#as long as i don't dislike them,i can be arsed to use them
rubys-domain · 1 year
i'm going through a phase of "i just want x character out all the time and i just wanna run around with them and bask in their glory" with kokomi. so much so that i'm almost scared that she'll surpass chong as my fave of all time. but i went through a similar phase with cyno so logically i know that that won't actually happen.
still kind of annoying that i can never have this much interest in a meta dps tho. like why are all the characters i have any interest in maining either 4 stars, supports, or just not meta units (cyno, yoimiya)???
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#if i could go back in time and give my newbie self advice#it would be to pick ONE meta (or universally strong) dps. just one. even if i have no interest in them#solely to make my life easier#as long as i don't dislike them,i can be arsed to use them#currently the only 5 star dps's considered strong that i also wouldn't mind using are tighnari and xiao#and they're probably not meta either lmao#childe maybe. i just find childe international boring to play#yeah nilou's strong and i really like her but she's not REALLY a dps. at least not in the traditional sense#xiao needs high investment and better weapons than i currently have#at least cyno can make good use of a white tassel#i mean i guess i already have blackcliff pole but eh...#tighnari i have the event bow. but i also don't know when i'm gonna lose my damn 50/50 to him#nari PLEASE come home i BEG 😭😭😭😭😭#don't get me wrong cyno and yoimiya serve me well. but i didn't use cyno at all until i got baizhu#and by that point i was already capable of giving him the stuff to make him decent#yoimiya's great (she does more damage than alt chong whom i invested way more into which is good but also kinda depressing as a chong main)#i just hate how easily she gets staggered. especially since i haven't been able to build layla very well yet so i still have to dodge#(totm is a pain. geovishaps are a pain. i might have to co-op to farm totm. but being ar 54 ppl might expect me to carry. which i can't)#(and i'm scared of bringing chong to co-op cuz nobody might let me use him. if i bring yoi i might get dunked on for her rn not-great build#(and i literally have no other characters i have that are actually built so i'd just be screwed)#(luckily it's getting added to the strongbox in 4.0. it's not the most efficient but it's definitely the less painful way to farm totm)
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nekrophoria · 5 months
Oc Deep Dive Questionaire - Mel
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Thanks for the tag @nocturnalazure @drawing-way-outside-the-lines and @bool-prop💙
Under the cut, cuz long.
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
He's afraid of horses. I'd say in his case it's a legitimate phobia, they freak him out like nothing else. He's also low key scared of water, especially calm lakes and water surfaces. They make him uncomfortable.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who interrupt others or talk over others, that always bugged the hell out of him in school.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
His plushie fox, Cory, a notebook and his violin, that he keeps dragging around with him for some reason despite not playing anymore.
What do they notice first in a person?
The voice, he's got the habit to only half look at people he doesn't know well so it's the main thing he notices about em.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Depends on how you define pain tolerance. He personally feels like his tolerance is way lower than average At least it used to be. He would cry a lot as a kid whenever he got physically hurt. Way more than most other kids his age. By now he feels like he's at least fairly good at hiding when he's in pain. And his pain tolerance is quite high when it's pain he can control, like self inflicted pain.
I'd say it's a 6,5 for the most part
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Flight for the most part
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
He doesn't really have much of a family left, his mother is dead, his presumed father left when he was young, and he never met any of his extended family on either side.
The people he considers family are Serena, Roy and Roland, although those relationships are...complicated for him as well.
I don't think he values family quite as much as the average person, found family or not  doesn't make that much of a difference to him in that case.
What animal represents them best?
I'd like to say a fox, cuz it's his favourite animal and kinda tied to him story wise, however deep down I know the animal that represents him best is this fucker:
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The Aye-aye.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Disinfectant. Long story short after his latest trip to the ER, smelling that stuff makes him nauseous as hell.
Have they broken any bones?
Surprisingly not. He's sprained his ankles a couple times though.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
....I've got no fucking clue to be honest.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Let's just say he's more likely to be up late than to wake up at a reasonable time.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He generally doesn't like earthy flavors, like beets or mushrooms. He loves chocolate, especially mint.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
First reaction in his head: Fuck. Fuck. FUCK
He'd try to play his initial shock off and pretend to be happy about it, although not very convincingly.
Later he'd probably try to get away without anyone noticing.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Technically yes. He just can't be arsed right now.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Guilt, although he can't fully pinpoint why.
And emptiness, plain and simple.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
He likes fur, but preferably fake or on a living, breathing animal.
What kind of accent do they have?
He's got a Teesside accent. Think Jamie Bell with his accent dialed up a bit.
To be fair though his accent can also switch a bit depending on whom he's around. He's pretty good at imitating accents and tends to adapt to people subconsciously.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
More on the messy side i'd say?
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Idk, you'll be the judge of that.
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This post will be be different from my entire page. It is an information point mainly discussing girls:
As a once perceived female, I have anger. Today I walked down the streets of my beloved town and I remembered the first time I went down it on my own. I was terrified and walking quickly because I heard horror stories and I felt sad about being separated from my family (I got a little bit lost). The FIRST pub I quickly walked past I was a scared object. I don't remember what they said, but it was something about being on my own and a pretty girl and just general catcalling. I was that sort of age where I didn't have any dislikes in food or in people. That must've been the first thing I disliked. I was so scared and it took me a long time to go out by myself.
This wasn't the first time I was sexualised, nor the last. It hurts me the disparage between men and woman, or more apt between men and girls.
May I iterate at this time that there is so much good in this world. Mostly reiterating to me so I don't throw something.
Dance took up a lot of my life when young. At the age of maybe 6 I learned to "sexy dance". Couldn't have been more than 4 when I started this sport and I remember so clearly being told to suck everything in. Ballet does rely on core strength, and I thought there was something wrong with me for having a bum or having a tiny tiny stomach that stuck out in revealing leotards. I was teased by the teacher for having breakfast.
It's one of my earliest memories.
I thought for years this was the fault of the leotar, that girls shouldnt wear such things. Turns out it's the people, the teachers, our unwanted observers.
Today, my boss walked behind me centimetres past me and I froze. His towel brushed my arse a little bit that could have easily been a genuine accident. What wasn't an accident was how close he was to me than his male co-workers. All shift he treated me like an idiot for asking questions about the workplace that I'm new to. I know for a fact that if it was a man asking the same questions that he would be inquisitive and wanting to learn, but I perceived his responses to mean that I am shrill and annoying.
We are taught from a very young age that men are dangerous and it proves to be right. We are taught to fear them all. Never during lessons was I surprised to hear the horrors of the world because it's ingrained from birth.
Half of our population is scared of the other.
Half of our population feel scared when a man is behind you.
Half of our population can't deal with this fear anymore.
We have been crying out for centuries to be taken seriously.
Since women being able to vote, there has been a shift of "women have all the rights already, why do we have to change because of one bad thing that happened?"
We need to change because grown women are afraid to be alone.
We need to change because children get cat called.
Legally, we are equal.
To you, we are equal because we can do the same jobs as you.
We see the ways you treat us differently but we are AFRAID to speak up.
We can't lose our jobs over this. Many do. I was replaced by a boy in my first workplace because he would be stronger than weak little girl. I lost my next job because I spoke out about feeling not safe.
I feel afraid when there's only men in the room. I feel that I can't say anything and I'm helpless. I feel that I'm the idiot, no matter what. One man can make a room full of girls/ women feel threatened.
A 16 year old today was told off because her legs were on display and it wasn't professional. I've seen men bartenders wear shorts all of the time.
There are different standards for you and for i, all because you presume me female.
We don't want to anger you in case you strike out and hurt us.
Because we've all been hurt by people like you.
I implore for the women/ former women to find a single woman who hasn't been scared of a man just waking down the street, just being looked at for too long.
Reply if you have never been scared of men.
Reblog if you have never not been scared of men.
A poem to end this speech.
I don't care who you are
I'm scared of you.
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thescholarlystrumpet · 7 months
New WIP Tag Game!
Courtesy of the wonderful @weirdly-specific-but-ok <3
Give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you love [fiction, non-fiction, from different works or the same, from completed stories or poems or WIPs, from yesterday or ten years ago]. If that seems hard, even one will do. It doesn't have to be perfect. It can just be something silly that gives you joy.
And give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you dislike and find shitty. Anything at all as long as you wrote it. If you think it's ridiculous or absolute fucking garbage, even better! That's the point of this game. To see that we all write good things and bad things. Yeah? You can do this. And remember that both these categories are subjective.
Shitty lines (hard to find not because I don't write them but because I erase them as fast as I can think of a new one...)
They were tree trunks wider around than some men are tall with myriad scrubby looking bushes around them, looking almost like God herself had just throw piles of leaves down haphazardly. (Crowley is accidentally Robin Hood and Strumpet is bad at describing foliage)
"Getting a bit long in the tooth for crawling around on bad carpeting, these days.” Crowley took a beat, shouted something obscene toward the screen, then turned his full attention back to Aziraphale. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that, though. Since I was hoping you assumed I was a ripe twenty-something.” (RHPS WIP, just don't love that last line yet)
“But it was way cool of you. Really.” Newt smiled, a genuine and guileless thing, much like the man, himself. (Glam Rock AU - wanted Newt to awkwardly use 70's slang but google failed me and 'groovy' was too obvious)
Lines I love
 “Do you often scare off audience members?”
“Only the ones with no imagination…” Crowley shrugged one shoulder. “Or the ones who only get on their knees in church.”
Priest AU:
When asked about Miss Device directly, Crowley seemed to give a different answer to every person: 
She’s my long lost aunt.
Sorry, never heard the name. Sounds a bit pretentious.
Wait, you can see her, too? 
Glam Rock AU: (this one needs context)
“I’m not repeating that,” she seemed to be talking to someone else, possibly covering the receiver as she did so. “You’re an absolute terror,” she told the other person before the muffling ceased and her voice was clear again on the line. “Sorry about that. We, uh, I mean I just needed to know if I should stock up on anything for Mr. Fell on Wednesday. Tea? Biscuits? Newt will know what I mean.” 
There was another series of sounds and more poorly stifled laughter, then a familiar voice chimed in, fuzzy and echoing in the background but unmistakable.
“Weetabix! So he can shite out that stick up his arse!”
The woman on the phone covered the receiver again, though not before releasing a snort of laughter, herself. There was a series of shushing noises and Fell knew he ought to simply hang up. The message had been delivered. And then some. 
Tagging @hakunahistata @voluptatiscausa @ineffabildaddy @mrghostrat @kotias @theravenmuse @malachitegrey @captainblou @ineffablyruined @mrscakeishere and anyone else who wants to!
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neriyon · 2 months
as someone who also has FF14 and Bleach OCs, I have to ask... tell me all about Kuro!
Ohhh, I'm always happy to ramble about my fictional children~ But a fair warning, I made Kuro back when I was like, 14 or so. There's been changes since then, but you totally can still see most of that teen edginess lol (also this got pretty long, so I'll hide it under read more)
Also as a quick worldbuilding note: the rp setting he's from throws Ichigo and all his buddies away, so basically none of the canon Bleach events happen. Captains etc mostly stay bc we could not be arsed to come up with that many side characters, and it made things easier to set up. If we want one of our ocs to have a specific seat, we usually just toss the canon character that has that seat to make room ^^' Also everything starts kinda same as canon, with Kuro out hunting a hollow and the guy he's shipped with, Sora (my rp partner's main oc), getting caught up in things (and later discovering his shinigami ancestry).
First, quick picrew pics of him since I don't think I have any of his old art on hand + some basic info:
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(Link to first picrew here and to second here)
Name: Kuroto Hirose Nickname: Kuro, Chibi (by Sora's bff) Age: a lot Race: shinigami Gender: male Orientation: gay Division & Rank: Lieutenant of the 13th Division
Hair: Black, pretty basic short hair with some of his bangs hanging in the middle of his face (what I like to call "basic anime boy hairstyle") Eyes: Dark grey, almost black Height: 154cm (uhhh 5'1" I think?) Tattoos/Scars: No notable scars. Small black butterfly tattoo on his left shoulder. Piercings: Two basic earrings on both ears (small silver rings)
Family: - Older brother Satomi. Very close, often hanging together if their work schedule allows them to. Satomi absolutely adores Kuro, spoiling his brother whenever possible and in general being the overprotective big bro. - Parents (I don't remember their names help) are both dead. Reasons vary a bit with each plotline but usually it's just "killed under mysterious circumstances". Hirose family was one of the 4 Noble Houses, but since the entire household (except Kuro and Satomi) was wiped out the two brothers have mostly just their family's wealth + some general respect left. - Both are basically adopted by Ukitake (and Kyoraku), who knew their parents and was kind enough to look after two young kids.
