#as they have not been ratified by the coauthor trio
rollerskatinglizard · 2 years
For the two characters meme, Athena and Angela Merrill
Who would win in a fight: oooh, very difficult. I think Thena might find her older sister a LOT harder to take down in a fight than she expected, even with Thena's greater experience. Angie's nearly seven foot, with greater reach and strength. Thena might still win, but it would be bitterly fought. (Assuming Angie agreed to participate in a physical fight in the first place, which is highly doubtful XD)
Who would be a better roommate: ...lbr, neither of them would be great. Thena is only a little messy, but she'd be bringing home girls and kicking you out of your berth all the time, and Angie is not only as obsessively neat as Rich or more so, she has the added downside of being Real Particular about where things go.
Who’s better in bed: Thena, thanks to WAY more experience.
Who I’d pick to be my presidential running mate: Angie in a heartbeat. She'd have been a government official since shortly after coming of age, she'd have vast amounts of legal stuff memorized, she'd be amazing to have at your side, and if she's a little stiff on camera, at least she won't have a new scandal breaking every five minutes, Thena...
Whose shoulder I’d cry on: .....Thena. Even all the Security training can't fix Angie's inherent stiff discomfort with giving physical comfort to a stranger. She has the non-public-facing Security job for REASONS. Thena on the other hand would pat you roughly on the back, give you a breathless squeeze or two, tousle your hair, and offer cheerfully to beat someone up for you.
Who would make a better parent: I don't think Thena wants kids, but if she had them she'd be... okay at best. A fun parent, but not a very responsible one, and less than ideal. Angie on the other hand would be equal parts terrified and determined to do the Best Job of parenting anyone ever did. She might hover and be a little over stern, and have to remind herself to give hugs and regular signs of affection, but her kid/s would grow up to be damn fine Fleet citizens.
Who I’d rather date: yes I would hook up with Thena. >u> I would not date either of them seriously tho.
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