#ashfur's revenge - chapter five
thistleclaws-hatred · 4 years
Ashfur’s Revenge - Novella - Chapter Five
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This novella is inspired by @dark-rose-designs ’s post. 
“Squirrelflight, you’re back!”
“With kits? I didn’t even know you were expecting!”
“Thank StarClan Leafpool was with you! Are you all well? They look fine!”
“Brambleclaw, look! You’re a father!”
Ashfur walked out of the warriors’ den, seeing Squirrelflight walk into camp with three little kits at her paws. He blinked, surprised. Kits? Brambleclaw’s kits?
Brambleclaw ran over to his mate, licking her in between the ears, “Why didn’t you tell me you were expecting?”
“I knew that you would’ve taken me off of patrols,” Squirrelflight flicked his ears with her tail. “But they’re all strong and healthy.”
“No complications?” Ferncloud asked, looking down at the kits.
“Her milk has already stopped coming,” Leafpool meowed as she entered the camp, “No herb will make it come.”
Ferncloud gasped. “I hate to ask Ferncloud, but can you help me nurse them until they’re fully weaned?”
The gray queen nodded furiously. “Of course!” She bent her head and purred as the black kit batted at her muzzle, green eyes filled with wonder.
“Did you name them?” Brambleclaw asked, he looked like he might burst with pride.
“The black one is Hollykit,” Squirrelflight pushed her towards her father with her white paw. “The golden one is Lionkit, and the gray one is Jaykit.” She bent down and looked at her three kits, “Guys, this is Brambleclaw, your father.”
“You're our father?” Lionkit asked, staring up at the large tabby tom. Brambleclaw bent over, licking his son gently.
“Yes, I am,” Brambleclaw purred loudly. Ashfur could basically hear his purring from where he sat. He was happy the clan had three new, healthy kits, but he felt the same disgust he felt when he looked at Squirrelflight, the moment he looked at the kits.
“Just one thing Brambleclaw,” Squirrelflight meowed, moving closer to her mate and lowering her voice, “Jaykit is blind.”
Brambleclaw sat back and blinked, then shrugged. “He’s still my son!”
From the gorse tunnel came Firestar and Sandstorm, both of them holding prey in the jaws. “Squirrelflight, you’re back!” Firestar meowed happily around his squirrel.
“And, she has kits!” Brambleclaw puffed up his chest, directing the leader’s attention towards the three playful kits.
Firestar dropped his prey and dashed forward, looking over the three kits and curling his tail high over his back. Sandstorm was checking over Squirrelflight and then purred, “Grandkits!”
“Welcome to fatherhood,” Dustpelt shoved Brambleclaw with a shoulder. Brambleclaw nodded and twitched his whiskers.
“I’m going to make sure our kits,” he pressed closer to Squirrelflight, “And you, all have the best piece of fresh-kill everyday.”
Leafpool told Firestar their names and Firestar instantly bounded up the highrock and called for a clan meeting. Anyone that had slept through their arrival made their ways into the clearing. “Today, I have the wonderful honor of welcoming three new kits to ThunderClan!” He yowled as the clan assembled below him.
Ashfur glared up at his leader, then shot a furious glance over at Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, both of whom were pressed up against one another, keeping their tails around their kits.
“Today we welcome Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight’s kits! We welcome to ThunderClan Hollykit, Jaykit, and Lionkit!” Firestar’s voice echoed around the clearing. The clan below erupted into meows of congratulations and cheer.
Only Ashfur didn’t engage in the cheering. He watched as Brambleclaw began to play with his kits, his own eyes dark. Those should’ve been my kits. I would’ve been a much better father! He thought angrily.
           Nearly six moons had passed. The kits had become a nuisance to the clan, as all older kits did. Ashfur took a lot of time to observe them. He never played with them and almost refused to bring them prey, but he liked to watch them. Hollykit was the curious one, always asking questions and generally being annoying. Lionkit was the largest of the three, his broad shoulders resembling Brambleclaw’s stature, he was also the biggest troublemaker. Jaykit with lithe and lanky, his fur not thick nor thin. Everyone let Jaykit get away with everything because he was blind. 
Ashfur walked out of the warriors’ den, feeling the warmth spread across his spotted pelt. “Ashfur, I want you to go on the fox patrol with Spiderleg, Mousepaw, and Whitewing.” Brambleclaw called to the gray tom from where he sat. “We need to drive that fox out of our territory as soon as possible. Her and her pups.”
