munkustrap2019 · 4 years
Here’s the original book with all the info being provided courtesy of wikipedia
"The Naming of Cats"
"The Old Gumbie Cat" (Jennyanydots)
"Growltiger's Last Stand"
"The Rum Tum Tugger"
"The Song of the Jellicles"
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer"
"Old Deuteronomy"
"(Of) The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles (Together with Some Account of the Participation of the Pugs and the Poms and the Intervention of the Great Rumpus Cat)"
"Mr. Mistoffelees"
"Macavity: The Mystery Cat"
"Gus: The Theatre Cat"
"Bustopher Jones: The Cat about Town"
"Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat"
"The Ad-dressing  of Cats"
"Cat Morgan Introduces Himself" (added in the 1952 edition)
and here’s how it was rearranged and intertwined with the plot for the stage
Overture" – Orchestra [honey you’re in for a storm
"Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" [hey this is who we are. buncha cats.
"The Naming of Cats" [we are verrry exclusive so don’t go acting like you know us when you don’t even know all our names
 "The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball" [but we invite you to our ball and we’ll also give you the reason WHY we’re having a ball
"The Old Gumbie Cat" [here’s an old cat we respect who we think might be chosen because we love her
"The Rum Tum Tugger" [here’s a younger cat we love, an absolute blast, lots of fun
"Grizabella: The Glamour Cat" [ here’s an older cat WE DON’T RESPECT but when she was younger we did love her..she was so much fun...and posh...
 "Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town" [here’s an older posh cat we respect
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" [here is a ~hint that there’s something scary out there but! aha the young rascals we love at the end of the day
"The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles" [A FUN PLAY to kick the night off /we should think about re-writing this a bit tho...
"The Jellicle Ball" [A FUN DANCE
"Grizabella: The Glamour Cat (Reprise)" [BUT SHE’S NOT INVITED
"Memory (Prelude)" [even though she remembers when she used to have fun with us
"The Moments of Happiness" [lmao treasure your happiness while its there
Gus the theater cat [because soon it will be an old dream as you see your abilities sink with age
"Growltiger's Last Stand" /not in 1998 and replaced by pekes and pollicles in 2016 so imma skip it but we should REALLY think about getting this song re-written as well/
"Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat" [here’s an older cat who we love again!!
"Macavity: The Mystery Cat" [here’s a rascal we don’t love at all. he’s kinda a punk. 0/10 not welcome.
"Mr. Mistoffelees" [young cat who has our attention and brings back someone beloved to us back to our side
"Memory" [ya’ll stop being mean to grizabella she has a show stopper song and allow this old cat we used to love back into the fold]
journey to the heaviside layer [we wish her safe travels and a great rebirth
"The Ad-Dressing of Cats" [now that we’ve introduced you to people we love, let you hang with us, and heck even named some of ourselves and found it within ourselves to accept someone we used to know back into our fold, you are now officially welcome to act like you know us
and for a littttle bit of positivity towards the 2019 movie [aka my brand]
"Overture"/"Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" [esentially the same with transporting us into the world of who knows what? CATS BUNCHA CATS
"The Naming of Cats"/"The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball" [VERY SPECIAL CATS KINDA EXCLUSIVE BUT WE’D LIKE TO LET YOU KNOW US
"Jennyanydots: The Old Gumbie Cat" [let’s start with a cat we think might win because munkustrap loves her bless his heart
"The Rum Tum Tugger" [let’s interrupt with a younger cat who is already having a blast by himself but encourages you to also have a blast
"Grizabella: The Glamour Cat" [victoria don’t go near her she’s not invited -.- even as you see the loads of history that she must have with us
 "Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town" [ha! that was a downer huh...anyone hungry? can’t go to the ball on an empty stomach
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" [some young rascals who are kinda punks but sadly we are in love with them
 "Growltiger's Last Stand" [wait a minute.. this is a henchguy...shady people from before...hmmm...1...plu-...no wait a second this isn’t math time
"Old Deuteronomy" [mom!mom!mom!
"The Jellicle Ball" [dance party time
"Memory (Prelude)"/"Beautiful Ghosts" [its nice that there’s a party guys but it feels mean to leave her out...especially since you’ve been nice enough to make me feel at least a little accepted
"The Moments of Happiness" [is it mean to keep shunning someone we used to love and refuse to allow her to be reborn at least in terms of how we perceive her character...
"Gus: The Theatre Cat" [I mean gus just wants to be able to percieve himself as worth something again too
"Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat [we came here to celebrate bops guys forget literally everything
"Mr. Mistoffelees" [if munkustrap is allowed to serve up a song, maybe its ok if i the newbie suggest a cat song for the purpose of bringing back old deut and getting that boy some self esteem. Believe in yourself guys and magic!!
"Memory" [victoria; mister mistoffelees worked out better than i could’ve hoped maybe i can work out one more... grizabella: ya’ll remember when it was great to hang out? well i do and it makes me feel so alone and angry and tired and sad because it shouldn’t be impossible to get happiness back when the worst thing i’ve done recently is want to come back
"Beautiful Ghosts (Reprise)" [i mean we’re all jellicle cats right?
"The Journey to the Heaviside Layer" [let’s get some joy in her life again
"Finale: The Ad-Dressing of Cats" [we are family! victoria! you’re a jellicle babe literally do not hesitate to consider us yours
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