#asher & xyla
queersrus · 1 year
Hi, Fukase anon here! Sorry, It never occurred to me that people may have a hard time coming up with things for characters they don't know a lot about. Sorry :( /gen
Anyways, I really love the clown and red theme ideas! Also, since Vocaloid is technically a music software, I was thinking some music-themed names as well! Also, as long as this isn't too specific, could you maybe do some X-themed things since there's a lot of Xs in his design?
I also like the idea of the darker, edgier themes, but I'd rather not have anything explicitly horror/slasher/demon related... as someone who kins Fukase, being associated with that stuff brings back some rough memories :( /nm
I'm sorry if I'm being too specific or picky or anything like that, and I hope everything I've said makes sense! Once again, thank you in advance :)
no worries!!
heres some names and pronouns based of red, clown, dark/edgy themes and the letter x!
Music names:
muse, musa, musica, musette harmony melody, mic, major, minor clef, capelle, capella, cord, chorus note key tone, tempo, timbre bar, beat, bridge, bass, blue, blues sheet, strum, song, singer, sang, string, sonata, soul acoust, adagio, allegro, andante, arpeggio, amp, alto, aria instro, instra, instrumenta rythm/rhythm, ryme/rhyme, rock, rocker orchest, orchestra pitch, pop funk
list here, here
red names:
Altemur, altan, autumn, apple, amaranth, alhambra, alroy danla, desire, desiree parichat, phoenix, pepper, poppy/poppie cher, cherry/cherrie/cherri, crimson, clifford, copper, candy/candie, currant, carmine, carmin, chili, coral, corsen, clancy maroon, merlot, mahogany, mohagan blood, brick, berry/berrie, blush, burgundy, barn, burn, blaze ruby, rust, rusty, rose, raspberry, redd, rede, redde, reder, redi/redie/redy, reddet/redet/reddett/reddette/redett/redette, redeta/reddeta/reddetta/reddeta, redin/redine, redina, redino, roso/rosso, rufus/rufous, rowan, rosa, rosie, roisin, rory, radley, rudyard, radcliff, redmond, redman, rumo, russel/russell, rohan, redford, rufina, reeding/reading, reed, rogan, roone, roth garnet, ginger, gough scarlet, sangria, strawberry, sienna, sorrel/sorrell jam wine, watermelon fire, flame, ferrari, flan/flann, flannel, flanner, flannery, flyn/flynn, flanna vermilion, venetia imperia tart, torch hazel, harkin
clown names:
Joseph, john, joey grock oleg emmett/emet/emmet/emett bozo, barry ronald krusty penny, pogo, pinto charles sunshine weary, willie albert, antonio, arthur daniel, david, demitri/dimitri, Demetrius/demitrius tinsel
actually found a whole wiki here
Dark/Edgy names:
dusk, dagger, draven, drake, draco, damon/daemon, damion/damien/damian grey/gray, gunner/gunnar, greer keir, khaos, knox, kestrel umbra, umbro poison, pain/payne asteroth/astaroth, asher, ammo, astrid chaos, crow, coen, chase, casper, caspian, cassian, carter, cage, colton hades, hemlock, hex, hunter, hawk, harper somber, sombre, sombra, serpent, snake, saber, stone, storm, slade/slayde, sparrow, salem, snow, smoke, slayer necro, natrix, nox, nix, nyx, nero, nash branwen, briar, blackwell, blade/blaid, blair, blase/blaze/blaise raven, reven, requiem, rhapsody/rapsody, rogue, ryder, ryker, raze, razer eris, elysium, ebony jinx, jett/jet, jack, jason lucien, lucius, lock/locke viper, venom, vlad, vane/vain/vein, veil, vee/v wolf/wolfe trix/tryx, trixie, thorn, tyren/tyrin, tirent, torrent, tyranny, toxin, tank, tempest, tanner zeke, zena fox, flask, falkner, falkon/falcon onyx/onix, obsidian xena
X names:
xen/xene, xavier, xena, xeno, xenon, xeon, xero, xerox, xyx, xyr/xyre, xyra, xray, xeny/xenny/xenie, xenia, xander/xzander, xyla, xyler/xylar, xia, xavi, xylia, xylitol, xioa, xu, xan, xanth/xanthe, xanthus, xavia, Xinjiang, xinia, xenophon/xenophone, xayvion/xavion, xochitl, xio, xion, xiona, xiomara, ximena, xanthia
many here
red 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
clown 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
edgy/dark 3rd p pronouns:
list here, here
x 3rd p pronouns:
xe/xem, xy/xem, xy/xyr, xe/xyr, xy/lo, xylo/phone xyi/lotl, x/x's, ex/ex's, ex/exes, xay/xem, xay/xyr, xie/xem, xie/xyr xe/no, xeno/xenos, xeno/morph, cross/crossed, cross/crosses, x'ed/out, exed/out, ex/amble
hope these help!
