canceramorem ยท 2 years
From July until about the end of august would prove to be a real disappointment for the Pizzle. He had ran ole Girl off with a baseball bat , this is after Gary gave both Maria and Jey Pizzle , a few filters. You know like a filter party . Well , things had changed, drastically since it was the original Jason ad Marie hill. I mean, it was no trash at all there when we first got there. But then a year later, its like a fucking free- for- all -. This was the same hill where the original Asheville Love Dope was invented. This hill holds so many good memories. I lived there for at least a year, Or more.-off and on.
There had been some new people that were trying to front like they were there first. It's funny because Gary and I had been there before anyone. Scarlett Marie will tell you, we did whatever the fuck we wanted up there. No cops ever came up there in a year of making shit and inventing love dope, seeing aliens up there, fucking like Tarzan and Jane, partying , and doing tree yoga.
So we took the filters and put them in a can of coca cola. Wow, that was the highest I had been on the hill. I had to lay down so I wouldn't fall because of the slope of the mountain. Scarlett Marie was equally twisted and on the ground talking like a thousand psychobabblic words a minute. Gary was laughing. Like some sort of mad meth scientist , that love to get people so spun they'd act just like him- perverted and do some nasty shit. Then some shit went down. People showing up, and this was when my guard went up for my chick. Because , one of the dudes, that was trying to get her, well he has HIV now, so four years ago , he was trying to kidnap Marie and other girls like her. There was a bunch of dudes there and one of them was Solo, he is an acquaintance of mine who just so happens to be one of Scarlett's old lovers. He is about half her age. There was also another young boy there that couldn't have been more than 21. At this point, Scarlett is swimming rather hard (tripping, twacking etc,) on the filters. It can be compared to rolling on extasy or Mollie. And I noticed she has ' that look' and looks at the young kid. ( compared to us. He was a young kid) and she was so fucked up, she couldn't speak. So I said it for her. Because she still thinks I am some lame ass dude. I mean fuck, if you want to go fuck the kid Marie, then you got my permission. And I told the kid , I said , "will you please fuck my girlfriend and make her Happy" . she was wide eyed and wanted too so bad. But the deal was she couldn't leave with him. Well the kid said no, but then once it got dark, he was trying to do some shady shit with her, and I told her, ' I dare you' and him too. Well the little fuckboy was trying to take her and she would have left with him. FUCK THAT, so I bugged out. Lucky I didn't kill that kid. Because she was , like making gestures with this kid that's young enough to be her son. I flipped out and had enough of being second to the fucking people she just met. Like that fucking kid. So , I hadn't had sex with her in over a week. I was so pissed off and sexually frustrated, and just the thought of her fucking some dude instead of me. I was super hurt. I hit her foot With the same baseball bat that solo had gotten hit in the head with. Yeah, our once peaceful hill was now a full-on, fighting hilltop. She knew she had fucked up, and I was so fed up with the fucking around on me that I was in a hurt, angry , ready to fucking kill somebody mood. The games and flirting with every guy were over. If you love me then don't go fucking flirting with other dudes. Well , she left down the mountain, and I didn't even bother to chase her. 'Fuck that bitch', I thought. And almost immediately regretted what I had said and done. I stayed up on the hill alone and in a severe state of craziness and lonesomeness. She thinks its a fucking game, but that is the same as cheating. But she denies it, even when she gets caught red handed. She'll say it was someone else, or some fucked- off conspiracy theory. But what she doesn't realize is I know more about life and girls like her than she ever will. So, I said fuck it all and went to the river to make some shit with my other buddy and try and find some one else ( female), To get over her and heal my heart that she was slowly shredding to pieces.
I was at the river and still everyday looked and thought that Scarlett Marie would, someday come and be with me, and just stop fucking being around other dudes. Its not cool Marie. How would you feel, if the man you were madly in love with, just goes into a tent with some fucking random girl he just met. And then tells you something like, 'oh, I was just showing her my necklace', or some shit like that. Because you have done it more than a few times. If im lying then you're going to hell. But you see, my love for her is so fucking strong, she could do anything to me and I would still love her. As you will soon see...
