#as there's a lot of 'jack only gets this tattoo in this arc depending on x event'
trickstercaptain · 2 years
     so apparently it’s not enough for me to just figure out and list Jack’s tattoos, instead my brain is only satisfied if i make an entire body map to provide a visual guide to both his tattoos and his scars in both canon and modern verse lmao
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pellaaearien · 2 years
ooooh what is Locum Tenens??? my curiosity is PIQUED
Oh my darling friend!
Locum Tenens was going to be my MASTERPIECE.
(It still holds a very dear place in my heart but my muses disdain it, alas)
The premise of the fic is that the Doctor falls into Pete's World and gets trapped instead of Rose. Rose, with her Bad Wolf abilities, is the only one left to fly the TARDIS. She goes on some of the Doctor's adventures from seasons three and four, joined by Jenny (who is still the Doctor's daughter, thanks to Jack bringing his disembodied hand to Messaline.
Rose has to deal with slowly losing her humanity under the pressure of being forced to perform a role she was never meant to play, getting more and more disconnected from the universe she's now charged with protecting in the Doctor's absence, meanwhile the Doctor is stuck in Pete's World and, with absolutely no telepathic contacts at all, falls into a coma until that universe's version of the Sensorites come and wake him. He then does the dimension jumping looking for Rose.
ft. Rose learning Gallifreyan and getting tattoos to commemorate her adventures, the Master arc being Human Nature instead, where the Master turns Rose back into a bog standard human and she's faced with the choice of taking back the life that brings her so much pain, and a WHOLE lot of hurt/comfort after the Journey's End reunion. (Not that I've written that far, of course, but those were the plans).
Of course, Locum Tenens, for those who may not be aware, is a name for a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another, usually used for physicians or clergy. When I found it I was so excited I nearly jumped out of my skin.
I think I'm supposed to give a snippet as well? So I'll put one after the cut.
Now what? Rose asked herself. She didn’t have the Doctor, or even the sonic screwdriver. She had no way to deal with the attackers. Desperately, she cast about herself for anything she could use. Her gaze landed on an industrial-weight penlight that had fallen out of one of the tool boxes under the sound equipment. The sonic!
She might not have had a screwdriver, but she remembered how the Doctor had chased away the pilot fish before just by threatening them with it, when he was nearly too weak to stand. Resolutely pushing aside the twinge of pain that accompanied the memory, she snatched up the penlight. As plans went, it was completely daft, but she didn’t have any better options available. Now the safety of every person in this building depended on her ability to pretend to be someone she wasn’t. 
Steeling herself, she stood, slowly, raising the penlight as she did so. She couldn’t allow a single iota of doubt to cross her mind as she tried to infuse her being with the essence of total confidence that the Doctor always exuded. She was the Bad Wolf, the destroyer of the Dalek Emperor. She pointed the penlight at the robots and held it there. 
For a moment that seemed to last an eternity, nothing, not even breathing, disturbed their tableau. Rose’s eyes burned but she wouldn’t blink, wouldn’t look away. She’d risked everything on this gamble — if it didn’t pay off, they were all doomed. 
Then, all at once, the robots disappeared in a flash of blue, teleporting away as Rose remained motionless. Only when she was sure they were gone did Rose relax, slumping against the desk and gulping deep breaths of air.
Slowly, cautiously, guests began to emerge, looking around in fear and taking stock of their loved ones. Donna, however, was focussed on Rose.
“You fought ‘em off with a penlight,” she exclaimed triumphantly. “I bloody love you!”
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inter mutiny headcanons!!
        so !! this has been a long time coming, because canon helpfully gives us a ten year void in Jack’s life ( between the mutiny and the events of the first film ) and there are an awful lot of assumptions you can make about his character without considering that he’s lived a whole decade of his life without the Black Pearl in his possession. so i’ve compiled a list of important things to note about how I interpret this period of Jack’s life ( and I will probably add to this as I go along ) 
first things first, Jack captained other ships during this time. there is no way that Jack would have been so skilled a captain of the Interceptor in CotBP if he’d spent the entire ten years without a ship. the main one that he captains during the years where he’s without the love of his life is the Cuttlefish ( named after the ship he captains in the original script for DMTNT ), a modest sloop which he obtains in a card game roughly four years after the mutiny, and commands it on and off until roughly six months before the start of CotBP. but, even though it was obtained in a card game, Jack and Gibbs had actually been planning to put together a crew and get on the water together for some time beforehand -- it just meant that they didn’t have to go out and steal one.
he is an on-and-off captain though, during this period of time: there are stretches of months and even years when he is ship-less and crew-less. a lot of the ‘crimes’ mentioned at his hanging happen during this decade, such as the time he impersonated an officer of both the Spanish and British Royal Navies and the time he impersonated a cleric, and he travelled a lot of the world ( plus all of the... stuff that went down in Singapore, went down during the years prior to the mutiny ).
Jack meets some of the most important people in his life during this time. even though he technically ‘knew’ Gibbs before the mutiny, it’s only afterwards that they cross paths again and become best friends. he pursues ( and sabotages ) a relationship with Angelica / @empireburned, recruits and seduces ( or is seduced by, depending on who you ask ) a former Royal Navy surgeon, Doctor Watson / @crimeblogger did someone say C A N O N, and crews under Asha Greyjoy / @jernhjerte, all of which are integral relationships to Jack depending on the arc I’m writing in.
for the first view months after his time marooned, Jack had to repay his debt to the rumrunners. he did this by serving on their ship, the Annette, for several months transporting and smuggling rum into legitimate ports around the Caribbean. there was nothing particularly harsh about Jack’s time with the rumrunners ( nor was he pressed into it -- on the contrary, it was purely a business arrangement ), but Jack felt like he had to pay them back for rescuing him and likely helping him recover from the heatstroke he had initially suffered, too.
Jack did attempt to retake the Pearl during this time, but also compiled information about her various attacks/appearances in certain ports ( as Barbossa and his crew would have spent a great deal of time trying to recover the 882 pieces of Aztec gold they’d originally frittered away when they first reached Isla de Muerta -- before they found the final piece in Port Royal in CotBP during their attack ). 
the Black Pearl was known by CotBP as a ship that’s ‘crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that hell itself spat him back out,’ so I’m sure Port Royal wasn’t the only port that Barbossa sacked, particularly as the gold seems to be able to draw them in, and Jack knew every single one of these stories. even though he personally never visited Isla de Muerta before CotBP ( since he was mutinied against before they arrived ), he knew exactly what the medallion around Elizabeth’s neck was, knew why Will ( and his blood ) was important, and knew exactly what Barbossa needed to lift the curse in the first place. the only thing he didn’t know for sure before CotBP was that the crew were actually cursed ( this is confirmed for him when Koehler visits him in his cell during the Port Royal attack ), but he has his suspicions long before the first film -- all that really confirms is that any and all of Jack’s efforts to catch up to the Pearl prior to CotBP ended in failure. so, for example, he might have arrived in a port the day after it had been sacked by Barbossa and his men, but he never got close enough to see the man and his former crew for himself, or for them to see him. also, he never captained a ship as well-equipped to take on the Pearl until he stole the Interceptor. he knew that ship was his best chance, and so he took it.
however saying that, while Jack was never idle in terms of trying to find a way to steal the Pearl back from Barbossa, he didn’t let it hinder him from living his life either. of course, there is always this gaping hole in him that he tries to fill, but Jack still manages to become notorious enough in his own right to be recognisable purely from the tattoo on his arm, as Norrington demonstrates in CotBP.
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Part 3
You might want to go back and read Parts One and Two before you read this.  Or not. I’m not judging.