Zanpakuto: Name: Tsukiakari Type: Light - Basic katana with light blue handle in sealed form, shikai is twin swords. No bankai yet (bc I could never come up with one lol) - I know I've chosen release command as a teen I can't remember what it was efhufhe, we usually just skip them. - Spirit form is a purple haired, tall ikemen type of guy. Often just called "Tsuki". He's generally a nice big brother type, very helpful and a bit playful, but strongly dislikes when Kuro shows any sort of insecurity and just kinda fucks off to pout.
Bonus fun power stuff! Hirose family has some cool hereditary skill that allows them to interact with zanpakuto spirits more closely than others, leading to most of the family having been teachers in Shin'o Academy. Inner world's are only for their owners and their zanpakuto spirit? Nope, Tsuki and Nesaku (Satomi's zapakuto) can go visit other spirits in their worlds whenever they please. If the owner is present, they can (for a short while) drag the spirit outside (visible to anyone). The other spirit can leave whenever they choose to, and both Tsuki and Nesaku refuse to do it again (they tend to side with spirits rather than owners lol). Both Hirose brothers can also take someone along to either their own inner worlds by touching them while meditating, or enter someones inner world with them - again, the spirit there might kick them out if it's in a really bad mood (and the inner world itself may be dangerous).
This was mostly brought on by us liking the spirits shown in canon a lot, so it felt boring that only their owner could see them haha. So, Kuro and Satomi get to be god's specialest children and do these things ( ̄▽ ̄)" But it's also fun to have Tsuki (Nesaku less, as he's mostly mute) as a sort of extra guide/mentor for all the characters (Sora and his bff are very special cases) to figure things out. Also we got to come up with really neat inner worlds! Kuro's is this huge temple that's almost completely submerged: only some high buildings have their roofs/upper floors above water. There's huge full moon 24/7, and you can actually walk on water, but only if Tsuki is in good mood (if he's feeling like ass, he'll make you take a bath haha, so better to stick to the roofs).
What else... uhhhh
Kuro is mostly pretty serious person. He still has some playfulness left, but growing up orphaned made him mature pretty quickly.
He's kind and tries to see nuances rather than follow rules blindly, but prefers to try and keep from breaking rules in the first place (which is directly opposite from the guy he's shipped with, as Sora is very free spirited little hooligan lol).
Very easily embarassed and harbors a very deep inferiority complex ("woow, lieutenant to your own adoptive father? must be easy to have everything handed to you"). Tsuki absolutely loathes this inferiority complex and just flat out refuses to speak, help or sometimes even work if Kuro is spiralling.
Very very affectionate when drunk, will cling to nearest person and most likely fall asleep on them.
Gets pissy when you call him short. Guy who calls him Chibi loves teasing him (he later moves on to tease Satomi, after he figures how to annoy him), and Sora tends to rest his chin on Kuro's head (he's a full head taller than Kuro lol)
Organized. Usually the one that handles most of the paperwork in 13th div, as well as keeps an eye on Ukitake's health (and makes sure he remembers to take his meds).
NOT a morning person. Sleeps like a log (and demands to have a huge bed), takes forever to wake up and gets very grumpy when woken (and usually tries to go back to sleep when you stop watching him).
Not that strong physically, but quick on his feet and good at kido. Using Tsukiakari he mostly relies in quick, weaker attacks (+ blinding enemies with bright lights) that slowly wear the enemy down.
Spends some time in the human world hanging out with Sora and his friends, during which Kuro gets to show how completely oblivious he is to both human and commoner lives ("no butlers? maids? why is the house so small? tf is a tv?")
Most clothes he wears in the human world are picked by Sora (and often a borrowed from him, so oversized)
Both Kuro and Satomi graduate Shin'o Academy rather young (young enough to be called prodigys but not as fast as Hitsu) since both their parents were teachers and started teaching their kids stuff from very young age
I'll end this here since it's already so long aihuiefh. Sowwy anon, there's like years upon years of rp he's seen and like 3 complete restarts to the story when we get stuck (and all of them are currently on hiatus lol) so there's a lot of stuff and most of it is pretty chaotic.
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jamesandmatthew · 1 year
PART 2 chapter 5
from James Schmidl  to Matthew Keller
Dear Matthew,
It was lovely to see you arrive at my doorstep again after such a long period of time. 
I hope you aren't being hard on oscar because of our connection. He's my responsibility and I will punish when I see fit. If hear you've been mean to him, you'll find me on your doorstep.
Oscar tells me you ended up keeping the bed sheets I gave you. This makes me very happy.
Oscar also tells me you haven't really continued where you both left off. This makes me very unhappy. Don't let me get in the way of both of your fun.
He's such a sweet boy, as you know, it would seem a shame if you didn't at least invite him over to sleep in your bed. I don't mean to have sex with him, just sleeping. When Oscar told me how you would curl up in bed together like two little innocents, he had such a happy look on his face. I don't believe anyone could have any joy from lying next to someone else and not at least getting from something them. (God knows I used to find it hard not to molest you in bed.) But Oscar's different from us. He likes simple things like that. He really does seem to lap up any sort of affection even if it's not particularly heartfelt.
But I'm not emailing you about Oscar.
I'm wondering when I might see you next, perhaps you'd like to come over after work to finish that short spontaneous session we started?
And don't even think of responding saying you didn't enjoy it. I had proof on my fingers by the end. As delicious and satisfying as it was, I want more. I want so much more from you.
I miss feeling you squirm on my lap as I raise heat on those fine buttocks of yours.
I miss seeing your legs spread open for me. Or bent over my couch.  I miss you kneeling on the floor, arse up, waiting for me. 
I miss hearing those gasps of pain when I slap you over the knuckles for lack of concentration or those horny moans when I slap your face for encouragement. 
I miss those whimpers of yours and the look in your eyes when I've tied you up and manhandled you into place. You don't understand what they did to me. 
I miss tasting that unique flavour of your orgasm that always dribbled down those fine thighs of yours after a session. 
I miss smelling you after a vigorous fucking.
I have a right to demand you to come see me. You are still my boy.
But I know that right now, you're enjoying the amount of (little) power you feel you have.  You're flexing those little disobedient muscles, and you seem to get a kick out of it for now. That's fine. You can do that. 
I honestly think its rather fascinating, and in you, it's not unattractive. Others…well, they would have felt that cane you dislike so much on the backs of their thighs for it. But in you? It's a bit of tease.
You've had your fun away from me. Enough.
You're an intelligent boy, you always have been. Maybe you're not the 'lay down roll over and thank Sir' sort you were for a little while and i'm thankful for that. But you also need to please. And I want you to please me. I want you to want to please me again. 
I'm interested in you because you think, you test me, you occasionally say no, you play sneaky little games with me, you make me react, you make me think.
Your submission to me means so much. When you submit to me, you've chosen to submit. And it's so beautiful.
I can't make you submit to me. 
It's your choice.
Come see me? 
We can talk. And we'll see where it ends up.. Maybe we might be able to continue where we left off. Maybe it might just a chat about old times and a goodbye.
I miss that mouth of yours.
I miss your beautiful face in my home.
Come home, Matthew.
James. X
To James Schmidl
from Matthew Keller 
Dear Mr Schmidl,
Oscar and I are fine.
But I don't feel like letting your little spy into my bed anymore. It feels dirty and wrong because YOU put him in there. You might well have bugged my room and set up a camera in there.
Is that what you would rather do?
So you could watch me undress and masturbate in bed and hope I was thinking about you while I did it?
So you could get yourself off on the fact?
You're a dirty old man Mr Schmidl, you know that, don't you?
Oscar isn't enough for you?
I know he'd do anything for you. And im sure he does. Im sure he lets you do anything you feel like at the time. And going from my own experience, he's probably getting a thorough education (as well a thorough physical). 
I don't care to know what you do to him. It's none of my business and I really don't want to know any details. Its between you and Oscar and nothing to do with me.
And I certainly hope you aren't being so low as you use my name in any leverage with him.
I think Oscar is who you're looking for. He seems so loyal to you. I happened to speak a few truths about you to him and he all but put his hands to his ears screaming that I was telling him lies! That's what you want in one your little play things, isn't it?
You're his God and your words are the gospel.I imagine you've got him licking the shit off your shoes at the end of the day.
You and I both know that he's a little naïve. And so was I when I met you.
I thought you were the perfect being, and all I wanted was a few little words of encouragement to know you actually saw everything I did for you. It was addictive.
Oscar's told me he's happy to be your little sex toy and whatever else.
I can't persuade him otherwise. Its his choice.
Whatever happens between myself and Oscar is none of your business. It doesn't concern you. And your encouragement means nothing to me. It wont affect  IF i choose see Oscar. It wont affect WHAT Oscar and i do.
He needs a friend and I will be his friend but the idea of you nosing around has completely ruined any ideas we had of becoming anything more.
from James Schmidl 
to Matthew Keller 
Fine, I won't ask about Oscar anymore. I respect your privacy.
But you didn't answer if you'll come see me again for another session. 
James x
Matthew leaned over her lap and she murmured to herself. he made himself comfortable as she asked him if he was OK in a strange sing song way. 
He felt like he was 2 years old about to get his nappy changed.  He felt so uncomfortable.
Fingernails scratching on his arse cheeks. She squeezed his cheek with her fingers painfully, making Matthew cry out and tense up. She kept up speaking in her strange voice. 
She picked up a paddle and rubbed it on his skin before slapping him once with it. 
He buckled. It wasn't a bad experience. 
But the voice…
"you're my little slut aren't you? So slutty," he said, spanking and squeezing Matthew's arse roughly. "Dirty little baby slut wants to get on my cock. I bet you're thinking about my cock right now. You're drooling for it. You want it down your throat, don't you, babe. Cum guzzler." 
Matthew rolled his eyes wondering if he made the right noise, this could be over and done with quickly. 
Matthew cringed as he listened to her speaking to him in a baby voice. She asked too often if he was OK, ripping him out of the scene every time. She asked for permission for every step. Respectful but annoying. He was frustrated. Too gentle. 
Matthew knew he shouldn't have agreed but he was so sexually frustrated. Angry with himself. He loathed him on sight but he thought at least hate sex would be something. 
"You need a good dicking, girl." 
Matthew closed his eyes feeling revolted and angry as his balls slapped against him every time he thrust into him. 
Matthew wanted to scream. Being held in a strangers arms as they hummed at him after a flogging was not his ideal aftercare. All stress that has been erased was back in full force. 
He told Matthew at the start it would be over as soon as he came so he had to hold out. He had dreadful technique and it wasn't doing anything for him. As soon as he realised it wasn't going to get any better, he faked an orgasm. 
He quite enjoyed being blindfolded, hogtied and fucked hard in silence.  But when he turned the light on after it was over and realised they were in a child's bedroom, he wanted to get out of there immediately.
Matthew tried not to laugh at his long leather coat. He looked like he'd watched The Matrix too many times and behaved like he was reading a script. 
This was not going to go well, but he needed a release. 
Matthew felt a bit silly when he was told to kneel and suck her strap. But he played along opening his mouth sucking at the latex covered silicone. Maybe it was just because it was a new experience. He'd never been asked to suck one. Fuck one, plenty of times, but never to suck one. 
She was certainly good at everything else before that. Very pretty, petite but bossy. perfect balance of things. 
He was debating whether she was a good pick. When she mounted him, grabbing his hips and pulling him back onto the strap. He moaned. Maybe she was the right one.
Matthew laid in bed thinking about Oscar and James.
He felt so mad at both of them.
