#ash teaser
waspgrave · 4 months
People getting mad at a theatrical trailer when this is what morrigan and varric looked like in their trailers. You look at his eyebrows right now. Look at them.
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1indigoisles · 8 months
Like, why aren't more people talking about this teaser?
His face crumpled. "He hates me," he said. "All I do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, I don't know why."
LIKE? This is so clearly TLKOF Ty talking to Dru (not Livvy, because she disappears in TLKOF, convince me otherwise) about Kit! Presumably this is towards the end of TLKOF where both Dru's and Ty's romantic lives and the world in general are in chaos. And this is just a sweet, heart-breaking sibling moment between them where they talk about how everything is messed up and how the people they'd loved had broken their hearts. Since they were away from each other, it would be news to Dru that Ty was in love with Kit, and it would be news to Ty that Dru had given her heart to someone Ty had barely heard of.
Like, just imagine THAT conversation. I'm interested in their dynamic so much because Dru and Ty are going to make a different sibling pair than what we're used to. They weren't close enough to fully understand each other when they were younger. Ty always seemed like the cool older brother to Dru, what with him being so smart and knowing so much about so many things. Dru, on the other hand, was the gothic younger sister, with an inexplicable love for vintage horror and a criminal edge that impressed Kit Herondale, who basically had crime etched in his DNA. But they always protected each other. Like, it was given.
And when I think about all that and try to imagine their special moments, I just can't anymore. *cries inconsolably*
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d4rkshad0w · 2 months
so i’ve been looking at the TWP/TBVOTD teasers and i’m pretty sure teaser 7 and 10 are about Kit and Ty
teaser 7: “His face crumpled. "He hates me," he said. "All I do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, I don’t know why."
this can be taken from eithers perspective but i think it’s Ty that’s thinks this because Kit is the one mad at him for what happened w Livvy and everything and Cassie said that Kit was still mad at Ty after three years which would make sense for Ty to think Kit hates him and say this to either Dru or Livvy but i’m pretty sure it’s Livvy cuz she knows everything abt Kit and Ty’s situationship
teaser 10: "No one who loved you would want you to sacrifice your own happiness."
this one i’m not so sure that it’s Kit and Ty but if it is it might Ty to Kit cuz Kit was thinks he’s unloveable and that maybe he doesn’t deserve happiness OR maybe it could be Ty to Livvy, as in her saying she’s not happy as a ghost but doesn’t want to leave Ty which provokes him to say that but like i said it might not be KitTy and it could really be anyone but i think the words would be something someone would say to Kit
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partystoragechest · 18 days
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A story of romance, politics, and drama, which continues ever on.
Supplemental material for Unwanted. A small teaser for what's to come in the next Bonus Chapter.
(Masterpost. Words: 236. Rating: all audiences, bar death mentions. Note: this snippet is a WIP and may change before chapter release.)
Bonus Chapter TEASER
Into this, emerged the Commander. Cullen left the armoury in his full regalia, sword sheathed at his hip, shield strung over his back. He marched for the gates, to the army that awaited. Not to serve as its general, but as its footsoldier.
“Cullen, where are you going?”
He did not break his stride, even as Josephine hurried after him. “The Inquisitor needs as many able bodies as we can provide,” he told her.
“But—you can’t!”
He marched on.
“Cullen, think of what you are doing!” she called. “If the Inquisitor should… should fall, then Thedas will look to us. And our army shall need its general!”
Cullen hesitated. A thought entered his mind, the very same one that had entered it the moment he saw the Breach explode. So piercing, that he could not help but speak it aloud:
“Trevelyan is there.”
Josephine faltered. “I know. I know… I understand.” She sighed, and shook her head. “We have a duty. I wish it were possible to forsake it, but... we cannot. I… I am so sorry.”
Cullen bowed his head. He tried to force the images from his mind—images of Trevelyan, broken upon the rubble of the Temple. Bruised. Bloodied. Lifeless. A thousand corpses he had seen, enough to approximate the measure of hers.
“I can’t—” he began to say, before a hand fell upon his shoulder, and saved him from speaking.
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wikitpowers · 9 months
happy new year, folks!!!!
if life ever tries to bring you down just remember everyday is a day closer to twp... U CAN DO THIS!
i hope ya'll have a great year and achieve all your goals! wishing u all the very best!
p.s. cassie will be posting more twp updates in this new year and spam us with brand new artwork, stories and teasers and 2024 will be a good year dw<3
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margareturtle · 9 months
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amrslog · 1 year
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alolanrain · 2 years
Concerning the latest in the TA Series:
Mallow recording a video with Ash in the background, with captions: Our tweets started a thirst trap trend with some Gym Leaders, Elite Fours, and Champions. Our TA refuses to say who is the hottest so we are seeing how he reacts to the Champion feed.
Ash: Diantha looks amazing in her new swimsuit her new personal shopper is top notch... Cynthia got a new car to pose on, nice... Adler is trying very hard with the GILF thing... Wallace got a new outfit... Steven made use of all those stones... Drake finally got that tattoo of the Shamouti Birds finished and it looks great... Lance's scars from his latest mission are healing...
Ash: **squeaks and slams phone down blushing**
Mallow's captions: HE GOT TO LEON WE HAVE A WINNER!
Ash: *still blushing* Leon's just objectively hot, okay. doesn't mean I... Mallow, who's this?
Mallow: Oh that's a Galar gym leader, I think his name is Raihan
Ash: now he's hot
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fransen-art · 2 years
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Ashes to ashes
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i changed the day you left and haven’t been the same since. and i’m just coming to terms with that. i’m also finding myself again. but some days i feel like the bravest person in the world and some days i feel like there’s nothing left. life had always come from me, but never at me. i’m doing good these days. you were the biggest lesson i’ve ever had to learn, but i feel like i’m really starting to learn a lot… miss you every day. my light is coming back. i’m truly happy today.
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caninecowboy · 1 year
as iffy as my dad is, he IS so fucking funny
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mihrsuri · 1 year
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These two are so ridiculously in love with each other I cannot.
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d4rkshad0w · 2 months
so looking at TWP/TBVOTD teasers i’ve come to the conclusion that teaser six might be about Dru and Ash
Teaser #6
"Well, it's a bit ironic, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"All that effort to convince you I wasn't in love with you, and here I am, dying in your arms."
so i’m pretty sure that it’s DruAsh because Kit already confessed to Ty and if Ty were to hide that he loves Kit and he wouldn’t put in a lot of effort to hide that he still care NOW Dru doesn’t really know to Ash is but he’s in love w her cuz why else would he carry her picture around so either Dru was trying to convince Ash that she wasn’t in love with him tho he was in love w her OR Ash was trying to hide his feelings for Dru and then maybe one of them gets hurt during a battle and is supposedly “dying” in the others arms
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silverhallow · 2 years
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teastainedprose · 3 months
Geez, there a lot of you here now.
Hi, I swear I'm not dead. Sorta. I'm v slow and chronically ill with an American job that sucks the soul right out of my body. I'm also sitting on I think- 16 drafts....right now? Along with letting the requests in my ask box to marinate in my brain. Mmm, brain soup.
Teasers? Teasers.
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heyitsaloy · 2 years
Of Ash and Traitors, *Somewhat* Incorrect Quotes
An incorrect quote featuring Drax (OC) and Echoy'la (the reader), that may or may not be correct, also it may have happened.
Echoy'la: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Drax: What did you do? Echoy'la: Nobody died. Drax: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
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