katareyoudrilling · 6 months
Hi Kat! For your ask game 🍓 (or dealer's choice if you already got that one!)
Hi Jess! I haven't gotten this one and I love this story! I'm going to give you the full long version... lol
I guess you could say it started when I had my first orgasm at age 34. Is that what you were expecting? lol
That started a chain of events over the next several years that included a final deconstruction of my conservative evangelical purity culture upbringing. I got really mad and also really determined to own my sexuality, which meant exploring my sexuality in a way I never had before.
Thankfully for me, my husband came along with me on this journey. I am very aware it could have gone a different way. So in our exploration we tried a role-playing script or two. It was a lot of fun, but the writing...wow... left a lot to be desired. I wondered if I could do better. It is now the summer of 2020 and I watched The Mandalorian season 1. What happens next isn't going to be what you expect...
I noticed the name Richard Ayoade in the credits for the droid Z. I remembered his name from The IT Crowd, which I love. I had never done the celebrity obsession thing, but I fell HARD. And I decided to write about him. I had never written anything before and I didn't know about fan fiction yet. I had a lot of fun with it!
At the end of 2020, one of my dear dear friends watched Mando season 2 (as did I) and became obsessed with Pedro. She decided she was going to drag me into the Pedro pit with her and started sending me interview clips and photo shoots and youtube videos etc etc etc. I dutifully watched and found him utterly charming, but I didn't get it, until one day I did. After that, she told me a story about someone in her past who Pedro reminded her of. She thought it might be good fodder for a story. It was and I wrote it over the next 6 months or so. You can read it here.
I found I really enjoyed writing romance, but my friends could only read so much. Knowing that I was enjoying writing, my dear dear friend pointed me to tumblr and the existence of fan fiction. I started reading in the fall of 2021. There came a point where I couldn't just consume without telling the authors how amazing their work was, so I made a tumblr of my own in January 2022. I didn't intend to write anything of my own, but I was so inspired by everyone's stories that of course I had to try for myself. And that's how I posted my first fan fic almost exactly 2 years ago!
Thanks for reading my very long story. I hope I actually answered the question! lol
Writer truth or dare
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