#asa is just so shippable
fumifooms · 2 years
I’m disappointed in the Chainsaw Man fandom. I can’t believe I have to embarrass myself by being the first one to say it. How can the world do this to me.
So like. Wouldn’t it be kinda interesting, wouldn’t it be kinda neat, to ship Asa and Haruka and see where it goes…
Ok so I’ve been holding it back for a few weeks. The first thing that drew my eye to this ship concept is that he was* pretending to be Chainsaw Man, so that gives Asa incentives to interact with him and from there a lot of fun scenarios can happen. Hruka’s personality is just being flamboyant and lying about himself to seem cooler, being a cold bitch as an authority figure and also being pathetic and cringefail. He’s just a highschooler that’s a hardcore Chainsaw Man fanboy and wants to be liked and respected and cooler but is just… A dumb teen. C’monnn he’s flamboyant and she wants to be invisible. He thinks he’s hot shit and she just wants to dig herself a hole to hide in. He’s the powerless & pathetic one that seems well-adjusted and she’s the messy war machine!! All I’m saying is that I like Haruka and I think harukasa would be funny and cute and maybe even heartfelt. Give me an Haruka character arc, canon, please, I beg. If you want more of my thoughts on him, here’s a post of mine theorizing!
WHICH. He *is* some level of smart, don’t get me wrong. He’s good at assessing situations and forming plans, as seen as how he directed people in the Aquarium crisis. The fact he freaked out after a couple days is fair, so did everyone else and not even Yoshida or Chainsaw Man were able to find any way out. Let the guy cry for his life. Anyways- so he’s kinda smart, plus he’s student council president so he’s supposed to have his shit together, AND he’s obsessed with a devil who’s a devil hunter. He’s the devil hunter club’s leader. I would not be surprised at all if as the page below implies Haruka would sus out Asa having a devil contract or even straight up being a horsemen. Famine’s on his team, who knows at this point.
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So that’s even more fun scenarios harukasa can sprout!!! Also imo after how he talked to her at the Aquarium I don’t think Asa would feel very guilty over transforming him into a weapon… At first anyways, then she learns how much of a sad lonely loser he is and her heart is taken from then on. Just think about it!! The “oh mighty” devil hunting club president who’s actually pretty loser and his -surprise!- badass devil girlfriend who will protect him and carry him bridal style through the guts of a devil he got too close to and that she killed for him. You can sprinkle in so many flavors!! Do they bond over feeling lonely and outcast and stupid? Is there a lot of tension and dislike??! Is it chainsaw man superfan vs hater?! Does she lowkey crave his validation as her club president?! 
Putting the rest under a cut for space reasons but give this a chance please maybe… I am incoherent and desperate and us Haruka fans are so rare
Wow, look at this compilation of Haruka being love interest material!! /hj
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Also he called her attagirl… Idk that’s just a fun pet name I think Asa would love it in general. Makes her feel competent and appreciated
Hehe look at him trying to make a grand introduction and getting interrupted, he’s so pissed and petulant 💕he prob feels powerless in his life in general and tries to compensate with his meager social status tbh
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They even have a lil’ heart to heart!! Oh to be curled up in foetal position against the wall as your love interest is laying on the floor waiting for death in misery and all your walls of secrets and illusions of grandeur come down. There isn’t any sense of propriety or pretense left here.
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All that I’m saying is that Denji is great but also Asa deserves a boyfriend that will be scared shitless of her devil form. Or actively want to kill her. Also his hair looks stupid.
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I mean….. I MEAN…….
Ok if I’ve not sold you on the aesthetic just think: wouldn’t it be funny. Imagine in an AU where Haruka hasn’t revealed he isn’t Chainsaw Man, Yoru is like “Ok whatever, your thing with Denji isn’t progressing with the plan, what if you try getting close to Chainsaw Man instead? Seduce him!” And the irony is ofc that she’s leaving Denji for a fake Chainsaw Man AND OH HOW GLORIOUS THAT WOULD BE. When the charade is blown and Haruka isn��t Chainsaw Man, maybe like he confesses it to her in a vulnerable moment when they officially become a couple, and then Yoru immediately turns him into a weapon even if Asa had started to like him. Or! Love triangle with Denji that’d be so funny. Maybe Haruka takes an interest in her once he sees her powers, wants to investigate or smth! 
