who claim that people must absolutely NEVER have an abortion, even when it is a case of life and death for the mother and child. It also refers to those who are against the general medical procedure of ectopic pregnancy abortions. I understand “extreme pro-aborts” to mean those who would abort in every circumstance and never want women to have children. It also applies to those who would force or coerce a woman into getting an abortion against her will. It also applies to those who support aborting a perfectly healthy baby due to only its biological sex or some other underlying condition (ex. “I wanted a baby boy and I am pregnant with a baby girl. Well, guess I gotta abort her and try again for a boy!” or “I wanted a NORMAL baby, not one with autism/down syndrome/disabilities/handicaps/etc.”).
If you consider yourself to be an exclusionist and are rude or loud about it. Respectful exclusionists may or may not be welcomed here - that is up to the blog owner to decide upon.
Racism and sexism are not tolerated here under any circumstances.
Porn blogs - hard or soft - and SWERFs, as well as any undue bigotry towards sex workers. (I don’t accept softcore or hardcore pornographic blogs interacting with me and my blog, but I also do not shame people in the industry unless they are taking unsafe measures and not keeping themselves healthy, regardless of gender or biological sex. Don’t shame people if they have willingly chosen such a job. If they were coerced or forced into such a job or are underage, then that is a massive issue that I do not tolerate. But if the person has chosen this work willingly, I won’t shame them for it... so long as they are being safe.)
THINSPO or any other people or blogs that glorify eating disorders. Also, anyone who is fatphobic or thinphobic. NOTE: If you object to being so overweight that you have severe medical problems or no longer have an average human shape (see “My 600 Pound Life” for references), then that is fine. What I mean by “fatphobia” is the idea that society shames, blames, and piles guilt upon those who are overweight or fat. If you willingly call people “porker” or “heifer” or any other nasty terms because of their higher weight numbers, you are NOT welcome here. As for thinphobia, objecting to legitimate medical issues like bulimia and/or anorexia is fine. Calling people “chicken legs” or saying that they “need to fatten up” or “get some meat on those bones” is NOT acceptable. Calling anyone any nasty names because of their lower weight numbers is NOT welcome here. (If you have an eating disorder then you are welcome, so long as you don’t think the disorder is a good thing, that everyone would benefit from having an eating disorder, or if you are refusing any type of help - professional or otherwise - with your eating disorder... may that help be planned for the future or current.)
Ableism. As someone who has PTSD and is disabled, ANY type of ableism - be it for physical reasons or mental/psychological reasons - will not be welcomed here. If you are mean, cruel, or oppressive towards anyone on the Disabled spectrum, please leave my blog alone and do not ever interact with me.
Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights. Please also do not use the terms “hearing loss” or “hearing impaired” when referring to a d/Deaf person unless that person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way.
Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture are not welcome here. (Meme blogs are fine, so long as they don’t make fun of inoffensive interests of people.)
People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid. They are dealing with trauma as well as they can.
4 notes · View notes
depressedcheesepuff · 4 years
PLEASE DO NOT interact if you fit, are related to, are linked to, or identify as ANY of the descriptors below. Thanks.
If you do interact and I find that you do fit ANY of these descriptors, I reserve the right to block you and/or report you, depending on the severity of the tag you fit (I won’t report most kink blogs, for instance, but children deserve to feel safe so I will report any blog that is run by a pedophile or openly identifies as anything related to them).
Anyone who is a “bad faith actor” is not welcome. Generally this applies to concepts like politics, feminism, equality, etc. (If you are a “good faith actor” for any of these groups or others, then you are welcome! It’s the ones that aren’t being legitimate that I take issue with here.)
Extremism of any kind will not be tolerated. Most groups - with some exceptions below - are not extreme in nature. It’s the extremists that I find issue with. As an arbitrary example, if you belong to an Abrahamic religion (Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc.) you are welcome here... unless you fall into the category of extremist (for example, if you think that EVERYONE MUST convert to your religion and if they don’t they deserve to be murdered). Another example is feminism. You can be a feminist, and I don’t care how you identify - but if you are a radical feminist who claims that men deserve to be put to death simply for being men when they are doing nothing to you or other women to oppress them, then we have an issue.
As mentioned already, though, some groups just will not be tolerated or accepted here due to them being morally corrupt and unsafe by nature. Are there people who belong to these groups who are safe? Perhaps... in extremely rare cases. But most that I have seen and come into contact with are most certainly NOT safe and will not be welcomed to this blog.
