#ascella ylteryn
sapphic-scylla · 2 years
For those few people who actually read my OC stories that I post, I wanted to actually write this up for those that care. It’s fairly well known that my OC’s are all D&D concepts and I wanted to go into more detail about them. Also, keep in mind, most of my OC’s severely break the Level Cap on D&D because they’re OC’s so keep in mind that they are broken as fuck. @ebevkisk
OC D&D Breakdown
Petra Naverrian
Cleric-Blood Domain Level 20
Wizard-Bladesinger Level 15
Fighter-Battlemaster Level 15
Dump Stat:
Lyria Peregrine
Druid-Circle of the Moon Level 20
Ranger-Gloomstalker Level 15
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Emily Cordalith
Monk-Way of the Long Death Level 20
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Aerin Curridan
Barbarian-Path of the Zealot Level 20
Fighter-Echo Knight Level 15
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Verity Xanderia
Sorcerer-Pyromancy Level 20
Fighter-Champion Level 15
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Artificer-Battle Smith Level 20
Fighter-Gunslinger Level 15
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Ascella Ylteryn
Wizard-Necromancy Level ???
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Petra’s Sister (you’ll meet her soon)
Rogue-Mastermind Level 20
Wizard-Illusion Level 20
Dump Stat:
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Part three. This is too fun and it’s giving me some stories to explore. It also helps me know where their relationship is gonna start so that I can build from there. @ebevkisk
How Ascella feels about her teammates:
Petra Naverrian
Ascella sees Petra as a hypocrite. Both hemocraft and necromancy are taboo in Cor Varias and the fact that they both abuse these and Petra continues to dismiss Ascella as beyond help despite needing hers fills her with a deep annoyance that stops them from even considering friendship. Both are unaware how similar they are.
Lyria Peregrine
Lyria is naturally curious (pun intended). Ascella and Lyria are an interesting pairing because they both come from the fringes of society and they are both interested in where the other person came from. Ascella also shows her softer sides to Lyria unintentionally.
Emily Cordalith
The person that Ascella usually finds herself standing next to in meetings. Emily is surrounded by a very unique aura of death that excites her. Ascella also can’t hide anything from Emily and she knows it, so she feels herself relax around her.
Aerin Curridan
Study buddies. Ascella once was reading in the lounge and accidentally speaking out loud and Aerin overheard and offered her opinion. Not only did it help, but Ascella started coming to Aerin when she needed to brainstorm. Aerin thinks it’s sweet.
Verity Xanderia
Nightmare combo in a good way. Verity, being a master of the mind and Ascella, a master of the soul? This spells trouble. These two get along famously and can be surprisingly wholesome despite their grim specialties. Ascella also sees Verity in a very honest light and it’s endearing to Ascella.
Ascella knows Senna’s reputation as well as circumstances. They make for very good friends and Ascella feels like she can be vulnerable around her. Weird because of how much of a chaos gremlin Senna is, but she does a surprisingly good job.
Evil geniuses. They spend a lot of time together. A lot of it is in a lab and it’s like two kids in a playhouse. Bouncing ideas off of each other and talking about how the world works. If Ascella had a brain twin, it would be Haley.
Teyra Fellspark
Ascella sees Teyra as her silence friend. You ever have those moments where you and a friend just sit in dead quiet and just be in each other’s space? That’s how these to are. Teyra doesn’t seem to mind and even enjoys it to some degree.
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
I’d mentioned Petra and Ascella don’t get along. Well, I think this will help explain. As well as raid a few questions. Enjoy! @ebevkisk
The Heretic and The Pariah
Marasenna was nervous. Usually, a dragon, especially one that had been around as long as she had never got nervous. Senna was the Purveyor of Nightmares, but still, what she was doing was ludicrous.
Ascella was a name that had been batted around by her partners, leaving them at an impasse for quite a long time. They were looking for someone to fill one last chair, but Petra, Aerin, and Lyria were all against it. Senna had stayed neutral, but had never seen venom spit from Petra’s mouth as much as she had when they talked about Ascella.