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worlldburn · 3 years
closed: asher & xyla / * @gailwrites​
location: the boat
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The hungry squawking of seagulls overhead paired well with the sunshine that also casted overhead. It was a hot day, hotter than it had been in the prior weeks which meant that Summer had fallen upon New York City in a majestic way,  the same magical way it did every calendar year. Asher and Xyla had begun seeing one another at the end of August the previous year,  or so he recalled. Typically he used the boat as a weapon in his game of flirtation and impression which left him puzzled why he’d yet to bring her on a joy ride along the city’s coast. Perhaps she’d been to busy last summer, or rather too smart to fall for his games so early. He considered himself lucky to get her here today as they strolled down the dock of the private Marina. Asher dressed a bit more casually than Xy had likely been traditionally used to. He was fitted with a neon Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned with a pair of swim trunks that in no way matched. His oversized sunglasses only added to his frat boy attire, but the outfit complimented his growing tan with undeniable beauty. 
“This is her,” Hands signaled to the docked boat, bobbing in the water and beckoning for their arrival. “All boats are considerably female, or so I’ve been told. So, this is the Veronica.. as in Veronica Vaughn from Billy Madison. I decided this boat was an ode to my younger self so why not name her after the woman of my dreams? It was between V and Roxanne but I thought it was odd to name her after a cartoon character, plus I feared Disney could somehow sue me for copyright infringement in the future for royalties against their hottest nineties Goof.” The explanation of his childhood crushes were really unnecessary, real or the romantic interest of a cartoon but it certainly added to essence of it all. Asher grabbed the girl’s hand, helping her step down only the boat’s deck. It was rehearsed, something he did for every girl who took a ride on this boat but she didn’t have to know that.
Wasting no time, Asher worked to undock the boat. Untying the ropes from the yacht club’s dock, engaging the engine at the stern among other things. It was likely the most physical thing she’d ever seen him do, and likely the extent of how far his manly tasks went. Asher entered the boat before pulling it out of dock, figuring that Xy was taking a look around. “Ready for take off, miss?” He cheerfully inquired, walking through the cabin and examining its current state. It was still a bit disturbed from the last time he’d partied there a few night prior. The empty liquor bottles and other paraphernalia attested to the night’s craziness. “I promise it doesn’t usually look like this. My friends are just hooligans. Truly, I don’t know what we’ll ever do with them.” Asher teased as his fingertip grazed the mirror covered in white crystals that sat on the counter, rolled hundreds sprawled about. He chuckled to himself before rubbing the substance off his pants, grinning up at her from where he stood. She had to know he wasn’t innocent. “Come to the top deck, let’s get Ronnie on the water.”
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writingail · 4 years
Ding. Ding. Ding.
The sound of Asher’s phone notifications cut the silence in the room, filling it with a high-pitched ringing as she lay cocooned in blankets in bed, waiting for him to get out of the shower. Xyla ignored it the first time, thinking nothing of it and turning her attention back to her own device. But the sound continued not once, but twice more, causing her curiosity to peak and thoughts to wander. Asher was a well-respected and award winning producer. His phone was alway blowing up with messages form his clients, questions from his team at Kings Studio and endless social media notifications. Surely, that’s all there was to it.
Pushing herself across the bed, she reached for the device. But rather than see his assistants name and a hurried message, Xyla’s eyes dropped to find a kiss emoji and short, but direct statement adorning the screen.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
Xyla Villanueva’s track record in relationships or any sort of entanglement was appalling. Each relationship she’d gotten into fizzled out within the year, with her suitor showing their true colours after months despite openness right off the bat. She was a romantic, a hopeless romantic at that. But as her dark eyes read over the words until they were ingrained into her memory, it seemed that romance was not in the cards for her.
