#asdfgh i say that and it's nearly lunch time :' )))
tvrningout · 10 months
i made my mom watch the first episode of all of us our dead : ) nothing like zombies first thing in the morning, am i right : )
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
If you're taking requests is like to requests the riddlers with jealousy scenarios! Thank you
A/N: as much as I don’t like ACTUAL jealousy and try to refrain from jealous tendencies I find in myself…jealousy scenarios are kinda fun to write for rip…is that bad? I feel like that’s bad lmao. Sorry that if some if not most of these tend to repeat the same scenarios (co-worker, waiter, colleague, they’re just such good set-ups asdfgh)
Jealousy Scenarios with The Riddlers:
Arkhamverse Riddler:
Edward was absolutely furious. Why would you ever even begin to comprehend such a thing? Surely, you had to be smarter than this. You knew better than this? From all your time privileged in his presence…
“You would rather be a trembling brain-dead guinea pig than being a productive and useful assistant in a very intellectually stimulating environment mind you!”
“Ed. I just said Jonathan stopped by asking for you…”
“But you let him into my work space!” 
“Upstairs is the living area, not your work space here in the basement or your tracks in the sewers. And his leg was giving him issues, so I let him rest.” 
“Oh please! Our dear, ex-professor has many issues, but that leg isn’t one of them. He moves better with it than when he was in perfect health!” 
“If you’re jealous of another man being alone with me can just say that you’re not comfortable.” 
Edward groaned in frustration. “I’m not jealous of that walking tarp of burlap!” 
You shrugged, but patted Ed’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Sure, sweetie.”
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
“Wow, he is something, isn’t he?” You remarked at the TV. 
As much as he admired the vigilante another part of him couldn’t stand him.
Ed really should have seen this coming. How could you not be absolutely smitten? He was everything he wish he had an iota of. 
Batman is intelligent, strong, fast, and assertive…
Meanwhile, Edward Nashton is just dull, awkward, quiet, and weird…what the hell did you see in him anyway? 
“Eddie? Everything okay?” 
Your sweet voice knocked him out of his reverie. He was back on the couch with you, watching the news of the Batman’s latest escapades. 
“Oh…uh…y-yeah I’m fine..” 
You quirked your eyebrow, not sure if you were going to accept that answer. 
“He is incredible…” Ed commented as he turned his attention back to the screen of Batman narrowly escaping a gang of thugs in a high speed chase on the highway.
Oh, that’s what it was. For all the admiration one can have for another, there’s still that habit of comparison mentor to mentee. 
“Yeah, he’s all right. But I bet he’s an absolute stick in the mud and not nearly as intelligent as a certain handsome fellow I know.” You scooted closer to Edward on the couch and even sold the comment with an actual nudge into his side. 
Edward noticed you got closer and was confused when you nudged him. Then he took in what you said. He lifted his head up a little with a soft smile on his face. 
“You…you prefer me to Batman?” “I prefer you over everyone and anyone else, Eddie. If I had a choice, it will always be you.”
Gotham Riddler:
The GCPD was full of eligible bachelors. Mostly guys just looking for a good time or friends with benefits. 
You were too good for them, all of them really. Even too good for Edward. Yet he was able to woo you somehow. Despite the two of you being in a very obvious relationship, with approval from Gordon, Lee, even Bullock…it didn’t stop some officers from trying to disrupt what you two had. 
Edward was coming up to your office to take you out to lunch. However, he was surprised to see an overwhelming sight. 
Flowers, cards, letters were strewn all over your desk and overflowing to your floor. 
You looked up at him. Your eyes wide and your skin pale, like you had seen a ghost. 
“E-Eddie…I…I wish I could explain but...I have no idea…w-who these are from? Or w-w-what’s going on?” You looked around looking for any sort of indicator of who sent the gifts. 
Edward’s fists clenched, a snarl growing on his face. He stood there still as a rock, trying to keep his innate reaction to just run amok in the GCPD to find the culprit in tact. 
You noticed Ed was quiet for a long time. You noticed his tense expression and his thousand yard stare into the floor. 
“Y-You…you don’t…like them..do you?” Ed regretted asking it as soon as he grumbled it out through barred teeth. 
You sighed, sympathetically. Walking around the baskets and bouquets and made your way to him. 
“I would have adored them if they were from you, but they’re not. So as far as I’m concerned, these flowers can be re-sent to someone else or tossed. And the cards can go straight into the disposal…you don’t need to be jealous, sweetheart.” You gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. 
You smiled as you saw the tension all throughout his body slowly melt away from the kiss. 
Then, as if a lightbulb went off, Edward’s eyes widened in revelation. 
“W-Wait, before you throw anything away!” Edward went to your desk and gathered some of the cards and the bouquet. “While I still have my gloves on anyway…”
“What’re you doing?” 
“...gonna search for prints…” he mumbled quickly, so when you made out what he said he was already too far gone to catch back up with him.