Senna continued to walk up the long stairway leading to the Olvara’s Pocket, the castle where she and the rest of Time’s Coven lived outside of the scrying eyes of those who lived in Cor Varias and any other plane that wished to do them harm. Ascella walked close behind, looking mildly intrigued. Marasenna wasn’t entirely surprised. Ascella was a full wizard. This place was practically a wizard's playground.
Senna stopped at the door. “Now, Ascella, I must remind you that this is merely an introduction. They also don’t exactly know you’re coming, so conduct yourself carefully. Also, know that very dangerous individuals live here. One you may know personally. You’re welcome to defend yourself if attacked, but if all goes well that won’t be necessary.”
Ascella dusted her combat skirt in a very proper way and gave a small curtsy. “I wish only to be an asset if not a friend. I will conduct myself as I see fit.”
Senna nodded. “That’s all I ask.” Senna then turned and, with her massive strength, opened the giant double doors to lead them inside.
Olvara’s Pocket was how you would imagine every other castle, but considering the wide amount of eccentrics that lived within, it had taken on a sporadic identity. Contraptions, artifacts, and magical items were scattered across the stone walls and perfectly cleaned rugs and tapestries were spread across the tile floors. For a castle, it was oddly warm and cozy to the touch, thanks to Olvara, the wizard who had lived here before.
As Senna walked towards the main war chamber, that anxiety crept back in as she heard talking. Ascella was admiring the walls, but Senna couldn’t read her face. Maybe it was the nerves.
As Senna entered the room, most of her companions were here minus two. Haley and Petra.
Emily stood. “Petra is not going to like this, Sen.”
Senna gulped. “I know, but this is the best way to know who we’re speaking about bringing her here.”
Ascella stepped forward. “I am Ascella Ylteryn, a wizard of the Astral Plane. I was told I could be of some use.”
Aerin and her muscular 6’5” frame stood from her chair. “That remains to be seen. Can you fight?”
Senna spoke up. “I can vouch for her combat personally. The paladin king is no more due to her actions and his grip on the plane was released.”
Verity cast a quick spell. “Do not resist.” Senna had seen these spells many times. Verity was assessing Ascella’s arsenal and skills. Detect Thoughts and Identify were Verity’s specialty.
Senna continued. “She seems a worthy fill. I just need to know…”
A quick flash and before Ascella could even Counterspell, she was suspended several feet in the air.
“Why have you brought her here?! I told you I will not work with this wretch while I’m still alive.”
Senna turned and Petra stood in the doorway, purple wings out and eyes blood red.
Ascella dispelled the magic and her eyes recognized her attacker. Dragging dark magic from the ground, Ascella threw a Horrid Wilting spell at Petra, drawing the water from the air around her.
Petra weathered it and drew her blade and Misty Stepped directly behind her and yelled “Stun!” and Senna watched as Ascella’s entire body froze in place.
As Petra breathed hard, she picked the wizard up and tossed her onto the war table. “Saves me the trouble of hunting you down myself, I guess.” As Petra moved to cast Power Word: Kill, Haley stood in the way. With an authority they never displayed, Haley stared down Petra. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?! I have never seen you act like this. Stand down.”
Senna looked into Petra’s eyes and saw a deep seated hatred burning within them. Petra sheathed her blade, but still stood ready to kill their guest.
“This person is a menace. Necromancers are a blight on society. I’ve said that. Their magic exists to destroy the living and enslave the dead. You think that she won’t use your corpse as a puppet after you die?!” Petra said, eyes slowly tearing up.
Senna stood by Haley. “You use Revivify, Raise Dead, and True Resurrection. What makes you different than her?”
Petra would not back down. “I use those to give people their lives back. So that they may live again and go on their way and I always ask first. This fiend cares only about the dead she can exploit for her own needs.”