Sucking in a breath, Xy chewed on her bottom lip as she thought of a way to address the text. She could ignore it, pretend she’d never snooped and gotten her feelings hurt. Or she could address it, surely cause a fight and spend the night alone rather than wrapped up in his arms. Xyla was tired of being pushed to the side and not receiving the love she deserved.
“You forgot to put your phone on silent,” she said simply, flipping the phone between her fingers. “You got a message. Want me to read it out loud for you?”
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tattoogvn · 2 years
closed : @writingail​
based : this .
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“ i don’t need, or want help, what i want is for you to get the fuck away from me. ”
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asherhemmings · 4 years
A late night drive from city to city. It wasn’t too uncommon an occurrence. It was a common trek for salesmen who drove their gas tanks dry, or those of Asher’s clients who toured and slipped across state lines in the wee hours of the night. The man didn’t go home much, in fact it was a stretch to call Boston anything but a starting point. It was a breeding ground that he once roamed, one that handcrafted every horrid part of him. Crossing the Zakim bridge never got easier, even if the smiling faces of his grandparents awaited him at the opposite end of the tunnel. The tourist renowned city was a sparkle in the eyes of some but to Asher Hemmings, it was nothing more than an obligation. After the gender reveal, Asher returned to the city to visit his grandparents. He viewed it impersonal to share the news of Xyla’s pregnancy over the phone, and the last thing he wanted was to disrespect the very people who raised him from a timid, leaf on a branch into an unshakable oak. Asher had spent the weekend with them, sharing the news of his awaited daughter and showcasing the ultrasounds with pride. His phone was silenced for the weekend though communications were a few and far between. 
But despite the refreshing weekend in the four walls the built him, Asher was eager to get back to New York. Getting back to work was a main priority after spending most of his time playfully plucking the ivories with his grandfather or tapping utensil melodies over dinner. Unplugging from the insomniac city was just what he needed to get reintroduced to inspiration and he couldn’t wait to get back into the studio. Entering Brooklyn once more meant that he’d be seeing Xyla again. The pair hadn’t talked much since the gender reveal, but he blamed that on a busy work week rather than where they’d left things. Asher had shot her a few askew texts along the lines of: Hey, how are you feeling today? Any fruit updates I should know about? The man almost wanted to say he missed her, that the thought of her hadn’t left his mind the whole week spent away from her. But in the interest of things simmering, Asher decided to internationalize rather than make matters worse even if he did crave her smile staring back at him or her little bump parting the space between their hugs. 
For the first time in so long, his mind was clear. Asher could see the New York City lights drawing closer, the Hudson river closely following alongside the highway and reflecting the city’s glow just the same. He could feel a relieved smile consume his lips as his thumbs tapped enthusiastically against his steering wheel. The anxious feeling in his stomach was nonthreatening but rather anticipation to get back to the girl he loved and the craft he cared for in the same regard. His pupils dilated as he stared out the windshield of his Mercedes, enchanted the illuminance that called him home. The lights drew closer, and closer, until they were too close for comfort. 
Good Evening, Ms. Villanueva. We brought in a patient by the name of Asher Hemmings this evening. You were listed as his emergency contact. We were hoping that you’d be able to come down to the hospital. He has been involved in a car accident and we will be able to provide you with more information once you get here.
And there were the lights again. The cool toned fluorescent lights that hung over head from the ceiling of the bed he laid in. Asher’s eyelids fluttered under the weight of the sedative he was given but he could feel himself coming to. The feeling in his stomach had vanished, the lights no longer welcoming in their demeanor. They only confused him and threatened him close his eyes so he would no longer have to feel any pain. But the dull beeps of the machines he’d been strapped to urged him to wake in conjunction with the nurse’s voice in the hallway. A car accident. Instead of fighting to evaluate his injuries, Asher closed his eyes. At least he knew soon someone would be by his side. 