Ashfur nodded and walked over to where the other three were. He still wasn’t a fan of Brambleclaw, but the deputy was the deputy so he had no choice but to obey. Spiderleg said they were going to investigate near ShadowClan and the patrol set out. Ashfur noticed Thornclaw also leading a patrol to chase out the foxes.
Ashfur brought up the back of the group, looking behind them every few seconds to check for any sign of the fox. He saw movement in a bush and froze, narrowing his eyes and tasting the air. Lionkit? He looked closer and saw a flash of gray fur. All three of them...
He shrugged. Wasn’t his problem. He bounded ahead to catch up with his patrol, sniffing around for the foxes. “No sign of them here,” Whitewing meowed. Mousepaw sighed, he had been looking forward to helping fight off the foxes.
“We might as well hunt,” Spiderleg said, “But if anyone scents the fox, yell for the rest of us.”
Ashfur nodded and went back to where he saw the three kits. As he got closer he heard the yowling of kits. They’re in danger! He looked around for them. It wasn’t very hard to find them almost being buried alive inside of an old rabbit hole. I should help them. He moved forward but stopped. No I shouldn’t. Those are Squirrelflight’s kits, not mine. That’s her own mistake. She should be watching her kits.
He dashed off, looking over his shoulder just as a russet flash moved towards the kits. The fox had found them. Before the fox could attack them though, Thornclaw’s patrol burst from the undergrowth, attacking the fox viciously. Seeing Thornclaw make eye contact with him, he leaped out and helped the patrol. “I heard the sounds of battle and came to help!” He defended himself, hoping Thornclaw wouldn’t see through his lie.
The patrol drove the fox away and reached in to save the kits. Jaykit had soil covering his entire face. Poppypaw began to dig out clumps of dirt from his mouth before they carried the three kits to the camp. Why did you have to save them? You should’ve left them to die. Ashfur thought angrily, feeling a stinging sensation in his flank from where the fox had thrown him into a bramble bush.
Ashfur glared at Lionkit, rolling his eyes when the kit tried to look at him for help. “You dug this hole, now sit in it.” All Ashfur could see was Brambleclaw’s amber eyes whenever Lionkit looked at him. It filled him with a fuming hatred. None of you should have ever been born. You’re lucky these guys came to save you.
          “From this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be called Lionpaw.” Firestar meowed, looking down at his clan, “Ashfur,” he beckoned forward the gray warrior, “I hope you pass on your bravery and strength to Lionpaw.”
Ashfur nodded and touched Lionpaw’s head, while the apprentice brushed his shoulder with his muzzle. Lionpaw was brimming with excitement, his pelt fluffed up. From the corner of his eyes Ashfur saw Squirrelflight brush under Brambleclaw’s jaw happily. The two nuzzled one another.
Ashfur also caught the look Brambleclaw gave him. “Don’t hurt my son.” Ashfur flicked his ear and faced Firestar as the ThunderClan leader finished the ceremony with Jaypaw. I’ll train your son however I want. Ashfur thought bitterly.
Ashfur flicked his tail for Lionpaw to follow him, “I’ll show you the borders today and the best places to collect moss for the elders’.”
Lionpaw followed eagerly, “Okay!” His voice squeaked. Ashfur looked back at him and for a moment, blue eyes met amber ones. Ashfur thought of Brambleclaw the moment he saw those amber eyes and looked away from his apprentice, hatred fueling his steps as he picked up the pace.
             “Today we’re doing some battle training,” Ashfur began. “So, attack me.”
Lionpaw tilted his head, “Just like that?”
“Just like that,” Ashfur meowed cooly. “And remember to keep your claws sheathed.” 
Berrypaw and Brambleclaw sat off to the side. Berrypaw was a few days from his warrior ceremony, but Brambleclaw had insisted that they tag along with Ashfur and Lionpaw’s training session.
Lionpaw looked his mentor up and down, usually during battle training Ashfur gave him tips, but now he wasn’t sure what to do. Ashfur waited for Lionpaw to attack, flicking his tail impatentialy. Lionpaw leaped up, aiming for Ashfur’s shoulders. Ashfur whipped around to one side, striking Lionpaw as soon as he landed.
Lionpaw growled and spun around, knocking Ashfur’s front legs out front under him. When Ashfur crashed to the ground, Lionpaw battered his ribs with quick blows. Ashfur looked up, seeing those stupid amber eyes. Brambleclaw! He spat and lurched upward, rearing onto his hind-legs and slashing Lionpaw’s ears with claws unsheathed.