Here is the short version:
- DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl
- MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy
- DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy
- MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl
- CGL/Care Giver Little
- ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover
- Ageplay
- ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW
- Kink or kink-related
- Petplay
- Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime - such as rape or murder)
- Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being)
- Transgender Pee Kink
- ANY kink revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements
- Rabiosexuality
- Anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum
- Necrophilia
- Trad-wife
- Trad-fem
- RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
- Project Truth
- René Guyon Society
- Pedophile
- Pederast
- P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression)
- Pedophile/Pedarest Apologists and Sympathizers
- ANY other glorification of attraction to children
- The aesthetics of Nymphet (also called nymphette, jailbait, doelette, coquette) and Faunlet
- Ero Kawaii (Japanese subculture that combines Western notions of sexiness and Japanese cuteness)
- Hospitalcore/Medcore
- Itami Kawaii (subgenre of kawaii that focuses on depressing and sad topics and imagery)
- Pukecore
- Yanderecore
- Body Horror
- Rape/Rapists
- Rape/Rapist Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incest
- Incest Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incels
- Incel Apologists and Sympathizers
- MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way
- Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality”
- People who claim to be “red-pilled”
- If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline”
- Pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise)
- If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay
- If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide
- Beastiality
- Zoophilia
- Pro-animal abuse of any kind
- Pro-hunting-for-sport or pro-fishing-for-sport
- Extreme vegans or extreme vegetarians who believe humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or are against hunting for necessary reasons
- Anti-feminism or anti-feminist
- Anti-egalitarianism
- Holocaust Deniers
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers’ Party apologists and sympathizers
- Nazis
- Neonazis
- Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Einsatzgruppen
- Schutzstaffel
- SS-Totenkopfverbände
- “Good Germans”
- Anything to do with the right-facing Swastika
- Bigotry of any kind (particularly against legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders)
- Otherkin
- Otherkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- Fictionkin
- Fictionkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults
- Support Autism Speaks
- Support PETA
- Support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro
- Belligerent antivaxxers
- Anyone who believes vaccines cause autism
- Anyone who is an extremist when it comes to abortion (pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts)
- Exclusionists
- Racists
- Sexisists
- Porn blogs - hardcore or softcore
- Any undue bigotry towards sex workers
- Any people or blogs that glorify eating disorders
- Fatphobia
- Thinphobia
- Ableism/being mean to or oppressing Disabled people
- Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights
- Anyone who unironically uses the terms “hearing loss” and “hearing impaired,” unless the d/Deaf person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way
- Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture
- People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. (Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid.)
Here is the long version with specifics and clarification for anyone who needs them:
DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl, MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy, DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy, MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl, CGL/Care Giver Little, ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Ageplay, or ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW. Yes, this does include anyone who calls someone Daddy or Mommy in a NSFW or sexual way. (SFW Littlespace or people who need Age Regression due to extreme trauma or other underlying issues are welcome and accepted here!) If you claim to be a SFW Littlespace or Age Regressor but are actually NSFW, I will immediately report and block you. Children and those who need these safe spaces deserve to be safe.
IPCE, NAMBLA, CSC, Project Truth, René Guyon Society, MAP, NoMAP/NMAP, SoMAP, Pedophile, Pederast, P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression), or ANY other glorification of attraction to children. Children cannot consent in ANY situation. Children/Underage individuals - 0-17 years - deserve to be safe. Monsters who would compromise their safety aren’t EVER welcomed here.
If you are interested in or a part of the following aesthetics, stay away from me and my blog: Nymphet and/or Faunlet, Ero Kawaii, Hospitalcore, Itami Kawaii, Pukecore, Yanderecore, and Body Horror.
Rape or Incest blogs... or people who find no issues with these things. Also, rape apologists and sympathizers and incest apologists and sympathizers. Y’all are morally deprived and will NEVER be welcome here.
Incels, as well as Incel apologists and sympathizers will NEVER be welcome here. You know where the door is and can show yourself out.
MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way - While this started off as a great idea to teach men that it is okay to be single and still enjoy life without a girlfriend or boyfriend, it quickly spun out of control when incels got involved. For that reason, please don’t interact with me if you are a part of this group.
Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality” please don’t ever interact with me. Any man who claims to belong to these labels generally only wants to control women and not respect them. There’s the door, morons.
People who claim to be “red-pilled” but instead just use the label to excuse bad behavior towards women and other marginalized groups.
If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline” you are NOT welcome here and you NEVER will be. Child abuse includes emotional, psychological, mental, financial, physical, and sexual abuse. It also includes spanking. If you are pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise), DO NOT INTERACT with this blog or with me.
If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay, GFY.
If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide, do not interact.
Bestiality or Zoophilia. Animals cannot offer or accept consent, so y’all ain’t welcome here.
People who are pro-animal abuse are not welcome. NOTE: I am not vegan or vegetarian. I am, however, staunchly against animal abuse. I am also against hunting and fishing unless it absolutely must be done - say, for example, if you are stranded somewhere and you are freezing cold and you kill an animal and skin it so you won’t freeze to death, and you then use the animal as food as well, and try to use every part of it for some purpose. That is okay in my book! But if you go out and just kill an animal because you can, or because you want some trophy on your wall? That is awful. If you are an extreme vegan or extreme vegetarian who believes humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or you are against hunting for necessary reasons, do not interact with me.
Kink or Kink-related people or blogs. Some specific kinks that are DEFINITELY NOT welcome are Petplay, Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime—such as rape or murder), Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being), Transgender Pee Fetish, ANY fetish revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements, Rabiosexuality, anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum, and Necrophilia.
Trad-Wife or Trad-Fem. (These individuals may have some good ones among them who are good faith actors and are not claiming moral superiority over anyone, or those who legitimately enjoy the fashion around this type of behavior, but most will not be welcome due to their extremism, anti-feminism, and anti-egalitarianism.)
RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
Anyone who is anti-feminism, anti-feminist, or anti-egalitarianism.
Holocaust Deniers, NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members or apologists or sympathizers, Nazis, Neonazis, Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Einsatzgruppen, Schutzstaffel, SS-Totenkopfverbände, and “Good Germans.” Also, anything to do with the right-facing Swastika - the one used by the Nazis as a symbol that was stolen and changed from the original one that was used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. (As someone with German heritage myself, I find extreme offense to anyone who adheres to these ideologies. Don’t ever interact with me.)
