#as much as Vox is reveling in the damage done to Alastor's persona he's not pleased that Alastor essentially has an unbreachable shield now
blue-rose-soul · 7 months
Arghg I love your au!
I was wondering how public the knowledge Alastor’s and Lucifer’s relationship would go?
In other posts the other hotel residents find out but I’d imagine Alastor wouldn’t want this to get out as it might not be good for his image (and not wanting someone like Vox finding out). But I also can’t imagine Charlie or Lucifer (or really any of the residents) being all that discreet.
Arghg thank you! Much appreciated!
With Lucifer now a permanent fixture at the hotel and Charlie becoming increasingly involved in the destabilization of Heaven's foundation, the secret does have an expiration date. Particularly once Lucifer himself learns Alastor's his son. I don't think that any of the hotel residents would go spilling it, since they're a pretty tight knit group. So far, only Angel Dust is really shown to have a social life outside of the hotel, and I think he of all people knows how important it is to keep a tight lid on certain family secrets, given he was a gay man in a mafia family in the 40s. Frank might, but he says insane shit all the time. Possibly Adam if he returns as a sinner, and if Vaggie doesn't punch his teeth into the back of his throat first.
I imagine his guilt over not being there for Alastor when he was a kid, the revelation that Alastor nearly died fighting Adam, and Alastor's lingering wound and broken staff would lead Lucifer to be a tad protective. Alastor, on the other hand, would prefer to go about his normal routine as though nothing's changed. Vox is very actively trying to tear down his reputation, so it's more important than ever that Alastor show his face in public so everyone knows he's as strong and dangerous as ever. Lucifer's hovering doesn't help with that. With cocky sinners trying to take their shot, and the Vees scheming, Lucifer only clings tighter, and Alastor fights harder to prove he's unaffected.
I can see either Vox finding out the truth through his stalking, or by making some overt move against Alastor that forces Lucifer to step in to protect him. Either way, once Vox knows, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the Pride Ring does. And the public blows up over it.
Alastor's famous for being the only mortal soul to manifest in hell with such incredible power. Only, he's not a mortal soul after all! He's a royal bastard masquerading as one. No wonder he's helping out at Charlie's stupid hotel. Obviously he has a soft side towards his sister! Suddenly he's not the Radio Demon anymore. He's just the Devil's Bastard.
The carefully cultivated reputation Alastor has built suffers a heavy blow. Although Lucifer is undoubtedly the most powerful being in Hell, the sinners don't have much respect for him as a ruler. They don't so much fear his power as the idea of it, since he hasn't really done much with it in his time as King of Hell. There's no real prestige to be gained from the relation. Plus, a very large part of Alastor's power came from the mystique behind his rise. The reason was so feared was because nobody knew how he was as powerful as he was, and now that there's an explanation, he loses that. Needless to say, he's not holding up so well when the truth comes out to the public. (Cue another dramatic musical monologue.)
Knowing what jerks the people of Hell are, you can imagine the field day the news would have. Lucifer gets ripped apart by Katie Killjoy for being a no-good husband on top of being a no-good king, people are questioning whether Alastor's really as fearsome as he pretends to be, and the Vees are trying to find a way to spin this to their advantage. Lucifer's panicking - it's not like he was embarrassed of Alastor or so he says, but he wanted to be the one to tell Lilith, not have it get back to her like this - and Alastor feels like he's being strangled - by his deal, by the public response, by Charlie and Lucifer. He needs to do something to fix this, but the situation is spiraling ever out of his control.
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