Lionpaw ducked and swiped his claws along the back of Ashfur’s hind-legs. Ashfur fell onto all fours with a hiss of pain and kicked out, landing a solid strike on Lionpaw’s skull. Lionpaw crashed to the ground and struggled to scramble to his paws. When he did, he dodged Ashfur’s next attack and bit down on Ashfur’s paw, feeling drops of blood flow into his jaws.
“Enough!” Brambleclaw grabbed Ashfur by the scruff and threw him to the side, while Berrypaw did the same with Lionpaw.
Oh StarClan, that wasn’t Brambleclaw...That was Lionpaw. Mentor and apprentice locked eyes, panting. “Good battle,” Ashfur praised.
“That wasn’t training,” Brambleclaw thrust his muzzle into Ashfur’s face, “If you have a problem, take it up with me.”
Ashfur spat. I do have a problem. It’s with you and Squirrelflight. She broke my heart, I’ll destroy the two of you. Not today, but one day. He turned around and headed back towards camp. “Are you okay Lionpaw?”
“That was the most fun I’ve had training in moons!” Lionpaw was basically bouncing back to camp. “We should do that again.”
“Maybe when your father isn’t watching,” Ashfur whispered in his ear. He’s grown. He’s almost as tall as me now. A few more moons and he’ll be bigger than me! He really is Brambleclaw’s son...
Squirrelflight was less than happy with Ashfur when they entered the camp. She ran over and began licking Lionpaw furiously, glaring daggers at Ashfur, “What is your problem?”
Ashfur flinched back.
“Don’t tell me this was training gone wrong! If you have a problem with Lionpaw, you can take it up with me,” She spat, lashing her tail. Ashfur blinked in surprise. He had never seen her this angry. Not since Hawkfrost...
Ashfur’s heart lurched. It had been several moons since he had thought of the tabby and white tom. He felt his heart ache at the memory. Ashfur locked eyes with Squirrelflight and folded his ears back, “I know how to train my apprentice.”
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gougarpaw · 4 years
Graystripe’s Vow
A quick overview, chapter summaries. 
31 chapters + prologue + epilogue + manga
Prologue - FQ
BloodClan is planning on getting revenge on Firestar’s Quest era ThunderClan. They are lead by a new leader, Fury. 
Gremlin is worried about this, since she is pregnant and doesn’t want to hurt her kits.
Chapter 1 - TBC
Graystripe is realizing he’s old. 
Lionblaze looks like Sandstorm, Spotfur has Frostfur’s face, (Frostfur is Ravenpaw’s sibling.)
Thriftear, Thornclaw, Snaptooth, Flywhisker and others disrespect Squirrelflight because she’s not technically leader.
Squirrelflight talks with Graystripe about being deputy/leader. “You can say it, Graystripe. In many ways, Firestar’s ThunderClan was better... at least things seemed easier.”
Graystripe worries about StarClan returning.
Chapter 2 - TBC
Graystripe dreams about being in the (lake) forest with Firestar. The dream turns and Graystripe feels dread. Graystripe imagines Millie and “talks” it out with her. (...) Graystripe asks Brackenfur if “this is the same ThunderClan as Firestar’s ThunderClan.” Brackenfur says it is. 
Plumstone and Thriftear get into a fight. They both call Graystripe (and StarClan) an “out-of-date boomer” (exact quote /j) then Thornclaw, Twigbranch and Lionblaze argue about if Squirrelflight is leader or deputy. Bumblestripe, and then Bristlefrost try to break up the fight but fail. Squirrelflight ends up begging them to stop :(
Flipclaw suggests they rewrite the warrior code while StarClan is gone. The Clan flips out and Flipclaw then says maybe he wants to spend some time outside of the Clan. Snaptooth agrees, Flywhisker agrees, and Thornclaw agrees. 
Graystripe decides to “wander” with them. Squirrelflight feels betrayed. She gives them a moon to return. 
Chapter 3 - FQ
Graystripe ponders life. Willowpelt, his mother, has died. (...) He overhears Brightheart and Ferncloud doubting the purpose of Firestar’s Quest. (not the book, just why Firestar left.) Ashfur and Cloudtail also think Firestar left to live as a kittypet. Mousefur trusts that Firestar isn’t a kittypet, but wants to know where he is.
Cinderpelt yells at Ashfur. (...)