BTAS Riddler:
Something was off with Eddie tonight. However, you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. 
“Eddie…you’ve been awfully quiet tonight…you know how much I love hearing your voice.” Which wasn’t an exaggeration either, and you did miss speaking to him. 
You saw him slightly shuffle his weight on the opposite end of the couch. 
“I’m fine…” 
“Eddie…I know when you’re not fine, sweetie. Please talk to me…” You fluttered your eyelashes at him, and poked out your bottom lip for good measure. 
Edward groaned in defeat. “I hate it when you do that…it’s too effective.”
“That’s why I do it.” You grinned. 
“I just can’t understand how oblivious you are, darling…you clearly couldn’t tell he was…was…”
“He who? Jervis?” 
Edward growled. “Yes…Jervis…”
“Eddie, he was just being polite!” 
“He didn’t have to kiss your hand.” He grumbled, crossing his arms defensively. 
“Aww, Eddie,” you scooted closer to his side of the couch. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his side. 
“You don’t ever had to be jealous, darling. I will always love and adore you, no matter what…you know that.” You looked up at him, smiling reassuringly at him. 
He stole a glance into your eyes, and sighed. Edward knew it was ridiculous, but he couldn’t help it. He wrapped an arm around you and began rubbing your back. 
“I-I know…still doesn’t mean I have to like it though…” 
You snickered into his side as he chuckled along with you.
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
“You don’t need to be jealous, Eddie…”
Edward scoffed. “Jealous? Please, I’m not jealous of anyone.”
“So you just threatened my date with a bomb sent to his work place…for funsies?” 
Ed shrugged. “It’s been dull here, lately…and I haven’t been a public menace in a minute.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Well, I’m not stopping you, so stop keeping me from having a dating life!” 
“You don’t need to date anybody…” He grumbled under his breath. 
“Ed, you’re the one that said we weren’t-”
“I’m not going back on my word…I just…” He shrugged. 
“You just want me to focus on you, you needy bastard…”
He put his hand up with his index finger pointed out. “Ah, ah, that’s Mr. Needy Bastard to you…”
“Uh huh, sure…needy jealous bastard…” You smirked as you walked off. 
“I. Am. Not. Jealous! I’m the Riddler! I’m not jealous of anyone! If anything they’re all envious of me.”
“Did you choose to wear green cause you’re just knee deep in envy?” 
“I’m redirecting the bomb. It’s now going to your workplace.”
Twojar Riddler:
“Edward! Ed! Slow down!” You were running to catch up with him as he dragged you by the wrist back to the car parked along the sidewalk. 
He let out a frustrated sigh and let go of your wrist. Edward continued his steady pace as he rounded the car to go to the driver’s seat. You still stood there; confused and somewhat shaken from the sudden action. 
“Can you please get in the car?”
You walked up to the open window and leaned your head in. “Not until you explain what the hell is going on?” 
Ed grumbled. “I just want to go back home–”
“Was it that waiter?” Earlier in the evening a waiter made a couple passes at you while Edward was in the restroom and he walked in on the waiter trying to get your number.
Silence. Edward crossed his arms and sunk in the driver’s seat. 
“Oh my God, Ed…”
Edward rolled his eyes. “Will you, please just get in the car?”
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
“Oh, hey there, Mr. Nygma. This is Mr. Sale, he called earlier about–” 
Edward barely heard what you said, his brain was too busy taking in the sights of the scene before him. You were sitting, slightly propped up on the edge of your desk. While the presumed, “Mr. Sale” was standing before you mere inches away. Your cheeks were flushed red possibly from laughing and whatever words were just transpired. 
Mr. Sale backed away and walked over to end, holding out his hand for a handshake. “Mr. Nygma! Such a pleasure to meet you!”
It took everything in Edward not to grimace outwardly. He could read this man like an open book. Rental three piece suit. Over-priced cologne. A faint oval outline where the skin was paler around his left ring finger. 
Armed with this, Edward knew his next plan of action. “Ah, well…I wish I could say the same for you, Mr. Sale. But I’m afraid I’m far too busy for your case.” 
Flabbergasted, Sale was gaping his mouth like a fish out of water. “B-B-But, you, you haven’t even heard my case! You can’t just–”
“Oh, but I can…privileges of owning a private firm. And I’m not about to waste my or my assistant’s time…running in circles…because you want to frame your wife of cheating to cover up your own infidelity.” 
“Oh, I can assure you, I’m not wasting your assistant’s time.” Sale stole a glance at you and winked. 
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Mr. Sale. Have a good day or not, I don’t care.” 
Sale was about to say something in defense, but growled in frustration instead and took off. He left the office with the slam of the door. 
You came up behind Ed and embraced him from behind. “You’re sexy when you’re jealous.” 
“Oh, please…I wasn’t jealous.”
