#ashley is always a kid in my aus. why you ask? i fully believed she was a kid my first playthrough of og re4. and i was so fucking into the
hyper-cryptic · 10 months
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Cyrus... and also that one wet muddy cat that keeps following him around (an actual angel in disguise)
Working on my Vamp Hunter AU. Feel free to reblog but Im gonna sob if it gets more than the completed version /j
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Summary: Evangelina had to run away from Andy to protect her son from the man  his father was becoming.
Pairing:  OC X Biersack
Genre: Angst, romance, smut later, fantasy. FallenAngel!AU
December 5th, Two Years later, 5:30 PM “We found her sir,” a werewolf named James informed his superior, “She’s changed their names she also dyed her hair black.” Andy sat on his throne his hand beneath his chin as if he were trying to stay awake from such a boring conversation. However it was just the opposite he was actually thrilled that someone had located his missing family. Although he was disappointed to learn that his wife had actually abandoned him while stealing their child as well. “Just out of curiosity what names do they go by?” “Evangelina goes by Amy,” James told his superior who only smirked at this information. “And my son?” Andy asked this time amused and a little curious to know what name she had changed their kid’s name to. “Andrew Junior goes by the name Elijah now.” Andrew frowned he hated that name and he wondered now if Evan had changed AJ’s name to spite him even though he was still unsure why. He loved his wife and son so he was still confused as to why his wife and child had left. He hid his devastation well from his friends and minions but every day that passed by he thought of Evangelina and Andrew Junior. He was very unhappy knowing that when he found his wife he was going to have to have to punish her harshly for her leaving. No one made a fool of the Prophet. No one. That was the whole reason why he fell, he couldn’t be bossed around any longer but someone who was way too forgiving to those who did something that went against the supreme being. “And where are they now James?” Andrew asked finally sitting up fully. “New York City in the borough of Manhattan sir.” “I want my men in the city.” “Yes sir we should be able to surround her building easily—” “No I just want them to watch her for a week or two,” he replied, “I want to make her nervous enough to realize that we actually have found her.” “Yes your highness,” James replied, “We’ll take care of it right away.” “Notify me three days after your arrival,” Andrew ordered, “I will join you in the city after my meeting with the guardians.” “Of course.” The werewolf then bowed his head and exited the room; a norc opening the door for him. Once the creature had left the throne room Andrew turned to his man Jeremy, a fallen angel like himself but with the ability to heal any creature. “Elijah?” he snorted, “Can you believe that?” His friend chuckled, “She had wanted to name AJ that since her first trimester.” “I’m aware.” He mumbled lowly, “Not only did she leave by choice but she had to spite me while doing it.” “Don’t be so sensitive,” Jeremy chided, “She has been located and a few days you will have your family back.” “You’re right,” Andrew sighed before standing to his full 6’4 height, “We better begin with the preparations, we only have a week and my wife is very…particular.” Jeremy laughed and nodded his head, “Always has been.” “Always will be….” Andrew mumbled as he followed his friend from the throne room. *** December 9th 2:30 PM Four days later “Hayden…” I mumbled in to the phone while I played with my cup of tea, “I think he’s found us.” “How do you know?” “I’ve seen two werewolves, a warlock, and I’m entirely sure that I have seen Ashley down on my sidewalk.” “Well that’s a sheer sign if there ever was one,” he told me with a humorless chuckle, “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know if I pick up and leave now he’ll be sure to follow us,” I sighed running a hand through my hair, “I have to face him.” “Do you really think that’s going to work?” “What choice do I have?” I asked in return , “Eli keeps asking me about him and why he isn’t like the other kids anyway it’s time to grow up and do what I know I have to.” “Well put Evan I was about to play the inspirational music for you,” he teased me and I rolled my eyes. “Shut up,” I looked over my shoulder when my heightened senses picked up on the tiny pitter patter of my son’s footsteps. “I’ve gotta got Eli’s awake.” “Alright call me before you do anything.” I told him I would before I hung up the phone to turn around before my son came barreling down the hallway seeking me out in our tiny two bedroom apartment. I spread my arms for the fast paced child and swooped him up once he landed. “Oh my darling little cherub,” I chuckled as he snuggled in to my embrace letting a small yawn past his lips, “Are you still tired?” “Nuh uh,” he told me, “I awake now Mommy.” “Are you sure?” “Uh huh!” “Alright then,” I kissed his head, “It’s snack time for my little dude.” “Can I have a cookie?” he asked me sweetly playing with the ends of my hair. “Not right now,” I told him softly, “After dinner.” “Alwight,” he mumbled disappointedly. I smiled as I sat him down in his booster seat once again kissing his blonde head of hair. Why couldn’t my boy look more like me and less like his father? He had his eyes, his hair, his beautiful smile. Absolutely every physical trait that my husband has is reiterated in my son. I loved my son to death, but I despised that every time I looked in to Eli’s eyes I saw Andy. We had so many unresolved issues that I had such terrible resentment towards him. Even now as I contemplated the move I had to make after he actually closed in on us. I wondered if I should cooperate or make it hard on Andrew so it didn’t look like I was up to something? I didn’t know, I was more concerned with how Elijah would react to Andrew and vice versa. It was clear to me that he didn’t remember his father one bit since he always asked me about him and I knew that was bound to piss off his father. I’d cross that bridge when I got there, so I shook the troublesome thoughts away and served my son some sliced apples with a little peanut butter. As soon as I sat down there was a knock on my front door, I hated that our landlord hadn’t got around to fixing the main lock on the building’s door. Those Jehovah’s witnesses are a real pain in the asshole. I pushed my