He missed Oscar so much but was furious he'd lied to him and betrayed his trust. He wondered if any if it was real. If he really spent time with him because he liked him and enjoyed his company or if it was all just to get dirt for James.
As for James….
James' behaviour made him infuriated. How dare he keep tabs on him! How dare he make him feel shame.
Especially using Oscar to do it.
…though, Oscar was only doing what he was told.
Would he have done what Oscar did if roles were reversed? If James promised him sexual favours and his full attention, would have done that? would he go along with it for more of that?
He did enjoy the spankings….and the sex… the seediness of it might appeal to him…
Oscar adored James. No wonder he agreed to it. It wasn't his idea or fault.
He felt bad for being angry at Oscar.
But James…
Such devious tactics! 
Though he had to admit to himself being pursued was kind of appealing... James pursuing him especially. 
James who could easily just forget about him and find someone else. He had Oscar and he still wanted him back. James was as much of an emotional fuck up as he was. 
James, who was his safety. James, who looked after him. James who stopped him hurting himself and figured out ways to make him feel better. James who cared about him. James, he ran away from because he professed he cared for him.
…why did he run away in the first place? 
Because he was scared of being cared for? 
No one had said they cared for him before. No one seemed as genuine as him. 
Was that really a good reason to end it?
But he irritated him with his love and seriousness. He wanted uncomplicated James back. He missed uncomplicated James.
He missed kind, affectionate Oscar.
Why did he accept Oscar's affection and not James'?
What if Oscar never wanted to speak to him again?
…and What if James stopped trying to get his attention? He had missed his attention.
He was so lonely.
Oscar sat down across from him at the pub with his beer.
"I didn't think you'd want to see me again."
"Neither did i…"Matthew said. "But I thought about it. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Yes, I did. I lied to you."
Matthew shrugged. "I want you to tell me how this all happened."
Oscar looked uncomfortable.
"I didn't know at the start I promise."
"Tell me what happened."
"I didn't know. He told me that you would be a good friend to have, that's all. For most of the time i thought he was asking for updates to check my progress making a friend..not getting info about you."
"And then what did you do when he pointed me out to you?"
"He showed me who you were on the site and told me to get in contact with you …so I did."
Matthew nodded.
"He said he'd talked to you before and he thought that we would get along. I need friends, god you know I do. Especially someone who would understand."
"When did you find out about me and James?"
"A little while ago. I kept hearing about this guy he had before me. He showed me the collar…"
Matthew lowered his eyes.
"He said that you ran away from him."
"...I guess I did."
"He said he missed you. But I didn't know it was you he was talking about. He kept urging me to see you all the time. And then that night you told me about him. I put the two together. I told him that I knew. He said he wanted to get in contact with you again but he didn't know how. So…he ordered me to tell him what you had been doing and updates, more detailed updates and things… So I did. Im sorry. He made whole scenes out of getting info on you."
"...holy shit." 
"He used you."
"I didn't mind."
"I'm sure you didn't at the time… but he used you, Oscar."
Oscar shrugged. "I got you as a friend. That's not so bad!" 
"You like him, don't you?"
Oscar blushed.
"He makes me feel safe…and wanted."
"Is he mean to you?"
Oscar shook his head. "He's good to me."
"Is he really? Oscar, I was in your position. He was rude. Do you like the rudeness?" 
"Not really. I always feel like I'm disappointing him. But he looks after me," Oscar told him. Matthew flinched. "He's really good to me."
"…and he hasn't collared you?"
"…Do you live with him?"
"No, but occasionally when it's late, I stay at his house."
"…Do you…sleep in his bed?"
"no! God no!" 
Matthew turned away from Oscar so he didn't see him smiling a little.
"... Does he kiss you?"
"No!  Never! That's not… that's…im his boy. I wouldn't ever expect him to...do that. I'm not really allowed to look him in the face! Kissing him? No never. No way. I don't deserve that."
Matthew smiled to himself happy and relieved about this information. The rush of emotions confused him.
"What sort of sex is it? Is it nice?"
"He is gentle with me, but…sometimes he punishes me with it."
"Do you love him?"
"Of course! He looks after me. I would be ungrateful if I didn't!"
"No, I mean…never mind. Do you only call him Mr Schmidl? Not...James?"
"no, I cant call him by his name. I didn't know that was his first name."
"So the bed sheets…"
"What about them?"
"Why did he feel he had to give me bed sheets?"
"He asked me what sort you had. He said you deserved better."
"They're just bed sheets."
"He wanted to give you something luxurious, that's what he said. What he would give you if you were still with him."
"He's nice to you right?"
"Have you had another dom before him?"
"A few mistresses, yes."
"And how did they treat you?"
"Not nearly as good as Mr Schmidl does."
"He's genuinely nice to you?"
"Yes. He said he had to look after boys like me. He said I needed nurturing so I could grow."
"Grow into what?"
"A confident man."
"Come on Oscar, you can do better than that," james growled.
Oscar was exhausted from a long session.
Oscar thought harder, searching his brain. But he's arms were tired from being bound to the bed, arms stretched out behind him. James was kneeling behind him, his arm wrapped around him, playing with oscars cock.  "um… He… He's… he's sad." 
"... Sad in which way?" james asking stroking his back while stroking his balls. 
"he's…depressed…. Feels like his life isnt…he isn't in control. He- He's looking for something…or some one… He feels unfulfilled. He's directionless….he wants a purpose."
James slid his cock into his arse. Oscar whimpered loudly.
"continue…" James said blankly.
"he wants a job… but nervous about being able to have one….to cope… He feels like a fraud looking for employment… doesn't feel employable….and hes having a hard time finding… someone for a dom sub relationship." 
James thrust hard twice into him. 
"... He's found a woman he likes but he's unsure…" 
"In what way?" james asked slowly.
"it's different than what he wants….more body worship… than he wants."
"does she spank him?" 
"yes… very occasionally." 
James grunted, digging his nails into Oscars shoulder. 
"does she fuck him?" 
James thrust into him hard as he scratched him making Oscar yelp.
"is he happy with that?" 
"... She has a… A squirting strap on… He likes that.. .really likes that" 
James growled scratching and squeezing Oscars shoulders. Oscar cried out.
James thought about it as he fucked him harder. 
"He has breeding kink." 
"ye-yes ow!"
"but he's not happy?" 
"not really… He doesn't… feel much… connection… to her yet." 
"like a… transaction. He knows…she doesn't…care for…him….like you did…"
"...but he wants a relationship with her?" 
"no…He's still… looking." 
"good. Continue until I say stop."
"it makes… Him feel…. Bored…oh…oh, sir.. He… Uh… Uh… shes…too distant … he wants to… Go on a date… Not with her… But a… normal… vanilla date… with someone."
"I thought you were dating?" 
"i don't know… Wh-What we are…  sort of… But he…Uhhh…. wants to…uh go on uh, dates." 
"i don't, uh… wants to try…romantic Uh… know-ohhh! Uhhhhh! "
Oscar started grunting and moaning as james concentrated on fucking him. 
" Good boy Oscar."
"I'm glad you agreed to a social session " Mistress tali told Matthew as she sat down. "We really don't know each other and I think it was affecting our play sessions."
"I felt you were not really connecting with me properly. That was my fault. I should have done this earlier, but you wanted strictly play."
"I needed it."
"Hopefully after this they will get better. Tell me more about you. I know why you came to me and I'm not your first."
"can I ask if you've had any previous Doms that really worked?"Mistress tali asked.
"Only one that's really important was my last one. But we ended in a weird way."
"No no, I…ah… he wanted a relationship and I freaked out."
Tali frowned.
"Oh that's sad. He wanted something deeper or wanted to end the play part?"
"He wanted both and I didn't know what to do. We'd been casual before that and...we became very close very quickly. Maybe too quickly. And I wasn't ready."
"That's a shame. Can I ask who it was? O might know them."
"....James Schmidl."
Tali smiled.
"...James schmidl…I know James!" she laughed. "He used to be a student of mine. We've kept in touch."
Matthew nodded, feeling a quite uncomfortable at this news.
"It is a danger of the lifestyle. You do bond in incredible ways. I didn't pick James to be the one to pursue a relationship."
Matthew looked surprised.
"He is quite a no nonsense man."
"Well he went into nonsense."
Tali laughed.
"What ever you say about him is just between us by the way," tali told him before leaning over to him. "But he was a terrible student."
Matthew laughed.
"Not in a didn't learn anything. He was very keen and picked up things very quickly. He was just very tunnel vision. Was a pain to get him to learn anything he didn't want immediately."
"Did he learn about aftercare from you?"
Tali gave him a look and a smile. "I smell gossip."
Matthew laughed.
"Did you go to James' last night?" Matthew asked as he took in the sight of Oscar seating himself down opposite him.
"How did you know that?" he asked surprised. 
"You winced when you sat down."
"Did I? It is a bit sore. "
"How are you feeling?"
"I mean with the…you know… the thorough…lesson in sodomy?"
"Poor boy. You should come home with me tonight."
Oscar stared at him for a moment looking a little confused. "You know, I think I might go home tonight. Sleep in my own bed."
"If you come home with me I'll give you a nice long relaxing back massage. Doesn't that sound nice?"
Oscar moaned at the sound of it. "A back massage? My back is so sore too!"
"Come home with me, Oscar. I'll look after you." 
"I don't know…"
"Think about it," Matthew said drinking his beer.
A few hours later Oscar found himself pinned against the wall of the bar being kissed by Matthew.
He wasn't quite sure how to react to Matthew's tongue in his mouth and his hands in his hair and under his shirt in public. He was all over him wanting his mouth and flesh.
He laid his hands on Matthew's shoulders not sure where else to put them.
This Matthew surprised him. He didn't feel comfortable kissing like this in public but he didn't quite know how to refuse Matthew politely. Especially since he was the one who got him to enjoy kissing so much. He thought it best to just go along with it and hope he didn't disappoint.
It was when Matthew's hands arrived at the front of his trousers that he yelped.
Matthew removed his hand but didn't pull away from him. 
"I think we should…I think we…stop…"Oscar protested, suddenly finding his limit.
Matthew ignored him and began kissing his jaw.
"Matthew…this isn't…not here…"
"Come home with me. Please." 
"I cant."
"Why not?"
"I don't…"
"Come home with me, ill make it worth your time. Promise?"
"I…I  d-d-dont know…."
"I want you, Oscar. "
Oscar looked worried.
"Please?" Matthew asked. "Come to bed with me? I want you to lie next to me. I want you in my bed. I want to go to bed with you."
Oscar looked at him, becoming upset at having to saying no.
Matthew stopped when he suddenly realised the look on Oscar's face. he stepped away from him embarrassed.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry...."
"im sorry," Oscar said.
Matthew nodded, suddenly preoccupied by the floor. "No, im sorry. Mauling you like this. Im sorry. Im drunk. Im sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you. Im sorry. Im sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. I don't mean for you to…oh, shit."
Oscar wrapped his arms around Matthew, hugging him when he saw his miserable face.
"I'm tired," he explained honestly. "I wouldn't be much use to you even if I did come home with you."
"Will you…will you come home with me anyway?"
Oscar held off replying. He felt like jerk for refusing him already.
"I'm sorry about before. Im sorry. I got carried away with the…you know… the kissing…," Matthew told him. "I just kind of want someone in bed next to me. I've just felt so lonely lately."
Oscar started stroking Matthews back gently.
"It sounds stupid, I know," Matthew said pulling himself away from him.  "No, Its ok, its alright. You go home and rest."
"…Are you sure?"
"You wanted to go home and sleep."
Oscar thought for a second, conflicted.
"I can… I can come home with you to sleep. I just cant…you know…nothing else."
Matthew looked at his face so gratefully. "Really? I'd be really happy with that. I wont touch you. Promise. "
"Just sleeping. That's all."
Matthew nodded. "Ok. Thank you"
He wrapped his arms around Oscar. "I wont molest you. I'm sorry about before. I forgot myself."
After period of more apologising, kissing and touching each other in bed, Matthew kept his promise and didn't push it any further.