Brambleclaw, Thornclaw and Brackenfur bring Graystripe a dead rabbit with WindClan scent found on their territory (near fourtrees.) Graystripe decides to do nothing about this but increase border patrols, much to the chagrin of the Clan. 
Graystripe goes to sleep with troubled thoughts, and is awoken by somebody screaming.
Chapter 4 - TBC
Graystripe and the boys decide to stop and hunt while they are still in the territory. Hawkwing and a SkyClan patrol appear. Snaptooth spills the beans and embarresses Graystripe and the others. 
Flywhisker asks if Graystripe wants to rest while they hunt, but he goes hunting anyways. He catches a rabbit. Graystripe contemplates returning to the old forest. 
The other warriors talk about how much easier it is to hunt for four. Flipclaw tells Flywhisker that if she were to have kits he’d make sure she’s wellfed. Flywhisker tells him she isn’t interested. He tries again but she shoots him down. 
Snaptooth asks what they will do now. Flywhisker wonders what it would be like to be a kittypet. Thornclaw gets sick of this and leaves. 
Graystripe tells the others that he wants to visit his son, Stormfur. He hopes that by visiting his “past” he can understand his future.
Chapter 5 - FQ
The screaming was Brightheart. She is giving birth. Graystripe is terrified that she will die like Silverstream. Cloudtail gathers herbs for Cinderpelt.
Graystripe welcomes the kit into ThunderClan and pats himself on the back for doing nothing. Then he realizes that Firestar would done something and not just stand around, and feels ashamed.
A few days later, Thornclaw, Sootpaw and Brambleclaw return with more proof of WindClan hunting on their territory. Ashfur says this wouldn’t be a problem if Dustpelt were deputy. 
Graystripe doesn’t know what to do. Mousefur enters camp and tells him that Russetfur wants to speak with Firestar.
Chapter 6 - TBC
The others are nervous about leaving Clan territory. Graystripe has enjoyed hunting. 
Suddenly, dogs. They climb trees and a human comes and takes the dogs away. 
Later that day, Graystripe tells them that he wants to go now. Flywhisker, Snaptooth and Flipclaw tell him he can go without them. 
Flipclaw changes his mind and comes with Graystripe.
Chapter 7 - FQ
Russetfur and Rowanclaw demand to speak with Firestar. Graystripe tells them that Firestar is busy, so they can speak with him instead. Turns out they’ve scented BloodClan on Clan territory. ThunderClan overhears this and instantly smack-talks ShadowClan. (Rowanclaw’s pronouns are switching paragraph to paragraph. *EDIT: I might just be bad at reading... thanks for telling me lol!)
Graystripe tells his Clan that he thinks BloodClan are the ones pretending to be WindClan and causing trouble. Cinderpelt agrees. 
Graystripe, Dustpelt and Brambleclaw go to inspect the BloodClan smell, but get jumped by BloodClan troopers. Graystripe sees Gremlin and knows she’s fit to burst.
Fury tells them that she knows that Firestar is gone. BloodClan attacks and defeats Graystripe. They throw him under a fence to get eaten by a dog. The dog is locked in a house, so he survives.
Graystripe heads back to the forest, but encounters Gremlin. She lets him escape. This confuses Graystripe.
Chapter 8 - TBC
Graystripe and Flipclaw make it to the Tribe’s territory. Flipclaw is excited to tell his littermates about this. They encounter two Tribe cats, Moon Shining on Water and Thorn that Grows in Clef. 
Graystripe and Stormfur have a sweet reunion for two sentences. Graystripe meets the kits. Flipclaw hits it off with Feather. They are very VERY good friends, (probably a bit more than friends.) 
Stoneteller mentions a rogue who had come around asking for Clan cats. 
Chapter 9 - TBC
Graystripe tells Stoneteller about all the Bramblestar and ThunderClan problems. Stoneteller has sensed a shadow over the Clans. He tells Graystripe that Graystripe still has a long journey ahead. Graystripe goes to sleep.
A tribe cat tells Stoneteller that the boys Flipclaw and Feather were out hunting, but got trapped in a landslide. Graystripe goes with Stoneteller to help.
Feather manages to get out, but Flipclaw is still stuck. It takes all day, but they get Flipclaw out. Flipclaw’s leg is dislocated.
Graystripe sees Feathertail standing on a shiny rock, and takes it as a sign that he must find the moonstone. 
Chapter 10 - FQ
Graystripe returns to camp. He asks Dustpelt if he knows that Ashfur wants him to be deputy. Dustpelt is surprised. 