Ascella stood and, with an aura of pure necrotic energy, slowly floated directly in front of the dragon and the artificer, right in front of Petra.
“You, dear girl, do not have a leg to stand on. The dead do not sleep. The dead do not speak. You think I command their wishes. I merely indulge them. Their wills are their own as they rise and that is the burden that I LIVE WITH. I only allow them to complete their final wishes. Everyone says I made them do it or I forced them to kill for my needs and I wish they would just stop. I do not “make them” do anything. Their twisted malevolent wishes rest in their own heads, not mine. The blame does not fall upon me or I would have rid myself of this guilt years ago. Or does the fabled Blood Cleric have something to say about bending the will of a being to their needs? I seem to remember that you have a tendency to reach in and take their will for yourself. Does the name Varrick DeGilles ring a bell, my dear blood witch?”
Ascella’s presence withered the very life out of the air and the only thing keeping the room alive was Petra’s aura of life and protection.
“The grave is sacred. I did what I had to to Varrick so I could protect those people. Necromancy is death magic and is a perversion of nature itself.”
Ascella snarled. “For a cleric of the goddess of Free Will and Time, your perspective is considerably narrow. Hemocraft could be considered a perversion as well and yet…”
Ascella grabbed Petra’s hand and exposed the massive amounts of scar tissue on her hand from all of the cuts she made.
“…You continue to desecrate your own flesh for the sake of miracles.”
Petra pulled her hand away. As Petra paused you could hear a pin drop as only the breaths of Time’s Coven echoed throu out the chamber.
A tear ran down Petra’s face. “Your room is in the upstairs tower. You have full access to the library. But one wrong move and I kill you where you stand.”
Ascella gave a sarcastic curtsy and vanished.
As the rest of the coven split to collect themselves, Senna looked back to see Petra, unmoving and shaken beyond words and in her eyes, there was a raging conflict brewing deep within her psyche that Marasenna had not seen in decades.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Cool Things My OC’s Can Do That May Surprise You
Petra Naverrian
She’s a very talented singer and dancer. She’s a performer (artistic or otherwise) and kind of loves being in the spotlight. Her team is very supportive of this (mostly because they’re all gay as hell and love when she’s in a spicy mood.)
Lyria Peregrine
She’s an archer by trade and is a VERY good one. Legend has it that she once pinned three flies to a tree by their wings. At the same time. Without killing any of them.
Emily Cordalith
No one can ever get away with anything around her. It’s gone from impressive to downright scary. Her luck is insane and her perception stat is so high, she literally caught Haley attempting to build a prank before Haley had even thought about it.
Aerin Curridan
Her photographic memory is the best in the team. Yes, even better than Petra’s and Ascella’s. Aerin can name all of the ingredients in any draught, potion, or recipe Lyria has ever made after half-looking at a page for less than a second. Lyria loves this because she is scatterbrained as hell.
People think Lyria is the only cook in Olvara’s Pocket, but Haley can cook just as well if not better. They can actively pick apart a dish, tell you all of the ingredients, how old the food is, and the flavor profiles of the dish after one bite.
Senna would NEVER say this out loud, but Senna is a fashionista. She likes her tomboy style and if word ever got out she would be furious, but she knows how to make and rock an outfit like nobody’s business. The funny thing is that everyone else knows and asks for advice, but Senna hasn’t picked up on it yet.
Verity Xanderia
Lyria and Verity bond over their love for nature and what’s crazy is that Verity knows exactly what every creature is and where it lives. Lyria thinks it’s cute.
Ascella Ylteryn
No one has ever beaten Ascella at chess. Ever. Haley came close once, but then Ascella got serious. Ascella also knows better than to cheat because there are too many bright minds in the hold. Petra’s still mad about this.