In the end they snuggled up together, Oscar's frame spooning Matthew's. Matthew drifted off to sleep with his head on Oscar's arm, Matthew's fingers tangled with Oscars. Oscar had his other arm draped around Matthew's middle.
Oscar woke in the early morning to find Matthew's head tucked into his arm, his forehead resting against his chest, his fingers gripping onto his t-shirt. Oscar happily wiggled back into comfort, enfolding Matthew in his arms and tried to doze off again before he really had to wake up.
Matthew brushed his fingers against Oscar's cheek and he smiled sleepily.
"How did you sleep?"
"Good actually," Oscar yawned. "I had a good sleep. I always have a good sleep in your bed."
Matthew pulled himself up to kiss him the once. Oscar returned the kiss which turned into a series of pecks on the lips while they pulled each other's bodies closer, their legs entwining, one of  Matthew's thighs between Oscar's.
They grinned at each other sleepily.
Oscar started wiggling his hips around.
"Uncomfortable?" Matthew asked.
He stopped still. "No, um…"
It was then that Matthew realise he had his thigh against Oscar's erection. He smirked and kissed him.
"Morning glory?"
Oscar coughed and cleared his throat trying to move himself away; Matthew put a hand to his bottom and held him in his place.
"…Do you want me to do something about it?"
"No, its ok, it will go away."
"But maybe we could have fun making it go away?"
A slow smile spread over Oscars face. "Can we?"
"Last person to get their underwear off has to clean up the mess!"
They untangled themselves from each other and rushed to pull their underwear off under the doona, laughing and giggling.
Oscar got his off first with a cry of glee and pulled his out holding them in his hands. Matthew got his off and grabbed Oscars from his hands throwing them onto the floor.
Oscar lifted the doona up to welcome Matthew down on him.
Oscar came above him, holding himself up with a hand on each side of Matthew's head. Matthew dropped his legs down from around Oscar's sides and spread his legs wide breaking contact with his lower body after Oscar pulled out.
Oscar leaned over him lowering his head to rest on matthews shoulder as his thumb stroked his other shoulder as he panted for breathe.
Matthew rolled his head to the side waiting for him to roll off him but he didn't. He stayed leaning over him nuzzling his shoulder, kissing his neck.
When oscar felt matthew try to lift up and move away he pinned matthews wrist above his head.
"Stay for a while,"Oscar murmured.
"I need to clean myself up."
"stay." Oscar kissed his jaw. 
"Why didn't you answer your phone on Thursday?" James asked not bothering to look away from his book.
Oscar was on his elbows and knees,   in child's pose as a footstool under James' crossed feet. He didnt move or respond.
James looked at him and lifted up a foot, pushing it into Oscars ribs. Oscar woke up startled.
"What were you doing Thursday night that was so engrossing that you couldn't answer your phone?" James asked.
Oscar turned his head and looked at him wide eyed. "I was…busy."
James looked at him unimpressed. "…Busy?"
"With a friend."
"And you we so busy with this friend of yours you couldn't answer my call?"
"I didn't hear it ring."
Oscar remembered James phone call coming at a very inconvenient time. It definitely killed the mood a little with Matthew.
James gazed at him suspiciously.
"I didn't hear it ring," Oscar pleaded. "Then when I saw it you, it was too late to call you back."
Oscar squirmed under James disapproving look.
"You've never missed one of my calls before, Oscar."
Oscar shrugged. "First time for everything!" he said sweetly.
James scowled at him. "Answer all my calls in future, please. ."
"Yes, Sir."
James went back to his book.
Oscar bowed his head again.
He wondered when he would be asked to do something other than be a footstool.
He assumed he'd be given some tasks but he was beginning to wonder if he'd been called for just to sit at James feet for the night. Like furniture.  or his faithful dog. After all he did seem to be ordered to fetch things, and he'd been told to 'stand', 'sit' and sometimes 'roll over' enough for him.
Oscar closed his eyes at the realisation.
The last thing would to be collared.
He smiled a little at the thought.
"Are you ready?"James asked
The young man infront of him nodded. He looked so much like Matthew. 
James stroked his neck.
"And im free ti act like its a date?"
"So I don't have to ask for permission for anything?"
"For anything?"
"Within limits."
"Thank you, Sir."
James had gotten dressed in his best black three piece suit and dressed Liam too with what he had. 
They had a quiet long dinner at james' favourite restaurant with a few drinks before standing out in the street outside their next venue.
James ran his hands down the suspenders he'd lent liam and straightened his tie for him, patting the tie bar.
"You'll love it, sir", liam  murmured. "It's my favourite place."
"Do you trust me?"
"I trust you."
"I'm trusting you."
James jerked his head to the door.
Liam took a step forward, james took the opportunity to pat his bottom. Liam grasped his hand.
James knocked on the door.
The door was opened by a woman in perfect 1940's army dress. 
"Schmidl," James said.
She looked down the list and crossed their names off smiling.
"Welcome gentlemen, door to the left. I hope you have a very pleasant evening."
"Thank you."
James took liam's hand again.
Liam smiled and nodded at her as passed.
They walked through a thin corridor filled with Mirrors and little tables with lamps to a red curtain before opening the door.
Inside was dark, with each table a glowing lamp. People in all sort of fetish gear sat at the tables,  booths and standing chatting and drinking. On one side was a beautiful bar,
on the stage was a burlesque performer.
James looked around taking it all before ordering drinks.
"Excellent choice. I wasn't expecting it to be so....nice."
"Its a high class place, sir. i've only been here a few times on….dates."
"I was expecting something...more grotty"
"Only the very best for us."
Liam took the drinks and they moved over to a dark corner.
They sat down and watched. They clapped as the burlesque show ended. 
They chatted and watched the crowd, liam pointing out people he knew, certain outfits he liked, people leading others to another room.
There were a few men sitting on the floor beside well dressed women, a leash in their hands.
James was starting to relax and they had more drinks.
An hour in james was settled, his nerves gone from alcohol.
"there's more, Sir. Should we go into the other room?"
James hesitantly stood up took. Liam boldly took his hand and lead him through another curtain door and down a hallway to another lush room instead of velvet seats and benches it was leather. The lighting was darker. People sat chatting and drinking and dancing there was another stage but this time a st andrews cross.
Liam lead him to a dark corner. He took James jacket off and put it on a hook above them before pushing him down onto the bench. Liam sat on his knee. They chatted, stroking each others shoulders and hair.
James glancing at a man in a puppy mask at woman's feet he saw earlier in the other room. He watched as more people walked through the door, some taking off coats to reveal they were barely wearing anything at all.  He could see activities happening in other dark corners and tables he couldn't keep his eyes off. There was a lot of skin on show.
Liam could feel james stroking him encouragingly.
"I want you to spank me," liam told him.
Liam nodded. "I need to be spanked, sir."
Liam stood up.
He pushed the suspenders off his shoulders and began unbuttoning his shirt. James watched him, his hand on liam's back side. He pulled his shirt off and put it on the hook and looked down at james. He straddled him, kissing him deeply. James hands coming up to his bare back. Liam ground into james hips. 
"I'm going to put myself over your knee now because I've been terrible bad. But you can do what you want of me, sir."
Liam smiled.
Liam kissed him before standing up, spreading james legs trailing his hands up his thighs before placing himself over his lap slowly and carefully.
James put one hand on his back side and one hand on his back. His fingers moving slowly, slightly kneeding and stroking for a far few minutes.
Liam gasped and moaned when his hand finally raised to spank him, building up.
James could feel liams erection growing against his leg. James hand got faster before he slapped his buttocks hard, liam's hands came to grip james thigh. Liam wriggled in his lap, rubbing his erection against james leg. He pulled himself up to kiss his lips while he undid his trousers, carefully pulling them from his still shoed feet. Liam stood in his white underpants and socks, and black sock garters and black shoes. Liam put his hands on james' shoulders. James kneaded his buttocks while he stroked his hips, stomach and thighs before pulling him down back onto one knee, pushing him firmly down on his stomach on the bench by his shoulders.
He pushed his underwear down a little and began spanking him again, using his other leg to keep him in place. Liam moaning gasping on him. James enjoyed how he squirmed.
Liam pulled his underwear down to his ankles and james took them from him, putting them in his pocket. 
Liam sat on his lap, naked kissing his neck and jaw.
James stroked all the naked skin he could get his hands on before liam leaned over to take a condom from a dish and a packet of lube nearby holding them up to James.
He locked eyes with him as he took james' hand and put his fingers in his mouth sucking and licking the fingers before withdrawing them.
He unwrapped the condom, rolling it onto james hand.
He then rolled back onto his stomach presenting his behind, wiggling it.
James opened and spread the lube on his fingers.
James gently pressed the fingers to his arsehole slowly moving them inside of him. Liams back arched up, up on to his hands and james fucked his arsehole with his fingers as his other hand went to liams throat.
Liam panted wildly and james hand on his throat moved to liam mouth, clamping it shut as his fingers continued to fucked him deeper and harder. 
Soon Liam was grunting and moaning into his hand but it was muffed by his palm,  one hand gripping james thigh tightly the other clawed back to hold his elbow. 
James pulled his fingers out, dropping the condom to the floor before grasping Liam's cock. Pumping him.
Liam body tensed and he came on the bench, nails digging into james then slowly slumped, james taking his hand away from his mouth to clavicles and liam twisted himself to curl into james lap.
James kissed his temples, and forehead cradling his head in his hand. They kissed tenderly for a long time.
Liam leaned over him to box of tissues taking some to wipe his arsehole and started unbuckling james belt and undoing his fly. He delved his hand in and began stroking him as he whispered tender dirty things into his lips. James came into the tissues quickly. James cleaned his fingers while liam cleaned up stray cum.
Liam cuddled into his arms again, his head on his shoulder, kissing him. tucking one knee against james chest, naked and brilliantly white in the dark.
"I didn't think I'd do that,"james said
"I knew there was a little exhibitionist inside of you."
"Bigger one in you."
Liam kissed him and leaned back so one leg dangled down, exposing himself to the room casually. He moved his dangling leg happily.
Liam stroked james cheeks while James gazed into his eyes, stroking his chest.
James eyes darted around the room. Someone was being whipped on the cross now, most eyes turned to watch.
Liam turned his face back to him.
"Later. Stay with me. Enjoy this. They don't exist." He kissed him, moving his leg down and wrapped his arms around his neck tightly. "They're all too busy getting themselves off to pay attention to us. Stay with me."
James scooped up both of liams legs in his arm, cradling him and rested his hand on his hip possessively.
"I love you, Matthew."
Liam smiled slightly awkwardly at the alias james told him respond to, but tried to hide it.
"Mine," James told him.
"All yours, James."
0 notes
formulatrash · 2 years
Hi Hazel! Same question as previous but with FE drivers if that’s ok?
oh sure. this one is easier because I speak to them all the frickin time. or, I guess. I used to. ow.
so basically all the FE drivers are really nice. I can't really think of any of them that have been anything but nice to me apart from Sam Bird has a slightly aggro tendency that you can't read anything into. (he gets super stressed sometimes and will be snappy but there's nothing like, personal or bad about it. it's just like if a cat gets stressed and has a screechy moment. (he also for whatever reason just does not like being interviewed by me so I try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary)
JEV can be a pain in the arse to journalists (apparently) but he is absolutely an adorable kitten with me and has never been anything but extremely sincere and willing to discuss anything. he made me cry on the Saturday in Berlin because as we were leaving the media centre to go to media pen he hugged me and said he had to win the race for me tomorrow, if it was my last - he didn't but that's irrelevant. idk if drivers are attached to journalists like that in other series. tbf idk if they are attached to other FE journalists like that. oh no now I've upset myself, my stupid blorbos I miss them.
if you get Sam in a non-aggro mood he's also very sweet and patient (I totally understand the aggro-ness, definitely don't want to make him sound unpleasant because Sam Bird is A Genuinely Very Good Man) and has given me some really heartfelt answers over the years.
Lucas has never been anything other than hilarious and friendly and very kind to me. he's awesome to talk to and contrary to what his internet persona might project, really good at listening and understanding things that are new to him. asks a lot of questions.