We have now reached the point in You Don’t Know Me where I literally gave up and just started screaming into the void. I’m going to warn you right now that this book needs a trigger warning for the following: Dubious Consent, Drug Use, Suicide, Suicide Ideation, and Unsafe Sex Practices. Needless to say this is NSFW. All of which happen in this 25% portion of the book. If you think that’s a lot... well you’re not wrong.
Last time we had an almost sex scene. Then the next day Jenna and Rue pack up their things to head back to LA when Jack suggests that if Jenna and Rue want to party, they should go to Ibiza. That’s right. Ibiza. In Spain.
Jenna and Rue think that’s a smashing idea because they haven’t learned yet that Jack is the enemy. Even though he’s done everything short of growing a mustache and cackling evilly while he twirls it. 
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But that brings into focus one of Faleena Hopkins’ big problems: overstretching suspension of disbelief.
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So here comes a rant. I suppose it is POSSIBLE that both Rue and Jenna flew from LA to NYC with their passports, assuming they even have them. But it’s not probable. Let’s look at the facts.
Both of them are poor and working minimum wage jobs while trying to get gigs as dancers (something that doesn’t pay much and has a high injury rate).
They had to have both traveled to NYC with their passports.
Most people, even those who have passports, use their State ID (driver’s license or ID card) to travel within the U.S. The exceptions are those whose states don’t have “rigorous” enough of ID standards.  But California is not one of them.
Passports are expensive and difficult to get. Most people, especially if they are pinching pennies to make ends meet like Rue was, won’t bother with the expense.
They BOTH had to decide “Hey, I’m bringing my passport with me!” Which considering the speed and lack of planning with the NYC trip is something that is really unlikely.
I fully admit I did search the book for Customs or Passport and didn’t get any hits. And don’t say, well they’re flying in a private plane they can bypass customs. I’m going to say, “Um, no.” After 9/11 you had better believe that loophole got plugged, assuming it was even leaking to begin with. It’s made doubly worse considering that they fly home on a commercial airliner.
Technically she didn’t do anything wrong, per se. She just expects the reader to go with it. It wouldn’t have taken much, just a quick mention - “Jenna and I grabbed our passports and headed out” - but there wasn’t even that. It’s lazy writing.
Speaking of.... Remember that foreshadowing problem in Part One?
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Yep, Sean’s gay. (A later part makes that clear)
Then we get this gem:
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So this book came out in 2015. Being gay isn’t the taboo it used to be. Especially not if your family is liberal (they’re known to have supported the Obama campaign). So there’s nothing really keeping Sean in the closet. There’s no indication that his family wouldn’t accept him or love him. And considering he works in the entertainment industry, he’d have a lot of support behind him.
Additionally and it needs to be fucking said...
There is nothing wrong with being a virgin.
There is nothing wrong with never having been in love.
What is wrong is the attitude toward these two things. What is wrong is the denial of who you are. What is wrong is the implication that there are only two ways a person who is gay can be, massively sexually active or completely celibate. There is just a lot wrong here.
There will be more rant later in my wrap up.
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Yep... I don’t have words. Jack is an asshole. Rue is an idiot. Sean is too pure for this world, but the homophobia in this book is now becoming problematic.
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She hasn’t said anything yet!  How do you know she’s Australian???!!!  Sophia is not an inherently Australian Name and like America, Australia has a pretty decent mix of nationalities. There is no blonde “Australian” look. Did you know that Rose Byrne and Rebel Wilson are Australian? That Geoffrey Rush and Errol Flynn are Australian?
They are.
It’s not like she has a map of Australia tattooed on her breasts. I’m pretty sure people would have noticed that.
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Jack brought Sophia over in his continuing quest to fuck with Rue. And it does. Just not in the way you think. Jenna is definitely interested.
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Unfortunately I was to be let down yet again.
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Jenna and Sophia swap spit for a while. Then Sophia turns to Rue and asks her if she wants some Australian action. Rue accepts because she can’t say no to peer pressure.
This becomes relevant later.
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The fact that Rue trusts Jack at all is frankly unbelievable at this point. There’s the whole fool me once mentality. She’s like Charlie Brown with magenta hair...
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Yes Lucy is the one who is in the wrong. But if you keep giving chances to people and they keep being assholes, you need to stop giving them chances.
As for Jenna, sexiling your BFF in a strange country is a really crappy thing to do. You broke Woman-Code, girl.
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On one hand, it’s pretty clear that Rue has no self-control and no common sense. On the other, it removes her agency, which is something I have issues with. Bartenders absolutely can stop serving (I have as a bartender) - in fact in some states they’re required by law to do so. But Sean isn’t the bartender. Sean’s her brother and practically a stranger (remember it’s only been 3-4 days since they first met) - he doesn’t have the right yet. Sean should have said something first before cutting her off. Talked to her. Treated her like the adult she is.
Then if she continues, it’s on her and he can step in to keep her from alcohol poisoning. Anyway, after she finishes her partying, she stumbles back upstairs to go to bed and runs into Alec who’s there with another woman, Maya. Thankfully Maya is kind of awesome and wants nothing to do with Alec, she was only there to keep Sean from flipping out. Because apparently after literally two days, Alec is obsessed with Rue and will do anything to possess her.
Think I’m wrong?
He flips out at her having a bi-curious kiss with Sophia.
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On the list of things I wish I could get through romance authors’ heads, this is one of them.
The story heads into an honest to gods sex scene and I have to force my way through it. Because as I mentioned before, Rue has no alcohol tolerance and she’s been drinking. So this is literally non-consensual.  Yeah... rape is not my thing. And this, no matter how you try to package it, is rape.
From an objective level, the sex is meh. I’ve read hotter het sex written by lesbian virgins. I am not joking. The problem is that Hopkins repeats herself like crazy and skimps on the description and thoughts and feelings.
I also found this phrase;
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super duper jarring. Like WTF-I’m-giggling-now jarring.
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Note the percentage mark. Now while I don’t have a problem with this if there’s flirting and build up. The only build up we’ve gotten is some coitus interruptus and a whole lot of possessiveness. Technically you don’t even need to have sex in a romance. But with all of the lead up I’m starting to get annoyed. This isn’t erotica. This isn’t romance. It’s just a mess.
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So I guess it depends on your definition of sex.
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I know some people have issues with condom use in romance. But I happen to be of the mindset that you need to hang a lampshade on this. At least acknowledge that they’re choosing to take the chance. Or they don’t care. Something.
And considering who they are, it’s likely the latter. But this is a post-AIDS world. Condoms and birth-control should be a discussion point. Or at least acknowledged in some way. Like this: “As a dancer, Rue was on birth control. More for the lack of periods than out of any desire to prevent pregnancy, although that was a very welcome side-effect. Kids were not in the cards yet.” Just something.
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The following morning -- at least I think it is... the book isn’t totally clear and I didn’t feel like rereading to make sure -- the group meets for breakfast/lunch down in the restaurant by the pool.
Jack saunters in and tosses a stack of tabloids and celebrity gossip magazines onto the table and then sits back and gloats. The headlines are cruel. Calling Rue a bastard (which she is). Her mother a whore (Which she is not!). Rue a spendthrift partying idiot (accurate). And a whole slew of names. Rue, understandably, gets upset and runs off. What is less understandable is that she jumps in the pool to escape the headlines.
While underwater she decides that it’s peaceful there and she’d just like to stay there.
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So this is where I need to talk about one of my Jack of all Trades things.  I was a Red Cross Certified lifeguard. I kept my certification all through High School and College and used it to get jobs I otherwise couldn’t. We learned more than you ever wanted to know about drowning.  One of the biggies is that the human body does not want to breathe in water. It will convulse and shake to try to cough it out, which will often cause the person to breathe more in. It is not a peaceful way to die. It is violent. Painful. And I wouldn’t wish it on my enemies.