Ashfur talks smack about Graystripe getting beat up by BloodClan (same energy as “im built different”) Brambleclaw reminds him that there were too many BloodClan cats for two and a half warriors to fight.
The next day Graystripe tells ThunderClan they must prepare for BloodClan again. 
Chapter 11 - TBC
Graystripe wants to leave the tribe immediately. Stormfur asks why he doesn’t just stay forever. Graystripe considers it, but still wants to go to the moonstone. 
Flipclaw is still recovering. Graystripe tells him about the moonstone, and Flipclaw tells Graystripe that he wants to go home. They part ways.
Graystripe thinks about Silverstream and Millie again. He hunts a mouse and spots Highstones. He nearly gets hit on the Thunderpath. 
Chapter 12 - FQ
Still worried about BloodClan, Graystripe is startled by Shrewkit and Spiderkit playing. ThunderClan is on edge. Graystripe decides now is a good time to tell the other Clans that BloodClan is back.
Graystripe takes Cloudtail and Rainpaw to WindClan. Tallstar believes Graystripe about BloodClan and sends Firestar his well-wishes. They go to RiverClan and meet Stormfur. Leopardstar is angry about BloodClan, and sceptical about Firestar. 
Stormfur and Feathertail escort them off RiverClan territory. 
Chapter 13 - TBC
Graystripe makes it to Highstones. He thinks about visiting Barley. 
An owl scares him, and then a pack of monsters scare him. He escapes and hides in a bush. A fat kittypet stumbles upon him, but leaves to get dinner. Graystripe feels lost. 
Graystripe dreams about Millie’s death. He wakes up and smells the river. He sees sunningrocks. 
Graystripe gets attacked by a cat.
Chapter 14 - FQ
It’s the gathering. Graystripe is nervous about BloodClan still being in the forest. 
Leopardstar and Blackstar are sceptical about Firestar’s whereabouts. She announces that there was a fox on their territory, but that *Mistyfoot chased it off. 
The leaders agree to share news of BloodClan with each other throughout the moon.
Graystripe talks with Stormfur and Feathertail, similar to what he says to them in A Shadow in RiverClan (that they are welcome in ThunderClan.)
Chapter 15 - TBC
Graystripe realizes the kittypet who attacked him is not alone. There are five others. They introduce themselves as WarriorClan! Monkeystar, Bugeater, Fireface, Bigteeth, Clawwhistle, and Chester. They are larping as clan cats during the day, and returning to their humans at night.
Smudge is still alive, and has told the kittypets all about the warriors. They ask if Firestar is with him. Graystripe says he isn’t, but that he is a real warrior. Monkeystar asks him to prove it by fighting her, and he wins.
Graystripe decides to stay with WarriorClan for a little bit, and teaches them how to hunt.
Near sunset, Graystripe decides to leave WarriorClan. Monkeystar bids him farewell. Graystripe finds Four Trees, and is distressed about its destruction.
Chapter 16 - FQ
Graystripe is hunting when he hears someone in the bushes. It’s Gremlin. She wants to give birth to her kits somewhere safe. She says that ThunderClan is the only place she’d want to have her kits. She wants her and her brother to be safe too. 
Brackenfur appears and says that they can’t trust Gremlin. Graystripe and him argue a bit. 
Graystripe goes home and tells Cinderpelt about Gremlin. Cinderpelt decides to go to the moonstone and ask StarClan.
Chapter 17 - TBC
Still trying to get out of the twoleg place, Graystripe finally gets to the exit. He feels like he’s being followed, and lo and behold WarriorClan wants to see the moonstone. 
Graystripe tells them that they can just wait outside for him. They agree and they all set off. When they are closer, they smell a stranger!
WarriorClan is ready for a fight, but the stranger tells Graystripe that they are Gremlin’s kit, and that he had vowed to help Gremlin no matter what. They asked if he would help them too.
Chapter 18 - FQ
Graystripe is going with Cinderpelt to the moonstone. He thinks about Gremlin while he waits outside.
Graystripe falls asleep and dreams about Firestar. Firestar turns into Fury and tells him to wake up. Cinderpelt is back and tells Graystripe that he’s got to make his own decision, and to beware the snake bite.
Graystripe does not find this encouraging.
Chapter 19 - TBC
The stranger, Fang, tells Graystripe that he escaped from an abusive twoleg’s den and wants to go back to get his mate. His mate, Daffodil, is sick and might die (like Gremlin did) in this twoleg’s house.
