#as thats the start of the Reiwa era
littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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Kaijuu Jieitai[怪獣自衛隊]: Kaiju Self Defense Force
Shiyakusho[死役所]: Government Office (of) Death
Oten no Mon[応天の門]
Ohitori-sama HOTEL[おひとりさまホテル]: One Person HOTEL
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Rokuhōdō Yotsuiro Biyori[鹿楓堂よついろ日和]
Delicious Underground[デリシャス・アンダーグラウンド]
DinoSan[ディノサン]: Dinosaurs Sanctuary
Saigo no RESTAURANT[最後のレストラン]: The last RESTAURANT
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Keikoku no Shitateya - Rose Bertin[傾国の仕立て屋 ローズ・ベルタン]: The Dressmaker of the Ruinous Beauty - Rose Bertin
"Kodomo wo Koroshite kudasai" to iu Oyatachi[「子供を殺してください」という親たち]: Parent says "Kill (my) Child, Please"
Moeyoken[燃えよ剣]: Burning Sword
Narazumono Renbo[ならずもの恋慕]
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Misetagari no Tsuyuno-Chan[見せたがりの露乃ちゃん]: Tsyyuno-cahn Wants to show it
Boku no Tsuma wa Hattatsu Shougai[僕の妻は発達障害] MY WIFE HAS A DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER
OOKAMI Buka-kun to HITSUJI Jouushi-san[オオカミ部下くんとヒツジ上司さん]: WOLF Subordinate-kun & SHEEP Superior-san
Ruru Hikaru -Vampire Memories-[るるひかる -Vampire Memories-]: Unbroken Light-Vampire Memories-
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Boku wa Oniichan no Koto ga Suki desu[僕はお兄ちゃんのことが好きです。]: Onii-chan's Thing That I Like
Shabake[しゃばけ]: worldly desires
Zenra Kantoku Muranishi Tooru Den[全裸監督 村西とおる伝] Toru Muranishi The Naked Director
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 16 - UFO expert's recommendation as the Japan Air Self Defense Force sets up Space Operations Squadron.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this week's installment of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome.
J: You looked at us the opposite way then.
K: I did (laughs)
J: I don't mind though.
K: Hahaha.
J: Im sorry to be so pedantic.
K: No, i thought the same myself.
J: I just wondered whether you'd forgotten our names, or whether you were a bit tired.
T: He's probably tired.
J: I was a bit concerned *laughs*
K: You got me.
J: I just noticed it, so..
K: How have you been recently?
J: Well, how? hmm, well..
K: Its still around the middle of April now, as we record this, right? The shops are starting to open again. We are still in...what was it, a state  of emergency..
J: It hasn't been lifted in Tokyo.
K: But the stores are slowly starting to operate again if you look around. Ramen places are really busy and such. But, how has it been for you guys?
J: Well, ive been cooking for myself as much as possible. Buying stuff from the grocers, and making salad and stuff every day. I don't have a frying pan though.
T: You don't have a frying pan??
J: No.
K: Do you have a microwave?
J: I do have a microwave. But a frying pan...well, recently, i bought some eggs, and tried to make fried eggs, but i had to cook them in a steel pan.*T laughing a lot* And when I tried to scrape them out, the yolk got destroyed. *K laughs* It was chaos.
T: How have you survived this far in life?
J: No, I mean I usually eat out, so this is a first for me at 52 years old, this self catering lifestyle.
T: I have a special pan for cooking eggs, its designed especially for eggs (tamagoyaki).
J: Really?
K: Oh, that square type?
T: Yeah, yeah.
K: Ehh!
J: Really?
T: I keep it really clean, and make sure I don't use it for anything other than eggs.
K: Oh, so do you cook a lot?
T: I do, yeah.
J: Kaoru, can you cook?
K: Do I look like I can? *laughs*
J: You don't, you don't. *everyone laughs loudly* You don't at all, sorry.
K: I can manage fried vegetables and stuff like that.
J: Oh, well, you are probably better than me then.
K: But honestly, I havn't cooked anything in years.
T: *To J* If you say he's better than you, that puts you at a super low level! *K laughs*
J: Well, now you mention it, maybe we are about the same level.
K: A long time ago, when I first came to Tokyo, I made curry once.
J, T: Oohh?!
K: Yeah..And with curry, if you let it sit for one night, its supposed to taste better the next day.
J: Yeah, the flavour deepens.
K: When I checked on it the next day, it had grown mould. *the others laugh a lot*
T: How?
K: I don't know.
J: What did you put in it?
K: Just the normal stuff...curry cubes and stuff.
T: It grew mould after a day...?
K: It did, yeah.