Eventually Rue drowns (the author says she changed her mind about it, but I did reread that part and if she did it must be really obscured because I sure didn’t get that impression at all).
Cut to Jack...
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Sorry about the repeated usage of the word ass, I just didn’t feel like typing a 200 page rant on how Jack is everything wrong with this country into my iPad.   But yes, Jack is an ass. This time for essentially bullying his sister so badly that she felt that death was a good alternative.
I don’t care if he feels regret. There is no redemption arc long enough to make him a decent human being let alone a good one worth of admiration. He’s a user, an abuser, selfish, and conniving. He doesn’t even have a good backstory or consistent characterization. And he’s not played by Tom Felton, Tom Hiddleston, or Tom Hardy.
Eventually both he and Jenna realize Rue has disappeared. They notice a crowd of people by the pool and in the pool.
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So most pool injuries are neck/head injuries caused by people diving in the shallow end. Lifeguards never grab around the waist. Now I’ll give you that Jack isn’t a lifeguard, but in a pool when you’re trying to save someone time does not disappear. It speeds up. Everything becomes hyper intense. And the water doesn’t fight you. Not in a pool.  In a river, yes. An ocean, hell yes.  Even lakes are problematic. Pools are easy.
The biggest problem with pools is that if someone is drowning you often get more unwanted help from people who because they’ve seen an episode of Baywatch think they know what they’re doing... but that’s another story.
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Where’s the checking for a pulse? Also again... head injury.
I know Jack probably hasn’t had CPR training since High School but FFS the first thing you do is call for help and get professionals involved. The second is you check for a pulse. Oh and in 2010, CPR changed. Chest compressions were deemed more important than rescue breathing. And in a drowning victim, the chest compressions will often force the water out of the lungs.
We continue with CPR...
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Rue will just end up bruised and maybe with a broken rib. And not the kind real CPR gives.
Through divine intervention and not Jack’s shoddy CPR techniques, Rue awakens and starts expelling pool water.
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Is it sad that I have no faith that even the few things done right will get screwed up in the end?
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Sadly, I’d rather watch The Room again... at least then I could count the spoons.
We switch heads to Alec and get some fun stereotyping.
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Nitpick, I know. But at this point arguing with the book was my only joy.
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So fun fact, drowning seriously fucks you up. And chlorinated water is even worse. You’ve still got creepy-crawlies, but you’ve also got chlorine. Which if you know your World War I history doesn’t mix well with human lungs. Pretty much everyone who actually drowns and is then resuscitated suffers from some form of pneumonia. It’s just a thing. Oh and people who have CPR performed on them have broken ribs. That is also just a thing. This doesn’t take into account potential brain damage from lack of oxygen, kidney damage, or other organ failure. Let me say it again. Drowning is not a fun way to go.
Also, why are they doing an MRI?  It should be a CAT Scan.  Also, chest x-rays for broken ribs.  Maybe an ultrasound.  I’m not a medical expert, this is actually something I don’t know much about, but I was in a car accident and one of the things they did was check my lungs to see if they were messed up.
If you can’t tell my suspension of disbelief has snapped completely and I’m just done.
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Rue checks herself out of the hospital and then the shit hits the fan. Alec finds out about Jack’s plans and is pissed.
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As much as I hate Jack, save the punching for Nazis. Also Alec, you are not lily-white in this whole thing.
A fact that finally comes to light.
Rue gets pissed and storms off. (Thankfully not into a pool)
Alec gets pissed and storms off.
And basically everyone is pissed at Jack. Including Sean who has disappeared for a time.
The next morning Alec, Jenna, and Rue check out of the hotel. But not before there is a cursory acknowledgement that Rue almost died.
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I wasn’t lying when I said in my first post that I was reduced to screaming “This is not how this works!”
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I really was.
Anyway, Alec pays for Rue’s room and she’s now all like “He really cares about me!” or maybe he feels guilty. Or who the fuck knows. All I know is that we’re not even at the 75% mark and I am dreading what happens next.
This post is starting to get out of hand so I’ll cut it off here.
Let’s just say that while the shit has hit the fan, the bullshit is still coming.
Thank the gods cockygate is over. Although apparently she’s not convinced she did anything wrong. And she sees herself as the victim...
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If you feel sorry for us and want to contribute to our alcohol fund, you can buy us a kofi.
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esoanem · 4 years
“They took everything from us. And then they call me a monster. The moment I sign that pardon, the moment I ask for one, I proclaim to the world that they were right. This ends when I grant them my forgiveness. Not the other way around“
Major Content Notes:
Blood & Gore: a man loses a fight, his face is covered in blood, and an eye swollen shut
Needles: a man is tattooed with a traditional needle tapped with a stick. Blood is seen oozing from it
Nudity: two scenes with full frontal male nudity, another with a naked male character framed so genitals are covered incidentally
Slavery: slaves are seen working in a lumber yard, bound in chains. Another seen with slaves chained in a warehouse being fed
Wikipedia Synopsis:
Flint and Gates discuss Mrs. Barlow's letter after Billy's disappearance. Randall accuses Silver of being a thief in front of Dufresne, who is the new quartermaster. Eleanor suffers a loss when Mr. Scott wants nothing to do with her partnership with Flint and he becomes a part of Captain Hornigold's crew. Rackham is having trouble turning a profit at the brothel, so Max helps run the business. In need of a new crew, Captain Vane makes a deal with a man from his past to borrow his men, but ends up fighting a battle to the death.
Now Max’s arc is concluded, we don’t have too much in the way of major content notes, and those mentioned here are relatively minor. This does give us both of the times we see dicks in the show afair though
As ever, all timestamps are from the “Complete Collection” DVDs which includes a Starz logo at the start, as well as a recap. Depending on your source, timestamps may vary a little, which is why I’ve included the timestamp for the opening titles. Timestamps are only given for the start and end of scenes featuring any particularly warning-worthy content
00:57: opening credits
05:54-07:10: Jack & Anne are trying to have sex but Jack has performance issues. The brothel somehow isn’t making any money. Anne gets dressed and goes, leaving Jack naked and tied to the bed. His genitals are visible
08:13-09:30: Dufresne is getting a shark’s jaws tattooed on his arm with a traditional needle tapped with a stick, blood is shown oozing from it. His hair has been roughly shorn as initiation for his election as quartermaster. Gates urges Flint to go to Mrs Barlow now and not just let her go. Flint agrees and says he’ll be back by dark
26:14-30:02: the bald man hands his men over to Vane, and recognises that he was a former slave of his. Vane gives a speech to the men insulting the bald man and they fight. Vane gets a bloody face with one eye swollen shut. The bald man tells Vane he’s proud of him before stamping hard on his face. Vane’s naked body is rolled into a shallow grave, his genitals are covered by another man’s leg
31:43-32:31: Mr Scott visits the slaves in the warehouse with a basket of apples. He tells the woman he was next to that he has asked Eleanor to free them. That this may not happen, but to not give up hope
51:01-52:43: Vane wakes up and frees himself from the shallow grave. He stabs the bald man with a wooden stake, and kills him. He is seen fully nude, and his eye is still swollen shut. His genitals are visible
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We open with Pastor Lambrick practising his Easter sermon in a field, sweating profusely as he lectures on the taint of sin. A rider bursts through the crops and gallops past him, eventually arriving at Miranda’s cottage to tell her that Flint has returned
Eleanor meets with Flint and Gates in her office. She asks how the Scarborough found him. When Flint tells her that it was a plot by her father, and that Flint means to hold him to account, she tells him that Mrs Barlow was responsible for keeping him under lock and key, and must also be addressed. When Flint hears of the events in Nassau, and how Eleanor has managed to re-establish herself as the centre of trade despite her father winding up the Guthrie business he agrees to deal with Miranda
As he leaves, Eleanor tells him that Silver proved himself indispensable in establishing the Consortium and that she has promised to put herself between Silver & any resentment Flint may harbour towards him and as such, if Silver were to not return from the Urca, she and Flint will have problems
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Jack & Anne are having sex, with him tied to the bed, and her on top. She gets frustrated, saying “it’s gone limp again”
“I’m terribly sorry if I’ve ruined your morning, but at the moment I happen to have quite a lot on my mind. Ship purloined, captain and crew a distant memory, no prospects at all except for this shithole of a brothel which by some miracle of economics seems incapable of turning a profit”
"How can you run a brothel here and not make money”
"I have no fucking idea!”