Teyra Fellspark
Teyra was a VERY active child and had a very supportive uncle, so they are a very talented gymnast and parkour junkie. She spends a lot of time in the rafters, out on the walls, and in all of the unique areas of the castle, so he loves to exhaust all of his creative avenues. They also have a surprising green dragon parentage, so Teyra is not only immune to poison and acid, but can identify them based on taste and smell.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Needed a breather from full length stories. Also, kinda blocked on how I wanna write Ascella’s arc. So imma do this instead. Keep in mind: at this point in their stories, they are all teammates, not exactly lovers or partners so for all intents and purposes, all of these people are single. @ebevkisk
How Marasenna feels about her teammates:
Petra Naverrian
Senna and Petra have a respect for each other. They have lived long lives despite still being so young, so they trust each other implicitly. Petra is also the only non-dragon to beat Senna in a straight-up fight, so Senna feels close to her in that regard.
Lyria Peregrine
They have a symbiotic relationship. Senna LOVES food and Lyria loves making food. Lyria is also kinda the group mom, so Senna vents a lot to her about things. Senna also is very good at bringing Lyria out of her shell, so it works out.
Emily Cordalith
An example of opposites attract. Senna is a wild child and Emily is a very centered and focused individual. Somehow, this makes them a very unique pairing that works well together.
Aerin Curridan
Senna admires Aerin’s peaceful and stoic energy. She knows Aerin follows a war patron, but Senna has never met anyone who was literally like a warm cup of chai tea on a snowy snowy evening like Aerin is.
Verity Xanderia
Something unsettles Senna about Verity. Verity carries an aura of confusion and power that Senna does not understand, but it feels very old and very dangerous and as such, Senna keeps her distance.
Madness incarnate. Senna is Haley’s enabler. Senna encourages so much creativity and chaos out of them that it’s insane what shenanigans they can get up to when they spend too much time together.
Ascella Ylteryn
Surprisingly, these two are very close friends. Ascella finds herself around Senna more often than not. Even if they aren’t talking, they find comfort in each other’s presence.
Teyra Fellspark
If anyone in the hold could give Senna butterflies, its 100% Teyra. These two have the most wholesome relationship. Teyra is the soft spoken and loving softie to Marasenna’s wild instigator and Teyra has an ability to calm Senna down that no one else has mastered. Also, both tend to turn beet red when around each other, but they haven’t figured that out yet.
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
New OC. Meet the final member of the Sword Baes. @ebevkisk
Something Stares Back
The Astral Sea is a plane that exists outside of the Prime Material. An ocean of stars and planets and void home to many creatures of consequence, but also monsters the Prime Material plane could only have nightmares about.
The Astral Sea carries more mysteries than answers and with it, a deeper, darker fear of pure and true helplessness and loneliness.
As a Dreadnought swam in search for food, the city of Gogotor slowly drifts and an executioner reads out a sentence.
“For the crimes of necromancy, murder, and conspiracy against the royal family, we gather here today for the execution of the wizard, Ascella Ylteryn. Ylteryn, you stand here judged and you have been found guilty. Your punishment is death by guillotine. Have you any final words?” The executioner removes the gag keeping her from speaking and the creature took a deep breath.
A 27-year old humanoid composed of starlight stares into his eyes with a vicious glare with irises as gold as any heavenly object and sclera as black the abyss. Her feminine figure was almost human, but her body was filled with starry skies, but much more sky blue than the navy skies of the Astral Sea. Her garb was a divine material, but black and gold to match her eyes and her hair was a pixie cut of a deep purple shade.
Ascella spoke. “Tyrants fall by my hand. You may think this to be my last day, but I tell you that you believe a deception. Several people will die today, but I will not be among that number.”
The executioner redoes the gag and shoves her to her knees as she finishes and says “Then, by the authority of the King Buralto, may you find peace in the afterlife.”
As the axe swings into Ascella’s neck, it passes right through. From behind the executioner, a hand reaches out of invisibility and fires a Finger of Death into his brain. The executioner drops dead only to rise again a second later. Ascella comes out of invisibility and with an oppressive glare, directs the executioner on the crowd. “I told you that I would not die.”