Bigotry of any kind, but particularly against certain legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders. (Notice I said LEGITIMATE. There are some identities that I do not accept, like Fictionkin, Animekin, Otherkin, etc. If you are a LEGIT identity, like Genderfluid or Asexual, for example, then you are welcome here and this is a safe space for you. Additionally, I will use any pronouns you want, so long as they are legitimate. I won’t call anyone dog/dogself or tree/treeself but I will call people they/themselves or ey/emself, for example.)
If you are otherkin or are pro-otherkin, especially if you are fictionkin or are pro-fictionkin.
If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults.
If you support Autism Speaks. They are a terrible organization that is not at all for Autistic people’s rights.
If you support PETA. PETA is a nasty organization that steals, tortures, and kills animals. It also spreads misinformation about real animal rights.
If you support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro. He is a despicable human being and should never be supported.
If you are an outlandish and rude antivaxxer or someone who believes vaccines cause autism. (An allergy to mercury and various metals which are often found in vaccines can cause what seems to be autistic tendencies, but that is an allergic reaction and is not really autism. Additionally, being against vaccines for legitimate medical reasons is fine - for example, if someone is allergic to eggs or chicken and thusly cannot get vaccinated due to most vaccines containing chicken embryonic DNA, that is fine. Also, if you are against vaccines for ethical and moral reasons, that is also okay. Animals like chickens, mice, monkeys, cows, and pigs are often inhumanely tested on for vaccinations and also are often hurt in the process of removing the necessary components from them to make the vaccines. Being against vaccinations for this reason is also fine. Being an anti-vaxxer while ignoring science and putting others down who are pro-vaccination is NOT okay and will not be tolerated.)
If you are an extremist when it comes to abortion. I don’t care which side of the argument you are on - I will not accept pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts. I understand “pro-birther” to mean those who claim that people must absolutely NEVER have an abortion, even when it is a case of life and death for the mother and child. It also refers to those who are against the general medical procedure of ectopic pregnancy abortions. I understand “extreme pro-aborts” to mean those who would abort in every circumstance and never want women to have children. It also applies to those who would force or coerce a woman into getting an abortion against her will. It also applies to those who support aborting a perfectly healthy baby due to only its biological sex or some other underlying condition (ex. “I wanted a baby boy and I am pregnant with a baby girl. Well, guess I gotta abort her and try again for a boy!” or “I wanted a NORMAL baby, not one with autism/down syndrome/disabilities/handicaps/etc.”).
If you consider yourself to be an exclusionist and are rude or loud about it. Respectful exclusionists may or may not be welcomed here - that is up to the blog owner to decide upon.
Racism and sexism are not tolerated here under any circumstances.
Porn blogs - hard or soft - and SWERFs, as well as any undue bigotry towards sex workers. (I don’t accept softcore or hardcore pornographic blogs interacting with me and my blog, but I also do not shame people in the industry unless they are taking unsafe measures and not keeping themselves healthy, regardless of gender or biological sex. Don’t shame people if they have willingly chosen such a job. If they were coerced or forced into such a job or are underage, then that is a massive issue that I do not tolerate. But if the person has chosen this work willingly, I won’t shame them for it... so long as they are being safe.)
THINSPO or any other people or blogs that glorify eating disorders. Also, anyone who is fatphobic or thinphobic. NOTE: If you object to being so overweight that you have severe medical problems or no longer have an average human shape (see “My 600 Pound Life” for references), then that is fine. What I mean by “fatphobia” is the idea that society shames, blames, and piles guilt upon those who are overweight or fat. If you willingly call people “porker” or “heifer” or any other nasty terms because of their higher weight numbers, you are NOT welcome here. As for thinphobia, objecting to legitimate medical issues like bulimia and/or anorexia is fine. Calling people “chicken legs” or saying that they “need to fatten up” or “get some meat on those bones” is NOT acceptable. Calling anyone any nasty names because of their lower weight numbers is NOT welcome here. (If you have an eating disorder then you are welcome, so long as you don’t think the disorder is a good thing, that everyone would benefit from having an eating disorder, or if you are refusing any type of help - professional or otherwise - with your eating disorder... may that help be planned for the future or current.)
Ableism. As someone who has PTSD and is disabled, ANY type of ableism - be it for physical reasons or mental/psychological reasons - will not be welcomed here. If you are mean, cruel, or oppressive towards anyone on the Disabled spectrum, please leave my blog alone and do not ever interact with me.
Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights. Please also do not use the terms “hearing loss” or “hearing impaired” when referring to a d/Deaf person unless that person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way.
Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture are not welcome here. (Meme blogs are fine, so long as they don’t make fun of inoffensive interests of people.)
People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid. They are dealing with trauma as well as they can.
1 note · View note
PLEASE DO NOT interact if you fit, are related to, are linked to, or identify as ANY of the descriptors below. Thanks.
If you do interact and I find that you do fit ANY of these descriptors, I reserve the right to block you and/or report you, depending on the severity of the tag you fit (I won’t report most kink blogs, for instance, but children deserve to feel safe so I will report any blog that is run by a pedophile or openly identifies as anything related to them).