J: Ehhh? By the way, did you eat any of it on the day you made it?
K: No, because I thought it would taste better after leaving it for a day. Also, it was actually kind of watery. Maybe I got the measurements wrong. So I thought if I leave it for a day, it would thicken up, but it grew mould.
J: *laughing* Wow. If you cooked it properly, it wouldn't grow mould unless there was something wrong with it though, would it?
T: Yeah, exactly.
J: Thats incredible.
T: Yeah, were you living somewhere funny?
K: Haha, the place?
J: Lets do this sometime. Lets have a curry party with Kaoru making the curry. 
T: Oh, yeah.
K: Um, in my blog magazine TheTheDay, I appealed for ideas of what people want me to do, and people said they want me to cook.
J, T: Ehhh.
J: Will you do it? Get your revenge?
K: Revenge? *laughs*
J: Curry revenge. We'd have to have a doctor on stand-by though. *K laughs* We'd end up with curry poisoning. Everyone who ate it would collapse one by one.
K: It would be dangerous.
J: It would, it would.
K: Okay, so today...Tasai san.
T: Yes, so..uh..finally we've reached this era! Finally!
J: What is it? What happened?
T: Well, uh, on May 18th, for the first time, the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) started a specialist division to monitor regions in space, the Space Operations Squadron.
J: At last!
T: Its like Space Battleship Yamato, its as if that kind of old sci-fi is finally becoming real in this current Reiwa era. Well, actually, its not really like Yamato. What they are really doing is keeping an eye on space junk, and watching for any suspicious looking man-made satellites. To begin with they will ????*1, and by 2026, they say they want to put thier own satellites into orbit too. Its true that America, Russia, and China are leaders in this field, but its like Japan has also started to think about self defence in terms of space too.
J: I see. This is quite serious news then, isn't it.
T: Well, Tokyo sports always has a different take.
J, K: *laugh*
J: Of course.
T: So, in response to the inauguration of this devision, a UFO expert had one thing he wanted to say, which was...well, there is the 'scramble', yes? A kind of emergency take-off, if for example, missles are heading towards domestic land, or if mysterious sightings*2 happen, there is stuff like this. And in 2018, the JASDF actually had 999 scrambles, where they saw something they thought was dangerous, and had to take off immediately. So, of those, 638 cases involved Chinese vessels, 340 cases involved Russian, and 18 cases were classed as 'other'. This UFO expert thinks these might be UFOs, so with the creation of this new devision, he says they could check to see if they actually are UFOs.
J: By the way, what is the Japanese government's stance on the existence of UFOs? It seems like America already thinks they exist, and are taking some action, right?
K: There is a lot of???*4
J: Yeh, on the news. I havn't watched it properly, but what do they think again?
T: ????
T: The Japanese government hasn't clearly confimed whether or not they think UFOs are real or not.
J: Hmm, Kaoru what do you think? Do UFOs exist or don't they?
K: Well, I want them to exist. I like reading about them.
J: Well, its fun isn't it?
T: While I've been working at Tokyo Sports, we've had quite a few reports on photos people have taken of UFOs. Um, you know Hyper media creator Takashiro Tsuyoshi..?
J: Ahh, Takashiro san.
T: When he reported...where was it Australia, Byron Bay..or something. He went there for a festival, and he showed me a photo of a UFO that he took while he was there. And there really was a kind of triangle shaped UFO looking thing on it. And when he showed it to an expert, they said after about 2 seconds, 'Ah, yes, this is a UFO', without even checking properly. *the others laugh*.
J: You'd want them to analyze it a bit more
K: It seems too easy, right? Like, ah, yeh yeh.
T: Yeh, thats a UFO..
J: Saying its a UFO that quickly...
T: According to this expert, if you see a UFO, a big change will happen in your life....and then straight after that he ????*6 and stuff like that happened...Also, the former actress, who turned to that religious cult..
J: Oh, the Happy Science cult.
T: Yeh, Sengen Yoshiko. She captured footage of a UFO in Toyama, and showed it to me, so I kind of think they are real.
J: Have either of you ever seen a UFO yourselves?
K: I've seen things where I've thought, what is that?!. Like...*imitates zig zag movement in the sky*
T: There is something isn't there.
J: There are things that move like that, aren't there. They are different from shooting stars, and airplanes couldn't move in that way. I've wondered what they are.
K: And when you try to catch it on your smartphone or something, you can't, can you?
T: I just remembered! I did catch a UFO on my smartphone. I went to Mexico once to do a story.
K: Didn't you mention that before?
T: Oh, maybe I did, on the radio. Well, when i was in Mexico, what is it..when the sun takes a long time..