Graystripe agrees to help but first he wants to go to the moonstone. Bigteeth, Bugeater, Fireface and Chester head back to their humans. 
Graystripe enters Mothermouth and asks StarClan to forgive him from trespassing and asks for help.
Lightning strikes!
Chapter 20 - FQ
Graystripe meets with Gremlin at Smudge’s house. Cinderpelt tells Gremlin that one of her kits is upside-down, and that the birth might be hard.
Fury drops by and asks Smudge if he wants to join BloodClan. He stands his ground, and she tells Gremlin that there will be a Clan meeting. 
Graystripe calls a Clan meeting himself and tells ThunderClan about Gremlin. The Clan is divided about her, but Cinderpelt helps convince them that Gremlin needs their help.
Ashfur loudly objects, but Cinderpelt helps convince the Clan that Gremlin needs their help and means no harm. 
Chapter 21 - TBC
Lightning struck the moonstone and destroyed. Graystripe is terrified. He runs back to Monkeystar, Clawwhistle and Fang and tells them. Monkeystar suggests they go to Barley. 
Fang asks if Graystripe is his father. Graystripe tells him no, but that he is proud of him nonetheless. Fang is disappointed. 
Barley is shocked that Graystripe is still alive. Barley is very old, and doesn’t move much. Monkeystar and Clawwhistle hunt a mouse for him. 
Graystripe asks Barley what he should do, and Barley suggests he sleep on it. Before he sleeps, he hears Fang ask if Barley knew Gremlin.
Chapter 22 - FQ
Back at Smudge’s house, Gremlin and Graystripe have a meet up again. 
Gremlin tells Graystripe that BloodClan will attack in two days, when the camp is at its weakest (all the patrols are out and the patrols who have returned are already tired.)
Chapter 23 - TBC
Graystripe spends the day listening to Barley telling Fang about Gremlin. They go to sleep, but Fang seems unhappy.
Fang tells Graystripe that Gremlin died in the twoleg den that he had escaped from. Fang wants to leave now and free all the other cats too. 
Chapter 24 - TBC
They head out. WarriorClan wants to come with, but Graystripe says it’s too dangerous. He convinces them to stay with Barley.
Graystripe enters the house through a window. The house is unkept, and all the cats are starving. It’s not great. The twoleg is very very old. 
The twoleg shuts the window while he tries to figure out an escape route.
Chapter 25 - TBC
Graystripe speaks with the cats. He learns that Fang used to be named Honeysuckle. 
The cats try to come up with ideas of how to escape. The twoleg’s favorite cat, Petunia, shoots down the idea of attacking the twoleg. 
They make a plan to prop open a door, but it fails. Graystripe feels hopeless.
Chapter 26 - FQ
Graystripe tries to orchestrate a normal day while preparing for a battle with BloodClan. He sends the elders Goldenflower and Frostfur on a “patrol” near twoleg place to scout out BloodClan and the apprentices to the training hollow where they can avoid the battle.
Fury enters camp and the battle begins. The apprentices disobey and try to fight BloodClan. 
Cinderpelt tries to sneak Gremlin out of the fighting, but is spotted by Fury. Snake and Ice try to stop her, and Scraps tries to stop them. Scraps dies. 
Graystripes is about to kill Snake when Fury yells at him to stop. She threatens to kill Gremlin, and the other cats stop fighting too.
Chapter 27 - FQ
Graystripe notices that Fury has been fatally wounded, and tells her if they leave the Clans alone, Cinderpelt can treat her wound. Fury refuses, but starts dying. Fury then decides she wants to live, and ThunderClan wins. 
ThunderClan finally apologizes for not trusting Graystripe. Graystripe talks to Cinderpelt about StarClan’s message, then goes and visits Gremlin. Gremlin is mourning Scraps, and decides that being in a Clan is too violent for her. 
Gremlin decides to become a kittypet, so Graystripe vows to always help Gremlin if she asks. (thats the name of the book fellas we did it)
Chapter 28 - TBC
Graystripe speaks with Daffodil, Fang’s mate. She is very weak. He is worried that Fang has abandoned them.
Later, Fang returns with WarriorClan, and WarriorClan pushes up on a loose board. The kittypets are able to escape. Petunia wants to stay.
A mail man arrives and calls animal control. The cats leave the house but don’t go far. The older cats want to go and get captured, and Daffodil does too. 