Anyone who is a “bad faith actor” is not welcome. Generally this applies to concepts like politics, feminism, equality, etc. (If you are a “good faith actor” for any of these groups or others, then you are welcome! It’s the ones that aren’t being legitimate that I take issue with here.)
Extremism of any kind will not be tolerated. Most groups - with some exceptions below - are not extreme in nature. It’s the extremists that I find issue with. As an arbitrary example, if you belong to an Abrahamic religion (Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc.) you are welcome here... unless you fall into the category of extremist (for example, if you think that EVERYONE MUST convert to your religion and if they don’t they deserve to be murdered). Another example is feminism. You can be a feminist, and I don’t care how you identify - but if you are a radical feminist who claims that men deserve to be put to death simply for being men when they are doing nothing to you or other women to oppress them, then we have an issue.
As mentioned already, though, some groups just will not be tolerated or accepted here due to them being morally corrupt and unsafe by nature. Are there people who belong to these groups who are safe? Perhaps... in extremely rare cases. But most that I have seen and come into contact with are most certainly NOT safe and will not be welcomed to this blog.
Here is the short version:
- DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl
- MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy
- DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy
- MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl
- CGL/Care Giver Little
- ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover
- Ageplay
- ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW
- Kink or kink-related
- Petplay
- Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime - such as rape or murder)
- Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being)
- Transgender Pee Kink
- ANY kink revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements
- Rabiosexuality
- Anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum
- Necrophilia
- Trad-wife
- Trad-fem
- RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
- Project Truth
- René Guyon Society
- Pedophile
- Pederast
- P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression)
- Pedophile/Pedarest Apologists and Sympathizers
- ANY other glorification of attraction to children
- The aesthetics of Nymphet (also called nymphette, jailbait, doelette, coquette) and Faunlet
- Ero Kawaii (Japanese subculture that combines Western notions of sexiness and Japanese cuteness)
- Hospitalcore/Medcore
- Itami Kawaii (subgenre of kawaii that focuses on depressing and sad topics and imagery)
- Pukecore
- Yanderecore
- Body Horror
- Rape/Rapists
- Rape/Rapist Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incest
- Incest Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incels
- Incel Apologists and Sympathizers
- MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way
- Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality”
- People who claim to be “red-pilled”
- If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline”
- Pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise)
- If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay
- If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide
- Beastiality
- Zoophilia
- Pro-animal abuse of any kind
- Pro-hunting-for-sport or pro-fishing-for-sport
- Extreme vegans or extreme vegetarians who believe humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or are against hunting for necessary reasons
- Anti-feminism or anti-feminist
- Anti-egalitarianism
- Holocaust Deniers
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers’ Party apologists and sympathizers
- Nazis
- Neonazis
- Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Einsatzgruppen
- Schutzstaffel
- SS-Totenkopfverbände
- “Good Germans”
- Anything to do with the right-facing Swastika
- Bigotry of any kind (particularly against legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders)
- Otherkin
- Otherkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- Fictionkin
- Fictionkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults
- Support Autism Speaks
- Support PETA
- Support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro
- Belligerent antivaxxers
- Anyone who believes vaccines cause autism
- Anyone who is an extremist when it comes to abortion (pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts)
- Exclusionists
- Racists
- Sexisists
- Porn blogs - hardcore or softcore
- Any undue bigotry towards sex workers
- Any people or blogs that glorify eating disorders
- Fatphobia
- Thinphobia
- Ableism/being mean to or oppressing Disabled people
- Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights
- Anyone who unironically uses the terms “hearing loss” and “hearing impaired,” unless the d/Deaf person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way
- Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture
- People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. (Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid.)
Here is the long version with specifics and clarification for anyone who needs them:
DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl, MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy, DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy, MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl, CGL/Care Giver Little, ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Ageplay, or ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW. Yes, this does include anyone who calls someone Daddy or Mommy in a NSFW or sexual way. (SFW Littlespace or people who need Age Regression due to extreme trauma or other underlying issues are welcome and accepted here!) If you claim to be a SFW Littlespace or Age Regressor but are actually NSFW, I will immediately report and block you. Children and those who need these safe spaces deserve to be safe.
IPCE, NAMBLA, CSC, Project Truth, René Guyon Society, MAP, NoMAP/NMAP, SoMAP, Pedophile, Pederast, P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression), or ANY other glorification of attraction to children. Children cannot consent in ANY situation. Children/Underage individuals - 0-17 years - deserve to be safe. Monsters who would compromise their safety aren’t EVER welcomed here.
If you are interested in or a part of the following aesthetics, stay away from me and my blog: Nymphet and/or Faunlet, Ero Kawaii, Hospitalcore, Itami Kawaii, Pukecore, Yanderecore, and Body Horror.
Rape or Incest blogs... or people who find no issues with these things. Also, rape apologists and sympathizers and incest apologists and sympathizers. Y’all are morally deprived and will NEVER be welcome here.
Incels, as well as Incel apologists and sympathizers will NEVER be welcome here. You know where the door is and can show yourself out.
MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way - While this started off as a great idea to teach men that it is okay to be single and still enjoy life without a girlfriend or boyfriend, it quickly spun out of control when incels got involved. For that reason, please don’t interact with me if you are a part of this group.
Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality” please don’t ever interact with me. Any man who claims to belong to these labels generally only wants to control women and not respect them. There’s the door, morons.
People who claim to be “red-pilled” but instead just use the label to excuse bad behavior towards women and other marginalized groups.
