#as if that MATTERS
londonfoginacup · 8 months
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mintedwitcher · 5 years
Hi yes please stop insisting that people who can get pregnant should just never have sex unless they want a kid ok
First off, it is INCREDIBLY insensitive and dismissive of disabled people in particular (I myself am not physically disabled, so I cant go into detail about exactly how fucked up this is, but maybe someone else would be able to expand on this point?)
Second, other people's sex lives are none of your business, you fucking creeps?????? Stop?????????? Stop trying to dictate what people do, consensually, for recreation??????????????? What is WRONG with you people..??? Are personal boundaries just like nonexistent in your little fantasy world???? What the fuck?
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tiredandwily · 8 years
so I got an email response this morning from the “A League of their Own” people. The email called it  “an irrelevant sports show” lmao, but then rambled on about how the naked girlfriend thing was a quote from David Beckham and nothing would be non-consensual and blah blah; Obvs no acknowledgement of the mistake, JFC
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friedesgreatscythe · 10 years
how do i politely tell my dad i don't want to spend time with his side of the family because they're all racist violent drunks?
no really, how do i do that
because i just had to have a discussion like that now and it didn't turn out well.
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starholm-blog · 13 years
Another Porn Star with no last name to stan for.
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