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xyla-v · 4 years
A gender reveal party had never been part of Xyla Villanueva’s plan for when she’d have kids. In fact, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to know. But given that her pregnancy hadn’t been in the plans either, finding out the gender of her child was one small way she was able regain control. So, after weeks of arguing, Xyla’d allowed her sisters to organize her gender reveal party so long as it was small, and she didn’t have to do any of the actual planning. Those were her only conditions, with Rowan and Quinn quickly agreeing. Now, all she had to do was show up.
Xyla’s apartment had been transformed, her minimalist furniture and decorations amplified by everything pastel and zoo animals. Interesting choice of theme, she thought, but still found herself cooing at the tiny giraffes and cupcakes decorated with elephants. The party had been in full swing for an hour or so, with everyone from her friends and co-workers, to her friends and family from Chicago in attendance. Xyla’s father, whom she’d had a strained relationship with throughout her teen years, was standing idly by the kitchen table with a glass of whiskey in one hand. The table and most of the counter space in her kitchen housed a spread of everything from an expertly crafted charcuterie board, freshly baked pastries, her mothers infamous lasagna, homemade goodies and Xyla’s go-to favourites in the city. It was strange to see him surrounded by so many balloons and pastel coloured cartoon animals, but he was there, and that was all that mattered to Xyla. And that was more than she could say about something else.
Looking around the room, she noticed that everyone she loved was in attendance. Everyone except Asher. Given their last chaotic interaction, she’d allowed herself to believe that he would show up, that he would be there holding her hand and sharing in the excitement of din finding out the gender of their child growing in her belly. But a small part had been wary, and seemingly with good reason. Maybe he’d gotten lost. Maybe he’s stuck at the studio. Maybe he’s stuck in traffic. Xyla was listing off every possible excuse and reason in her head, but now that the party had been in full swing for nearly two hours, her list was dwindling. Maybe, he wasn’t going to show up?
“Xy, you ready?” Quinn asked, making her way excitedly over to her with Butters (who was dressed in a baby onesie) in her arms. “We got the balloon and everything set up!” The answer was simple; no. She wasn’t ready because he wasn’t there like she’d hoped he would be. The mama-to-be quietly excused herself with the intent to sneak away to her bedroom and give him one last call, but a tall, dark figure caught her eyes in the corner of the room.
Did he actually show? Was he actually there? Weaving herself through her friends and family, Xy walked towards Asher with a surprised smirk tugging at the edges of her lips. “Took you long enough,” she scolded, though her voice held no malice.
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asherxhemmings · 5 years
Asher Hemming wasn’t exactly what you would call athletic. He kept himself thin through a diet of mostly coffee and cigarettes though his physique still teetered on the skinnier side. His arms held most of his bulk, proving themselves far more muscular than the rest of his body. So when Xyla brought up hiking as an idea for a date, after much protest, Asher couldn’t resist those dark brown eyes burning a hole threw him. The thought of her not getting her way scared him a bit and that’s how he knew that his feelings for Xyla were something. He hadn’t acknowledged their relationship much. Putting a label on things seemed a bit sticky, but Asher was certain he was happy. So, anything to keep her from bitching was something he was willing to do. Pulling up to her apartment complex in his Cadillac, Asher made his way up to her apartment. The man wore a cut-off tank top to showcase his muscles and astray armpit hair paired with some joggers and beat up running shoes. He’d surely owned this outfit since moving to LA but this was the first time it’d seen the light of day in a while. Making his way into her apartment without invitation, Asher barged in and plopped down on the couch, sinking onto his back. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” His brown eyes glared in her direction as if he was child being forced to eat his vegetables. “I don’t understand the appeal of walking up a mountain, accumulating so much sweat that you can feel your thighs chaffing, getting to top just to overlook everything you just climbed just to climb back down a few minutes later. Just sound like you’re setting us both up for being smelly and grumpy.” Asher crossed his bare arms across his chest, looking up at the displeased girl before him.
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asherjhemmings · 4 years
A string quartet in a crowded ballroom. Gala’s were never his thing. The act of getting dressed to the nines to simply soak in the envy of some, and the boastful behavior of others wasn’t the type of even Asher looked forward to. But, it seemed wasteful to surpass a networking opportunity simply due to his own skepticism. The brunette had been roaming the marble floor of the grandiose ballroom, peering upwards at the gilded ceiling when the girl on his arm began to speak. To be truthful, he wasn’t even sure of her name which would be sufficiently awkward when it came to introductions. But she was the concrete, textbook definition of arm candy. Slender, tall, poised with the way she walked in heels and not to mention, the side boob that crept open in the side of her dress was in fact tasteful. But Asher saw in her what everyone else in the room saw in her: a beautiful girl. Nothing more, nothing less. It was cruel but as the girl ooh-ed and awed at the venue, Asher couldn’t fight the instinct to get away. 