She gets up, gets dressed and leaves. Despite Jack’s protest, we see him left there, naked and tied to the bed.
Max is gazing out of her window when Idelle comes in with some porridge, to help her regain her strength. When asked how she managed to get eight of Vane’s crew to just disappear, Max firmly holds her gaze and says they left for Port Royal. Idelle doesn’t believe this saying that if that’s true, she’s “Henry fucking Avery”. She tells Max that if she’s planning on working at the brothel again she shouldn’t wait long
“Rackham’s got no idea how to run this place. We’ve all got a hand in his pocket. Mapleton would tell him but she’s too busy stealing for herself. All I’m saying is, get in while the getting’s good”
Dufresne is getting a shark’s jaws tattooed on his arm with a traditional needle tapped with a stick, blood is shown oozing from it. His hair has been roughly shorn as initiation for his election as quartermaster. Gates urges Flint to go to Mrs Barlow now and not just let her go. Flint agrees and says he’ll be back by dark. In the shed, as Flint gets his saddlebags read, Gates confronts him about the letter Billy found
“Just one more thing captain, before you leave to see Mrs Barlow. I think you and I need to discuss the letter that Billy found, and why exactly it is she believes that you’re going to betray your crew”
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Randall is being held back by Dr Howell, another pirate, demanding to speak to Silver. De Groot explains that a council has voted him out, and that he was inadvertently responsible, having raised the issue of the fire hazard a one-legged man in the galley might present, before it spun out of control, like most things before the council
“He’s got a raw deal, Mr Silver. The least we can do is let him say his piece”
Silver goes to Randall, and tells him that in his experience, setbacks like this often come hand-in-hand with opportunities. He accuses Silver of stealing the page
"He’s a thief. He thought I was asleep in Miss Guthrie’s tavern. I heard him talking. It wasn’t Singleton stole the page. It was him.”
“I don’t know what he’s talking about”
"Said he has the schedule in his head. That he learned it to stop Flint from murdering him”
"With all due respect, but he spent the last two days beneath a rather heavy cloud of opium, he doesn’t know what he heard”
As Silver goes to leave, de Groot grabs his arm, and tells Dr Howell to get the quartermaster now
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At the Consortium, Captain Naft is rummaging for papers as the rest wait exasperated. Eventually he find his notes, and officially opens the meeting, making a note to add choosing a shorter name to the agenda. Captain Lawrence has started modifying his hold, but a good number of his crew have deserted, as he predicted, and he will need replacements
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Eleanor is called away by one of her men. Mr Scott has arrived and refuses to leave. She goes down to speak to him
"Quite the story I heard out there from the Walrus’ men. They say you rallied the slaves in the Andromache’s hold, singlehandedly turned the tide against Bryson. Imagine what they’d say if they knew that you’re the reason they had to chase that ship in the first place!”
“I would like the chance to explain myself. What I did, I did out of love. And with every intention of staying here with you to help you find a safer, more settled life, a life you deserve! It was not a betrayal. It was – “
“It was not your decision to make! My life is my own. It’s not Benjamin Hornigold’s, and it’s not Charles vane’s, it’s not my father’s, and it’s not yours. Do you understand?”
He says he would have had nowhere else to go, as he is chattel property of the Guthrie estate. Eleanor is hurt by this reminder of her complicity in his enslavement, saying she’d never seen him that way. He says he needs to ask her a favour
Charles Vane wakes up in the sun, with a slave boy looking down at him. The boy has the same scar he does on his chest. The boy leads him through the lumber yard and we see that many of the workers, of all races, are in chains. Vane is called over to sit by the bald man, and asked if he means to do business. He explains his plan as the bald man keeps his back turned
"There is a place, there’s a place not far from here. A place fueled by plunder. A place of great wealth. Run by its crews. Flying no flag”
“I know of Nassau. What of it”
"She’s weak. So she’s ripe for the taking. A man with enough strength could have his hands wrapped around her throat in a matter of hours. Control the flow of trade. Get rich”
"My men are rich. Wood sells well, and we don’t rely on the mercy of the sea”
"No man is rich who could have a lot more by doing less. When you sailed as captain of these men, they sacked Campeche for you, they sacked Cartagena for you. Give me a dozen of them, and I will bring Nassau in line”
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The man asks his name, and says he knows it. When Vane lays out his terms, he doesn’t answer, but turns around and presses Vane on how he knew to find him. Vane ignores the question and asks if they have a deal, before getting up to walk away, when the bald man makes a counteroffer
"How did you know to seek me out? Is my name spoken as far as Nassau? Is there someone there that connects us? Or is it something else?”
In the shed, Flint is dodging Gates’ questions about the letter, saying that his relationship with Mrs Barlow is complicated, but she clearly wants to leave Nassau so desperately she will say anything to make him come with her
"Oh for fuck’s sake enough! This is what we do! You orate, you dissemble, and I look the other way, convince myself that supporting you is in everybody’s interest, but not today. Not after what happened last night. What happened to Billy, Captain.” ”
When Flint says that Billy fell, and asks what Gates thinks happened, he points out that Billy thought he saw them all as expendable, as pawns to use for his own ends. 
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“I know what happened on the Maria Eleyne. You told me the man you killed was rooting for a weapon, you told me it was self defence, but there were no weapons in that cabin. I went, and I looked. I still kept my mouth shut. I don’t know why, but I know you used the crew to assassinate those people. Men died that day, our men. And I expect there’ve been other times that we’ve been expendable to you and if yesterday was one of those days then you and I have a problem because Billy wasn’t expendable to me. He was a son to me.”
"Then perhaps you ought to have acted like a better father towards him”
"What the fuck did you just say?”
"You let his suspicions run rampant, you let his paranoia fester to the point at which when he should have been focussed on the Scarborough's guns he was focussed on hurling unfounded accusations at me”
"So I’m to blame for what happened to Billy?”
"Perhaps if you’d intervened when he first came to you with these fantasies, perhaps if you helped him understand the world in which he lived he’d still be here right now”
"I’m tired of this. I’m tired of the energy it takes to believe you, to believe in you. I’m taking this to the crew, you’re their problem now.”
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"I’m taking it. After the Urca’s been secured, and the money warehoused before distribution, I intend to sequester a portion of it. Every man on that crew will still be richer than their wildest dreams, but you know as well as I do that no matter how much money they’re given, they will drink, whore, and piss it away. Now they have a chance at something better than that! But it isn’t going to happen unless somebody makes it happen”
"You’re lying to them”
"And if I don’t, who will? Everyone’s lied to. For their own good. Every mother tells their child that everything will be alright. Every soldier who’s told by his commander that courage will see them through, every subject who’s told by his ki-“
"His king? Is that what you are to us now? A sovereign? Levying a tax?”