Haruka is just a funny little guy that’s even more loser than Asa and Denji because he’s actually powerless and I want him to get into dangerous shit and freak out and then try to save face & look cool anyways, start having white hairs from stress at the age of 20 bc he can’t handle any of this shit and yet. He’s a clown for liking Asa but also I think it’d be a cute clown where he’d let himself be sillier and less important and whatever. Anyways!!!!! Fumi out, enjoy the food for thought 🤡
Asaden is becoming canon so I want to drive the car in a wild other & new direction! I don’t care about the tragic incredible well-written narrative!! Give me the crackship that somehow works!!
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janiedean · 5 years
tagged by @bluetheon​ ty!!!
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. deadwood
2. the wire
3. lost
4. sex ed
5. breaking bad
who is your favorite character in 2?
OMAR OMAR OMAR AND DID I SAY OMAR but mcnulty and stringer were a soldi 2 and 3
who is your least favorite character in 1?
cy tolliver and not just because he was an ass but because he was there to not have character development and who cares. team al for liifeeeeeeee
what is your favorite episode of 4?
what is your favorite season of 5?
oh god it’s hard because they were all a banger but I think the last one counting 5a and 5b as one season T_T
who is your favorite couple in 3?
... jack/boone, to NO ONE’S SURPRISE most likely but talking about canon couples then desmond/penny
who is your favorite couple in 2?
the wire wasn’t really a show for shipping tbh but I kinda crackshipped mcnulty/omar ad stringer/mcnulty for the hatesex lmao
what is your favorite episode of 1?
AAAAAAAH OH GOD DEADWOOD IT’S SO HARD OUT OF THE REGULAR EPS DEFINITELY A CONSTANT THROB THOUGH NO OTHER SONS OR DAUGHTERS IS ALSO A BANGER AND THE S2 FINALE ALSO WAS AMAZINGBALLS but like... the movie counts as one? because... maybe... then it could be the movie for how good it was but if we’re only counting the regular series then a constant throb 100%
what is your favorite episode of 5?
oh god it’s been years and honestly I binged not counting the last season but if I had to pick I would probably be absolutely basic and go with ozymandias or fly, but also full measure
what is your favorite season of 2?
the wire? oh god. hahaha. tie between S4 and S1 like S4 is OBJECTIVELY the best of the show but S1 has stringer T__T that said of all of the wire is top tier uu
how long have you watched 1?
since I caught up with it in like 2010 and I lived in WHEN DO WE GET THE ENDING limbo ever since
how did you become interested in 3?
a fandom friend was VERY MUCH into it and said she think I’d like it when I was like... just out of high school, I tried it out, SHE WAS 100% RIGHT BECAUSE IT WAS MY SHIT
who is your favorite actor in 4?
eeeeee not counting gillian anderson because EASY ANSWER, honest i think they’re all great and I wasn’t into it FOR THE ACTORS but like sticking to acting I think emma mckay/ncuti gatwa/connor swindells but tbf I also like asa butterfield a lot (he starred in one of my comfort movies okay T_T) - sorry I cheated lmao
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3
... lost has more episodes than deadwood, so... basic maths xD
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
from sex ed? jesus christ I don’t wanna be a teenager again ever and not a parent either but I guess jean if it means I get to bang hot swedish carpenter
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
lost and sex ed...?
I’m imagining jean stranded on the island giving everyone sex therapy including the smoke monster and now I physically need it to happen
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
deadwood? everyone was shippable with everyone but I’mma go with my crack al/merrick for the cinnamon roll bathed in the blood of the beef potential
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
... lost was my first fandom and I loved it but breaking bad hands down lmao
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
THAT’S HARD bc sex ed has an excellent sdt BUT the wire had that banger tom waits opening, STEVE EARLE, introduced me to the pogues and was generally out of this world good when it comes to stuff that caters to my tastes and for the stuff that wasn’t it was still objectively very well-picked therefore the wire
aaaand hm tagging @lordhellebore @ghostlovesc0re @feanoriel @myrxellabaratheon @ivory--and--gold and whoever else wants to :)
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randomkposts · 4 years
The crack twilight shipping conversation
E :-"I took care of those girls who spread rumors about you"
"What girls?"