The magnetism between Asher Hemmings and the bar was palpable. He made his move in on the bartender, slipping his thick black credit card across the granite countertop to open a tap. The weight hitting the counter made some of the thirstier head turns, but Asher was used to it and shot them a snide smirk. He’d just turned away from the bar with two drinks in his hands, one for himself and one for whatever her name was, when something caught his eyes. A something attached to a someone rather. He would have recognized those gold hoops anyways, pinned against the same tan skin he’d kissed more times that he could count. The thought kept him up at night, distracted no longer by her presence but her absence instead.  But in this moment, all he could focus on was her, Xyla. The last thing he was going to do was shy away in a corner and let someone nameless groupie chew on his earlobe all night. So, in true Asher fashion, he took action. 
What had happened between him and Xyla was lost on him. It’d been so long, it seemed more like a missed connection than anything. He’d forgotten why he stopped calling, or perhaps why she had. But what’s past was prologue in this situation. It was time for a new beginning and as he approached Xyla, he was sure of it. “Well, if it isn’t my date for the evening.” Asher smirked down at her. “You should have at least texted me so we could have color coordinated our outfits. The last thing we want to look like is an unfashionable couple.” He could feel the ice in his date’s drink beginning to melt against his palm. Xy had entirely made him forget the drink’s presence so he held it out to her, a lame attempt that would have surely been transparent.  “For you. Drinks on me tonight. Just walk up to the bar and order what you want and tell the bartender the tab is under Hemmings.”
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jvdesfm · 4 years
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even in his late teens and early twenties jude had never been an antagonistic person--he’d never gone out looking for drama, never started fights for the sake of starting fights, and he’d always had decent enough control over his emotions that he was usually capable of handling disappointment without lashing out at people. this is perhaps why it doesn’t even cross his mind to find a new dealer now that xyla’s fully turned her attention to asher rather than himself. yes, it hurts a little, but he’s old enough now to have made very sure from the beginning that he didn’t let himself fall hard enough for it to do much more than that. also, he likes asher. and he cares about xyla as a friend he wants to be happy more than he cares about chasing a crush. the problem, of course, is that he hasn’t been able to shake the weird feeling that there’s tension between them lately, and he realizes he might be making it up in his head, but he doesn’t think so. in his typical fashion, though, he does his very best to ignore it. 
“d’you know, someone asked me the other day why i buy from a dealer? i mean with the dispensaries and all that,” jude says in a tone of voice that lies somewhere between disgust and amusement. he’s just finished rolling a joint from what he’s just bought from asher, and the strawberry rolling paper he’s using is brand new as well. he hits it and passes it to the other. “i said, the fuck d’you mean, why do i buy from a dealer? you think i have any intention at all of giving this government more than i have to in taxes? not bloody likely.” // @asherxhemmings​
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blbcteatime · 5 years
Low key want Oliver and Asher to hook up.
Is it really low key if you tell this to me? I think you will have to pull him away from Xyla in order for that to happen. It would be a good twist, though.
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@oliverrwonderr @asherhemmings @xyla-v
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Below the cut you’ll find your pairs for this Halloween/Fall prompted threads! This is truly a random selection in every sense of the word from pairs to subjects. We just provide the bare bones and it’s up to you and the person you’re paired with to creatively work in a way to bring the theme to life. If you have any issues with the subjects you’re given or any questions, concerns, anything else, please come to us off anon and we’ll do our best to help sort it out for you. The event starts from today and can end as late as the start of winter, given it’ll coincide with usual activity and NYC life. Have fun, all!
Coralia Lewis & Hodaya Shapiro - Get caught in the cold rain/thunderstorm together. ( @coralia-lewis & @hodaya-shapiro-91 )
Rosie Wilder & Theresa Raven - Trick or treating together. ( @rosie-wilder & @reesesxpieces )
Sheridan Lancaster & Andrew Moore - Playing with a ouija board.  