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"I’m quite serious. Who loses? Absent their worst instincts: their pride, their greed, their suspicion, in the light of pure reason, who says no to this? They’ll be rich men in a safe place rather than dead thieves on a long rope. I’m going to deliver them, Hal. I’m going to deliver them into something better.”
"I will sail with you tomorrow to take this prize. I’ll follow your lead in battle, and I’ll take your orders as consort, but when it’s done, you and I will quietly go our separate ways and I’ll thank you not to protest”
Dufresne, de Groot, and Howell are talking outside the tent. They agree that if Randall had told anyone else they’d have heard, and that Flint finding the page on Singleton does seem awfully convenient. Silver tries to convince Randall to change his story
“Say you’re successful in convincing our friends out there to believe your story. I’m not sure you’ve given proper consideration to what happens next. Do you think they just haul me up in front of the crew, air your story, and that’s the end of it? Oh Randall, I think you’ve forgotten one very important detail”
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Outside the tent, Howell points out that if they bring it to the crew they’d likely hang Flint & Silver, and that will be the end of the Urca hunt. That acting hastily could come with a very hefty price. De Groot doesn’t seem to like the idea of lying to the crew, along with Flint, and asks if thy think there’s some way to guarantee Randall’s silence. Inside the tent, it seems Silver has just suggested this exact course of action
"They wouldn’t”
"Wouldn’t they? A one-legged halfwit who hazards a chance at a fortune? The odds are decidedly not in your favour. Well, you were confused, or delirious! Take your pick, but tell them now, then even if they wanted to go to the crew they’d have lost their chief witness and no-one has to die”
"You’re a thief”
“I’m a thief, right. Well, good luck, Randall. It was nice knowing you”
At the lumber camp, the bald man has lined up several of his men, and tells them to follow Vane’s orders as if they were his own. Vane gets distracted, seeing the boy with the matching scar, which leads to the bald men stepping over and looking into Vane’s shirt to see the scar
"You were one of ours? You were just a boy yourself. It could not have been easy coming back here. It must have taken great strength. Go on, take these men. Make me rich”
Vane is trembling, his voice shaking as the bald man walks away. As he speaks to the men, the bald man takes notice, stops, and starts striding back over ready to fight
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"You don’t know me. But you once did. When I was the lowest among you, now I’ve returned, and I offer you a chance to be free of this place.
I’m Charles Vane, and you were a strong crew once, proper pirates, feared as you should have been before he dragged you away from the sea before he convinced you to live here like animals, because it suits his weaknesses
 There is a place not far from here where strong men live lives of pleasure, not labour. A place where you could be feared and respected once again
 Follow me and I will show you what life is”
As the bald man gets close, Vane punches him first. At the start, Vane is able to dodge the bald man’s blows, but once he gets caught, the bald man hits hard. They each hit & kick each other several times, each getting thrown or knocked to the ground. Eventually the bald man kicks Vane in the crotch and headbutts him hard, before beating his face repeatedly, leaving Vane’s face bloodied and one eye swollen shut. As Vane looks at the boy again, the bald man leans down, and says “I’m proud of you” before stamping hard on Vane’s face, with a hard cut to black. We see Vane’s naked body rolled into a shallow grave
Dufresne pulls Silver over. De Groot is inclined to hand him over to the crew, which would likely mean his death. He isn’t going to risk his life, or commit Randall to an early grave with the uncertainty of not knowing he can trust the information in Silver’s head. Dufresne has brought a test. A page from one of Dr Howell’s manuals, for Silver to memorise in the next five minutes. If he cannot reproduce it satisfactorily he will be turned over to the crew. Silver protests that this is a terrible test, that he could have read the page a hundred times, not just for five minutes, so this proves nothing. Dufresne says he’s aware, but this is the best he could do
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Mr Scott visits the Guthrie warehouse with a basket of apples to give to the slaves. He tells the woman who was next to him that he asked Eleanor to facilitate their release, that she wouldn’t have the guns without them. He is careful not to say that this is certain, but does tell her not to give up hope
As he leaves, Hornigold is waiting for him, and asks for his secret to putting up with Eleanor. He tells Scott that he believes Eleanor had the Ranger’s crew killed, but that without the bodies and people saying they left for Port Royal three isn’t anything he can do
“I asked you once to get her under control. The truth is, there is no controlling her is there?”
Flint storms into Miranda’s cottage. When he goes to Mr Guthrie’s room, she tells him that he isn’t there and has taken sanctuary on Mr Underhill’s estate. He demands to know why she wrote the letter, pointing out how if it weren’t for dumb luck it could have got him killed. She says it was to show him a way out of all this
"A way out? Have you no memory of how we got in? What they took from us?”
"What does it matter now?”
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He repeats the words back in disbelief, repeating them silently over and over in shock. She tells him that this isn’t a life in Nassau, that there isn’t joy or love here, but that there is in Boston, and he can go there without the war he believes is necessary to make a life, and that it requires no blood, and no sacrifice
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"It requires an intolerable sacrifice”
"To accept a pardon?”
"To apologise!”
"Apologise? Who will you be apologising too?”
"To England! They took everything from us. And then they call me a monster. The moment I sign that pardon, the moment I ask for one, I proclaim to the world that they were right. This ends when I grant them my forgiveness. Not the other way around”
“This path you’re on. It doesn’t lead where you think it does. If he were here, he’d agree with me!”