"Not important "
I have back flashes of this kid and I'm like yo she scares me.
K : Jane is terrifying. Just not in the same way to Bella as she is to others.
"We are going to Yellowknife, so you can see the northern lights at this time of year! They are glorious! This guy has agreed to fly us."
"Jane, I don't- wait, why is he shaking"
"Juicebox is also excited to see the northern lights"
Shaking man: "Absolutely ecstatic"
"I made sure that all the warm clothing fits your size! It's even real fur! "
Crack twilight ships
K - E, Crack AU, where Jane is the one who imprints on Bella, going after James for crime, and Bella has to deal with the insane situation of "I think I was kidnapped by a child, and the child is trying to woo me."
Except Jane's Idea of wooing is terrifying and surreal, and has some pretty bizarre stuff to try to impress her.
"But let's double check!"
K :-”Jane, why do you always give people such strange nicknames? Quickmunch, O delicious, lunchmeat, mosquito bait, and now juicebox?
Except for Jaccob, who you just called stinky
Why do you call him that?
-Because he just is
He doesn't smell any worse than any other athletic teenage boy. You haven't even seen him since he got sick.
Hey, does she have a nickname for Bella, you think?
E -Jacobs sweating furiously at all these vampires
K -It's because he's a wolfy shapeshifter, but for story purposes, Jane has no Idea, just that she hates Bella's childhood friend.
Alec, who is back in Voltera, but Jane talks on the phone too, assumes she's being possessive of who Bella spends time with, and views him as a rival.
He tells her that.
E - The fact he face times this stuff. Supportive bro vampire.
K - Don't kill the rival Jane. Bella will be crying, and you don't want to spend time with her mourning. Maybe take her on a trip, and get some personal time
E -She does, but also scares ppl to give them cool shite.
K -I had a crack thought once, where I thought what's the randomest most out there mates I can give vampires. , where Jane's mate was a random old man that she met in the food chamber, was like ,"wait don't kill him!" It became quite a debate.
Alec's, on the other hand, was a toddler he met on a job, where a lady had been vampired, and had bad control.  The kid wasn't even related to the target, just on a walk in a bad place and time. He can't get the face out of his head.
Neither of them are decided on who has it worse.
But Bella being shippable with almost any vampire in the series has way more potential for comedy.
Still, question, does Bella ever come to return the affection?
Edward is hundreds of years older than her, but looks roughly around her age. Staying beautiful, and around his age was something Bella found important to her in their relationship.
Jane, for all she is also centuries older than Bella, can not easily be mistaken for a young adult. Admittedly it could be claimed, possibly by dwarfism, but given that  physical appearance is important to Bella, and plays a part in her affections to other people, how would that play into any potential relationship with Jane?
K - God, weird how what starts as crack, leads me to wonder about real questions.
If that random old man is in fact Jane's soulmate in the crack mate's verse, should she take her mate in the form she finds him, or eat him and hope he reincarnates. Is there only one possible match, or are there potential matches walking around that finalize when conditions are met? Is the old man, at his age, fit to be a mate to a centuries old vampire of a young body? What if he's amnesic. How would that translate to vampirism?
Should Alec keep tabs on the toddler who could be his mate, or let them go and hope for another chance encounter?
E -Probably yes, even though you are aware she is older than you, she is mature maybe *I debate on that due to they stay in that state forever* but you can't get over the fact that is a child's body
K -If Alec chose to keep tabs, when would be the time to reintroduce himself? And how?
E - I say let them go, cause this is a bit too close with the Renesmee and Jacob kind of thing
Hmmm I say reincarnation is kinder?
K-Is reincarnation even real, or a hope?
How would you find them?
E -They have vampires, werewolves and shit, but does reincarnation really draw the line?
First off how did they even know they were mates?
K -It is, though I can't see Alec child napping the toddler, and raising them himself
Some voice in their head screams "Mine!"
Edwards was just weird, because he thought his voice meant " my meal"
E -Bwhahaha
Oh God Eddy
K -The Cullens are unusual in that they turn people in life threatening situations.