If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline” you are NOT welcome here and you NEVER will be. Child abuse includes emotional, psychological, mental, financial, physical, and sexual abuse. It also includes spanking. If you are pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise), DO NOT INTERACT with this blog or with me.
If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay, GFY.
If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide, do not interact.
Bestiality or Zoophilia. Animals cannot offer or accept consent, so y’all ain’t welcome here.
People who are pro-animal abuse are not welcome. NOTE: I am not vegan or vegetarian. I am, however, staunchly against animal abuse. I am also against hunting and fishing unless it absolutely must be done - say, for example, if you are stranded somewhere and you are freezing cold and you kill an animal and skin it so you won’t freeze to death, and you then use the animal as food as well, and try to use every part of it for some purpose. That is okay in my book! But if you go out and just kill an animal because you can, or because you want some trophy on your wall? That is awful. If you are an extreme vegan or extreme vegetarian who believes humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or you are against hunting for necessary reasons, do not interact with me.
Kink or Kink-related people or blogs. Some specific kinks that are DEFINITELY NOT welcome are Petplay, Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime—such as rape or murder), Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being), Transgender Pee Fetish, ANY fetish revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements, Rabiosexuality, anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum, and Necrophilia.
Trad-Wife or Trad-Fem. (These individuals may have some good ones among them who are good faith actors and are not claiming moral superiority over anyone, or those who legitimately enjoy the fashion around this type of behavior, but most will not be welcome due to their extremism, anti-feminism, and anti-egalitarianism.)
RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
Anyone who is anti-feminism, anti-feminist, or anti-egalitarianism.
Holocaust Deniers, NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members or apologists or sympathizers, Nazis, Neonazis, Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Einsatzgruppen, Schutzstaffel, SS-Totenkopfverbände, and “Good Germans.” Also, anything to do with the right-facing Swastika - the one used by the Nazis as a symbol that was stolen and changed from the original one that was used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. (As someone with German heritage myself, I find extreme offense to anyone who adheres to these ideologies. Don’t ever interact with me.)
Bigotry of any kind, but particularly against certain legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders. (Notice I said LEGITIMATE. There are some identities that I do not accept, like Fictionkin, Animekin, Otherkin, etc. If you are a LEGIT identity, like Genderfluid or Asexual, for example, then you are welcome here and this is a safe space for you. Additionally, I will use any pronouns you want, so long as they are legitimate. I won’t call anyone dog/dogself or tree/treeself but I will call people they/themselves or ey/emself, for example.)
If you are otherkin or are pro-otherkin, especially if you are fictionkin or are pro-fictionkin.
If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults.
If you support Autism Speaks. They are a terrible organization that is not at all for Autistic people’s rights.
If you support PETA. PETA is a nasty organization that steals, tortures, and kills animals. It also spreads misinformation about real animal rights.
If you support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro. He is a despicable human being and should never be supported.
If you are an outlandish and rude antivaxxer or someone who believes vaccines cause autism. (An allergy to mercury and various metals which are often found in vaccines can cause what seems to be autistic tendencies, but that is an allergic reaction and is not really autism. Additionally, being against vaccines for legitimate medical reasons is fine - for example, if someone is allergic to eggs or chicken and thusly cannot get vaccinated due to most vaccines containing chicken embryonic DNA, that is fine. Also, if you are against vaccines for ethical and moral reasons, that is also okay. Animals like chickens, mice, monkeys, cows, and pigs are often inhumanely tested on for vaccinations and also are often hurt in the process of removing the necessary components from them to make the vaccines. Being against vaccinations for this reason is also fine. Being an anti-vaxxer while ignoring science and putting others down who are pro-vaccination is NOT okay and will not be tolerated.)
If you are an extremist when it comes to abortion. I don’t care which side of the argument you are on - I will not accept pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts. I understand “pro-birther” to mean those who claim that people must absolutely NEVER have an abortion, even when it is a case of life and death for the mother and child. It also refers to those who are against the general medical procedure of ectopic pregnancy abortions. I understand “extreme pro-aborts” to mean those who would abort in every circumstance and never want women to have children. It also applies to those who would force or coerce a woman into getting an abortion against her will. It also applies to those who support aborting a perfectly healthy baby due to only its biological sex or some other underlying condition (ex. “I wanted a baby boy and I am pregnant with a baby girl. Well, guess I gotta abort her and try again for a boy!” or “I wanted a NORMAL baby, not one with autism/down syndrome/disabilities/handicaps/etc.”).
If you consider yourself to be an exclusionist and are rude or loud about it. Respectful exclusionists may or may not be welcomed here - that is up to the blog owner to decide upon.
Racism and sexism are not tolerated here under any circumstances.
Porn blogs - hard or soft - and SWERFs, as well as any undue bigotry towards sex workers. (I don’t accept softcore or hardcore pornographic blogs interacting with me and my blog, but I also do not shame people in the industry unless they are taking unsafe measures and not keeping themselves healthy, regardless of gender or biological sex. Don’t shame people if they have willingly chosen such a job. If they were coerced or forced into such a job or are underage, then that is a massive issue that I do not tolerate. But if the person has chosen this work willingly, I won’t shame them for it... so long as they are being safe.)