Pascal once gave me a tour of his house on Zoom because he was, idk, just a bit bored in lockdown. Mitch is just an endless joy to interview because he gives incredibly long answers and is like, fervently sincere about them. Nick Cassidy gets super anxious about giving good enough answers - I did a podcast with him that I need to edit and put up and he was so nervous he wasn't doing well enough but so friendly and sweet, he's really lovely.
Edo is the genuinely most sincere man alive. Alex Sims is so nice, the absolute nicest man. all men should either be Alex Sims or Jake Dennis, ideally, who is also incredibly lovely.
idk, I could list all of them really? Seb Buemi is genuinely lovely, not at all the image you'd get from the infamous clip. the Olivers (collective) are all very down to earth, generous people. Antonio Giovinazzi gets in that goddamn travesty of a car every weekend and does it with a smile and with nothing but generosity towards his team and the fans. I mean, I literally could pretty much list all of them tbh. even Lotterer, who I had a bit of a conflagration with in season 4 and took quite a dislike to, has mellowed and is honestly lovely.
there is one of the drivers I have never seen anything but total mardiness from even when I told him he'd scored a point but I don't see any point in calling him out for it as he clearly has either no intention of or no ability to change and already has a reputation for it.
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darrowsrising · 3 years
Red rising unpopular opinions? 👀
Thank you for the ask! 💖🐺
Uuu...I have answered this before in a series of asks, but I am too lazy to search for them now. I will just stick to the bare essentials:
I know that Pierce Brown is no authority on which character you should stan, but given that even he hates Roque, then I think people should at least stop trying to re-write Roque into this 'poor little baby who had no choice but to betray Darrow after all the pain he endured at his expense'. Basically, if people like Roque, then like him as he is, don't sugar-coat the shit to make it smell better.
This idea that 'you shouldn't try to liberate people who don't want to be free' as though refusing freedom is an actual act of exercising free will...is really stupid. Lysander stans are always on thin ice with me, especially when they try to make fascism and slavery make sense. Or when they try to tell me that Lysander is not so bad. No, he's not bad, he's scum. If you like trash, that's on you, but just because he is noy as bad as Atlas and Atalantia doesn't make him morally better than anyone, especially than Darrow. Darrow> bitchsander, as always
Virginia was the best pov of Dark Age. I simply hate that this fandom went from 'she's manipulatuve and evil and uses Darrow to get the throne' to 'she needs a win, she's does nothing, shes powerless'. Please, shut up! Who the fuck is there to trust your judgement on her when you guys run hot and cold about her every two seconds? It's pathetic.
Rhonna deserves all the kills she wants. I think people want Cassius to kill Lysander to make up for failing to do something good with him and...idk, Lysander is still a human being, not a robot gone loose. He is Cassius' ward and Cassius feels responsible for him, but he's not going to kill him. That being said, if someone has the opportunity to kill him, Cassius included, and Cassius sabotages/stops, I want his head in a box. Or at least a treason sentence.
At this point, I really don't care what Darrow will have to do to win. I think that he will focus on Mars mainly, so that as long as Mars is safe, he can nuke Luna to bits, for all I care.
I know that rotting away in a cell is hell for Golds, but I hope they add...6 Obsidians to Atlas' sentence, if you know what I mean. That is pretty much the worst thing I can think of when it comes to Atlas.
I have faith that Ajax can pull his head out of his arse. He has that rage and that feeling of never being enough and I think Darrow would make a terriffic mentor/father figure to him.
I really don't think that Lyria and Volga were right to lash out at Pax. I mean, at least Lyria fans are aware that it wasn't ok of her to lash out at someone, although it was understandable considering her emotional state - she also felt bad about it later. But Ephraim and Volga fans are...really not right when they blame Pax for Eph dying. Eph was the one who ultimately chose to go on that mission and chose to sacrifice himself for Volga - Pax had no real authority over him. I wish people would understand that Volga lashing out at Pax is understandable, but she's wrong. Should Pax feel guilty? Well, he does. But would Eph still be alive if Pax didn't tell him about the mission? Well, he would have found out sometime and join in anyway. Basically, yes, Pax feels responsible, but did he cause Eph's death as Volga seems to believe? Nope. Eph had the opportunity to refuse, especially because, unlike so many other times, there was no actual incentive. I genuinely find it ironic that she can blame the kid for Eph going in that mission and then in the next breath accept to go with the Ascomani - for hero complex reasons. She cute, but she flawed too. I am not hating on anyone here, I just dislike the perspective that...a kid is to blame for the decisions on a grown man.
I am sick of mercy post-Dark Age. I think that everyone needs to earn their rights, pretty much. No more guilt-tripping Darrow into doing shit, because Julian died. No more trying to appeal to Darrow's guilt complex in any way by using emotional blackmailing tactics. No, if Darrow wants to spare people it's his call, no one else's.
Diomedes au Raa was disappointing in DA, but not much, as I didn't expect much of him. Also, this idea that he is the True Storm Knight? I mean, have we read the same scene? There is no such thing as a True Storm Knight. The 'man facing the storm and thr storm itself' are both childish notions compared to the actual war. Hell, Darrow prepared an actual storm and they had to deal with it going out of control - he sent these kids back to pre-school without even knowing. Like...sure, Diomedes is noble compared to Ajax, until he makes stupid decisions based on who killed his bitch sister, I guess. No one wins in that playground squabble, folks.
The idea that Roque was a 'true friend' while everyone else was just infatuated and biased towards Darrow should DIE ALREADY!
The idea that Darrow will have to die/sactifice himself...he's done enough of that, time to be selfish for once. He worries about doing to Pax what Dale did to him, so I think that given the choice, he'll chose to stay, not go willingly to death.
Idk if it's unpopular anymore, but...Sevro and the Howlers were NOT right to go back to Luna.
If nothing else, please keep this one in mind: DARROW IS NOT A BAD DAD. Thank you!
Howl on!
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slytherwrites · 2 years
with a sense of poise and rationality
Summary: (December Twenty-Fourth, 1967) Nobody was truly excited to be at the wedding of the century. The two eldest members of this generation’s two greatest wizarding families were joining together. An alliance was made: in order for a prosperous business to continue between the LeStrange and the Black families, the LeStrange offered to buy the matriarch’s eldest niece.
Note: The Puff Post wasn't my idea, but it's briefly mentioned here and I don't know the original creator, as this oneshot was created in 2019.
Warnings: Mild british swearing
Rating: T
Characters: Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus LeStrange
Nobody was truly excited to be at the wedding of the century. The two eldest members of this generation’s two greatest wizarding families were joining together. An alliance was made: in order for a prosperous business to continue between the LeStrange and the Black families, the LeStrange offered to buy the matriarch’s eldest niece.
It was a decent trade. A bride and an eventual heir for thousands of galleons and future political alliances. The Black and LeStrange families both benefited from it.
Rodolphus and Bellatrix both knew this. As the future patriarch and matriarch of the LeStrange family respectfully, the two teenagers knew that a lot was riding on this wedding.
The two were perfect purebloods in the eyes of their families. They both were sorted into Slytherin, they are both intelligent individuals, both of them have the right ideologies, both were up and coming Death Eaters, both were beautiful, both were perfect.
Well, Bellatrix had a hint of insanity and Rodolphus had a touch of homosexuality; nobody talked about that though. Otherwise, they were perfect purebloods.
The wedding was the event of the century and, at the current moment, everything was going smoothly.
In Bellatrix’s dressing room the group of witches in her wedding party were helping her get ready.
“Bella, please sit still.”
Twirling her wand, she replies, “Oh Andy, I can do whatever I want, for today is the day I’m getting married. As the bride, I get whatever I want, whenever I want.”
A smirk pressed itself on her lips; Andromeda rolls her eyes, “You aren’t going to look good if you don’t sit still.”
“Looks are important Bellatrix,” her maid of honor and best friend Rita Skeeter reminds her.
Bella slides on her heels, “Hurry up then so I wouldn’t get sot bored sitting on my arse.”
“If you sit still long enough I would’ve been done by now.”
“Bella, Andy.” Narcissa speaks up before the bickering turns into an actual fight, “The ceremony is starting in fifteen minutes.”
“Good thing most of us are ready,” Andromeda snides.
Bellatrix rolls her eyes, “Just hurry up Andy.”
At the altar with the Minister of Magic, was Rodolphus LeStrange. In his black, Italian dress robes, he stood with a ring with the LeStrange crest, awaiting Bellatrix.
Despite the fact that both of their families were in the audience, he wasn’t nervous. He knew what today was and what it meant for him and Bellatrix.
The music begins and he takes a deep breath. The wedding is starting.
First out are Narcissa Black and her escort, Lucius Malfoy. Everyone knows that in a few short years they’ll be in the same position Bella and Roddy are in.
Next is Andromeda Black and Sirius Black, Bellatrix’s sister and cousin respectfully. Neither of them wants to be forced into marriages and are blocking out the fact that Walburga is currently looking for suitable spouses for both of them.
After that, it’s the witch and wizard of honor, Rita Skeeter and Rastaban LeStrange. Both of them are most likely the next to get married, despite the LeStrange Matriarch’s dislike of Rita and her investigative ways.
Finally, it’s Bellatrix with her aunt Walburga, the matriarch of the Black Family. Walburga was in her place years and years ago.
The music comes to a halt. Bellatrix is at the altar. Rodolphus looks at her.
Right now, even if only for a moment, Bellatrix and Rodolphus are equals.
Silently, they slice each other’s hand with their wands. Then, they recite simultaneously, “And with this bloodshed, we are one, we are equal, we are together.”
The blood drops into a small vial and their respective magis circle them.
Not a kiss is shared between the two, but it isn’t needed The muggle custom isn’t apparent in Wizarding society. They are now the future patriarch and matriarch of the House of LeStrange. He is her husband and she is her wife. With the Minister of Magic officiating their wedding, they are legally wedded.
Their families stand and quietly applaud the couple.
Hand in hand, Mr. and Mrs. LeStrange walk down the aisle together, leading the wedding party and all other guests to the main ballroom.
 Bellatrix and Rodolphus sit in the middle of a long table, not unlike the one in the Great Hall at Hogwarts, and overlook their guests. Rastaban, Rita, and the rest of the wedding party sit with them: guys to Rodolphus’ left and girls next to Bellatrix’s right.
Tables on tables of important pureblood families line the edges of the ballroom. Rastaban and Rita, now standing beside the bride and groom, start their speech.
The two bring upon a tale of the bride and groom separately. Rastaban talks about the time Rodolphus got into a duel with infamous blood-traitor Molly Weasley, effectively embarrassing him due to the fact that he lost; Rita paints Bellatrix in a better light, telling the tale when she got her and Andromeda spots on Slytherin’s Quidditch Team once she became Captain and winning both the Quidditch and House Cups that year.
Once the stories are over, house elves from both the Black and LeStrange families serve all of the wedding guests. Courses after courses were served. Chatter throughout the ballroom was heard. Bella and Rodolphus weren’t saying a word to each other; each was focused on the events that would unfold later that night.
Once the final course was served, Rodolphus took his new wife onto the dance floor. The two break out into a perfect waltz. Rodolphus led Bellatrix around the ballroom, effectively showing her off to everyone there.
Bellatrix put on an uncharacteristic smile and followed him. She makes sure that her dress is shown and the jewels she’s donning sparkle in everyone’s faces. For now, until Rodolphus dies, she lives to show how wealthy the LeStrange Family truly is. She isn’t equal in the eyes of pureblood society to him anymore. She is an object. A thing. She’s just something to show off and provide heirs for the LeStrange family.
Bellatrix always knew this day would come. She’s never looked forward to it like Narcissa, nor did she turn her head in contempt like Andromeda. She’s indifferent to the affair.
Sooner than later, the first course is served. Almost one hundred house elves pop into the hall, each house elf serves only one or two people. The hall dines on course after course. Every thirty minutes the house elves pop in to trade out plates.
The coordination just with the house elves took a ton of time, just like everything involving this wedding. The LeStranges spared no expense. Any whim Bellatrix or Rodolphus wanted was granted.