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Flint leaves, slamming the door
Silver is finishing recreating the page. He protests again that he had three days with the schedule, but only three minutes with the page. He says to Dufresne that he must have been pretty sure he was the thief to have thought of the test, and he doesn’t think he had that faith in Randall, and wonders who told him, asking if it was Billy. Dufresne leaves without asking. Silver and Randall are alone together in the tent
"Right now at this moment, it is just as likely you’re the one that dies as I am. What if there was a way neither of us had to die today? I go to the crew, and I offer to be your caretaker. I’ll offer to look after you day and night, and give my personal guarantee should anything happen that it comes out of my share. I think I could persuade the crew to accept that. Then you’re back on the ship, all you’ll have to do is change your story”
"You’re a thief”
"Are you fucking kidding me?! Alright yes, I’m a thief. I took the page and I shouldn’t have, I should have counted my blessings to be put off that ship, but what can I say, Randall, I’m not a joiner, I never have been, but I’m willing to do it now so pull your head from your arse and let’s both live to fight another day”
Dufresne enters, and apologises to Silver. It seems de Groot was not satisfied with the copy. As he goes to grab Silver though, Randall starts accusing all the men there of being thieves. Dufresne concludes that it seems they no longer have a witness to accuse Silver before the crew
Mr Scott enters Eleanor’s office, and she tells him that, despite money being tight right now, she has managed to arrange for all the slaves to go free. The able-bodied men will be taken onto the Black Hind under Captain Lawrence to make up for his desertions, with subsidies and credits covering the cost. Eleanor has managed to gather the money to purchase the women, who will be offered a wage in her employ. She tells Scott that he doesn’t need to worry about her if he means to stay with her, and that she doesn’t just blindly trust Flint
“I’m not blind to Flint. I know he keeps things from me, but there’s no reason for you to feel threatened by my partnership with him. If you’re to stay with me, I need to know that I can trust you”
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Scott tells her that Hornigold has offered him a chance to join his crew instead though
"If you need me, I will be here for you, but as long as you insist on pursuing this course with Captain Flint, I will always be tempted to interfere”
Jack is telling one of the prostitutes that the income she’s reported for the last two days isn’t believable, and she’ll have to vacate her room to make room for someone else. At that moment, another prostitute comes down to give him five pieces. Max comes down, and asks who she serviced, saying the client she saw leaving only desires to be swaddled while he sucks on a breast, and the price they’ve always charged for mothering is twenty pieces. When the prostitute claims he only had time for a handjob, Max slaps her and asks her to confess, and hope Jack will be more forgiving than Mr Noonen would have been. The prostitute turns to Jack and swears it will never happen again
"In my experience, if you do not discipline a whore, she will always take advantage. Get your fucking house in order”
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As Eleanor is collecting the dregs from abandoned mugs at the tavern she finds Flint half-passed out at a table. She leads him to her office saying that he was supposed to be back before dark, and points out that any of his crew might have seen and just before the most dangerous journey of their lives, a pissed captain might not be the best thing for them to see, saying they could find reason to doubt him
"Perhaps a little doubting me is called for”
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He sits down on the bed tucked away in an alcove
"Tell me we’re not crazy, you & I. To put ourselves through all of this when the outcome’s so uncertain”
"The outcome’s only uncertain for those who disbelieve. I believe in this place and I believe if there’s anyone who can do what’s necessary to make it something better, it’s you”
He stands up from the bed. They hold each other’s gaze and she seems to briefly lean in as if for a kiss. He rises up instead, kissing her forehead and leaves
The next morning Silver is onboard the Walrus with Randall as the ship is readied to set sail. Silver wonders if maybe Randall is smarter than he lets on, and Randall smiles knowingly as he talks
"Randall, you are a fucking puzzle. Part of me thinks you must be the luckiest halfwit in the colonies the way this all played out. Part of me suspects there’s something else going on here. I’m forced to wonder if you didn’t orchestrate this whole little drama knowing it would corner me into securing your return to the crew. I’m forced to consider the possibility there’s a lot more of the old Randall in that head of yours than you’d like to let on, that you’re not halfwitted at all, but a very shrewd operator who’s managed to obtain the benefits of sailing with these men while avoiding all the risk. That perhaps, just perhaps, you’re a goddamn genius”
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Flint & Gates look at each other from the decks of the Walrus & Ranger, nodding at each other as the sails are unfurled. We cut to the tavern the night before, where Dufresne approaches Gates. He tells him that the situation with Silver is resolved for now, that Silver worked out that he already knew about the page, but thought Billy told him, although it may not be long before he realises who really did. He says there is another problem though with Howell & de Groot. Gates says that once at sea their focus will be off Randall and it will go away
"Actually, it’s not Randall that’s troubling them. It’s you
Having had some time to think about it, they’re not certain that you’re up to doing what’s necessary
The lying we could forgive, Singleton we could forgive, we could forgive all of it, but not Billy. That requires an answer
When the time comes, we need to know that you won’t stand in the way. I understand that he’s your friend, but once we have the money, Flint dies. No argument”
Gates agrees in a hushed, sad tone, saying there’ll be no argument from him. We cut back to Gates & Flint nodding at each other on their ships, each playing their part as if there is nothing wrong, as the Parson’s Farewell picks up and the ships sail off
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In the blackness we hear the words of Vane’s hallucination of Eleanor, and see an eye open in the darkness, and then see a hand free itself from the dirt
“You could be strong again. You could resist me. You could take this whole fucking island from me. If only you weren’t so goddamn afraid”
The bald man and his men are gathered round in a circle. As the bald man takes a bite of some meat, he is stabbed in the back with a wooden spike. Vane is behind him, covered in gravedirt, still naked, with his eye swollen shut. As the bald man gets up, Vane punches him back down until he doesn’t get back up
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thecodekeeper · 7 years
Modern Muse Information
please repost don’t reblog.
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Name: Edward Middlename: None Lastname: Teague Age: 63/64 in main arc Gender: Cis male Sexuality: Bisexual     Family: Anne Teague ( mother ), Unknown ( father ), Catherine Mcfleming ( half-sister ), Hazel Teague ( twin sister ), Jonathan "Jack" Teague ( half-brother ), Adam “Ace” Brannigan ( half-brother ), Jack Sparrow (son), Isobel Sparrow (unborn daughter). Household: When underage lived with Anne. He moved into his own apartment when he was 19 and his brother Jack moved in a few weeks later, moved in with Maria when he was in his late 20′s, and after her death, he continued living with Jack until he moved out when he was 18. Technically he now lives alone but his brother Jack stays over a couple of times a week. Hometown: London, England Current location: Verse-dependent, normally London but he has done a shitton of traveling and spent a year living in America. Nationality: British Ethnicity: Caucasian Spoken languages: English, Spanish (fluent). French and Italian (passive speaker). Religion:  Agnostic, because while his mum exposed him to all types of religious beliefs as a kid, but he doesn’t practice anything and is actually quite resentful of the Church’s beliefs.  Height: 5′8″ Bodytype: lithe and lean Haircolor and type: varies from light brown to black. The longest he allows it to get is just down to his shoulders. He keeps it neat but it looks a bit floofy/wild on occasion because it’s very wavy, even a bit curly in nature especially when it’s long.   Eyecolor and shape: brown, although how dark they are seems to depend on the lighting. He actually has really nice eyes and  sometimes he’ll wear kohl/eyeliner, but not as frequently as in canon Tattoos: 3 sparrows flying into the distance on the underside of his right wrist [HERE] and a few others Piercings: both ears Educational background: in his all his arcs, he drops out of secondary school when he is 16.  Career: he’s always been a criminal and never really considered any careers outside of crime. When he was in secondary school he did a bit of lowkey drug dealing. After he dropped out he dropped out he worked as a bartender for a few months (the only legit job he has ever had). But he had been groomed to take over the family crime ring since he was a young kid so the minute Anne stepped down he took over and that’s what he’s been doing ever since. Social media used: none. Smoking: never / occasionally / often Drinking: never / occasionally / often Drugs: never / occasionally / often If they do drugs, what kind?: he has tried everything except meth at least once tbh. Athletics they enjoy?: swimming is the only athletic thing he still does but when he was in his teens/early twenties he was also part of a fight club. Hobbies: playing the guitar, reading, listening to records, gun & knife collecting, trouble-making, sailing, gambling  Virgin?: yes / no If not, how old were they when they lost their virginity?: 15 Favorite drink: whiskey Favorite food: he’s really not fussy and lives off of take-out and microwave meals for the most part, but he does enjoy rare red meat  Favorite music: he’ll listen to anything as long as it isn’t rap or hip-hop, but blues, classic rock, jazz, and classical music are his favourite genre’s. Favorite movie: he doesn’t really have one. He enjoys historical drama’s and documentaries. Dodger has persuaded him to watch Batman with him at least once (it wasn’t as bad as he expected, even if it was still pretty horrible). And he’s also watched shit like Frozen with the grandchildren more times than he’d like to admit. Favorite tv show: he’s not big on telly because he prefers to read. Usually, if he flips on the TV it’ll be on the history channel with some kind of documentary. Also, he plays soap opera’s in the background for the noise sometimes. Favorite book: he can’t pick one he likes loads of books. Clothing style: less gaudy than you would expect lmao. He wears a lot of sleek and expensive suits for business. When he’s at home his style is still a lot more formal than most, he’ll usually wear some sort of button-up shirt and a nice pair of slacks. His shoes are Italian and expensive, always. He wears a lot of jewellery, everything from necklaces to earrings and most of it is incredibly flamboyant. [a more complete array of clothing can be found HERE and an example of his day to day outfit HERE]  Underwear type: plain briefs Heroes: he has a few music idols but as far as people who really stuck out in his life Bartholomew, the man who is probably his father and who was his stand-in father, is probably his biggest hero. Tagged by: @trickstercaptain Tagging: @materpasserem @hangtherules @wineinthewidow @dxdger @grincarved @thepromiseofredemption @mxdam
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rey-129-fan · 6 years
Isra Character Bio
So I finally sat down and wrote out the full bio for Isra!  Woo!!  Now a lot of these answers are based on the events up to chapter 5 in The Scion, so slight spoilers for the first arc.  Also, a lot of these questions are answered by Isra herself, though when she can’t, I labeled them with a WOG so you know that’s my answer.