THINSPO or any other people or blogs that glorify eating disorders. Also, anyone who is fatphobic or thinphobic. NOTE: If you object to being so overweight that you have severe medical problems or no longer have an average human shape (see “My 600 Pound Life” for references), then that is fine. What I mean by “fatphobia” is the idea that society shames, blames, and piles guilt upon those who are overweight or fat. If you willingly call people “porker” or “heifer” or any other nasty terms because of their higher weight numbers, you are NOT welcome here. As for thinphobia, objecting to legitimate medical issues like bulimia and/or anorexia is fine. Calling people “chicken legs” or saying that they “need to fatten up” or “get some meat on those bones” is NOT acceptable. Calling anyone any nasty names because of their lower weight numbers is NOT welcome here. (If you have an eating disorder then you are welcome, so long as you don’t think the disorder is a good thing, that everyone would benefit from having an eating disorder, or if you are refusing any type of help - professional or otherwise - with your eating disorder... may that help be planned for the future or current.)
Ableism. As someone who has PTSD and is disabled, ANY type of ableism - be it for physical reasons or mental/psychological reasons - will not be welcomed here. If you are mean, cruel, or oppressive towards anyone on the Disabled spectrum, please leave my blog alone and do not ever interact with me.
Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights. Please also do not use the terms “hearing loss” or “hearing impaired” when referring to a d/Deaf person unless that person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way.
Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture are not welcome here. (Meme blogs are fine, so long as they don’t make fun of inoffensive interests of people.)
People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid. They are dealing with trauma as well as they can.
0 notes
stimtacular · 4 years
PLEASE DO NOT interact if you fit, are related to, are linked to, or identify as ANY of the descriptors below. Thanks.
If you do interact and I find that you do fit ANY of these descriptors, I reserve the right to block you and/or report you, depending on the severity of the tag you fit (I won’t report most kink blogs, for instance, but children deserve to feel safe so I will report any blog that is run by a pedophile or openly identifies as anything related to them).
Anyone who is a “bad faith actor” is not welcome. Generally this applies to concepts like politics, feminism, equality, etc. (If you are a “good faith actor” for any of these groups or others, then you are welcome! It’s the ones that aren’t being legitimate that I take issue with here.)
Extremism of any kind will not be tolerated. Most groups - with some exceptions below - are not extreme in nature. It’s the extremists that I find issue with. As an arbitrary example, if you belong to an Abrahamic religion (Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc.) you are welcome here... unless you fall into the category of extremist (for example, if you think that EVERYONE MUST convert to your religion and if they don’t they deserve to be murdered). Another example is feminism. You can be a feminist, and I don’t care how you identify - but if you are a radical feminist who claims that men deserve to be put to death simply for being men when they are doing nothing to you or other women to oppress them, then we have an issue.
As mentioned already, though, some groups just will not be tolerated or accepted here due to them being morally corrupt and unsafe by nature. Are there people who belong to these groups who are safe? Perhaps... in extremely rare cases. But most that I have seen and come into contact with are most certainly NOT safe and will not be welcomed to this blog.
Here is the short version:
- DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl
- MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy
- DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy
- MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl
- CGL/Care Giver Little
- ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover
- Ageplay
- ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW
- Kink or kink-related
- Petplay
- Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime - such as rape or murder)
- Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being)
- Transgender Pee Kink
- ANY kink revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements
- Rabiosexuality
- Anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum
- Necrophilia
- Trad-wife
- Trad-fem
- RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
- Project Truth
- René Guyon Society
- Pedophile
- Pederast
- P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression)
- Pedophile/Pedarest Apologists and Sympathizers
- ANY other glorification of attraction to children
- The aesthetics of Nymphet (also called nymphette, jailbait, doelette, coquette) and Faunlet
- Ero Kawaii (Japanese subculture that combines Western notions of sexiness and Japanese cuteness)
- Hospitalcore/Medcore
- Itami Kawaii (subgenre of kawaii that focuses on depressing and sad topics and imagery)
- Pukecore
- Yanderecore
- Body Horror
- Rape/Rapists
- Rape/Rapist Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incest
- Incest Apologists and Sympathizers
- Incels
- Incel Apologists and Sympathizers
- MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way
- Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality”
- People who claim to be “red-pilled”
- If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline”
- Pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise)
- If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay
- If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide
- Beastiality
- Zoophilia
- Pro-animal abuse of any kind
- Pro-hunting-for-sport or pro-fishing-for-sport
- Extreme vegans or extreme vegetarians who believe humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or are against hunting for necessary reasons
- Anti-feminism or anti-feminist
- Anti-egalitarianism
- Holocaust Deniers
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members
- NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers’ Party apologists and sympathizers
- Nazis
- Neonazis
- Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers
- Einsatzgruppen
- Schutzstaffel
- SS-Totenkopfverbände
- “Good Germans”
- Anything to do with the right-facing Swastika
- Bigotry of any kind (particularly against legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders)
- Otherkin
- Otherkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- Fictionkin
- Fictionkin Apologists and Sympathizers
- If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults
- Support Autism Speaks
- Support PETA
- Support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro
- Belligerent antivaxxers
- Anyone who believes vaccines cause autism
- Anyone who is an extremist when it comes to abortion (pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts)
- Exclusionists
- Racists
- Sexisists
- Porn blogs - hardcore or softcore
- Any undue bigotry towards sex workers
- Any people or blogs that glorify eating disorders
- Fatphobia
- Thinphobia
- Ableism/being mean to or oppressing Disabled people
- Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights
- Anyone who unironically uses the terms “hearing loss” and “hearing impaired,” unless the d/Deaf person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way
- Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture
- People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. (Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid.)