chair away from the table. “Remember the drill my cherub?” I asked my son as I ruffled his blonde curls. He nodded his head as I pulled him out of his booster seat and tucked him under the table to keep him safe, “I hide until you say da magic word.” “That’s right,” I squeezed his small hand, “Mommy will be right back.” He gave me a thumbs up as I continued on to our foyer, I got on my toes to peek out the peephole. I couldn’t see anyone so I poked my head just enough outside the door to see if there was anyone out there. But it came up clean so I closed the door until there was a booted foot caught between my sanctuary and the danger I knew my kid and I were in. I didn’t fight as hard as I should have but I didn’t want to frighten my kid, so slowly I backed away from the door as the booted foot pushed it open wide enough to reveal to me the seraphim I had left behind. He wore a leather jacket with a muscle shirt beneath it, tight black jeans and a devious smile that made all the old feelings come rushing back right where it hurt. I backed up slightly and nervously as I tried to gain as much distance as I could. I would do anything to keep him from touching me. I knew the moment he did it would be all over even with all the repressed anger I had for the seraphim standing in my doorway. “My darling…” his deep voice drawled, “Still as beautiful as ever even with pitch black hair.” “Thanks,” I held down the blush and covered my true feelings with sarcasm, “How’s Juliet?” He chuckled at me, “She’s well the black eye that you gave her healed rather badly.” “That’s nice to hear,” I replied getting a little kick out of the damage I inflicted, “Would you like a matching one?” “Is that anyway to talk to your husband?” “Is that what you are?” I asked sarcastically, “I thought you were a bad decision my parents made.” I saw his jaw twitch in anger and a long time ago I would have swallowed in fear but since I had Elijah my demeanor had changed I had become a protective mamma bear. I would brave fires and hell for my son’s safety. His father was close enough to being hell on earth. I had to learn how to swallow my fears in order to protect my child from his own father. “I like to think I enhanced your life for the better,” he replied after a moment stepping further in to my hallway, closing the door behind him. He looked around my apartment his eyes shifting around to the toddler toys I had placed around my small home. I snorted, “We’ve always been complete opposites even when we were kids.” “That’s obvious considering the downgrade you’ve made,” he openly mocked my two bedroom apartment with a laugh and a look of disgust, “You went from our palace to this little hole in the wall?” “That palace was never my home Andrew and you know it,” I growled at him feeling my wings shift angrily from where they hid in my back. “And I’ve never understood why since I did everything in my power to change everything so that it was to your liking…” “Aesthetically maybe Andy but you never made me feel welcome after you—” “After I what Evangelina?” he questioned him, his eyes turning in to blue fire. “…After you fell.” “Whose fault was that huh?” Andy barked at me losing his temper slightly, “It wasn’t mine that’s for certain.” “Are you serious?” I snapped at him, “I never asked you to follow me down here you did that on your own, the hierarchy sent me with a special request I would have returned to you. You knew that, don’t even try to make me feel like an idiot. You fell because of your lust for power, not because of your love for me, if you even have any.” “If I have any for you?” he snapped at me, “Would I have searched every end of this pathetic realm for you if I had no love for you?” I nodded my head, “I’m a possession that you don’t want to share with anyone.” “No you’ve seen my possessions,” he replied surprisingly calm, “I do not have children with my possessions.” “You have other children?” I asked bitterly, getting ready to throw a marble statue at his head at his admission. “Of course not Evan,” he shook his head, “That’s what I was trying to tell you.” I gave him a dirty look but he continued to back me up in to my own home. “However now that we’re on the subject where is my son?” he asked as he picked up one of Eli’s favorite stuffed animals; his elephant Toby, “If I remember correctly I gave him this toy right after he was born…Toby right?” I nodded my head stiffly. “Hey!” my son cried as he came barreling around my side of the double entry kitchen, I pulled him in to me immediately. He struggled with me but I refused to let him go for his own good. “I told you to hide,” I mumbled in disapproval. “I heard dat man say Toby,” he told me, “I thought you telled him da special word.” “Dat’s my toy Mr.!” Eli told him unhappily, something was brewing inside of Andrew as he looked at our boy. I guess it would be a bit of a shock, he hasn’t seen him two years he has gotten much bigger. “You haven’t taught him to share I see,” Andrew chuckled before approaching my son and I, I tried to put my baby behind me but the strong seraphim wouldn’t allow me to. “Andy—” He shot me a menacing look as he knelt down to my son’s level, “What would you say if I told you I gave you that elephant when you were a tiny baby?” “You gived me Toby?” Andrew smiled a genuine smile, “I did.” “How come?” “Because I’m your Daddy,” the seraphim admitted to our kid who looked unbelievably confused, he looked back to me for confirmation all while I glared at Andrew. “He’s my Daddy?” I nodded, “Yes Eli he’s your Daddy.” “How odd,” Andy said, “I could’ve sworn his name was Andrew Dennis Biersack Junior.” “Be quiet Andrew,” I snapped, “Don’t confuse him anymore you already dropped a bomb on him.” “I’m confusing him?” he snapped, “I didn’t take him away from you…he doesn’t even remember me!” “How can he?” I bit back in return, “You were too busy entertaining Juliet to even care about him!” “How dare you!” he roared and I honestly thought he was going to raise his hand at me, but my son’s frightful cry made him still in his place. “I apologize…Eli,” Andy told Elijah softly, “Your mother just frustrates me sometimes.” Eli only snuggled in to my side further refusing to acknowledge the older angel’s apology, once Andy realized that he adjusted his jacket and then pulled out an iPhone to check the time I assumed. “Come along Evangelina we have to get back to the palace in a few days,” He gestured for me to move forward, “We don’t want to be late for your homecoming party.”
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