Other guards turn their weapons on Ascella and fire in a futile effort to bring down a wizard with mere weapons. With a flourish, a Wall of Force rises and all of the bullets harmlessly bounce off as she Dimension Doors to the nearest tower. With a simple Dominate Person, all of the guards lose their ability to gauge who they should shoot at as Ascella disappears.
In the castle of Gogotor, Ascella appears in the throne room where an army of people await as a precaution in case the guards don't succeed. They charge and, as they do, Ascella’s eyes glow a hateful color as they snap, creating a Gravity Fissure. Several die, the remaining run in fear as, without breaking stride, Ascella paced towards the throne.
The king, sitting unmoved, yelled in defiance. “Pale witch, you do not scare me. You will die where you are.” He pulls a sword and glows with a deeply unsettling divine light.
Ascella remained undeterred. “No nonono, paladin. I am the master of life and death. There are powers you cannot match and I wield them for purpose beyond your understanding. You have nothing in your power that can contend with my arcane prowess.”
The king laughs. “Nothing can match the power of god.”
Ascella pulls her Staff of Absorption from the ether. “I am a god.”
With divine speed, the King brings down his sword. Not soon enough, Ascella appears behind and the king feels his skin wither as a Blight spell hits him directly in the back. He reacts quickly, but too slow to beat her Shield.
Ascella casts Fly and ascends out of reach as the paladin king fires bolt after bolt of Eldritch blast at her.
“Oooh, Good old king worships multiple gods. Eldritch blast isn’t something a Paladin should ever be able to cast.” With a spin of her staff, she fires a Cone of Cold directly down at him, chilling him to the bone.
The king snarls and dispels the fly and catches her in the stomach as she almost lands, flinging her across the floor. Using her staff to stand, she rises, blood dripping from her astral figure.
“Even you can’t evade death, child.” The king says as he attempts to bring down his sword one last time.
Ascella rises and slams her staff. From below the chiseled stone work, a 15-foot tall skeleton grabs the paladin and holds him in the air as the unsettling energy of purest death filled her body as the skeleton completely restrained the king. “Oh, darling, you have absolutely no idea. Kill.” And with that final word, the skeleton drags the king directly into the nine hells.
Ascella, with a deep breath, uses the Heal spell she stole from an old compatriot who does not exist anymore and, as she preps to teleport, she hears the clapping of hands as an intimidating presence drops from the rafters.
Ascella recognizes immediately the fear that tries to crawl into her veins as Dragon fear.
“What an impressive display. Truly magic beyond what most people would see on a daily basis.”
Ascella remains unmoved. “You don’t see very many dragons here either. Especially one with pale pink eyes. So you are Marasenna, the Purveyor of Nightmares.”
Senna strides up. “Petra hates necromancers, but you have skills that could round out the final member of our council. Provided you don’t kill us. Not that you could.”
Ascella gave a quick snarl. “Don’t question my abilities.”
Senna asserted her presence. “All I need is a yes. Come be friends.”
“I don’t make friends.”
Senna starts to walk away. “Suit yourself then.”
Ascella turns. “Wait. Do…you have a library?”
Senna smiles. “Of course.”
Ascella offers a hand. “All I need is something attuned to where we’re going.”
Senna takes it with a bow. “As you wish.” And with a flash, they disappear.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Part two. Doing one for each character. Plus this helps me iron out how my OCs feel about one another. @ebevkisk
How Emily feels about her teammates:
Petra Naverrian
Best friends. Emily usually is a fairly calm and collected individual. All of that goes away when it’s just her and Petra. She becomes a bit of a snuggle bug when Petra is around. Petra also taught Emily how to conjure a seeing eye familiar, a bat named Olive, so they are uniquely bonded.