J: The summer solstice?
T: Yeh, on that day, we climed to the top of a big rock, and held hands with all the local people. At that time we took loads of photos of the sky, and when we checked later, they showed a UFO.
J,K: Ehh?
T: Yeh, and I don't know the first thing about it. Im in the club of people who've photographed a UFO.
J: A UFO was close to you....Isn't this the right time for him to come out? That guy?
K: He's not coming.
Kami: Um..
J: He's here, he's here.
Kami: We're talking about UFOs right? When I saw that the JASDF had started a space army, I was excited. And when I wondered what they would get up to, it said they would be picking up space junk..
T: *laughs*
Kami: Its like when we lost at the world cup, and picked up all the garbage, then went home. So I was a bit shocked at what was written.
K: But thats just the starting point, right?
T: Yeah, starting with the little things, moving steadily.
J: But, hey, while they say that, they might be carrying out some bigger project behind the scenes.
K: Well, yeah.
T: Thats right.
J: Kami, what do you think about UFOs?
Kami: I've never seen one.
J: Oh, you havn't?
K: But from your perspective, do UFOs exist?
Kami: Do they exist?...Im not sure.
J: He's not very articulate, is he? This is different from when he was talking about mahjong!
K: *laughs*
J: He never stopped when he was talking about mahjong. Losing 30,000 and such. Coming into Tasai san's conversation that much..He's changed completey since last time. A poor response, Kami. Hey, but what is it?...Can't gods transcend space-time?
Kami: Im not sure.
J: Wait, you're not sure?
Kami: Space-time? Well, I can't talk about it, cause I'll get into trouble if I do.
J: Ah, if you tell us?
K: *laughs*
T: Is this a new organisation?
K: An organisation, right?
J: Gods have them too.
K: They probably have unions, right?
Kami: Yes, yes. *K laughs*
T: Someone more powerful than Kami will be onto him.
K: Yeah, he'll be stopped.
Kami: But the gods know this, theres nothing faster than light, right?
J, T: Ahh
Kami: Did you know that?
J: Yes, I did.
Kami: Yeah, thats it. Theres nothing faster than light, yeh. Thats the thing. Do you know who decided that? It was a god.
J: Ohh.
T, K: Eh?
Kami: Not me, one of my distant relatives.
J: Distant relatives? *laughs* One of the gods in the group?
K: It wasn't himself, but..
Kami: Yes, thats it.
J: Hang on, wait a minute, so in terms of what we are talking about, Kami, what did YOU create? Gods make many different things I think.
Kami: I make parts in a factory.  *J, K laugh*.
T: What? The old guy in a backstreet workshop?
K: *laughs* He's the type who can descend to earth very easily, right?
J: He really is one of the commoners.*laughs* Its funny.
Kami: Its because Im an ally of the common people.
K: Well, yeh, it seems like he often goes to Chinese restaurants..
J: Right.
T: And he likes Mahjong
K: Yeh, he likes Mahjong.
J: He's kinda just like my Dad.
K: *laughs*
J: Ah, but UFOs, right?
K: It would be good if they develop this.
T: There might be things like space wars in the future, in reality. With America and such. If they are competing for supremacy in space.
K: Ah, yeh, fighting for supremacy.
T: Right?
J: But Japan is a little late getting started, in relation to that.
K: Oh yeh, its impossible.
J: Right? We wouldn't ever take supremacy.
T: Well Japan can already be seen from anywhere by spy satellites, they'd get all our info.
J: Well, thats it. That kind of thing is going on at the same time.
K: Well, thats just how it is.
J: Thats how it is, right?
T: Thanks for listening.
J: This was a spaced themed chat.
K: Please look forward to next week, thank you very much. Please subscribe.
J,T, Kami: Please do.
*1,3,4,5 Couldn't catch these bits.
*2 mysterious sightings...or something like it.
*6 Sounded like, 'he got divorced', but i couldn't distinguish it clearly enough.
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keruworld · 5 years
Kamen Rider Zero One ep 23 - Things that i don’t like... yes... always (sorry but im not feeling Zero One)... but i think it was a fun ep, a filler ep... a FILLER ep... but fun. Felt very Sentai like, even has Sentai alumni cameos. Now if you don’t want to read any form of critic to this show, just ignore this post please.
I think is pretty obvious that the writers of Zero One don’t have idea what to do with the plot... because here we have a filler episode. A fun one... yes... but it’s a filler... we forget about the competition, we forget about Metsubourinjai Bou (well this guy/girl have been forgotten by two or three weeks already). Still Metal Hopper problem is in the ep... but they don’t use it as plot device.