Jordan Song & Asher Hemmings -  Exchange a few spooky stories with each other. ( @jordanxsong & @asherhemmings )
Finley Rush & Xyla Villanueva - Go together/Meet at a Halloween party. ( @f1n-rush & @xyla-v )
Henry Coleman & Malcolm Ramsey - Watch some scary movies together. ( @henrycolemanhq & @malcolmvramsey )
Valerie Cortello & Sadie Ingram - Decorate a house/apartment/any space for Halloween. ( @val3ri3-lov3s-vodquila & @sadie-ingram )
Georgina Bailey & Savannah Chen - Picking and/or carving pumpkins out together. ( @georginabaileyxo & @savannah-chen )
Aiden Weston & Kurtis White - Go to a haunted house together. ( @a1d3n-w3st0n & @modelwhite )
Athena Donovan & Cody Blake - Play a (harmless) prank on someone together or on each other. ( @athena-donovan & @blake-c )
Grace Procter & Alisa Vilkuna - Finding a Starbucks gift card together so winding up spending it and having coffee with one another. ( @graciegraceproctor & @alisavilkuna )
Chloe Kingsley & Logan Wolf - Go costume shopping together.( @chlcekingsley & @loganwolfnyc )
Melissa Crane & Tyson Hart - Go to a fall festival together. ( @melissa-crane & @tysonnhartt )
Scott Ingram & Holly Stone - Playing in the fall leaves. @scottxingram & @hollyxostone )
Zoya “Angela” Chowdary &  Alexandra St. John -  Get a few autumnal outfits for the changing weather. ( @the5footpilot & @al3x-stjchn )
Rue Lavender & Aviva Segal - Explore a supposedly haunted location together. (ex: cemetery, abandoned factory, hospital, hotel) ( @minaalaba & @aviva-segal )
Evan Kingsley & Archie Wheeler - Eating pumpkin spice flavored foods together. ( @thexkingsley & @youngwheeler )
Dominic Corderio & Bethany Tompkins - Getting themselves lost in an elaborate corn maze. ( @dominic-c & @bethany-tompkins )
Lakyn Rivers & Niko Nowak -  Make a pumpkin and apple pie. ( @iakyn & @nikoxnowak
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We love every bio that comes in so so much it’s hard for us to even fathom that we get to write with you all. Thank you so much for making this group what it is! So without further ado, welcome to New Americana and remember to look over the acceptance checklist and get those blogs into the main within 24hrs. If you need more time please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Alexandria  Fortier played by Davinna
Ariadne de Nassau played by Say
Asher Hemmings played by Haley
Basile Arrington played by Jules
Benjamin Carter played by Peach
Eleanor Taylor played by Natalia
Samuel Batista played by Ann
Simone Dunn played by Nae
Xyla Villanueva played by Gail
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worlldburn · 3 years
✤ for all three because I’m greedy
based on this. / still accepting.
Leo & Peyton 
who said i love you first? Leo, but they definitely just knew way before he said it.
who laughs when the other trips? Peyton. She would definitely be super grumpy if he laughed at her embarrassing herself.
who pays the bills? Both of them lol
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Peyton, for sure.
who’s more clumsy? Leo, that big goofy fuck
who checks their daily horoscope? Neither of them, I feel
who sings louder in the car? I feel like they’re pretty equal, just like that scene in The Last Song where they’re driving in the truck.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Leo.
who is more up to date in pop culture? Peyton.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? Leo, maybe?
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? Eh, this may be cruel but I feel like neither. Maybe Leo, more so. 
who’s the lighter sleeper? Leo.
who believes in ghosts? Eh, neither.
who does the grocery shopping? They definitely go together but Leo prefers to go alone because she judges his choices.
who updates their facebook status more often?  Peyton.
 Asher & Xyla
who said i love you first? I don’t actually remember who did but I think it was Xyla??? I could be wrong.
who laughs when the other trips? Xyla, definitely.
who pays the bills? They both do, but Asher definitely tries to throw his money in more so.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?  Xyla.
who’s more clumsy? Maybe her, but I feel like neither of them are really goofy like that.
who checks their daily horoscope? Neither, because Asher definitely views astrology as a personal attack on him because he’s aggressive and a fire sign.
who sings louder in the car? They definitely take turns.  Like, Xyla probably just silently listens to him sing well and is just enchanted and then other times on the way home from dinner, he’ll just laugh as she loudly sings or raps even though he knows she has a good voice. 
