dyanosourrawr · 10 months
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Anne Hathaway - Alice in Wonderland 2010
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
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Winona Ryder - Heathers 1989
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Me reading fanfics when i should be asleep 💀
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Hogwarts Aesthetic
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Hogwarts Aesthetic
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Claire Standish
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Claire Standish - The Breakfast Club 1985
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Luna Lovegood Aesthetic
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This beautiful girl.
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Oliver Wood x !Female !Weasley Reader
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It was Halloween night and you were quite excited to patrol the halls for prefect duties with Oliver Wood. You were excited because they planned to tell ghost stories the whole time. As she was waiting for Oliver outside of his common room for him she heard a quite unsettling noise. It was sort of like whispering but very faint. She shook it off and a bit later Oliver came out and greeted her, "Hello, Reader. Are you alright? You seem startled." He asked in his thick Scottish accent. "Yes, I'm alright...I think" You replied. "If you say so." He asked a bit concerned because you never acted this strange before. They began their duties and you heard the same whispering again. "Oliver?" You said in a nervous tone of voice. "Yes?" He replied, "Do you hear that?" You asked with a cracking voice. "Hear what?"
You don't reply. "Darling, you're worrying me." He said with concern in his voice. "It's like a faint whispering..." "Are you sure, love?" He questions, "Yes! I'm positive! What if it's a death eater? Or Sirius Black!" "It's not a death eater or Sirius Black. It's probably just your imagination, darling." He says as he tries to comfort you. "Alright..."
You continue walking for a few more minutes and you still feel uneasy about the whispering and wonder why Oliver can't hear it as well. Maybe it is just your imagination... Oliver was very concerned about you because you were acting very strange. At this point he completely forgot about the ghost stories they planned to tell. After a bit of wondering and deep thinking, you saw something in the corner of your eye. It was a person! "Oliver!" you practically yelled, "What!" he practically yelled as well, "Did you see that?!" "No?" he was so confused at this point. "I saw someone!" "Who!" "I don't know, Oliver!!" Suddenly everything went dark and you squealed out of fright. "Lumos." Oliver said and the tip of his wand lit up and right in front of their faces were Fred and George both of them smiling like mad men. You and Oliver screamed while Fred and George were laughing maniacally. Once you both stopped screaming, you looked right at your brothers and you were furious. "I swear! It was you who were whispering and making me think I was going insane wasn't it!"
They just giggled and looked at Oliver. "How was your "date" with Reader, Oliver?" Oliver looked very flustered, "I'm going to hit you!" You yelled at them before they ran off.
What a night!
Thank you so much for reading<3
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Daenerys Targaryen
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Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones
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dyanosourrawr · 10 months
Allison Reynolds
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Allison Reynolds - The Breakfast Club 1985
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dyanosourrawr · 1 year
Hello darlings!! I'm so so sorry I haven't been posting. I have been in a really bad mental state recently and I just do not currently have the motivation to write for you lovely people. I'm so sorry that I have not been posting and I love you all so so much!!
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dyanosourrawr · 1 year
-New Student- (platonic) Luna Lovegood x Reader
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Warnings: None
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes
Luna Lovegood skipped through the Hogwarts halls when she saw her Gryffindor friends Harry, Hermione, and Ron. "Hello Harry, Hermione and Ron." She said cheerfully. "Hi Luna!" Said Harry. "What are you chatting about?" Questioned Luna curiously. "Haven't you heard?" Hermione exclaimed. "There is a new student in Ravenclaw." Ron said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Ravenclaw? Thats interesting!" Said Luna excitedly. Just as Luna was about to ask the student's name she was interrupted when professor McGonnagall called Luna's name. "Yes professor?" "I need you to show our new student around the school. She is waiting in my office." Mrs. Mcgonnagall said. "Of course Mrs. Mcgonnagall. Bye Harry, Hermione and Ron!" She said. "Bye Luna!" they all said in unison. Luna skipped away even more excited now that she gets to meet a new Ravenclaw student and a potential new friend. As she got to the professors office she knocked on the door and when she heard a soft voice say "come in" she slowly opened the door and walked over to the sweet looking new student. "Hello, I'm Luna Lovegood!" Said Luna. "Hi. I'm Reader. It's nice to meet you Luna!" Luna already liked this Reader and was happy Mcgonnagall chose her to show Reader around. "So shall we get started?" Luna asked. "Okay." Said Reader. they started the tour and they learned things about one another. "I love pudding and magical creatures!" Luna said. "Wow me too! I love pudding so much!" Luna smiled at how much she enjoyed talking to Reader. "Reader?" "Yes Luna?" "Is it alright if we become official friends?" Reader got really excited about the question. "Yes! Of course Luna! I'm so happy I'm your friend. You are so interesting." Luna was very happy about the comment on how interesting she is. She never thought she was that interesting because whenever she talks to people about things she loves, they don't pay any attention. They walked out to the courtyard and Luna was planning on showing Reader her favorite spot. As they approached the forbidden forest Reader asked what the forest was called. "The forbidden forest. I love coming here to read and feed the creatures." Luna answered. "What do you like to read?" Reader curiously asked. "I enjoy the Quibbler and sometimes I read about magical creatures. We should be heading back now It's getting a bit late." "Alright!" Reader agreed. They started heading back to the school and the Ravenclaw common room. "You will stay in my dorm for the rest of the year and I could help you unpack and decorate!" Luna joyfully said. "Yay!" Said Reader. And after that day, they study, read, eat pudding, take walks in the forest and learn more about each other everyday. They are truly best friends, forever and always.
I hope you enjoyed the story!! Thank you bruysblog for requesting this story!!! I loved your idea and I really enjoyed writing this:) Love you all!!!
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dyanosourrawr · 1 year
Welcome to Tumblr! I hope things go well with writing for you! You have a safespace on my end as well ^_^
If it's possible to request I'd love a Platonic Luna x New Sudent Reader. Would being a new Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts be possible? Luna is given the responsibility to show the student around? I hope this is okay, and it's completely fine if not 😄
Hii!!! And ofcourse I could write that for you:) thank you so much for the request!!!
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dyanosourrawr · 1 year
Shows/Movies I write for:
Stranger Things
The Umbrella Academy
The School for Good and Evil
Harry Potter
Anne with an E
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
No smut yet
Legal age gaps
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dyanosourrawr · 1 year
Hi!! I'm new here so I don't really know what to post. But in the meantime I just wanted to let you know that this is a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings if you need to:) I'm thinking of writing fanfic and I do take requests. I will post a list of characters and people i do write for. I don't write smut yet but I probably will later on. But just keep in mind if anyone needs to talk I'm here anytime. I love you all so much:) :)
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