#asdfasf 007 - her parents problems started a WHILE ago they just got divorced late stay together for ivy type shit
wheresivy · 6 years
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[ * ⋆ ✹ i v y ‘ s  t o p  n i n e ]   
001. shine signed : ( see you in la, shine. )
two hours after getting home from her meeting with shine & finally being signed on with a manager, ivy relished in the fact that she was told to be exactly who she wanted to be. for years, her sweet baby face had earned a plentiful amount of trust ( & money ) for her through her channel, and she feared that if she changed her image she would lose her following. now, signed with shine, there was almost nothing she could do to lose fans. after all, people love shine, and there’s no such thing as bad press. putting on a exposing crocheted dress and bright red lipstick, ivy posed outside of her new apartment building & uploaded it, causing increased attention from everyone.
002. kermie : ( kermie, aka the only man i’ll ever trust )
ivy’s always had one consistent obsession growing up: frogs. for years, she begged her parents for one, until they finally broke and allowed her to get one at fifteen. since then, the australian green tree frog ( named kermie, of course ) has been traveling by ivy’s side like any other pet would. now settled in LA, kermie has a special corner in ivy’s room. she often makes jokes that he’s the only man she’ll ever trust, considering he truly has seen all of her secrets unfold.
003. only liked him for the bike :  (  more dangerous than u know. )
after a few hours of window shopping in the streets of rome, ivy caught the attention of a handsome young man. after some talking, he quickly caught her attention all the same -- or at least, his bike did. the blonde’s always been one to go for the bad boys, and the bike screamed just that. ‘come on, let me get a shot of you on it. i’ll even teach you how to ride it once we get you in something a little more.. comfortable’, the boy convinced. the shot was taken, and posted the following morning.
004. stole her sunglasses :   (  don’t talk to me until i’ve had my coffee. )
after arriving at the airport to head to LA for her last shine meeting, ivy got her first taste of paparazzi. this resulted in her being captured in her signature next day outfit: a sheer shirt from the night before’s party, a sports bra she shoved in her clutch for next-day, and a pair of sunglasses taken from her hookup’s nightstand. a few hours after posting it, ivy received a few angry texts, causing her to question why she ever gave the girl her number in the first place.
005. jessica rabbit :   ( oh, honey bunny ! )
halloween always snuck up on ivy, and 2018 was no different. after being invited last-minute to a costume party, ivy did the only thing she could think of: she grabbed a skin tight red dress, silver sparkle heels, put on her reddest lipstick & BOOM ! she was jessica rabbit for the evening, and nearly placed in the contest just for sheer wow factor.
006. touchdown in honolulu :   (  8am flight has never been so worth it.  )
one of ivy’s top five places to visit, honolulu, hawaii. after touching down, ivy proceeded to go to her favorite hotel & get changed from her flight. after getting a few smoothies with her temporary partner, they snapped a quick picture of ivy’s outfit, which ended up being posted shortly after their day ended.
007. tiny ivy : ( don’t you ever grow up.. it could stay this simple )
ivy often looks back at childhood photos, but this one always hit her where it hurt. her parents were happy, but she couldn’t take away the sting that came only days after this birthday photo was taken. no daughter should have to walk in on her father sleeping with anybody, let alone her own nanny, let alone at such a young age. she often wishes she could go back, never see anything, never allow the hidden pain behind this photo to exist. still, she leaves it up as a reminder of the innocence she used to have.
008. paris love : ( it’s not you, it’s not me, baby, it’s the city. )
in her favorite place, the amount of photos posted in paris while ivy’s present is unbearable. this one, though, obviously taken by someone else with a dozen roses on the balcony, caused quite a stir with ivy’s fans, causing them to thing she had finally settled down. while she’s in paris, ivy always let her feelings get the best of her, but the day she gets ready to leave ? she knows. it’s not in her, and it’s nothing against them... it’s just the way the city goes.
009. aspen, co : ( snuggle bug )
posted shortly after arriving at aspen with her fellow shine stars, ivy embraced her fur jacket and attempted to stay warm while snapping the picture. this was her first major trip with shine, and her first major confirmation that they did, in fact, want to keep her. though the trip was rocky indeed, the photo was her last posted of 2018 and earned a #9 spot.
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