You squeezed him a little tighter, giggling softly. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Telltale Riddler:
“What are you staring at?” Ed asked. 
“Huh?” You were knocked out of your reverie with his question. You were looking out the window of your shared apartment. 
“You’ve been daydreaming out of that window for almost half an hour.” 
“Oh, uh, just people watching.” 
Edward looked up from his desk to you. He let out a frustrated sigh when he said, “hm, you could be more productive by assisting me…”
You turned to look at the man; annoyed and confused. “You just told me not to bother you, Ed.” 
“Annoying me and assisting me are two different things. Or you can go and people watch outside…and see what all the troubled idiotic youth is up to.”
Oh…poor Edward. No matter how many times he tried to shield it or ignore it. His age…the age gap between you two was something he was always weary of. 
You shook your head, scoffing in disappointment. You got up from your seat and walked over to his desk. 
“Nah, I’d rather not lose the brain cells, so whatcha working on Eddie?” 
Edward was surprised to see you come to his desk. He was almost certain you were going to walk out the door. 
“Well…for starters…ugh…could you please not sit on the desk! There’s a spare chair over in the corner!” 
You chuckled softly. “Yes sir, on it!”
Young Justice Riddler:
Who was he kidding, he didn’t stand a chance with you to begin with…
No matter how many times you genuinely checked in on him, kept him company, and included him where you could. All those open opportunities that were the building blocks to Eddie’s confidence in a relationship with you was completely knocked down before the foundation could even settle in. Thanks to this new Light recruit you were training. 
“Hey, Eddie!” You called out to him. You ran down the corridor to catch up to him.
“Why such a long face? I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you lately, things have been crazy!” You chuckled nervously. 
“Oh, uh…no worries. I-I get it..” 
“Hey, let me make it up to you! There’s this new place downtown that just opened. Wanna hang out and grab a bite there?” You offered. 
You did feel bad about leaving Eddie in the dark. Despite the increase in the Light’s numbers, training the newbies was taking up a lot of whatever free time you had. You missed talking to Edward, you could actually be yourself around him and not have a care in the world. Plus he was too damn cute for words. 
“Uuhh…umm but what about that newbie? D-Don’t you have plans with them?” Edward asked before he really had a chance to stop himself. 
You grabbed his shoulder to stop him from walking as you turned him around to face you. “Eddie...what’re you talking about?” 
“I-I-I didn’t mean to assume something…I-I-I just noticed that you-you were spe-spending a l-lot of time with th-them and the-they seem to like you..a lot..” 
You put your fingertips up to his lips to seize his nervous panicked rambling. 
“Eddie…” You sighed. “I’m just training them. Yeah, they flirt, but I rebuke them. There’s nothing going on outside of training.” 
“Really?” He mumbled behind your fingers. 
You chuckled. “Yes, really. Besides, I’m interested in someone else. I have been for awhile actually.” You slowly removed your fingers from his lips. 
“W-Wait, really? Uh...who?”
Your eyes widened when you realized he really didn’t get it. Bless him, this absolute dork. 
“It’s you, Eddie.” You stated, figuring bluntness was the way to go as you sealed the confession by taking your hand in his.
You felt his hand slightly tighten around yours. “Wa-really?” He almost squealed. 
You did everything you could to not bust out laughing. You shook you head, trying to shake the giggles. “Yes, you. Now, about our first date…”
Hush (DCAU) Riddler:
Needless to say, Edward was jealous of everyone. He would never admit it, but he was. Secretly, seething, he despised most everyone. Especially those that had things he didn’t. Strength, power, influence, perfect health. Perfect health…
“Hey, Eddie!” You came through the door, dropping your belongings and stepping out of your work shoes. 
He didn’t deserve you he really didn’t. He wouldn’t blame you if you dropped him and left him for your co-worker at work that obviously has the hots for you. Of course you were too kind and rather oblivious to see that, but he adored you for that all the same. 
“Hey sweetie,” he greeted back half-heartedly. “How was your day?” 
“Oh, same old same old. Although, something weird happened, you know that co-worker I told you about? Scott? The one that’s been super friendly?” 
Through gritted teeth, Edward nodded. “Y-Yeah, I do…what about him?” 
“He asked me out to dinner tonight, it was so random…I thought he was just being friendly…to be friends.” You shrugged as you plopped beside Edward on the couch. 
Edward could feel his fist slightly clench in frustration. 
“Y-You said no…though right?” 
“Edward!” You practically squealed in disbelief. “Of course I told him no! I have you! I’d never do such a thing.”
“I-I know…I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, that wasn’t right of me to ask…” He sighed in defeat. “I…I haven’t been in the best mindset as of late.”
You nodded. “It’s okay, when you’re ready we can talk about it. But for all the questions and riddles in this world, don’t you dare question my feelings for you…okay?” 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arm around his waist and embraced him in a side hug. 
“Okay, sweetie. I won’t, I promise.”
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