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Asher.
who is more up to date in pop culture? Asher, maybe.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? Eh, hard to say.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? Xyla. Butters has her by the balls.
who’s the lighter sleeper? Xyla. Asher definitely sleeps heavy as fuck.
who believes in ghosts? Maybe her.
who does the grocery shopping? Xyla. Or Asher’s assistant lol
who updates their facebook status more often? Xyla, especially post Lina.
Finley & Jules
who said i love you first? Finley, but definitely big gay panic.
who laughs when the other trips? Both of them.
who pays the bills? They both do, but Finley definitely pays for things when Jules isn’t looking all the time. 
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Jules.
who’s more clumsy? Finley.
who checks their daily horoscope? Jules.
who sings louder in the car? I feel like both of them.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Finley.
who is more up to date in pop culture? I feel like neither of them.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? Finley, probably.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? BOTH.
who’s the lighter sleeper? Finley, prob.
who believes in ghosts? Both for sure.
who does the grocery shopping?  Jules because Finley just buys a million snacks. 
who updates their facebook status more often? Neither, I feel like they’re not too into social media.  
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writingail · 4 years
“I told you it was worth it,” Xyla said proudly as she licked the remaining frosting from her fingertips.
It was late, later than she expected and far too late for anyone to be driving home from  New Jersey for a box of donuts. Their night had begun innocently enough. The cooked dinner, she hopped in the shower and were just about ready to head to bed when she scrolled past a photo of donuts in varying unusual flavours such as maple bacon, orangesicle, strawberry cheesecake, s’mores and one simply called Fruity Pebbles. Since then Xyla had spent and hour drooling over grommet donuts littering instagram feed and fifty minutes begging Asher to get out of bed and to make the trip with her. Because if there was one thing universally known about pregnancy, it was that once the cravings hit there was absolutely no backing out. Could they have driven down the street for a donut? Absolutely. Could they have waited until the morning? Definitely. But much to her surprise, Asher had agreed to their trip and they were now on the way back to Manhattan with a two dozen donuts, a very happy baby mama and surely, a sleepy baby daddy.
“Baby, open your mouth. You’ve gotta try this one,” Xy hummed, opening the box again and picking up one of the donuts topped with a giant marshmallow. “She kicked a lot when I finished this one off so I think it’s her favourite thus far. Orangesicle was a close second.” @writtenbyhaley​
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reesesxpieces · 5 years
Who would you like to get to know better OR spend more time with in NYC?
...You asked for it.
@isabelle-maddox , @wtfxsutton , @athena-donovan , @gus-amado , @jimmy-ocallahan , @noelleslatxr , @tess-carlisle , @xyla-v , @makayacassidy , @navya-rushdi , @viktoria-molnar , @lindenloveslinens , @lunaxbaez , @delilahxmatthews , @jamesraimondi , @goddamnit-adam , @viviwestbrooke , @teddyrobbins , @aloysiusshea , @tysonnhartt , @scottxingram , @lizhawthorn, @sterlingxlangley, @zahraxrushdi , @sweetberry-boyd , @georgieplays, @monroeskye-watson, @rosie-wilder, @astro-kris, @beauxalby , @flintxbeaumont , @adrien-sawyer , @hodaya-shapiro-91, @thexkingsley, @fckxbenjamin, @laurelxgatuso, @andreaxmartin, @brandonxmorgan, @zeldahoffman, @asher-maddox, @pattydbennett, @andrewjadams, @kennyjames-xo, @anyaxkhatri, @addiestxrling, @anderslarsson, @ofmases, @ariaxgarcia, @agathamcntgomery, @loganwolfnyc, @damienxblackwood, @lorenapereznyc, @lincolnxgibbsnyc, @littleladymarisol, @anastasia-hartman, @alice-monni, @nikoxnowak, @orion-boyd, @karlaxgonzales, @mars-gaffney, @alex-robbie, @henrycolemanhq, @loverboylyall, @amber-xo-hart, @zoegrace-xo, @bowiemonroee, @alisavilkuna, @graciegraceproctor, @christinesummershere, @bethanyprescotthotstuff, @melissa-crane, @piperxrose, @cameronpeyton, @ezra-lawson, @areslaird, @lancaster-sheridan, @millavasiliev, @the5footpilot, @elijahangello, @maikovich, @scarxbrooks, @lilxalby, @christinexsamuels, @skylerxrichards, @cherryduval, @jordynxbrooks, @lucianarey, @margotno, @jaxsonmoretti, @brxtta, @belldonahue, @maclebowitz, @gabrielxhalpert, @leecass, @elisemai
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asherhemmings · 4 years
Nothing was out of the ordinary that day. New York’s pigeons still swarmed the streets, tourists still roamed with their fanny packs and sight seeing agendas, and King’s Recording Studio was as busy as always. It seemed as though in the last few months success had sky rocketed, the building expanding its space and getting more global exposure. Asher was recording talent left and right and passing the overflow to his interns. Asher had interns, surprising right? If you asked anyone who knew him, they’d surely dismiss his ability to be a role model. But what he lacked morally, he made up ethically not to mention in talent. He may have guzzled booze like it was going out of style and his liver may have worked as hard as he did, but Asher needed a distraction.