When I say kidnap, I don't mean ' kidnap' in the traditional sense. Like , some of these chicks out here they want to be kidnapped. Kidnapped, as in they stay at your spot, and do all your shit and usually steal something before they just leave you. Some girls just get so spun out and get hot shotted by one of the sickos that do that shit. Remember, someone mentioned they thought someone did it to Scarlett Marie? Yeah, they probably did. She probably thought they were cool, and then they hotshotted her. And then I meet her when she's all fucked up crazy. Yeah, I made it known and people didn't like me for that. Because, I really did want her to get to see her kids. Fuck, we were supposed to have a modern family, but her kids father is such a fucking douche-fag . This dude is such a pussy boy. "Call the Cops", yeah, he's one of them. But the worst kind of cop caller. Because he actually fabricates stories and makes things appear on paper that never happened, and then gives that shit to the cops. Yeah, I didn't realize this until it was too late. I'll get to that part after this gap in time , when I didn't hear or see Scarlett Marie for almost two months.
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canceramorem ยท 2 years
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canceramorem ยท 2 years
December 2017 and Black Mountain North Carolina.
Christmas eve, and the lovebirds Jason and Marie are about to make a game changing decision. Back in October, Marie Bear(that's my nickname for her)
Had gotten into a bit of trouble. Something to do with Walmart and loss prevention, I don't know. Because to be honest , I have never gotten into trouble with Marie up until this point. But it was a couple of weeks after I had met her., she had a charge for some petit charge. And then her court date was coming up . so in between the machete incident and Christmas eve. Where was the bridge at Walmart. Yes, I can't forget this one. It was a time that I like to think I had won her heart.
Gary and I had been doing our little operation flawlessly, and one day , our mutual friend Z, came to the hill and told me " your girls under the bridge", I tried to play it off as if I didn't care. But deep down inside, my heart was doing a full flown investigation on how I was gonna get to that bridge, and Marie.
I think I even was like, - " fuck that bitch!", "what bridge did you say?" LOL he said Walmart bridge , and I said bye, and within ten minutes, I was rounding the bend at Swannanoa river road, and coming to the famous Walmart bridge . At first I saw one of those paper like Oriental umbrellas. It was positioned as to provide some privacy, for her, yes Marie was just sleeping in a sleeping bag someone had given to her, had clothes and food wrappers all over the place, and a little place , right not far from her head , where she actually had been
shitting .
After getting deferred from the plasma center and not being able to get her boots, I did what any man would do if he truly loves a woman- I decided to break the law for Marie Camp. Break the law and get her some boots so I could bring her to the hospital and get the infection on her arm treated. So, I got caught. Yes, Jey Pizzle got caught trying to leave Walmart with a pair of men's boots size 11, and a pair of "Uggs" type boots for My Marie. They must have felt bad for me. Because they only gave me a court date and let me go. This was around December 14, when I got caught stealing the boots.
So her and I both were facing Walmart -like stealing charges. She had this infected arm that was getting worse. And we were just in the honeymoon phase of this nontraditional relationship. We tredged up from under the bridge, and got her to the hospital where they gave her antibiotics and vicodins for pain. ( neither her nor I were ever into pain pils , heroin, or suboxone -downers) We were alike in some ways , and I was willing to do anything she wanted. I was is much in love, I had no logic. This Marie Camp woman had me sprung so bad. I would do literally anything she said. And when we brainstormed about what to do next. It became obvious that she did love me. She loved me enough to take a big risk. To take off from Asheville, and avoid her court date altogether. We were to be " misdemeanor outlaws" together. Her and I . that's when this relationship goes to one step higher. We had to get out of Asheville, and fast. So ,we made our way to Black Mountain, we'll figure it out from there. So , together, we took a huge leap of faith, and headed the 13 miles to Black Mountain - on foot.
@ashevillelovedope2018 @pizzlelovedope
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