Lyria Peregrine
Lyria is usually the mom friend when everyone else is around. Emily and Lyria together? Recipe for disaster. Neither of them can hold their liquor and both are very bubbly drunks. Very fun for everyone involved.
Aerin Curridan
They really don’t talk much. That’s not to say they don’t know each other EXTREMELY well, but Emily can read Aerin’s emotions and Aerin has worked with more than enough people to know how to read Emily’s thoughts and subtle facial expressions. They don’t talk, but they DO say a lot to each other.
Verity Xanderia
The most polarizing friendship in the hold. Emily loves being in the water. It helps her get out of her head for a few minutes. Verity also knows better than to hide things from Emily. Verity’s emotions are on full display for ONLY Emily and they have a weird flavor of trust.
Emily keeps Senna calm. Emily senses so much in Senna that she struggles to keep a lid on her emotions when Senna’s around. It doesn’t mean they aren’t friends, but it does limit Emily’s exposure to Senna.
Two very different, clashing world perspectives. Haley’s life is logic, science, and analysis. Emily is very much emotion, conjecture, and sympathy. This puts them at odds a lot of the time and makes it hard for them to get along.
Ascella Ylteryn
Death is their bread and butter. These two are a deadly combo. Think Emily Kaldwin and Corvo Attano. Two very focused and intelligent beings that could dismantle governments. The best liars in the business. They also communicate very well and have similar thought patterns, which makes them very good friends.
Teyra Fellspark
Sparring partners. They also are the cool heads of the group, so they often have the most relaxing conversations. They also are the most centered and attentive, so they usually pick up on the most smallest details. Put Aerin with them and there is NO way anybody is getting away with anything.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
The Pocket Queers’ Worst Weaknesses
Petra Naverrian
She’s a perfectionist. No one left behind, no task undone, no trace of evidence. Often, she wears herself out because her brain won’t allow her to do anything halfway. This regularly conflicts with her inability to find motivation.
Lyria Peregrine
The most trusting of the bunch. This can often be a boon, but it functions just as well as a fault as it does a strength. She sees the good in people and, as good as her insight is, she wants more than anything to believe that people aren’t as bad as they act.
Emily Cordalith
She can be a very cold individual. Her ability to sense emotion as well as her trauma earlier in life made it hard to really feel much of anything, so it’s hard for her to open up about what she’s feeling. Often, it comes off as a lack of care or apathy.
Aerin Curridan
Introverted to a fault. Kind of a lone wolf to some degree and has a little bit of social anxiety thrown in there, so interacting with people is kinda hard.
Does not like asking for or accepting help. The rest of their crew can attest. They are a very independent creature and doesn’t like people touching their projects or problems, so they get bogged down by their own struggles frequently.
Bullheaded and reckless. She may be a dragon, but her stubbornness and reckless behavior can really cause rifts between her and her teammates as well as put her in mortal danger.
Verity Xanderia
She doesn’t think much of herself. She can be fairly self-deprecating and sees herself as more of a tool other people can use as opposed to a person with hopes and dreams. Everyone else tries to help, but it’s a long process.
Ascella Ylteryn
HUBRIS. One of the few in the hold that actually struggles with this. Her ego is hard to work around and she holds a very high opinion of herself. However, this also puts her at odds with a lot of people and makes it very hard to get along with people.
