#ashlee bree talks the ugly side of fandom
austennerdita2533 · 2 years
I hope you're feeling better, Ashlee!! Question for you: of all your ships, which is the one you get the most Tumblr hate for posting about? For me it's Roschel. I lose followers every time and have gotten a few anon hate messages about how I support abusive and toxic men by shipping them. Which is wrong on so many levels. It's really gotten to me so it means a lot that you still ship them too. I also used to get hate for loving Klaroline for similar reasons but luckily most people here don't care about TVD anymore while Friends is such a timeless classic that Tumblr's Roschel hate is eternal :)
I am feeling better today, thank you! Or at least well enough to read/focus my eyes through the fever haze which is a vast improvement compared to yesterday. Probably doesn’t sound like much, but, hey, I’ll take it! 😂
I’m really sorry you’ve been getting sent hate over ships you like, anon. :( I will never understand why people do that. It’s such a waste of energy to spend time spreading negativity. Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, you know? It’s not that hard. I think it makes for a much happier existence overall, too.
As for your question, I’ve been here for almost a decade now so I’ve gotten hate for posting about a lot of my ships. Klaroline’s the one I’ve gotten the most nasty anons about, though. Probably because I was super active in the TVD/TO fandom when the shows were still airing. I used to liveblog the episodes, answer asks and meta about them, and write tons of fic for them, so I think that made/makes me more of a target.
That said, I’ve gotten hate for any number of ships or fandoms I post about—from Gilmore Girls to Gossip Girl, from GoT to Friends to ACOTAR etc. I know it can be difficult, but try not to take it personally. Laugh it off, if you can, because at the end of the day whatever vitriol someone comes to spill in your askbox is meaningless. Your blog is your blog for reason, and you can curate it any way you please. You can like whatever and ship whomever you want. Don’t let anybody take that away from you, especially not the haters. ❤️
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