After a staggering seven courses, three and a half hours, and too much food to comfortably fit in her dress, there are the rounds of pictures to be taken. Most of the photographers are from stuffy publishers who are no doubt paid off by the Lestrange family.
“Now smile, Bella,” Rodolphus has his hand around his wife’s waist, quietly chastizing her.
Bella flashes an entirely fake grin, “Oh don’t worry about me.”
Photographer after photographer have the pair in the same pose. Rodolphus is to be wrapping himself around Bellatrix and she is to be holding him back, showing off the ring. Neither of them are pleased about the position they’re in.
Amelia Bones, a reluctant attendee, walks towards them, with a smile on her face and her enchanted camera around her neck a la muggle style. The photographer at Puff Post is forced to do their first spread back from winter break on Hogwarts’ newly married couple.
“So, Mrs. LeStrange, just get you and your husband how you want,” she comments, not entirely sure what Bellatrix wants. Amelia has learned that Bellatrix gets what she wants.
Bella asks as she gets her and Rodolphus situated, “So who is writing this article? It better not be the mudblood you had for our engagement announcement.”
“No Mrs. LeStrange, I’ll be writing this article.” Amelia half-heartedly assures, “I will have the issue up and running the first day back from break.”
“Good,” Rodolphus comments, “I’m assured that you met with the LeStrange and Black matriarchs discussing what you can and cannot put into your spread.”
“I’ve been to pureblood functions before and have worked directly with the sacred twenty-eight,” Amelia fiddles with her camera, “I know what I can and cannot do.”
“Make sure the article runs by my mother first,” Rodolphus tells her.
Amelia rolls her eyes, “I’m not getting paid unless it does.”
“That’s good, halfblood.” Bellatrix notes.
Throughout the conversation, Amelia was taking a ton of quick small pictures of the pair in a variety of poses. Amelia couldn’t care less about the LeStrange couple, but pureblood affairs always get a good spike in viewership totals and Hufflepuff house does look to make some money out of this, even if it’s used for other things besides improving the paper. Besides, Rodolphus is headboy and Bellatrix is the Slytherin’s quidditch team captain, they’re practically Slytherin idols.
Amelia comments, “See you in DADA, Rodolphus.”
“You too Miss Bones.” He replies, dragging his wife onto the dance floor.
Whilst their spinning and sliding across the floor, Bellatrix’s smile turns into a sneer, “How much longer, Roddy?”
“Not too much longer, Bella,” he answers, “We just have to wait until every pureblood family has left.”
“Luckily the Prewetts and Weasleys haven’t overstayed their welcome,” Bellatrix notes, “I didn’t want them here originally.”
“Politics Bella, politics.”
“Politics can shove一” Bellatrix starts.
Rodolphus interrupts her, “Now is that how a pureblood wife is supposed to act?”
“Shut it,” Bella replies, “I don’t give a damn how I am supposed to act.”
Rodolphus takes her in for a dip when the orchestra changes key, “Then why were you so well behaved during the ceremony?”
“I love putting on a good show.” Bellatrix comments, “I’ll please your mother this one time.”
“She won’t be appeased until she gets an heir.” Rodolphus comments.
Flipping the script and dipping her husband, she tells him, “Your mother doesn’t scare me. I’m a Black by blood and I’ll be damned if anyone under me tells me what to do.”
“There is the spitfire I enjoy out of you.”
“Bugger off.”
“Can’t,” Rodolphus replies, “Only half of the ballroom has left. Most people have decided on staying to chat.”
“Well I’m leaving,” she stops dancing and grabs the side of her dress with her left hand, “care to join me?”
“Do I ever?” Rodolphus answers with a question, but follows her out anyways.
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thank you for wording what was bothering me about last weeks race comments! i’m not a fan of ferarri, i like max and don’t care for charles, but ferrari and somewhat charles are in my bad books as i am a seb fan and well red bull allowed seb to flourish as the great driver we all know he is. however all this over hyping charles as some mastermind genius and max as some stupid hot headed fool is hilarious to me. max last year beat a 7 time champion who drives for a team that dominated an era of f1, u don’t get to do that by being ‘hot headed stupid aggressive bullying’ etc. so yes charles might have matured since 2019-2020 but let’s not act like max is a fool. also it’s somewhat clear that ferrari (unfortunately) have the better car at the moment but max has never driven a top car in his career even last year the second half mercedes came out on top with their car, max had races ruined that weren’t really his fault, so again he knows how to deal with these things the guy is a champion ffs. also half this dialogue of max being an idiot charles being a mastermind is literally pushed by merc/lewis fans which is telling (at least on twitter any viral tweet of this narrative is tweeted by a lewis/merc fan). anyways the season is long, ferarri as iconic as they are, are also known to ruin good things and start internal political blame games (which if it comes to that as a seb fan i want to see how charles gets treated) and red bull is no small team and if done right can bring their car up to ferrari’s level. sorry for my rambling ur the few blogs i follow on f1 tumblr that has reasoning and good takes!
Anon, even though I like Max/Chal as a ship and the fans of Lestappen are very great positive and supportive people, I must say I am in it because of Max.
I am a Max fan.
I never supported teams even though my two favorite drivers were driving for the same team at once. And I don't care about Ferrari at all for the reasons people who watched 2019/2020 season know. They did Seb dirty. I have sour feelings towards Charles for those 2019 shenanigans, too, I won't lie. His manager is an arse and coupled with the way how B*notto overhauled the whole team in a way that he would become the boss.... *Sigh* It's a very long story, I will spare you.
I am on the fence about some things. I decided to reconsider my feelings about Charles in accordance to the way things unfold and how he reacts. People change, they grow up or get worse. But my feelings about him doesn't matter now, because I have enough commonsense to differentiate between how a driver acts and how his fans act.
True, some fans make it very difficult to like some drivers. But I never based my like/dislike on the fan behavior.
Things stay respectful, but in Max's disadvantage? Well, I will be sad and wallow alone even though I want nothing more than Max to win this WDC too and shut everyone up for once and for all.
But things turn ugly between the drivers themselves? (which i hope not and I can't picture them as such) Then, I will form my opinions and say them. You can be sure of that.
I am saying all these based on the probability of Redbull finding a way to get that car into a stable and reliable window, ofc. If they can't, well, all this Chal/Max duel fantasies of this side of the fandom will go down the drain and people will watch Carlos and Charles duking it out for the WDC 🤷 Not me, though... I don't care about Ferrari, as I said.
The real problem is the fans turning ugly even if the guys stay civilno matter the shit, because hateful mfs are literally unavoidable on here (well most of the fans are already acting like little monsters).
One thing I would like Charles fans who also like Max to do is that, please look at the op of the posts you reblog. Look at the notes/tags... People are literally stealing the descriptions Charles fans on here use about him to shit on Max on Twitter. Especially the posts about the overtaking moves. Unfortunately stuff like that get viral and exposure before we have learned how Max already had problems from lap 1 and even then outperformed a car that was crapping itself throughout the race.
This opinion of mine might be unpopular, but well... I had to say it.
And that last thing.... You know about the wheel of fortune and how Ferrari is unfortunately a champion eater, right? 🤷
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Ali & Ro
Ali: One of your kids is here??? Ro: Oh no! Ro: I double checked everyone was aware of the cancellations and everything Ali: You know what people are like, probably received but didn't actually read/listen to the message, like Ali: I'll quickly get in before ma can be her charming self any harder Ro: Thank you Ali: [allow time for that] Ali: Done Ali: Why'd you have to cancel anyway? Ro: Sadly I have yet to master being able to be in two places at once, especially when one of those places is so ridiculously far away Ro: What's more surprising though is that you've remained at home for long enough shepherd my pupil in and out for me without assumedly cursing Tess Ali: Ugh, I feel that Ali: until we're blessed with time-turners, we'll all have to muddle through Ali: and I've been there enough myself to guess where you are, so I won't pout about any potential adventures you could've been on Ali: everyone is DOA and MIA today, plus if I let her shout at me for long enough she might not ground me forever 🤞 Ro: Indeed Ro: Well, I can't deny that would be very much appreciated as I've been subjected to plenty of pouting already as things stand Ro: You can let her know that I'll be making my grand return soon enough which will at the very least give her another target should she desire one Ali: You can probably ignore him, he's just feeling the ill-effects of a 3-day bender, like Ali: some hydration and vitamin c and he'll be over it Ali: can't say the same of mother but my sins definitely outweigh yours Ali: though the offer is appreciated 💚 Ro: He's very much fine in that regard I'd been assured prior to my arrival and of course did my part to truly make it so by making him a late lunch or early dinner once I got there Ro: Regrettably, that offer was taken very much not in the manner it was intended Ro: The tally of my sins therefore apparently exceed the number of yours, in Drew's eyes at any rate Ali: Sounds like Drew Ali: you spoil him Ali: Caleb's mum made him work today, as he was too sick for school Ro: All I've spoilt is his afternoon seemingly Ro: Yet again, I'm a waste of time Ali: Hey Ali: don't take on his bad mood just 'cos he's mad he didn't get what he wanted Ali: you know it's bullshit Ro: None of his grievances are unfounded Ro: I shouldn't break promises Ro: Even if I did make them for less than ideal reasons Ali: No, but you know Ali: you have those reasons regardless Ro: And he has his own reasons to be upset Ali: Which you're clearly giving a fuck about Ali: so he owes you the same in return, yeah Ro: Of course, but his anger is fuelled by how much he does care, obviously Ro: It's because he likes me so much that he wants to take things further than they are Ali: Partly Ali: but I don't think anyone can say that that's all it is Ali: not to discredit how he feels in any way Ali: if anything, it takes into consideration all aspects Ro: He is the only one who can address that with any degree of clarity but its a conversation we're unlikely to have for a while Ali: I'm sure it won't be anything like that long Ro: That almost sounds as if you are in fact discrediting how he feels but I have no desire to get into a disagreement with you about the one I just had with him Ali: No, I'm saying he's nothing if not persistent Ali: trust me, he'll get over it if he has any sense Ro: It's less about the sense he possesses and more about the degree to which my own has abandoned me Ali: Do you regret the fact you didn't or regret the fact you were considering it? Ro: Both regrets somehow exist side by side and I have no idea how that can be Ro: Or which of the many internal voices vocalising my many mistakes I should begin to listen to Ali: Sounds about right Ali: are you in love with him? Ro: Yes Ali: Yeah Ali: it's Ali: the worst kind of headfuck Ali: amongst many other things Ro: What would you do in my place? Ali: About what Ali: specifically Ro: My next move Ro: He says I won't lose him but I know it's more likely than not Ro: Especially now that Carly has her own caravan to host in Ali: You shouldn't do it if that's the only reason why Ali: doing it because you're fearful of any outcome is just a bad idea Ali: it should always be primarily that you want to Ro: I do want to but I also don't want to Ro: It's complicated Ali: It is Ali: it might stop being complicated Ali: or you might do it before it does Ali: either of those is fine and valid Ro: What if it doesn't and I can't? Ali: You will Ali: if you want to, then you will Ali: I said it was the most important factor but definitely not the only, not even close Ali: it's complex but you know, like most things, stressing upon it will never make it less so Ro: I suppose Ali: It's like all this stuff isn't it Ali: thinking you'll never get your period and then it just happens Ali: we've all got our own pace for all of it Ro: And my pace is several steps behind always Ro: Maybe next time I should just go to the party Ali: Well his is coming up so Ali: you will be at that one Ro: Oh my god, don't remind me I haven't even begun brainstorming gifts yet Ali: 😂 Ali: you do have time Ali: but it might distract you from this worry so have at it Ro: You're so fortunate that Caleb's is ages away Ali: I know Ali: so much of me cannot hack that, I'd actually die Ro: After emerging from Carly's mostly unscathed, you could be forgiven for believing yourself immortal, I'm sure Ali: It was pretty hectic Ali: not sure if I'd say life-threateningly so but keep that between us Ali: could tell ma though Ali: keep her from hysteria Ro: I'll use that as my conversational opener when I come in if you'd like Ali: Subtle, cheers Ali: tell her there were no recreational drugs or pre-maritial relations too, whilst you're at it Ro: Carly would appreciate the lack of, I'm certain Ro: More so than Tess would my attempts at such a clearly crafted lie Ali: Can't win with her, like Ali: don't lead with that though Ali: even if that's a truth Ro: It's the kind of day I'm having Ro: I'll simply