But ok...we start the ep with a worried Aruto... because he can’t use the other progressive keys... only the bad one.
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I still wonder if HIDEN have other human employees? They don’t have programmers or something? I could love to watch Aruto active as a boss... he doesn’t feel like a boss at all. You could say that the boy is still learning... but come on... we are 23 eps in. -__-
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I really hate how this filler ep thrown to the trash the prev arc in the most stupid way.
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Oh look, the only human employees of HIDEN. Where have they been? Have been lost since long time ago. X,D Zero One keeps forgetting characters because bad writing!
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They have not appear in the show from so long that i have forgotten the name of her. XD
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Good that this matchmaker Humangear have a good common sence.
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It was funny that Gai was there... looking for a bride. X,D Stupid and weird yes... but guess that’s ok. X,D
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Poor Yua... still wonder why she is with Gai... the benefits are good with Zaia? XD It could have been so good that Aruto offers her a job in HIDEN... she is the technical engineer that Aruto needs.
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Im starting to love Aruto’s expressions. X,D I think Fumiya is a little more comfortable with Aruto... but i can’t blame him... his character is so bad writen that the actor must feel it!! X,D
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It was... so nice to see Yua laughting!!
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And later transform! Valkirie... we have missed you girl.
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The look: You meanie... because of you i can’t transform! X,D Good Fumiya, good, im starting to like your expressions. 23 eps in... but it’s something. XD
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Even Izu... she is starting to have better expressions! This could mean that the actors have been more comfortable with their characters?
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Aruto decided transform even with the risk... you know... if they use Metal Hopper in the ep... were not better to have a more dangerous situation? A situation where Aruto don’t have an option... i mean Valkirie was there, she is strong... i bet she could defeat the monster.
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Beautiful Valkirie! It’s a big shame that we could not see her suit often.
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Very intelligent Aruto, thinking that you could control it! X,D This just made Aruto looks... stupid?! It could have been better a “no option’ situation.
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Beautiful Yua... it’s a shame her character have been reduced to be Gai secretary! U_U
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2 minutes of Horobi... well it was better than nothing... (where is Jin Toei? TTATT)
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How do you know Izu?! Uh?!
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Aruto talk so casual with Humangears... i could love to see him talking to more humans.
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Yua programmed it right? Can just Aruto ask for help to Yua? And make them interact for god sake!
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Where this person took the ZetsumeRiser?!
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Ahhh the humangear actor.
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Because this is a Sentai trope and they are Sentai alumni right!! X,D The problem here is that this is not Sentai... is Kamen Rider! But ok... it seems that in reiwa era will have no distintion?! X,D
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Where Izu learn bad words?! I wonder... it can be the ark? X,D If i where Aruto i could be worried about it.
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She, with reason, slapped him after being insulted and just by that the humangear became mad.... is for real?! You know... Gai is right... humangears are dangerous if they will go mad just with a slap.
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Like how Izu shows more emotions, took her 23 ep to show more emotions. X,D
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Gai just want to get beaten by the Ark!! XD
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Well... Aruto is trying hard to contain it. (probably the next episode he will... but because Izu... again... -___-)
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such a bad cliffhanger... but... ok...
The episode was... some how fun... and thats was ok... but the plot... where is the plot?! X,D It’s lost with Jin. TTATT Really... Zero One is trying to win the most "wasted potential" Kamen Rider of all the time position. X,D At least... for me.
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 months
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YOUNG KING OURS[ヤングキングアワーズ]
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CLIMAX NECROMANTIC[クライマックス ネクロマンス]
IROHA drive[いろはドライブ]
Uchi no Ko wa Mahou Shoujo ni naranai[うちの子は魔法少女にならない]
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Can I begin a camera?[カメラ、はじめてもいいですか?]
NAPOLEON ~Hadou Shingeki~[ナポレオン~覇道進撃~]
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The life of the man who retired from his adventure.[リセットのない世界より]
Namikibashi Doori AOBA Jitenshaten[並木橋通りアオバ自転車店]
Dobaku no Hana[土漠の花]
Super mystery comedy Ucyujin "MuMu"[宇宙人ムームー]
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Shuiro no kamen[朱色の仮面]
Yokohama Tasogare Totsutotsu Kaiji[横浜黄昏咄咄怪事]
Inugami ha inoanai[犬神は祈らない]
Nekoe Juubee Otogi Soushi[猫絵十兵衛 御伽草紙]
Shin Ikkitousen[真・一騎当千]
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Arpeggio of Blue Steel[蒼き鋼のアルペジオ]
Odoru Sennen Kazoku[踊る千年家族]
Silver Conception[銀の受胎]
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