Character bio template can be found here: http://yeahwrite.co/post/24774343500
Name: Isra Luana Douglas
Nickname: Bakagou likes to call me shadowy bitch.  Flint prefers Ningyo.  Flint’s is my favorite.
Reason for name: Isra means nocturnal journey, which given my dad’s family quirk, fits really well.  It was also suggested by a family friend, though I can’t remember who.  Luana was also tossed around, but according to Mom, she didn’t think it would fit as well.  I agree, and am glad they went with Isra and not Luana.
Birthday: February 13 (Aquarius).  I especially love it when it falls on a Friday.  If only Japan had the same superstitions.
Age: 14.  I will be 15 in time for the Entrance Exam.
Gender: Girl, she/her.
Place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Places lived since: Mustafa, Japan.
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Galen was my dad’s name.  I don’t remember what he did before he died.  Zoey was my mom’s name, and I think she was a pediatric nurse?  She was really sick for the last year she was with us, so I can’t really remember what she did either.
Number of siblings: Flint is technically considered my brother, since Sophia adopted me and we grew up together.  I don’t really remember Jack, since we really little when he died with Dad, but according to Sophia, we were close, like twins generally are in their early years.
Relationship with family: Dad’s side is pretty much gone.  Mom’s side, outside of Sophia and Flint, are all dicks and can never speak to me again, and I would not care.
Happiest memory: There was that time Mom was well enough to be out of the hospital in time for my birthday, so we went down to the beach and built sandcastles.  Mom wanted it to be a big party and invite all my friends, but I really just wanted her, Sophia and Flint.  Mom even got me a book I really loved, while Sophia got me this game that I could play with Mom when she had to go back to the hospital.  Flint showed me how to bodyboard in the waves, and even let me try his board.  After we had dinner, and then a cake.  Mom let me have her piece, and then laughed because I got it all over my face.
...That was the last time Mom got to celebrate my birthday.
Childhood trauma: I guess having both my dad and brother dying before I was even 4.  And then mom got sick and died too.  Then the CHI targeting me because of my “villainous” quirk.  Honestly, the deflating grades is probably the least bad thing to happen to me, though the school in general was full of dicks.
Children of her own?: I’m 14.  What kids?
Height: 5’6.5” or 169 cm.  An inch taller than Izuku.
Weight: I thought it was rude to ask a person their weight?  I guess maybe about 150 pounds.  That or 70 kg.  I don’t know, I don’t weigh myself regularly.
Build: What?  I guess I’m fit, and I don’t have much in way of hips or chest.  I’m 14.
Nationality: American, White.
Disabilities: Um… chronic pain in my leg, though only affects me if I did a lot of running.  Sophia thinks I might have ADHD, but I’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD.  The second one’s been around since I was little, and mostly shows itself as being unable to talk in certain situations, particularly in schools and around teachers.  I’ve been working on it, and I can use my quirk or sign language to communicate, I just can’t speak.  I’m on antidepressants for the others, and am mostly fine.
Complexion: Tanned, no freckles.  Definitely have acne, though it’s mostly on the shoulders and back.  No notable birthmarks.
Face shape: Face shape?  I mean, I guess it’s round?
Distinguishing facial features: Given that I’m white in Japan?  Eye Shape.
Hair color: Violet, though the tips go black when I use my quirk for long periods of time.
Usual hair style: It’s normally down, though I tie it back when working out.  There is this annoying strand that for some reason stays short and tends hang between my eyes.
Eye color: It’s a light grey most of the time, though turns black when I use my quirk.
Glasses? Contacts?: I have glasses.  Aizawa-sensei says I may need to get contacts when I get into high school if I’m going to become a hero, since glasses will just get in the way.  I get that, they just feel weird.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Loose, long, baggy.  I prefer graphic tees, but they stand out like a sore thumb, so I tend to stick with solid cool colors.
Typical style of shoes: No heels.  Covered shows that I can slip on and off are great.
Health: I’m generally in good health and don’t get sick often.  When I do… urgh.
Grooming: People wear clothes that are already dirty?!  Yuck!  Anyways, I tend to shower once a day, and my clothes are cleaned regularly.  Hair is brushed a couple times a day, but I don’t do anything fancy.  I do have to also wash my face before bed, but I don’t wear makeup.  Pretty sure it’s against school rules anyway.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Pretty sure those are against school rules.  I don’t like jewelry that much, and don’t care for piercings.  As for tattoos, I’m in Japan.  Tattoos aren’t seen… favorably here.
Accent?: I guess it’s close to Standard American, with a bit of Hawaiian?  At least in English.  According to Izuku, my Japanese sounds pretty American, though I do have the r down.
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: According to Sophia, I tend to bite bottom lip when I’m concentrating.  I tap my foot when impatient.  I also tend to walk quietly and my shoes get really worn out by the balls of my feet.  My quirk tends to act up when I’m nervous or stressed out.
Athletic?: Training to become a hero, and Mom insisted that Flint and I take martial arts after Dad and Jack...
Level of education: Third Year Middle School, which is about equivalent to a Freshman in High School in America.
Level of self esteem: I know I’m smart, I know I have a good quirk.  I also know that I’m not the best.
Gifts/talents: I have a nice strong quirk, and I tend to pick up on things quickly, especially if there’s a clear pattern.
Shortcomings: ...I really have a hard time speaking aloud, especially around strangers.  I also don’t like putting up with other people’s shit and will call them out, which some people don’t like.  It’s led to a couple of fights.
Style of speech: Um… I guess pretty informal?
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: I prefer to be pretty logical, but according to Yagi-sensei and Aizawa-sensei, I can come up with some really odd ideas.  Don’t know what they mean, after all, how else will Izuku learn not to block with his elbows without a bit of pain?  Trust me, if you want strange ideas, get Izuku started on one of his quirk ramblings.  Some of his theories and ideas can be pretty out there.
Artistic?: I like art, and doodling helps me concentrate.  Flint has been pushing me to try drawing.
Mathematical?: Oh math?  That’s easy.  At least the tests and classes would be if I could understand what the teacher is asking.  I know he’s doing it on purpose, but it gets really frustrating when on tests, he throws in kanji that I almost never see, without the hiragana.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: ...There are people who can make decisions based on logic without it taking forever to decide?
Neuroses: What’s neuroses?  ...Oh.  Um, I do have extreme anxiety, and have since I was little, hence the mutism.  I was also diagnosed with depression, and was maybe not in a good place before I met Izuku… And I do have PTSD after CHI.  I’m working on it with a therapist and psych, and I’m doing a lot better, but I do have moments were I just… reset to a couple of years ago.  I wish I could get better faster.
Life philosophy: Go out and do what I want to do.  Life is too short for regrets.
Religious stance: The stories can be pretty interesting.  I just don’t believe in that stuff.  And if I find something funny in the story, I will laugh, sacred text be damned.
Cautious or daring?: Depends.  I’m not as cautious as Izuku, but I’m nowhere near as daring as Bakagou.  Then again, that’s probably a good thing.