Teyra Fellspark
A creature that can’t say no. It’s so hard for them to not help people as much as they can. It becomes a severe burden the more they say yes and it’s hard for them to stand up to themselves.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Rewrite of an earlier post of my OC’s. I’ve been rewriting a lot of backstories and, since then, several of my dear OC’s have had a subclass change to be more in line with what I envisioned for them. Also, remember, most of these characters come from D&D, but they also kinda break the scale most people are used to, so yeah. @ebevkisk
OC Breakdowns
Petra Naverrian (she/they)-Aasimar
Order of the Scribes Wizard
Blood Domain Cleric
Battlemaster Fighter
Proficiencies: Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity
Dumpstat: Strength
Lyria Peregrine (she/her)-Faunus
Circle of the Moon Druid
Gloomstalker Ranger
Proficiencies: Dexterity, Wisdom, Strength
Dumpstat: Charisma
Emily Cordalith (she/her)-Human
Way of Long Death Monk
Proficiencies:Dexterity, Charisma, Constitution
Dumpstat: Wisdom
Aerin Curridan (she/they)-Aasimar
Path of the Zealot Barbarian
Oath of the Watchers Paladin
Proficiencies: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom
Dumpstat: Intelligence
Verity Xanderia (they/she)-Mermaid
Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Eldritch Knight Fighter
Proficiencies: Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity
Dumpstat: Strength
Haley (they/them)-Tiefling
Battle Smith Artificer
Gunslinger Fighter
Proficiencies: Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity
Dumpstat: Charisma
Marasenna (she/they)-Dragon
Lavender Dragon (previously Silver)
Corrupted by an Elder Brain Dragon
Proficiencies: Dragon
Dumpstat: Dragon
Ascella Ylteryn (she/her)-Astral Entity
Necromancy Wizard
Proficiencies: Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence
Dump Stat: Wisdom
Radurga Naverrian (they/them)-Aasimar
Mastermind Rogue
Enchantment Wizard
Proficiencies: Intelligence, Constitution, Charisma
Dumpstat: None
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Two-day anxiety streak, but hopefully this helps me take my mind off it. @ebevkisk thank you for the idea :)
OC Theme Songs
Petra Naverrian
Armed and Ready-Casey Lee Williams
Eat Your Young-Hozier
Unholy-Sam Smith and Kim Petras (Kayla King Vers.)
Lyria Peregine
Run Boy Run-Woodkid
All the Pretty Girls-Kaleo
Heavy (feat. Kiiara)-Linkin Park
Emily Cordalith
Burn-Casey Lee Williams
Joker and the Thief-Wolfmother
Aerin Curridan
Morning Glow-Pippin OCR
Inside-Casey Lee Williams
Queen of Kings-Alessandra
Red Like Roses Pt. 2-Casey Lee Williams
Lament of Orpheus-Darren Korb
Heavy is the Crown-Daughtry
Flowers-Kayla King and Halocene
I Like That-Janelle Monae
I’m Still Here-Jon Rzeznick
Verity Xanderia
Dead in the Water-Ellie Goulding
10 for 10-Magnolia Park
Ascella Ylteryn
Princess of China-Coldplay and Rihanna
Scattering the Ashes-Trivium
Sacrifice-The Weeknd
Teyra Fellspark
dear insecurity-gnash and Ben Abraham
Where No One Goes-Jónsi, John Powell
I Think I Like When It Rains-WILLIS
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Little bit of an anxiety kind of a day, so hopefully this can help calm me down a little. @ebevkisk
What Aerin thinks of her teammates:
Petra Naverrian
The most siblingesque relationship here. Aerin thinks of Petra as a younger sister (despite being younger than her). She’s very protective and will often feel her protective instinct kick in when she’s being threatened.
Lyria Peregrine
Schoolgirl crush. Aerin rarely gets nervous, but Lyria has something about her that makes her all anxious and bashful. Aerin also wishes she knew how to cook, so Lyria gives her lessons.
Emily Cordalith
Emily makes Aerin nervous, but for the opposite reason. Aerin knows the kind of effect Multanith had on her and also knows that Emily can sense emotions. It’s less a dislike and more of a “I really don’t want this getting out until I can learn to control it” type of deal, so it takes all of Aerin’s charisma to hold it together in front of Emily.
Verity Xanderia
Gossip partners. Aerin can’t help it. Verity is really good at dishing and reading people like Aerin, so it only stands to reason that tea is indeed spilt when these two are together. Nothing mean (usually) but they definitely have a close bond because of it.