Here is the long version with specifics and clarification for anyone who needs them:
DDLG/Daddy Dom Little Girl, MDLB/Mommy Dom Little Boy, DDLB/Daddy Dom Little Boy, MDLG/Mommy Dom Little Girl, CGL/Care Giver Little, ABDL/Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Ageplay, or ANY type of Littlespace and/or Age Regression that is NSFW. Yes, this does include anyone who calls someone Daddy or Mommy in a NSFW or sexual way. (SFW Littlespace or people who need Age Regression due to extreme trauma or other underlying issues are welcome and accepted here!) If you claim to be a SFW Littlespace or Age Regressor but are actually NSFW, I will immediately report and block you. Children and those who need these safe spaces deserve to be safe.
IPCE, NAMBLA, CSC, Project Truth, René Guyon Society, MAP, NoMAP/NMAP, SoMAP, Pedophile, Pederast, P.E.A.R. 🍐 (Pro Expression Anti Repression), or ANY other glorification of attraction to children. Children cannot consent in ANY situation. Children/Underage individuals - 0-17 years - deserve to be safe. Monsters who would compromise their safety aren’t EVER welcomed here.
If you are interested in or a part of the following aesthetics, stay away from me and my blog: Nymphet and/or Faunlet, Ero Kawaii, Hospitalcore, Itami Kawaii, Pukecore, Yanderecore, and Body Horror.
Rape or Incest blogs... or people who find no issues with these things. Also, rape apologists and sympathizers and incest apologists and sympathizers. Y’all are morally deprived and will NEVER be welcome here.
Incels, as well as Incel apologists and sympathizers will NEVER be welcome here. You know where the door is and can show yourself out.
MGTOW/Men Going Their Own Way - While this started off as a great idea to teach men that it is okay to be single and still enjoy life without a girlfriend or boyfriend, it quickly spun out of control when incels got involved. For that reason, please don’t interact with me if you are a part of this group.
Anyone who identifies as an “alpha male” or “alpha male personality” please don’t ever interact with me. Any man who claims to belong to these labels generally only wants to control women and not respect them. There’s the door, morons.
People who claim to be “red-pilled” but instead just use the label to excuse bad behavior towards women and other marginalized groups.
If you support child abuse of any kind or excuse it away as “discipline” you are NOT welcome here and you NEVER will be. Child abuse includes emotional, psychological, mental, financial, physical, and sexual abuse. It also includes spanking. If you are pro-spanking of any kind (sexual or otherwise), DO NOT INTERACT with this blog or with me.
If you are pro-suicide or believe suicide-baiting and/or harassment is okay, GFY.
If you are disrespectful of people who have passed on who were victims of depression or suicide, do not interact.
Bestiality or Zoophilia. Animals cannot offer or accept consent, so y’all ain’t welcome here.
People who are pro-animal abuse are not welcome. NOTE: I am not vegan or vegetarian. I am, however, staunchly against animal abuse. I am also against hunting and fishing unless it absolutely must be done - say, for example, if you are stranded somewhere and you are freezing cold and you kill an animal and skin it so you won’t freeze to death, and you then use the animal as food as well, and try to use every part of it for some purpose. That is okay in my book! But if you go out and just kill an animal because you can, or because you want some trophy on your wall? That is awful. If you are an extreme vegan or extreme vegetarian who believes humanely killing an animal for food is abusing them or you are against hunting for necessary reasons, do not interact with me.
Kink or Kink-related people or blogs. Some specific kinks that are DEFINITELY NOT welcome are Petplay, Hybristophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are contingent upon being with a partner known to have cheated, lied, participated in infidelity, or committed a crime—such as rape or murder), Erotophonophilia (paraphilia in which sexual arousal and attainment of organism are contingent upon the death/murder of a human being), Transgender Pee Fetish, ANY fetish revolving around urination or the passing of bowel movements, Rabiosexuality, anything or anyone on the Virosexual spectrum, and Necrophilia.
Trad-Wife or Trad-Fem. (These individuals may have some good ones among them who are good faith actors and are not claiming moral superiority over anyone, or those who legitimately enjoy the fashion around this type of behavior, but most will not be welcome due to their extremism, anti-feminism, and anti-egalitarianism.)
RadFem or TERF or TWERF (like the ones in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuXrlASic0&list=PL6qeiiywoGbwy8VdT7lHhGSRXa0R7bmkr&index=6&t=8s )
Anyone who is anti-feminism, anti-feminist, or anti-egalitarianism.
Holocaust Deniers, NSDAP/National Socialist German Workers' Party members or apologists or sympathizers, Nazis, Neonazis, Nazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Neonazi Apologists and Sympathizers, Einsatzgruppen, Schutzstaffel, SS-Totenkopfverbände, and “Good Germans.” Also, anything to do with the right-facing Swastika - the one used by the Nazis as a symbol that was stolen and changed from the original one that was used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. (As someone with German heritage myself, I find extreme offense to anyone who adheres to these ideologies. Don’t ever interact with me.)