wish on everything possible that the losses extend to calories as well Ali: Don't waste the magic Ali: I know you skipped lunch Ro: You know because I told you I was busy running around after Drew Ali: Exactly Ro: Nonetheless, I've spent more time on this bus than anything else Ro: It's a pity I can't transfigure my bike here Ali: it seems like a good idea until it starts chucking it down halfway Ro: True, I'd be unlikely to garner any sympathy or permission for more time off from Tess even if I caught my death Ali: Seriously Ali: if she has to see any of us tomorrow at all, she might actually lose it completely Ali: what with Bea and Fraze being their delightful selves all weekend too Ali: the only ones not on the shit list rn are Tommy and Joe and that's only through absence Ro: Precisely Ro: Much like how the idea of finding birthday gifts for Drew is favorable after the nightmarish pursuit we all have to endure in order to provide something that Bea will undoubtedly dislike and return where possible Ali: 😂 s'why I kick it homemade Ali: good luck finding any takers for my sentimental tat, babe Ali: bless Ro: Alas the memory of my childish homemade cards finding their way to the recycling bin earlier than I feel necessary haunts me still Ro: Did Carly like what you made for her though? Ali: 😞 Ali: Yes, thankfully she's far more receptive and forthcoming with her thanks Ali: and the caravan looks amazing Ali: looked, I HOPE everyone kept out Ro: It would be difficult for her not to be, Bea, of course, is without competition in that regard Ro: I was impressed by the pictures despite being well aware of your artistic eye and resourcefulness in gathering materials Ro: Perhaps you should take and utilise all the magic yourself immediately Ro: Protection spells have been employed and succeeded for less Ali: True Ali: and a good idea to boot Ali: I better do it remotely Ali: aside from me leaving the house for anything but school and work rn being a deathwish, I'm not sure of the state I'd find the residents in, like Ro: Hm, yes arguably that is an even better idea Ali: Obviously, I do not plan to be her prisoner for long Ali: but for a great escape, I need even greater plans on the outside Ro: It would be my pleasure to extend such an offer, dear sister, but my own flight of fancy earlier did little else but backfire so it's best I stay under lock and key until I feel suitably chastised Ro: Either by Tess or myself Ali: Self-flagellation is next to godliness, of course Ali: I'll think of something Ro: I have no doubt that you will Ro: But whilst the subject of faltering has been raised, can I ask you something? Ali: of course Ali: scientia potentia est Ro: I was just wondering if you spent much time with Drew this weekend, that's all Ali: Not a huge amount Ali: but I saw him about, doing his thing Ali: if I saw anything like that I would've kicked his arse and told you Ali: in that exact order Ro: Okay Ro: Well, thank you Ali: Of course Ali: sisterhood before everything Ali: especially boys Ro: My favorite religion and the one to which I've been devoted to for the longest and most faithfully Ali: 💚 Ali: What's your ETA? Ro: 13 and a half minutes Ali: Ooh precise Ali: that'll please the jailer Ali: tell her 15 and you'll be back in the good books when you're arse is up the table without her even having to shout up the stairs Ali: 👍 Ro: I already told her 21 minutes so I have enough time to fix my face somewhere that isn't a very full bus Ro: She doesn't need to know that I've been crying Ali: 😕 Ali: Cold water fixes all Ali: we can talk about it properly after Ali: feels like forever Ro: It's not too late to pray for a summer storm Ro: Though it seems everyone misses me until they get the opportunity to spend time with me, so I might be wise to adjust my prayers accordingly actually Ali: Not everyone Ali: just him Ali: and just because he's mad Ali: we'll tea and talk, promise Ro: As long as you share too Ali: I gotcha Ali: you wanna hear all the fantastical and sordid exploits Ro: Fantastical yes, sordid not so much Ali: 😂 Ali: I'll do my best to spin the yarn into something comfortable and befitting Ali: don't worry Ro: Being guaranteed one less thing to overthink about will forever be appreciated Ali: That's my job Ali: one of Ali: labour of love, really Ro: tá mé i ngrá leat freisin Ali: 💚💚💚 Ali: right, I got a table to set Ali: not gonna know what's hit her Ali: Rock even agreed not to throw any spaghetti up the wall Ali: providing I buy him sweets for a week Ro: I'm in awe of your power whether or not she will be Ali: whether a six-year-old can stick to a deal is another thing Ali: did threaten him with a broken pinkie so 🤞 Ro: I'll likewise threaten him with the type of hex befitting a 6 year old promise breaker if needs be Ali: 💀🐸🐀🕯🥀💀 Ro: Our minds have always worked in similar ways, that's a truth which deserves to be universally acknowledged Ro: But for now, go Ro: There will be plenty of time for talking later
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Chapter 27? Is it? I don't know. I'm still working on it
Flying with a pack saddle was a weird sensation, as Eren had never worn one before. He and Levi had been mid-fuck when Maria came for them. The dragon had been kind enough to let them finish, though Eren was kind of pissed Levi didn't knot him a third time, if Levi hadn't insisted on eating his arse out as he rode the alpha's face, maybe he would have gotten knotted again... stupid hindsight. The teen didn't know how their containment spell would work once they returned to Eldia, and waking to find his boyfriend himself, he couldn't help be greedy and want a moment for themselves, without thinking about everything that had happened the previous day. He'd pushed himself so hard he'd nearly broken, so waking in Levi's arms, all he wanted was for Levi to kiss away his pain from losing his ability to bear a clutch. He wanted to reconfirm that Levi had been scared, and that what they'd done had worked. The sex had been amazing, even with Levi's hands and ankles bound, it'd healed his body and removed his fatigue from the previous night, while healing his heart over what had happened the previous day. Levi did want him, the alpha was just struggling with his fear and the uncertainty of the future. He was at the centre of everything, but didn't understand. They'd need to talk, but first came reconnecting in the manner that worked best for them. He also may have told his lover a small lie, that he hadn't dreamt. He had. He'd dreamt of Rod Reiss not stopping, mixed with pain of having his scales torn from his skin. His dream had moved from Rod beating him, to Rod tearing the scales from his face as he was an "unworthy dragon"... All it took was Levi's warm hold to chase the fear away, and to anchor him to the moment. Supplying them both with fresh robes, Maria had forced him to eat as they walked, though Levi and the others would have to wait until they reached the castle before eating. Which Eren wasn't happy about. Sure, he might have had an insanely long day, but he wasn't hungry. All it took was thinking about the secret he was now hiding from Levi, and the uncomfortable twingings of the command in place over being honest about his health... he was stuck mentally justifying his actions in order to find relief from the command. The best argument he could come up with was that it was best Levi didn't know he might be pregnant, only for the pregnancy to slip and hurt the man even more. Reaching the clearing near where the field of cabins had been, Ymir and Historia were waiting with the rest of the Eldia party. Ymir pinching her nose as they approached. They could probably smell the sex that clung to their skins. Levi's already complained that he couldn't shower, while Eren relished smelling like his boyfriend. Reaching the group, Historia's voice was a whisper "I'm sorry you have to sneak off like this. It's hardly royal protocol" Eren didn't even think about protocol as he replied to his friend "It's ok. I'm just grateful I can thank you before we leave" "We need no thanks. Especially with all that happened" Giving him a quick hug, Ymir huffed in his direction as she released her nose. There was no real malice over Historia's hug, but she didn't look happy "I suppose I'm going to miss you" He knew he was going to miss her... He was going to miss all of them, except for Sina, and Rod. Privately, he'd hoped to see the lake again, but that was now impossible. He was going to miss watching the water dragons, and the sunsets across the water. Nope. He wasn't doing this. He had to hold his head up high and be normal "Nah. You've got Historia, and besides, you guys are always welcome" "That's a hell of a way to fly for a game of soccer" Eren shrugged, playing down the small glimmer of hope that he may see them both again some day "Then don't come. Make sure you take care of them" Even if he couldn't see Ymir rolling her eyes in the dim light of the lantern Maria held, he knew she was "Don't be like that. Eren, I know for a fact Ymir will miss you greatly. We packed everything carefully, and your trunk is labelled to help make sorting easier" Meaning that the sealed sword wouldn't be known by Erwin and Levi. They'd considered destroying it, but didn't know if that would cost Levi his life. Eren's plan was to stow is somewhere safe, where no human could ever find it "Thank you, Historia. I know... Things might be awkward with your father, but know, Eldia will continue to notify you each time a dragon passes on our soil. And we don't want war, so we'll respect your father's wishes. It's for the good of both out countries that we do" "Things won't always be this way" "And when they change, know Eldia will welcome you with open arms. Right, sir?" Levi cleared his throat, seemingly surprised he was being dragged into the conversation "Indeed. I feel as if there's other reasons to be indebted to you, but I want to thank you for looking after Eren. And I want to thank you for the hospitality you showed me before... Well, in any case. Thank you. Thank the three of you. Eren is indeed correct. You will always be friends of Eldia" "Ok. That's it for goodbyes. The others are waiting for Eren to shift so they can load the saddle up. Get out my country and stop looking at my Historia" Ymir's words caused the teen to laugh softly "Hurry up and marry her. You two are perfect together, and I can't wait to meet your children. I'm going to shift before Mikasa can start lecturing me, but once again, thank you" The sun was creeping above the horizon by the time Eren was loaded with both cargo and his passengers. By some miracle the crown and brooch he'd made Levi survived, while Armin had found and saved the one Levi had gifted him. His friend might not know how much it meant to him, but Eren was grateful. He was also sad to be returning home this way. He'd expected to be able to hold his head high, and not to be sneaking out in the cover of darkness. It made him feel like a petty criminal, while the cold air irritated his lungs. On his back, it felt weird to be carrying such a weight. The trunks were to the back of the saddle platform, placing pressure on his spine, and leaving in with the constant desire to "buck". He almost felt like a dog with a flea he needed to scratch off, and hoped to hell that this would never be necessary again. Maybe if he'd done this before, he wouldn't find it so annoying, but beggars couldn't be choosers and he wasn't risking another dragon's life over it all. Given his speed and wing span, the whole flight back to the castle was over in under half an hour. After so long, the castle seemed so foreign to him, or maybe it was the new prospective he was seeing it from. Landing in the training field, he walked his massive form over to the edge closest to the castle to make unloading easier. The soldiers that came to investigate, soon must have cursed their eagerness as they helped Erwin off his back, only for the man to vomit at their feet. He knew he shouldn't be laughing, but his tail thudded lightly against the grass while his body wiggled. The man would never make a dragon rider, even if he had two arms. Levi was fine, though it stung that he had to slip straight back into prince mode the moment his feet touched the ground. Mikasa and Armin naturally wouldn't leave him, Eren huffing in annoyance as they both leant on his face. For a mighty and ancient race, why had no one ever named the top part of the skull near his nostrils? Like, was it a "nose", or a "snout", or a "muzzle", or simply just "skull"? Whatever it was, he would have much preferred Levi's pats than being used as leaning post, especially when he had soldiers climbing up and down to unload the cargo on his back, all of which were clearly nervous, as their boots kept slipping on his scales. Hanji was the first "official" in the castle to appear, coming running right up to Levi and Erwin, before throwing her arms around them. Erwin was sent falling back onto his arse, his stump flailing as he tried to prevent the fall. Once again, Eren knew he shouldn't find it funny, but once they stepped foot back in the castle Erwin would go back to being an arse... and probably even more so without his arm. And plus, if he was laughing, he didn't have to concentrate on how shit he still felt over slicing Erwin's arm off. Less than 24 hours ago, he'd come out of a coma and straight into a shit storm. Abandoning Levi and Erwin, Hanji's eyes widened, her mouth widening into a maniacal grin that screamed she was already scheming experiments. This was home. This was his home, with all the idiots that made up the castle staff. Now he was home again, hopefully they could find some kind of normal. * There had been seem changes while Levi had been gone, and he wasn't loving them. Petra had moved her quarters closer to his, and had taken to undermining Hanji's authority by pulling the "I'll soon be the crown princess" card. She'd done a pretty terrible job, even demanding to be included in sorting the royal mail which was for Hanji's eyes only in their absence. Coming back find his personal desk in shambles, and Petra refusing to leave the sun room, as she fussed over Erwin's missing arm. He, Eren and Erwin needed to sit