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: I really don’t like people judging others about their quirks.  I also am very sensitive about my own quirk.  I don’t like not being able to use it if I need to.  It’s probably the main reason I don’t feel fully comfortable around Aizawa-sensei after Izuku realized who he was.  I just… had a bad experience when I wasn’t able to use my quirk.
Optimist or pessimist?: I think I’m more a realist.  I prefer the thought of prepare for the worst, hope for the best.  I do like looking for the bright side of something when things are shitty.
Extrovert or introvert?: Mix.  Crowds are tiring, but I do like hanging out with Izuku, Flint, Aunty Inko, and Sophia.  Aizawa-sensei is good too, but Yagi-sensei can be draining.
Level of comfort with technology: I know how to use the devices I come into contact with, but I would not be able to fix them.  Breaking them is easy, though, especially if I’m allowed my quirk.
Current marital/relationship status: Single.  A little busy with school, training and studying.  Plus all the kids at school are jackasses.
Sexual orientation: ...I don’t know.  I don’t quite understand what everyone means by hot and wanting to bang someone.  Not even Izuku could really explain it in a way that makes sense.  Oh well, Sophia doesn’t seem too worried about it, so maybe it’s not so bad.  (WOG: She’s ace/aro, just hasn’t quite realized it yet.  She’s 14.)
Past relationships: None.
Primary reason for being broken up with: Kinda need to have had one to be broken up with.
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Again, need a relationship for a break up.
Level of sexual experience: Um, virgin.  I haven’t dated at all.
Story of first kiss: I haven’t really thought about it.  I don’t know, maybe after a romantic date?  Do people seriously think about this stuff at my age?  I thought that was just a thing for stories.
Story of loss of virginity: Um, what?  I’m 14.  I haven’t given it much thought.  I guess if I meet someone I really like?
A social person?: I don’t have many friends, but those I do I will fight for.  Most people are put off by the mutism, and I really don’t like interacting with strangers, especially in large crowds.
Most comfortable around: Hard to say, but if I had to pick, Izuku.
Oldest friend: Hina.  Jack and I met her back in daycare.  We were together until I moved to Japan.  We’re still in touch.
How does he/she think others perceive her?: I think the mutism puts a lot of people off.  I also do tend to pick fights, though most of the time they’re asking for it.
How do others actually perceive her?: WOG: A lot of people see her as a haughty foreigner who befriended the quirkless freak who wants to be a hero.  Toshinori and Aizawa see the hard worker she is, and how protective she is of Izuku.
Profession: I’m a student, about to become a hero-in-training.
Past occupations: I didn’t know there was an occupation before student.
Passions: I like learning, and I want to make sure no one feels hopeless and alone.
Attitude towards current job: It depends on the subject.  I do like learning, when the teachers are competent and will actually treat their teachers fairly.  Orudera sucks ass.
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: Most of the other students are assholes who I wish would leave Izuku alone.  Seriously, what did he do to them to warrant all the shit they put him through?  Don’t answer that, I know they’re just entitled assholes who need to feel better about themselves and are just taking it out on him.  Teachers aren’t much better, though if Aizawa-sensei is any indication, UA is a million light years better.
Salary: Wait, I’m supposed to be paid?  Jesus, all my schools were full of dicks if they were skipping out on my paycheck.
SECRETS (Every character–no matter how minor–should always have secrets!)
Phobias: Abandoned buildings remind me a bit too much of CHI.  I also don’t like being in hospitals, though I’m better there than abandoned buildings.  Also I don’t like being unable to use my quirk.  Honestly, if Aizawa-sensei were to erase my quirk, I’d probably have a panic attack.
Life goals: To become an Underground Hero.
Dreams: To save others so they don’t have to feel helpless.
Greatest fears: Being unable to protect the ones I love.
Most ashamed of: Those months between CHI and becoming friends with Izuku.  I really, really wasn’t in a good place.
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to her: Oh god, there was this one time where we were showing Flint’s friend Naotsu Todoroki how to have fun at the mall.  Well, my shoes came undone, which Izuku pointed out.  Now I never trip on them, so I just rolled my eyes.  Then we go up the escalator.  Just as we’re stepping off, the escalator decides to eat my laces.  Nearly broke my nose and had to get new shoes after that.  Flint could not stop laughing for the rest of the day.
Compulsions: Checking a new location and new people with my quirk.  Just constantly checking that my quirk is working.
Obsessions: I guess my need to constantly make sure my quirk is on and working counts.
Secret hobbies: I like to read and doodle.  Most of my free time is spent studying and working on my Japanese with Izuku.  He also likes to drag me to his hero fights just so he has someone to help him analyze and bounce ideas off.
Secret skills: Good at martial arts, being just below first dan in both judo and taekwondo.
Past sexual transgressions: ...what?
Crimes committed: I guess quirk usage?  Does that count, cause everyone breaks that law, and you don’t really get in much trouble, so long as it’s not for vigilante/villainous stuff.
What she most wants to change about her current life: I’d kinda like not to have all the shit wrong in my head.  Also wouldn’t mind having my parents and Jack back.
What she most wants to change about her physical appearance: My hair is a little noticeable.  I’d probably just change it to be like a black or dark brown, something that’d blend into the shadows a little better.
Daily routine: Get up, get ready, drag Izuku to school (hopefully without running into any hero fights on the way), nap when I can, doodle or do homework in the classes where the teacher won’t let me sleep, have lunch with Fujita-sensei and Izuku, after school go and train with Yagi-sensei and maybe Aizawa-sensei, go home and finish my homework with Izuku.
Night owl or early bird?: Night owl, oh so much.
Light or heavy sleeper?: Apparently I’m a pretty heavy sleeper, even when sleep walking.  Sophia’s given up on waking me and just puts me back in bed.  Thank god our front door is locked.
Favorite food: Strawberry Bon Bons are the absolute best.
Least favorite food: You give me anything with even the littlest amount of spice and I will break all the toes in your feet.
Favorite book: Flint had me read this book a few years back called Blue Skin of the Sea, and it was pretty good.  I don’t have much in way of favorite books, though.
Least favorite book: If a book is so bad, I will drop it within a few chapters.  I guess I’d have to say Warriors got pretty bad after the first couple of series.  And there was that bear series the same author wrote that wasn’t that good.
Favorite movie: A classic, but The Princess Bride.  I have a few memories of curling up with Mom, Flint and Sophia just laughing at it.  Haven’t watched it in years.
Least favorite movie: I swear to god if Izuku makes me watch that All Might movie again, I will put him in a fucking choke hold.  That or make him watch Watership Down.
Favorite song: Oh god… If it’s just musical pieces, Hopes and Dreams from Undertale.  But if it needs words, either Kuraiinu’s English Cover of Peace Song or Sora ni Utaeba by amazarashi.
Least favorite song: 100 Years, by Five for Fighting.  My homeroom teacher back in 6th grade insisted on having us sing it.  Just thinking about it reminds me of her.
Coffee or tea?: Tea, particularly non-bitter.  Caffeine doesn’t really work on me anyways.
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Smooth, with a nice glass of milk.
Type of car she drives: I don’t know.  Something useful, but would blend in.  Mm, maybe a bike?
Lefty or righty?: Righty.  Though maybe I should learn to use my left more, it’d be so useful.
Favorite color: Light purple, lavender.
Cusser?: I learned a lot of Japanese ones from Bakagou.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: I do have an antidepressant subscription, but nothing really beyond that.
Biggest regret: ...I really wasn’t in a good place before I met Izuku.  I just regret how much I worried Sophia and Flint at the time. 
Pets?: Don’t have one.  Wouldn’t mind a cat.
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