Aerin is protective of Petra and knows that Marasenna is a force of nature. She also knows that Senna can have a bit of a temper especially when she doesn’t like what she’s told to do. Aerin also knows what happened to Senna and, if Senna is anything like her, both of them are in deep trouble if they go off at the same time.
These two butt heads. A lot. Which is funny for a couple reasons. Haley somehow brings out the little bit of non-zen energy that runs counter to everything everyone knows about Aerin and you’d think they’d get along with how intelligent they both are. Haley is the only one that’s ever gotten Aerin to raise her voice. They don’t know it, but it’s because they are practically the opposite of each other.
Ascella Ylteryn
Aerin likes how Ascella helps her feel included. Aerin is a Paladin/Barbarian, so it’s rare when someone comes to her for help with magic, but Aerin knows more than enough about magic and strategy to help Ascella jog more ideas loose and it makes her feel special.
Teyra Fellspark
The dynamic duo. Senna and Teyra get along because they complement each other. Aerin and Teyra get along because they literally clicked day one. Aerin and Teyra spend a lot of time together and have become good drinking buddies.
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sapphic-scylla · 3 years
18+ Blog!!!
(I block people for not having an age in their bio! Doesn’t have to be your exact age, but I need at least an honest indication you’re not a minor)
My array of characters is slowly growing, but I love them dearly. I write about them a lot (and post them on @petra-naverrians-diary), but I’m always ready to answer questions and do asks about them, so please do so I can practice my writing them and explore more of their development.
Character List:
-Petra Naverrian (she/they): A 529-year-old transfem bisexual blood cleric nephalem who doesn’t look a day over 25. She dabbles in magic and fighting while navigating the life she never had as she rids the world of despots and people who seek to destroy free will.
-Lyria Peregrine (she/her): A 26-year-old lesbian Druid Huntress. She was scratched as a teenager and became a werestag. She became a disciple of Veloria, goddess of nature and spiders, and has been a protector of the wilds ever since.
-Emily Cordalith (she/they): A 27-year-old blind demisexual monk from the far away realm of Hell’s Kitchen, New York, hunting a tyrant of the Abyss who stole her sight and turned her student. She has a talent for not only sensing but seeing strong emotions through colors that appear on the darkness that is her sight.
-Aerin Curridan (she/her): A 28-year-old asexual daughter of a War Deity who set out to be the world’s protector. Now, she searches for answers after being enchanted with an ancient madness by one of the world’s greatest villains.
-Verity Xanderia (she/her): A deep sea mermaid pansexual sorcerer with powers to distort the mind and perception of those she interacts with. 28 and a vicious manipulator, she fell prey to a lonely cleric who gave her what she wasn’t prepared for: love, attention, and affection.
-Haley the Tiefling (they/them): A non-binary sapiosexual artificer-gunslinger who was betrayed by their hometown’s crime syndicate. They dabble in enchantment, but mostly rely on their own skills and Pegs, their automaton.
-Marasenna, the Purveyor of Nightmares (she/her): An adult lesbian dragon fairly early in her lifespan. 150 years young, but strikes a deep fear into the hearts of her enemies. She hunts, with the help of her best friend (and crush), Teyra, Paraios, the Elder Brain Dragon, who banished her mothers and uncle from the face of her home plane.
-Ascella Ylteryn (they/she): An abrosexual necromancer from the astral plane wanted on several counts of insurrection, assassination of political leaders, resisting arrest, and raising the dead for malicious purpose. Ascella wants nothing more than to perfect her craft and rid the world of those that seek to take advantage of the less-than-lucky.
-Teyra Fellspark (any pronouns): Marasenna’s bisexual best friend and head of the Dissident Veil, leaders of the Draconic population. An intimidating gold dragon and a natural born leader, Teyra leads searches for the betrayer that stole her father from her while struggling with her feelings for Marasenna.
18+ Blog. Don’t follow or interact if your a minor please.
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