down and talk. Eren had obviously done something drastic. His lack of symptoms, or rather the sudden lack of symptoms, was Eren's fault. His boyfriend has said as much, but whatever Eren did, was it safe? The lack of not knowing, and the constant yammering of Petra had frayed his patience to the very end. Pinching the bridge of his nose, the woman was lucky he was above hitting women or willing to sacrifice a perfectly good tea cup by throwing it at her "For god's sake Petra. Enough. Will you please stop fussing over him, and go retrieve Eren" "My Prince?" That was another thing. Petra had started claiming him by that title... It only made him dislike his "bride-to-be" further. Pet names were only nice when they came from Eren... Which reminded him that Erwin was yet to release his commands on Eren "Petra, please go find Eren and bring him here. Make sure he understands that he's in no trouble, and if he's resting, let him. God knows we could all use the rest" "Then why are neither of you resting? Poor Levi has lost his arm. Surely that... surely the situation could have been resolved better than it was. I knew I should have come with you" That had never been on the cards to begin with. Once he'd received Eren's invitation, he'd notified everyone but Petra about his travel plans, then dropped it on her at the last moment so she wouldn't insist on coming "Look, Petra. No, you being there would have not changed a single thing. With what happened the loss of his arm was the best possible outcome in the situation. It was a tragic accident. Now, please stop this carrying on" "Well, what does Draecia say about this? Have they issued any form of compensation?" Erwin could have jumped in at any time to save him from this, but the man chose to quietly sip at his second cup of peppermint tea "Draecia is not to blame" "How can you not blame them!? Your bodyguard has lost an arm! He'll need replacing! Erwin may be skilled with a sword, but he is no longer fit to stand by your side" "Erwin will remain my bodyguard!" "I will not have the crown prince protected by anyone less than the best! Your refusal is completely unsatisfactory. I will take it upon myself to find a replacement. Perhaps even looking at a bodyguard for both of us. Especially with the wedding..." Pushing his chair back, Levi's voice dropped several degrees. The mess she'd made of his desk, and this fantasy she continued to entertain despite how many times he'd voiced his feelings on the matter... It pushed him right over the edge "Petra. You know this marriage is being forced upon both of us under the threat of war. I told you that you could stay here because our healers have been making headway with your father's condition, and you are a distinguished soldier. From the very start, I have told you I have no intention of marrying you. With recent events, the engagement will be dissolved. Now. You can leave. You've caused enough problems for both Levi and I, by undermining Hanji's decisions" "Prince Erwin?" He could hear the wobble in Petra's voice. No doubt, she'd expected some glorious reunion where he declared his love. Like that shit would happen. His affections started and stopped with Eren. That was it. And even that was up in the air... "No. I'm being serious here. There is a reason why Hanji is selected to act in our absence. She knows better than to rifle through documents that don't have anything to do with her. This is a reason why Levi is my right hand man, or left as it may be now. Draecia was not to blame for this incident. It was an accident caused by an Eldia on their soil... you will not pursue the matter and he will not be replaced. Now. I've had it with you. And I've had it with this mess. If you're not going to find Eren, I am. I need to talk with him about his time in Draecia. Erwin, take yourself down to see the healers. Flying doesn't agree with you, and if you throw up, I am not dealing with it. Petra. Just... don't be here when I return"
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darrowsrising · 6 years
You know, I will just throw questions back at you if you don't mind because I can finally scream with people! Tell me about your favorite RR characters aswell, please? ♥
I never mind people asking me things about RR. I love this series with my heart and soul and everything in between. Also, stop apologizing to me about long posts regarding RR, I love them and I have lots of long rants to confirm that.(don’t search for them, they are full of spoilers…and my distaste for Dancer and Roque!) Also, I’ll try not to spoil the fun for you…
My absolute favourite. I love him to bits, he’s my precious, murderous baby! I’d start a #DarrowDefendingSquad or a #DarrowPreciousMurderousBabyBoy, but that’s not my style. Or his style for that matter. He can take care of himself, 75% of the time…the other 25% is not really up to him (it’s a combo of his friends and pure luck).
Jokes aside now, Darrow’s feelings and realness always got to me. When I started reading Red Rising I was 17 and I was recovering from a very bad…burnout (I went to see a psychologist and she told me that I was hurting emotionally from many bad things happening at once, but it wasn’t like…depression or anxiety per se). His feelings, whether it was rage or kindness or anything in between, were so valid to me. He reminded me that it’s perfectly alright to have confidence in yourself, to go after what you want, to be proud of yourself, to love again (friends, lovers, whatever) and many other things. I was at my lowest then and he showed me that ambition is not a dirty word, that confidence in yourself isn’t a bad thing and even if these things intimidate the people around you, they are valid and you shouldn’t be ashamed of despicting such things.
That made me relate to him a lot. I still find myself (whenever I revisit the books) being like “mood” or “same” or “that’s my boy” or “my pride and joy” or “Hail Reaper” at many of his thoughts, actions and one liners. I will always love him, although he is very thick headed sometimes and that’s annoying.
She is my favorite female character. I love the fact that despite growing up with Nero au Augustus as a father and Adrius as a twin, she is still kind. She is also fair, open-minded and highly intelligent. And strong in more ways than one. I love that she is multi-faceted (although haters think she is bland and 2D…Pixies, where? Did we read the same books?) and despite her family and the way she was brought up, she finds it hard to pretend and is mostly genuine (unless she has a plan). I love how she doesn’t give (to use Sevro’s terminology) two squirts of piss over the title of heir of House Augustus, although she’s more than capable to fill in the spot. But she’s more concerned with making the world a better place (she is a Reformist and although the story follows Darrow more, that is a big deal giving that she tried to make laws to help other Colors including the banning of the Board of Quality Control). I love how she is a logical person, yet she sacrifices a part of herself for her family, because she is human and bound to do illogical things. I love how, despite loving her family so much, she often goes against them, because it’s the right thing to do. I love how she is underestimated and she just spits (not literally) in their faces. I just love how she is a fighter, a politician, a leader, because we rarely see females like that. 
Sevro is a breath of fresh air. He is who he is without warning labels and apologies. He is a survivor, a loyal friend (very rare kind), a badarse. He is amazing. His existence is a defiance and I love it, although that resulted in a lonely childhood. I love him to bits tho, because he also shows how good it is to be yourself and like yourself despite everything. He is very sweet despite being a hard arse and his insults always leave me very impressed. It’s obvious that at the Institute, he just wanted to survive and get a modest job (like Fitchner - thing which Fitchner probably encouraged), but he started to see Darrow and his behavior with the others and he wanted to make friends. And when Darrow became his friend - his only real friend until then - it made him want more, dream for more. And I just love that. I love how Sevro evolved and how he protects his friends - Howlers included. The only thing I’m not a fan of is his hygene…and his pornographic collection of holoFilms.
Victra is a warrior, an heiress and a business woman. She kicks arse, takes names and simply slays. I love that there is more to her than meets the eye (although I don’t trust NerdsTM to appreciate her like she deserves). I love how bad arse and loyal she is. I love how she enjoys life and all it entails. I love that she lets herself be vulnerable in public and it makes her courageous. I love how open she is about herself, yet she is still mysterious. I love the fact that she never lies and she loves jade jewelry and displaying her scars like jewelry and the smell of the air before the rain hits the ground. 
I feel like Fitch is way too underrated. He was fairy chosen to be Rage Knight -  a position Lorn filled which only makes it legendary and harder to get. He beat Proctor Jupiter and Tactus’ eldest brother - which I hope is Tharsus, because Apollonius is in my graces atm. Not only that, he created the Sons of Ares, he lead them and infiltrated into the Society’s highest ranks to destroy it from the inside and build something better. It was his plan, his sacrifices, his dream. There would be no Rising without Fitchner. Not even Sevro, but hey, it’s not like the guy would say something like “The entire world should thank me for Sevro - he came from my sperm, ok, my swimmers made the little Goblin. You’re welcome!”…when we all know Sevro’s enemies would rather curse Fitchner’s balls for helping create their doom…
Getting back on track, Fitchner was the okay-est Proctor and one of the best characters.
Adrius: (no, it’ not an unpopular opinion, here we love Adrius)
I believe Adrius is the best villain hands down. There are no excuses for his actions, he is a genocidal maniac with daddy issues. He looks at people like they are objects, not human beings, he has no compassion and has no knowledge of empathy. And I love him. I give him sympathy, because he is a monster, but he was made that way. Although he displayed terrifying behavior from a young age, his fall towards evil could have been avoided if his father gave two (2) fucks about him. I love his relationship with Darrow and how they were rivals, then sort of allies, then…you’ll find out. I just love how Adrius was written. He is really great as a villain. I hate what he did to Darrow, tho. When he killed Nero I was happy for him, but no one touches Darrow, so that was his worst move ever. Like…Pixie, you just signed your death warrant, stay away from Mustang’s Bitc- Boo!
The Telemanuses: 
All of them are amazing! Much love to all of them! They deserve the world! I include Niobe, Thraxa and Xana, but that’s all I’m going to say, because you need to read for yourself to believe me.
Cassius: (long stoty, because i didn’t really like him at first)
You know what? I disliked Cassius as much as Darrow did first time he saw him…too annoyingly perfect. And after what Darrow endured it felt like a disgrace to see an entitled little Pixie dance his way on marble corridors at the expense of so many Colors. As the story progressed, Cassius’s entitled arse didn’t improved and the most annoying part was him bragging about the death he claimed. I know he did it to make people talk and find out who killed Julian, but that doesn’t make him right. The 49 other people killed in the Passage were just as innocent as Julian. He made the death of the person he killed sound cheap. Even Antonia had more respect towards that. And Titus made it worse, but that gets off tracks. I understand his pain. If someone would have killed my sister in the Passage, it would have sworn revenge too. But the painful thing is that Cassius saw only Julian’s death, Julian didn’t deserve to die. But that is also true for all the other people who got murdered in the Passage. They didn’t deserve to die either, but you don’t see anyone going at Mustang or Sevro with blood oaths to murder them. The whole system is fucked up and must be changed. Killing Darrow might be a thing of honour, but honour doesn’t bring back Julian.
The fact that he lied to everyone that Darrow was killed by Adrius to claim his spot as Primus of Mars wasn’t good publicity either. And then, he got to be even more of a Pixie in Golden Son. But it was Mustang who convinced me to give him a chance. Because she was the one who revealed that Cassius is conflicted, that he regrets losing not one brother, but two. That he suffers, but tries to do his duty to his family and honour them. Bit by bit, I was open to seeing Cassius from this perspective, so I gave him lots of benefits of the doubt. Until he killed Fitchner and all I wanted was to see his head on a spike turned ugly by gore and maggots. Then Morning Star happened and I went from: fuck Cassius (and not in a nice way) to Bloodydamn finally, Pixie, you made me so proud. Then, we got Iron Gold and man, if something happens to him I’ll kill all the Gold families of the Rim and then that bitch of a ward. 
I really love his character development. I can see that mine is an unpopular opinion everywhere in this fandom, given that even the author has a soft spot for Cassius (not that that stops him from making Cassius suffer even more), but yeah…that is the story of how I got late to the “We love Cassius” party. I’m being short on the good details, because I don’t want to spoil you, but I hope you understand.
Holiday and Orion:
They are amazing human beings and although they are side characters I love their contribution to the series. I love their personalities and talents and their overall no nonsense attitude. 
I’ll stop here, before we go off charts. Here are some honourable mentions in no particular order: Aja au Grimmus, Ragnar Volarus, Theodora, Matteo, Mickey, Tactus au Rath Valii, Lorn au Arcos, Apollonius au Valii Rath, Alexandar au Arcos, Rhonna of Lykos, Diomedes au Raa, Trigg ti Nakamura, Volga Fjordan.
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