The elderly human is taken away in an ambulance, and Petunia wants to stay at the house until she returns. Graystripe convinces her she can still wait, but she has to escape the humans first. 
Fang is sad that Daffodil is gone, and Graystripe has no idea how to comfort him.
Chapter 29 - TBC
Graystripe comforts Fang. 
The escaped cats decide to part ways, either becoming loners, going off to find human caretakers, or joining WarriorClan (and moving to Barley’s barn.)
Graystripe is ready to retire to the elder’s den again. He realizes that it is possible for Clans to exist without StarClan, like WarriorClan has and is. Fang is upset and doesn’t want him to leave. 
Graystripe asks Petunia to be the medicine cat, and encourages her to take on an apprentice in case her human ever comes back. WarriorClan feels like a real Clan now (to Graystripe and Fang.) 
Graystripe prepares to leave.
Chapter 30 - FQ
ThunderClan is back to normal. Firestar is back!
Graystripe tells Firestar that he is not fit to lead, and that he is happy just being deputy. Firestar is just happy to be back. 
Chapter 31 - TBC
Graystripe sleeps in Barley’s barn and tells him what happened. Barley is glad the cats escaped, and that they are welcome in his barn. 
Graystripe is spotted by a hunting patrol and Stormfur greets him. He tells Stormfur that he is returning to ThunderClan, because he’s realized he doesn’t need StarClan to tell him that ThunderClan has changed. He has come to terms with it.
Stormfur is frustrated that Graystripe won’t stay, but calms down and enjoys the rest of the evening with his father for the last time.
Graystripe makes it to the lake, and is excited to be back in the home he loves. 
Epilogue - FQ
It’s the gathering. All the Clans are surprised that Firestar is there. Firestar announces BloodClan’s second defeat, and the Clans chant Graystripe’s name.
Manga - TBC 
A moon later. Monkeystar says that WarriorClan is thriving, but that she is insecure about her leadership skills. Fang is a good deputy, but Petunia keeps leaving for days. 
Monkeystar decides to go and find Petunia. She, Bugeater, Lily and Clawwhistle travel to find the human’s house. They get attacked by kittypets, and are chased off. They find Petunia at the human’s house, rundown and abandoned. 
Petunia doesn’t want to leave the house behind, but knows in her heart that her human will not return. Lily convinces Petunia to come home, albeit regretfully.
Monkeystar comes up with a plan to help Petunia move on. She takes Petunia to the shattered the moonstone. 
Petunia returns joyfully. Gremlin’s ghost had appeared to her, and tells her that the old human is dead but at peace. Gremlin encourages Petunia by telling her that her Clanmates need her. 
The patrol returns to WarriorClan, reinvigorated. 
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orangelemonart · 5 years
random but UUUH whered u get that cool pic of all the warriors books, where u kinda can cross of which ones u have? because this is like super handy hwhdjend thank for taking thr time reading this please have a nice day
Here you go! It’s built in part from one I found online that was out of date and separated the novellas and their collected editions into different slots which annoyed me. 
Note: this is not in reading or chronological order. You definitely have to read the SkyClan super edition books and comics before you read the aVoS Arc, you definitely shouldn’t read some of the novellas before the books that they spoil, and you definitely shouldn’t read Yellowfang’s Secret cause it sucks.