Still,Carslie and Esmae certinally had some affection between them, before she commited suicide.
Why did Rosaline get Emmet turned again?
Beyond the bear wound, I mean?
She doesn't seem the type to go out of her way to do something like that for just anyone.
Maybe it was blurred by the blood, and the need for control, but something about him called out to her, I think.
"Rosalie confessed to Bella that she saved Emmett from dying because of his innocent look, dimples, and curly hair that reminded her of her best friend Vera's child, Henry, and that ever since the day she saw the baby she always wanted a child of her own just like him."
Somehow, I doubt she looked much at the appearance of someone covered in blood. She is trying to resist killing after afromented bear mauling.
That sounds like a post rescue justification.
E - True. Always wondered about that.
K - Anyway, I think he might just send Gianna, or something to guard the kid for a bit, if he decided to keep tabs. Gianna is just glad to be temporarily spared, and hopes that job success may mean Alec turns her into a vampire, or at the least, doesn't kill her.
E -Shot, i would make sure that kid have the best life ever if that means he doesn't kill me
K - But anyways, to a vampire who is not rescuing a human from a dangerous situation, or abstaining in general, sometimes they get a sense of "Mine!" About humans they see.
Jane, as a member of Voltri, where mates are occasionally found like this, has heard, and does not question, and in fact jumps on the opportunity.
Her human smells delicious, and is resistant to her gift, and absolutely perfect. Now, how to not kill her, while making Jane the center of her world.
That kid has aunt Gianna, who is not really an aunt, but is... A family friend now, and full intent to make the kid happy.
Gianna is a dead secretary as of Breaking Dawn, I think, But Alec has a need for the human, so he can borrow her.
She's well aware of her morality, at this point.
Also, get rid of that James guy, who found Bella while she was hiking in the woods, in this verse.
E - Yeah lets get rid of him!
Honestly the image of a grown asa man getting his ass handed to him by some 12 year old cracks me up.
K -While Bella might find inclination to view Jane romantically, possibly, sexual orientation may be an issue for her.
In cannon, Bella had the higher sex drive then Edward, and would have prefered that to marriage, indicating she may have a higher sex drive then romantic inclination.
Book Bella didn't show much interest in women, and I don't know what way she swings in this AU, but either way, that Jane has the body of a child would probably complicate things in that aspect.
Would Bella be exploring cross orientation here, or having a crisis for her finding a sex drive for someone who's body is closer to a childs then an adults?
Both would be complex issues.
-It does!First she takes him out with mental fire, then she fights and tears him up, in hopes of impressing her would (will) be  mate!
E -Crisis at the sex drive, cause again kids body, and I'd be hella creeped out. And orientation since I haven't seen her show much interest in woman so that's a lot of issues for her to start on
"And here we see the alpha female show her dominance by obliterating the high male in order to impress her mate"
K - Its kind of weird to even talk about it, yes.
But it would come up in this context
Bella herself, would probably be creeped out
Jane, might be less so, due to being centuries older than her, and living in a different time with different marriage standards
E - Bella is like "oh honey no, that's. ..no"
K -Jane was born in England around 800 A.D, the daughter of an Anglo-Saxon woman and a Frankish soldier.
She was 12-13 when transformed.
Let's bump it up to 13, because while both are far too young for being burned at the stake, 13 is slightly more
Was reading this
"Contrary to Victorian beliefs that pale, delicate women were the most attractive, Brown says that actually, muscles are key. It's the earliest known example of #fitspiration:
"All women would be healthier and none the less beautiful if they possessed firm muscles and strong limbs; this scarcely any one could controvert."
Even if she wants to consign herself to a life of singledom: "And if a girl never intends to marry she should be none the less mindful of her health."
Brown explains that women are often less inclined to discuss sensitive maladies than their male counterparts. But that's wrong.
"Young women should learn that to neglect disease is to create more," he stresses.
"Secondly, they should appreciate the fact that, though they may get very little sympathy from either the other sex or their own, there is no execuse for not taking their complaint boldly and sensibly to that quarter made for them, namely, their doctor."
And this guy sounds kind of radical for the time, and possibly today even, for some, but why does that last line still feel relevant to today's attitude of women's health.
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