Bigotry of any kind, but particularly against certain legitimate religions, romantic and sexual orientations, gender identities, neopronouns, neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, and mental disorders. (Notice I said LEGITIMATE. There are some identities that I do not accept, like Fictionkin, Animekin, Otherkin, etc. If you are a LEGIT identity, like Genderfluid or Asexual, for example, then you are welcome here and this is a safe space for you. Additionally, I will use any pronouns you want, so long as they are legitimate. I won’t call anyone dog/dogself or tree/treeself but I will call people they/themselves or ey/emself, for example.)
If you are otherkin or are pro-otherkin, especially if you are fictionkin or are pro-fictionkin.
If you use “autistic,” “gay,” “fag,” “qu*er,” “n*gger,” “ret*rded,” or any similar words as insults.
If you support Autism Speaks. They are a terrible organization that is not at all for Autistic people’s rights.
If you support PETA. PETA is a nasty organization that steals, tortures, and kills animals. It also spreads misinformation about real animal rights.
If you support the YouTuber Onision/OnisionSpeaks/UhOhBro. He is a despicable human being and should never be supported.
If you are an outlandish and rude antivaxxer or someone who believes vaccines cause autism. (An allergy to mercury and various metals which are often found in vaccines can cause what seems to be autistic tendencies, but that is an allergic reaction and is not really autism. Additionally, being against vaccines for legitimate medical reasons is fine - for example, if someone is allergic to eggs or chicken and thusly cannot get vaccinated due to most vaccines containing chicken embryonic DNA, that is fine. Also, if you are against vaccines for ethical and moral reasons, that is also okay. Animals like chickens, mice, monkeys, cows, and pigs are often inhumanely tested on for vaccinations and also are often hurt in the process of removing the necessary components from them to make the vaccines. Being against vaccinations for this reason is also fine. Being an anti-vaxxer while ignoring science and putting others down who are pro-vaccination is NOT okay and will not be tolerated.)
If you are an extremist when it comes to abortion. I don’t care which side of the argument you are on - I will not accept pro-birthers or extreme pro-aborts. I understand “pro-birther” to mean those who claim that people must absolutely NEVER have an abortion, even when it is a case of life and death for the mother and child. It also refers to those who are against the general medical procedure of ectopic pregnancy abortions. I understand “extreme pro-aborts” to mean those who would abort in every circumstance and never want women to have children. It also applies to those who would force or coerce a woman into getting an abortion against her will. It also applies to those who support aborting a perfectly healthy baby due to only its biological sex or some other underlying condition (ex. “I wanted a baby boy and I am pregnant with a baby girl. Well, guess I gotta abort her and try again for a boy!” or “I wanted a NORMAL baby, not one with autism/down syndrome/disabilities/handicaps/etc.”).
If you consider yourself to be an exclusionist and are rude or loud about it. Respectful exclusionists may or may not be welcomed here - that is up to the blog owner to decide upon.
Racism and sexism are not tolerated here under any circumstances.
Porn blogs - hard or soft - and SWERFs, as well as any undue bigotry towards sex workers. (I don’t accept softcore or hardcore pornographic blogs interacting with me and my blog, but I also do not shame people in the industry unless they are taking unsafe measures and not keeping themselves healthy, regardless of gender or biological sex. Don’t shame people if they have willingly chosen such a job. If they were coerced or forced into such a job or are underage, then that is a massive issue that I do not tolerate. But if the person has chosen this work willingly, I won’t shame them for it... so long as they are being safe.)
THINSPO or any other people or blogs that glorify eating disorders. Also, anyone who is fatphobic or thinphobic. NOTE: If you object to being so overweight that you have severe medical problems or no longer have an average human shape (see “My 600 Pound Life” for references), then that is fine. What I mean by “fatphobia” is the idea that society shames, blames, and piles guilt upon those who are overweight or fat. If you willingly call people “porker” or “heifer” or any other nasty terms because of their higher weight numbers, you are NOT welcome here. As for thinphobia, objecting to legitimate medical issues like bulimia and/or anorexia is fine. Calling people “chicken legs” or saying that they “need to fatten up” or “get some meat on those bones” is NOT acceptable. Calling anyone any nasty names because of their lower weight numbers is NOT welcome here. (If you have an eating disorder then you are welcome, so long as you don’t think the disorder is a good thing, that everyone would benefit from having an eating disorder, or if you are refusing any type of help - professional or otherwise - with your eating disorder... may that help be planned for the future or current.)
Ableism. As someone who has PTSD and is disabled, ANY type of ableism - be it for physical reasons or mental/psychological reasons - will not be welcomed here. If you are mean, cruel, or oppressive towards anyone on the Disabled spectrum, please leave my blog alone and do not ever interact with me.
Anyone who is against d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing rights. Please also do not use the terms “hearing loss” or “hearing impaired” when referring to a d/Deaf person unless that person actually has lost their hearing or self-identifies that way.
Cringe blogs/people who support cringe culture are not welcome here. (Meme blogs are fine, so long as they don’t make fun of inoffensive interests of people.)
People who spread misinformation around about DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder or who are anti-DID. Alters are real and valid for people with DID - do NOT call them insane or stupid. They are dealing with trauma as well as they can.
1 note · View note
ferdinandofaragon · 8 years
dreamsaflame replied to your photoset “wow. we have spent the past month learning about ww2 in class and not...”
And there are still people saying we're exaggerating our claims, or fabricating them >:||
ugh really!?! i guess there are always gonna be ppl like that around; it’s a bit disturbing trying to imagine how they could’ve come to such conclusions
0 notes