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Recommended reading order:Warriors- The Prophecies Begin Book 1: Into the Wild Book 2: Fire and Ice Book 3: Forest of Secrets Book 4: The Rising Storm Book 5: A Dangerous Path Book 6: The Darkest Hour Super Edition: Firestar’s Quest Manga: Ravenpaw’s Path (Three books) Super Edition: SkyClan’s Destiny Warriors- The New Prophecy Book 1: Midnight Book 2: Moonrise Book 3: Dawn Manga: Tigerstar and Sasha (Three books) Book 4: Starlight Book 5: Twilight Book 6: Sunset Manga: Winds of Change Warriors- The Power of Three Book 1: The Sight Manga: Graystripe’s Adventure (Three books) Book 2: The Dark River Book 3: Outcast Book 4: Eclipse Book 5: Long Shadows (NOTE: a character named Brightspirit and her parents appear in this book who seem like they are going to be very important. They are actually a one-time tribute to a girl who was a big Warriors fan and her family who died in a tornado in 2008. Its weird and confusing if you don’t know that.) Book 6: Sunrise Novella: Leafpool’s Wish Manga: SkyClan and the Stranger (Three books) 
Ok so next are a bunch of prequels that you could read at any point, in any order, but ideally you should read them AFTER The Prophecies Begin book 6 and the SE’s you should read BEFORE the Omen of the Stars book 1 Novella: Mapleshade’s Vengeance Novella: Goosefeather’s Curse SE: Bluestar’s Prophecy SE: Tallstar’s Revenge SE: Crookedstar’s Promise SE: Yellowfang’s Secret (This one really sucks. I don’t recommend reading it at all, way too many major contradictions with the first book)Novella: Cloudstar’s JourneyNovella: Pinestar’s ChoiceNovella: Spottedleaf’s HeartNovella: Redtail’s DebtManga: The Rise of ScourgeNovella: Tigerclaw’s FuryManga: A Shadow In RiverClan  
Warriors- Omen of the Stars Book 1: The Fourth Apprentice Novella: Mistystar’s Omen Book 2: Fading Echoes Book 3: Night Whispers Book 4: Sign of the Moon Book 5: The Forgotten Warrior Novella: Hollyleaf’s Story Book 6: The Last Hope
Warriors- Dawn of the Clans (note: this fifth arc is actually a prequel. You could read it now or after everything else) Book 1: The Sun Trail Book 2: Thunder Rising Book 3: The First Battle Book 4: The Blazing Star Book 5: A Forest Divided Book 6: Path of Stars SE: Moth Flight’s Vision Novella: Thunderstar’s Echo Novella: Shadowstar’s Life (back to the main timeline) Novella: Ravenpaw’s Farewell Novella: Dovewing’s Silence Novella: Mothwing’s SecretSE: Crowfeather’s Trial (So, this was written after the next arc and the epilogue comic contains a few spoilers for A Vision of Shadows, but I think it’s kind of necessary to read right after Dovewing’s Silence. The Last Hope suggests Breezepelt finally GETS IT, Dovewing’s Silence suggests he doesn’t, and then if you don’t read this you’ll wonder why he’s not a major villain for the next arc) SE: Bramblestar’s Storm
Warriors- A Vision of Shadows Book 1: The Apprentice’s Quest Book 2: Thunder and Shadow SE: Hawkwing’s Journey Book 3: Shattered Sky Book 4: Darkest Night Book 5: River of Fire SE: Tigerheart’s Shadow Novella: Tawnypelt’s Clan Book 6: The Raging Storm SE: Squirrelflight’s Hope Novella: Tree’s RootsNovella: Pebbleshine’s Kits
Warriors- The Broken Code Book 1: Lost Stars Book 2: The Silent Thaw Book 3: Veil of ShadowsBook 4: Darkness WithinSE: Graystripes VowNovella: Daisy’s Kin Novella: Spotfur’s Rebellion (? Haven’t read it yet. Could be during book 3 or 4)Book 5: The Place of No StarsBook 6: A Light In The MistWarriors- A Starless ClanBook 1: River
Field Guides (probably don’t read these until you’re done with everything else. Ultimate Guide contains spoilers through Dawn of the Clans) 1- Secrets of the Clans 2- Cats of the Clans 3- Code of the Clans 4- Battles of the Clans 1&3: Enter the Clans (This is just a book that combines Secrets of the Clans and Code of the Clans) X: The Warriors Guide (This is just bits and pieces of the other 4 guides) 5: The Ultimate Warriors Guide (The description of what happened to Ashfur is so wrong you should just not even read it.)
Weird online content that has plot holes and doesn’t fit the story at all and basically you just should only read if you accept they’re dumb crap written for children: -The Elder’s Concern (you could be mistaken for believing this is AU fanfiction of the end of book 1. It’s not, its just a mess.) -The Sun Trail: Bright Stream alternate chapter -A Forest Divided: Tall Shadow alternate chapter -Spottedleaf’s Honest Answer -After Sunset: “The Right Choice?” and “We Need To Talk” (actually I really love these) -Brightspirit’s Mercy play- The Clans Decide short story -The first five books in both DotC and AVoS (and presumably TBC) have a bonus chapter. Not all published editions contain the bonus chapter! I had to find the AVoS ones online
Woo! I think I got em all. Sometimes books will have minor to major mistakes that will be really confusing when you come across them. Thankfully the warriors wiki has mostly accurate sections on every book’s page for “Mistakes” because this is a bunch of dumb rushed kids books written by a team of authors with no series bible.
EDIT: Updating this as more books come out. Not sure yet where Blackfoot’s Reckoning, Leopardstar’s Honor, or Winds of Change are gonna go
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