#ashlee bree talks gilmore girls au headcanons
austennerdita2533 · 6 years
Literati + Historical AU, Java Junkie + Detective AU :)
These are pretty rough and vague because I’m tired, but I still had so much fun with this. Thanks lovely! xx
Literati + Historical AU + Headcanons:
-There’d have to be a combination of slow burn, angsty separation, longing, jealousy, and a “whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same” because Rory and Jess are tethered in intellect and attraction from the moment they meet. *cries because it’s so beautiful*
-Throw in a forbidden love trope a lá Persuasion by Jane Austen, whereby Rory is persuaded by Lorelai (a person whose counsel she values above all else) to break off her engagement with Jess because he’s only a lowly sailor with an attitude problem and no “suitable” career prospects. A piece of advice Rory heeds, but regrets every day for nearly five years. Causing her to seek solace and solitude in books rather than other real/eligible suitors.
-Years later, Jess returns to the Hollow as a wealthy and respected naval officer to visit Luke, intent on repaying his uncle for his kindness to him as a wayward, misguided youth.
-Jess is quietly observant of Rory, whom he comes upon in the neighborhood again, but lavishes his attentions upon a young lady named Shane in an effort to convince himself that he now feels only indifference for his former fiánce. 
-The courting/flirtation doesn’t last long. Especially not when a local farmer, Dean Forrester, and a rich baron, Logan Huntzberger, begin to show romantic interest in her. Prompting him to examine his own heart and make his feelings known in clear terms, once and for all.
-Also, these quotes from classic literature scream Literati to me for some reason?? :
“Your heart understood mine. In the depth of the fragrant night, I listened with ravished soul to your beloved voice. Your heart understood mine.”–Little Women
“There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison.”–Persuasion 
“Will you look into my eyes and tell me that you love me now?”–Rebecca
“I sometimes have a queer feeling with regard to you - especially when you are near me, as now: it is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame. And if that boisterous channel, and two hundred miles or so of land some broad between us, I am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt; and then I’ve a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, - you’d forget me.”–Jane Eyre
Java Junkies + Detective AU + Headcanons
-Lorelai would be the chirpy romance writer who needed “hands on” experience (inspiration?) for her latest crime-themed novel. She’d incorrigibly gab her way onto Luke’s detective force for one case - “just one case, because I work alone; no partners, no questions, no interference, d’ya hear?” - only to find herself adrenalized by the act of crime-solving. 
-She’d also be intrigued by the gruff, no-nonsense baseball-cap wearing detective she was assigned to shadow. Whom she’d repeatedly address as “partner Luke” just to see how many variations of The Grunt he actually had. And, if she were lucky, he might regale her with a long rant on why this crime-solving research idea she’d concocted was “nothing but a by-product of consuming too much crappy, unrealistic TV.”
-Small town or not, Luke would take his job seriously. Even if that meant contending with ridiculous cases like The Egg Stink Vandal of ‘04, the Town Loner’s naked protest, or the Breaking of the Church Bells. He’d begrudge Lorelai’s tag-along status at first, but quickly would grow to see how her friendliness, prodding sarcasm, and wit could trip people up. Getting useful information from them he’d never be able to pry free with his brusque questions. Thereby helping him to catch criminals. 
-He’d find Lorelai’s caffeine addiction abominable, making comments under his breath about how “it was no wonder she talked as if she were permanently on fast forward,” but would make to sure to pick her up a cup ‘o jo every morning from their favorite diner on his way into the office. A diner where, during a particularly hard case, they’d sit for hours brainstorming or, after they’d solved it, simply would idle the hours away in conversation. 
-Absolute slowest of slow burns. Their’s would be a partnership built from listening, trust, friendship and loyalty with the occasional butting of heads over Protocol vs. Gut Feeling. It’d be a friendship/partnership spanning years, with neither one of them brave enough to risk a romance at first in the fear that it could “destroy their work relationship.” 
-Heartbreak and disappointment would mar them both at different intervals, leaving them both asking, “will I ever find the whole package?” Only to realize, in the end, that love was there - waiting with an open hand across the coffee consul in Luke’s unmarked truck - all along.
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