It seemed like a year ago everything was perfect. Asher was seeing the perfect girl, living in what seemed to be the perfect apartment and working in a studio that was idealistically perfect. But as his relationship with said perfect girl crumbled, on the surface level it seemed everything else did, too. In his eyes, that loss was the greatest of tragedies. He stopped sleeping, was making frequent trips to the hospital for booze related incidents, became a known face around the local police station. He was the bad boy everyone always thought he was. But when his friends began to threaten sending him to rehab, Asher’s plan changed. His friends thought he was getting better but in actuality, he was just getting smarter. Sneakier. Working later hours by himself, drinking. Going to AA meetings, drunk. But as his schedule became consumed with other things that didn’t include stalking you-know-who’s instagram, a sudden success dawned on him. And here he was. Many months removed from a girl he loved. Succeeding ethically but failing morally. 
So, today was like any other. Asher sat in his office chair, flagging interns in and out of his office. Taking phones calls, mastering mixes. And now, sitting down with his last recording session of the day. It was a larger band in the New York scene, so the smile on Asher’s face due to their performance was unmatched. He could feel his cell phone idly vibrating in his pocket (in retrospect, he’d learn it was his assistant, Julia, informing him of a visitor) that he professionally ignored though whisky hung heavy in his coffee cup. “Guys, you sound great. Can we do that verse again? One more time, it’ll be perfect.” Asher busied his fingers on the mixing table, adjusting sound when he heard the door open. He slipped off his headphone onto his neck, clicking his tongue with disbelief follow up by a sigh. “Jules, did you not see the sign on--”
And there she was. Asher blinked his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating her presence. Booze didn’t make people hallucinate, right? His cut jawline descended from his upper lip in awe as he reached skillfully for the microphone button to talk to the band in the booth though his action felt beyond aimless. “That’s great, guys. How about you pack up? We’ll come back to this tomorrow. Same time, alright?” His hesitant hand lifted from the mic and tossed his bulky headphones off to the side. Asher then fixed his hair, in fear that he may have looked a bit disgruntled after a long day’s work. He looked up into her eyes. This wasn’t her happy to see you face. This wasn’t her tell the band to leave so we can fuck face. This was her we need to talk face. He assessed her facial catalog, automatically making his charm turn on. “Xyla Villanueva. To what do I owe the pleasure?” The way the syllables contorted off his lips felt abnormal. Everyone in life knew that her name was never to be spoken. Yet, here she stood. Beautiful, strong, and demanding to be felt. As the band started filing out of the studio, his hand raised into a friendly wave, and he did not speak again until they all left. 
“You had me stressed for a minute there. I really thought you were serious about never seeing me again. Always keeping me on my toes, huh?” Asher’s lips tugged into a smirk as he took a large swig from his booze induced coffee up, his eyes remaining locked in hers. “Can I get you a drink? Well, you know where it is. Bar carts over there. Even got some of that top shelf tequila you like.” He was genuinely impressed at how well he was handling her presence. But, he supposed he had whisky to thank for that. 
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